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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Mar 1885, p. 8

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 \4 I 1 ^! m i: i. If is Fi|f € .s,. ij; THE- Treasurers Receifks iihd Expenditure -FOB THE- TOWJNISJHIf Of ©bEJMEbS, For the "i^ear Ending 31st Xec., 1HS4^. db. receipts. to Balance from 1883. 17 03 ' A8se.ssment8 11424 92 •' License Fund... 229 94 " Clergy Beserre 26 13 ♦' Land Improvement Fund.. 18 28 " Interest.. 201 55 " Non-Besident Tax 699 04 ** Miscellaneous 17 00 " Balance due Treasurer.... 18 00 812551 89 EXPE9IOITUBE. Cb. By County Bate 53090 9,1 " BoauB and Bridges. 1249 83 "Salaries 830 20 " School Monies 4363 83 '• Sinking Fund 1201 65 "Interest 1200 00 " Electic n Rxpences 105 00 " Taxes Befonded 24 07 "Charities 118 43 " Printing,postage8tationfiiy 118 33 " Police Trustees. Markdale.. 200 53 " Miscellaneous 51 25 «12551 89 OJE^FICE OF" 'i?riE U hk All Idncls of ZVI ai,i.*lle aud AloiixxmeTital "Worlis, sucli as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headbtonos, Counter and Table Tops, â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbeleized iSlate,c., c. Ssatistaction t^nar-anteed. in Every Hespect BiMn' BMni«j feflCw* 7M spaii Ghood duneter is above all ihingi. ' Never play at any gamt' of ehance. Never b«»rrow, if you dan possibly avoid ii. National Pili.s act promptly u^n the Liver, regulate the Bowels aud as purgative are mild an thoiough. Make no bast to be rich if you would prosper. Ever live (misfortune excepted), within your income. Db. Low's WoKM Strup has removed tape worm from 15 to 30 feet in length. It also destroys all kinds of worm. Avoid temptation, through fear you muy not withstand it. Small and steady gams give com- petency with tranquility of mind. Pkof- Lowla Sulphur Soap is highly re«ooamen3e(? iflT tJie cure of Eruption, Ghafes, Obapiied hands, Pimples, Tan, c. Whea you rat ire to bed. think over what you have been doing during the day. The best way to accumulate property is to buy when others want to sell, and to sell when others want to buy. Freeman's W'^bm Powders require no other Purgatiye. Tbcy are safe and sure to remove all variaties of Worms. Always speak the truth. Make few promibes. company or none. .IL4LtU!W«..JilWilBJMMWMiJ)WAI»!.IHaWM. ROBT. S. RAE, i I jj»i..\jKmmA.-jtKmar.'Wt TAILOR, Good Work Guaranteed AT iilmers Moo u FLESHERTON. OSrfU ©."t Cnr^CG and s^e samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at Tjt^^, BTTIL2s^2=:-2S'S, FLESHERTON. :N4.'Wfc;i!S£liiaaefei^'ti^:^ftAi-]ft^jSty6gs s:s.j^^j mm Cures Dizziness, Ijo-ss of Appditc, Lidujcstiuii, Bii'ousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Affectiuns of the Liver and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, huils. Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Berancjcd Siomxxch, or irrsgular action of the Bowels. A BARE CHANCE. CHOICE VILLAGE LOT in Markdale ^A. for sale, opposite the STANrAnn ofce, ^fill Street. Has a comjortable, dwelling liouse, shop and stable and good Tv-ell. A .maU payment will be taton down ard bal- nnee to kuU jiurcliaser at a low rate of inter- tst. For further particulars rpply at thii ciSce, or to Wli. TVALS3^K, •J82-39* Markdale P. 0. NOTICE. i?'"' tP rbSi m\\ j4dl| In f.:!nnesrt3. K?rtti Caknti. Moa- 1 i Li ^•'« -»-i*«S' '»iaif.ii;jto.i I.UX Oftjjii ^Tv ocu Xialie Superior to r»ucei Socad. l\'"*,zz% rcro^n-; rhii8-;f-»si?1 to ?3 par acre on 6ts 1 vi'TS' Wmz. Tkri Ss the ttist CouMlrr I .T racurSag 6 joj Hsmks i la cpcn for Settleneut "*£ftP^C •'"' n-T"" of GoTemmeDt U B«.aa»3anl Iiiul«- •'nitup r-aws. NOTK -10.R18.433 Acrrs Ok£ UORB THAH S t h t J r of sll Up PuMtc Ijkuds dispowcl ot in VSSL were in the y n-tborn- Pacific cnuiitry. BcMklw ana ALL parties indebted to me by Note or Book ac jount, or Due-bill, are request- ed to settle the same at once -with Adam Turner, as I must have these accounts straightened up. I can't do without the money. My books and accounts are left with him. and he is authorized to receive the uuoaey and give receipts. T. S. SPROULE. 