mmmm WlWt'f 'IW|-i;J'l*'-J[' Uii r i. K 1 I 'I- 1 I! r AIK SCHSMEB8. Th^ lAT IbrTkelr SapM. ihe peraons who the loeboz in the 'Peazl street undertak- ing eetablishment, not long dnoe, in vhioh lay the body of Lyman D. Minor, the Broadirtiy merchant who committed midde, was a woman of aearody 23 yean of age. She was soberly dressed, and whcm she rused her Tell a modest little face and a pair of jst black eyes twinkling beneaiii black eydadies were seen. With her kid-glove hand she smoothed bac^ the hair from the ugly ballet wonnd in tiie temple of the dead man, and when she was leaving left a bmich of lilies on the box. She came and went as onostenta- ttovsly as a sister of charity. This woman was Annie Grreenville, who, in connec- tion with Pliny White, the king of con- fidence men, was the nnseen power that drove the merchant to his grave. Sergt. Frink, of the Central police office, said Annie Greenville had a heturt of iron and was a tool in the hands of White. White would never leave a man while there was a dollar in him. He was heartless, treaoherooB, and cmeL It is perhaps an angallant thing to say, bat ia New York and large cities generally beanty and blackmail have come to be associated to snch an extent diat the only safeguard for a snsceptible person is to steer clear of good-looking strangers altogether. Tiiis blackmail ia a trade that can only be plied aaccessfuUy in the great popn- loQB cities, aa there the poasibiiities of detection are reduced to jk mere nothing. It takes an adroit rogue Ito be a first-class swindler, hence women,\who have more tact than men, are always chosen to do the fine work of entrapping the victim. Once in the toils the plnc]i]^g is done by the male comfederatea and is usually an easj and safe process. Their methods are many, carious, and novel. The latest and moat novel is one recently come to light. A beautiful and accomplished girl sought employment in a down-town bus- iness establishment run by a father and son. She managed to eutangle both, and get np ail escapade with the young man which o-Dit him a very tidy litnle sum be- fore the end was reached. He wrote h«r afi'ectionate letters, made short excursions around and had a lovely time generally, until one fine morning an elderly ruffian stepped up, claiming tn bia her father. The idiot was only too glad to disgorge liberallj on the spot. Then the ex- cliarjiier threatened to aue for the recov- ery of her letters and a balance due on some furniture to avoid a acandal he paid up handaomely. Finally, fearing that hs was to be bled to death by these rampirei!, he appealed to the police. A single visit with a promise of arrest suf- ficed to aett'e the whole business. A well-known editor of much brilliancy and sagacity on the metropolitan press was badly done for some time ago by a pretty little widow. She first called on him, and her wuful tale, backed by her girlish face, enlisted his sympathies in her cause. Then came requests for the- ater and concert tickets and other cour- tesies, in the compliance of which he generally sent a gallantly worded Dote. On the strength of these letters and a confederate it coat him $1,C00 inside of three mrn'.hs. He was too sensitive to public ujuuicin to hand him over to the police, and had not a friend of his stepped in and grappled matters with an iron hand he probably would have been a victim to- day of either her greed er lies. Here is another case.: A Broad «ray merchant who makes a specialty of silks and aatins has a dark room fitted np in his stora