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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Apr 1885, p. 8

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 n^pp "!^ -ii^TSl.* I 1 f ..y '11 :n â- : i 1 â- * |:| ii :â- ' J1 It s| :-^ i Si-" ^- BJe'-^«iBli#«««-' i t H t ii i .M ii liJ i lCl B HJ' ' " .â-  -Vfc-lPjS*,irt*fr**«K;^S!SW«B«-,J?, Iff* ^» ' ^AMM PMIFieil.t. OHfEif SOUMD BBAMCH. TIME TABLE. Taking 9tf»ct Mondaf. Kformmbw 24th, 1884. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. 'Toronto. .Laaye Cmtdvell Janetum Cfa^iie4ton (kuige- 1 Arriye. â-¼iUe. jLeBTe... Oruigerille Jan.. Sbelbnme. ....... Dnndalk ........ Flesherton Ifukdale... 'Williunsford .... Qhatsworth Uhren Sound... Mafl. Exp. Mixed. 7S0wn 907" '925" 960 •• 1005" 10 17 " 1045" 11 10 " 1186" 11 51 " iSOSpm 12 28" 100" 440pm 627 645' 703' 7 22' 7 34' 804' 830 8 55 910 922 9 49 10 20' 1145aa 1280pm 12 55 " 114" 210" 3 05" 406" 438" 4 45" 6 37" 6.30pm GOINC SOUTH. STATIONS. •Owen Sound Cbatsworth Williamsford. .... Markdale Flesherten Dondalk ........ Shelbome ....... Oituigeville Jon. 'Oranfte Arrive... ville..) LfiftTe... ' Charleston Gardwell Jonction, Toronto ...Arrive Exp. 520am 5 50" 6U5 " 6 27" 6 42" 7 06" 7 31 " 8 00" 8 12" 8 35" 8 55" 9 07" 10 45 " Mai 245pm 3 15 ' 3 30" 3 52" 4 06" 4 31 " 4 57" 5 23 " 5 35" 5 55 " 6 13 " 6 27" 8 35" Mixed. 630am 7 25" 7 54" 8 35" 9 00" 945" 10 45 " 1150" 12 15pm 12 40" 1 26" 2 03"' JNEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH IP/ewes' Flour and Feed tare. Having just received a 'Ghoicee. Fresh and Select stock: of- Teas, Tobacco, ,Cm Which will be sold VEEY CHEAP. I respectfully solicit the public's .patronage. 198 J. PLEWES. EUGENIA 'Grist, Saw andLathMills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give s^ckkI satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Buttarnut, White Ash, Black Ash Bassvood, Pine And Hemlock Logs wanted MARKDALE. ^THIS MiSW Patent Process Fhmmg MiU Is now completed at great expense, OD tlie Miost Ai»i»ROVEI plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the tenn, "1 Icdtl nH." 1 am therefore in a position to give the public a Sliperior Arncle oi ^lour. A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear bul* the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat KS* Flour, Bran, Shorts.etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. M6US PLEWES. 219 IrTHEBW PtCIFI p R. R. LANDSl BOBT. ASB3N. Hai aven.d ont ft Flnt-ClaM UNDEflTKING ESTABUSHMENT, Aadftho^un haa tnivlMd a want long ffllk, OOFFIK8, O^SKBTS, SHBOUDS, and allj HMEML FUM ItllUS Mq^^iad «i the sliortes notlM. Silenclid Ilecurse f«r hire at moderate rates. Is issosd 0ms nMDsdsy. ajMft* ««s% MOl gtiMt. Matk^ TBaMSr-tlperyearin al^aasa; Hiwif B0t pucltdtlun ttiw» â- wntita- .^ PraMuonal Slid budness eafds onslinsh naee sni under, per year, fi. 1 TB. 6 IWi « «• Whole eiifainin •«»«••! $2 *J* 52 Halfeolann.. «7 00 18 00 10 00 Qoartereoliilnn.. .. 1« 00 10 00 6 00 Twoinehi^aoe...... 7 00 4 00 Time iaehapaee.... 10 00 S 00 â-  Gasoal adTwtiaem«nto 8 cents per line first mantion, 8 emts per Um eaeh sahsaqaait insertion, mmiMHWil meaaore. Sditmcial ootMSS. or notieee inlooaleol. â- OHi 10 oents per line first insertion, 6 eents esehi snbseqnenta insertion. BtfBT animals Ac., advertised 8 we^s for fl. tbe sdTertisenwnt not to exeeed twelve lines. No paper diseontinned nntil all anraars an paici exeoptat the aption of the pnhlisher. »'^Tb~. V I KMtoi. JOB PRINTING.- â€"AU kinds ofâ€" PICTURE Dme ou ibort notke. ROBT. ASKIN. FRAMING %W in Minnesota. North Dakota. Hon' ' 1^ tana, Idaho, Washington anS Oregon TroBt I.ake feenperlor to Stoand^ rices ranging chiefly from T2 f o |8 por acie. ito 10 years' time. This ts tts Best ComMn p. 5to 10 years' ___ ..r securing Good Homes now open for aatUenont dxa PA vn r" 3 3 O acre* *f Cwrpnuneiit ?