9t«pii snit vn\ Kailroad Lands for rmrwuv «-«aiiU7,tti Kauroad Lands for JMkt and the PBEB boveriiment Lanan. Addresa,CHAS. B. jaltCUHN. Land Cooi'r, N. P. S. K., ^^TM, 1^ A RAREGHANCE. SAW-MILL FOR SALE. rilHE undersigned having lost his health, X vrishea to dupose of his Saw and Shingle Mill, whwh is situated 4^ miles West of Markdale. There is an abundance of ^lendid timber very convenient to the null a good business has been dona, and an arftpHeirt chance is in Etote for a good pnsbing it nvi The mDl is mostly nW, being erected fkl«9 years. Machinery in fine condition. Btaain power 80 horse. Tieims easy. For farther partienlan api^y at tias ciffioe. «r on «to premises. v, f J. L. DUNCAN, 230 tf MarkddeP.O. Xeej) gOod Never be iule. NOT BAD. It is so agreeable that even an iufantr will tsike it. For coufjbs, colds, hoarseuess. croup, asliima and bron- chitis Hayarji's Pectoral Balsam as reliable for youDg or old. When yon speak to a person, look iiim in the face. Good company and good cover.5atiou are the very sinew.n ot virtue; COMPELLED TO YIELD. Obstinate ekin diseases, humors of tlie blood, eruptions and old eoreu are cured by Burdock Blood Bitters, which purify and regulate all the secrerionc. .- Your oiiaiftcter cannot be essentially injured, except by your own acts. If any one speaks evil of you. let your life bo so that no one will believe him. WITHOUT DOUBT. Yellow Oil is par excellence the remedy for Pain, Lameness, Kheuma- tism. Croup, Deafness, Burns, Frost Bites, Stiff Joints and all Flesh Wounds. Any medicine dealer can furnish it. Keep your own secrets, if you have any. The lessons learned in vflulh bear fruit in maturity. Our characters we make our reputations are often made for us, Conscience is the voice of the soul the passions are the voice of the body. GOOD ADVICE. If our readers will accept proffered advice, they will always keep a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil at hand for use in emergencies, such as Burns, Scalds, Wounds, Lameness, Croup, Chilblains, Eheumatism, and all varieties of aches, pains and inflam- mations, it will ever be found reliable. If your hands cannot be usefully employed, attend to the cultivation of your mind. The toii^o wLibh speaketh np evil is as lovely 'as th» hand that giveth alms. There should be less pride felt in peculiarity of employment and more in excellence of achievement. Method implies foresight and a logical mind, A man should think of his work and arrange it beforehand. A VOICE FROM THE UNITED STATES. I have suffered for the last 20 years with Dyspepsia and General Debility, and tried many remedies, bnt with little success until I used Burdock Blood Bitters, when relief was quick and permanent. A. LOUGH, Alpena. Mich., U.S. ' .; VI e^iect to paw ttiTOTigB'ttSB world but once. Any good thing iheeef ore I can do^ orftaytindBessthatlcanflbmnr to a Inmiut being,' xw any tjiord thai I isan ^icak ftn: the good of oersâ€" kt me dp it now. V Let ini not n^j^ct iior dM^4i, I shall not ptue u way AgiS.*' B. H. IfcDosuu). fFaki^.jOac%|D'lif' not beiidiK o»e|-iii It is only by laltJr tliik thought can be made hoidlByraaid o^ly,^by^lMmgUt| tjiat Icbor cSiJ bie'iiaae bstspy. "He who would eat the ke?*tl must crack the nut he vho would have the gain must take the pain. lillPOBTANT. "When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union • Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elcfeant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re- duce at 81.00 and upwards per day. European plan, Elevator, Kest mt supplied with the best. Horse cars, sta„ s and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first class hotel in the city. Let a man learn that everything in nature, even motes and feathers, goes by law and not by "Inck," aud that what he sows he reaps. Place before children nothing bnt what is simple, lest ypa spoil their tastes and nothing that i3 not mnocent, lest you spoil their hearts. It is nonsense to say that a com- munity which has to suppoit the widoW and orphan maV not control the trade whicti makes Widows and orphans. When a young man goes to church in the morning with a young lady, it is a sign they are engaged to be married. After they are married, he will probably take his nap at. home. A New York preacher has threatened to expel members of his churcli who visit the skating rink. And yet nothing will bring a man on his knees so quickly as a pair of roller skates.