where he can show the effect of gaalighli upon b^'s goods One day he es- corted a lady to this room to show a fine piece of satin under the gas jet. Hardl)^ had the door shut upon them than she tore off her bonnet and aacqne and ding- ing her arm about his neck shrieked at Hie top of her voice. The clerks rushed in and taw the boaa struggling with a beautiful iaiy whose clothaa wore half torn cffher back. Here waa a pretty kettle of fish. Iti cost $500 to hush the m^ttdr up, but he refuses to enter that room with a lady unless accumpanied by a cash boy now. There ia no limit to the resources of ^e busmesa, and, like Mulberry Sellers's eye- water, ' 'there's millions in it. " They have been known to invade a private wedding and come off successful. Wo- men are invariably the principals. Men suspeci: men always, but they are con- summate fools enough never tj suspect a handsome woman. The glamor of her face, thti \(itjhery of her eyes, and the soft ripple of her tongue is too much for tlieir aeuaes, and their suspicion is lulled until too late tu be of any value. One meets these women evray where â€" at the theater, on the oara, in the street. The summer boarding houses and seaside re- sorts are favorite itamp'ng grounds for them. Saratoga ia full of them in season, and not lung since I knew of one who entertained two clergymen â€" one a bishop in the episcopal churchâ€" with their wives at a cozy dinner. Of course tiie guests had no idea of the true character of the durmlng" hosteas, and perhaps some day, when I write up her brilliant but checkered career, they will rub their dear sId ecdeaiaatical optics. â€" Chicago News. Sunday school teacherâ€" "What is meant by the words 'Qaench not the spirit V " Bright scholarâ€" "Please ma'am, my father says he guesses as how 1ft meana^don't put too much water to it." "What coantry is this T' This Why, this is America." "Ah, yes Amerioa, the asylum for the poor and oppressed of all nations." "No, not of all nations." *»Whatn*tion is exoepted, I'd like to know t • "Why, America." Pacitto whc diriika to hav tiwir wm- dowa frosted in eold waather oaa prevant it hv mbbhig the glaM inside and oatald* with glyeerine. In London an eleetrie light baa been used to Uluminate the interior of an oven. Thedo»waao{ plate gloa, and evaty part of the pcooesa of bakiiig oonld be distinotty seen. A delkions apple eoatard is made with two eggs, six tablespoonfnls of sugar and one eup of eream, flavored with lemon and beaten tfaoroughly. Add a teacnpfol of strdned stewed apple. Bake with only an nndercrust. When roB vUt or leave New York Citr, save Basgasa exprassage and Carriasce EQie, ud ^mal the Gbard Vmon Hotbl, oroo^ Cmbd Ontral Depot 000 elasant rooms fitted up at a cost at one millioB douais, 91 and up wards pee day. Knropeao plan. Blevator. BestamsatsappUed with the best Horseosiai stages and eWated railroads to all depots Families can live better for less monej at the Orand Union Hotel than at any other flist- olan hotel in the eltr Carpets, when a thin layer of hard wood sawdust that has been well damped with a solution of common salt is thoroughly bmahed off, are found to have their fresh- ness greatly restored. A Single Trial Is all that is needed to prove that Poison's Nekviuke is the most rapid and certain remedy in the world for pain. It only costs 10 cents for a triid bottle. A single trial bottle will prove Nbrvilinb to be eqnally efficacious as an external or in- ternal remedy, and f r pain of every de- scription it has no equal. Try a 10 cent