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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Mar 1885, p. 2

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 '^rW^- â- '--â-  ' hi i f^ ' 1 ft"' â- Hi; I MNBIHC BIS MFANT S»N. la TMs CMUtiy. About two and »1ulfy«n ago Jaoob K a rn ate, a yoai^ FlnhiMltr, atrivad m California, utd toond eiq^ojiaat with a vine-^owar. Ha aoon, fiswavtr, baeama inaana, and â- * ori waa wnt to hk f»t(Kr in Finland, and in ^m tima hii farkcr arriTed and startad with hia aonforNav York m their wayba^ to Finland. On the night they atarted, the aon, who did not t«eog^z» the father, diaappeared. He waa found, however, and did not ea- cape again nutd their arriTal in Pitila- delpbi«. A aeoond time he waa foond, and the pair eontinaed their journey to Jeraey City, wher* they were to take ahip. This waa about a month ago. One eveniog after the old man had been Bit- ting with hia aon in a aaIom he got up and atarted to go to thjir hoteL He waa fol lowed by one of Jeraey City'a ganga of hoodlnma, who knccked the old father senseleaa and robbed him of all the money he bad on thia aide of the Atlantic. At the lirbt attack of the gang, the aon, ut- tering a scream of fright, broke from hia father's grasp and fled. The police found the father later, and cared for him. When he had recovered conacionaneaa it waa evident to the police that he waa almost frantic to tell them aomethiog, but they could not underat^and hia language, and could not even tell what language it waa. More than twenty-four houra eUpaed be- fore a man could be found in Jersey City who could in' erpret hia atcry. Then he was kindly cared for, and aearch waa made for his aon. He could not be found. The old man aent to Finland for more money, and in the meantime reaumed the -search for hia aon aa beat he coidd with- out money, frienda, or a knowledge of SnKlish. Toward the middle of last month a itoiy was pnbliahed that a myaterioua .peraon waa frightening women in New Brighton Staten Island. Two women who were paaaing St. Mark's place one night were pounced upon and frightened half to death. A family living in a lone- ly street were sitting at sapper one even- ing, when a tapping was heard at the window. A head of shaggy hair and a grinning face was seen peering into the room. Thev screamed and the face dis- -appeare" The intruder could not be found. It is also said that this is the tramp tbroagh whose hat Mrs. Garden Bent a bullet from her pistol. At all ere tr, the frightener of women was fin- ally a nested, and was sent to the Kings county penetentiary for vagrancy and disorderly conduct. He could speak little Eagliah. Although his answers were witd, it was concluded that he was TQot really insane. He would not tell his name. About t€n days ago the old man who had been robbed in Jesey City ctled upon Dist. Atfy. Gillagher, of Bichmond county, and introduced himself as Jccob Kamela. By the aid of an Interpreter he relate i his stury, and said he believed the man who had been sentenced to pris- on for frightening women waa his crazy son. He was sent to Crow Hill peniten- tiary in Kings county, and therehe found that his suspicions were correct. Last week .Justice Pratt ordered young Karuele to be released. A remittance had arrived from Finland, and father and 3on sailed for home on Saturday. LINCIIEOX DISHES. Sarhin'e Toast. â€" Drain from the fish, free them bruise them to a paste. peppe !