lALL,: TisT, •: Vn rill be at th»J iiiii 1st atul J ana also atâ€" icb month fox If f "^**Of^B0L. 5.-N0. 238. :kactok, 4 AND DKILLEBil^ tly atteTidfcii tof. '• 6'»en Sound lAL HOTEU odious Sample lC. The Bar and ' the best the znark^ and attentive Ho ATKINSON, Propi; MAKKDAJLE, ONT., APRIL 3, 1885. VtWU CMMXB BAOlU GIBSiM {ACTOR. en for all kinds of timi mi iiinental Plasttrlm;,- 'I Shailes ami ohti s and satisJfaff-LV)! 1,1 t at iihe Si'AxjSir.1. i|Q atteut.ou. Id CoTltractdd kick aiid S;one vork. eeci. romptly ntteiided to. MARK!) ALE P.O. NOBLE] KDALE 3IiCKSiE SHOEINi •ECIALTY. lor the celebrated \Sl WACONl Roller Mi] bo;;.-; lt.'a,ve to announce I suiTounding coLintry tl llour equal to any otl ^^ile the grist is 1 the scale of exchaifge:- 1-2 lbs, 40 lbs. FloUbj f.l '• 39 •' "â- CO " 38 " "' ;V.» " 37 " ' r8 " 3fi •' 57 " 35 •' " tion to amount of flo • weight of new whe«tl sbol, and the most of 1 would weigh 61 or 881 hn W. FordJ tcher Shoj. the country can pf ALL PARTS- 'HERE ORDEI lie patronage resp xutt in McNea's bio H. RUTLEDI IIJTROSI roanufacttiring Issortment o' lOL SEATS and] i:S, etc., of the Iproved pattern. Tiool Trustees and' tmf ort and coi^ fassortment oi ** Tays ca hand- orth 1 0. ANIEBW W Si |GleneIg,abcna8t1 I and under tUes fro m ^^ easy ieJ^P*! Geo. B.Ji« CiiOTfi, Timothy and Aluke at J. B. Trimble's. Complete Watches. }old and Silver Cases, Ladies and Idm sizes, Waltham, EIrid. Spring- Id and ywis3 movements, 7, 9, II 15 Jewelled. Close time-keepers. irrants cover all breakaces, for 1 2 years. \32 FINE CLOCKS, ;th Thomas « other makes. \EDDm RINGS, ACID TEST. oz. Coin Case, Elgin movement, k Bal.. $12.00. Ugood Swiss Wateb, 15 Jewelled, Ivor Case, |9.50. Uvertise Actual Present Stock, bd am in a position to give better Jras, time or cash, tban any other laler in this section of Grey Co. Get lotalions, compare with mine, and ove my statement. Long warrants lip to sellâ€" very often â€" inferior or Station watches. I hold to the plan honest representation of every tkle, and. give Ao warrants exceed- 1i years. Cash discount 6 per cent. I^orth considerable to every parch- er. fFICULT WATCH REPAIRING A "Realty. LL WORK FULLY GUAEANTEED. |\V. A.BROWTV, dweller, Markdate. iOcal and Other Items. Notices m thete cohtmns intended to henefit individitch or Society teill he charged ten \U a line for the first insertion and Jive \ts a line each subiequent insertion. ESTKRDAY was "All Fools Day." o-MORRow will be Good Friday. ND next Sunday, Easter. |Maplk Syrup for sale at Hanbury's. I Easter CJards at ttie idicalHall. Farm to rent or sell, apply to J. Cr, ing, Markdale. fWoMKN's Laced Boots for 86 cts. per ir at McLeod's. 3Ir. Marshall Beard bas ^rchased |m. Bowler's farm. Mji. W. S. BowLEB and faniily left 8 week for Manitoba. The SrANDAitu io the end of 18B6 to y address for 75 cents. A YOUNG farm horse for sale Apply R. 0. Whitby, Markdale. Mr. Alex. Taylor of Dromore recent- sold ten steers for $484.62. Mr. Samuel 'Wright of Euphrasia s removed toIEssa, Simeoc Go. Master Willie Douglas is home m the Mt. Forest High School. Mr. Hugh McKenna of Euphrasia. oved to Mono Mills this week. If "brevity is the soul of wit," re's a barrel of fun in a dude's ooat iFoRLath, Lumber, Sash, Doors. fames and Mouldings, go to Grant [Co, [Mi96 McDowell of Owen Sound, been the guest of Mrs. Dr. Spromle h pa«t week. [For Bedsteads. Cribs, Cradles, fattrasses, and Sprmg Beds, go Grant Co. I Me. E. H. Whitby has been home om OrangeviUe a week, and returned Monday last. Seeds.â€" Field and harden [eds of all kinds at the Medical HalU burner Co. I Thre were shipped from Dnndalk siuce,.in one week 161 "Urta of timber. weeks Thb Ontario L^elatnre was pro- rogued on Monday. Tbt Walker Bros, for nails, lunges, glass, putty c» Fbanck officially declared war with China on Tuesday. AucTf^K Sale nt J. B. Trimble's Saturday, April 4th. MABEPALy stores will be closed to* morrow (Good Friday). Mb. Ourrie our respected egg merchant, has returned. Without doubt McFarland has the nobbiest Suitings in Markdale. Fob factory milk cans go to Walker Bros. Thi-y are selling Cheap. Cabpets and Lace Curtains are hav- ing a lively sale ui McFurlaud's. Wb had a plesent call from Mr. Josiah Gamey of Osprey on Monday. Mb. "Wm. Milne, clerk of Osprey township, gave us a call on Wednes- day. Miss Jibcby left yesterday to spend lier Eadter holidays with