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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Mar 1885, p. 5

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 /ays in stock. ' d Jevrellary i -faction gaar- lOW GOODS. ntain their ottti I'Tid cffccicaJ I'.lrou or AdoltO. t' :iilU:)nncC tl» I i .ntry iLat ;i Ui ;il:V oUitT I.: i-vr]i:i!n;e: â€" lu :!, .. Fltmv. iii..uiil 'if Hour. if iH'W wlif'iit to iln' most of it, NVi ;/!! T)! or i'li to jURHA^yi. :ednce(lj^Factories. IfilVE PURSHASERS THE SWISS LEAVRS, |eu-c]lcs, Silver Hunting Cases, JD9-50- iQin rV30VEMEWTS, ., Qjin crises, S12.00; 4 5 oz. $17.00. ;u?«TsQX a- LWifS .iiiiM. .ir?,s«^ A,: AND THE EXCITEMENt OA.USED BY- To take PHOTOGEAPHS is rapidly increasing. M Q^Jf^iT'" Vk^! ^^'^u^^^"^^ r^ ^^^' ^^^ of securing Life-Like: Pictures. MARK DALE. Mr, btill, the celebrated^Ehotographer, will amve on the ^Ith and remain until the |9th March. frf ?14-D' Don't loose.this rare chance. Bring the babies early in -the day. I •I.lVEMK-XT.S KEPT IX c:osQ Cash Prices. f/i/d 2 Tears, C/orA:s\ .S/h'er- irffrc. r'inl Keddinff 'â- /â-  /,) ol'icr lines of i/oods. John j-^ill, painter, has accepted a situaton paintiug and trimming in Gravenlmrst, aud left for that place on Tuesday. RoLLEK skating riiiks ara all the rage splendid recreation, aud un- auiinonsly recommended by leading underfciikers. Mr. J. J. Johnson and son, and Mr. Tlios. Ciiambers of Meaford were in town last Friday. They gave us a pleasant call. Mr. W. Ct. PiicHAEDs of tlis village has been awarded tlio contract for the building of the Melhodist Church for $G,8U0.00. i.liku!t Repciiring a Special y. JEWELLER, U, .â€".1 nril Dr. visit home bpr.ouLE, M.^P. arriving made a flying on Saturday Ills. Iloca] and Oilier Items. uigiit and departing lor Ottawa again on Tuesday morning. I\r.MEris- are coming over twenty miles tu the Markclale roller flour inillp to have their gristing done, and well satisfied 'ivith results. ;:, i.s /â- ! Ihf::e column-^ Intended toheriefit :,„iiriilii:i' :)â-  S:cietii n-ill hcchnrfied ten â-  ;; iilli â-  ,.i xhe I'trxt iri/tertioH and Jive ':ch ^-dh;e(}Ke)ii innertion. â- i';;r. fniuie cf the Duucialk sash and i !;ietosy is up. h isfMitirely juie and unadulterat- ' Mci";;ri!iiiirH Japan Tea. K:vLnuiLiiaiit Governor, CaucLou, MHniUib;!,"iy duail. "1 .-, iiii't, nobby novelties in ]\rens J l,(ivs ilats at McFailand's. \.':\. r\'A-: N is likf'ly to accept a .;: :i ui Tcltfiiliain. â- â- ..â- :. i)^r(;-LAs now oc-cupios the' .-.-Mist v;u-atoil by Alex Kiiy. ;. [• ;-' lid silver Swiss W.atch ... A ui' Jit lair-suirs.Flesherton. Everyone apperas to have been disappointed in not liaviL-g an (â- '!! winter, but, tliey n: ly leasuuao.v expect an open fiuuimer. A Policeman is a curious o'eativo. lie knows a rogue mIiv.u iie .s(;es i/uii, but very often he doesn't stii:t! a rnyue when he knows him. Big Stock of RejuTenator Bitters on hand at Smith the barber's, and they are seUiiig off fast. Owing to my heavy loss at the recent tire, and the ex- pense of starting businesss again, I positively request all who are indebted tome either by over-due note or account to settle the same at once. Do not look for further no'^ice. I will be found in A. .Turner's Drug Store, where I will keep my books. D, j. Shanahan. 