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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Feb 1885, p. 7

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 ,*i.fP*PHi .1, bor a the^ Oc le pani •la«e8), vwrilDieE DiSDlOg t isbment of tle_. to tba Imperial dTded to tr» an ' Qoef orward M oii f ti uattar, batMwPI/j in into bis serriM terfere with him, pan at M^^Uh^ttfi u this order. MyvtV OOHDON ^UOU. :be murhot plaoe of unpaid taxea vluob bad ii|i^2 jr. Hip plan waa^ ra of the pvMy r rity prior to the a^ree aa to the ament. To tibe by the Fcophel ^â- â€¢^ reviona preatiga,. i^^. iQcBeBBiog a latga (ribuiioQ among mi lim, the peopls rdoo with miuuf bat amoDi^ |b|l@;| iDfloenoe oC 1^ hia foroeB wwl *w lever had modh diery, and ibeir ca from the.oil|y â-  %| a vested by tib*^ have thorongk^vJ I iwardioa. If hia en oompoMfl of d doobtleaa bavo desert. Gordon to the coast aa hot. he preterred and it was to Gen. Wolaelay'a- [. }OBiti6n byaada- Saota men ara workshop in the oosBes, and they expense far pro- appears, alwayp, irry; i^ivea Ebort iiougb time and laable wicbbim ;. i tbouob paraaed unoolleoted debt from a poaaibie poiut in conver- tbat would mora a HubordinatQ. nb foremen are et workers nerv- a'prebenfiive. They upset the io workmen, and to imagine that I t!ood as done. otuer miscbiof iufactiDg jthera vuy he iojarea workman and With the nBeiem e foreman when shop comea the I v.y^n he goea, of workmanlike- lound from the i repulsive. This la be oritioisaa these Ptuds not trouble?" "Bb don't you know loh greetings do workman'4 mna- desire to exoei. irinds or western to ail to he low. iile 8v6n on tbe- bmeu find tbem shop propriatom. Imistry. She Iiad and studied the the island and and she. had read Dd a^ain. So ha one night, with dear," she said, iijser aoross :he etiaed aui iiow la not qnite ays that inoae it are evideuoeff 3reak is you." liae." heart were ah lu palmifliry â€" .i it like shat. eg the book and u. You have splenuid heats ai •• :ould only ahow aiure would be i*pl iuess." â€" San- been found in pes. It is son- endieaa atrip of hioh equals tba 1 throu^ta a bath rolled tightly ;ive the required mbar of tayets rd taa deaired igly ormpreaead, fine aand, and When oold, the inside adrved mition. Inaddi- ;ht and emootb, on. these pips* n the aides bavs Doh tbick. thaf re than flltsMi dergcoand thay msnt, nor mb0o Tba malaiiai )at,thapipaBtoi. -J, Hon. "^^^ TM*.^ M *idM m ' tPaJUl!. £rmatinger,aaidtba« tba oontuoaMR or dtooontumanoa o^Jb* o»mDi|L BkMlii a^iooltoral oommnniiy. Tba m atm ipiaB oadar eoosideration of tba .QoTamiMBt, and their decision wjoU ba annonnoadiiiien the aatimataa wera bcooght down. Hon. G. W. BamMmiiJ to^. Brai»- toD, sud it would ba annooncad wban ha brought down bis High Botaoel Bill next Monday or loesday, if li was his intantiiw toiotrodnaa lagialatioa, making ilobUga- (ory on the part of Goonty Oonnoils to aid High Sobools and OoUsgiata Institatiomi in towns aaparate from oeontias for mnnieip*! porfoaa^ Hon. O. Mowat saia, la zaply to Mr. Msraditb, that tba GoreniiiMMit bad not yat daoided what eonrsa disy shotUd taka with teapaot to tba East Bmteom eonbtiiti- enqy reprasentatiTO. Their deoisioD will be mada known in a few days. Mr. Wood moved for a return showing i% detail the axpendltnras made in tba township of Hoogsrfordt by the aatboriqr at the Frovinoial Board of Health and the Iioeal Board of Health dwtng the lata amallpox apidemio mat prevailed in that townobip, with the nomber of oases and deaths, and the length of time the epidemie prevailed. He thought many distressing uuudenta bad occurred, and it any one was to blame it ought to be found out. Hon. A. M. Boasâ€" I have asked Dr. Biyce to make a speeial report upon the apidemio. That report is prepared and, I believe, now in the printer's bands, and bad the motion been delayed a day or two the members would have bsd it in their bands and bad more means of coming to an intoUigent oondosion. From the report (O. the Secretary to the Frovinoial Board of Health, I Had that the expense has been f 1,|U0 to the Frovince, and irom the report resolved by the Secretary to the Local Board, I learn that tba expense to the Qonnty will be tlO.OOO. The number of oases of smallpox dealt with i» 200, and