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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Apr 1885, p. 2

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 qppp I a I f, I'i 1 *j I i fl.- i n I S| â- if *4 oocndr' Cr KBAIM LIKE A irO¥£L..i Ike Bvemtru Career 9T Cem. Bber, w tr ea »*Bem •€ "The Ii»Bid«B Geo. Sbar, Tht Londtak Time* pondent St Pecth, who dkid a fa jt daja »go althoa^ not «o amveiMlly knowa u his Puis oollaagoe, M. de Blomtz, looked back upxi » mrm% int«c««tiiig and ad* â-¼entoioiu oareor, whioh baa nbw foand an untimely and inglorioiu end. The his- tory of hii life reads like a railiray novel. Af cer having been m%de a general by Gar- ibaldi on the field of battle, he went to Eaglaad wlr^h the hope of finding aome employment for his energies. The hand- somejoangHani^uriaa vas fnriiiahed with warm letters of recommendation fspst Kossuth and^Andrassy, which opened the gates of Eaglish society to him. Ha was admitted on almost intimate terms to the house of a noble lord who employed him as a secretary, and whose only daughter, the reigniug beauty of the season, with the perversity of English maidens, fell in love with the penniless foreigner, whose riding, fencing, shooting, talking was su- perior to the performances of all her friends. I do not know if 1^2 was a leap year, but certainly Lidy â€" â€" be- lieved it to be one, for she made ad- Tances to Eber, and at last proposed to run away with him. Instead of carrying but this adventurous plan immediately, Eber thought of bis duty to warn his employer, telling him at the same time that he was very fond of Lady and that he beg- ged the lord to take good care of her and give her into safe keeping. The English nobleman was so much struck by the young man's disinterested conduct, which he seemed to consider the only natural course to take, that he made it his duty to provlds for him. Ha called upon the editor of The Times and begged him to employ the young man upon some for- «ign mission, promising to refund the salary paid to him. It was the time of the Crimean war, and Gen. Eber was sent as special correspondent of The Times to Hussia. When after a couple of months the lord came to ask after his charge the gentleman on the staff of The Times were full of his praises, and as to allowing the lord to repay their expenses they as- sured him they should ever remain his debtors for having provided the newspa- per with such a very able correspondent. Gen. Eber remained true to the Eaglkh paper until death, and it is a proof of how the editors valued him that they al- lowed him to be their Vienna correspon- dent while he lived at Pesth, a circum- stance which naturally made important news a day late. He did not escape his fate, however, for his lady-love bore the separation some years only and then left her family and her countiy m follow him about in the adventurous course of his life. Poor Eber's brain suffered during the last years of his life, and his friends had of late often expressed the he should die before falling a victim to incurable in- sanity. He was a member of the Hun- garian parliament, and the president, well knowing that he was not responsible for all he said, took no notice of the un- parliamentary expressions which escaped him and the epithet with which he hon- ored the Cardinal Haywald. A few nights before his death ha was at the Hnng'iriau theatre, and in the dead silence which rn- sued after a thrilling monologue spoken by a first-rate actor, a stentorian " Old donkey " sounded through the house. It was Gen. Eber, whose friends per- suaded him to leave the theatre after this liberal expression of his pri- vate epinlon. His death was very tragical. He stood on the top of the stairs, accampanied by a servant, who for the last few months was always at his heel when, suddenly « looking over the balustrade, he exclaimed " I feel very unsteady. 