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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Feb 1885, p. 5

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 ction gmui. « -^ o announce to g CO .utry that tu auj othtir ouat of floar^ new wheat to he most of it, if'h CI or 62i» [need at Factories. PURGMSERS TIE BEKEFIT. (WISS LEAVRS^ jwelles, Silver Hunting Cases, ?9.50. ;IN MOVEMENTS, Coin C^ses, S12.00 4 1^14,50 5 oz. $17.00. Itliui ail Sp^di MOVEKeNTS KEPT IN lirvE CT^rtA.rE» Hose Cash Prices. To take This will be the best chance jcm, ever t^udt^ofsecuri Mr. Still, the celebrated PhotogTa{uiar» vdA aime on the t|$h awTremaln undl Marcli. Don't loose this rare chance. Bring the babies early in the day. Wants /and 2 Years, iccording to Grade, CiocJts, Sitver- warey and Weddinff ^tnffs /8 Jh, JFine in other tines of ffoods. fcu/t Repairing a Special'y, JEWELLER, A KK:I A.1L.E. Hills. Sal and Other Iteis. CES in these colHtntu intended to benefit iividual or Society will be charged ten line for the :fi.rst insertion and five I liru each eubiequent imertion. jsT class cow for sals, C. Little- [papers stopped until all lid. arrears Mkafoxd is to have another floor milk Ten yonng men of this Tillage propose forming a company to biiild a roller ekatibg^ink and Town Hall. Beautiful Dress Goods at R. J. Sproule's, Flesherton, from 9, 12, 15 and 18 cts. per yard., Those who have nnt yet renewed their sobscription for *85 will greatly oblige ns by doing so at tbeir earliest convenience. Iryon are in wank of DrAsing Cases, Sideboards, Boreans, Jbounges Oi.' Cradles, go to Grant Co., Markdale. Mb. Joseph Manabet has renewed his lieeusa as atictioueer for the County of Grey, and is prepared to attend all who favor him with a job. Destbot the wobks or they may destroy the children. Utte Freman's Worm Powders, they expel all kinds of worms. Imported direct. Irish Linen ELand* kerchiefs 4, 6, .and 10 cents. Irish Table Linen 30, 40 and 60 cents, at McFarland's. Aid, who int^d to porahaae Watohes, docks or other goods in my lia^ will seenre dfseoirats of eash from now until the 1 4th March. Th«t will b« a material advantage to every pureh- astf. W. A. Brown, Jewdltr. Markdale. New BiA taWiiTU Shot. â€" Mr. Dan McFarlane is opening out in the above business in the building opposite the Markdale fiouse. He will be ready on Monady next to wait on customers and respectfolly solicits a share of patronage. Accidbnt. â€"On Monday evenii^ last while driving along the road with • itick of sqnare timber, Mr. Bobert Milligan of Osprey was pitched off his seat going through a pitch-hole break* ing his leg below tiie knee. Dr. Kerr attended the patient and set the bone. We regret to leara tbfit Mr. Wm. Glencross of Glenelg, who has served as councillor in the past, is very ill and no hopes of his recovery is entertained. His brother John died last Monday at the age of 29 years. The disease is, we understand, eonsuuiptiim. Stewabt was buried at Gakdul llurday. Im to r«nt or sell, apply to J. G. Markdale. iRASu Council mers to-morrow, at Eocklyn. }E o[uan titles of graiu and wood lie to come to market. poo brick is now on the ground new Methoviirft Church. proposed new C'Urt House in to will cost about $200,000. I Lath, Lnmbor. Rash, Doors. and MouliJiugs, go to Grant ' Sound poultry show Trhicb lace last week was a grand SUk ex steamship Brooklyn t'bby and startling value at Me- s. about a fire sne^ine. We re can bear them all say it's now. good workinfy Horse [e cheap at R J SprDule's ?rton. jandebkin M. p. and N. Mc- M. P. P. wfll accept thanks lamcntary pipers. ro TREAT YOUB WBTB puTchase loheat of McFarlands pure sJ Japan Tea. lan naiped MeBuar and son Jht years were fro^n to death U8 