234-35 Change TN THE Firm. â€" The firm of i Hands Perry (successors to Lauder Hands) Barristers, c., Toronto, having dissolved by mutual agreement, the undersigned have entered into partnership as Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc., and will carry on the business at the offices of the late firm of Lauder Hands, No. 16 King Street East, Toronto. The new firm will bo pleased to see all their old clients (it the firms above mentioned, and others who njay favor them with their legal business. Hands, Echlin (i; Garviii, 16 King St. East, Toronto. ODDS AND ENDS. V. t loir.ovcil liii.s week to ixt "ioor i) lilclvcuna's. i. TaRTS OF ORDERED ri-;iu.LO respectfully .ML-:.aV Modi. RUTLFDGE. J 11! rbfi •. w'iish, "Doors, .M( •ul aim 's, :.' to Grant ' 1 Al V is i']. though i- ii.' he. is ij(.t l;l;ely to HI ..ii sti ]l coiitiuncs to " r ba liiicki ts, Sugai' 111:1 do in O'D'iiiovau s. J) lui- v'tj bi..i.Lis s;i u We have just received additions to our already well fuinislied plant so that the most artistic work can be turned out. Call and see samples. A subscriber informed us last week that lie read several, local papers and that, the Standard is tha only one whose uiarket reports he could depend on. Oxen for Sale.â€" A woU matched pair of oxen rising four years old, well trained. For particulars apply to Geo. Ireton, one mile fromBarrhead Mills. • 134 06 Cheap Bates.â€" Very low rates are ofTured by the St. Paul, Miuneopoli.o, aud Manitoba linilway Irom all points on the C. P. 11. on and after 1st March, fare Irom Markdalo'$20. Tnos. Mathkws has opened ngain in Kaes block, next to the Drug store, where he has a splendid stock of harneos made up and other lines of horse v/are. If you to subscribe, for the Weeklu Mail orrfnewytJu subscription for the same, call at the Standard ofiice, the only agency for the Weekhj i\7ai/ nov in Markdaio. All who intend to purshas3 Watclips, clocks or other goods in ray liue, w'l secure discounts of cash from now until the Uth March. -That will be a material advantage to every puidi aser. W. A. Brown, Jeweller. Markdale. Mr. Wm. Bowler, having sold his farm and is going to Manitoba, lias called a Bale for Wednesday March 11th when he will sell his liye stock, implementii c. c. Terms 10 months time on approved paper for suras ii Silver American and Spring- over $5.00. George Noble, auctioneer. 1 ^v:. cbcs from $11.00 up, at Bus- ^^^ ^^^^^^^ -^ ^^^^ ^^^^^„ ^^^,^..^ published in Toronto, and is tu*} spiciest paper published on tiie con- tinent, containing the best selections from all the best fun papers in the world, besides rich original matter. In ITBemoi'iaEsa. To Mrs. J Boland Whereas God, in his all- wise Prdvi dence, has seen fit to remove by death QATHBaCD rSOM XXCHANOK8 AKS BOILXD SOWK FOB THB STAMDASD. The English army estin^ates for 1886 amount to £17,820.700, whicn includes the expenditures for the Soudan expedition. The Paper World declares that the -ten plagues of a newspaper office are bores, poets, pranks, rats, cockroaches, typographical errors, exchange fiends, booli canvassers, delinquent subscri- bers, and the man who always knows how to run the paper better than the editor does himself. Mr. Beaudby was defeated by Mr. Beaugrand for the mayoralty of Montreal by a majority of four hundred and one yotCF. A proposal has been submitted to the Dominion Government to build a branch railway from Parry Sound to connect with the Callander extension at Burk's Falls. The relations between England and Russia are seriously strained, and England is holding iSO.OOO troops in readiness for Afgbanstan. BunviNG PoEK. â€" We have been in- formed that a wealthy farmer residing on the fifth concession of the township of W. Luther killed a bt of very fine hogs some time ago, and finding the prices did cot range to suit hirai buried his pork at night in a bank of snow which was found sufiicientlj' extensive on some part of his farm. ^THIS NEW^^ Patent Process Flouring Mill Is now comxjleted at great expense, on the IVEost ^^lr»r»JROVEI plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, makt- ing it, in everj' sense of the term, "A Model Mill." 1 am therefore' in a position to give the pubhc a SupeHor Article of Flour. A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear buJ" the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat BiS" Flour, Bran, Shorts, etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. ANGUS PLEWES. 