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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Mar 1885, p. 2

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 â- nnpRnP!)!* I ;^' i ml LAVCHIATS. A smk waffâ€" a dog's taiL I WbalxolatioB M tha door mal to kha door Step fathar. A amall laak bmj aii^ a gnat ahip and a law onion braak np a oonrt ship. f Bm* ** Why do jao prafac a wood firet" She: "Caiiae it popa." The man who waaia a ehaoga of aeene and waata it chei^ ahonld go to tha thaa- tre. A little giri, on aeaiag a paaeoek for the fint time, remarked whafe a baantifnl baatle it had. Appropriate hjmn for an eraning meet- ing of colored people "Shadea eren- ing dazktj gather.' A Urge proportion of the Engliah army are now Nileiata, yet they do not adTO« cate dyin'-a-mite. Somebody hat noticed that the woman who tbakea the doormat on the aidewalk ' tills the pubbc eye." A Cmcianati claims to have a wife so hot tempered ihat he caa light his cigar from the fl^h of her e}t8. "Neck or nothiog," remarked the landlady as she handed that part of ^the CQicken to the Ute boaider. The latest thing in floni pillows for the departed Is not '-Rest," bat " W. S. Y. L."â€" •' Will see you later." Mr. Hayes thinks of starting a hen farm in Montana. Eggs up there are 10 cents apiece and don't have to tell their age. The dress coat is generally worn by the groom at the city wedding but for the elopment there's nothing like the cut- away. " Information wanted by the editor of this paper," is the suggestive heading of an advertisement in an Arkansas ex- change. Jay Gould is not in the ice business, but he is next thing to it. He handles blovks of stocks wnich are principally con- solidated water. "Remember the porter," said the hotel highwayman to the departing guest. " I shall," said the other ' it was worse thdn the ale." A barijlar got into the house of a law- year the otber day. By superhuman effort he escaped without loosing any- thing but his time. Oat west it is proper to speak of a party as "a great occasion," but ducago ladies look offended if you say anything about " a big fete." A man died in New Haven a few days while buying a cigar. The dealer pro- bably told him it was not imported, and the shock was too violent. Mrs. A. " I do love to hear Mrs. Alto sing her swell ia very fane.' Mrs. B. ' Wha" are you talking about That is no swell he's her husband." Young ladies who had just returned frcm a court of justice w'Bhud they were Bibles bfcause they saw so many fine looking witnesBEB kiss the book. No matter how bad and deatractlve a boy may be he never become s so degrad- ed or loes his self respect so greatly as to throw mud on a circus poster. ' ' This is a nice time to come home and' a nice state you're in," she said. "Nice time nice state Thanks, lovey. I thought you were going to scold me." ' Ah you flitter me," lisped a dude to a pretty girl with whom he was con- versing. '• No, I don't," was the reply; "you couldn't be any flattbr than you are." "What is the matter with you, my friend? You look ill." " Yes, I've got 'kleptomania." " Takirg anything?" '• Oh, yes taking ever} thiiig 1 can lay hands on." " Say, Mr. Snobby, can yon play cards 1 ' " Why, no, Johnny, I c-^u't play very well." ' Weil, then, you'd bttter look out, for ma says if Eoaaja pl^ys her cards well she'll catch you " " Susie, darling," said a mother to htr h.tle daughter of five sammers, "what would you do without j(mr mammal' " Id put on just such a dress as 1 pleased every day," was the affectioijate reply. A woman can looj^ a man square in the eye, biiak and talk to him by the hour, while all the time she is pulliug Mrs. Puffmau's