friends near Owen Sound. J. W. Spboule has his Wauzer Sevking Machine office now in Ben- son's brick block. You can buy cheaper Liquors of all kinds at Benson's than in any other house in the County. Mb. Geo. Nixon of Dundalk has Bold his mercantile business to F. Nixon and F. Dean. Call and see Benron's new stock of Groceries and Liquots. Only cbeap Grocerv Ssoite in town. Mb. Isaac Stinson returned recently from a three months visit with friends in Kingston and vicinity. Fob fine Ladies boots and toney gentlemens foot wear give McLeod a trial He's sure to suit you. Mb. Josiah Sander has removed from aear Dundalk to the neighbor- hoo«l of Rocklyn, Euphrasia. Oil Cake^ unsurpassed for Horses and Cattle, for sale at the Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. Mb. Cochrane of Durham intends opening a machine and repair shop in that place the commg summer We acknowledge receipt of subscrip- tions for '85 from John McNicoll, Pompei, Mich., and Samuel Wright, Ivy. The handle of a cross-cut saw was found and left at this office last Satur- day. The owner can have it by calling. Rejutbnatob Bitters assists nature and removes the cause of diseases from the system. Sold by Smith, the barber. Mb. John Hill, painter, returned on Tuesday. He expects to remove witii bis family to Douglas, Lis old home, shortly. Dan. McFablank, blacksmith, and W. H. Rutledge, butcher, have invest- ed in a sign each painted by B. 0. Whitby. J. R. Tbmble has the largect, the best and cheapest lot of Teas ever offered to tha public. Call and get samples. Hamlan Dbfkatbd.â€" In the scnlling match at Sydney, N. S, W., on Satur- day between Hanlan and Beach, ihe latter won by six lengths. Head Quabtms.â€" For Implements and repairs of all kinds, call on J. H. HuU, agent for Fleniy'a Sylvester's and Wilkinson's manufacture. Mb James Noble of the Boyal Hotel, Meaford, has pnrchas^ the imported stallion. " Wonder," from Mr. Joseph Button of York County for $1,500. Rejuvenatob keeps the kidneys livCT, stomach and Wood pureed nature's channds fre^; then yon have health. Sold by Smith, the barber. Wh. Lucas Co. bafe any toaonnt of money to loan im rwl TiftT cent. ti3ui u 233-3m Tbk t^ht pfaM» to get milk pans, sap buckets, sugar k^dea, fte., is at Walker Bros. estate curity at 6i per cent. Call on them before borrowing elsewhere l£a. BoBT. BiiB!(8itK, lata of Mariidale, has opened ft butcher shop in Holland Centre. Task the advice of an old shopper t)on't purchase boots until you see what MoFarland is doing in that line. The funeral sermon of the late Mr. James Beatty will be preached next Sunday morning in the Methodist Church. Don't forget to attend J. B. Trim- ble's Auction Sale of general store goods on Saturday, Apnl 4th, com- mencing at 1 p. m. Ma. J. J. Ibwin, Veterinary Surgeon, has opned an office in Hill's block, where he is prepared to receiye calls, See his card in another column. J. R. Tbihble is offering you good, fresh, «lean Boots Shoes at lower prices than you can purchase old shop worn, mouldy ones at. *Thkbe are several families recently arrived m Markdale. We wish to in timate to such, that the StandabdIs free to them for one month after their arrival. The Dynahitbbs Committbd. â€" The examination x»{ Cunningham and Burton having been finished, both are comitted for trial on the charge of treason -felony. Miss Maud Spence takes charge of W. J. McFarland's Millinery establish- ment this season. She comes well recommended as a first class Milliner and Mantle Maker. A NUMBEB of our youHg men attend- ed the Flesherton rink on Thursday evening. There is some attraction more than the ice down there. We don't know what. Probably they can explain. Two weddings are on the cards. We saw the coming brides selecting their wedding dresses at McFarland's: One a handsome Navy Blue Silk, and the other a stylish Prune Silk. Won't they look lovely You bet. J. R. Tumble has just opened out a large and stylish assortment of mens' Hard and Soft ^elt and Wool Hats Ladies, Misses and Childrens' Sun Shades in all colors and styles at prices, for cash, that defy competition. DuNDAS has just received a large lot of Ladies Buttoned Boots at $1.00. This line of boots has been tested and has given entire satisfaction. Dundas is a practical Boot Shoe man and is giving his whole attention to the Boot Shoe business. A merchant in the western town, who thought him