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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Mar 1885, p. 1

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 â- ?"â€" f ^ifiii^lH ' ' ^^^^^1 J ^i^ilH "' '""'^B NO NOWTW^J^B Mail. '1M 72dsiii ^^â- nl 907 •• 'fg|P|H 9 85" ^^^fl 9dO'« 10 05 " 11^ 10 17 '• 7*^" 10 45 •• V0^M 11 10 •• gi^^^B 11 36 " gfift.:^ 11 51 " 9 19^ .2o::;pm 9^23^ 12 2»," 9 19 *^ lOJ" ^C SOUTH. Mt, Exp. 5 20am 24^ 5 60" 315T 6 .»o " 8 80" 6 27" «sa*» 6 42" i06f 7 0«" *8l' 7 31 " 4 67 " 1 8 00" •S2S." i 8 12" 6 35 " 1 8 35" 5fi5"i 8 55" 6 18- i i) 07 •• 6W^ e 45 " 1 8 S5 "rfj nON WITH nd Feed tof^ ve iraprote mfident I oan^ Bills FOkii s-r^^'• '.T=r-»=e.T1v a i*-»j; I *â-  f^«^?V.?j^ UA3/.M.4i ^flA 'St iiii «^l' VOL. 5.-N0. 2M. MARRDAI^, mm MABGH 5, 1885. • ' i ' ti r .jsa Cotais or THx Stahbab i- Frn oxsTS bacr. iTbe larkdale Standard Is issued evesy Thursday, at the office, Mill Street, Markdale. Tehjis â€" ?l per year in advance; $1.2511 not paid within three months. Professional and bufiness cards one inch space and under, per year, §4. 1 YR. G HO. 3 xo. Whole column ?oO 90 ?27 50 ?15 00 Half column 27 00 15 OC 10 00 'Quirter column ..15 00 10 00 COO Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Three inch spaee ... 1000 500 Casual advertisements 8 cent? per line first insertion, 3 cents per lire each subsequent insertion, nonv^reil measure, Editorial notices, or notices in local col- tuan 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents acii subsequents insertion. ^jtnly animals e..fl,Jveitised 3 weeks for ?1, the advertisement iioi to eseeed **'elve hues. Xo paper discontinued until all arreaVs are l.aid except at the aption of the publisher. â€" JOB PRiNTINC. â€" The Staj-jjaed office has a splendid equip- iiii'iit of postc .is well as line job type. Spo- • atteiitioii to orders by mail. Orders iiiled with dispatch. EDITOE AND PKOPRIETOll. ix^nU HANDS, ECHLIN GARVIN, (Sl'CCESSOliS TO LAUDER HANDs), BAlllilSTEES, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, e. Money to oaii nt lowest rates of interest. Oitioes 16 King Str â-  t East. I'j0-2!J1 TOKONTO. J. ]WASSOI\, T:ArjiisTEE, mastiIe anddep. eeg i in Chancery, Notary _Pablic, Conveyaii; ;i r. (if. A XrMr.ER OF FARMS TOR SALE. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vieker's Block Pcilett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over McFariaiid's Store, on Friday and Sattuday •rvery week. 57-ly Ci'casordr Mirrison, BAEEl" -ivo,SOLICITOES. CONVET- ani^es, ifcc. e. Offices in Owen Sound Dufferin Block, over W. Â¥. ^^'olf' s Store and in MARKDALE; Over W. J. Me L-'arland's Store on Thursday .ii;,l Friday of each week. tSrTundsto lend on reasonable terms. ioHN Ckeasur, Q. Duncan Morison Markdale, March 15, 1882. 79-lv .43cxaiilcr Brown. J"SSrEE of Marriage Licenses, Fire and X Life Insurance Agent. Commissionei ^11 B. E. c. Conveyancer and Licensed Anetioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made very moderaCte. i'riceviUe, Sept. 17. 1880. " 1-v Wm. Brown, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES,c Commissioner in B. K. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly ?.t'teuded to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se '"nritv. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. CITY HOTEL, Fohn McAIeer, Proprietor. This house is fitted up in good style, sitH- •itud on Mill street, where the travelling pub- i.e may depend on the very best accoipaio- I'lation. t'uion bus to all trains. 194 MARKDALE HOUSE, ittrHe^U. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S, 6entist, GBADUATE OF TOBONTO SCHOOL of Dentistiy, will be at Butledge's Hotel, Markdale, on th« Ist and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Monshav'ii Hotel. Fleshcrton. the day following th* third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. 122-47. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTEACTOE, ARCHI- TECT. â€" ^Residence on ifill Street, l^Cark- dale. 1241y SAnUEl^ WAKDEJLX, ELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. ALL orders promptly attended to. Resi denw â€" Snider's Hill Owen Sound 122-35 w COMMERCIAL HOTEL PEICEVrLijE, Out. Large and coramodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TAGS. ATKINSON, Proprietor JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. ^Contracts taken for all kinds o? BRICK AND STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plasterinjt. CaJsomiiiinq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standard office will receive promj)t attention. 126-]y. ISAAC STIJVSON, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. -Estimates given. AH work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 195-6m* MARKDALE P. 0. JOHN NOBXiE, MARKDALE GENER'LBLAGKSIITH HORSE SHOEINC SPECIALTY. .lso agen't for the celebrated CHATHAMI WAGONS. MARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. MARKDALE, ONT. d £ Marsh, Prop. ^z. F"as5h.ion3,lle Tailor, OVEE MACFABLANIt's 8T0BE. A PERF CT FIT GUABANTEED. B n n f nM ' ®®^^ ' cents iOT posti^ H f li rHlil *°^ receive free,« costly bo» I â- tHllfiof goods which -will hdpttl^ of either sex to moTS mcn^ right away than anything else iii this y^)»ul Portimes await tbe XTtaketa absolatdy Htft. Tl«)8.MAnHEWS,Provrietor Nothing but good stock used aud tbe best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavj' and Light Harness always on hand. AJsoTATiips, Trimks, Valises, Blankets, Eobes, c., always in stock- 9f^$$$« The undenigned begs to inform public that he hsu his the SAW AM SIIMtE â- H.L In fall operation now, and is prepared to paw ail kinds ot liiunber and Shingle ttaff, and giye you jour Lanrl^ Bhu)g|es ^omewithyoa dar- ibgibe wkiter W?f/ saw on ^ikares or for cash. Casli^ COQil Yonn l^iii]^, from the triH be read The following ci Thombuay Standard with intei;:68t i;*/^. ' _,. "The oilier y w« met with two persons, higiily iutelligent and life long reaidenls orlhe County of Halton. We interneirQHb«ia on the ScottAct in Halton. VV^^enogated them iu all possible wkys. ^^y pronounced in favor of the A(^. "When fir«# car- ried they were ^oubffal of its iefficacy, but the longer it continued "in force the more they tlipught of it. One was what IS commoiily known as a moder- ate dnuker in the respectable form of the term. We Wid to him that it surprised ua tbat if the Act worked an wc}ra« he said it did, it was not car- ried by a larger majority tlie second vote than 180. He explained that tbe License Victuallers of Canada deluged tbe County with money. He was for years a Depiity Reeve of the Towtiship. Ho knew what elections were. He was acquainted with cor- ruption, but m «11 his life he nevtr kiietY anything iike the second election over tlie Scott Act iu Halton, He knew personally of $19,000 being spent at one point. Were he to give a rough candid guess he would be safe iu eaying that not less than $200,000 waj ppent by the License Victuallers. They were that in the Liceuse Victullers, perfectly confident of Fuceess. Hundreds took bribes, aud afterwavds went to the polls and voted against the repeal of the Act. Were a vote, a fair honest vote to be taken n^TWT^he spaajority in favor of the Act would be simply overwhelming. He knew whiskey was even yet sold and drank on the