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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Feb 1885, p. 8

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 f^.: â- ,i iiif '.I 11^^ .« !1 Ji*^ H I « taW lii- J «8f,J JM ' "â-  ;euss ji :l i.-i£tw «â-  B^HBBSi Bmit^t *Tt£^£ mm 'i. .1 â- ' »\ in- â- ' AH lAhdici M«tx*lle aud Monumen'tial -neh S8 MomnnentB.-'fomb Taibl«8. Headbtoues. ContOer and Tabk Topsi^ in Americaaafid Italiiui Marble, Mid made on sborfc notice. Alao Manktes IB Marb)» mid Marbeleized Slate, Ac., Ac. ibftroj tia^luUiien. Um Tftman a Good aM«B«nu«iiiftle of fnt^ " EOBT. S. RA£, h â- " i TAILOR, -Good Work Guaranteed AT ^- ^Bgirann EropcioBBi and all skin tise Prof. Low's Snlpliiir Soap. • Always leave liuipe ]dtb kind wpi£^ ixxt iiiej m»j be the kist. â- . SAJjTBHEUH. Salt BhMm, Pin^lM «r BlotohM esn be thMooRblj ntiuoTed k^ a pnpiear pipplioatioa of MeGnffor k F«rk«'8 Cfurbolio Cent* to til* nut, and a few doaoe of IfcGreKor'e 8pee47 Cteie for impure blood, m aiire and fa( the genaiiw. Prqiaredl^ HoOieiMar A Parke. S«dd at 25 mbU at Bill Bro'a. know to FLESHERTON. OSlll at Cl^Ce and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at 3. FLESHERTON. D.AJ. The truest eod of life is tiie life ^itiat never ends. " McGregor A Parke't CarboUe Cerate has berftestod by years of trial and bas been fo^ fti tbe most eoniTenient aikl effeotoal m^ttiid of applying .Carbolic acid. Tbe it ao.tu^ptio in Use for Cats, Bums and OljKpores. Be sure yon get McGregw A Payee's Carbolic Cerate. Sold for 25 cents byHiIlBro's. ' D.3. .6 T% generous beart shoald seoirn a {ileasnre that would give others pain. Are yon troubled witii Suit Bheum, Bough Hands, or Old Sores of any kind that cannot be healed f Eyen though it be ' of years standing McGregor Prrke's Carbolic Cerate will cure it. Beyond thi 8hadow of a doubt it is tbe boot healing compound ever known. Boils, FeFtfffingP, Fiost Bites, Bums or any Skin Troubir, are alike-eured by it. Sold at 25 cents by Hill Bco'sv D. ft J, 4 To be womanly is t be f rest sst charm of woman. â-  jci O*0opovMi Bo B sa is^ih« perscn wbtoWM taking snt^qnl^ t' iiiii, for «^ niortii^ and dog p«^ ui iMAOoniilr^ »ie liorstvhipM A •etidbnt, »m ftboxss Acd rig, b«at « Thonb^ botd keq»er oot of thrM diji bawd, l»os Ml «l4«r of ib^Pt^a^tepMa Clnfvh to fligbtijuid got a. subscription ftom onettFonr viSage dmgjnsta.r--Jt,i V^ Timn. ' â- ;."' ^^^ AN EXCELLENT Bli;POBTi Hon; Jon. G. iGhwdridge, of Brook, lyn, N. T., writes :â€" "I oanobt express myself in solioiently jmiseworthy terms of Bmdodr Bbod Bitters wbipb I have need JTor* tfaer past two yoftw with great benefit." W anciALTY. Also ageni kx tbe oelebrat«d i Ml ' 3iudttck: Cures Dizziness, Li,ss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Affections of the Lieer and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, hulls. Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all (Uaeases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. liUPORTANT. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotd, oppositfc the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re- duoul at 91. 00 and upwards per day. European plan, Elevator,' Uesturant supplied with tbe best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can hve better for lees money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first class hotel in the city. Thenndersigned begs to/inform the public that he hw* his SIW MD SIMSLE WLL In Ml operation now, and is prepared to iaaw all kind/ of i^nmber and Shingle (tu|f, and giye yon your hapihex Shmgle's hom^ with you dar^ ing tbe winter season. IV/7/ saw on shares or for cash, Ca9tt for CUod Logs. Yours truly, W. J. BOWE, 222-8m Babr HsAB Mills. HACYARD'S PECTORAL BALSAM. Hm no «qtial for the | cur« CMUhs. Calili, iMm Huwit, AcKiHia, WkeeplBS «•â- â€¢*• â- reacbitis, ai â- n luf •inease*. 