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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Mar 1885, p. 1

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 i 1^1,1 1 J KiJ/^ ,y 1. )i^,^fin -iK,i.mijij .u||i|pi » J- Mil i;_mmmtimmag^ t** IGI ?AB] lovembar't ORTH. C 27 •* 6 4s) '• 7 (« " 7 22 '» 7 84" 8 04" i 8 30- I 8 55 " 9 10 '• 9 22 '• 9 49 IlO -M '• iOUTH- lail. in^J 8 35 R REUEVC HZ/NE88, WPSY, '.UTTERINQ OF THEHEAKfi. OIDITY Of THE STOMAL ^YNES8 OF THE Sfta^ tenm ariclnjK tram tNEYS, aTOllAOiL BLOOO, ^â-  Propriatonu •I TORONtOk' CD O CD hi RYSTOl :0N WITH J received a and Sei( k: of a,cco9 VERY CHEAP. icit the public^] »LEWES. e improvemtnt Qfiident I oan m ON HAI Every Bills Filled on-j TH ALWAI teA»h, Bli»^ TT, EttJ t â-  â- â- â€¢Iff©**. â- w mtgmtmmimmm â-  â-  r mmm ti'tftmmmtimig^M^mmitmti*: *vafa m tiix m wH 'ifT ^y :iri B iLiiit. y:.-» jU-«' .wraS FOL. 5.-l^Qv a?6^ ,t i.i l t wii t â-  â€" r t1 J i:;i IK 'lljljil miiiL AI.E, â-  ^., ' -.*^ « G. ' A. Browtfs Space, ,00K OUT FOR -0 â€" ^^ :0 â€" o â€" NEW AiWERTISEMENT NEXT WEEK. U rent or Biil,'i^E^:iflj;,7 Irving, Ma?kdal6^Y;;;^^|^*^^f Mss. HoiuKO^DUin is tisiting fnends at Allistdo and Elmgrove. Febst ciJiBs fine salt, nnder- -eover, at J. B. Trimble's for $1.00 per barrel spot cat^,' A GOOD motto for boBioess men "Early to bed â€" early to riraf â€" NeTer get tight â€" and advertise." Pkimb clover «nd timothy Seeds, â- at the Medical Hall. A. Tanier Co, Mb. Bobebt Mtles, ex-Beeve of Eopbrabia, retarded fivm^ Manitoba tkiB week. f FoH Lath, Lumber. Sash, Doors, Frames and Mouldings, go to Graut Co. Envelopes, for mailing cabinet photos, for pale cheap at Hamiltou's photo, gallery. Fob Bedsteads, Cribs, Cradles, Mjittrasses, and Spring Beds, go to Grant Co. Mr. Geo. Snider, of Owen Sound, celebrated his gulden w?ddmg ou Thursday last. "MiHs Cain of Newmarket has been visitina: her sister Mrs. Bev. Grandy in this place. J. B. Trimble is ofering wondeifal bargains in all hnes of goods to ^pot cash cnstomers. 5SPE r-r- M â-  â- :"â- â-  â€" -Tâ€"r- Conss or ram Tofe3iM.^li6t im B^ Pfttriek't dftj. Haidtobe9^^^1J)*90reel»yi aast- â-  .f- Notices in these cohimm intended to benefit tny indiridnal or Society will be charged ten lents a line for the first insertion and Jive tits a line each subsequent insertion. Did you see the eclipse on Monday. Easter Sunday comes on tbe 5th Lpnl. Miss Annie Millsap left last week |or Lefroy. The nicest thing in bonnets a [irettyface. Farm for Sale or rent, James Bruce, jilly Oak. Trains ^vere considerably delayed |n Monday. Mes.-Ple-wee is visiting friends in )unediB, Ont. Lemons and Oranges 26 cents per] ^ozen fct Hanbury's. The SiANDARu to the end of 1885 to ^ny address for 75 cents. The thermometer registered 15 be- low zero Tuesday morning, Bla^k receipts and notes always on ^and at the Standabd office. A BEAUTIFUL and genuine assortment 5f watches at W. A. Brown's. M3. A Chellew of Collingwood is nsitii]g friends in this village. i'Kir-iE Clover Seed at J B Trimble's for =;C,25 per bushel, spot cash. A "lonsier sale of Boots and Shoes fiovr going on at McFarland's. Hr. and Mrs. Thos. Hanbuey of Juudalk were in town this week. A 3 pound tin of fresh Tomatoes GQjy 8 c^ats at J. B. Trimble's. A STccK of Cabinet Envelopes jdst opened at Hamilton's photo, gallery. A keeper in the Winnipeg asylum was murdered on Saturday last by an insane woman. Seeds.â€" Field and Garden seeds of all kinds at the Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. A great many potatoes and apples have bend frozen in pits and cellars during the winter. Mb. and Mrs. George Stoddart of Glenelg returned labt week a(«er visit- ing friends near Brampton. A grand concert will be giyen by the Oddfellows at Markdale, about April 9th, look out for posters. Oil Cakej unsurpassed for Horses and Cattle, for sale at the Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. J. B. Tbimble can and will sell you goods cheaper ^r cash than merchants that claim to be dirsct importers. The March Lyon gave himself another vigorous shake on Sunday last result, roads seriously blockaded. Envelopes furnished and neatly printed at this office at