219 your beloved daughter, we, the officers* The pork market, ho^%ever, improved in a lew days and the farmer on going to, as he thought the place where the hogs were buried was borrifisd to find they were gone. He has been digging snow constantly evtr since and whether some p^rsan has tnkeu the hogs or the farmer mistaken the burial place is a niysieiy which the spring thaw will 11 lone determine. â€" Kxclmuije. â-  'â- â- .',â-  ;iL;;iiu. â- â- 'â- . IS u:v linie to bny your Sap â- â- â- -: Wuiker Bros, aiti selling -i:;. (hdiiGE Richardson returned â-  iliinsiiny last from a two- weeks '" t'l ^Jeaiboro, .1.1. at Paisselrs. Fleshertrn, and vf r.r v\:itch repaired. He can :.ko It L'o right. *-â-  i:i:i.?i'0XDi:xcE imist .reach us I'le Weuiiesdav to insure a place â-  tiie stime week's issue. and members of United Sabbath School, beg leave to express our deep sympathy with you and your family, and to place on record the high esti- mate in which she w-as held as a teacher in this school, because of her many noble trails 0} character, both of mind and heart, which endeared her to us, and while we feel deeply our loss and mourn with those bereft, we cannot unuerstaud this dark dispensa- tion by which apparently one so much needed here and whoso influence v/as so characterized for good should be so soon cut down yet, we feel called upon to bow in humble submission, knowing that "God is too Wise to err, too good to be unkind." V/e foci con- fident that your sorrow is not that of those who mourn without hopo. but tiiat you have the couiforting assur- ance that your loss is unspeakable gain to the departed loved one. Our desire and prayer to God is that the promises of His word may qive you comfort through the journey of this life, and that you may experience the joyousness of a blessed reunion where farewell words are never spoken and where tears of sorrow are unknoan. J. I. Graham, Sec. U. S. S. MARCH BLIZZARD. The Uiiitecl States Government Ccflsus" Volume, just puLlisIied, ^puaks of the "KEiiAisKAiiLE succKss"' atteiiaiug our "uxiquk ANi uNTiRixo EFFORTS," ill pusliing tho Ame-rican Aarictiltiii ii^t It began llic current year with a' larger subscriiition list than at any coriy-spondiuK period in twelve year. Tho able corps of Editors, who have made the AviericMiiA(jrUr(iUiirUt. a welcome visitor to hundreils of thousands of readers for a f_uarter of a century, are still bcndng all their energies to make the Journal, if possible, more interesting and vahiable than ever. And you may rightiy conclude that it Wayne, Du Page Co., Illinois, HAS IMPORTED FROM FRANCE Percberon Uorse*) valued at S3,0U0,000, which iucludes 75 PER CENT OF ALL HORSES WliofO Durity of blood is e^lnhlished hy their pediprea* recorded in Ihe STUD BOOKS OF FRANCE. EVER IMPORTED TO AMERICA. STOCK ON HAND: ISO ^Ifflioited Brood Mares, Importel Stallions, Old enough for service, J 100 COLTS, «TwQ years old ana ' ' younger. ' Becognizing thi pris- '^ciple accepted by oU intelligent breeders that, ^however well-bred animals y-~^(^m^^^ may be taid to be, if their pe'diglees are not reqoidad, and cannot be authentically itiTen, they shotad be Talned only as grades, I will sell all Imvorted Stock at Grade Pticca when I cannot furnish with the animal »old pedigree reriBcd by the original French certificate of Us number and recordin the Stud Book In France. 140 ie?fO,'P"^*'^*l»?*'c"'K»uf*" „f .1,- Jllnstrated with SixriM Horses, of the Exhibition of tte SoeitU Bippiqve PtrduTonn* of France. 1»S4 PW- rtSed by^T^Dunham. and drawn from tfe by RoM BvMheur, the most famous of sU animal ^nten. O sprcy I'icbl cihtrton. liiF. Blount Porest Uepresentative is â-  ""^ttiiuLT fine paper. We have no L Uor exchange on" our list. '^Ai.KEK Ijeo's. will hold an auction --•^oftiuware at Maxwell, on Thurs- •-S Mauh 12th. CcExwALL and Large have been â- ; â- ^â- 'ided the contract of building the 'uiulalk school linnKP ftt. 3i9. 