sample bottle. Sold by druggists. Luge bottles 26 crnts. Avoid substitutes. It b the diplomatic clerk at the silk counter who asks the fond mother shop- ping with her daughter if the goods are for her or her sister, whose salary the "boss" rais^s. now They Do It. So-called respectable people would hesi- tate considerable before pilfering your pockets in a crowded thoroughfare. That would be too too. The sabae discrimina- tion ia not indicated by the ao called re- apectable druggiat when that wonderf: 1 com cure, Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- TKACTOR is asked for. He will pilfer your pockets in the moat genteel manner by substituting cheap and danprerous aub- atitutes for the genuine Putnam s Com Extractor. Watch for these gentlemen, and take none other than Putnam's Corn Extracttir Sold by d'-nggiata everywhere. N. C. Polaon Co., K ngaton, proprs. Mr. Houz^u, baa, by tha transiit of Yenua, settled the distrnce of the sun from Chicago at 9i,75« 800 milea. Thia muat make the married people in the aun very unhappy. Most people suppose that the mannfacture of tobacco conaiste merely of takiug the leaf aud pressing it into pluga. The fact ia, however, that the procesa is a very delicate one, and the least falee steo will injure the flavor. The leaf must be carefu ly attended to for months after it leaves the planter's hands. It must neither dry too quick nor too slowly. Even after it has reached the factory the utmost delicacy of manipulation is required. The weather must be carefully stnd'ed, for if there ia too much moisture in the air when it is pressed it will mould, and the same will happen if too much moi- sture is sprinkled upon it for th purpose of opening the leaf. Agidn, if it is overdried is. the oven it will turn crisp, aud will nip the tongue in smoking. It is by careful attention to all these points that the "Myrtle Navy" has been brongh*-. to such Eerfection. The firm who manufacture it ave their own storehouses in Virsinniaj' and from the tima the leaf leaves the planter's hands until it is turned out of the factory, months afterwards, in pings, it is under the cure of their skilled and trusted •mployea. Cihina has hundreds of thonsnda of professional beggars, but not one Chineee begear, it ia aessited, haa yet been found in the Unlte' Sfwiwa. pvph on the Pacific so.-' rTi^pEi5!r«^*68 liBdarfol Pro^flSB fa lom Breedli^ Mrhe oraat demand for large work horses has led So extrmcM ezpenmants in breeding the amaU mares of Western rangea to large Pereberon staU- Ions. The results, eontrarv to pnbUebeUef. have proven re mar kably anocessfnl. Tram these mares, welgUne bom 700 to 900 pounds, when bred to mported Pereberon â- talUona, are produced horses ttiat possess about one-baif the united weight of ure Mid dam, and while partaking of the charae- tsrlanea of the aire, they lose none of the endur- fDoe and hardihood of ttie dam. selling readily for scorn sioo to saoo. As the vast herds of the long-homed, gaimt Texa t cattle, worth from 2 to 8 eenta a poun^that appealed on onrmarketa a few years ainoe, nave peen improved by tha use of Short-horn and Hera- Soraomla, until we aoaroelT reoogniae the blood- Ime looking steers, worth from 6 to 6 eenta a pooiM. now eoming from the range as their d»- seendanta; ao may we expect that the nseiesa swaea that are being brontsht from the West and â- onthwest and sold ttirongh the atatea at from $3S ID eso ahead, will soon be displaced in our mark- Ma by their deaceodanta of triple tteir valne be- ne of toffiment