â-  frr ft?. I-and I'M** ander Ui« Homestjad. li â-  %. fai «i and Tinib«r('ultiire Lawi. KOTE -lO.Rt 8.433 Acres OB JMOn «HABI iSALV »t all the Public iJHidK di«p«i«d ol In 1883, ere in the No-tlicrn Pacific countrr. Books and â- ^faps s»nt FREB, describlnir Xhm MorHMrn fa«-lflv 4'oaiiti7.tbe Railrpwl Landa lor Sale and I \if FREE (iuvernment Lands. AddrMS,GHAS. B. LAU^KN. l^nd Com'r. R. F. B. a., St. nnl. Mlaa. 91y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. A RARE^CHANCE. SAW-MILL FOR SALE. THE ondersigned havioK lost his health, wishes to dispose of his Saw and Shingle Jtlill, which is situated 4^ miles West of Markdale. There is an abnndance of splendid timber very convenient to the mill a good basinesB has been done, and an excellent chance is in store for a good pnsbing man. ' The mill is mostly new, being erected three years. Machinery in fine condition. Steam power 30 horse. Teims easy. For farther partictdars apply at this offiee. or on the^ premises. J. A. DUNCAN, i330tf Markdale P.O. MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all kinds of ^PUMPSv Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. Iron Flumps Supplied. Orders respectfally solicited and satisfaction guarauteed. Also Agent for Sargent's PATENT LOAD LIFTER For Glenelg and^ntinck townships. IS* ')rders bv mail promptly at- tended. ' 219 SEEDS SEEDS IMPOBTED â€" HELD AND aARDEN SEEDS I o 11 fii 3 (D DO «-s o s 5 es sr 89. mm a ' o» 2L CO -I CD The place to bay your Seedp is at PARKER'S, Druestore. DURHAM. Buroock Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVB mUOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, IHOrGESTIOH, JMUNDICE. EHIfSIPELASr SALT RHEUKT, HEJUTBURN, HE/UkKHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ OF THMHE/Uir;, ACIDITY 6F THE STOMACH, DRYMESt OF TME 8KIII, And wmrf species of d i se as e arMnw froes dlsorderMl LIVER, KIONEVa OTOMAOIt BOWELS OR BLOOO, â€" â€" OFFICE OF THE rieMi kl U All kinds of Ma.i:*lle and IVf omunental ~%VoTk:s, «nch as Monaments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, Counter and Table Tops, in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbeleized iSlate, c., z. t$a,tls taction CSrua,ra,nteecl in ^very X^espect ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR, Sydenham Street* MARKDALE. 3iiid(iik mm Cures Diszmess, Less cf Appetite, LuUgestton, BUiousness, Ih/^epsia, Jaundice, Affections if the Liver and Kidnem, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Meum, Scnfuii, J^sipelas, and aU diseases arising from. In^mre Blood, Deranged Stcmach, or irregular action of the Bmcels. HACYARDS PECTORAL BALSAM ^Has no equal fee the |H..-DMacMcsre erf' ,_. T- aU Lnug OLKcase*. T AilLn:- vS ro "^p" give sadrfActJ^n. Tb« STAHoiaD office has a sidendid eqpip- meat of poster *s well as tee job type. %ie- oial sttentiim to orders by mail. Orierp filled with dupatflh. C. W. H^tJTr^EOOE EDITOB AND PBOPBIETOB. fjrsal* J.P.lli^|RSHALL,L.i IMEirf l8T iN BADITAaKB' OP TORONTO SCBn \jr *f DiBllBtry. will be attheMtS! ^oaae, Marliiiile. on tlia Ist aud thi aieedavof eid^aaontb ana alsoAt Mqq,j^| 'fiot^ Fledbcrtou, tfa« day **UowitoiLl liiixd Wedaeadsy m eaeb month for tite Jjl m-4T tiee of bis prole»siou. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDBB, GONTBACTOU, a ncT, Maikdale. ^1 HANDS, EGHLIN GARVIN, (SCCCSBSOBB TO LIUDBB k HAHJb), BAIiBISTEBS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, GonTeyancen, t. iliXMj to losA. at lowest rates of interest. OfBees 16 King Street EaMt, 199-251 ToBOMTO. J. MASSOm, BABBISTER, MA.STEB ANDDEP. BEG in Chancery, Notary Pnblie, ConTcyanS oer, c. i. MUKBEB OF TABHB FOB SAIiK. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in VieVer's Block Potdett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over MeFarland's Store, on Friday and Satmday CTery week. 57-ly B. Creasordr Sl^friisoii, AEBl' -AO,S0LICrW)BS. CONyBY- annes, tfte. *, Offices itt Owen Sound, Dnfferin Block, over W, F. Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE Orer W.J. MoFaiiMid^ Store on Thursday and f^idsy of each- week. l^3K~FundBto lendoti reasonable terms. John Gbeasob, Q.Q, Duncan Mobuom Markd^e. March 15. 