the rate of 5 cents per package of 25, by taking 1,000. Before purchasing Boots and Shoes see W- J. McFarland's immense stock purchased at less than eost of manu- facture. Mb. Stsex and family of Toronto •Oower arrived last week, having rehrtfd and taken up their residence in Markdale. A VEBT pleasant and most enjoy- able evening was spent by a large number of young people at the parson- age on Wednesday. Have you a friend at a distance ytm would like to send an Easter present. Send the Standaw* only seventy-five cents for the ballanoe of the year. Mb. Bichaed A. Scott of Holland intends leaving about the. 1st of April for Minnedosa, tiJ?ffl^.«»ith(^kn«^j.pwt of his family and a car load of stock. '.:he North Biding Agricultural Society's Spring Shaw of* Stallions and Bulla will be tield on the pleasure grounds, Oweit Sfttftrf.^ f ricWyiittti i^riL â-  Miss MiixiK IffOHS of I»Ek visited A gmerial tbAw u' expect^ n^ifX the 6th ApriL QuB sidewalks ^ye scarcely been seen this year. • v " He couldn't find his match, and went to bed in the dark. Two things now. very generally desired Money apd spring. Thbbe will be exenmions to Manitoba about the 24th and Slst March. A McGiLi. of Chatswocfth foundry makes excellent road scrapers, and I .as applied for a patent foe the same, Township councils should make a note of it. Oxbn fob Sale. â€" A well matched pair of oxen rising four years old, well trained. For particulars apply to Geo. Ireton, one mile from Barrhead Mills. 134 86 The Standabd is $1.50 when not paid in a-^vance or within three months please don't be in a hurrny for a few weeks, we can wait a wlnle in view of the additional amount. Dr. Low's Woem Sybup has remcved tapeworm from 15 to 30 feet in length. It also destroys all kinds of worm. T-flEXjadies Aid of tbe Methodist church are already preparing for their annual bazaar on the 24th May. It^ is the intention to lay the corner stone of the new chnrch at that time. National Pills act promptly upon tlie Liver, regulate the Bowels and as purgative are mild an thoiough. Mb. W. J. Benson, of the Belfast House, Markdale, and formerly of the Hoffman House, New York, made a flying visit to Kimberley last Friday. He smiled with several of his friends wliile there. i-ecord for extreme andcoi Go to Hanbury's for fresh Oysters Hering, just in to- Xh.. ...« Las -«r-4„-y^»r,Hir^-i7:M«Ma.. «^i« ^^^ land fresh water lay. Mrs. a. Buxlop f^ay from returned on Tues- a seven- weeks visit to Osha- lnf^^^""m""^^^°8 in Bo«t8Sho3S sell out' ""^^^^' *8 1 Mn bound to »esti?«o'Jfl' Government have in- ^^e^ted $80,000 as a fond for Gordon's .^oMiMmt^^aat Toronto where sbe has beeo «oentIy purchasing her J^^£ -w^k Millinery. Shbmukni! lodge A. O. U. W^ h» 53 members. Tkey presented their Past Master, Mr. I. F. Belfiy, wi^» tenoM6 elodt and an address oh© «renia^ Jirt weak. Hamilton's Photograph GiUoj bw been crowded daring tlie pM* «J^J. and a large aumber of eawMlMl* Photos tnned net to tb« W. J. McFarland is in Toronto at- ' tending tbe great salo of $100,000 worth of Boots and Shoes, belonging to the estate of John Garrett Co., and has succeeded in getting some Great Bargains. EoB Sale. â€" A splendid farm con- tainins; 100 acres, well watered, 90 acres ready for any kind of machinery and situated within half a mile of Markdale, station on C. P. B*, Appl to M. Armstrong, Markdale. Mr. B. H. Bairdi Manager of the 'Joshua Whitcomb Company will give an entertainment in Chatsworth Saturday evening next. This is per- haps the most popular isroupe which has travelled this district, and '^Jncle Josh" will doubtless have a crowded' house. The big C. P. E. elevator at Fort William is finished and has now con- siderable grain stored in it, awaiting the opening of navigi^on. This is the largest elevator in the Dominion, and will hold over a million bashels. J. H. HuU is agent for Flnry's Sylvester's and "Wilkinson'e aftri cultural implements. AH kinks of repairs for the aiiove manufacturers kept.alwi^ on hand. Shop on Mill Street known as Hnlb's cooper shop. NoTicx;, â€" The contract for hauling milk to j^kdale Cheese Factory for season of 4885 will be let by auction at the Markdale Hooas on Saturday, the21et March, at o'dooL. All iht^ested parties ^1 take notice. B. Colemaai, President H. D. Irwin, Bee. Mns Miboois MKUtt «f tibis place retnrned home from Dnndalk last Thursday, where she has been visiting ^ends for «(Hne time. She is looking muehlbetter aet her sojonm among her old «M0ciate8. 