• t hrousih and a little spreading over slices of bread. all the oil of bones and Dust a little leiQon juice, crisp toasted CuTLKTS OF Quail or Pautkidoe â€" Cut the breasts from the quiil or other dry meat bird, and at the small end of each iusert a neat little piece of leg bone to look like cutlets. Dip into melted butter, season, roll in cracker crumbs and fry in hot butter, or broil if preferred. Serve with French peas in center of dish. Cheese Tarts. â€" Take the yolks of two fresh egga, three dessert spoonfuls of cream, a spack of cayenne pepper, a heap- ing tablespoonful of j;rated Parmeson or Eagliah cheese and a little salt. â-  Beat these ingredients to a smooth paatti have made some tart shells o( puff paste, fill with the mixture and bake in a quick oven until a light brown color. CuRKY OF Cold Fowl. â€" Two large onions, two apples, two ounces of butter, « large teaapoonf ul of curiy powder, one teaspoonf ul of flour, half a phit of gravy, one tablespoonful lemon juice, two toma- toes, aboiit a cup of cream or rich milk. Fry the fowl and onions in the butter, put into a st iw pan, adding tha gravy with the cooked apples, lemon juice and paste of curry powder and flour. Serve with hot boiled rice. Stewed Beef Kidney. â€" Split open and free it of all fat cut in very amall piecaa and wash carefully in cold water, then let it atand in aalt and water abjut an hour to extract the blood. Have an onion «hoppedfine; cover with boiling water ^hieh muat b 3 poured off after thefimt iew minutea boiling. Pour on moxe water «nd cook alowly f OT an hooT thkdcendie jpravp with a little flour, adding a small lump of bnttw, pepper and nit to tarte. FuKD Haius.â€" Waah earefoUy, thm let atand in aalt and water to daw out the blood. Cut up aa yon woaU a ohidc- «n, dry eadi piece in a doth, (Op into floor wad hy in hot batter at di^inga. A ttmm fEwrj of zicih walk thMtooed witk flsor anlhattw, than wdl pad ant dw xablnfe, ^_^ dish with tat Utflo to dis- tiontikJt £roB diiflkaii if parfaetly nraet G«B. SicHarbOTtStMnot, vkoMdMtlt iatho SoBdaa-fBoa Ik boUat wMAdsa* oatfcdattWhrtOaof Ataffiw who*, vidiahMdlolcf BCB, ho dafMtod 10,- 000 Ai»ba» was aanoutead jnaoivt^* waa tho aideat ton cf IUt. B. StaiNfft, tho la-^ twtor cf Sktstheit. nnr Winditater in Hampahira. He was hum in 1842, and enteted the Britiah aernea in lh63. Five years ntar he was appointed a oap tain in the 3.-d Dragoon Ooarda. After holding aaveral i^ipmntments m the staff, he brought himself into proinineiit notioe curing the late tionUea with the Beers in the Transvaal, and was takm Sriaoner with othos in the disaster at [ajuba HS}. On hit return to England he held some leas prominent appoint- ments, but in 1882 he vdanteered for service in the first Egyptian campaign, obtainiiw the rank rf chief of the staff of the eavury brigade under Gen. Sir Drury Lowe, and wiU be remembered aathe leader of the renowned rajad advance on Cairo after the eventful novrsTAU. OF xel-el kebib, being tht first to enter the Egyptian cap- ital, and to whom Arabi Pasha, his ataff^ a -d a. c I of h s army aa werm with him surrendered themaelvea aa prisoners. Fur these services he was rewarded by the Qjeen* with aubitantial promotion. On the outbreak of the troubles in the Soudan he assumed command of the cav- alry brigade in the expeditionary force tmder