the deaths from that disease foriy-flva. The House will thus bee that the epidemic was one of great magnitude. While prompt and energeiic meanures were taken by the local Boards .of Health, yet in town- ships anob as Hangerford, which are not 80 wsU situated for tffiaient organization as the older settled townships, it was neoes- eary to extend the aid of tne Frovince to the district. It was found that tourtoen oaaea had occurred before the matter was brought to the attention of the Frovinoial Board. The looal medical men rsf used to attend to tba oases, as they kinew they would lose tbeir own practice. Que of tbe medical men did, however, oonaent to wttead to the casea, and be was appointed medical offioar to the loosl Board of Health aud as to the amount 6t his bill I am not able to state, bat I am privately Informed that it was a very large one. 'Atter the disease had been stayed iba honaea, olothiog and gooda of the parsons m ibe diatrios had to be fumigated, and some of tbe latter were destroyed. In liiiuuis an outbreak of amallpox bad taken plaee, and though it waa of leaa magnitude than ouia ic coat inore than double to sup. press the disease. Mr. Motria oonaidered it unfair that a towoahip aach aa Hungerlord abould bear snob a large portion of tbe expeoae ss 410,000. He wiahed tbe floose to under- Htaud that if such prompt measures bad net been taken for the suppreaaion of the outbreak, it would have assumed the stagmtude o( Frovinoial proporliona. He instanced the case of an outbreak near H:ilifax, and an extenaive outbreak near Mam cobd. In the latter place the outbreak waa one of terrible proportions, and it had been stamped out by isolation, vaccination and re-vaooination. Mr. Brereton suggested that tbe bon. the Provincial Treasurer should inolude in his returns the ages of the patients treated, tbe cnoiber vaooinated, and the number not vtaiinated. jilr. ferria said be would like tbe returns to include the otner towubhips affected by smallpox as well as Haogetf urd. Mr. Wood sud be had no objection. Mr. Fbelpa aaked tbit the return should include all municipalities in the Frovince wbioh bad been affliotod by the amallpox Booorge. The township of Flos had been bfBiOted by it, but f»tunately tbe Council cf that municipality had formed them. selves into a Board of Health according to statate, not knowing that snob a disease would occur. He stated the steps which had been taken to stamp out tbe disease. Mr. Hudson said tbe epidemio bad spread to a certain extent before any steps were taken to stop its progress. In tbe first place he tmderstood tbe physicians attend- mgthe families which were taken down pronounced tbe disease chicken-pox, and several families were taken down before tbe truth was discovered. It broke out first in a very poor neighborhood. Tiirough the absence of deanUness it spread more rapid- ly than would otherwise have bean tbe oase, and bad covered aoonsiden^ dis- trict before the Frovinoial Board of Health got the matter into tbeir bauds. Tbe See- rotary, when informed, at onoe went down to the township, and the Bseve of that townbhip was appointed Oliairman of the lioeal Board of Health, after wbioh the disease was almost entirely stamped out. The people were excited at that time about tbe disease, but now they werre aa mooh excited about tba bills which had been brought in by the pbyaicians. Ha understood that tho Med- ical Officer of the Local Board of Health had applied to tbe Frovinoial Board to fix bis fee, which ba tmderstood was 14,000. He must say he thought this obarge very extravagant. Tbe township was vsry foor. Then there was a bill from Patrick Mur- phy, who buried the dead, whiohhe regard- ed aa high. The only reaaonabla bill be »aw waa that of Dr. Oanniff, amounting to Ibia man bad allowed a new build £800. mg, which he bad erected for a store and Hon^.T. B- Fatde»^^^(«Bi|«: tbe h^ gsntieoaan and the Hooso to knotr thih the retora willdKU Involve 'igemU amount ot labor ti^iaiahooat, bat tki G^arnment not intend to offoet it after tha insinuations whioh have been made that there is aomethiog to oovar up. Tbe aihendmentwitt ntafcasoBulltds aiOartwrti and it wiU bo made oat at the aarUsat passible moment, bal tba Btaase need aot nesiupcised if