Head^two weeks ago. tPPONDBBc^ yniut reach ns rednesdaj to insure a plape ^me week's issue. â- uilts were commeneed ard Id at a qnilting bee in Mark- ifterooon this week. ftock of Bbinvenator Bitters jat Smith the barber^^ and jselling off fatt. council will^meet Mc- the 17th Itfarch, not April ^rey (oinutes last week. Carson preachfd in ^nd twice on Sunday the 15th ^w Market last Sunday. lias voted $3000. to build Jool house. This will be a provement to the village. ition for the Scott Act will in the sheriff's offiee, id, on Satonlay. Ae 28th. is likely to be scarce country, and, the laree Told hay wiU b^ a.^ reqnir(|d. Fob nettue bash. Itching Piles, Biogworm Eruptions, and all skin diseases^ use Prdf. Low's Sulphur Soap. Bev. P. Flint of Smahampton was recently presented with a fur o^er-coat and an address, and Mrs. Flint a purse by members of his circuit. Thos. Glover, of Barbers foundry, Meaford was severely burred about the fa«te recently with molten iron and will possibly loose his sight. One case Ottomon Cord Dress Goods, Seal Brown, Navy Blue, Pluiitb and Greuate, 20 cents per yard, worth 80 cents, at McFarland's. The Bev. Weslet Casson of Markdale, preached two excellent and stirring sermons in the Methodist Church here on Sabbath last. â€"0. S. Times. All who are indebted to me by over due notes or acts, are requested to set- tle the same, either by cash or note. Short reckonings make long friends. D. J. Shanahan. The Amsrican Agrieultutiitt is the best agricultural paper published in America, price f 1*50 per year, clubbed with the Standabd $2 for both. CiJl and see sample copies. Ir you want to subscribe for the Weekly Mailot renew yon subscription for the same, call at the Stahdabd office, the only agency for the WeeMy Mail now in Markdale. STAL140N DEAn*â€" W. J. Shepherd sou'i stallion, "Scottish Champion," took inflamation on Sunday last and died before morning. This will be a heavy loss to Mr. Shepherdson, R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, wants ^0,000 bushels good cl§?n Spring and Fa.U Wheat for which pe will pity the hi^QSt market pric§ jn cash. Mb^ W- J- Sbprphsbamw of Bnphrt- B\tk is perl)»pf the best aiuitioiieer m the County, and the farmers appear to koQW i^ iy the numbes of sales at wfaigh b9, wields tiie hammer. Amy communication we may receive oritioisicg tiie series of lettfiSr cit etm- tinned article on the Irisli or dynftmite question, will require to have the lidl name of the writer to it in order to be published. NEAn.T all the railintys b«ve Immi blocked up and trams delayed moE«.or less by Hm recent sevmre snow storms uid tirilting, but our line has not lost jk trip timugh trains hi^ve bera bdund timeoceasiinMlly. ., v Wb do not like Jhiitalr^'M^les. wa know it is wwt of thought on 41m fia^ U Qii gftA iai^^ontj of our patrons that they Iwts not jibmj tenew^ Letmeh scdMvor to avan Meounts before the end of Mm^. R. }. Sproule's annual clear- ing sale which is now going on so far has been a decided suc- cess. All attending it express themselves perfectly delighted at the great bargains they have got. Thk Social held at the residence of Mr. Isaac i5rown, Glenelg, on Friday evening last was very largely attended, the house which is large and capacious being well filled, A gocd time was spent by all. and a bountiful repast partaken of whicli we understand was exclusively piovided by Mr. B. himself. The proceeds were $18.00. What the ladies say: That R. J. Sproule of Flesherton is selling the prettiest and cheap est Ladies Coats and Shawls ever sold in Flesherton, as they are .selling at less than half price. ' Tea-Meetino. â€" There will be a tea- meeting held iu Lyons' church, town line Holland and Euphrasia, six miles from