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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Apr 1885, p. 5

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 â- :|Kâ- -V:..^t-;:-_«^VW-!• ^7.^ i^MV," 'UUfRPI^^fiVPlI isente^ a 1 their Its and henry ki f detenni formed inUi which their cs were captaiati. i XUBABKATMM. iment anmcl at nd the bnilding le. The foot of '.Tere bkcked ViQi^;^ ity, while that xu the station aal with people that j rong man t* wedgal two special so cars each, anj stives, we stradiai splanade jnst â- "Tfth'iiti oofs of the can le of freight traj^ adgcs with men aiulbM,J re to get a good Tie» ^] Such an im«^^ ^„^ pie has hardly ever ^J 'he crowds snrroaii^l timated as nxunli s Knd that is no i Nicol, the farm ed killed, has tarnfldtfl tain that, between h^\, cl has now at least 2^1 Section spreads, thig] increase, from Battibford on ft(i kssnring, the Indiani lerious depredationa. eries am expected toi anday next. the effect that feniaai tes, has been cont irch 31.â€" The 65th d Rifles leaye for the nJ vr. The regiment will beg eked men. E LATEST TO DATB. rch 31. â€" Jast before or Laugevin read a I the Indian agent at Battl id the h.^pes aoitratainedj on of the mommg locality. TheStouieii All the Indians in the id two instruKtors, Fay ormeily of the £a^ been kiiled. The hoosej snce. H conditioDH ofthel the head, Fimjl nd Skin Diseases, Sulphur Soap. OD GUAl^ANTEE. hran, druggist, Lanc that he hns e;na )ottles of Burdock Jyspepsia, bilhoas id kiduey troubles. disappointed those i 1 (Canada it gives tbftij sfactiou. Hrths, iiamaget, andi ;nts. ^/IARRIAGES. WILL â€" At City Hotel,i A. Wilson on Wednead»j| Wm. 11. Eoberts of ngeline Atwill of Fadde^iâ€" At the Mel Markdale, by Rev. W. Mr. James Walker o(i y Ann McFadd«a»of f tyket |ky rt»* MAKKDALE.. 90 73 tih eat 7S to. ... 50 to ... 64 to .... 3* to 15 to ... 15 to ... 50 to 18 to ... 00 tofi ...» 00 to ... 8 75 -to EN soul UE Wi HARRI! NUFACTUBEBOl :e and GRAi T8 HEADS Furniture 8|*»** ' â-  sft'-; JST RECBIVBD ^^ s Finest ' Marble stock in tb» Personally i It. Will be npetition. )TION eoMt ygrftm* WAUl WABI V 4)1 the custom shoe ahwi ,. j ^f j,.^ TWt are in the Bast or Waot, iMcteod's castom «»»?« ^^P fc the cheapest and the boot. He has boots for all creationâ€" French leather and Spanish aolo j Bere s a general invitation To the peeple of the world. Iso shove along, push along. I Making no delay. Bnt come from every nation, ^i come horn eyery vaj. (^T boots they are cheap enoogh, So dou't yon be alarmed, ^j if you call to see them It will do you no harm. In Spnin they make our sole leather, 111 irance our Kip and Calf While AlcLeod, the manufacturer. Makes up the fimwt hilf Our forefathers were great workmen. But little did they dream Of the grand display of fine work That's at McLeod's shop to be aeon. So shove along, push along, Mukinfi no delay. Bat come from every nation. And come from every way. If your boots are in need d( mending, The uppers or the aole. Just drop into McLeod's shop. And they will stop the hole. So if you want an easy boot â€" A boot to lit your foot â€" Leave vour order at McLeod'a shop, And you will never mo it. thoneowi. Thtj almbrt _â€" MMMVMlilMn wk4moT^^ ^^^ ^f'^^' ^mM' xMlBi^ ' rtf (ft tf 'iJidi pooDds ipr mU]k fitf 4^1 « of seven jmont^^ tp^ nUia wqold eigh^ poiuMte pw day npon anrna^ aimataritj, with aleugtimMd p«iod offromztioeto tea months. Let it be borne in miod that it is' no vn- commoiLoccanreBoe for Holuteb ecMu to eoatinae their milkjOew up to the penod of gcMtation. The gentieness (A this breed is proverbial' so maeh so that frequently two persons will at the same time milk one eow one seated in either side of the cow. OwioK to the large flow of milk in the better season of pasturage, this mode is considered not only desirable, but absolutely necessaij. The following is the average yield of milk of five cows during the past year: bo. pr. Day pr. Montn ©arrespaudaiiDB* NoTicK. â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for