wonderons wise, did swear by all the ancient gods he ne'er would advertise. He did, though in peculiar form, and thereby hangs a tate, the "ad." was set in noupariel and headed "sheriff's sale." Dundas' Custom Boot Shoe Shop IS now running in full blast. Orders promptly executed and repairing in all its branches done with neatiiess and despatch. It matters not where you have bought your boots, bring your repairing to Dundas*. Mrs. Wm. Vooak of WiUiamsford died very suddenly on Wednesday evening the 25th March. Deceased was very highly respected. She had been about as well as usual until within two days before her death, heart disease waa her complaint. The pile of brick and rabbidi still remains on the sidewalk opposite the recent fire, to the great annc^anoe oi pedestrians. This is a shame. Why does the trustees not have it removed, if the owners of the property frcm which the obstametion came will not We are glaS to say that Mr. Wm. M^n baa again evened business. His shop at present is in Walker's building, opposite Mathews' livery, idiere he wiU be happy to wait on his customers and the puMie gMierally, as soon fis MdSenna'a new^ stddition opposite the Bevere Hotel is finished (£^hu%^piufaedwitiiillppB8ible f»M) Mr. Miion vrift remove to it wben'h^-^nyStoYim^^ wagwk and carriage busiiiess oil a J. B. TiimUe's auction sale at one o'ekxdc on Saturday next, 4th April there's no Apnl fool abont this. WHKTftn it is the reiam of Mr. Onrrie, our egg merchant, or the neai approach of Easter, which causes fr.^ eggs to begin to appear on the market one thing is cortain the hens must have got down to^ business with the determination to supply the demand. Bad Cut.â€" Charles Eagle gave his right foot a severe cut on Thursday last while making a rain trough in the bush; the axe handle caught his cloth- ing Uirowmg the axe out of balance, etrikmi^ the instep crosswise, com- pletely severing the cords of the toes. Cbbdit Sale. â€" Mr. Michael Sullivan will sell by pubhc auction at the City Hotel, Markdale, at one o'clock on Saturday. 4tn April, a quantity of farm stock, implements, c. Terms on sums over $10 nine months credit on approved paper. Geo. Noble, auctioneer. Note Lost. â€" Abont the28th March, a note of hand for $4.00, drawn in favor of W. S. Bowler, against Robert Shaw, drawn on the 27th ult, dueone month after date. Any person finding the same will greatly oblige by leaving it at the Standabd, office, Markdale, W. S. Bowler. Dundas' is selling No. 1 Prince of Wales Chewing Tobacco at 88 cts. per lb. Brier 6 s. smoking at 47 cents Napoleon at 42 cents X X X White. Wine Vinegar, No. 1, at 80 cts. per gallon 3 lb. can Tomatoes at 7 cents per can. Other lines cf Groceries pVoportionately low. Mb. J. J. Ibvin, Veterinary Surgeon, wishes the public to remember that telegraph messages as well as calls by maU will be prodaptly attended. He will board at the Markdale House, but may be found in his office day and night. Office Hill's block, opposite the Markdale House. J. R TaxBtBLE has just closed a bargain for the largest stock of Ready- made Clothing ever brotight to Markdale, The value is wonderful. Styles entire- ly new and yariety enormous. This, is undoubtedly a larger stock of cloth- ing than is held by any three merch* ants in the Co. of Grey. Field Fioht. â€" On Saturday last j Pinnie Swenev of Glenelg and Andrew Arnott of Euphrasia exchanged some heavy blows on the street in this vUl- age. The former bled profusely, but neither were seriously injured. Before they could be parted, about 160, had gathered around the combatants. A Spbino Show will be held the latter part of April in Markdale, by the Glenelg Agricultural Society. A good list of prizes is being arranged and ol^er preparations made which will be announced by posters in a few days. The date has not yet been fixed on which tiie show will take place. The place to get the reliable Watches. In 17 months I ]|iave sold 60 Watchesâ€" Walthopi, Springfield, Elgin and Swiss grades â€" ^from $4.C0 to $86.00 each. Kindly read my new tdv- No trouble to show goods. Large stock. Close prices. The reliable Jeweller, W. A. Brown, Markdale. Dboppbd Avchob. â€" Oar respected friend, E. D. Wilcox, has purchased the Jewellery bnsiuess of W. H. liay ot Uxbridge and is now in possession, Uxbridge has secured, in the person, df E. IL W. a business inan of nn- questioned integrity and good medianical abilities. We widi him unbounded success. GrvB Tmof a wide nmrH.