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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Mar 1885, p. 8

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 Sifl l«( â- i i I 1 4 I i- f »«?*»^ "'«*** « 5-J 'n« vs^ 4$ ii- ;- mod I £" •ill ♦*H AM"i' *; SSATIOHS. 1 I â€". 1 j.v .flatdweU fpD^^ *Ch«rle«ton. ...,. ' Orange- 1 Arrive • Tille. TLMTe...- OrangeVilIe ^f9' Shelbnme. ^.V • • 'Dimdalk .jit}^.\, Fleshertcm. iiaxkiai9-.-,-i-.-. r. WiUiamsiarit .. OhaiBwor^.^. ,^i Owen- l^im^. -rrrr r â-  â€" ioit " TO 43'" 11 W •• llF.3»" 11 51 •• 12 28 " 1 00 " m 6 45 *• 7«" 784" sai" 18 86" 8 65" 9 10 •• 922" 9 49 •• 110 20 •• ll45(tm ftWpm 114" aio** 3 06' 4 06" 433" 445" 6 37" 630pm ^^ QOIMC SOUTH- STATIONS. Exp. ifafl. Mixe4. .Owen Sound. Chats wotth Williainslord. Markdale Flesherton Dnndalk ..»...•• Shelbnme OrangeviUe Jnn. Orange Arrive.. â- ville..) Leave... Charleston Cardwell Junction. Toronto Arrive 5 20am 5 50" 6U5" 6 27 " 6 42" 7 06" 7 31^' 8 00 " 8 12 835 8 55 9 07' 10 45 ' 2 45pm 3 15 330 3 52 i06 4 31 4 57 5 23 535 5 65 613' 6 27' 8 35 630am 7 25" 7 54" 8 36" 9 00" 9 46" 10 45" 1160" 1215pm 12 40' 1 26" 2 03 " Jlfri' ,:*; f .^UZ id^ ^^^^ «££l V 'â- Oil jv gn 1 t 1 i!r«-v .-,; .^ft.' :iuwirM 'I '%r " n 7 1 7 ... .-!.1 Ml GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Plewes Flour and Feed tore. Having just received a Dhoicee, Fresh and Select SXOCJK OF {sJxTgars, Totoacco, ;c. Which will be sold VERY CHEAP. I respectfully solicit the pubUc's 3atronage. 193 J. PLEWES- EUCENIA Grist, SawandLatliMills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Castora Sawing and BUls Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBEE AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Buttvsrnut, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine anli Hemlock Logs wanted 9ly. M. AKITT, Eugenia. Is now completed ftt great expense, oa Um most -AJt»I»RO VSO plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the term. "I i,d|| ilH." 1 am therefore in a position, to give the public a Sll|l0rilir Irtide of Flour. A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear buf the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat PS* Flour, Bran, Shorts.etc, etc, Cpjrsale wholesale retail. MGUS^RLEWES. 219 •JL-J. /â-  f -nrr R. R. in Minnesota. North Dalcoti. Mon*^ I ".zna., Idaho, Waslilnston and Oregon. r'rom lAlce tsnperlor to Paset Soand, i prices rangJnu chiefly from ?2 to J8 per «cre, n 5 to 1 ^ars*^Ume. This Is ths Best Countnf or securing Good Homes now open for tottlement. 4" B? E fc !•«*" ""â- ee under the Homestjad a â-  a. b *â-  and l-iinber Culture Uws. ITOTS -10.818,433 A errs OB HOIUB TVUX UAI.F t "11 tfie Public»ls disponed of In 1883. iM-re ill the Nnrfiipm Pacific country. BooKSatm Map« spnt fKEE, describiiifr the Nortiien Parifir ronntry .the Railroad Lands for Sale and Ih.- FKUE lioveniment Lands. Address,CHAS. B. I.AM1JUKA. Laud Com'r, N. P. E. U.. St. Paml. Mian. MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all kinds of PUMPS, 6i .B^ a0iDad«Bk a(FtattCIbiiP uiNtiERTKiire Airiltliexeteibsa «n#lisi3 • wiuit'loiig Mt» _rtt:.M_±i_L*j- .-.- J' ' • *i i-t.- â-  iXw .#â- - A-t- .i. '• • C4Bin5ts," ' "' FNEML FtMfSIMBS rappUiid m the sli^rtes iioti«e. JL Sileiaaid Heojrse i^rliire *t vodente rates. -AH kind* ofâ€" A RARE^GHANCE. /SAW-MILL FOR SALE. THE undersigned having lost his health, wishes to dispose of his Saw and Shingle Mill, which is situated 4J miles West of Markdale. There is an abundance of splendid timber very convenient to the mill a good business has been done, and an excellent chance is in store for a gaod pushing man. The mill is mostly new. being erected three years. Machinery in fine condition. Steam power 30 horse. Teims easy. For further particulars apply at this office, or on the premises. J. A. DUNCAN, 230 tf Maxkdale P. O. Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. Iron I*vimps Supplied. Orders re^ectfuUy solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Also Agent for Sargent's PATENT LOAD UFTER For Glenelg and Bentmck townships. IS* Orders bv mail promptly at- tended. ' 219 SEEDS SEEDS IMPOBTElJi â€" FIELD AND URDEN SEEDS The place to buy your Seedo is at PARKER'S, brusrstore, DURHAM. OFFICE OF THE ill buile All kinds of }\lax*lle and IVfoiiruxieii1:al ^^^orks, such as MotrameTits, Tomb Tables, Headbtoues, Coonter and Table T(^, â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on shott notice. Also Ma ntl^w in Marble and Marbeleized Slate, c., c. S!$a,tista.ctioii l3raa.i*a,nteecl in E'very X^especst Cures Dizziness, Lc;ss of Appetite, Indigestion, BtUoianett, Dyspepsia, Jamdice, Affections cf the Liver and Kidiuig*i\ Pintles. BUftehes, Boils, Uwnari, Salt Meum, Sart^da, i Erysipelas, and all diseases arising pom Imptre Blood^l Deranged Stomach, hr irregtiiar action cf the Bowels, PICTURE FRAMING Done ou chort notioe. ROBT. ASKIN. y^ -.^ Ns* 7^ 2. n 1 Q t 3 1 •s- ?. ;**» M at 5 H 3 H BRO H/NE OIL hreshe bants for m 3 1 • _J Bufdock Blood Vy"**l" Yfl8" it " â-  '•" â- * " eiBMiitefcii'v â- â- :â-  ;;.:^- 19ii«ei]«h^l^e V.% ihOO «?W^ ' ' da8i!tfii^rtiManttrt»8'ce»it#1?erl»»«»»l iustmik^lf oMittper fine eublalNMqa^M iasirtkciiVncniV^^reil nieBi^u«; Bditoiial notioea, or notioes m loeaceot QiBn.^a,4^Bt8 verlineiratiowr^a,. 6 Pput* aaeh f obseqaents insertion. Stmy aoimalB Ac. AdT(»1iBed 3 weeks for H, the adTertifement not to exceed twelve liBCB. No paper discontinued until all arrears an pidd except at the aption of the publisher. JOB PRINTING.- ' Tn Stakdau) office has a spleodid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail.- Orders filled with dispatch. C* W. RTJTI^KOOE EDITOR AND PBOPBIBTOli. ijf^u HANDS, ECHLIN d GARVIN, (SUOCESSOBS TO LAHnKB HAMDs), BAIiBISTERS^ Solicitors. Proctors, No^ Mr^,' Obnvcyanc^rrt, «fte. Money to lfan' at. lowest rates of interest. ' ' Offices 16 ^g Street East, 199'SSl ' ToBONTO. Barkisteb:, masteb-and dep. beg â- in Chancery, Notarjr- Publife} Conveyan? A ttUMBSB OP FABMS FOB SALE.. OPFic*8---Owen Sound, in Vieker's Block Ponlett St.; Branch ofiice in Markdale, over MeFarltmd's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. 57-ly B WILL CURE OR REUEVB BIU0U8NB88, DIZZINESS, 0Y8PEP8IA, DROPSY, IMDIQESTION, FLUTTER/NO JAUNDICE. OFTHEHE/UT,' ERYSIPELAS. ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH^ HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIH, And every apecles of dlaeaae arislnc from diaorderad UVER, KIONEVa 6TOMACIC BOWELS OR BU)00, T. IILBORH ga, ""â- "^Slmo, SOBERT S. ilE, Creasordr IflTrisoa, ABBl*^' -AD,SOLICITOBS. CONTEY- ances, c. e. Offices id Owen Sound, Dufferin Block, over W. F. Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE; Over W. J. McFarland's Store on ThoFSday and Friday of each week. Es'Fundsto lend on reasonable terms. John Cbeasob, Q. G. Duncan Mobison Markdale, March 15. 1882. 79-ly Alexander Brom^n, ISSUSBof Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissionei in B. B. e. Conveyancer and Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made verv moderate. Priceville, Sept. 17. 1880. 1-y Wm. Bro\Â¥n, X^sueb of MABBIAGELIOENSES,c Commissioner in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se ourity. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. CITY HOTEL, 31 AR,K:T A L.E Jolin SEcAleer, Proprietor. This house is fitted up in good style, situ- ated on MiU street, where the travelling pub- lic may depend on the very best aeeoHimo- dation. Union bus to all toains. 