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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Feb 1885, p. 8

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 ^^ !i i Mi 1 UMi r â- .-« I • » 'II All kindt of Marble and Moiimiieiit»l AVorlui« vndi M McmamtfDto, Tomb Tables, fleadntraes, ConiiUHr *od T«bl« Top«.â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notiee. Also IfanUea in Marble and Marbeleised blate. Ac, Ac. t9atista.otioii Ca-aai-anteed in El'very XSespecsft X ROBT. S. RAE, •' ' TAILOR, Good Work Guaranteed -AT- FLESHERTON. OSull Sit CH-C© and see samples ;l)f work which we area not ashamed to shbw. All kinds of Framing done cheap at 3. FLES«ERTON. BmdQck Bitters Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, BiUouaiesiy Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Affections of the Liver and Kidneys^ Pimples, Blotches, hulls, Hvmors, Salt Sheum, ScrfitlA, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising front Impure SUod^ Deranged Stomach, or irrsgukur action of the Bowels, NEW DEPARTURE Commencing Febv. 2nd, 1881, the foUowing: editions of The Daut Olobb will be to Bttbacribers tiuroagnout Canada, the United States and Great Britain Daily Olobkâ€" Morning Edition 3moB.91.75 6 moo. 93.50 18moa.9T.00 Daily Globrâ€" 12 o'clock • •• 1.00 • 2.00 •• iM Daily Olobeâ€" 3 •• •• •• 1.00 • 2.00 •• 4.09 Daily Globeâ€" Saturday Morning Edition •• 35 •• 05 •• US THE WEEKLY GLOBE SPECIAL TRIAL TRIP-TWO MONTHS We want-to incrcise our prcseut large list of subscribers by ten thousand within the 30 days, and for this purpose make the above liberal and unprecedented offer. In addition to Ibe absve librral olTer we make the foUowtng t ANYONE BSMDIMO OB 75 cents and 5 snbscribcra will receive an extra copy for two ntonths free. 91.50 and 10 subscribers will receive an extra copy for five months free. fe.25 and 15 subscribers will receive a copy of Biogmphy of the late George Brown. ' 13.00 and 20 subscribers will receive a copy of The Weekly Globe for one year fraa. $4.50 and 30 subscritMsrs will receive a copy of Saturday's Daily Globe one year fteo. {7.50 and .tO subscribers will it^cive a copy of The Daily Globe font months free. 15.00 and 100 subscribers will receive a copy of The Daily Globe one year free. Snbiicribe now and scrarc reports of botb ParllaiHento for only IS cents. Â¥^mm Iw^atanfiym Mnra. Tlw^onVvfl! â- teMZl litt aa^Mf ienteDOon Hn. Loir's wo«k nf» wiU Warms and oanse, qniektr Uian any oAsrMadieuie. The Spring Assises Dor tba Gottnty T«fG»^,wiUlakeptooem *• Court Hoose, Owen Sound on Mondayi IStb April, before Mr. Justice GalU TO OUB BEADBBS. If you suffer from headache, diiei- neip, back aode, bilionnieiss or humon of the blood, try Bn^A^k Blood Bitters. It is a guaranteed cure for all irregularities of the blood, liyer and kidneys. Thp inhabitants of ' a section West Virginia are throatencd With famine owing to this failure of laat vaar's crops. The supply of grain IS nearly exbaust-ed, sjnd cattle are dying by hundreds. BALTBHStlC. Salt Bheom, Fiaiples at Blotehes can be thozoagfaly remoTed bj a proper application of McOreKor Parke's Carbolic Cerate to the part, and a few doses of McGregor's Speedy Core for impture blood. Be sure and get the gennine. Prepared by McOieiiW Parke. Sold at 25 cento at Hill Bro's. D.