sly. He knew back doors, tbe cldsets and the cellars. But even they fl#^Mltrbfri60BiI»g thiQgs of the past, anp a better epoch is coming. He \frith many of his farmer neighbors no*? go to the market, sell their grain, "stay at the hotels and ire.i.Tilv t^rotish the upmar but til'ose pI3Ut«wlr Ttai*mymf» MAnf* XXiUHlct LM tke CarpMtbUui Ullla. A quiet little valley, shut in on every side by dark hilk a long, low, many- windowed building far below, with zed roof and white' wall§, past which â€" barely visible at this heif^tâ€" carve the slender iron threads of the railway a painted paliside across tiie road about 100 yards beyond it, marking the point whdfcto the Anstzian Eitipire ends and the Principality of Romnania cofii- menees; a few tiny cottages a little fnrthec down the valley (ea^ encircled by its own pool of filth) whidi are tiie sole representatives of the "Predeal' that makes such a figure in the local maps. Probably not one foreigner in a hundred has ever heard of even the name of Predeal, but among the native population it has gained an imperish- able renown from the memory of a lf;reat crime and a fearful traj^edy. When the armies of Bussia camO swarming through the Carpathian passes in 184'J, Co crusli by sheer weight of numbers the gallnnt Hungarians, whose valor bad swept away tho biusterin}:; tyranny of Anstria Jilits cbaii before the wfairl- \riBd, it was by way ci Predeal and tbe Toinos Co go tbat Ibo destroyers ad- vanced u] on tlie uootred town of Eczdi ' a!»».r]iely. Ivtit evf Ti tljeso j^im soldie'" were chilled ^^•ith a M?-rae'ess horror at tlie tJrHt n;i)it of the town. Not u livii-y otil v«a.s to be heeii. Every boose w^»b rutjfc t^liuD i.nii hcned, and iJie only sound beciid v. as* tbe uismfa.1 tc;!l o! tue oliurcb \.f ii, 'vhi' h fce nu d t he lamrnt- itjj5 \i r the d(^:.d. '1)1 wnl) it, Uii' every n; 11 o' ih-i 1 opn!atir» 1 p'l !all'^r. in tht johT. i».r:t la ci liaf. luuruniy. and ti o hiji:«'-s v\tie j;ai rir(jiicu ouly i-j vvor.uiu and ihiiilve.i. ulii liatl «v\ur;i uot to survive j;.Ia of their court'.vy. yiiaUiiiji off their fir.-h 1-rrror, the .seitiierH b' tr^or to force t;if dcors of tl'e nearest boust s, auti the ^nal trat'o-'y l)'-;.n. Ev. TV bonse i)'ji-rMiie a fortiers. I'lOiii whi.-li stoics, l.o.lin^ oil, Hiid staidji'j^ water raicc ct i own njon the ashaiis^sit-, bcapiri}? tiHi iwrsaheii strectH With tbe dyi:;g cud tlv dead. 'i5ava^-;e yel^s, tlijie:.s of aiirnibb and tbe ceoso- h ss crackle of inviticftty tilled tlao oi.ter air, Nvhfie 1I10 moaridil bell boomed j-^r enjoy themselves tea. coffee, oysters, c. With two or three glasses of beef tea in them they returned home at night and can go to bed without a feeling of supper, sleep a sound refreshing sleep. It used not to be so. Instead of treating the boys after his election at the hotels to whis- key, they now take kindly to beef tea. lunobeon, coffee, c. And even the hotel keepers are beginning to like the Scott Act. The old bar is being alter- ed, and the-hotels now are being fit for even bpys to go into. He has taken his wife and family of five children into the hotel and treated the seven to beef tea and biscuit all for 50 cents. It pays the hotelkeeper, and it pays him. He never was a bigot. He has no ill will towards a man simply because he keeps a hotel, but be must soy that the Scctt Act iu Halton has by its working forever con- -vmced him that whiskey selling is an awful curse, and can easily be done away with without any loss at all to the hotel keeper, but on the other hand it wiine 4 great gain to him in wealth in respedtability. in everything. To illustrate, .