â€" Tea and Shoddy pedlars are tm the war path, and we wotdd strongly advise people to have nothing to do with them they cannot possibly give as good value for your money as our regular dealers, acc^t, periutps, in ca^jthey axe stolen or smv^ed goods, wad-*«ven that, it is worae^iM^ to patroniae tiiem. Si^poad tkoae .who ^rftidflingik legilamabs lHiiaie8i:ia4»»r midst ami yonj^ find, itby .4r I m^t proftfobllirAll thicgs consiiraid. Bs. Low's PbBASAMT WoBM BvBUP â€" ^An agreeable, safe and effisclaal remedy to remove all kinds of worms. It's quite a common occurrence for a minister, after a marriage ceremony, to be requested by the interested pnrty to kindly have a notice ot the marriage put in the local paper, but they almost invariably ni^lcct to provide him witli the necessary fee (twenty-fiye cents). This IS scarcely fair to expect the minister to do this at his own expense. Easteb Houdats. â€" Return tickets will he issued to all stations ou â- the C. P. R. and branches (Ontario Division) nt one fair and a third good to go on April 2nd, 8rd and 4th good to return until April 7tl:, Tickets at above rates can be procured at any station. Passeneers paying on the train will be charged full fare. Killed. â€" On Friday morning last while Mr. Chas. Boyle was feeding his stock, his son, a little lad missed a goose from the number and in searching fur the lost goose he spied a a wild-cat in the goose house he at once gave the alarm when his father gave chase with a pitchfork and captured the thief. It measured 80 inches from nose to tip of tail. • New Dbisss Making and I^anct Goods Stobe. â€" Miss. Benson is this week opening a store in the above line in Benson's new brick block and will be prepared in a day or two for pnblic: patr«»nage. Miss Benson is well trained in her business and has had consider- able experience, so that the public may rely on securing satisfaction. Advt. next week. ScABCELTa week passes without our receiving communications of yarious descriptions, and often of a personal nature, without any name accompany- ing the same. Wonder what the people take us for We have stated repeatedly, through the columns of the paper, that such M^ould invariably be consigned to the waste basket; but still they come. If any person has a grievance worth publishing, it is surely not a humiliating act to sign it. One thing certain we must have the name, nob necessarily (in all eases) for publication. Mb. James Beatt of Orange Valley, Artemesia, died on Sunday last.. Deceased was one of the pioneers of this district, was very highly respected, being of a kind disposition and fine principle. He hais been ill for several weeks and gradually sank, without pain, until Sunday last when he passed away rejaicing in hope of a glorious resurection. He has passed the age oi three score and tea by several years. His remains wexa interred :n the Methodist semetery on Tuesday and were followed by a large concourse of friends and acquaintances. S. S. Annivebsaxt. â€" The Presby- terian Sabbath School anpiversary was held on Tuesday evening, and, not- withstanding the very inclement state of the weal^ in the early part of the day. the evening was beautiful and the moon shone out in grandeur. The refreshments were servedin the manse, after whidi all repaired to the church where a good programme, consisting of music, recitations, speeches, c., was gone through without hesitation, and excellent order prevailed through- out. The attendance was good and quite an improvement is evident in tLe progress of tiie school the children especially acted their part of the programme admirably. What might have been a serious accident happened on Thnraday even- ing. As Mr. Jaokman uai Mr. S. Hill were driving to Flesherton. the horse became nnmaai^eable on ac- count oS the softness of the snow, and the driver, Mr. EL not being an expert, let one of the lines slip through hi» hMids, wlum the. horse plunged vio- lently m the opposite. direction, as if he iQshedta try .the sleighing in. the fields, but became hopelessly stack in gettii^; off. the beaten track. Bo^ horse and men were extricated from the unpleasant po^ioa, by the 4ud of some 'Others who^ ^|bdhed to be on hand 1^ ttie time. Th^ nde Cscea mntely thmked their tim^ d^er ers. t fe X • ' v»J2 ;.,-.--^i-..'" t" â- iiliilimi