theaxteiiBiva,nataroflfihe return nseeeaitates a Uttle daUy. Thd ratnras mast be mada oat by the nfuiar elerks of tho dapactmsDl^ and the wiibn of the douse is ttaair bwieet beaeoa. Hon. A. 8. Hardy, in roply to lb. Moak, intimated that he bad direeted thMa lift of tbe rstnrni nrdsmsil Isst simsImu, lufl mi yet bioagbt dowa, bo prepared, and the returns themselves woald be broiogbt down as soon as possible. Hon. A. S. Hardy presented to the Hoosa tbe rqport of the Miniaier of Bdooatioa for 1884 aad tho report of tba births, deaths and marrlaites for 188t. Hon. G. W. Boss iatrodueed a Bill to amend tbe Fublio Behools Act. In doing as, be departed from tbe usual proeedureby entering upon an explanation of tbe changes propoeed. Tbe arrangementa wbioh wtte proposed by tba ooniolidated law, were that tbe rural schools and the law respecting, tbem should be treated under one distinct bead seoondly, that tba same treatment should be adopted with regard t tmorganiaed townships, and thirdly, cities, towns and incorporatsd vil- lagss should be dealt with. Having dealt with tbe sobools luder these various heads, then he proposed to arrange the ednosting books. Then they would have legislatton for the support of the schools. Next they would deal with the teaebers, tbe diffecant ofoers administering the law, and lastly with tbe pains and penaltieB. Tba first amendment was with rsgard to tbe sobool age. Looking at difierent clauses of the present law they seemed to vary, the bcbool age ranging from 6 to 16 years in one and from 5 to 21 in another. He pro- posed to establish definitely that tbe school aga should be from 5 years to 2}. The next amendment wbioh he ^thought neces- sary was in regard to the qnalifloation of a ratepayer to constitute blm a voter or a school trustee. Under the Municipal Act it was necessary that a voter should ba a subject of Her Majesty, or that he should have undergone tbe process of naturalization. No such arrange- ment existed with regard to the election of aohool trustees, and he was just simply following tbe analogy in that matter which existed with regard to the choice of other municipal officers. Secondly, he was sim- plifying the provisions necessary for the adequate accommodation of school child- ren which it was neoeesary to provide. There were eighty-eight thonsand who did not attend each year. The machinery of the law as it now stood was not sufficiently comprehensive to enable tbe truant offioer to get at tboae who were absent from school contrary to its provisions. Tbe asaeaeor, however, in addition to reporting the number in the municipality between the ages of 7 and 13 would be required to report tbeir names, bo that this list could be compared with the school register, and at once a com[.lete obain of evidence would be established against those who bad not observed tbe law jn tbe matter of attending school. Thus all the machinery furnished could be enforced to remedy the evils com- plained of. Another proposal of his Bill was to dit^pense entirely with school trea- surers specially appointed tor that ptupose in city, town, village and township boards, and to appoint the treasurer of the oorpor- ation to act as such with tbe same respon- bibilities and duties as were laid upon him as treasurer of the mohioipality. A good deal of irritation bad ansen from difficml- ties in tbe law relating to tbe amount due a teadber for bis ser- vices. The present law required that the school trustees should pay a taacher for the holidays that immeately followed the term of his engagement. Sap- pose a teacher taught up to tbe vaoation in July, the holidays were â- omew)iat long, and be was entitled to be paid to tbe end of tbem. That system had been somewhat irritating, and in faot many oomplaints were made and many expedients resorted to by School Boards to get rid of tbe re- sponsibility of paying a teaober for servioes they thought he had not rendered. He proposed that a teaober should be paid for the holidays in proportisn to tba time during which he had taught to the whole number of teaohing days in the year. There were a numbsr of teaobers holding old first-class eortiflcates which were lim- ited to the eotmty in wbioh they, were granted. He propoeed to provide that tbese should be valid