1 wonder why?" and before the servant could approach he fell head over heeh down two stories into the hall below. He was still conscious when taken np bat died a few hours later. New Check Rein Theory. A Frenchman has cried the experiment of weighing different parts of the horse while alive. Ha has found piacticiJly that in road work the fore legs wear out faster than the hind, and argues th tt any means by which the weight can be re- duced, will be a gain in a pecuniary point of view. He placed a black mare with her fore- legs and hind-legs on separate weighing machines, and found that, when left to assume her own attitude, she weighed on the fore scales four hundred and sixty pounds, while her nind quarters drew only three hundred and seventy pounds, the total weight of the animal being eight hundred anl thirty pounds. By depressing the head so as to bring the nose on a level with the chest, seven- teen pounds additional were added to the front ecales, while the raising of that part to tbe heigbt of the withers, transferred twenty-ooe pounds to the hindermost scales. Again, by raising the check rein and drawing ba(^ the head in a similar way, seventeen pounds were transferred from the fore to the hind scades. Every prac- tical horseman knows that a horse's fore legs will suffer in proportion to the weight which is thrown on them, while their re- life is an additional source of strain to the hind legs. The Frenchman's theory Is that the check rein, properly adapted, can equalize the strain and mi^e the hind legs bear their proportion of the weight. A report made to tiie French Academy of Medidne by the chief aargeoii of the hospital at Caen atates a case ol the cure of h^dxophoUaby sabcatadeoua injeetlona of pSlocazpiiie. Thwe was also adminla. tared a dnmghb eondrting chiefly of bro- mlda of potMdnm uid hydzata of chloral. TME P«BTAI»#TAHP.,:./frt: *heS«w7«rito*rfslBâ€" A^iet ncetekaff Ijg^Mlli #^6ir, Rowitnd iOittlM gr«a* poaloffio#irfoir«iar, and israntor of tha poattMi atdtop, waa betn ak ^jddar- miaater,mglaB^ Daa 3.1796. Afbar hia adaoMkm «m ooaqilatad, ha awnmad tha posi Am vt toaohar in aaofaooloon- dnoted by his lather, near Bi rmi ng h a m notil 1833, when he joined a company in- terested in forming a colony in south Australia, and waa appointed secretary of therojalcommissiooers whu managed the affairs of the colony. Ha was alao a mem- ber of tha "Society for the Diffueion of JUaafol Knowledge." The ratea of post- age at that time were very high. Postage beyond the limits of Londondistriot post- offioa varied from 4d. to Is. 8d. for a single letter, meaning a single piece of paper of less than one ounce weight. This exorbitant rata of postage was be- yond the means of the mass of the people, consequently correspondence was evade^, »nd this proved very injurious to com- merce and tha industry of the country. Toe high rate of postage attracted Hill's af'ention he argued that if the price of postage was lowered, so many more let- ters would pass through the mail that the financial condition of the treasury would not be impaired, while society would de- rive much additional benefit. He be- came so much interested in the matter that in 1839 he prepared a low and uni- form rate of postage, which he succeeded in bringing before the British govern- ment his plans were much favored, and a committee was appointed to investigate its merits and present a neir 0ode of pos- tal laws, which were adopted, making tha London direct postage one pence, uid a general inland rate of four pence, Jan. 10, 1840, the uniform penny post came into use, which may be considered the birthday of the postage stamp, although they were not actually introduced until the 6th of May following. The experi- ment was successful beyond his own