new bonnet ta pieces mentally and dt corating her own. No mortal ntan can do is. A German histologist states that we have a new brain every sixty days. We presume defendenta in breach of prcmiae suits Will take advantage of this scientific fact and cause a " change of mind " aoi to be passed. " Johnny, what would yon do if yoa were to see a bMi boy stewing some froit?" asked a Sunday-school teacher of the best boy in the clasa, ' wonld yon not tell him he was doing wrong " " Yes, ind.ed, I wonld, and if he didn't make a fair divide, I'd tell the acorekeeper." " How dare yon, sir, go about calling yourself my brother-in-law 1" "I didn't.' "I said I wasn't yonr InrotVer- in-law ex- actly." " What do yon mean, air 1 Yon are not my brother-in-law at idl Yon never married my aiater " " No bat I wanted to do ao. Hash has saved the livea of a great many people â€" ^by their hot eating it. Hash ia a noon, common â€" in boaiding honaeaâ€" of ten parsed and frequently de- clined, neater gender, »ing iil*y caae. Shakespeare had it in mind when he wrote of "mindng matters." Hash ia like a good many other thinstâ€" it haa to be taken laigely on faith. Many people object to it, when they are not in reality accustomed to anything better. Thoae who are continually clamoring for bettw fare should eU sawdust, which is really fine board. ' Onoaoponatbaa a doahay f all into a deep hoMy aad aflar aaariy alarviiiffi oaiMht ali^t of a |naaiiia log, and faaplor- ad ua atiangar to Italp aim oat. **Iamtoo8inU to aid yoo," aaid tha fox, **lNit I win gira yoa aoaaa good ad- â-¼iea. Only a fav roda away iaaUg strong ela^iaat. OaU to him aad ha will get yoa Hit in a j th." After dM foK bad gaoa tha donkaf thna reaaonad: **I am Tary weak tor want of nomidunant. Kvery mow I la hMtaomoah additional loaa of If I saaaa my Toiea to eaU tha alaplHuiit 1 ahall ba weaker yet. No 1 wdlnotwaatonv aahatanoa ftbat way. It ia the da^ of tha elephant to eome wlthoat oalling. " So the donkey aetUed hlmaelf back and eTan^aally atarred to death. Long af terwarda the fox, on paaaing the hole, nw within it a whitened akela- ton, and remarked: **lf it be that the aoala of »»»»»»*i« are tranaaiigrated Into men, that donkey will beoome one of those merehanta who can never afford to adrertiae." tmportaat. When roQ vtalt or leave New Tork Gl^,iave Baggage Kxpressitge and Carriaae H're. and grop at the GbjlND UmoH HoraZi oppoalte 6r*ad Cectr.i^ Depot. 000 tUttaatt rocma filed ap at a cost at obo milUon dollars. 91 and upwards per day. Enropean plan. Ble- vator Restaurant supplied with the best. Hone cars, 8t««ea and elevated railroads to all depocB. FamUles cmi live better for less monev pt the Grand Union Hotel than at anv other LrHWdaaB hotel in the oitv. It is by the daily lives of Christians that Christ is either honored or dishonor- ed. Catajrraâ€" a. now Treaanent. Perhaps the tiaet extmo' bnoees that has been aohi»ved la modem snlenoe has b«-en attained b7 the Dixon Treatment of catarrh Out of %000 patients treated duinc the past six monthf fblly ninety per cent, have been cured of this stabbom malady. This Is none the less startiins when it is remembered that not five per cent, of the patients preeenting themselvos to the regular practitioner are b?n^tted, while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a cure at aiL Startles with the claim now geaetailr believed by the most scientlSo irta that the dlseKse Is due to the preteiu-v ' living parasites in the tisnnes. Mr. Dix- on at once adapted hie cure to their extermination this accomplished tbe catarrh 1h practically cured, and tne permanenoy is nn- Queationed. ea cores effected by him four years Bgo are ourea atill. No one else has ever at- tempted to cure catarrh in this manner, and no other treatment has ever cored oatarrh. The application of tho xemody is simple and oan be done at home, and the present season at tbe year is the most favorable tor a speedy aad permanent cure the maiori^ of cases beina cured at one treatment. Sunlarere should oor respond with Meearai A. H. UlXON ft SON. 905 King-street West. Toronto, Canada, and enelose stamp for their treatise on catarrh.