thM opinions expressed by oar correspondents The All-Important Qaestion. To the Editor of the Standard, Deab Sie, â€" The present depression in the price of grain is a fitting time to cast our eyes abroad upon the world s resources for a substitute to re-fill our diminishing ooSern, and a more certain income than that derived from uncertain grain-harvests. Baring the present winter I had the pleasure of inspecting several herds of Holstein cattle in the County of Waterloo, more especially those of J, S Hallman and H Hii(,arten, Esqs., of the township of WSmot, in that County. My only knowledge of these cattls was derived from the short sketch given of them in the Agri- cultural report oi Ontario. Hitherto my bias was in favour of the short- horn Durham but the report m question strongly inclined me to the opinion that the Holsteias were better adapted to the present status of the larmers of Grey than the Durhams, or any other breed and this opinion vas «onfirmed upon visiting the herds n question. The reasons for my pre- ference are: They are more hardy than Uiu Durhams, and little inferior to 'Ur Canadian caUle* in this respect. They a,re one-third hetber milkers tlan tlie Durhams audfuliy one-half better in butter and cheese production. Up to two and tluee years old they jire li;tt1e inferior in siae and weight to the Durhams. At two years, they take on fat as reaiiily as a full grown animal which ibe Durhams will not do until they arrive at maturijty, which necessitates keeping bullocks of the latter breed thru' three winters instead of two, as in tbe case of the Holsteius, which form an important item of .cost in our long winters besides, the Holsteins, Fhen turning on the third year are lully up to the standard weight for fihipment to the home marKet. They are better adapted to "crossing" with our common cattle than the Durhams, as may be evidenced by Ihe sUght improvement in the native stock of our County by the numberless sires imported here during the past twenty or twenty-five jeawâ€" indeed it would almost seem as j^pngh $here had been retrogression. It is a well-known fact to expNaanoed stockbreeders that certain classes of the same breed of animals deteriorate when ••crossed," andrw* Vjtrsa, other classes are improve^ by ^e saipe process, the progeny ^grossipg the better qualities of botij classes. In this respect the Holstein and Canadian cattle are a success, for thfr hybrids 1 saw in Co. Waterloo reUined the wze, milk and butter qualities of their Holstem ancestors, on the other hsnd tbey lost none of l^eir Canadian hardiness* What renders the Holstein braed f specially well adapted to this Cpun^ w, as I said belore, their ^laj^inaes apd excellent feeding qualities* their anpetites keeping good during tha. vitallmg" ptocess whUe the. i^nrhams requtte constant eha^ of rtjot. even in ordjnary winter feadinl.i however, it h n,jt th(» ftitf prodwMW ^»«hty. alone, |ihat wwtBa .iM ilol«tem cattl^e so Bre*emiim#f| I. 2, 8. 6. 84 82 71 74 64 2,307 ?.289 a,iio 2,20B 1,891 6Mo'a 10,692 10,904 9,250 9,806 8,004 Of the butter record I may mention that 28 lbs. of milk from a two-year- old produced 1 lb. butter. From cows of Mr. Hallman's hard were tested as to their butter production, seven days each, with the following results Ist, 20 lbs 2nd, 19 lbs Srd, 19 lbs 4th, 14 lbs. Tlie difiference may be accounted for, to some extent, by the period when the. cuws had the greatest flow of milk» A full grown cow in Mr. Hilgarten's herd weighed, during her milking season, 1,673 lbs., and a full grown bull, in ordinary condition, 2,469 lbs. Of the cheese producing qualities ot these cows the above gentlemen could giye me no positive data but from the testimony of those who have made cheese exclusively trom the milk of Holstein cows, the result is highly satisfactory, their milk being super- abundant in caseino matter. It is self-evident that the laudable efforts put forth by our breeders to improve their stock has been