size to work, and ahowing the dhaneter and docility of ttieir airea. i One of the best arid ?neea of tb* aneeess of thia Sanod of breeding ia deduced from the f oet that W. DnnhMn. of Wayne, III., the sreaDest Im- pmrtn: of Draft horaea ia Ameriea, and from whose itablea have gone oat nearly all the pure bred rereheron ataliiona now in breeding npon Weat- am ranges, and who haa had the benefit of the ex- JMnenee of all those who have' been breeding aromstalliona bought of him daring the past ten yaara, haa engaged in the basinesii with the Vasara. Btndebaker, of Bonth B and, Ind and Jo hn A. Witter, of Denver. Col., and invested ualf a mll- noa soUara in raagea and atoek. The present TMrlbaT are, breeding abont 2,00* mares to S3 S«S« finest unported Pereberon ataUiona. Tne fnao rrnity, beaaty and aiae of the eolta prodneed Xram ttw range marea and the imported airea, haa Mwaptad Uie attention of many of tbe orosreaaive tareederaof the West; notably the fionTK »• roK, HembOT of Coogreeg, from WyomingTwho baa one of the finest banda of horses, and prob- ably one of the largnst and bast rangea In that S^twy, conaistmg of 100,000 acres nnder fence, »2S!iS5i •"??!!? "â„¢* Â¥'â- Dnnbam IS imported Paceharon atalUona and two Imported Pereberon 2E?i_*^ *he Oregon Horae and Land Co.. lo- SSSrVS!? SfA*-?*^ •*" owning 8.000 horaea, BKS^?*'**" '^*JÂ¥1» P^mh« of Pereberon fiSfciS'S* •!ii"PSp5«I,«hem exolnalvaly 2E.'»KSHE™»J"**" hetdTTtany other pmnSf SSTl!2S.""'***"^?*'«°l*n«**»««'»P«ri«ltyof ^PwBheronaoas,faav« been UbMraTpiuehaa- )â- â- "«. Dnaham.. AnM»g them Poindezter A Otr, Conna Kobra. KtToSA, Mr. If aSd^U? Xim^ and others of Monteia WdprnvaBraa. S T^^^B^S- Mj-„l«ttmer,ind S M^Sfe of Uaho JbJMa. otNevada; Mr. Cory, Mr. OlaS »d.|K tojmdy, of Utah: Mr. iJStMM^m Mottfcait of Artgona; Mr. dtartweather anu^ arou eOMmoCTaxaa whleh ahowa whatapow- arfnlholdthia aystam of biaeding ia takua on Sf/n^^ranMbnsdeia. Toaapply hiavaat tnte whleh paMinSaa avary portion of the ooun- jgtromtheHESlotothBPaSayMdifiSnHM- jte^ to the Onl^ W.000;000 wortSghS5S^ twipcrtsd -^T-iSaw^ffW^ Walking down Brandwaj is Ten* P^^r â- Mit when you feel well, end T-â€"- Kâ€"â€" never f eit batter tlian when his friend aaked him how he trob over that aevere eooghofhlssoapeedily. **Ah,mr\tcm,; Inid T ♦•G. II D. did it 1" 4nd hia friend wondered what 6. M. D. loeant. He knew it did iHt mean a Oood Many Doetoia, for T Kâ€" h*d taied a doeen in vain. "I have it," said he ask hitting the nail on the head, **yon mean Dr. Piecoe'a •Golden Medloal IMMOvery,' or Gold Medal Deserved aa my friend J 8 always dubs It." Sold by drnggisti. Battle O. Oonunlngs advertlae« In a Western paper that ahe wants **a man with red hair and Uae eyes, who does not wear fine ahlrta mneh, and la not afraid to out too much wood for the oook." She may succeed in getting a man with red hair and blue eyes, but if she had de- sired one with blue hair and red eyes her want would not have been so easily grat- ified. We accidentally overheard the following dialogue on the street yesterday Jones. Smith, why don't you stop that disgusting hawldng and spittii^; 1 Smith How can I? You know I am a marlyr to catarrh. J. Do as I did. I had the disease in its worst form but I am well now. S. What did you do for it J. I used Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It cured me and it will cure you. 8. I've heard of it, and by Jove I'll try It. j;. Do so. You'll find It at all the drug stores in town. The Oeutehe Medizinal Zeitnng gives an account of a series