Markdale, on Wednesday, 4th March. Several reverend and other gentiemen will address the meeting. Tea served at 6 o'clock. Tickets 25 cents. A good time is expected, and a cordial invitation is extended to all. bnsy, and begged her to excuse She pernsted i« her solioitations. I told her 1 didnot widi to discuss Uie eabjeet, but she was not to be put off. At length her persisteney having taken the impndent turn, I iutimat^ that it mif^ become my painful duty to pnt hue ont of the office. Sbe dared me to lh« trial and met my intimation by a vigorous deelaration that I eovldn't do it, yon know. The aSaur got hottw and hotter, and, by Jove; I did chuck her ont, but she was such a tigress thst I was obliged to c»dl pn ope of the men for help. I was at Oet^bnrg, but this latest battle was worse than the other by a large majority. That is, I earns nearer being whipped â€" and by a* woman. I must say that while she was most enraged her speech was ladyUke and refilled, only that I could see that the spirit ot mischief was in her. Why, my goodness, she backed up in a conMr when she dared me to put her out, and declared that she was armed and knew very well how to defend herself. Sha also threatened to pub- hsh something to my injury and in the struggle she dropped a book (which I have now), in which are written her opinions of sundry weil-known Detrpit- er. Some ot ^Mse muque prodnetions are eomplimentary others are quite the reverse, but aU are utercbtiog. â€" Detroii Fnt Preu. IV9QM» fhi if mg now cwinpleled at great ,:,â- :; on.thfi' -.. plans, and with the best mat- chinerji manufactured, mak- ing it, in evexy sense of the teni"||«M 1 am therefore in a position to give the public a SMtriiT IrMe of Flour. A fair trial respectfully so* licited and I have no fear but the result will be eminently- satisfactory. Cash fiak/ for good hard Wheat. 1^ Flour, Bran, Shorts.etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. UaiS PLEWES. MARCH imim. Miss Wilson, daughter of Mr. James H. Wilson of Eu- genia, proved to be the lucky winner of the lady's beautiful Astracan Fur Cap, she being the largest cash purchaser at R. J. Sproule's yQaring S9^e Saturday lat- We congratu- late Miss WiJsQn Cor her sue- M]^a Eiai4 SoM^KP, ft promising young V^ly of i^bont^ summers died on Monday laatt She eontmoted a Qold (est autumn which set^ed on her Iw^with above re«nlt ^e body w%i interred in ^e Markdale MeUiodist cemetery on Wedn^jiy by tb* hwgirt ^meral ever known in ^S^K diltriot, pver one hundred tettxns hmg. in i^ie procession. â-  ^^- ' A â-  Sale BcffiMer. Wednesday. Marsh 4th, at lot 9, con. 6, Euphrasia. l!arm Stock, implements tec. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 10 mmths on approved notes for sunu over $5 Mrs. Dodsworth proprietoress. Jos. Manarey, auc tioneer. Friday 27thFeb. Christopher Eells, lot 28, con. 6, Euphrasia, will sell his stock, farm implements and house- hold effects. Sale at 1 o'clock, terms 10 mouths on good paper. W. J. Shepherdson, auctioneer. Tuesday, March 8rd, Mr. John Bonunll, will sell at falters Falls commencing at 1 o'clock. A quantity of farm stock, implements c. Terms of sale 9 montiis credit on sums over $6 on good paper. W. J. Shepherd- son, auctioneer. Bla«;lK Creek Graaye No. VS^. The United Statea OoT«ram«Bt Ydnme, just pablished, neaks of "BBiiABBABU svccBsa" attenaing onr "mneaii AMD mmania snoBTs," in pnahing the ^McHcoii AfritMUwrut It bagsn tb^ eunsBk 7«er with a iKRer subMriptiAD list thaa aS waj eorrcsponding period in twelve The aUe eorpe of Editors, who have thoiisimeaitil^rMttlhirwta wdoome visiter to hnadreds of tbotuumde oi. readers for a ewtflMr of a oentwy, sie still bendng tJBL vmt energies tomakethe Joiinial,if po«nUe» more