*J. « Appointment. â€" Mr. Thos. Hanbury is in receipt of a letter from the Post Office department, informing him of his appointment to the positiin of Fust Master at Duudalk, as soon as the necessary bonds are executedi â€" Dundalk Herald. McGregor A Psrke'a Carbolic Cerate has been tested by years of trial and has been found the most coaTenieut and "efFectoal method of applying Carbolic acid. The greatest anticeptie in use for Cuts, Burns and Old Sores. Be sore yon get McGregor A Parke's Catbolio Cerate. Sold for 25 cents byHiUBre'a. D. tJ. 6 KiLLXD BT A Tbib.â€" On Mouday last a youQg man liobinson Hunt was liilled by a tree while chopping on the second concession of Egremont. "He warned a young brother to ran, which he did, returning to find his brother's head fairly jam bed into his shoulders, death having been iustantanpoua. â€" Durham Chronicle. Are yon troubled with Salt Bhemni Bough Handi, or Old Sores of any kind that cannot be, healed 7 Eyen though it be of yeara standing McGregor AFtike^B Carbolic Cerate will cure it. Beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the best healing compound ever known. Boils, Festerings, Frost Bites, Bums or any Skin Trouble, are alike cured by it. Sold at 25 owts by Hill Bro'i. D. it J. 4 IMPORTAHrT. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re. daecd at. 91.00 and upwuds per day, Eoropeaa plan, Elevator, Bestorant sappUed %ith the best.' Horse atts, stagea and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Umon Hotel than at-aay other first elast hotA in the city. Mmtl t JMpa «aa{^^rt^ V^ *«» i^^ ttr Iniifiiia m iPbe offioi IB OWPf i(e^ip^ taaaiHdiiidf ^. 4m1i mail diiMrtment ijeiiig famiad, and atwy 4*««fiai»eM^ ' Bnl«!aiitewaa«lBotedI rc^lny aipcf JlMriv *»•«»*«• 2tj|,tf.^ â- -- OOMI* NORTH. ttiMilffk a aide window, ^and; ' th^ throq^ tiie ddivftty irieltefc io »• inner ^^tftme^ Notfaisg was stolen, noterena to. stan^, aa tha post- master had all sacured in a aaie at his rendance. USEFUL TO KKOW. BTcryone should know tiiat Hagyard's YeUow OU wiU give prompt relief; apply extematlf will stoiv acy pain andiaken internally cures colds, asAma, croup, sora Uiroat aod most |oflammatoaty complaints, STATIONS. • • • « jjMky^ CaidWell JvaetkMi jphade^toir. Orange- 1 Anrive. ville iLeave... O i i ig » vi H»Jan.. oIUniMrBe...... • DttBOalk ........ Ilsahertoii....... Ififffedale Wiliiamsford .... Ohatsworth Owen 8ottud.«. ... Mail. 720aml 4 40pmi "W -d »07" 6 27 " "3 9 to" IOCS" 10 17 •• 1045" 1110" 11 36 " 11 51 " •2i)|{pm 12 2»" 1 Otf '• Exp 1 1^ 6 45- 7 03" 7 22" 7 34' «04' 8 30 " 8 55 " 9 10" 9 2J " 9 49' 10 irt) " GOMC SOUTH. STAHONS. m»^ A HtniiKlit Slitft. "It beats all what skill some people can attain," said Smith. "What induced yon to make such a queer observation " said Mrs. Smith. "Why, I saw a fellow down toWn throw water from a bottle thr^ue^ an inch auger hole ten feet disfamt, and every drop of it passed throuo:h the hole without wetting the sides. Of course, the feat possesses no impor- ianee, except the careftil practiee necessary to perform it." "1 should think," said Mfs. SmitL, "that it would be a difficult feat. How in the world do you suppose he ever learned to do such a thing Must have belonged to afire company, didn't he?" "No," said Smith quietly; "he be- longed to tue Morman church, and acquired his skill by firing soothing syrup into his babies." â- ' ' â- ' » «#» â€" i " i Oweu Sound. Chfttsworth Wiltiauisford Markdale..,. .