ex- pectation during the next ten years it made eo great a difference that in 1850 there was sent through the mails 7,239,- 962 letters, agahist 1,600,000 in 1840. Hill then accepted a place in the treas- ury, but a change in government dismiss- ed him. He was generally regarded as a public benefactor, and a subscription was raised for his benefit in London, whioh amounted to £16,000, or ^6,000. This goes to show the approbation with whioh he was regarded by a srabeful nation. In 1846 he was appointed secretary to the postmaster general. In 1860 he was made K. 0. B. in recognitien of his public ser- vices. We reprint the following curious and interesting story, though we do not know its origin. There is a slight proba- bility that it may have been what set Mr. Hill to thinking it is aa follows "One day a girl came out of an inn lo- cated in the north of England and receiv- ed from a postman a letter, which she turned over m her hand as she inquired the price of the postage. The man asked a shilling, a sum too large for one so poor aa herself to pay, and so she re- turned the letter to the postman with sad- ness, although ahel knew that her brother had saut it. "But a sympathetic traveller named Rowland Hill stood by, and at this mo- ment interposed, and insisted on paying the shilling himself, although the girl seemed strongly averse to his doing so. When the postman had departed the kind-hearted Mr. Hill was surprised that there was no heed for his pity, for the letter contained no written commun- ication, but on its outside were certain marks agreed upon by herself and bro- ther, from which, aa she held the letter in her hands, she gathered all the infor- mation she desired. We are so poor,' she continued 'that we invented this mode of correspondence without paying for let- ters."' Sects Among IMohammedans. One of the moat aniklng characl^eristics of the Afghan and Turcoman tribes, which has more than once been very skilfully utilized by Russia in her operations against them, is the extreme bitterness with which they take sides in the great controversy betwaei^ the Suni and Shiah sects, which may be called the catholics and protestants of Islam. The Shiahs, who are strong in Persia, hold Moham- med's son-in-law, Ali, the fourth caliph- to be the prophet's only legitimate sues cessor, denouncing his three forerunner, as usurpers, while the Sums, who abound in Afghanistan, hold a directly opposite creed. This feeling, which has made the countless Perso- Afghan wars mupeakably ferocious, is caniel to such a height that an Englishman who lately begged the life of a wounded Persian was answered by one of his Afghan comrades "Were he only an unbeliever I would spare him, but, being a Shiah, he must die." A Btruiger entering an Afghan or Turcoman camp is often met with the chaUenge, "Wnat say'st thou of the first three caliphs?" and, should he pronounce in their favor, the crucial question follows, •♦What think'st thou of AUt' to which, if he value his life, he must reply. AIi was a kafir" (infideL) m â-  â€" I 1 m Orange-peel dried in or on the oven until all the moisture has been expelled will be found very Inflammable, and serves admirably either for li^thig Area or for resuscitating them when tliey have nearly gone out. In order to alleviate the trouble ariatug from mosquito bites, Mr. Stevenson of the Army Medical Department recom- mends that the handa should be smeared widiamoisk cake of soap, and the thin lather be allowed to dry Into the aUn. TUs ramorea all itching and pain in tm or twelTa minotaa after the aoap ia an. plied, and they do not again Mtmn. Pat ovt fef Wtggt raa a ahaae aften dqg lii a IdTer* pool ehoieh daring â- erviea the other MX Doting tha aannon tha praaehar wiMi intairaptod hf tte bark of adog from that part of tha chneh which i set apart for