4^'Cvcnr bottk gvwluused to rive uAfju T.UilMJKkkCO.. Pronrieton To Markdale BARH ESS EMPO RJ laABLISHED 19 YWS, f|in.UTTIEWS,Propriet Nothing but' good stock usedi the best meehanics employed. stock off ,IoabIe and Single, Heatj and Light Harness always on ha Also Whips, Trunks, YsliBcs.BlaDk Bobes, e., always in stock. ^. • „ *1 tSmOIAN ACIFIG R. R. OWEtl OUND BRANCH. NEW DEPARTURE Commencing Jcby. 2nd. 188.5, the following editions of 'i i"'E Daily Globb %iU be mailed io subscribers throughout Canada, the United States nnd Great "Britain Daily Globbâ€" Ikloniinar Kdition 3 uios. $1.75 ti u.'OS. $3.50 12 mos. 17.00 Daily Globeâ€" 12 o'clock â- â-  •• i.OO " 2.00 •• 4.00 Daily Globkâ€" 3 •• » •• i.oo •• 2.00 " 4.00 Daily Globsâ€" Saturday Morning Kdition " S6 b 66 n 1,25 THE WEEKLY GLOBE SPECIAL TRIAL TRIP-TWO WIONTHS « 4 We want to increase our present large list of subsoribers by ten thousand within the nSKt SO days, and for this purpose make the above liberal and unprecedented offer. In addition t« the above liberal offer we nnUte the foUowlog Anyoni siNDiHe US 75 cerits and 5 subscribers wiU receive an extra copy for two months free. S1.50 and 10 subscribers will receive an eTtnvcopy for live months free. L25 and 15 subscribers will receive a copy of Biography of the late G*^rge Brown. ?3.00 and 20 subscribers will receive a copy of The Weekly Globe for me yearfree. $4,50 and 30 subscribers will receive a copy of Saturday's Daily Globe one year free. S7.50and /K) subsoribors will receive a copy of The Daily Globe four months free. S15.00 and 100 subscribers will receive a copy of The Daily Globe one year free. SitbscriiM; now and sccnrc rep«rt^'or both rurllanients fbr miljr IS cents* -J-Lip r^\ ORF has special arrangements by which it possesses the sole right ir ' • '*â€" fc-v^ f-* fc- ada o£ publication of new novels by most of the leading -writ Miction, such as Wlibie Collins, Mis.« BmiMon, Jnstin McCiirthr, B. I. IkilKonf i right in Can- writetB of _jSamh boachey, Mrillla^n Black. Mrs. {Miphtnt. lloKh Coniray, and others. A story of enthralling interest, entitled wn.LAIWS WTEIRD. by Miss Bradil^, ia now rnnninir in Thk J )au.y and Wkbkly Globe, and will be continued tUl completed. It will be sucoceaed by a story from the powerful pen of JrSTIN MeCAKTWY, and after tbe Umt named «tury is completed tltero will follow one from B. I« VAKJEeSi, the famous novelist. In addition to the reguUM* continued story, there are always mnniiw in the U and S o'eloelc editions of Daily, and in THE Whekly Globe one or more additional novels by authiin of world-wide i-epute. In tills manner readers get five or six complete novels each year. AS AN ACKICLLTrOAK. NEWSPAFEK THE WEEKIT CIASB IS VJISVKrAaiVP. SP^URGEON'S SERMON (Rerisod by Spurgeon's own hand ' given every week in Saturday's Daily Globe and bi Thk Weekly Gt«i9; under special and exclusive arrangement for the Dominion of Canada. Tho Rev. C. M. Sp iv^eon is. beyond question, the moat widely-iead praacher in the woild. and laalwaj'S-rac}, pi-aciical and instructive. â€"..