a vain attempt; and those who take initi- ative iu the i£troduction of the Holsteins will secure the reward which ever attends intelligently directed enterprise. Yours Ever. Thk Bambuno Editob. «ip:.agnadl» adapt tin raeom ip a ad a t iott «! tiM AaaamUy'a doBymttto, yimi '*Thiit dmMh d»* ci^iha ahiUI'aotliaaxardaadiBxanKd to nuuariage with a vife'a aister, iSf«*i anat and iri£^*s neioe " (S.) Agffd aad lafirm Mhustecs Famd: Tkanpilpropoeaathat, "A minister whs haaaa annaid inaome of not leas than $600, shall not reoeiye any benefit fi»m the fond." The Preabytery adopted tha view that ministers should be admitted to the benefit of this fand without any r^ard to their private inooma. All have to contribute towards it alike. (3.) Lessening expense of printing Hitherto every minister and elder re- 1 Tear, ceived yearly a copy of the "Acts and 18,004 Proceedings of th^eneral Assembly." 16,828 The Presbytery agreed that it is snf- 18,016 ficient to give each minister andre 12,871 presentative elder a copy. 13,880 There was a good deal of routine business gone through, the court being kept busy until midnight. The next meeting is tu be held at Mount Forest the third Tuesday of July. â€" Cox, Fleslierton. From our own eorretpondent. A public meeting of the ratepayers of bchool Section No. 6 (Flesherton) was held in the school house on Mon- day last, to take into consideration the petition presented to our council at last sitting, by the ratepayers of Sec- tion No. 4 (Stone's settlement) to change the buundry of this Section, ioining part of it to theiru. The meet- ing was unanimous that at present it was not advisable to change the limits of School Sections as at present cou- stitoted. A deputation was appointed to wait on our council at their next meeting re this matter. Mr. Munroe, head teacher in the Flesherton Public School, has resigned his position here, for raasons better known to him^lf. Mr, Munroe is a teacher of good ability* and we think could have given geneiral satisfaction. We understand the trustees haye en- gaged the services ot Mr. G. Bell of Owen Sound to fill the vaeancy. Messrs. Petch Mitchell, butchers, have removed to their new shop op- posite Munshaw's Hotel. Splendid weather ^r ice and skating rinks. Tbe Flesherton rink is boom- ing. We noticed some of oar Mark; daleites on t^e ice a few evenings ago, Come i^ain, boys, and enjoy your- selves. MnOBEOOira SPEEDT CUBE. It is popularly admitted ererywhere that MoOregor's Speedy Core is the safest, most reliable and for eheapmt remedy for Con- stipation, LiVer Complainti Indigestion, Im- pore Blood, Loss of Appetite, and all similar troubles. It is not necessaiy to take a great quantity before any resolt is prodnoed. A few doses will conFince yon of its merits. Trial bottle given free at Hill Bro's. 8 saT« If yon want ao aaay d^va, M good aa batbar aver gsnra. it jnat eill on aaa at my aidoon vd At niMli* m efa' w baay aooB^ '" domb and etnl tha hsbr iHth griae, To smt tha ooontananee of tiii^ face. My raisora aire both sharp and keexi. And towels are also neat and eleim. T. D. i^th, Markdale. Obstbuctioiis of the Stomachi Liver and Bowels, are mrom^y removed by National Pilla- MoDKL Fabm 'Ltspiomm I" â€" ^The local L^^atore paid a visit last week to the Model Farm at Guelph. This is jnst tha seaaon for inspecting a farm. The fields are all osilow with Nature's smiles, and then the L^s lators picked up so many good points about the loa crop. The legislator who does not know all about the ice crop, weU» he ian't much of a legis- lator. â€" Bobeayqeon IndependmL Fbebiuii's Wobm PownxBs destroy and remove wonns wiUiont injury to adult or infant. mmHi^ao^ ^jl^lmjm Holland Cenncii. Holland Centre, March 26, '86. Holland Council met in Vogan's Hall for the transaction of business. Members all present Beeve iu the chaur. A report was laid upon the table with regard to Treasurer's security. Moved by Mr. Galbraitb, seconded by Mr. Howey,^that the above men- tioned report be adopted. Moved