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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Apr 1885, p. 1

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 I .Mm ,ip|pqppi|i tiafacti'^n puar-- STasdard oAmc Stone york. fteuded to. f:E)ALE P. 0. to announce to* I i)g country tli»t I al to any oth«r le grist is bein^l VOL. 5.--N0. 239. MARKDALE, ONT., APEIL 9, 1885. COMPLETE. 54 Complete Watches. Gold and Silver Cases, Ladies and Oencs sizes, Waltham, Elffin, Spring- lidd and Swiss moveinente, 7, 9, 11 and 15 Jewelled. Clotje time-keepers. Warrants cover all breakaces, for 1 and 2 years. 32 FINE CLOCKS, Seth Thomas other makes. WEDDWG RINGS, ACID TEST. 8 oz. Coin Case, Elgin movement, Exp. Bal.. ?il2,00. A good Swiss Watch, 15 Jewelled, Silver Case, $9.50. Advertise Actual Present Stocky And am in a position to give better terms, time or cash, than any other 4ealer in this section of Grey Co. Get quot?n.lions, compare with mine, and prove my statement. Long warrants help to seil â€" v.ery often â€" inferior or itnitation watehes. I hold to the plan of honest representation of every iirtjcle, and give no wnrrants exceed- ing 2 years. Cash discount 5 per cent. 5S worth considerable to every purch- aser. DIFFICULT WATCH REPAIRING A Specalty. ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. Jeweller, Markdale. Local and Other Hems. For Lath, Lumber. Sash, Doors. Frames and Mouldings, go to Grant Co. Benson's have jost opened out the finest stock of cigars e\er brought into Markdale. ""^E editor celebrate;! the fifteenth auaiversary of his wedding day on Monday last. Obstructions of the Stomach. Liver and Bowels, are promptly removed by National Pills- Foe Bedsteads, Cribs, Cradles, Mattrasses, and Spring Beds, go to Grant Cu. Fbeeman's Wobm Powdebs dentroy and remove worms T^ithoat injury to adult orinfant. Eeddick's carriage works, Mt. Forest, was destroyed by fire last Saturday week. Seeds- â€" Field and Garden seeds of all kinds at the Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. EuPHEAsiA Agricnltnral Society spring Fhow will be held at Rocklyn on the 30th April. Mb. Henbt HAMHiTON was kicked in the shin by one ot his horses last week ;- but IS around again. Oil OalcOj iinsurpaesed for Horses and Cattle, for sale at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. The Mercantile Fire Ins. Coy's is steadil v increasing in this locality â€" R. C. Bryden is agent. 139 3-w. One of the Meaford Mirror imp's fell into a hatchway and narrowly escaped breaking his neck last week. Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup â€" An agreeable, safe and effectual remedy to remove all kinds of worms. Don't forget J. R. Trimble's great GoToHiUBro'aiSaryoiur ahirttogk at 10c. per yd. a s^endid line Aahtonv printffHt lOe. Rkjittenatob Bitten aasists natare and removes the cause of diseases from the system. Sold by Smith, the barber. The Beaver Yalley 7tai«« calls them R. T. T. and the Flesbertou Advance R.T.O. T. Both wrong. Head Quabters. â€" For Implements and repairs of all kinds, call on J. H. Bull, agent for Fleury's Sylvester's and Wilkinson's manufacture. HiUi Bbo's have a larsre variety of Dress Goods Beautiful shades. See them they are veiling fast. For Rough conditions of the Skin, Shampooing the head. Pimples, Eruption, and Skin Diseases, use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap. Mac's new Milliner has arrived. Sam. and Jack comb their hair now some fifteen times per diem. â€" Com. RcjuvENATOB kccps the kidneys, liver, stomach and blood pure and nature's channels free then you have health. Sold by Smith, the barber. Ml:. Andrew Eibkwood, 11th line Euphrasia, has sold his farm of 100 acres to Mr. Fred Taylor for $1,650. Wm. Lucas Co. have any amount of money to loan on real estate se- curity at 6^ per cent. Call on them before borrowing elsewhere. 