Sir Gerald Graham, and ao dia- tingoiahed himaelf during the campaign that on hia return to E agland he waa promoted to the rank of colonel, and waa made a K.C.B He aubscquendy Waa appointed to the command of the corpa of marinea aeleoted to aaaist the Iriah constabulary in quelling disturb- aneea in that country, and on ita being decided to aend an expedition for the re- lief of Khartoum, Col. Stewart again placed hia aervicea in the handa of the srovemment. Hia gallant conduct in ^87P^ bio victory at ^bu Klea, hb death wound, uid the fatal termination are the last painful cbaptora in the life of an Eng- lish soldier who, knowing what faJs duty was, did it with his whole heart, giving his youth, his manhood, his experience, and personal courage, and, laat.ol all, hia life alao for Ma beloved England. The reason why "Myrtle Navy" tobacco has taken so strong a hold upon the smok- ing commmiity is because it is the g^fiuine article. No man has a desire to sraMLe any- thing else than tobacco. Even opioin is not smoked for the pleasure of smoking it bat for its soporific effects. The desire for to- bacco is, of course, best satisfied by getting the pure article, and when to this is added the finest quaUty the satisfaction is com- plete. Thefe two things are cMnbined in the "Myrtle Navy." Uncle "Well, Etihel, you've been looking at the fire a long while. What do you see there " E hel .(dreamy little dear): "Oh, all sorts of things, uncle â€" faces and people. ' Johnny (practical, with an eye to "tips"): "Do you see the face of anybody there who'd give you half a dollar " What! Limpins Yet? Why should you go limping around when Putmam's Painless Corn Sxtbact- OR will remove your corns in a day. It will give almost instant relief and a gnatr- anteed cure io the end. Be sure you get the genuine Putnam's Com Extractor, made by Poison Co., Kingston, for many substitutes are being offered, and in it is always better to get the best. Safe, sure, painless.. There before -he boudoir diesaer, Wiih an btiima eo Holdi-ig fas- a ppfDge B^dbott'c, In re' Kirlish g'e j and grai c, She exclaims: 'oh I amfai-.tly, For s EOJtheprovfrb eung. Worded tfitis S3 ve y q^auitly. Yea, the truiy good aie younx,' " DRAFT HORSES. The following is a Bj-nopaia of a lengthy article which appeared in the Ctacaeo Tribune, consist- ing of interview a of its reporters with the leading iiiaft bor86 dealers of America. It was headed as follows " Breeding of Draft Horsesâ€" One of the Impor- tant Indnstriea of the Dayâ€" Experience of Dealers who HaiiOle 40,000 Horses Annuallyâ€" Et-Ijxtive ilerits of Pereheron, Clydesdale and English Horsesâ€" Opinions of all Leading Dealers iu^ew York and Chicagoâ€" They are â- unanimous in pre- lerring the French Breeds over all Others, as thoy are more enduring, bast dispobitioned.staad tlie pavementa best and bring higher prices." The 2'ri6H«e reporters were instructed to pro- cure opinions aa to the relativb merits of the different breeds of dralt horses being raised in this country and sold in their markets. The experience of dealers who sell terhaps 40,000 horses annually directly to those -who buv them to wear out was thus obtained. This informal tioQ ia of iminense value to those engaged in breedingborsea. Mr. L H. Dahlman, of New Tork City, said "1 liandle between 9,000 and 1 0-.UUO horses annually. Of the draft horsea I handle, tlie greater