-a.. Flesherton ...... Dttddalk Shelbnme OitmgeviUe iun. Orohge Arrive... villo..}'lAave... Ckarlestou. i Cardw^ Jonction. Toronto Arrive Exp. i*ail. 6 20am 2 4.ipiu 6 60" 3 ir, •• « oS " SJM)" 6 27" 8 .52 •• 6 42" 4 06" 7 06" 4 31" 7 SI" 4 57 " 8 00*« •6 2.S •' 8 12 " 5 35 " 8S5" 6 65" 8 65" 613" 9 07" 6 27" 10 46 " 8 3l " am" 3(8 i 4(i(.' 433, !^ 6311,, 725' 75^. 8.35. 945' in 45., 1150- I2l3n 1% 2(B« AttnaB. (F*omour eorreitpondettt.) OsTZiY StuitPtMoâ€" 'The trial between Bnt and Godfrey respecting the hum- ing of Garjowen has been concluded in favor of Godfrey. Brit set fire to the stamps m his field during the day time in Sept., which was the cause of the burning of Godfrey's dwelling hoase, out-buildings and otherwise damaging his property. Godfrey entered an action of damages to the amount of $1000. The case was given over to be settled by arbitration, and placfd in the hands of three farmers, but their decision did not come up to Godfrey's expsetatioiDs as they only allowed him about f 250. By some means he managed to get the case placed in the handa of three Owen Sounders foar arbitratvn, and after many dbys had been spent • m examining agveat "cloud of witnesses" Brit was presented with an aooount of nearly .$1000, Godfrwr's share hung about double of thac aUowed him by the farmers. â€" O. S. Advertiser. Burdock Blood "ff'ii WILL CURS OR ReUEVI mU0U8NE88i 01221 N £88,^ 0Y8PiP8IAf JMMOICE. iHYSlPELAB, BALT ttHEUIt, UEAtrrBVUN, HEADAOME, And avert MMciM tftoerttored UVER, KIONEY8L N^ BOWELS OR BLOOD, Of DMP8Y, ntfTTEgm Of THEHEmi AoiDirroF THE STOHim, 0KrKE88 Of THE 8KH TUP (^1 ORF "" arrangements by whick It possesses the sole right in Can- ' ' ' *â€" ^^ fc-vx t-* *â€" Hdtt of publication of new novels by most of the leading writen ol iiction, such as IVUkte C'ulllas, Slhi» BrailUon, Jnstin SIcCarthy, B. I» Fai^^K, 1 Donehey, William Blark. Mrs. Ottphnnt, Hnicli Convray, and etbcrs. A. stor}' of enthralling: interest, entitled 'TI.Ii.4ItD!$ WEIBD, by Miss Biaflilen, is aow runnine in 1'HS aily mu\ Wkeki.y G lobe, and will be continued till completed. It will be :fiuc«]beaed by a story front the powerful pen of Jl'STIW MeCABTHY. and after the last "â- ""fl -4tory is completed there will follow one from K. L. FARJBON, the famous noveUat. In addition to the regnlnr continued story, there are always nnning hi the 12 and 3 o'doek •editions of Daily, and in Thk Wkekly Globb one or more additional novels bymuUMna of ^Qvorld-wide repute. In this manner readers get five or six complete novels each year. JIS AJT ACKirCLTCBAI. XEWSPAPEB THE WEaLLT CUM^ IS VHSDnVj SPURGEON'S SERMON Revised by Spnrgeon's own hand), given every week in Saturday's Dah.t Olobb aiM hi Tbm WBKKI.T Globb, under special and exclusive arrangement tat the Dornhdon of nm^tmST The Rev. C. U. Spirgeon is, beyond questaoD. the most widdyiead preacher hi «m»^«~m and is always lacy, practical and instructive. • ^^ »»«i«»». Address, THE GLOBE PRINTING CO. TORoisrro flBTimil PtCIFi p R,R, L AWPS l f ^cssa'gygJ^gAtsas IwsMiriai «a««NMMS mm «*•â-  Iw wmmmC iSSJt jnMlatteKHttgnTMBBMmliT. BaMa^M ium a^-WBfBL SMOiMaK fts WttSStrnm- fSBaitBâ€" â- rrJMTTsnriTTT-Tit-TT-'ili sat TO Hi IBS. The undanigiied is IStaQfaatariiif aa «b. eellM^ MSortiQent of Soblool Furniture^ Oatuattia^ot SCBOOL BEATS ft»iiMBnr«L TEACHEB8* DB8KS, «le., at tae^rtMk ""'ff-'*^ ll iliiiiiiii l w a l tea iUUr neommmMhrBdSokTt^atamm sS wMraycrtiJM. AaaaMMtta .SdoolBeOa faet alwMi an. Over $400,000.00 baa been depoiited in the Clarksburg p. o. savings bank since it began. This is somewhat snr- prismg, but such is the case. Money deposited in p. o. saving banks isg^n* erally surplus cash deposited by farm- ers pricipally, and it shows what wealth there is in the soil. â€" Thomburv Standard. A GOOD EECOBD. Among the many thousand bottles of Hagyard's Yellow Oil sold annually in Canada, not one has ever failed t^ give satisfaction. It cures rhumatism colds, and all painful complaints and injories. A CASE arising from a charivari near Elmwoud a short time ago was tried before the magistrate in Hanover on- Saturday last. There were no less than thirteen persons interested. They were charged with being ♦• a tumultu- ous notou% assembled," to which they pleaded guilty, and were each fined twenty-five cents and costs, making in all ^i.SG.â€" Hanover Post. WELL AS EVER. Lottie Howard writes from Boffitlo, N. Y. "My system became greatlv deMUtated tlmmgh arduous pro- fevsionaldnties s^fered from nausea, sick headache and biliousness. Tried Burdock Blood Bitters with the most b anfifiei al ^ect. Am well as ever. i)AK6SB m CHE AIE. In Hie diiBing. wntds. the drain "*â€"*"â€" and aoadeely eaida- an » m Hallan4 C^nncil. i '.^ ' ' The 'Council me^t on the ?th inat. Memhers all present. The conununi- cations received from Wm. Brown, Markdale, in r^ard to giving a bonus to a raihroad from Durham to Meaford, was laid on the table, ^ohn Douglas was refunded $1.25â€" taxes overpaid. On motion the Auditors' report was adoptedâ€" eaoh to have $6 for t^eir services. A grant of $10 was given to S. Watson, who is in indigent^ circumstances. The Beeve and Dep. Beeve were appointed a committee to investigate the Treasurer's security. The account of C. W. Butledge was ordered to be paid. Moved by Mr. Galbraith. seconded by Mr. Shute, That we ask for tenders for the town- ship printing, and the Clerk will receive them up till the 4th ot March. The Reeve asked for applications for tho office of Assessor, when Qie following applications were made J. G. Kennedy, $65 John Bain, $60; W. S. WiUiscroft, $D0â€" John Bain's was accepted. Applications for the office of Clerk was also asked for, wheh the following pwsons made appli- caOon A. M. Anderson, $140 • John Mi^nald. $126 Wm. Bieen. $1$0 â€" the cii Clerk iias retained at a ealary of $146. anpobtinff ^seaaorandXJlerkwaB th^n passed! liovedhy Mr. Willnsrofl. bmo^ byMr.4ftr«th.^rGerSSS get an order for $«5 for w^ectin^ OnmAon,ih6 matter nitb retfiiS loathe Board oTHeaWkWh^Sw «bniN.Mtlimii^ bi«Miii^^ aU flimlaiata iHKtiBg ImS^ :â- â-  r ^•*,-l ikiwiiiiiiis^uf^iktt HEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Phwe^' Flour and Feed tore. Having just received a Ghoieees Fresh and Select stock: of Teas, Tobacco, ^c. Which will be sold VERY CHEAP I respectfully solicit tho publico patron^e. ^g« J. PLeWES. EUGEltIA Grist, Sat andLathMi Havmgma4e eqienrive improvements i° m^Gtutlfin I feel QiBifiaent I can P^' good satisIsetiQD, fiOOO FLOUR AWAYS ON HANi Chopping Done Every Day- Onitem Sawtng and sbflirfiBstaettBSi Bills FiUed o|^ tkt v-V" ALWAYS liOUBm mD LATH V ON HAND* lindteAsli. BUekij iBMBlbdtLegiin***. ]|. AKIISC, Bagaoi* -itiiM

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