of careful exteri- ments made in the Prussian army as to the utility of serving schnapps to soldiers in active service. After prolonged trials the army surgeons abandoned the uae of sphrit, and gave tea or coffee in plaoe of it. Colds, fevers and inflammations broken np by Dr. Pierce's Extract of Smart- Weed. A miser is the crolden mean. Catanrnâ€" A New Treatment. Perhaps the mort extraordinary ancoeas that ^ea been achieved in modern science has been atiiined by the EHxon Treatment of Oatarrh Gnt cf 2,0l0 patients treated during the past alz months, foil; ninety per cent, have been evrs^ cf this stubborn malady. This is none the less stortUng when it is remembered that net five per cent, of the patients preeenticg themselves to the rcRUlar practitioner are beaeStted, whUe the patent inedfoinee and D thor aavertised cures never record a onre at aU. Starfcins with the claim now generelly b^eved by the lEOBt scientifla men ihai the dieease is due to the presence of liv Ins parasites In the tiaenieB, Mr. Dizoc at once adapted his cure to their extei- mination; this aooomplished the oatarrh !s practically cured, and the permanency ia vn- QueGtloned, as cures efiboted by him four years ago are cures still. No one else has ever at- tempted to cure catarrh In this manner, and no athsr treBtmont has ever cnred caturh. The application of the remedy Is simple and can be done at home, and the presnat season of the year ia the most favorable for a speedy and pennanent cure, the majority of oases oeing onred at one treatment. 6n:^rei8 should cor- respond with Uessra. A. H, DIXON SON, S06 King'street West. Toronto. Canada, and enolose tp for ttieir treatise on caiarrb â€"MotUreat Meat for tramps. Yennit Ken I itoafl Title. The Voltaic Belt 0?., of Marshall, Mich., Dffmr to send their celebrated Electro- Volatio Belt and other iSleotrio AppUanpes on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rhenmatism, neuralgia, paraiyais, and many other disoasea. Oom- Elete restoration to health, vigor and man-^ ood guaranteed. No risk is inonrred as' thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at cnos for illnatrated pamphlet free. • Within a week of the day when he re- ceived his commission to relieve Khar- toum, Lord Wolseley told a friend that his calculations were that he would join hands with Gordon about the 20th of Jan- uary. That was on the SOth of August. Gordon's steamers met Gen. Stewart's troops on the 21sb of January. A. P. 220 G BOB. Gaixowat a Oo., Ootton, Wooaen, Silk, Oa pet, md Wotrtefl Shnttl* Makew, Pand aa, On- BTACHaD SCUD BKIOK HOir8X.-OOOD SIT aatioii, hiA and drr part of eitr, alee roomigar faaahftad^oloMl IjotSlzllO. SennteM/. Apply on the prsBiBee, or iddf M« 8S PT«a»cirt Bead. Teeonto, On t I Ff^TinirDC 'Vr"«d for tb* IMttarUna. M. O.' Rll flflA Acres fanitaig Undi io Votthera MleU- WU UUU P° fo* sale. BoaM taamved fkiaas. wan CMT- Addim MSBBin OHAXnLHK, Obe- how»a.MMi. |A9H paid for Bndowmwii lemapoe pelieie*. Per _f parttonien^ •ddioa, vltk Staeripttow af pollar, p. tt. RTytWBLTi, Hwrtford, Oban. Bex 4R SILT n 021118. Look hetal Upon laseip* ocS oeata, fHver. ard one cent staaio, wni awd to any ^ifB a eaaiplfte reaslpt of tha P»al BraUtetiT aal*. rttrS writisf ink, a1*A nvmlier ef o»lMr ink raoelptr. wt yam addrcsa pUlaly. Addraaa, W. O. KBEKfLb, HnBtm,Oat, I A A AcnnsTop aooi iiMinid tasn wk tAV mlf, with V9 a«»ea aBdariaaXttratiaa good hmne, bam «a4 pheds Uuga yravg orehard two mllea from good Bvrkct, aad on main tKTellnd road o fame, which i* a livaly towa. Par partiealaia applr to Houaw Bnea. Boekaway Qgatra. Bt Olalr Oe.. inah. £\*WM V«B aAKM.