proirar tion â€"nearly allâ€" are Norman-Percherons Tbeae taoraes are docile, intelligent, easily broken, steady in bamesa, powerful and compactly boitt.; They are short in tae biwsk, deep tn the body and broad in the chest. Tb^ have the best feet of any horsca in America. ' X do not want it nnder- atood that alt Morman horses bave tbeae good qualitiea. X baye seen some impcnrted that wei» as badly shaped horses as coold be lonnd. lioog in the back, narrow waiated and not worth their freight from Fiance here. That claas of taoreea is only imported by people who bny tbem to aell and not to breed.' In regard to the Clydeadal*. boraes Mr Dahlman said "I wiU uve yon no criticism. I bay very few at tbesn. I prefer to pass their atable and say nothing about them. From what Ibave said the TWtone readwa, X think, WiU nnderatand what breed ot horses I would recommend them to raise.' G. H. Haym«m. East 24«h Btreet, NewTork city said " We handle about 2,000 hosses a year. mineiiMa|y ^ft horses of aU kindsâ€" French. Clydeadalo, Rngliah and Belgian. Wo handS moieaf the Frencb than olany the othera. be- cause the peojde Uke ttiem better and will atn higher pnces for them than for any other breed. They have mora enduianee and are the best dis- positumed hones we have. They matuta aoonar wd ara ready tettw market yonnger tfaHitito otttttoeeda. TtMCtyOMdmlM mni^^^ jAapedimamtheirfMtsoHiod. We advised temmo^thowesttobreedtottieflase««DdlMrt hredPerehatmstobofoand." "" Thei^veopiBiaDswaBtlMermesstaiis of an the Other ders^aterriewwCwiSomOTtiro omeptfams. Tbe^joetMallfinm^obnSd hctaesftruseartormaakablatBrtta.fa^S.gSg, '•atMsatand ferine ^^a^ ttiatwm aoooey. and beet Jd and adMa«d.fev â- wailiBga, Mna hindrad TatJirrr cf tha inton wbkl^ if Bok pcomptly cxpelM fr «i tha i^HlaiB. aMMka th« dafioat* ti«iM»flitt|» to down. Dr. Piane'a *6'jld8ft INmovot" ia tlia gvaat SBOMsdy for tiiia, aa for all dieef ai bavinir their origin in bad blood. It improvaa tbo appotite and digcation, i nc i M w a nntci' taxta and boQda up tiie waated ^atoii. «'Ah, yei»" nid an old feUov, '•when I wuayoong man like yon I admired a prattr gid aa moeh aa anycma and, if I donyit, waa vary popular with the yoong ladies. But aoenmnhtting year* and a wife and family have taoght meâ€" " Here he heaitated 'WeU, what have coenmulating yean and a wife and family taught yoal" " Caution my boy, oan- tion." Tonnit (Mr middle-aged men, suffering from nervoua debility or kmdred affso- tiona, should addreei, with three lotter stampa for large treatiae. World's Dia- peniary liledical Aaaodatioa, BnfEtlo, N. T. Mr. Mhika 'My dear, yonahonld not put ooina in your mouth, for diseases are often caught that way." "Well, I am sure I'm in no danger from the money yon give me," replied Mrs. Minks. **And why not, pray ' "Because yon alwaya squeeae a qaarter hard enough to crush ail aninaal iife out of it before jou part with it" For diarrhoea, dbolera morbus, dysen- tery and bloooy-fluz, oolic or orampa in stomach, nse Dr. Pieroe's Compound Bxtraet of Smart- Weed. Specific^ also, for breaking np orids. **I would rather you did not go to skate, Sdward I don't think the ice is safe," said a fond mother. "You needn't be afraid of my getting drowned: I can swim." FondMocner: "It's not tlttt i am afraid of your getting drowned bat if you were to get in, just think whwt an awful cold you would have." Perhaps the