intetestiag and vsloable then Aad 70« anaj rightly ooodcde that it IS The following item m»y be ntsr- ei^g to such ot our GaQigiMiM finendsasiiad the ^easarSvof' beii^ interviewed by the ladjy wJmm i^ visited Cofiingwood ;- A vN^knowB bn^nesft warn t Detroit Iwd^ft^atitad tMOOBttr^ finp dinf «go Wiethe eniatetiB Jfis» F. £. jDinms. «lio has fpt •^^ «MM«ita|^ fliM* ' The following is a list of the officers for the above named Grange for the. year 1885 â€" WiUiam Williamson, Master Geo. Lamb, Overseer Geo. Stoddart, Secretary James Hall, Treasurer Donald Campbell, Leotur. er Thos. Murray, Chaplain John McKeohnie, Stewart Areh. Mo Dougall, asst. Stewart John ftUison, Gate.Keeper; Mrs. Thos. Murray, Ceres; Mrs. Geo. l«4nb, Pomona; Mrs. John Mi« ilor Mrs, Geo. gtoddmrt. I«wiy «Mt- Stewart. Q(o. ^nali^ «od Aroh McDongall Mditors. Ueo, Lamb, WUIiftm WilliAmson and G«o, Qtoddart, DeUtgalM to Division Grange. Abnve Grange is in good standing. ^ad fi grand social 01^ the night of Slst January. Mr. Ghwies Mofiat» SeoF^tary South Grey IXvinon Grange, was present Mid gsve a grftnd ^Qourse on tiie order of the Gerangs and the good it is doing and Ukdy to do. â-  Obamoxiu NOTICE. .â- Â» rjiOB lALB-lnaa waridat also abeot SA tens wa, raowN. to the Provineea. where it akesdy Mm so many sosseribers and friends, to qaadmple its eircvlation. For who wiU fad to embraee THIS UllgABAT.T.»T.M) OTTKB 1 A rAJflLT CTCLOP- JBDiAnuis, â€" ^Any peraon, sabacribing to til* American AgricuUuri$t (Engliah or Qennsa) for 1885, whoae aubsoription is prompt^ forwarded to na, togather witn the aabamp- tion priee, tl.50 per year, and 16 eenta extra for packing and postage on the Gydopsadiai â€" making|1.65 in all â€" will reenve the Amtriean. Agrietdturitt tat 1885, and be presented xnth, the AKUUCAM AaBICXn.TnBIBT FAMILY CTCO. VMDID, just out, 700 FAOKS 1,000 EMOEi.TIltOB^ Two HOMTHS TBBE. â€" Every new subscriber (and only new ones), who promptly forwarda his snlKBcnption in accordance with these ohditions, can have his year's aabscription date from March next, receiving free the nnmbersof the American A;ncu2turwt for January and February. Two MAONinCBlIT XNOBAVIXaS rBBX. â€" Every snch sabscriber will iJao be presented^ post-paid with the magnificent plate Engrav-^ ings ' 'In the Meadow." and "Foes or Friends,' of which over eighty thooeand have heax sent for by oar subscribers. Ctclopjcdu, XNOBAvnios, AXD A stenoMAaT FBBX. â€" To any one promptly forwurding us the name of a new subscriber to tibe Ameriemn A.grteiilturi$t with S2 we will send Webster's Practical Dictionary, just put tlfX^jOQ nottin 1,400 illustrations, while to the new subscriber we will n^nd the American Agriculturist 1805, and also the Family Cyclopedia, post-free. Furthermore, on receipt of fifteen cents extra, (making 92.15 in all) in this case for padci^ ' sod poatsge, we wHl forward tiie two engtav- iogs. "In ti(e Meadow," aad "Foes or Friends,' tft^e B^ier oObe sabscriptiou, or to the sfne^iber himself, as we vf»y be dire^sd* ligation the offers in writing. Send six cents (stamps), for maflinfr yon specimen AiHrncanA^rteuttumt; forth page Presaiam List, with two hundred flinatrations; qpeoimMi pages of C^^dopsBdiaand Dictionaiy. and foil deaeriptiena of the Engravings pr«| sented. " GaawaMem Wanted EverfK Where. Address rVBUSKERS MERieAM MM-. Ci/LTy/ltST. DATID W. JUDD, Pre»%. SAHI*. BUBtlHAM. Setf^ V4t Braa4«ray, II9W T^rtu. WOTICJE OF ^J OnCE is heroby given that diipwhkhbas^sQinstiaBii esrrMci^br Sainnfl Sstjasnt bineiiis.uiMU tl^ ima o fiarin si^^a|tJN villBfls dtliwMalB. w the Cooa^ «f Q^rii boteh^l, WiB p» Jdr dissotvsA br wMfe s t eoBssBfc, MjmM» wr Mmli tMs MflUm.O' ;^' ^*.-.'i ^.i-.

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