=Abqiit two weeks after the late mi^i^al election he met two Methodist cfer^mon with their -wives. It was a M^teir cold day. The five went to tBfe hotel. He treated all hands to bfeef tea and biscuit. They sat at a tsibie m a warm comfortable room.. Bo^Jiiicl^gyman treated. The cost was ^$1 The hotel keeper t;as satisfied; l^iey were pleased beyond satisfaction. " All was orderly. No drunl^en meij, around, No profanity. No whiskey. He says, if you carry ^ia Gtej d look for much at first. Stick to it} Reforms never wok^ They take beef' within fou^^bt in stern biUncp, neither re. With two or ^Jviiis nor a.kiu- mere ^till niubtfall tbis fiuperhumaii (onibau ra;;tl, and tbea the wearied slayers be;au to hope that til 'r v.orl: wf.s done, l^nt just then a Kho-.ver of liieiiraiids, cast from the cliurcb tower overhead, by tlie crip]:led ltcy'\vho toiied the deatb- kneii, iired the dry rcOl's of tbe bouses, aiidthewhoie town was soon oue red ud roarinji blan:e, in which victors and vaiicnislie:! peri.died together. â€" satisfactory t first, but blesnh^ come by ta^ liy. Mb8. THoaus'BcffiiMsoN, of J^ingstbn, Ontv, " has jBttcoessfally established her chum worth one Josh, seifandi eom^ to moit difS^ y in Plnladelphia n doUtfs. imgs remaclra: After wr* loAeektioQ; I haifi ntdxm thai tiie^Qisee s m life aitt: Isk 4:iiYe eeia vp" a «$«! 2iuK ':%/ " trST ' that a VMnd men can. Rtt«iil»*Tc«f *«•«*♦ of hearing an.' of tonth thata a man who is *ileK8»'l with t!je \vo of hi» eye^. There liave be^n many pretty thinga Sfdd about the benvticenee of a systeiu tbatdivii eltheeue'siy tbat heloned to a lost ten-« s.raou» the senses tJMt re- mained. It is truH tbat a bliBA"pcrson leat Us, to teli a good deal that is gOinq on by his sense of bearing. He can Wll people 1^ their footsteps, but any one can learn to lo this il he wiU take the trouble tl:at a blind man is willing to take in acquiring it. I have tried it my- Htif and have sncc.eeded. At one time, after I had devoted some attention to the matter, I could tell a large number of tbe pupils by their bnoek at my door, and even now I recognize the teya 01 many of thijUi.â€"i'Jtt'diii'lphiu Piexx, The E.Knatic t:^^l Oh, My cfin yon sea Viy the dcT^n's esr'y iif.:ht Vv'ii.if- â- u f:ii'"i to perceive at the twiiitilit'a last t-^lpui'.rmg; A fraz.-;i-e-. n that tbronp".! tho lorR nip'it O'er t!i' bid wiero you aUii t â- Â« as to Kuacily Etreii]' iii^;" Tiio silk ii--"c!'.f"?. Po fflir, P."imrt. tiiiee-oiiii;riil and pquiirc, Ciivp. pr^of tliiit 'lie ';•â- ,,•â- . 'ic t 'vlii- iU. i.-; tlu^.o. ':, tho c I".y-riiilr innna tvinni]'ilia)itlv raves, villi ipai'l, Vi"ij"e aii.l WiJtiv; aic bound ii,.s its S.liVCS. â€" E::cliaii;.:e. â€" Tirf.7'â€" "I?id yoii fvtr tliinlc what yon wnu.d do if y'i lis. I the Dulse of Wpst:Tiii:-rfM'siTicoPie '" New curate â€" •Vo: !â-  it I hnve soih' times wondered, wliar the duke would co if be bad mm* " Debate. Sai;ci"Siit;«us Ai)or.t ti:e EiinJ. Tbe superstitions about blind people are so many aud so queer as to seem to iielong to tiie sixtcrntb rather than to tbe nine teen til century, says tbe Princi- pal of tlie Penns-ylvania Institute for tiio Blind. Mnny 'well educated persons bU])|ose tbat tbe blind can gee in tbe dciik, and tliat tboy can beiirto a super wattiral extent, and some who nre uot particularly kanu d profess to believe that tlicy ext-rt cu evil inHuence over cliildreni It is a tlieory that tbe plea- sure ofnok.:iig depeuc^.s on the satisfac- tion den vei fioia s§^s"tbc pmoke and lire. As ;i luatfcei-c^lftCb, we have in- mates vv];o enjoy lii^^is so much a." tolia.cco. Ili soHio casM^ ve have had tiroublc in curia:; iia.tieiitb uddii^ted to tbe Ucie of t'.ie vvetd, and, alto^^etber, I think t'lerc is suSaisai evidence to dis- prove tbe fre and smoke idea. People acquire tbe strc of sn okic;: after tbeir eT^ai^bt bna been dcbtroycd. Tbe {jfriieral iiiake-ii]/ o: t:io blind and tbf'fe tluit Ciin see is ti-.e K?