â€" JUiantrea/ Sitor If men are so wicked with religion, what would they be without it. â€" hrauklin. Painless and Pronpt. PuTNAH s Painless Cokn Extractob, the great remedy for corns, is absolutely safe and painless, does its work promptly, without in the least interfering with the comfort of patients, and is absolutely alone as a safe, pain' ess remedy for corns. Do not be imposed upon by dangerous coun- terfeits. Use only Putnam's Com Ex- tractor. Beware of base substitutes. Sold everywhere by druggists and dealers in medicine. T«ke only Putnam's Painless Extractor. N. C. Poison in Co., proprs., Kingston. Without a rich heart wealth is an ngly beggar. â€" Emerson. The nighty Dollar Is long distanced by a 10 cent bottle of Poison's Nekvilins, the newest and best pain remedy. It cu-es colds, cramps, colic, p.iin in the bead, sciatica, pain in the chest in fact it is equally effiacious as an external or internal rt- medy. Try a 10 cent sample bottle of the great pain remedv, Nerviline Sola by druggists. Large bottles only 25 cents. Try a sample bottle of Nerviline, only 10 ccn:s. Take no sn ^Btitnte. Home should he made the dwelling place for souls rather than a mere lodging place for bodies. The "Myrtle Navy phig" correctly re- presents tbe whole plan upon which its manufacture is conducted. There is not a fractional part of a cent expended upon it for mere appearance. It is neither wrapped in tin foil nor worked into fancy fihapes, nor put in any fancy cases, nor subjected to any kind of expense merely to please the eye or captivate the fancy. The manufac- turers rightly believed that tobacco was not purchased for ornament, but for smoking, and therefore all extraneons expense was avoided and added to the quality of the to- bacco. The public have testified in its case that they prefer paying their money for a high quality of article was for ornament oat of pkioe. When worthy men quarrel, only one of them may be faulty at the first but, if strife continue lonz, commonly both be- oome gnilty. â€" T. Fuller. The Porto ia ao ahjolately impotent and apathetic that half the world forgeta that it owns Ezypt, and that Britldi troops are doing its fighting. NUn IOIIII.-iO Tun bpirlnei, A. S.CtiamtMrlain.te40v«arBj)rapialaraf the BaU's Bead StablM, Kew fork ^, taratanuMe totbevalt said: "I keep axelMaia aad sale stables for hones. Don't deal on my own aseoeat to any extent. All elassM ot taoraas. amoontiag to several tboasamda annually, earn* lo my staDies from all sections at the eoontry. A bwie amnber of these are draft horses of tbe dUtotsat teeeds, the Clydes- dales, tbe French bosses ealled Ferehetoas or Normans, tbe Engllab aad Belciaa. There seems to be a laifar demand for ttw neaeb korses than tor aay ewer breed. *8ome years aco we used to get a great many bones troa^Vvsufr Canada. These were Clydes- dalea. and woold weigh from 1,400 tol,«00 pounds, bat they did BO* seem to aaswei tbeiNB^ pose; as a aeneral tbiag their feet were vhla- sbelled aad t»M, and being heavy bones their feet wooId beeoue son and wonld aot stand the pavements. The Freneh horses have good feat and stand the pavemante better than the Clyues- dalas. Thatis the reason they sell better. "I would advise the fSrman abri breeders who an breeding hones to sell on the New Tock mar- ket tor draft Boivoaes to breed front Um Fnoeh horae^m pruMeaee to att otben."