most extraoKiHM.y buooea that has been aohieved la modem soieaoe hash* en sttalned by Hm Dtzon Treatment of oatarrii Oat of LOW patientB treated doiiiuc the past six months, rally ninety per oent have been enzed of thto stabbora malady. This is noae the less staitHng whea it is remembered that not five per oeat. of the patients preseating themselves to the repilar practitioner are benefitted, while the patent medldnes aad other advertised cures never leoord a owre at alL StartiBB wltti the claim now oeneraUy believed by the most sdeatino men that flie dfaesse is doe to the presâ€"ee living panudtes in the tlasuee. fir. Dix- on at oaoe adapted hie core to their extermlnatloa this aeoompUshed the catarrh la praoticaily otired. and the permanenoy is ua- qneetioned, as onres eflboted oy him foov years ago are osres stiU. No one else has ever at- tempted to ooreoatairii in this nuuuter, sad no other treatment has ever oared oatanh. The applioation of the remedy is simple and oaa be done at home, and the present season of the year is the moat favorable for a speedy and permanent oare the maioritr of oases being dared at one treatment Sonhrere should oor- resprad with Messrs. A. H. uIXON A; SON, 906 King-street West, Toronto, Canada, and fmpioee stamp tor their treatise on oatairh.â€" Jlfontreal 8tnr lotending purchaser of horse (doubt- fuUy): "What makes him lay his ears back like that " Dealer (more in sorrow than in anger): 'Lor, sir, that shows what a sans.ble banimal he is, sir. He's listening to all what we says about him." ToBBg Men Iâ€" Bead This Thb Voltaio Bels Co., of Manhall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Eum TBO-VoiAio Belt and other Elbotkio Ap- FLiANOXS on trial for thirty days, to men )young or old) afflicted wi^ nervous debili- ty, loss of vitality, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete restor- ation to health, vigor and manhood guaran- teed. No risk is inoorred cs thirty day a' trial is allowed. Write them at onoa for illastrated pamphlet free. "Mamma; who tore Mr. Bland's hair all out?" said little Mabel. "Huahjchild, you mustn't speak of sudi things. Papa is bald, too, you know." •'Yes, but I want to know who tore Mr. Bland's ludr all out he isn't married." «.. ^^Importaat. When you visit or leave New York Clty.8ave Baggage Bxpressage and Carriage Hire, and stop at the Oband Unioit Hotbx opposite Grand Central Depot. 600 elegant rowms ntfed up at a cost of one miluon doUars. ft and apwards per day. Bnropean plan. Sle- varxr Bestanranc sapplied with the heat. Horse oars, stages and elevated railroads to all depots. Families can Uve better for lass money at the Qrand Union Hotel thn at anv other flrstelass hotel in the oltv. • So I may reali^ have the next waltz 1" said a Ebriem dude to a married belle the other ni^t 'it's so good of you' Mrs. M. I know how rarely you'll oen- sent to waltz with any body. I am great- ly favored." "Not at all, Mr. Lahdedah. I don't object to waltzing, in general it is only my husband's absurd jealousy,yon know. But I'm sure he won't mind my taking a turn with j on, you know. " A.P. 217. THB 8KrXtBB-8 GXnDS *I.aXI IAW8 OFTHX V.B..1Kc.hrm^a. PAainr.WnTaa,IenÂ¥ar.Od. UKTr-SBVXH aCBSB-THIKTT BDBHran .^.^Q^ ""'â- ' â- "9 ^iiabet sagante: soil, boiid- N •«â- .»• lUHiiwaaHiaBaninDet aananae: soiL bmld. at, fcaB»toa«. or A. KS AMjuarAT. Soho PIsm. IMl JLAV â- P^jrtwinaansand«enlli*aMaB- mad iiMiiiion Mie^ (iiiffiMA^ ax tbat siinErii mm .