â€" Lots n and n oa the aeoond oonoesslon. Township of Qreeeoidr. anfrotBrnoe; nOaorea TheteareaKood fruae house and two good baras en the Diae. There are UO acres dlsareO, ia good stataof ool- tlTBtloa thirty aoraa slashed. Tha Is a good farm, and w^ll be sold dheap and on esaiy tmuh Apnlr to I. T. GB Airr. Wo odstock SIOKED smiK u n«M neftti ue oookad and roafli tor Ǥ F6R~FlA5BASfmW13r@ â€" â€" Un OHLTâ€" Clapperton's Spool Cotton I WwiaatedrULL LeMtLaiid tomaaaeolfe oaan â- awlsgma^toa. See tbai OLAmanm'a aaaaa koa thMjid;^|»'TBr««l9hyaHW»wnoofcTtiikw HE TEWmwWm WILLIAM EVMIS' SEEDS tMAU 9BAP nr ABnpiJraSr U say seeds sre not sold la vonr town, send for my mostrattva and Desoilpttve OuSkoBB-f llaned free to all appUeiuits. w«i " WM. ETAH8, fliirtliiMgB,IggMUBaL ' U6il Real Estate Agent. Boe«OUAwada.TeseaHI.» aisH a MteieioLoaa WBOUBBAU Al» IKTAIL vsa sm^ of aA ra fraaa dunlwa aweiallv i o M a lt ad. WetevaSe rtS* MSfaaOMaa for umng oo* In laisa or oaMtttlaa, on ahort aoMae, ag^pfal .SaaTl^SiaMnlbany. Balheadtoeur b i o ub J*. â- . â- . rnxma S*ir. Pieprtotors, HaHon H a iaatiaa BaiMagtoii. O n*^ DoK^ Wasra Thxm. Shu OB Bbiko to OIIAMOnLEOO. M» ftomt â- ». K^ TOK«llT»» Agaota Wanted Dominion Line of Steamships Bann'sg tai ooaneaHeo adththa a«"*5!;S*?S?2 of Canada. SalUng from Qaebee efetyaat aidayflria the aommar montha, and tnm Fortlana aintvnHB day during the wtattar vonttaa SaiUag dataa fcaa* roBTiAim. Dominion, Mart* Mk I Toronto, A]^ Montreal, March inb Montreal, Atfl Brooklyn, MarekMtk] Bates cf passagerOabin, JnrtM to W»enwoI, ISO, 166, SaOBetam. 990, 108, «U7J141,aeewdtaw1c SnL^^b^ith nite!nedMe,«ffrsteerwearibw wt r»tet The saloons, and ^temxmo to atfamw* mirkedthos ar« amiditdps, sriieia bat lirae â- aonm la felt, and no eatUe or sheep is ouried oo *â- »«•„«» farther paiMoolaia anily to any Orand Trank Bauwai Agent or ooal agents of the Oomp^, or to MAYW TOMMA.WCB V:, EACH PLV« OF THE MYRTLE NAVY ' IS MARKED T. B. In Bronze Letters* HO ME OTHER CEMUIWE. EVERY FARMER. AND Especially Tbose Living on Rented Farms, ahouldisend me postal cards, with addresses, foi Sectional m^pe and partioolare of the apeeia*. offer made by the ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS MANITOBA ITY. for their Ijands in the Red River Valley. within ahort distance of traek. Only 60e, per ocredoton; also Nine Miilion acres, Free Gov- ernment Land in the TUKfLE MOUBTAIH and DEVIL'S L^EB DISTfilGTS, North Dakota. Particulars free. Addressâ€" a H. WARREN OO.. St.Penl,Mlnn. orH. F. MoNALLT, 88 Front at East Toronto. Ont (MenlUon this paper) ITHKK nkttentog and bringing into eondition. Horses J/ OowB,0U*es, Sheep and Pigs. The Tobkbkisb Oastus Fanoxa Is need and reoommended hs first. elaaa breeeen. Milk Cattle ptodooe mo'e milk and butter It tattwa fat oae^oartii the nsnal time and aarasfood. Pr.euSCoanliaadglparbox. AdoIUw ox contain 300 reeds. H1TGHB MnUEB a Oo.i AeutiuxuLBAi Osncan US King 81 Baat, Toronkg, Wca salelw BraggMs everywhere Island Home Stock Farm, 020881 ISU, UGB. kUfPOKTBD PbRC^ â- xoM Horses. All stock selected Ffrom the get of sires I and dams of estab- I lished repuUdon and registered in. tne French and American Stnd Books. We have a very large stock of imported stalliona and brood marea en hand. Prices reasonable. Coirespoa- dence solicited. Send for illustrated catalogue, free by maiL Addreaa Savami •: rAnRuit^ I)etieit,Hich. HAND 8TAMPQ NOTARY SEALS, £C. aqents wanted. KENYON,TINGLEY STEWART MFa CO, 72 KINQ ST. WEST. ^^ *MPwwm of ^^ .. Oemeiu, V1 ^alr*Bsti Fnmerty for Sale, Sentlr^i nrrr aobbs hbab torohto ms.