in any ponnty of the Province of Ontario. Those who held them were all men of oons id ara b le experience, and no oertifiosto of this oharaeter had been granted sinoe 1871. He also proposed that where a Ooanty Oouneil deemed it in the intereet et the sdiools it might add to the board of asaariaera men eompetent to examine where Frenob or German were exclusively taught, in order to test the oompetenoy rf ibe teaobers. Agood deal of irritation aroae over the feee required to be paid by Ooanty Oonnoils to examiners. Tnia Bill provided tbat they should be paid the same amount aa members of tbe Goonty CounciL He propoaed another obange in ibis oanneetiea wluob would do away with considerable teouble by provid- ing that eoaneils pay the examiaara so mooh per candidate. Examiners also oomplain that Oounty Oounoila were not snffioiently liberal to pay tbeir travdling addition to those r«.idenoe at Stooo, to be used for a hospital, ' fPan**?. "^^f^.l^J^^J^^St^^ and he would have to go te conaiduaUe »"• .^'wi^^^S^liSr^ txpenae in fixing it up ^ain, in order to t »*»" ^°^ ** " *?'*^~^ loAy. go „ _, again, make it habiiabto. Mr. Fraser proposed an alteration of the motion to oaver all the information wanted io tbe return, whiob was earned. Mr. Ottnegia sake! that his motioa ba amended so as to read as foUowst F a return showing tbe several lota iu'Htaa^ townahip of Balmont, Methuen, Ohandoe, Anatrutnar, Galway and Oavandish, in tba oounty of Peterboionght.and of the town- to be determined by tba Ooanty OocmeiL Coming to the qaestibn of snper annaa t toa be was geiag4o prepcee a sahaoie by i^bisb that system mi^ heraaftIK be ao^irely abolished* First, jw toaebtt tfoitfd' Mr m* quired to pay into Aa Fund, fie^adl^, Aose admi; tribnting to this fund, aaa vHio wish to continue, would be allowed todoso,the fee being inersased from t4 to a voluntary be iMte- ,, for the *i!riotfi»tt«ted. By he expeeted jMisr Ivoold be relieved by and by (rf this ahargs. and ha did-aattaByaamiiaii l«lMU«ved the peopleshoald be loth to deailibaraUy with she te ae b e r st tor on the dontrary he thooght thayweNdasorviagof «ha. aimoot sym- KMby aadgntitoA^ Tha fpaly aigaaMat 9l a substiaBtial oharaater oq^ed agaiait Hi* rep^ o( Iba Iaw4n Mjgikid to saperaaaaa* turn wae tbe simple one that it' waa a;i ineentiye to teaobers to remaia in tha pro- fatoiop. Perhapa It iMs, yat h» aotieed tbat l.CO» toMhaM laft^tbaptolSasioni^t^ past foor yaars. or at tbe rata of over 400 par aaaum. They bad lost tbe servtaMrot soma et thdr vary beat mea. Aa boa. member-^Ddea ttis nambsc ioelode female teaebers T Hen. G. W. Eose said be eobld not aaeer- tain tile number of female toariters who bad^eft. l!bey had rotirad foretbarreasoas perhaps. The auperanaaat^n ^stem did not appear to retain tbe toaebers; and tb« aifgament ha bad mentioned against doing away withit did not heed- to restrain the House one aamentia the Oatloa he pro- paeed^to take. The law required eaeh, ebild between 7 and 18 yeare of age to attend sdiool 55 days in tbe halt year. As be stated a momont ago thers were 88,000 obildren in tbe Province not fulfilUng the law in that respeot. In the oase of ohil* dren attending faetoriea he proposed tbat aftw (aising a oertsin examination they should be exempt from attending sohoot halt the time, namely, the exsmioation required tor a pupil for promotion from tbe third to tbe fourth book. At this stbge of tbeir edueational oareer obildren were generally from 11 to 12 years of age, and be proposed that snob of them as worksdin taoforiss should be exempt from attending sobool at Isast a portion of tbe time. What be wanted to provide for was not simply attendance at sobool, but tho sduoation A the pnpiL Although tbesobool age wastrom 6 to 21, the compulsory clauses only affected those between the ages of 7 and 18. Another provision whioh he proposed of a more radical charaoter was for the sleotion of school truntees on the same day as the eleetion of municipal oonnoils. It would be optional with the trustees by a reaolu* tion passed in October to order that the election should be held on the same day aa that for members of tbe CounciL It would be by ballot, and so far as tbe Municipal Aot was oapabls of ap plication for the prevention of corrupt