238-3m Don't forget to call and and see Hill Bro's Millinery Department it is full of spring novelties, and i« managed by Miss Ida E. Love, who is highly recommended as a first-class Milliner and, Man tie maker. "Honesty is the best policy;" as the farmer said while packing apples, putting the largest ones in the bottom. â- Uk ^km I JonKs or TBM Btuanj» V Fm OBiRt aMS; Auction Sale of General Store Goods [You know said he, the buyers are so on Friday and Saturday, April 10th j suspicious, tLey almost invariably Notices in these columns intended to benefit nnij individual or Society Kill be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and Jive oeuts a line each subsequent insertion. Owen Sound is to haye a new Post Office. The sidewalks are allowing up in places. The B. V. Times had the bltres last week. Prof. Morgan has removed .with his family to Meaford. Farm to rent or sell, apply to J. G. Irving, Markdale. The spring assizes open at Owen Sound next Monday. Latest styles in Gents' Hats for Spring at Hill Bro's. GoNsmERABLE bustlc, bat not much business now-a-days. Da. Sproule, M. P., returned on Friday night, for Easter. For Pine and Maple Flooring, go to Orant Co., Markdale. The only real original Irish Brogan to be had at McFarland's. "WoMENs' solid Calf High Cut Boots only $1.50 at Mel arland's. The Standard job work is giving the very best satisfaction. St. Vincent spnng show takes place at Meaferd on the 29th inst. Letterheads neatly printed and put in pads at this office, very cheap. Wellington carried the Scott Act on Thursday last by 1,208 of a major- ity. The revised version of the Old Testament will be issued on tha 1st ilav. KUTLEDGE ave us a of the Dundalk pleasant call Will Herald Saturday Markdale young men are anxious to form into a volunteer "Clever." on company. ix was recently reported that tbo ^eorjjian Bay was frozen solid but, tbe Advertiser affirms that there is Jolly two feet of water vet in the cottom, and 11th. We. haven't had any new maple syrup yet, hut, we were presented with a basket uf fresh eggs for Easter many thanks. The choicest lot of Cr.ndies, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, etc., just arrived at Benpotfs this week ever brought into Markdale. Sole agent for Silver Cream, best solution for cleaning, Hollow and plate Silverware. 25 cents a bottle at Vf. A. Brown's. The "small boys" of Markdale have organized a '-Literary and Gymnastic Club." They intend givmg a grand concert sometime in May. Ladies' in want of Millinery or Msntles would consult their interest and pockets by calling upon Miss Spenco at W. J. McFarland's. Mebs Abthub and Arcb. Mordock left Markdale on Monday last for British Columbia to take important positions on the C. P. R. construction. R. 0. "Whitbt, Markdale, is prepared to do all kinds of house, aign and car- nage painting with neatness and dis- patch. Special attention to graining. Rev. J. Chisholm of Osprey has been appointed to take chargo of a mission in British Columbia in the interests of the Presbyterian body, of which he is a faithful worker. The Duudalk Post-Office has been removed to Mr. Hanbury's btore, and our old friend Thos. Hanbury is P. M. We have no doubt he make an efficient and obligingo fficial. Business Men.â€" Get your envelopes at the Standabd office and have your business neatly printed on the same. AVe have taken orders for 2,000 the past week, but ther's plenty more m stock. The Snow Ploogh, under the charge of Mr. E. LesUe was tested at Buffalo on Saturday last. The manner in which it worked gave entire satisfactipn to all who saw it. Mr. 0. Jull went over to witness the trial and pro- nounced the Plow now will and success. It 18 open the barrel at the bottom. A "Clippeb" Paper cutter just to hand at the Standabd office. We can now give book, pamphlet and all padded work, such as bill heads, letter heads, c., g., the very best finish. Call and get a trial job if you have not had one. DuNDAS has just reeeived a large lot of Ladies Buttoned Boots at $1.00. This line of boots has been tested and has given entire satisfaction. Dundas is a practical Boot Shoe man and is giving his whole attention to the Boot Shoe business. We acknowledge receipt, during the past week, of subscription from the following Joseph MeLeod Jr., Iron Mountain, Mich., for '84 and '85 John Devitt. Fort EJhce, N. W. T., for '85, Julia Allan, Huron, Mich., to 1st April '86. Dundas' Custom Boot Shoe Shop IS now runnag in full blast. Orders promptly executed and repairing in all its branches done with neatness and despatch. It matters not where you have bought your boots, bring your repairing to Dundas' In purchasing; Clothing and Boots perhaps mure than any other articles, the majority of