by Depnty-Beeve, seconded by Mr. Williscroft, that Arthur Philips be r3turned the sum of $1.20, taxes paid in error. Moved by Mr. Galbraitb, seconded by Mr. Howey, that the Clerk instruct the County Treasurer to erase the taxes against W. pt. lot 27, con. 7, a^ipearmg on his books, it being charged in eiror. Moved by Mr. Howey, secimded by Mr. Williscroft, that an order be is- sued in favor of James Bruce, as part payment of bridge to be built over pond on 16 and 16 side-road. Mnved by Galbraitb, seconded by Deputy-Beeve, that George Sinclair be refunded the sum of $68.20 on ac count of error in roll. Moved by Deputy Beeve, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, tbat thd Board of Health receive $1.00 each for argu- ing. Moved by Mr, Williscroft, eaeonded by Mr. Howey. that we adjourn till the 28tb of May, when Court of Be vision will be organized, also path' masters, poun^-keepers, etc., will be appointed. Cabson Pbics, Clerk. DONT BE DECEIVED Beware of any dinggist who wiU try to induce yon lo t^e anything in place of MoGr^or Parke's Carbolic Cerate. jLt is a marrol of healing for Sores, CQts, Bnms, etc. No family should be without jt. Ithw no equal. Uist MeOTegw A Parke's, and have no other. Only Sb. per bo;^ at Hill Bro's. » 'â- r, fiiiriiir V*W*ifi» New gooisanMng snsiy weak, osasistiag er WATCHES, CSJOGSB^ OHADiS,. GHABMS, SFBCTACLES, PIPES,. PUBOES, VIOLIK 8TBIMOS, etc 18 k. â- W9Mkt§ Hmgt tOwmy m afeic. Watches, Clocks and Jewelhrf Bepaired by myself and aatisftwtion guar- anteed. NO inCUBLB TO SHOW GOOD :]^ive me a. Oa.U» James C. Russell, Watchmaker, Jeweller^ 217-269 Flesherton.. Bev. J. A. Boss who completes his College course at Knox on the 1st April is to be settled ov£r the Presby- terian congr^;ation of Duddalk and Fraser setUemont. We understand Mr. Boss is an energetie worker and also a good preacher, and consider the Presbyterians of Dnndalk and Fraser settlement fortunate in securing his services. â€" Dundalk Herald. ijnpoBTAirr. When yon Tisit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re- duced at f 1.00 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator, Besturant supplied with tbe best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money a* the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first class hotel in the city. On Advebtisino. â€" About two montlis ago a farmer of this heigkborhood, advertised in the Toronto Mail for ladies to correspond with him with a view to matrimony, asking them to address "Wm. Snodgrass," Milton. We understuid the replies were very numerous. One of those who re- sponded was a widow said to be possessed of'some property. The cor respondence which ensued between her and the whilom Mr. Snodgrass proved eatisfaetory to both and the npshot was that Uiey were married a couple of weeks ago. The bridegroom is the father of a grown-up family and the bride is considerably younger than he and the mother of two small children. Long life and happiness to them. â€" Milton Champion. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. On account of its purity and con- centrated strength and great power over diseases. Burdock Blood Bitters is the cheapest and best blood clean- sing tonic known foi; all disorderly coudiUons of tbe blood. asked any the lITeetiBir ot Preabytery. The Presbytery of Sangpen met m Enox Church, Harristpn, on Tiiesday, 17th met., at 2 o'oloc^. There was a laiii^ representation ot ministers and eld^n. Bev. Mr. Wilson, of M a rkdal e, was elected Moderator, but being ab- sent, Bev. Mr. Chisholm, the ex- Moderator, oeeopied te duur in his place. At the proretuUa meeting which was held some weeks ago, the call of Mount Forest (pon^regation to Mr^ Murray, StiaelaviUa, waa laid aside. The deiagataa to tbe OaaMrat Aasembly iKt» i^pointed aa foSowB: By rotatjffii, Messrs: Anil and Yonagr by election, Massrs. CampbdH im Wehooi^ ipNi^firii Bev. S. C. tnmt^ ratt« f^ld An ovartwariaJi*rm«i|j|»fir tary along t|i^j to. Gray 1^^-^.., Tms Explains It. â€" 1 physician if there really were structural difference beiwefin tongue of a woman and a man. ^Certainly," he replied; "the organ is attached to the floor of the montii at OQe extremity, and it is a fact that in the females the controlling mQ deg ^a much more pliable than in msies. Those mnsdes which cont]rol the acts of taste, prehension, itni ddntition are not a^reciably diyarse in the sexes, but those relatmg to articnlation are enmrmonaly c|oyeloped in woman aa eomparc4 wil^ map.