^ d^anA Jj*sonptiT«n!?«l W BT4NS» 8»dsmM, x. ii^eif toany O i S Bd Vnadt ' I oTths OoaapaaK or to Allan lima lioyallall Steamdiips. BaiUnf duingwirtarlMBFortlaBds* ry nanlH aad Halifax efaiyaatnidBV to Ufsipoo' lAlasasuM tramQnebeoafatySaSndaytoUwpooi. alUncatLoc doadawy to land maflaaad paaauiMiiw lor HcoMawdsat IrabMtd. AliotNBBattimMTiaHiiUfazaadSI. Joho' k r.. toLivenoolfartalihthrdHriniaaauaer saoBUit Thai rteamats of ttw nisawiw anas sMl dutiag winter bt ttnwa PaaUand and Olaagow, and goatoa andOHsi alwmatalr and dmbM aoaasMr be t waa a Qnsbsa Qtmatom and Boatoo Sad Olaagow avaiy weak. Fat freight juanssge. or other Informattoi uiply to A. Honumaoher ttXio^ Baltimore; f Cnmard ft O^Hallfaz Shea* Oo.. 8t Jidn" N. F. I Wm. Thomson Co., St John, N. B. ADan tc Ca. CUeago; Love ft Aides. Nev York ;H. Bonriler. fSmnto Allaoa, Bae atOo Qoebeo H A. AUaa Portland, Boston Mor treat Berry Orowera ean asTS 75 per oact. in labor by Bom- ng their Sknwbeny Vines. For partionlara and Pnea Uat ot Strawberry ,and Baipbarry Piuita, addnaa, F LXTCnA, FlotUng, Oaceaee Oo., MicK COLD TO FARMERS. "S'^^ ana Das* proitaotivo varieties known of Seed Grain Testimonia s r.f llO bushels par e CO of Boyd's hftyp'ian Oa a. S «mplei) of two nz J5 cents. J AS. Bo YD, Cedar Grove, Ont., Cavaoa. CAUTIO BAOB PL0G OF THB MYRTLE HK IS MATtinpp IN BRONZE LETTERS. N0NE_0THER_9E] NEW CO-OPERATIVE SEWING HAGHml PKICB iSS CASH. I Our BOW machine is now ready, and fa good as any sold by Agents at $65.00. ' TBSTIH«RIA.I.I LowanvnxB. Dec l7th,i Machine arrived all right, and it ia certia well worth the money you ask for it vitkl present improvements I prefer it to i 'dinger," " Wanser " or any other make tti eaeh. Yours truly, AAXtON Hai Files DoNT Waste Them. Ship OB BkiKo TO FfflEOHTAfilOFIIiEGO ISe Front St. E., Toronto. Agents wanted. /% fB «â-  r% /% WM. EWING CO "eod V" l_ I IIV* M'-TabMitc,.M'Hc6UlHc.,Hoii- P t" I I X e«li '1' tuTwrnm tbeir Iilu' â-  l I I U Ij «t«d Seed OaMloane tret to WW â- â-  â- â-  *^ w^ kll AppUeanta. Wn gi»e imeoiakl attentiOD to Seed Grain »nd Gran Beet's. Unr ntw Rarly Sootcb Bearded Wheat ia the Earliest ud HeaTieat oroypioK TSTiety of SpriDg Wheat iret intio- dnced. Corrt epondeoce inTitfO. Property for Sale, Rent QrEicbange. FIFTT ACat£9 NEAB TORONTO, (6 per acre; alao weit holf of 29 on S'.b « 6 lot Sfr oo the 10th copeea- f inn r f AaikraatOttix m'lea west, of Slelhuri e Station, |12 per » for oale. rent o exobange. Teims to aoit J.. F. JACKSOSr, Doiinisview, Out. W. K P. Currie Cc 100 Grey Nun St.. Montreal. Importeis of â- rain Fives, Fortland Ceasent, Ohtmnwy Tmfi, Oanada Oement, Vent Unlnga, Water Zdme, Fins Ooren, Whiting, FliaBHeka, Plaater of Paris, Fha^ay, Borax, ISoman OemMitr Ohlna Cia* Manwf actureiB of Beaaemer steel sotia. cn«lr Bed Sortngi HlSliAGE The moat convenient meat tor farmera in their boa) aeaaon. Theae meata are cooked and ready for- nai Sold by giooerB tbxaagb the Dominion Bead fcr prio New Attaclunents, New Fumit New Stand. Serd stamp for samples of sewing andg elegant resrriptive photographs of machine before oayingtrom agents. MACHINES SENT ON TRIAL. BONUS :â€" From now until March Slst, we will give to any persOn sending ua |bj cash in advance tor one of our macnmeri handsome rombination tHble and brack lamp complete. These lamps are aoreethia