«i;!e. A jfreat oi blind people bu.vo lost the uoo o;' tbt ir • yes bero.'-e they were three years obi. NVlien tlioy grow up tbey develop cb?ractoiiet'CS that one mif^bt snpjwio w(,uld caly come frora ibe aV'ibtytosce and (ompare. The little liiijid'i^ris. who have not mncli recolk c- lion of tbin.'s in the worll look like, };et bo.Dowi?ere or osher a love of dress,' anu tbey dipplry all the vanity of theev«rv-day ihr!d,who can see ard admire itself 'in the laoking-glass. They Hieim to know what colors suit them, and insi: t on being at thfir best. You will, peihapji, think ilsf^trango that they wlitv cannot see appreciite the existence inotlKi.s' f s'nbt, which to them, must lie inexplioablrf and inconceivable, but it is SO, and I dnmot loretend to account for it. 'iftu wiraki thinJc thiit on liieir • fti^ieacauce in a pablie place they would imperfeetiy rea)»a that other jteople' ;«oaUt-kaaw w|bM» they were domg .wftibont too^iilig them. .: Tet when arui. pee^ give wlnl^iloqs fif calistfaeuios gfrftig hftftiMl«£biqjeptMioBi eveiy symp- "t^sMvoee iSbat iwtH» «^ fox ]^memifT6m/lA^ ttedSttf senses Chatsworth correspondent in 0. S. Adverthtr. The great match debate betwieen the Meaford and Chatsworth Debating Societies came off in the Town Hall here on Friday evening last aud re- sulted in a victory for Chatsvvorfch. Thomas Gordon, Esq., School Inspec- tor for NorUi Grey, occupied the ikers on behalf of the ^ere Messrs. J. Mo- iw and J. J. Johuson, of the Chatsworth McDonald, Dr. B. Simpson, all The subject was, tfSSBSf: â- % Meaft^rd Soo- Millau, H. T. and on beh Society Messrs' 5. McCuUough and W. in the order named. "Eesolved, That women should bo placed on the same footi Qg as men with regard to voting, eligibility to the public oflce and all other franchises," and the Meaford meu took the afimative, tbat being tho choice. It is impossible to give ovou an outline of tlie arguments advaucwl (for the debate occupied two hours aud ten minutes), but it is generally con- ceded that the subject was well handled by both sides, and that if the spciilierd did not get to the botton; of tbe queston they were not very lar from it â€" at least not much farther than some of those orators who awaken the halls.of our legislatures over it, zm\ whoes utterances appear so very wise when we read them iu the daily papers. The chairman, while admit- ting that his own opinions were not favorable to the so-called rights" liiovemeut, said strongest argutneuts had vanced by thu uegatiye- position tboy had taken was in impregnable â€" and gave his decision accordingly. The liail was crov/do I to its utmost capacity, aud so iatens 1 was the interest of everybody tliat during the whole debate a piu could have been heard di op. 'woman s tbat tiio been -thai ad-. tho fact Monttaly F"irs. Markdale â€" Saturday before Flesh erton. Chatswcrrh â€" Monday before Dur- ham. Dandalk â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesuerion â€" l^onday before Orsnge- ville. ' Orangeville â€" The second Thursday in each mouth. Monnt Forest â€" Third Wedoesf'ay in each month. ' !; -^^^fi^^j. Priseville â€" MbndS?iy before Durham PurhaiB-^XiuctUTaesd^y .^. each ' Hianover--^JIbnaav betere DiiAftm. J^alkcurlAjirr-Last We^Q^^a;^ iu 'f iM i g fe^ j l*S* T3ie deci-easeoflt^*^^^ pnl^e debt in Feinrolij^il^' â- *i- 5^*»

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