^ ask halt of » on M and of 30 on tha Uuf*' of AasaJanth. six milaa weat of BheOmS p er aawi for Bale, Bant, or Kxchange. tSnu* nm aobbs xtbab tobokto. «j!" weat hondiedaares of kit ,1 on the lOa ajL* BroA, aheap and wert half of 39 on 8ih 2S»f^ ao n sM al o w gf Amaranth, six miles «m p^*I Bkatioo, tUpar aerp; for Sa1«, B^.T aoit. Save this advertiaement a. p. JACKsoir, Dow NEW OO-OPBRaS^ SEWING MACeil PRICE $85 CASK Oar new machine is now ready, mui good as any sold by Agents at t65.oa 'â- 8EE TMSTmeniAi;! LowEBvnuc, Dec. Kqi, Maohlse arrived all right, and it is eaoh. Tonrs truly, AABoirHii lew ittacMentg HewFoniii Hew Stand. Send stansp for samples of aewlne uiJ elegant ceacriptive photograph of tlw i bnore bnying from Agenta. MACHINES SENT ON TRIAI, BONUS :â€" From now nntil March Sht « we will give to any person sendinK ni i cash in advance for one of oar mac' huvlsome combination table and lamp complete. These lamps are .soiu new, and the maker wanta them Introdg If yon or any of yonr friends want a i don't delay, bnt send to Go-Operative Sewing MacMne n JAMES gT.. SOVTM. MSMIITei,! COHntOrnS CAKRIACE TOPS â- !« tttk and ekeapeat Ik the Market. Or« i flron year Carrlace Maker. Take â- • i PRI^MIEB. BUDGE. BOTAL CASiDIM KXPERT. KAJ!I(,»ABOO Sil so Ind-hand Bicyola^ Trloyclee. tsr Send for List a 7T. lake, Monti GQIISIili«Tnil IbaTB a posit Wo remedy for tho atxrre Il3eaM;l|r nssthonssndB of caeos of the worst kind ^fAii â- tandlnji havb been ctrod. Indcert, bo ftrouâ„¢ le ctl In Its efflo«:y, that I will send TWO BOTrLIW FBSl. getber with aVALUABLB TKEITISS ou rbls dlcatl anymSbrer. GlroEzprcesicndP. O. adiirma, PB. 7. A. t3i40CtJ£, ISl ru4U:iijU,KeTl j R. U. AWARl THAT Lorillard's Climas bearing a redHn tag that Uoeelienf flnecnt; thatL- Navy Cllppinga, and that LorUlard'a gna the best aud otaeapeet, qoality considered Wayne, J)n Fage Co., Slinois, HAS IMPORTED FROM FRARS PerohcroB Honea â-¼alned at a3,OO0,0(KI,| which Indades 75 PER OENT OF ALL HOIi; Whose purity of blood Isestabllnlied by tbdrj* reoorded in the STUD BOOKS OF FUASCS. EVER IMPORTED TOAMERU STOCK 05 ISO ,finiK)rt«dIiri fiBOJ lIin]K»rte4 SI OJdenoH!*' gerri* 100 COLl Two ywj?a Reeopiien^lfJ ciplo a^PS, .x.tefligent breej however well brMj ^ay bo taidXo Df; refflgreea axe not rcooided. andesnnot bo amc- -rlven,thcTshoQld IseTatePd only a«CTade«-i'"i IViworted feoofco* Grade Priees when I JMsnrt' Witt the animal aold pegree â-¼pnflfd by W" French eertlflaaSaot Jft ntunber and 'word tnw Book m France. ^iAPugft CBtrforn5»5K«JI fflnBtratedwltliBlxFil«eH0TBe6Ofth«ISMWW| Boet^t fifeptotw iVrcA«roRne of Franco, '»J1 Aarcdjby U. W.Dnnhain and drawn "'^^ " "lea^ themoBtXamona of all aniaiiu psjn»^ JOHNSTON'S FLUID SE It Is the only mreparatlon ef the k!i^ enatalns ail the antrltiooa. togethai^, sBmnlatlng, pxoperitaB ef beef. v^^ ane| which nas xhe sower to sappo" meat Ibr Inaia, and Daiie aad mnioia â€" â€" :) MuruPAOTUBxas or (: iBir Y«ik, MiBrfu«D (Cfc), CbloigO) Saa Franobeo, London, (Eng.)« BRAHCH PACIOBY-Car. Gaanon ud Wemn^tai Straets, Hamiitem ' Magrpa wh aae r a havlaK tarai^ a anUaitty of namea pordiaaedoUiar waraa under Oa tanpnirian that Uu» wen cl oar maanfaotare, we an eonwdl. VKADs MARKS The iaek that oar MAM and Tnde.Bbika aiabeincMelm. tar iniMed ahoidd be a anfMent cin«aa teeto the pobUe that onr iniaa m^ TRADB 1847Edger9Br»8" ICABK. liljitiiiriiinfwriffillrii'r