1882. 79-1t A lexander Broim ISS'DEB of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Lisurance Agent. (Jommissionei in B-. Ak e. Conveyancer and Licensed Anetibiieer for the County of Grey. Fanners Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and chsrges^made very moderate. Prieerille, Sept. 17. 1«80. 1-y 8A!I1ITBA4 WAROELL, WELL DIOOEB AlTD DBILLEB. m I ordars promllly attended to. rJ?' dene* â€" Snider's Hii) 0*en Sound i^ CGMlirERClAL ffOTU PBIOEVHjLjE, Ont. Large aud ebmmodi6us Sample' Jtooaui Good Bed Bootais, fro. The Bar api i|,j,| well supplied with th% Btest the market it| fords good StafSaif aSftd attentive HoEtterJ THOa ATKINSON. Proprietor| JOSEPH GIBSOm CONTRACTOR. ^ontraets taken for all kiode of BRICK MD STONE WOill, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomining in all Shades aud (.»/nrt| Charges moderate and satiefacti' n tntr I antec^. Orders left at ahe Stancai-.d otiitii will receiTC prompt attention. ISAAC STI.VSON. Bcrflder and Contractorl In all kinds of Brick and Stone vork. Estimates given. Ail work KuaKinteed. Orders by maii promptly afteuded to. 195-6m* MABSBALE P. 0, JOHN NOBLll, MARKDAL.E GEER'LBLACEfflllfl JSSUEB-OF MAEEIAGELICENSES,*c Commissioner in B.-Kk.fec. Conveyancing in all its'timnohes promptly attended to and carefully executed N. B. â€" ^Money to Lend' on Beal Estate enrity. se MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE^ Jas. Bryan, Proprietor' CITY HOTEL, ]M[ak,k:tal.e, John MeAleer, Proprietor. This house is fitted up in good style, sita- ated on Mill street, where the travelling ptab- lie may depend on the very best aecommo- dation. Union bos to all trains. 194 MARKDALE HOUSE, IffATtimAT.H! ONT. i/. £ Marsh, Prop. F'a.sliiona.ble Tailor, OYKB ICACFABLAHD'b 8T«Ba. A. PBBP CT PIT GUABANTBBD. I 01117 P S^d six eents for pottaAe, JX 1 ni /ilJ •^ "oeive free,a eostly bos â-  I lllinMof goods whieb will help all, ... ^^ ®' eititer sex to more money nj^away flwn aoyihing eke in this worlcL Fortnnes await the workers absolately aim. At oaee addresa TawACe., Aiignsta. laine. 187.S89 MARKDALE HARN ESS EMPO RTOM ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. THOSaUTTKinj^ Nothing but good stock used and the best meohanics employed. A Stock rf Double and ' ffingle. Heavy «nd Light Harness always on hand. Also Wiips, Tranks, Valises.Blinh^* Bobea, e., always in stock. HORSE SHOEINC! A SPECIALTY. Also agent for the celebrated CHATHAWI WACONSJ MarMale Roller Mil The subscriber begs leave to announce t the farmers of- the surronnding country thirl -.he is turning ont floor equal to any otbi^' iroller mill. No more wutitig while the grist is Yiea^ ground. I The followingde the scale of exchange:- 1 I Wheat Weighing 62 lbs, 4U lbs. Fioai. I ». .1 61 " 39 " " **• *•• 60 " 38 " " t»* It' go t» a? ii •' •»• "• 58 " 36 " " .»- «â-  57 t. 35 ii « with olfid in proiiertioxi t*'amount of flonr. I find the average weight of new wheat I be 60 lbs. to the bushel, azid the most of if properly cleanei^, -mnildweigb^dl or 62 1 the bushel. New Bntclis' The best meats the country ean pn k^t on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED A ahara of pnblie patronage respect! aoUoited. Bemember the stand in McNea's block W. H. RUTLEDGE, TO SCWMLjrBUSTEi The ondenigned is manufacturing V eellant aseortmoit of School Fnrnitare. Conmsting of SCHOOL SEATS and mf TEACHEB8' DESKS, etc., of tiie ' dei^gn and most approved pattern. 1 xeoommended by Sdiool Trustees and j^ ers, for eheapne88,eomfort and compaeo' w h e t ey er tried. An assortment of Farm^^ School Bdls kept always on hand. oatatogae to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGD*-! FARM FOR SAU\ LOT is, eon. 11, Glenelg, about 100« moetly idearedand under cuin'*^ Thia farm is three miles from VLai^^^ wiUbesddwi voy easy terms. J^ JfrtipolMsapphr: to }eo. S. C. BEl^gji nrofonto, CfiAS.TOfG. Shelbnrne, ox^ NOBLE, Markdale. mmtiattA

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