ladiea. Thanoiaairaaxepeatod; and as the animal would not ba qusatcd, and xafuaed to be lured out of tlie paw hf its owner, a verger q^protohad to ajeel the d(%. He hunted it about the church, but could neiliher get hold of it nor induce it to take flight through the door. Several membeia oi the congregation joined in the chase, but for some time all efforts to reach the dog were ineffeetuaL Ulti- mately a member of the dioir seized tha dog by the tail, and in this way carried it to the door and pitched it into the street. The sermon then proceeded. ^1 I I â€" I IT Is it Really Consumption? Many 'a case supposed to be radical lung disease ia really one of liver com- plaint and indigestion, but, unless that diseased liver mii be restored to healthy action, it will so dog the lungs with cor- mptinqg matter as to bring on their speedy decay, and then IndeM we have consumption, which is scrofula of the lungs, in its worst form. Nothing can be more happily calculated to nip this danger in the bud than is Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery." By druggists. Astoiyina weekly paper bean the ghastly title of "Chased by a Corpse." It must have caught him on a *dead run.' « « « Cancer of the lower bowel sometimes results from neglected or badly treated piles. By our improved methods without knife, caustic or salve, we speedily and permanently cure the worst pile tumors. Pamphlet, references and terms, two letter stamps. World's Dispensary Medical AaaoclatHon, 663 Main Street, Buffalo. N. Y A new drama is called **The Skating Rink." The actors are studying their roles and have begun to tumble to the business of the piece. Roller skating has become so popular in some places that husbands are going out to board in order to give their wives time to attend the rink. In the Honr of Need. You do not want to try experiments, but resort to the old and well tested means that afforded relief in the past. When your corns ache don't take the first article offered to you for the purpose viz., to remove the troublesome corns and to do this without pain, and to do it promptly. Putnah s Paini.S8S Cokn EzxBACTOB has been used for many years. It has never been known to ful. Put- nam's Extractor makes no deep holes in the flash, hard to he^ and more trouble- some than the original discomforts. It works nicely and efficiently. Professor â€" "Give me an example of a highly compressible solid." S.â€" "Theâ€" femaleform." Ten years ago all our fine manufactured tobacco came from the United States. Bat month after month and year after year the superior quality of the " Myrtie Navy " brand has been driving the American article out of the Canadian market. The " Myrtle Navy" is now known in every village in the Dominion, and is as familiar to the smokers upon the Atlantic and Pacific coasts as to those of the city in which it is muuf actured, Egyptian mummies are ground np into paint. They probably give it a good deal of body, Young Men Iâ€" Bead This Thb Yoltaio Bsvs Co., of Marshall, Siioh., offer to send their celebrated Buio XBO-YoLTAio Bblt and other ELKonuo Ap PLiAiraBS on trial for thirty days, to men )yoang or old) afiOicted with nervous debili- ty, loss of vitaUty, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheamatiBm, neuralgia, paralysis, uid many other dissases. Complete restor- ation to health, vigor and manhood guaran- teed. No risk is incurred as thirty days' i.'ialis allowed. Write them at enoe for illustrated pamphlet free. Coal dealers find they can profitably guess at the weight of coal near enough to sell it but there is no guesswork about the price. Oatanrliâ€" A irew Treatment. Ftthapa the most eztPkoi(kiu.7 sueoes that bas been achieved is modem science has been f2r"2*ote.*^..