-»«., Address, THE GLOBE PRINTING CO. â-  loi^oirqpo mm piciFi p R. R. LAWDSl ier wowtaftesd UJMM aw spM iw MUemaC S O afrca of Owewnmcnt w mricr tke BoncsMd OBtarreLswB. yQT K Aen« «B JpmsUB W ' tori t;sn!SEt£ TO smi nm The undersigned ia manubetaring aa e^ eellent asBortimnt of School Fiumitare. Consu^g of SCHOOL SEATS nd D TEACHEBS' DESKS, ete., of the design aod moM jQiproTed^attam. • necnnaMnded Sy'SclMol TnMeaaaad ,$SliS- w. for.BhBiqpnieii,cHalirt siril ^eienrlried^ A^hMsoitSMHlal The new post office in Orangeville IS to be baiJt the coming sammer, the cost will be about $17,000. TO OUR HEADERS. If you suffer from headache, dizzi- ness, back aclie, biliousness or humors of the blood, try Burdock Blood Bitters. It is a guaranteed euro for all irregularities of the blood, liver and kidneys. Two old men, one aged 97 years and the other 86, quarrelled in one of our hotels a few days ago, over tbeir respective ages. The young 'un' gave the old ohai) a black eye. â€" B. V. Times. A GOOD RECORD. Amoncr the many thousand bottles of Hagyard's -Yellow Oil sold annually in Canada, not on« has eyer failed to ^ive satisfaction. It cures rlmmatism, colds, and all painful complaints and injaries. MotHBB, may I go out to skate Oh, yes, my darline' Julia, but don't you try the figflre ei^ht,! for it will surely fool you. Just when; you try the lightning whirl to show a springy mnscle, the boys will see a silly gifl sleigh-riding on her bustle. JEWELL AS EYER. Lottie Howard, writes irom Buffiilo, N. Y. I'^-My system became greatly debilitated through arduous pro- feusional duties suffered from nausea, sick l^fulache and biliousness. Tried Burdock Blood Bitters with the most beneficial effect. Am well as ever. A nSavu collision occurred early Saturday^orning'^at New Brnswick, N. J., between a freight and an oii train*, by^k which four people and twelve horses were bomed. to death, and factories and {vopetty valued at ihree-quarters of a million was con- Bomed by the burning oil. USEFUL TO KNOW. Everyone ^onlA, j know that HagyMd's YeBoF OawiUgiveprompt tehef apply ex^wuUly will stop ary pam and taken intemidly cores colda |i^im»i, croup, eore throat and most isnUumiiatoiy eon^aints. • fWs onderstand Mr. G. I; Blvai snnerly^ tb* M«fca«k .^.pJtoi' a^mmvag id print a pap^ jj TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday, NoÂ¥ember 24th, 1884. GOING NORTH. Ri.Tdock Blood ' WILL CURE on REUEVC mUOUgNESS, DIZZINESS, -^ STATIONS. Mail. Ejcp. I Mixed. Toronto.... Ldaye Gardwell Jnoction Charleston Orange- Arrive. ville. i Leave.. Orangeville Jnn. Shelbnme Dondalk Fleeherton...... Markdale. WiUiamsford ... Ghatsworth Owen Sound... OYSPEPSIA, IMDIQESJIOM, JAUNDICE. kejlYSIPEUS, 'laALZt RHEUM. iHEABTBURN, *HEADAqiE, VSid^warfepeeiM diaorderad LIVEIL ' v BOWELS DROPSY, PLUTTERINQ OF THEHEmi AXUDtTY OF THE SrOMAOH^ DRYNESS OF THE SKiHl T. IILBUSH CO, STATIONS â-  '.4 Owen Sound Ghatsworth WilUJnmsfofd. Markdale Flesherten Dnndalk Shdbnme Orangeville Jnn... OranRe- 1 Axrire. ville.. [Leave... Charleston Gardwell Junction. Toronto... ..Arrive IN O^SlNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed tore. Ha^g just received a GhoicMi Fresli and Select stock: OB' Teafe^ Which will be sold VERY CHEAP. I respectfully solicit \^ht public's patronage. ,^^ B*CENIA4 V 6nsUa|paffas mSS^2S^v ^»«irfve iBipro,«i^t, in ' Chopping Do^Bvery Day, lUledothe TH ALWAYS Ciutam sl^ortei^jMtiM. LUM^EB AK0 m iifiiiiiiii^ii â€"THEâ€" FME's wm .â€" AN1â€" HOME MIACAZINE Is the ably IndepehdBBt Agricnltural Jon in C^mada* Owtueti sni Pablisbed bya; WHAT FABMBBS SAY: â€" "H m, ei^ bett Mend." "H h worUt ten ttnes ftt cost." -Tht dollar ^Mt ftr Hn Advocate i»\ best tptnt money ^-om the farm." "The )fftfe and ham'fy are a/so deligl^ tntitJt" "No Humer'9 home ohou/d be without^ The liidi^foraMitioo in the right sssmJ the best wwacia^jts that can be proca oitliM^ftrrai ^ook, Dairv, Oardeo SteiOxaha^PoDltiy, Veterin- SijK. Ap«H7^1lsdE6t Fam- itrgiisle.Eto.,Etc. ' -;. .11- aapticantfj -^ iiiMil'BApyooATg.

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