practices, etc., it should apply to the elaotion of school trustees. This did not apply to tbe Separate eohools. He proponed also to disqualify every salaried cffioer of a muuicipality from being either a candidate or eligible for eleoiion as a school trustee. He thought tbese provibions would simplify the law and meet a popular demand, excite a greater interest in educa- tional mattera, and cause perhaps a more vigorous Sobool Board. He might say he did not propose to move the second reading of tbe Bill for two or three weeks, in order tbat members may have ample opportunity to oonaider it and that the Bubject might receive that public discuasion outaidaof tbe Houae which ba thought was desirable in school legislation. He thought it was desirable that they shonld get ttais seaaion a maaaure as nearly perfect as pOaaible in order that, for at least five or six years to ccme, no other changes would be made in tbe sobool laws. Mr. Meredithâ€" I apprehend tbat he does not propose any oorterpmdicg changes in reapect to the ejection of Separate School Trustees. Hon. G. W. Robsâ€" I do not, and it is optional all around. Hon. 0. F. Fraser said tbe House will remember that when permission was given by tbe Houss for tbe erection of new Far- liapient Buildings it was qualified with the vfliiy important faot tbat no mere than 9600.0Q0 dionld bs spent on them. Tbe House will also remember tbat some sss- aions sigo a report was mads wbidi statsd that in tba opinion of tbe Bxecotive Cotmcil they oould not bs erected for tbe sum named in a style fitting for the Provinee and tbe needs of tbe Government, and therefore no oonstitotional respansibility rests with the Exeoutiva OoanoU tor not taking aotion espeoially when it is rsmem- bored tbat it was stated that no steps would be taken widiont eommunioating with the House. Mr. Morris moved tbat it is expedient and desirabls that any city, ereeted as such under tbe Manidpal Act, which shall peti- tion tberetnr in due form, shall be entitled t J be granted by the Legislature, if, on due eonsideration tA the oireumstanees thereat, it shall see fit, a spcdal Aot of Inoorpora- tion u the regulation and government of ita i^eeial interests. Hs argued that it would be a great oonvenienoe to Toronto,- Hamilten, London, Ottawa, eto., if they eoald have speeial ebartera ae Halifax and Qoebee bad. Ha want into details showing tne vast expenditures of Toronto. Hon. Mr. Mowatâ€" My bon. friend sag- gsets tbat tbe proposal eontained in the motion is one of great importance, but I see tbat it is of no importanee of all, and tbat is very easy to demonstrate. My h^i, friend hsa not suggested one single advan- tage to be gained by the motion he has pro- posed. The positton of the Government is this* that wa are in favor of general lawe, so tar as we eaa have general lawa. We have always aoted opan this, and though it was a deal opposed at first it is one that the people of tbe eoansry now r sepg ni i o tbe great advaataga of. Mr. Balfoar^foovad for a retom of oc^ea otaUrepwtsmadeto the Govemmeat'by direetors of jmnt stoek roadeompafiiaB for the year 1884, ai^er aeooon 146. eap. 162. of tiia reviisd etatntew, as amended e. a. 6 ^d 7. eap. 24, 47 Yie. He Matsd tiat Hr. Letrbad 'ebtttenlsd ito jejebrporaia in themetMl SMb porttoOa of hm #wa;aolMiria#l^fbf;ao{ totmi ^bthoacht there 1 totnw and dries woald into tbe ae airivadat by tha Gkaaeassent aa to the prapUetyotintradaetng IsgMati^v teiof *fa^^P«a oi the L^SS^^SToTlS sabjeet of Uoimetty FMUsattoO^' XltatU «!tlflw}j|f9Wmli»ajleea arrived at it would bo prsmatofa to state iHwf Ihi' eueoae will be. Hob. O. Mowal. In reply |o diih,eaid: As f ar as I am oeAei is bat one other plaae eonoerning trtiuh syil Hon. G. F. Fraase ol efEaet ordering tba* the notioe has beeb given tor the tion of a new ooanty, and thatii^ t0fftbtflduring|theyres)f|t setolo^^ Htifow^ s^ ttelSortaf tbe8ieei4 pemnWttoe sppoin toil bf stri iabagtand» over in eonseqasnesof Hr. Druryte being mentioaed. It was very tbat the oommittee should be oi onoe, and he therefore saggesMiilhil the eommittess should be printed utthoal Bfr. Dmry s nams. Hs proposed this w3bo0 prejudios to Mr. Dnuy or his eonstitttbnoy, and retained tbe right to ehoose a sobsti- tuto. Mr. Merriaaaw ae ohjwtien