people want a fairly good article, one that is honesUy made of good honest material. McFarland has built up his immense business by keeping honest goods, honestly made, at honest pricps. Dundah' is selUng No. 1 Prince of Wales Chewing Tobacco at 88 cts. per lb. Brier 6 s. smoking at 47 cents Napoleon at 42 cents; XXX White Wine Vinegar, No. 1, at 80 cts. pes gallon 3 lb. can Tomatoes at 7 cents per can. Other lines cf Groceries proportionately low. WoBTHY OF MENTION. â€" On Thursday last Thos. Brown of Berkeley went on the train at Markdale station in a hurry leaving his pocket book where he had purchased his ticket. Mr. CsBsar, the agent, saw the purse wad took charfte, hot knowing to. whom it belonged, but ^afterwards found out the oimeti and-dc^v^ed it, sdl O. E. Mr. Bnym mah^ to express* Ijiis ?S^b:,JniSV"«ir?. «»^*. Mr. e«**r«.:»«ep«,. ville men luwe oeaieo w^ j^-^â€" â€" 1, ii-i-_KU .A 1 Jim ' â-  K Ir tfwl^emm who aant na a Postal Cazd from Redierton P. O., dated Stb Aprd, wishing as to BSttd tiiem e Btamdabo willluudry 1st as know tbair name, we will gladly comply with their wishes. Aj» it is, we have no idea who to forward it to, there be ing no name on the card. Had it been dated April Ist we should have looked upon it as an intended "April fool," as it IS we caniiot bat treat it with due respect. _j It is no wonder the Benson boys take the bun for cheap goods, they are civil obliging and understand the Grocery and Liquor business better than any one in town, being brought up to il from childhood. If you want a gallon or bottle of good whiskey, you can get it as it comes from the distellery at Benson's they are the only ones in town that buys direct from the distillery others buy through the Toronto liquor stores. The best flavored cigars in town is at Benson's and it is the only place in town you can get a good one. The Canadun Bee Joubnal.â€" Some of our subscribers have been enquiring of us, if there was a paper or Journal published in Canada devoted to the interest of Bees. The first number of a journal (the only one published in Canada) is now before us. It is printed by D. A. Jones Co., Beeton is a very neat little 20 page, Qot up in pamphlet form, price $1.00 per year. It is well gotten up and cannot fail to be of valuable assistance to those in the bee business. We might here say this industry is fast developing and is destined in the near iuture to be not only extensive but a profitable industry. BuBGLARY. â€" The post office here was broken into between 7 and 8 o'clock last night. Thr thief broke a large pain of glass in the rear wincfow and made his way inside and walked off with the cash box. Mr. McVan- nel, the assistant postmaster, had fortunately taken all the money and registered letters out ot the box before six o'clock and placed them in the safe in the store. The box contained about $4.00 worth of stamps. The atte^npt was a daring one, as the whole Berwick Block was lit up and parties from the store were liable to pass out the backway at any moment. This is the second time the office has been entered during the past year. â€" QheUmrne Free I'ress. HoBSE Killed. â€" On Saturday last while Mr. Thos. Elliott was at the elevator at Markdale station prepar- ing to load up some coarse grain which he liad purchased, his team took fright at the train which was then leaving the station, and ran in the direction of their home. Having to cross the track to go that direction of course they headed that way, but suddenly came in contacu with the train which was then rapidly moving away striking thevff horse and carry- ing him under in an instant, the beast was literally torn to pieces as also the harness and sleigh. The other horse fortunately escaped without injury. The loss to Mr. Elliott is not less than $200.00. At the same time and place Mr. W. J. Shepherdson's team also made off but stopped within a few inches otthe moying train. Good Bte. â€" A very pleasant time was spent tat the Markdale Hot] se on the evening of Monday last, on the occasion of Mr. John Hill and family's departure from our midst^ The young men, desirous of showing their appreciation and esteem for Mr. Hill, who left for Douglas on Tuesday morning last, assembled together at the above ho^el, where a very sumptu- ous and toothsome q)read was provided