â€" CMeetpe 3H6- mne. • • The oest hones to be tonad ia ftaaee are recorded with pedl g rsss ia fnll in tbe Fercberon Btad Book of that eoantry. At the Kreat imaoitiag and tesediac establisli- mentof it. W. Danbam. Wayne, DuFsgeCo., DUnois.hnadiedsottbeflaeBtapeeimena Vt tbia tMiaeasraaeMBbalmmaaiaU" lUl 9ak» flma little Ac«ns Cr»w. Gtaa* and good RBolta ofton apring from email dcada and ao M diaaaaaa ooma of a aaamhigly tiiihng nagket. Oolda nafdeetad often lead to aanooa aataztlial trodUaa. H Uiia ia yoor oaaa loae no time in beooming acqoamtad wltH Dr. Saga'b Oatarrh Remedy. Ita haalbg Yirtoea will aarpriae yoa. It ia itopla, effaoflfoag, apeedy, aare. Dall, heavy haaclarho. obatraetion of tha naaal paaa- i^aa, diaebargea from the noae into tha throat are i^mptoma of thia hmcxibla eom- phint. Hondreda of people eaa tolk for mm whoean tUnk, bat thopmnHa aaa think for one idio oan aae No man baa evar lived a right fife who baa not been ohaatanedby a woman'alova gfarengaiened by hareonrage, and gnidad hy bar diaoretioa.â€" Raakin. «*Fro8an Facta" ia a porely Amarieaa axpraaaion, and one, too, of recent oii^ It haa the merit of attracting attention, frtA ^l«n aeema to bear emivletion of trathfahMaa on ita face. We make room in oar iMme of to-day, for a fact of thia ehaiaotor. A eozreapondent, Henry Whithig, BFq., of Boaton, Maaa., aaya :â€" "Dr. R. V. Pieroe'a 'Golden Medical IMacovery' haa oared my aon of a fever- sore of two yean' atuiding. Please ac- oept oar gratitade." We believe it to be a fact, whether "froaen" or otherwise, that America needa more men like Mr. Whiting men who aot, men whoinveati- gate tratba, and aeiae opportnoitiea. The human heart ia like heavenâ€" the more angels the more room. If all so-called remediM have failed, Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Remedy cares. if thou wouldst attain to thy higheatgo look upon a flower what that does will- essly, that do thou willingly. Koong Men Iâ€" Bead This. Thb VoiTAio Belt Co., of Martball, Mich., offer to sand their celebrat»'d Sueo tBO-YoLTAio BxLT and other Elkotbio Ap- PLiAKOES on tria for thirty davs, Co meii }yanag or old) ttfflioted with nervona debili ty, loss of vitality, snd all kindred troubles Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, amd many other dibeasas. Complete restor ation to health, vigor and manhood gnaran teed. No risk is incurred as thirty days' trial is allowed. Write them at onoe for illustrated pamphlet free. All impatience of monotony, all wearl- neas of best things, even,are bat aigna of the eternity of our nature, the broken human fashious of the divine everlaating- neas. â€" i. Macdonald. A P. 219 T as dKTTUSB'B OUlDa ALAND LAWS OF THE U.S., 3!ie. by maU. Damiki. Wiirca, DenTer, Ool D ST ACHED SOLIu BKlCKBOtrbE.-GOODSIT nUion, high uid dry part ot oitj, nice roooM, g«(, bath and «-w«t. I ot 33x110. Terms • tiy. A pply on the pnnaaee, or Addres 33 DitTdcport Boad Toronto, Ont. TBe BLIND 8BE.