- Ha^rtford Post. BRANCH, ^tME TABLE. Taking; tfNiet Kfohddf, f/oyembsr 24ti, i ^i-: GOIN6 NORTH. STATIONS. Torpnto.^.^.Iieaye CanlweU Junction Charleston Orange- Arrive vilJe i" Leave. Oraiigeville Jun Shelburue. ..... Duudalk Flesherton..^.. Markdale.... .. Wiliiamsford .. Chatswortb .... Owen Sound.... .Mail. '^? I Mi;. ,7 23am ig 2.-. •' « 50 " 10 03 " 10 17 " 10 45 " 11 10 " 11 36 " 11 51 '• i203pm 12 28 100 â- i 4(iiia """~~ G 27 •• '• ir, '• ll4i, 7 ().; " 123t» 7 -22 " 125.1 7 31 " lU 8 04" 21(1' 8 80 '• 8 5o " so; 9 10- ^SJ' 1 9 2-2 " 44,v 9 40 •« (iTr 110 20 'â-  fi-'t^i GOINC SOUIH. STATIONS. Exp. Owen Sound 5 20am Chatsworlh 5 f.O " Williamsford. .. G .15 " Markdale 6 27 " Flesherton 6 42" Dnndalk 7 06" Shelbnrne 7 31" Diaugeville Jun.. 8 00 " Orange Arrive... 8 12 " vill'.. [Leave... 8 35" Charleston. 8 55 " Cardwell Junction. 9 07" i'oronto Arrive 10 45 " 1 Hail, -iia^i 2 4.-.i,iu .H ir, '• 3 ;!0 " 3 ;V2 " 4 CC. •' 4:! I '• 4 fl7 " 5 23 6 i;! 27' 8 srj ' 631, 't flooj 'â-  9d ill; 112 1.« 12 401 1 54 2 03| wmMM Rlooi Xilcnelg Council. Council met in th9 Town Hall, Glenelg, Feb. 9tli, 1885, pursuaiit to adjournment, all the members present the Reeve iu the cliair, minutes cf previous meeting read and confirmed. Communications were read from P. H. Bryce. re. Public Healtn Act, 1884. From Public Trustees of Markdale re appointment of patbmast- ers in that village. The auditors presented their report of receipts and expenditures for the year ending 81st December, 1884. Moved by Mr, McCuaig, seconded by Mr. Meil, that the auditors report, as revised by the council be now finally passed, and that the Clerk be instructed to get 200 copies of same printed in pamphlet form for distribution, aud that the auditors be paid $5.00 each and $1.00 each for extra services m connection therewith. â€" Carried. The committee appointed at last meeting to examine as to the sufficiency of the Treasurer's sureties which was adopted. Moved by Mr. McCuaig, seconded by Mr. Neil, that the following accounts be paid, viz â€" McClocklin and Niehoi, repairing road scrapers, $3.00 Thos. Lauder, registration fees, $1,00 and' the committee on Treasurer's sureties $2.00 each for services in connection therewith.â€" Carried. By-law Nc. 231, appointing road commisioners. pound keepers, fence viewers, and patbm^sters, and By-law No, 231, appointing Board of Health was introduced aud rend a fiigt and second time. Moved by Mr. Dansmore, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that the Cleik be- instructed to notify John Wilson to pay ^19.39 to the Treasurer of Glenelg on or before the first day of March, 1885, or this Council will take legal proceedings to collect same forthwitij. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded by Mr. McCuaig, that By-law No. 231 be now read a thirfl time, signed, sealed, and engrossed on the minntes. â€" Carried. By-law read accordingly. Moved by Mr Neil, seconded by Mr. Dausmoie, that John McFarlane be refunded $2.00, beintj charged that much for statute labor, on ae- oount of eri'or in assessinent.â€" Carried. By-law No. 232, appointing Thomas Davis, John 8. Black, James Edge, William I)oiigld8, and Hugh =Mc Fayden as local Board of Hbalth, Was on motion otTif. MeCna^; swond by Mr- McMillan, read ^. -third uV»e and yasfed. GoiiQciLadjoBEn«d tUI Jiin» ISih, Cler£ Mb. McCiuiWY, M. P. P.' • fer K«nt. dieion Satariay at OakTille. WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, fLUTTERING OFTHEHEmX ACIDITY OP THE STOMmX,\ DRYNESS OF THESm\ And every species of drsease arising fiwi disordered LIVER, KIDNEY STOTMCKI BOWELS OR Bi-OOO, ' T. HIIB08H ea. ""^fga^i !z! o o pi CD CD i p â-  â€" â-  â€" ill 1 Mi â- 'Ssue: 1 Betionec O K rt K.edto ^^ fcwevi 03 CD EW GROCERY STOl IN CONNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed H Having just received Cholcee. Fresh and Sel| stock: of Teas, Tobacco, Which will be sold VEEY CH£ • I respectfully solicit the pn" patronage. i»8 J. PLEWES EUGENIA Grist, SawandLatlil Having mad« eqtensive improvem^ my Gnat Mill I feel confident I c»"j good satisf actibn. ' J CHppphig Bone Every mkaSiitt-SkmogtaiA BUls EiUe^ SR -^» LATH Ali^ 0H-HAND. jriiiil. White Ash, Bl M, tbutWti Hemloek toP\ ?ly. • -i|-AKITT,M«1 iiiiiiiifliililii

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