194 MARKDALE HOUSE, MABEDALB, mi. \i'.- -â- â- hi *di:«5 xpmtM'j^ (^i"'i i%ii-K ^u-' (Streets U Iv/ 'rfla;" ^tm?' ^t ,(164 .70: l^fif* jft'tir r:-tv HACYARDS PECTORAL BALSAM. «/. £ Marsh, Prop' -3;-, ,.^ ..i^VEB HAC:^A^I.AND^B 8T0BX. 4 PERF CS FIT GUABANTEBI) W Seaa six emtfd for postage, jfr anci re(Seiv«1reeia costly box [â- â- â€¢f soods wUdi «ai.h^ all^ L ti' â-  ^^ o^wtheraex t nM)»«Mmiy a#t aff^iikait aaythitig ebw tida irorid. Y^ipee a^a«itH WllMI abmokjtte}, fpM. ol At wc^.a«ldraM piiivs 4qi9.»A«(aBta. " .V-Sj 7',." ' ' r "â- â€¢ â- , -; '187*! f^.' f ,;Fi lii!A«SHAI*L. L.] .. ..JWElfeWftT,. JltmiDVSAXS OKTeSONTO ScSq .^JTciJ*- Dw«li|trBrtVwiU;liA utihe Ji,»rt |H4da? of each month ana also at Muq,! E^1.^ Heslierton, 4he day tollowinjf third "Wednpiid^y i||i~%^ konth for th« tioeofhistird^slijiti^/ ' ««1«* m a fllCIf ARD8, BtJILi)£R, G^1:BACT0B, aBCeI XRCT, Markdale. • ^6; 12%| «AnirBJ« WARDELL, TTJ^LL PIGGKB AND DBILLER. m| VV orders promptly attended to. He« ieofi^ â€" Suider's Bill Owen Sound l22-3i ' COMMERCIAL HOTEL. PRIOEVHjLiE, Ont. Large- aiid commodious Sample Booimj Good Bed Booms, e. The Bar and lardel well supplied with the best the market tt| fords good Stabling and attentive Hostlehl TflOS. ATKINSON. Proprietofl 6IBS01I CONTRACTOR. ||Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK flro STONE m% Plain Ornamental Plastprinu. Calsominina in all Shades and t i,!nn, Charges moderate and satisfacti' n •;,.,,. â- nttHS"' Orders left at alie Staxdai.j. .i;ltf| will receive prompt attention. '^â-  ISAAC STWSOW. Builder and Contrdaoi*! lu ail kinds of Brick and Stone voiV. Esiimaten given. A.l work una^Btced. Orders by maii promptly attended to. 195-f)}n' MARKDALE P.O. JOHN NOBLH MARKDALE GENER'LBLAC.â„¢!! HORSE SHOEINi A SPECIALTY. Also a^ent for the celebrated CHATHAM WAGON8J Markdale Roller Mills The subscriber begs leave to announce t the fanners of the surrounding country thul he is tunaaag out flour equal to any other| roller mill. No mora waiting while the grist is ground. j Th^ following is the scale of exchange:- j Wheat Weighing $2 lbs, 4U lbs. Flow. " 61 •» 39 " •• " 60 *• 38 " " " " 59 '» 37 " " " •• 58 '♦ 36 " " •♦ " 67 " 35 " " with offail in pTdpbttion to amottit of fioni. I find the average weight of new wheat t(j| be 60 lbs. to the bushel, and the most of if propeily cleaned, would weigh 61 or 62 to the bnsbe). John W. Pord. Nef Butclier Shop. The best meats the country can pro kept on hand and OEUVERED TO ALL PARTS THK TOWN WHERE ORDERED A sbaM of pnbUc patronage respec solicked. ilARkOALk EiStABllSHED 18 YEARS. â-  «ai Haaa» r» to^** Nptiiiiig bibt good 8toi lu^ 90A tbe besfe meflitaiiies einiloyed. A Bioek of Dbsble and Sm^, Heavr „ «»d 3J«**fc fitEoass always on hand. â- ^ j^l»W%«,T^tinliB»Vafi«B,Blaiifci»B, *«** Bdb«i,Ae.,alwa,y8in«toclt. Bemember the siand is McNea's block. Sf W. H, RUTLEDGE. II â€" â€" T^ TO SraOOL TRUSTEI The itndefifigBed ia aMnnfacturing » ' eeUsnt aaaoitaaent of ^blool F^imiture olfiifcmJir«t«CHOffl^ SEATS and m iW^SB'DlBSia, ete., of tue Samgu and: most appnniecl pattern. leeoisBBieBaed Sdiool Trustees and an, for ehaapneBS.oomfort and compae wIuK«y«9 tried. AnaisortaientofFariB Behflioi Bdb kept always .cm hand. eMbog^iot Gh«ftaworth P. 0. *W r ANDBEWMc mm FOR sAii\ T 0Â¥ 83, eon. II, Gtenelg, about 100« J;J BiMtly elMMd and under cnlb^ ^^^ farm IB thMe miles from Mark^ iri to Mid on ttoy easy terms. JJJ^ pviieidaza nmtar to Geo. 8. G. B£^^ Toravto. OHaI. SDfG. Shelbnroe, v MHiiiitittiiitt iMiii

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