for the occasion. The efficient chair- " man, Mr. W. L. Young, made a lew introductory remarks, after which, the rest of the company took an active part in "speechifying," complimenting Mr. H. in a deserving manner. The speeches were interspersed with vocal nausici^om the renowned W. J Benson which served to break the monotony of tho evening. The usual toasts were drank, asr Which the company dispersed for their homes, feeling well pleased tritii tildr evening's enjoy- merf. ' m If yifa wwat ao easy slmve. As good as baiier ever gave. Jnst call on me at my saloon At morn' or eve* or busy noon. Comb and oorl the haur with grace. To smt the countenance of the face. My raisors are both sharp and keen. And towels are idso neat and clean. T. D. Smith, Markdale. Impobtant News fob the Ladies. â€" Mies McOoU respectfully intimates to the Ladies' of Markdale and surround- ing country, that she is commencing business in Dress Making in Mc- Dougall's Block, third story, where she will be pleased to attend to those requiring anything done in her line. Charges moderate. Fitts guarenteed. CoNCEBT. â€" Will be given in Mr. Rae's Hall on the evening of Wednes- day the Idth, when a choice pro- gramme will be presented, consisting of singing by th6 Children and in concert part Songs, Readings, Recitations. c. We would be glad to have all the parents of the section present who take an interest in the progress of their children. Admission 15 cents; children Fiee. Proceeds to aid in procuring school furniture. Sebious Accident. â€"To- day, Thurs- day, while wording off the News an accident of the most painful nature happened to the publisher's little ten year old son, George. Little Gaorgie was pulling the paper off the press â€" a No. 3 Gordon â€" and while it was running at full speed he got his right hand between the bed and the platen, when it was literally crushed before t'ne press could' be stopped. The fore finger had to be amputated at the upper joint, the middle finger was also brokeli at the upper joint,, and the bones in the back of the hand were crushed so that the flesh between the third and little fingers burst and the flesh from the upper joint of the little fmger to the wrist joint, leaving a horrible gash nearly two inches long. Surgical aid was procured within five minutes after the accident happened, and the wounds skilfully dressed. Dr. Oldham has hopes of saving the hand. â€" Chatsworth News. Don't be Tempted to Speculate. We spent three hours the other day inspecting the cells and prisons of tho Pensylvania State penitentiary, at Philadelphia. "What is that mild, clerical-looking individual confined in prison for " ^^3 said to the physician accompanying us "he looks like any- thing but a convict." â€" "That man is serving out a sentence of nine years for burglary, "If I could only get out of here," he said to me the other day," added the physician, "and could start lile fresh wiiat a future I would have. If some one would only lend me ten thousand dollars to start a fair, legitimate business I should be the happiest of men."â€" "What business are you thinking of?" said the physiciau, "I thought," respond- ed the convict, "if I could only start faro bank and run it honorably I should be so happy." "Do you call that ligitimate business?" rejoined the physician. "Why, yes, retorted the convict. Isn't that more ligitimate than selling stocks in Wall Street short, that you have not got " One is about as legitimate as the other, Don'c be persuaded to sell stocks short for speculation, or to bay them It is the ruin of nine- tenths of our business men who venture into Wall Street. Therefore, when you read in the daily papers, or receive circulars of stock brokers who attempt to allure you with tempting oppor- tunities to operate on small margins, destroy the circuluri and avoid thu sending as you would a bunko steerer, or a runner for a faro bank. â€" Americuu AgnetUturvit for April. :M« ^^' X A PRINCELY FORTUNE. A man may possess the fortune of a prince .but can never possess happi- ness without good health to secure whi^ Uie blood must, be kept puro and every organ in proper action. Burdoek Blodd^ Bitters panfy the avKfregalaifij all oi^ns. vi*i:iifl£ i. ».. i -^-li: r-. y_^ ^mm mm ttmm

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