â„¢*°" Treatment of catarrh Oat 01 2,000 patients treateddorlnd the past ^months, f^ ninety per cent have been onrea of this .stabbom malady. This is none the leas startUns whan It is rememberad Ouftt not five per cent, of the patients jpTesentinB Oiemselves to the resralar piaotlUoner im benefltted._whUe the patent meS^S i^ 2n"iSj!SS^?H'S£"«X*f "' a cure at egny^^ ""^sSSSfSrS ^t tito disease^ is doe to the ptesoue Uvlng patasiteB in the tiSBuee. 1^^. on at once adapted hie can to ^£ MM rmina t ion t tUs aoriompliBhed the catarrh iapmptii^onred. and the pernuuien«^i?S^ qaestioned. aa cures efEsoted by him lom ram ago we cares BtllL No one else has evna? tempted tocnreoatairh in this maimer, and no other treatment has ever cored oatairh. The appUoation of the remedy is aimpleT^ca^be done at home, uid the present season ^tte year la the most favorable for ameedy ud permanent cure the malotlty of msee b^ns 22Sl^..2S? S«»*™«?*- Bxdbum BhonldooS raspona with Heaara. A. H. tUXOft k flow «Sk gmp for their treatise on oatarTh.^S5IftrSS! Years of exasperating experience have taught us that nothing doses quite so promptly on the minute as the bank, the post office and the barber. Inportaat. When yqavJait or leave New Tork dtTJava linage Kxpreaaw and CanuSriBw.'TO rtop at jOie BAHD Umoir HmmL^Soo^ fitted up at a coat of one milfiaa doUan! To bnmae dno fret-work, eoat the metal ^th vecy thin gQld-ii»}, and when n«jay dry mb on a soffioiait qiiantiiv of Jjd^^toMiM (bronae powder), dry, lod Tohnakvp imtai attaeks, poif'Brtiaetoftii and inflam- Pieioe'a Ckm- Weed. Box ^...^ „„ :H»w^-43i4;ran awnSiaiTinffn" ^?-«*^'"*^^^' SAnSftar 00 O^adiwi ItewaiMny. TOfpnte. Owaa*- 50000 ^ftJWSS^iSLS^sis; boysuiy H'O^' " W?iOBTiT» tmlLky~X ment ot ImJ. wittoMe tat h wkMSMden. Jort ousrtoe the corpormUon o Sowmu^Ue. Title gnod. TeraueMf. Apply â- -«â-  Ko. SSBeUerne flaoe. Torcnta â€" mixmsDabisD bbiok housbâ€"chjodsit nation. Ugh tmA diy W* o( eUy. iiiMrooms,«M, S SSS.^Addre» 33 Dawmport KmA. Toronto. Onl O BEICK anJB MAKEES.-ir you ^^^JJ" «taMMdbd)w«,Mtd the latert improrsd brick for rteam, or fcon* tower, ddrtas M. p. *BBKk, or O. NOKSWOBTHT a C o., 8». ThoinM Oat «tMon. Hum mesU sre oooked uid J*JN HE THA.T SO^Ith WILUAM EVANS' "A^HBWPOEtABLB 8AW MIM. FOR SAW A «. â-  oohange foe pine lumber, luoladiogn X-mtf looutMie boiler X-eagine, wd a ;ot action mw iDS£toaotu?leigthde^i^ Awo, • 4a.h3rM «eoond- Www mfflooSSete for Sl.OOO. Â¥riU t«ke lumber. g yoBSWORTHY a Oo., St. Tbomm*. Oat Files ^Don'tWastbThbm. Shd OBBBtHOTO Im ONTARIO FILE GO Ua Avnt St. E..TeroB«e. Ajrents wanted. Leather Belting I sa King •«!••• Bast, ftmmf, Larse double DriTlag Belts a spedaltr BT Prtoe IJntu Md Piaponntw â- â- AI.L KBAF ItV ABDN»4|^ If Biy teads are not sold in yoor tnJ. I for my riastrated and DescriatiTs rv?' MaUed tree to aU appUoante. ^^ Wm. iTans, Seedsman, loi [BstablisbedUSS.] Allan Lme Royal Mail Stia SaiBag during winter from Portland ero.T^ y Saturday to LiTsrpool, ibJM r» Saturday to Liv.rwoi T I mails and paus/iifera fori Ireland. A]aofromBaUiiiiOTe,jriaHa°i{ujQjj^ and Halifax ereiy t from Qu4' eo evari Saturday to Liv.-rpooi o dondany to lard mails and paus/nferarVrfi. T.«1.«JI A1aA#»nM« TlAl*«m#«»a «;. rr.:. " *^ I W. F. P. Currie Co 100 Orey Nun St., Montreal. Impcurtenot •rain Pipes, PerUand Cemen^ Cblmney!Av*. Canada OwBent, Ve»bLWtos«. Water Lime, Hue Ooren, ^litina, â- toBrieka, Plaater of FarU, fInOlaf. Bcnu^ Soman Oement. OUn* Uai Manutaetareni of _â-  _. • Beasomer Steel Sofa. Chair Bed Sprlac FOB PLEASANT SBWING • USE ONLY Clapperton's Spool Cotton I Warranted FULL Length, and to'ran smooth on any aefwiuK machine. See that Olatfibtor's name ia oa the label CTForaale by all Ory-Gooda Dealeia. LADIES MLLS OF TANSY â- Dd^alwayi Effectnal. M^^MaBM^HiH Sealedparttcuiar»2et», I gpedfio Medicine Ca. Pmladeljhla. f GOimsiMr i iHN, Ihave a positive reraedT for the above disease; byitt incismj in