~ Taoee affliotcd are req ^ted to get WiUiams' Eye Watsr, it enrea all diseaaea of tbe Eye that are eatable, even Olor BlindueM, a^k your diQSgitta for it. Wholeaale i^y Lyman Fona k Co., HoDtnwL Send for eircolar to mw tha marveiona emm tCeetrd in Mont'eal *n GEO WILLIAMS, 7C9 St. Lawreoce strvet. or at GARDNER'S Dreg Stwei eor- ner MeOill and Notre Dame ttreeta. ___^ 1 O A ^^^^' ^^ OUOD PABSUNU L AND FOB W. A" sale, wiih 109 acres under enltiTation good booae, bam, and aheda large yonns orolnrd two milea from good market, and na main traraUiDg road toaame, which ie^ lirely town. Forpar^ioolars apply to HoLDur Baea., Boot away Centre. St. Clair Oo., fdiBh. Filea Don't Waste Them. Ship OH Bbino to TEE OHTAMO FILE 1!0 ISa Fremt St. E.. Toroate. Airenta wanted. GOLD TO FAKMrCftS. ^^I^?at^ ana most productive varieties known of Seed Grain. Tdstimoniais ot 110 bushels per sere of Boyd's Kgrptian Oa s. Samples of two OB 15 cents. JAS. BUTO, Cedar Grove. O nt., Oa»aQa. FOR PLEASANT SEWING â€" use only Clappertofi's Spool Cotton I Warranted FX7LL Length, and to run smooth on an; sewinsr machine. See that Claffuitok's name is on the label tS'fot sale by all Dry-Qooda Dealers. CAUTION! EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY IS MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. NEWOO-OPERATIVE SEWING HAGHINE PRICE |»S CASH. Oar new machiae Is aow ready, and la as good as aay sold by Aaens at •OB.OO. an TMTnMaiAi.1 LowaBvmLB, Oea 17th. U84. Machine arrived all right, aad it is oertoinly well worth the money yon ask for it within present imprpvemeats. I prefer it to the '•singer," " Waaser " or any other oiake at IflO each. Yovrs truly. ' AABOM HAwnra. lew ittaclunents, lew Famitare, lew Stand. Send stamp for samples of sewhtg and our eleaant dewnptive aphotagraphs of tte maohme before oayiaK from Agenta. MACHINES SENT ON TRIAL. BONUS !â€" From now until March 31st. 1885 we wiUgire to any person sending us tSOO cash in advance for one of our mMhlim. a handsome combfaiation table and bnokec lamp complete. These lamps are som^l^ new and the maker wants them introdnoedLT doa'TS^'b^tlSS^'^^^"' -^^^ Oe-OperatiTe Sewing lacliine Co^ U James .«. Smrtk. â- aMlHea. Cmt, SEEDS â- WDfQ «£?tett7»^i£raM aifla«f l'lh« J. P.. Dominidn Une ot (itparohipB. wttfetbs^nad O o w asai â- s WILLIAf' SLATE iWO FELT aadDssWu 4 AhwjtiM Bt. Eabk ^1 ysr. A R p. CurneJ; Mm, IthowlntaraBanlha. roBZLAire. » I Tei ** l» I Memtrcal. ** *• ' atalanoaaia thw: • an awidahipa. whaee bat Uttto-â€" ^- eaatto or.abaep are aMBjdjaa thag. Ito- iia apply to aay OraDd Traak BallWBi Allan Line Boyal lau itteaiDsmpt, BaiUiut doiinc winter trmFwttMdefSff-. sadHiSuax erary Satortay *p llwpool. and to â„¢__ from Qoabae e?oiy Satarday toUvarpoOi «£^ "V** dondHi7to Imd »aUa and P«»««« *» Soo^adaw Inland. Alao tr«m BaltiBMce TiaHalifaz and at. Jefea' Tha steamera oPSbe Om^Uimi^ dnrfaig wtotar ba twaen Portland aad Giaacow. aad Boatan ud Gjaaior •Itafnatelr: aad dnrins -«""""»â-  between Qnabao aar tea and aiaasow erery wedc. aiaBBOwaa'dBaatoaandaiaasoweTery ...â€". For frelicht, paasage. or other intonnatlo* apply to^TSohamaoher ft Co.. Baltimora; Chmard ft Oq. Halifax: »ieaft O.St Jolg'i N. F. t Wm. Thomson A Go.. St John. N- B. Allan ft Ckk. Chicago; Leva ft Aldea, Mev Tork H. BonrUer, Toronto Allaaa. Bae ft Co Qnebeo H. A. Allan, Porcland. Boston Mar treal [VERY7ARMER, AND Especially Tbose Livinsr on Rented Farms, should 8«nd me p99tai c u^s. with addressee, o. Sit ti inM mans aoo particulars of die special offer nuidc by the ST. PAUL, MiNNEAPQllS. MANIT08A R'Y. for their Lands in the Bed Biver Valley,- within sho't ditt nee of fn»ck. Orify SOr-tfiU per acre dov n aleo Nitie Million acxea. Free Gcvemment Lai.d m the Turtle Mountain and Devil's Lake Districts, North Dtkcta. Parilculars free. Addressâ€" C. H. WTARRKV, CO dU Panl, Minn. or H. F. McVALLY, 18 Front tit., Bfcst. Toroi to. Cat A. T. IjA.NE, Montreal. PREVIEB. KCf»f^E. RYA.L TANADIIN. KXPEKT. KAJitllKUO SAFETI. ra Snd-hand BKjcles and Tricycles. aV Send for list. A. T. L4NE. Montreal Wayae, Da Page Co., lUiaois, HAS IMPORTED FROM FRANCE Percheron Homea valued at 9S0OeOO0t wtilch ladndee 75 PER CENT OF ALL HORSES Whow pnritT of bloo« it eiUbUibed br their veitgnf recorded in the STUD BOOKS OF FRANCE. LRTED TO AMERICA. STOCK ON HAND: l£SO JamA Bnai laies, UnrM SMions, eUeaooghfor MTTice, JlOOCOLTS, fTnc year* aid and jronager. 