** I to)d him tiuU. be was a raal maan old ihing, andL^at I didn't Mm^P wofdofit; Lot priyately, I ahoiddn't w|)i|Ldar ijf it wore -the ge^ ASBNSAnON. Woiun's Cbedcutt and Man's DupUciTTâ€" A rather singular case was tried in Durham last Monday b§fora Messrs. Coebrane, Edge and Jamieson J. P's. One jTohn Navens, baggageman on the G. T, was ehai^ied by Margaret (^uff with obtaining ixujney 09 false preteoeas, und«r promise ot marriage. The two have been acq^aiute J for some monJihs {utst, I about last July she lent him $40 to get out of gome trouble he was in, and sinpe then she swore th^t month by pionth she had given him bar wagm. On the 4th of this month he marned another girl, with whom he had been keeping company, but kept the marriuge secret. On the 16tb inst. sbe advuaced him ame dollars, on wbieh occasion he asmred bar that he was not marriad according to her own stcwy, on which waa based ibe charge of obtaining money under. ]N-eteu90 of marriage when he was retdly 'miabie to fulfil his promise, ^e magist|nates conupttad him to ^tiiiiii his trial, at the ne^t assizes. W. Barratt oi Waerton for tha delBoea^and immm Miller af Durbam lnf tfae |NNweea^oii â€" J^crksas VhroMieti.^^ '^=, ' â-  /^\^- WHifiBE 'i^fi£^F 19. |tittJr(H|r liKiii^ q^^ H AC YAR D s YELLOW OIL CURES fiHEUMATISM WORM POWBERS; ' AsspIaaBaattotaka. Contain their owa Panstlv«b Is a safe. smre. and »ttBtstu»t I in Children or AdoltSk A RARE CHANCE. A CHOICE TILLAGE LOT in ^larltdalo' for sale, opposite the Sianpabd office,. Mill Street. Has a comprtable dwelling- house, shop and stable and good well. A small payment will be takon down ard bal- ance to suH purchaier at a low rate of inter- est. For further particulars apply at this, office, or to __^ WM. WALKBB, 332-39* MarkdaieP.0. RAKERY FOR BUSINESS AND PSEMISES for side- Cheap, being 1-fifth acre on Mill Street, opposite BxAKDAan office, with lu-(;e rough- cast two story house and bake oven, good stable and never-foiling well of spring water. This is an excellent opening for a pushing- man. Terms and further particulars can be had by applying on the premises. MBS. MONTGOMEBT. 234-36 Markdale P. O. Farm for Sale, 160 acrts, being lots 42 and 43 eecoiil range West of Toronto and Sydenham road, HoUand, about 100 acres.eleared and in good ' state of cultivation, ballance weU timbered with Maple, Beech and Hemlock, and about' 10 acres eedar. swamp- Good roughcast house 22x33 with stone cellar, frame b«nfe 40s60 and good out houses, all with stona foundations. Good young orchard bearing. The farm is well watered, two good wells, one at the house, a fine spring creek eroses. the farm near the rear. Only two mdes- from tiie thriving village of Williamsfcrd, a station on the T. G. B. branch of the C. P. B. Th» is a rate chance, and terms will be made veiy easy. For futher particulars apply on the premises to FBANCIS MeCANN, 380-44 Williamsfotd P. 0. Farm to Sell or Rent Norih }. 16 OGtt. 11. Holland, 100 acres. 70 acres eleared. 4} mifos fmn \l^lliamsford Statioaod 8 from Berkeley, onfy 60 rods from Sohool and post office. Ontneprenusea there are* good locJk^aae with frame kitchen ,«ni a woU near ^liA house, and log bam. Will be sold oa «My terms, small payment dovn, rad good iknaloven for |he bidsnce, or wdl bMaa^ for five years, and improve fBaai'takea fur part rent. Asplvto JAMES BBUCE, tj^-8«iia.^ I^OdkP.COat. ^^ ^,r-ia-r ttrtta akLjtagfiitilt^iigi/JI/l^^ ^^/imdlgmiiimmmiggmij^^

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