1^ Me«ford Mirror has eniaced upon its fourth year. It is a Jbeal^ and promising three year dd, and, notwithstanding its serious Bois- fM:tune, viz., its wmpb^ destrttetkm l^ fire it now r^pfeais mthoirt ft scar. We^riBh it every sueeeas in fatare^ ThtsKMaaCaVfcmM Powsns tenure no otlier PlffgidiTe^ Tlnj are ealt and nun to remove all farittiei of PB«ir. Low's 8u£pfttiftati*Pis%ighl7 recommended for the eurebf Srnption, Chafes,. Chapped hai\^,.^BgipIes, Tan, Ac. ' BmniKD TO BxATH.â€" ^r hear that an old man, named BoAiert Mills, a residoDt of Keppel, who lived alone, was found by a nei^bor early on. Mondaj morning, on uis own hearth- stone, burnt to d?atb. Bfi had evidently been kindling a fire, and fallen into it.â€" O. S. Timet. Cbedit Sale. â€" Mr. Joseph Manarey, auctioneer, wiU hold a sale on Friday the 27th March, on lot 18, con. 11, Euphrasia, commencing at one o'clock. A quantity of farm stock, implements c. Terms nine months on approved paper for sums over $5.00, John Carefoot, proprietor. Chatswoeth Kteva. â€" This new paper made its first appearance about a week since. It is the 13th paper in Grey County. G. J. Blyth, formerly of the Markdale Expositor is the Editor and proprietor and he has few equals as a newspaper man. Wc wish him eyery success in his under- taking. A remarkable story of a miracle comes from Montreal, it being alleged that a man while indulging in vi^nt profanity at Acton Vale abeiut twelve days ago was stricken with paralysis and rooted to the spot where he stood all efforts to remove him up to the preseut being useless. He is also un- able to take food. The Scott Act. â€" Petitions for the submission of the Act in Orey were deposited in the Sheriff's office on Fxb. 28. They cetntain 4,489 names or 789 more than necessary. Mr. A. Frost of Owen Sound, is solicitor for committee, and has carefully attended to all the details in connection with tbe deposite of the petition. Foul Play. â€" On Friday morning last Mr. Wm. Caswell, of lot 14, 10th con. Derby, on going into Ins stable about 5 o'clock, was amazed to find his team of horses dead and stiff. They were rail right about 9 o^clock the evening before, and it is suspected they must have been poisoned. The less will be a severe one to Mr. Caswelli â€" 0, S. Times. CoMiNo. â€" Under the auspices of Markdale A. 0. U. W. an entertain ment will be given to-morrow evening (Friday) by the "Joshua Whitcomb Co.," of wiiieh Mr. B. M. Baird- is manager. Those who had the pleasure of beins present at ajiy nf "Baird's" entertamments in ti^e past could not be paid to absent themselves, and we may stiFely cjunt on a crowded house to-morrow evening. Mb. W. J. SHEPHBimsoN of Euphrasia, who lost bis etallion, "Scottish Champian" reeenrtily, has purchased a fine 3 year old, heavy drait, weighing 1,700 lbs. Mr. S. sustained a serious loss in the death of the ahoye animal, but is not to be discouraged, and has purchased a much better one of which farmers will have an opponnnity of judging for themselves in due time. It is feared that Mr. Gladstone's want of decision in dealing with the Afghan question will result disastr- ously. A special to The Mail says his nscent nttejanfce,m the House, of Commons leads to the belief that Me intends abandoning A^hanistan, and if the Af|fban^iae£F become Itersnaded that England ia a perfidieus aUy, Sir Petor Lumsden's itom is sealed, and he and the troops wiffi him will meet tbeiate of Gkrn. Gojqikni. We direct attention to tlie new ad* vertisement in this issue, of Mr. H. B. Harrison, of the Owk|' Sound MaiUo ^odES- Hf has hMj retarn- ed fram'YkuuKi^ from Wfailiioe 'he has brought three ear-loads of the finest muriegated marUe^'and ikw one of tiie bert atodkaitt tibe Dominum to select from^ Tbom wliOLneed any- thing in his Ime ihoold give him a call, aew^ feet 9maiteA. his ex edtoiljMte and Imig esi^srittBee, wili not fml to give