'Beoaeniiiiig the prin- 'etole aeaq^ted by all â- talUgait breeder* that, "howcTer weU-toed antanals __^ m^ be aU t* be, if their pedigree!^ are aal reoorded. aod eannot be anthaiittcsl^ KiTen, they should be ralaed ooly aa gradea, I wiU seU all Imported Stock at (fmdt Priem when I cannot fnmiBb with tb% animal iold pedigree yeiifled by the orteinal French certificate of iti number ud record in tlie Stod Book in France. 140 Paare Cataloaae lent free. It ia illustrated with Six Prize Hones oftha EzblUtion of tha Sodete Himaiam Ptrthavmu of Franee, 18841 0°" ehased by If, w. Ihuiliam, and drawn tnm Hfe by K Beaheavt tha iMst fHaoaa af aU aataal pafeMn. cemeTH cakbia«b rers arc the hmt Ui4l ekeapest te tke Market. « flWBi year Carrlaae Kak^. Vake kte4. BtsBBtaotafsn o( i SaCa,ObalrBoda R. w. vBTrntr Real Kstate Age* e o maii is l oBar. Venator. Tnwte» a Kn»«-o â- etMr^Maaaflad, PropertteaBxehaaced w^*. UnttedStatasIaada taken to pirtTSjSSm^ SMEDMIB BMM tor tannen haiJ â-  â-  m il b ».t mmm AMata an oooked and mZi?7S Sft.Sassri'rft.'WKas, ssd lButOic(«ras.ef strv mlnr^ Leather Beltii â- treea. Bast, tm^utt/ LMBedpnUa MrUtg Belts a speotslft J CATTLC ^^^ J'%1^. IjIOH TatteniDg aad bringlnc into oondiUan,] jr Ootra,OalTea,Hheap«n4 plgi. The Tok OattIiS FaaDBK ia aaedandreeoauaendedbitii oreeden. Milk Oattle prodnae more milk h U It fattena to on»4oiirtb ttw nanal Unte and mmu ^JP^oe SB eania and fl per box. AdoUarboxi nOVeeds. HUGH ItlLLES k Co.. AaaiuuLTuaAi. Obmobl ISr King 8t Baal, tvnt\ For sale by Draniats eyerywheia. BBirCE'S SEEDSI Haaa«|iiKii02is*aa iM t^i ttfnl^ famatlea,i s aoir picateal nro.A.BRiJi vUbaMkl OO..Hapuito».( HAND STAMP! METAL RUBBER DATERS, SELF ' -nT.oJS^I." f BANKING STAMPS. NOTARY SEALS, C. aG£i«ts wantedI KENY0N.TIN6LEY STEWART MF 79 KING ST. WEST. r i ml â- aetkoniiHiiua rf ••b.o? c[ ih« w»r.t K'.nU and oft stundlBj; hj».vo b"P- ;-rr'd. Iii!*.-ril, .oFi,rt.n^ ia niTfii In in etl-«--7, tint I «-lU FfTirt TWO KClTT;.lid t'Ktt* g«tbtir wltfi a V.« MaBLB Tk:;aTJSK oh t^;» (Umh,4 anraoneror. fiivoExr-rcOTsi'dF. o. .-«.-»..,, R. U. AWAREI THAT Lorillard's Olimax M bearing a red tin tag that 1 Roae Lienf fine cnt that LorJ Sn-vy CItaplnga, and that Lorlllard's Snaffiil the beat and obeapest. ouality oonsldered t ' lnrSS«E'SSEEBSsr8THSB£SI| f UuHtra{«^l Cntuiotnio Tor I^^- SconfaininjEf description a.;id vrices of t;e choices^l piELD, GAKDE3S FLOTVEH SE3)S| I Mailed f^e^^, Kvrry I-'aniier "t! r,?rr*tr" ' • have a copy bifoi*; 'irderiiiy s-f^f-ils U'Y tli ^â- " \m:um. Island HomI Stock Fan SBOSeilSU.! Imfosteb F»1 aaoN Hoxscl All stock sd4 from the get of I Mul dams of liahed repinatioi^ ^__^ restated i a jl French aad American Stud Books. V^.Vi very laxca ateck ef imported atalhons and I marea ea hand. Pricaa rcaaenablc. Corr denca seUcitad. Scad for illustrated free by Mail. Addaass SavAaa ft f^ DetMNiMidk. The Temperanee Colonization Soeietj Pre A H[nTnPQf.^fl/1a On«Honded ana sixty Acyes of: J. X OO fLUlUCb bCOiaSa fui LMd Faee to Aefeaal Settlenj Int â- TMIAI. A»TAWff J JSAL"?^." 27J2lri;!!lS^ 2!»» «*« **"â- *» sohet. thrUy. aiofal â- ppiyatseato tba as l aay; leeated to aaatss sC fattOa bait. FIRST BXCURSIOM TO TBI COLONY. ABOUT AFRtL r llaiw ef Iks OeloBy sad omcK, JOmSMSFLUiD BE| *t is tta ealy a t aya ta ttea ef tt alas all ike ankrfiloas. tsmttier w pr opsi M s s of be ef, aad tte ealy peww Id iBii^ aMaMaMBt for b

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