Its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FRE use tbonsands of casus of the iForbC kind and of lone standing have heon cur«i Iiiieed, bo strong is my fftltS .. .to- Ether with » V AI,UABLK TXiEATISE on this dlseaaa, t* Tsalbrar. Give Exprem and F. O. adiire^s. SK. T. A. SLOODU. ]S1 Pearl BcNewTor^ PBEWIEiU BUueE. BiiTAL CANADIAN. EXPERT. KaKGABOO 8AFETI EO 2nd-hand Bioyclea and Tricycles. «V Send for list. Send 3a stamp for largest eat- alogrne ever issued in Ci A. T- LANE. Montreal. CAUTION! EACH PLUG OF TBOC MYRTLE NAVY IS MARKED T.toB. IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHES GENUINE. N v., to LlTerp-Kil fortnighMr duriiw «nmZ, ' The ateamers of the Ola gow laes eail lOj to and from HaUfax, Pirtland, Boh-.ud udf pbia; and during summer bettveea GImo* a, real, wtetis; Glesgow and Boston, wteklj • isTn adPhUadelphU. fortnightly. -^-uaa For feelKht, passage, or other infm- apply to A. Sohnmacher Co., BaltiiS, Cnnard C!Om Halifax Shea Co St a N. F.; Wm. ThcHnson Co., tt. Johil Ailan Co Ghlotwo Love ft aJm. J YoilE H, Bourlier, Toronto Allans, Su J Quebeoj Wm. BrocMe. PWIadeiphtt ' Allan. Portland. BosHm. Montreal NEWOO-OPERATIVT SEWING HAGfill ' PKICB 9»5 CASK Onr new machine' ia now ready, uj J good as any aold by AKenta at 95^.00. ' BBC TESTmOHIAKI LiOWEBVIij:.r. Dec 17th, i Machine arriyed all right, and it is certdi well worth the money you aak for it ^t present improTements. I prefer it til "Singer," "Wanzer/" or any other makeil each. Yours truly, j Aabon Hawq New ittaclmients, New Fumiti New Stand. Send stamp for samples of sewing ui J elewcant deacriptire .photographs of machine before onyinK from Agents. MACHINES SENT ON TBlil I BONUS tâ€" From now until MaroiiSlst,] we will gi 76 to any person sending uaK cash in advance for one of our nuciuii^ handsome combination table and b lamp complete. These lamps are soul..â€" new and the maker wants them introdwil If you or any of your friends want an don't delay, but send to Go-OperatiTe Sewing MadHnel W .Vames M. SoKth, HamUton, 9n Dominion Lioe of Steams Ifainntng in oonneetlon with the Oiand Tnni'i way of Oanada. Bailing from Qnebee eir«n BaU dnrlag the mmmer months, ana from Portlull Thonday during the winter monthi. Sailiagf ' POBILAND. Domlnloa, Mareh S I Toronto, Montreal, *• 19 J Hontreal. Brooklyn, *• M Bates of passage Uaom, Quebee to Ureriall ie0,|66,t80. Betum,no,$ltt,|U7,tl44,Mi " steamor and berth. Intermediate S36, Bte lowest rates. The saloons and statenxMns is i marked thus are amidships, where but littla â-  felt, and no oattle or sheep are oarried on thai partioulars apply to any Grand Tronk T ' iooal agenta of the Oompany, or to 0AVIB T4IKKAHCB 4 0,1 Oenaral Agenti, I I^OB'Kattening and bringing into ooadltiaa, Hons mâ€",^?5!.' '•"•!• "•"•' *â- * tf*" The ToEKBHar we^era. Milk Oattle produee more milk and batter '**«%'» one-fourth the usual Hue and wvesfoS ^neeVoentaandtlparboa. AOMSlSSiSl^^ HuaH mLLntii oi„ AaaiouismAi OHuoax. Ur rang 8t Baal, Totoata. lor iaia by Drngglali evaipidben. STEEL, BRASS AND BCBBiX 1i} I. C. FEliL •£ CO., TOKO.VTO; R. U. A WARM THAT Lorillard's Climas bearing a red tin tag that Lorl Rose I^eaf fine cut that Lorl Nayr ClippiuKa. and that Lorillard's SnnAI the best and cheapest, auallty considered CONBOV*8 CAKSIACB TOPS are the ud ebeapest In tlie Market. Order j ^m your Canrtace Maker. Take at kind. JOHNSTON'S FLUID 61 I !It ia the only preparation ot the kind ltfj aina all the nntrftioua, tMrether with the 8tiD pnperties of beet, and tne only onewiiiohjjj power to aopDly nooiiahment tor brain and r" MERIDEN BRITANNIA COMPANY rantsT Electro PI CAUTKq Gkods stamped den SUver PW" are not ow i^\ yoa want relisl)" insist on getting' made by the MEBIDEN NIAO0i Hiimxoir, H flfittl •"'""""inifliiirtitfitii

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