satisfMtioii. Kb ssatter^hers Jiiitii tnaenesf socwieaB eadi^ Bbiflmcd'it TdSow ta]»Rerap]^liedwM give anmiJNle i«Hef;aad ft poaiiiipe euro lblki«inits uae^ he or QE A Bio Ic* Hocsb. â€" ^The Canadian Padfio Bailway Oo. are building an immense ice house on llie bank of the river, to thesontliof ^pftasenger station, which will be used f^ supply- ing th^ boats during the heated torm. The dimensions are ninety-four by twraty-four feet, and to be stook^ immediately with a thousand tons of pure Georgian Bay ice as a send off. â€" 0. S. 4dvertiaer. ScoBES of farmers and leading stock men in the district have this week vi#ited the stables of our Miterprising townsman, J. B. Trimble, Esq., to view the lato importation "Garfield." This is the finest stallion of his dasa ever brought into this district, and the spectators expressed themselves both astonished aud pleased to see such fine stock being introduced. Mr. Trimble has annmber of fine animals, and his well arranged stables are wdl worth an inspection by horse- men. Will of the LArs Geoboe Jackson Esq. â€" As many are anxious to hear how Mr. Jackson bequeathed his wealth, we give the following general partisulare, omitting the technicalities, Mrs. A. Cochrane $7000 Mrs. J. Cochrane $4000; Mis. Torrance $7000 Mrs. Arch. Mcllenzie $2000 Miss Lizzie Jackson $600 David Jackson Sr. $500 a year for 4 years. Wm. G. Jackson, the farm adjominc: tbe town_comiM:ising 250 acres The residence and grounds together with the resideau of real estate, cash, bank dKock, and mortgages revert to David Jackson Jr. the value of which is not known, but is generally supposed to be about $40,000 at the least.â€" Chronicle. We see that obituary notices in England now frequently contain the statement that by the wish of the deceased his relativs will not wear mourning. It will be a good thing when this practice becomes universal, as tbe purchase of mourning has frequently been a heavy expense to those who could ill afford it. It is, of course, right and proper that all due respect should be shown to tbe dead, but there are other ways of doingit besides the donning of expen- sive mourning garments. If some people were a little more careful to carry out what were known to be the wishes of neglecting them and putting on black suits and six inches of crape around their hats, they would be evinc- ing more respect to the memory of tbe departed. It always strikes me as very inconsistent, to use a mild expression, when I see young men with a wide piece of crape round one arm roaring with laughter at some jest of their companions it is evilent in such cases that the mourning is mearly an outward form, wid it would be far better to dispense with those symbols of grief altogether than to (Uaplay them where they are totally out of plaee. The following notice will be read with interest by the old residents of this district who were well acquainted with Mr. Snider, who was one of tbe highly respected pioneers of this County. â€" From the O. S. Adtertiser. Golden WBnniNa.â€" We have great pleasure m congratulating Mr. and Mrs., Geo. Snider on the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of their Vedding, which they celebrate to-day (Thursday) Mr. Snider has attained the ripe age of 72 years, and Mrs. Snider is three score and tea. They were married at ^lihton on the twelfth of March, 1885. Mrs. Snider's maiden name being Miss Jano Maaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Snider have been residents of the County of Grey„ sinee August 1848, and of Owen Sound ni^ Sfardi tile Sift, 1854. Mr; Snklmr was the first Sheriff of thiaODunty,lMnDg ajroouriBsd In the Fall of 1863, which office Iw cengned in 1858. Mr. Smderhas^warysbeen held in high esteem by tii^ residnite of the bounty, and by the citiiena of' Owen Sound, beii^ eleoted to serve ' tbem as member of iwHkiattit at woJEBderatiop, whsdi jjoj^lns bB held -, tUl the year 1878.. He wiLi fii^ Mayer of Owen Sound ibr^vs jean. We ai^ oertain tibat our pmSgn will join wiSk tM^ in wislang KTi tmiltocB. Siridflr Buny OMve ^^Vf Klif" o( tins (bar wedSag dbif^ -â- ^ 4^ 9\- mA ttjtaki im rifiMtltiuiiiiii

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