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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Mar 1885, p. 8

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 t^ Mh THEr Treasurers Receipts and Expehittture Fd)( THE TOWI^SJHIp Of |40LbAND, M a RECEIPTS. To cash hallsDce on hani from last audit " from collector en Boll 1883 Roll 1884 " Land Improvement Fund •' License Fund " Law Expenses re EquaHgation *• Non resident Liand Fund ^* Fines from Magistrate EXPEIV DITU BC 12. By paid Couniy Hates " Councillors Fees and Officers Salaries " Mipcellaneous Expenses ... " Koads and Bridges ... ' To Schools Ballance in hand We certify the above to be correct. ...$1254 92 ... 725 00 ... 6460 98 ... 838 12 ... 222 60 ... 24 45 ... 621 46 6 00 $9568 48 ..$3188 28 .. 485 00 .. 478 89 .. 956 70 .. 4463 12 .. 31 49 $9553 43 T?gS f^nnM^T^it^^'U'^ditors. .TOHN McDONaLD, J Holland, February 10th. 1885. 1-1 n- OB^FICE OK- THE FlesM hi Sraalte All kinds of I\Iarlle and IVf onuixienta,! "Works, such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, Counter and Table Tops, â€" in American and Italian Marble,^ and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbeleized Slate, G., c. tSatistaction OuaraTiteed. in Every iEiespect Envelopes strpplied an4 piinred at the Stxnim^d office for $2*00 per thousand De. Low's Wowi Stoot Imw removed tape worin from 16 to 30 feet in leug It also destroys all kinds of worm. • ♦ â-  Thk minister stopped at ft house last week, and sought to imp?0Ye the time bo giving an eight-year-old boy an instructive lesson in morality. "My boy." said the minister, "I have lived forty.fivo years, and have never used tobacco iu any form nor told a lie, uor disobayed my parents* nor uttered an oath, nor played truant, aox " "Gimmmy crickets," inter- rupted the lad, "yer aia't had any fun at all, have ye f â- : P ROBT. S. RAE, iliil- W(: TAILOR, -Good Work Guaranteed- -AT- Siilmers Pholo FLESHERTON. COMPELLED TO YIELD. Obstinate pkm diseases, humors of the blood, eruptions and old eorea are cured by Burdock Blood Bitters, which purity and regulate all the secretions. iiUPOrtant. â- When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at ^he Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms' fitted up at a cost of one mil] ion dollarss, re- ducid at 81.00 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator, iiesturant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first class hotel in the city. WITHOUT DOUBT. Yellow Oil is par excdltnee the remedy for Pain, Lameness, Bhenma tism, Group. Deafness, Burns, Frost Bites, Stiff Joints and all Flesh Wounds. Any medicine dealer can furnish it. "Now, Johnnie," said the teacher, "if your father borrows $100 and promises to pay $10 a week, how mucti will he owe m seven weeks " "One hundred dollars," said Johnnie. I'm afraid you don't know ^our lesson very well," remarked the teacher, "I may not know my lesson very well," Johnny frankly acknowledged I know mv father." 'but NOT BAD. It is so agreeable that even ah infant will take it. For coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, asthma and bron- chitis Hayarg's Pectoral Balsam is reliable for young or old. poi^ics urtm, tf^ ffbfi^ of kiaiignni aa^eRS aw bon^out, bwi iadt to be tiie 'm«s« pjr«!*^5^w% Mw United States hu j^ ,«f^. For twoii^-tlMree jwwra tiw iBopuWioiia party shaped the afEur s of Hie nation, and dariug thait tkie many abates crept iu. Â¥lie Denwerat*, wko come mto |»oWer nHth Cleveland. baVe be- fore tbem the work of reformation and on the way xn which they carry out that work depends the iayor ol thepeople. CleveJaud cafioe victorious throuch a desperate fight, iu whicJi the vilest meaus were resortod to dffeat him, and tlieie ere thotisauda who would witness the failure of IH* adniiuistratiuu with exultation. Jndg ingfrom the character of the man, {gathered from his utterances since his election, those who look tor failure in him will be disappointed. He appears to be a plain, bluut man, of sterling honesty aud lofty puipjse, who will reflect credit upon those who chose him from thft multitude as chief magistrate. His course will be watched with hopefulness by a large portion of the American people aud with great interest iu Canada, and on tlio other side of the ocen.