7nn It is for sale by all booksellers. Price â- 5 cents. One case Linens, One case Embroideries^ One case Silks. From our own correspondent. Fine weather and good roads. Money, hay and straw very scarce. Messrs. J. Crone and Edwards shipped a car load of cattle to Xoronto last week. The Salvation army opened ' their barracks on Sabbath last in Fever- sham, they alio held a tea meeting on Wednesday evening when about three hundred were present. They realized about $70. With drams to beat and music sweet They go it all the day Then with delight they sing at^night Uutil the dawa of dky. Bat that has nothing to do with the hop over at Douglas' on "V^ednesday FARM FOR SALE. LOT 22, con. 11, Glenelg, about 100 acres, mostly cleared and r.nder cultivation. This farm is three miles from Markdale, and will be sold on very i-asy terms. For fall particulars apply to Geo. S. C.BETHUNE, Toronto, CH/AS. KING. Shelburne, or GEO. NOBLE, Markdale. •2M HOTICE. FOR SALEâ€" Aged working horse span young maie.'» also about prime timothy hay in^bam. 2d and tons to the rrovincos, v.licro it already Iris so many snsscribers and friend-, to (lur.Jruplc its circulation. For \/liO will fail to embrace • THIS UXPARALLELKD 0FFI;R A FAjriLY CYCLOl' ^niA FKEF-.-^Any perscii, subscribing to tlio American Agriculiiiriat (Enj-'lish or (ierman) for 1885, wliose subsciiption is promptly forv.'arded to us, tOKiithcr witn the subscrip- tion price, Sl.oO ivr jc^^'i a'"' 15 cun*s extra for packing and postage on the Cyeioi);i'dia â€" maliing Sl.CGin all â€" v.ill receive tlic /I jj^cj /cm 't Agriculturist for 1885, and be presented with tho AMKUlCAN AGI'.ICULTURIST FAMILY CYCLO- P/EDID, just out, 700 PAOr.S 1,000 ENOniVIKOS. Two liojfxns FUEE. â€" Every new s-ubscribcr (and only new ones), wlio promptly lorwanls his subscription in a:;cordince with these Conditions, can have his year's 'uliscripticn date fiom Majch iiext, receivincr frto the nninbcrs of t!ie American Arjriciiltia ist for January and February Two MAGKIFICF.NT :â- .^•t;^AVI^-GS FF-EE. â€" Every snch subsci-ibr-r will be prcsciucd, post-paid wilii ilie"nt platen Engrav- ings "In the Meadow,"' and. "Foes or Friends," • of wiiich ovei- eiglit;y thoifeanJ liaye been sent for by our subscribers.. Cyclop.iJdia, en;saviv;;s. .\Nn a ijictiokap.y FUEE. â€" To any one promiitly forvvaraing us the name "of a new subscriber to iho Aiiu'iican Agiiculturixt with "J wo will send \\'ebstcr's Practical Dictionary, just out G0O,0UO words, l,4U0 illuatratiors, \vhil«j to llio uevv- subscriber we will send tho Ameririin .\giicaUuri!:t 188;*, and also the F'aiuily Cycio| :i?Jia, post fr o. Furthermore, on res-jipt of fifteen cents extra, (making $2.15 in all), in this case for packing aud posjage, ^ye wi 1 forward the two t ngrav- ings,"In the Meudow," and "F'oes f)r Friends," to the Fcniei of tlie subscrip,tion, or to tlic subscriber himself, as we may bo directed. Mentitm the offers in writing. Send six cents (stamns), for niAil'ng yo:i ST[eciw.en American Agriculturist forth page Premium List, witii two hundred illnstration.-; specimen pages of Cyclopaidia and Uictiojiaiy, and full descriptions of the Engravings pre- sented. Canvassers "W^aut*?*! Ei'cry- whcre. AddrLss PUBLISHERS ASXERICAN AGRi- CULTUHIST. DAVID \V. JUDD, Prest. S.IM'L BUKNHAM, £fr. 7'f 1 Broadway, IVeiv York. TvoTicE oar DISSOLUTION OF PARTHERSHIP 233-35 WM. BBOWN. 15^i^on?c^ NOTICE is .hereby given that the partner- ship which has for some time past been carried on by Samuel Sarjcaut aud llobflri I burnbide, under tho firm of Sarjeant Buru- ' side, at the village of Markdale, in the Cuuuiy

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