new and the Diaker wants them introduoedl If you or any of your friends want a mach don't delay, but send to Go-0perati78 Sewing Haclime Gii mes at. Souili, HamUton, Cat, toW. ox 342 Montreal. AaHniaetwrers af Mmt hUveft Leather Belting i n 1MS street, KM^ TeroKtw. Large double Driving Belts a specially. Sea or Pnoe Uats and Discounts FOB 'Fattening and bringing into condition, Horaat Oo^, OaWea, Sheep and pigi. The YonsaHlu OA.TTI.B FauKalaaiedandrecommendedbyflnt«Iaa Draedera. UUk Cattle produce more milk and boMw It fattena in one-fourth the nanal time and aavea food ^rioe S6 eenta and 4i per box. A d(dlar box wrn ^^l " HUGH MILLER Co., â-²GKIOULTlTaAI, ORKKISX. 167 Khig St XmA, ToKHkla For aale by DruKgiata eveiywhere. EVERYJARMEffl Espe^ally Those^ Idving on Rented Farms, should send me postal cards, with addrns 0- Sectlonalmaps and particulars ot the special offer madt by the ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, MANITOBACIJ for their Lauds in the Bed Kiver Valley, witiiln short dltt* nee of track. OnJy 50 cei per acre down aleo Niite MUlion acies. Government Laud m the Turtle Mountain andDevill lake Districts, North Dakota. Particulars free. H. P McNALLY, Gen. Trav. Agenl| St. Paul, Min. Manitoba RaUway, (Mention this Paber) TORONTO, OS B RUC E'S FBESH AND GENUINE SEEDS! m^or the Farm, Vegetable and Flower Garden.l Hav a been used by the Canadian Public fori tmaTT-POUE TBAR8, and we claim that they ar«| anrivalled for purity, oitalitg general exeel-\ lence. Our Deactiptive Priced Catalogue, beau- tifully illustrated, contalniog much useful in- L formation.! s no* published ind will be maileil pass to al llatending purchaaera. I JNO. A. BBUOE CO.. Hanulton. OntI mmf ii ill Ihave a P" ii-Msrei,.' lultseBirti.T.ii„tr,-,usp.„l-Ju^. iOfi'l.;- j J.' "fk Vr sr.Oc.J!if ' â-  •• \vwYorfc| OK H AND STAMP S METAL RUBBER DATEBS. SEL^ „„.,.„ INKERS BANKING STAMPS, NOTARY SEALS, C. agents wanted. KENY0N,TIN6LEY 4STEWART MFfi. CO., 72 KING ST. WEST. Wayne, Dn Fage Co., Illinois, l.tSJ""'*?**'^^'*/"®"" FRANCE ^PERCENT OF ALL HORSES §VERIMgBRTED TO AMERICA. Msm Broollaia, MijprM StalUoBS, OUcoo^ifor aarvica, lOO COLTS, â€" ytmm old aad --^.^^ â- 'r*-' Baee«DliiBir fha prio- B ow e Tie i -waU-taad aaiaaaii SSTaS tSiJi .25?* £**• «*« I cannot hmdah R. U. AWARE THAT Lorillard's Climaz m *«aring a red tintag; that Lcvilla Vâ€" #^1. ^^" Ijeaf line cut that Lorlliar fv,^TZ P"Vf\p9», and that Lorillard'a Snafla,' the best and oheapeat. ouallty conaidered T Island Hom( Stock FarH OSOSSI ISU, IIhfortbd Pbbci{ BSOM Horses, All stock selec irom the get of sin and dams of estjH lished reputatioa am -â€" â€" " II 11^1 1 registered in thq Jfrencn and American Stnd Books. We haves very large stock of imported atallions and bro marea en hand. Pricea reasonable. ConrspoiH dence aobcited. Send for. illustrated caulogunl free by maiL Addreaa Savagb ft FAamAl Detroit Mich. SEEDS [RENWE'S SEEDS areTHE BEST yiwstratea CBtalosne for 1885 italuuki; desctlp UoB a nd prins of the choicest mELD, oabheh ft flower seeds l?^^***- ,_,.^«y Fanner and Gardener should pjr Mfne ordering seeds for the coniinS ""*~"*^ catalogue published in Canada IE TORONTO: •HNHSTOH'SROIDBEi HkMkseoIr fi «ke Und a^ilobi kerwittitheBtiinid* yrihr eastdiioh bMj MHi jm rfik ^s,..A'.,.^i,.^ci:,.,.,^^. â- _ ., hM^.^-,^'Stu i- S^:

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