â€"yews. :T jis^^uMeiMJ^^ 1 1 ft;i f iGiFirf] TABLE. fakui§9tM Minday, Morember 24tii, GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Toronto .... Leaye Csnlvreli Juuction Cliarlejtou. .. Grange- 1 Arrive. viUie fjjmve... OrangevillH Jun, Shelbarne Dnnd»lk ....... Flesherton Markdale Willi-uujford .. Ohatsvrorth ..... X)weu bound.... MaU. 7 2duu » 07 " 9 2r, " 9 3^" 10 ♦».=!•» U) 17 " 10 45" 11 10 " 11 3G " 11 51 " i203pm 1228" 1 Oil " ^^P I iTui 4 4ftpm 1 C27 •' 1 6 in ' lUjiJ: 7 m " l"3llZ 7 22 " 12 Si" 7 34" lHv 8 04 '• 3li| 8 30 '• 3U5 8 55" 406" 9 10' 433' 9 22 " 445" 9 49 •• rtii?" 110 20 " c.% GOING SOUTH. -* o The Return. A number of the Canadian conting- ent to the Nile passed through Toronto on Saturday. The were the Winnipeg delegation, and were both wbifces aud red â€" that is, they were once white or rei but now the wh'.tes a. e bronze and the reds aie the color cf in old boot. Thpy looked hearty enough, but motit of them don't want any more Nile in theirs. They h9d hard work and bad food. The vcyagenr can stand hard work, but he wants his grub right. A stay of two hours was all that was allowe'l in Toronto. STATIONS. Owen Sound...... Cliiitsn'orth.. ... Williainstord. .- .. M'ai'kdale Flesherton 1 1 Duudalk Shclburne Oi-angeville Jun. Or mse Arrive. vilL-i,. [Leave... Charleston... .... Caldwell Junction Torouto Arrive' Exp. 5 20am 5 50 " 6 05 " C 27 " 6 42" 7 06" 7 31 " 8 00 " 8 12" 8 35 " 8 55 " 9 07 " 10 45 " Mail. 2 4.1 pin 3 l.T 3 3i 3 52 4 31 4 57 5 23 5 35 5 55 6 13 C27 8 35 M" 7 54" 8 35" 9 00" 9 45" 1(1 45 « |U50" Il2l5pffi| J12 40" 1 2 03'1 Tbe Grangers on ProMbition. A Wicked Editor. Irate Subscriber â€" 1 want to see the fellow that wrote this article. Western Office Boy â€" Must a been the editor, I guess. "So I suppose. Where is he Where is he, I say " "He's not in." "Oh be ain't m, am't he Ain't in, eh! Well, where is he " "He's attecdm' the funeral of a man what called to see bim on Monday." â€" Fbila. Call. IBonUiljr F*Mrs. and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at B-cri--3iui:BK'IS. FLESHERTON. ,.Vi Cures DizzUMis, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Jiiliousne»8j Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Affections cf the Liver and Kidney, Pimples, Blotches, hoils, Hvmors, 8aU Bhemn, 8crcf\da, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranjed Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels, A RARE CHANCE. A CHOICE VILLAOE LOT in \[arkdale J\. fH sale, oppo8it» the Stanpapd office, ATill Street. Has a coinjortable dveUinj; honse, shop and etaUe aud K^od well. A ismall payment will be taken do^ ard bal- ance to snH pnrchwer at a low rate of inter- ««t. For farther particolai-a apply at thus 'Office, or to "WM. WALKES. 23a-39« ilkikdale P. 0. Single copies of the Stand- ard 5 cents each. flBTHEBM PACIFI p IM »j bi Mlanwota. Wartli Patota. â- toi' MB Lli tit=aafiu3ba,WasUii|^Baiul Or«||M.^|y r.t price* ruf^chMhlnMlZ tott Mr en Sto 10 year^UaM. Thto I* tlia BeACi -or securing ood Hoftes «s» spwter WHImmhI. "^BTftS?!!? ASO »«res 4»f OawtBBMat rWtrm^^^ aMid.geBinidwtlicHowwtoiia "»â- â- â- â- Â» •«TljSe'5iiltm»f*wfcKOMB -t04tl8,43S Jfc«M« OK KIMUE TUMM aAVr-ot aU tbePoibtic bMds disposed ot in USL vffTe in tbe Ifnrthmi radSe comitrf BaotonM Map* snit VKKB, detcriMng Oie JIartlif P«rifl« «nU7VUM! KaUroad LniAi for Kale and iJk^OOBiS, LHidOMa*r,S. P.B. K^St-T ^^"^^^ Markdaleâ€" -Saturday before FJesb- erton. Cbatswortb â€" Monday before Dor- ham. Dondalkâ€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesherton â€" Monday b^ore Grange- ville. OrangeTille â€" Tbe second Thursday in eaefa month. Mount Forestâ€" Third Wednesaay in each month. FriseviUeâ€" Monday before Durham Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Hanoverâ€" Monday before Durham. Walkerton â€" ^Last Wednesday every month. The decisive utterance of the Dominion Grange in favor of total prohibition as soon ai may be. and a vigorouR enforcement of the iScott act in the meantime, is a fitting reply to the despicable appeals to the selfish- ness of the farmers by those who argue that prohibition will destroy their mcrket for barley. The most intelligent of the farmers, as represented in the grange, scout the notion that a great moral problem is to be considered from the huckster paint of view of profit and loss, or that mere material advantage should stand in the way of tlie abolition of a traffic which lias caused such untold misery and degrad- ation. The barley argument is a slander upon the intelligence, no less than the conscience, of the farming community. â€" News. AHamoroas Letter liy Abraham liincoln. // m Hoaor B»ll of 8. S. IVo. 7, lapd r«r Febrvary. H«|. 4th Classâ€" 1st, Willie Vogan, 409 2nd. Aggie Downs, 808. 3rd Clasaâ€" 1st. Ettie Erwin, 408 2nd, John Crowtber, 897. Senior Second Chiss 1st. WilHe Spears. 482 2nd. Bowers Downw, 894. Junior Secondâ€" 1st, Carwn Price, 848 2nd, Ada Boul- ston. 807. S«uor Pt. Second- lit, Sarah Stewart, 2684 2Bd, John Tel- ford, 219. Junior Part Secondâ€" 1st, Albert EoulBtoii, 268; 2nd Joshua CrowOier, 251. Part Firrtâ€" Irt E. 2nd, E. B; Jackscn. EuzA S. Mooia, Teacher. From New York Tribune. A New York firm applied to Abra- ham Lincoln some years before he became president as to the financial standing of one of his neighbors. Mr. Lincoln replied as follows: "Yours of the lOtb inst. received^ I am well acquainted witii Mr. and know his circumstances. First of all he has a wife and baby;, togather thiT ought to be worth $60,000 to any man. S^udly, ha has an office in which there is a table worth $1.60 and three chain worth tay $1. Last of all there is in one comer a lanie rat-boU which will bear lookui^ into. Be- speotfnlJy yours, A. Likooui. ll«a«r Boll. The followion is a list of the pupila of Markdale public school, wiio ob- tained 60| mr over, of the marks as- signed at tbe monthly examination for the monUi of Februury Glass Vâ€" Herfay Brows, Goo. Bowes, Mamie Bowes, Robt. J. Brown. Clasp IV, Sen.â€" Annie Cunning- ham, Bella Cttcnugham, Johnson Wihwn, JohnDondas, P. Thibaudeau, Jas.McKee. Chws IV, Jan.â€" Many Large, Lottie Mann, Ben Coleman, Frank Bryden, MaryNesbitt, Minnie Wilfon. Chws niâ€" Peter Thibaudeau, Mary Steven*. ' F. POBTCB^ Teacher. GEAIN. A. meS^^^^*^^^^^" Be^ Spriai? Teas and! TBwrcr .^^- \,*^^ BOS^^ IBWIN, 95 miles Bart of Mwkaife. B litmcK Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE UU0USNE88, DIZZINE88, DYSPEPSIA, IMDIQESriOM, JAUNDICE, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every stMcles of dtaaat* aiMni diaerdarMlLfyEI?^ KIONEVa 6lri DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ OFTHEHEmti ACIDITY OF THE STOH/m, DRYNESS, OF THE Stan, BOÂ¥irEL8 0R SlACi^ T. BiLBusN ea. TOHOHTa NEW GROCERY SMI IM CONNBCTION WITH Phw99' Flour and Feed ton. Having just received a nti€M, Frtsh iMi Seledl sxoob: of rFolicusco, c Which win be sold VEBY CHEAPJ I respectfully solidt the publie'l patronage. i»8 J. PLEWES. EUCmilA GmUafainlLatbMil Having made eqtraaive improvement!^ ray Qnst KiU I feel confident I can "' g«xNl â- atiataetioa.v GOOD FL0U«AL#AY8 ON HMli Chopping Done Every Da^ Gnstem ftraing and BiUs FiUed on I shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWA^j 0^ HAND. Ghonty. Buit3mift?lWliteA»h, Bla Buflwbod, Ks« and laIo Logs ' 9iy. M. aMtT; Etigeb* j "^^^^"'^^^^ y...^.^ mk.:,usimm^^

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