to tbii. The motion wIm oarried. Ii lft ara vs. aabuli Good poiBts are worth remembering, tor the reason that they assist us in avoiding maay disoomforti^ and pioteet as sgainst tbe ouiidity of overreaebiogpaople. When yod learu ttom friends that Pox- HAK'B CoBii ExxaiflToa U fafb, prompt and effectual, don't allow druggists to palm off a wortblsss and perhaps poisonous substi- tute. His object is qoito patsnt. Hs wishes to make tbe few osnta diffarence between a good article and a cheap imita- tion or substituto. -Putnam's Corn Extraotor. Sold everywhere. Beware of daogerons imitations. Poison ± Co.. pro- prietors, Kingston^ Beware enemy. of a sudden friend and a slow bat this *• VTorh, Wark, Work I " How many women there are working to- day in various branches of induatryâ€" to say nothing of the thousands of patient housewives whose hves are an unceaaiog round of toilâ€" who are martyrs to 'those oomplaiota ti which tha weaker sex is liable. Their taeks are rendered doubly bard and inksome and their lives shortened, yet hard necessity compels them to keep on. To such Dr. Pierce's " Favorite Pre- scription " cffers a sure msans of relief. For all female weaknesses it is a certain oore. -All druggista. Bob Bnrdetta A baobab tree will live 6.000 years it it has a chance. However, you need not plant one just for Ihe sake of the experiment, because in this country, long before the baobab tree was half that old, it would be out down to make way for a railroad, and you'd be jaat heartbroken with disappointment. Sure Pop. Poison's Nebviumb, tbs great pain cure, is sure pop every time. No need to spend a larfie sum to get prompt relief from every kind of pain, for 10 oanta will purchase a trial bottle. Go to any drug ttore for it. Large bottles only 25 osnto, at all druggista. Nsrviliito the pain king, cures cramps, haadaebe, nsuralgia. An ashing tooth, filled with batting satnratodwithNsrvilme, will cease aching within five minutes. Try Nerviline for all kinds of pain. Ten and 25oente a bottle. On the Mexican railroads mssouito is used tor fueL This shrub abounds on all the hillsidsfl and is of a very tough fibre. A Mexioan railway manager rsporto tbat bis purchasing agsnt seonred 800 wooden ssinte for f uol, whioh he bought at 60 oento apieee from the natives, who stole them from the chniobes. â€" -That wonderful eatholieon known ea Lydia £. Pmkham's Yegstable Oompouad bas given tbe lady a world-wide reputation tor doing geod. It is a living spring of health and strength. The most prosperous eitiss of tbe South are said to bo Baltimore, Louisville, Nash- ville and Atlanta the Isast enterprising are Charleston^ Savannah aod Augusta. "Theresaon of this diflsrsnoe is fonud in the faot," says a Bouthsm ptaator, '• that while our more Noitbem oitise have been reinvigorated by tbe introdnetioa et new blood from the businsss pnlsss of tbe North and West, the riow mettod e of aato-bellam days still prevail in Ae extreme Soatb. Itl Toung and middle-aged men suffering from nervous debility, prematare ohl age, less of Bf mory, aad kindred sym p toms, aboald. send three letter stamps foi; huegs iUnstratsd trsitisj â- BggDrtinJi pare means tA euro. World's Dispensary Medlael AssedatieB, BufUo, N. T. Tbe London 8ta»iard rseently wound Vff an article on tails, by stating tba* a tail is by no mesns an aneraam^tsl sapetfluity. Asaong savs^a tribsa this fact is rseognisad by the mea attashing those of wi|d aniasals ' los oeoasions, Mtd tte hidy ol a great cftiu Obaaeitnor, and of a lil^lie rsfirred to as a \Bg af tet iriM* 'to 'iil0a' â-  "'â-  ,. "hia' ^^: ,ferti:tjhree ^ma.8oath«9Cth si^^Te. T Prinoe Biemsrak to amia iO. Hs ha haen ordsced |p kavi Berlhi foe riat. train oCa "LbCBiiitohketbe " ^i^tBte as ia^ -V^in 'e ,•• le» Far aD ef tbsse WecBeasea^ e --Sv" l*:^ -?♦ LYDIA E. PINKHAM'Bl VEGETABLE COMFOTJHDj; • • • IS A POSITIVE CURry FalnfU • • •FEJUAI.E POPVLATIOM.* » a.,^ It wnx ocbb KemBKi.T thb woaav MAIS^OMPULINTS. AU, OtABIAX VLAiduLTioK XKO UixnmATian. Fauro Fli^eaKBIITS, AHD TBX OGNSBlQUXtlT BlXRAI. "WtUMt ssaa* Ain n f AanAdUaur AnirraD i Chabob or Lira. a " • • It WIU, iMssours Ann xz^n«T[ncopB UTKBCS IK AN B^BLT BTAOE OF OKTXLO^lfXm. TSHSBNCTtOCAHCkBOCS HolIOBS TSSbAiBi TXRT BTKEniLY BT ITS nSB. • « It RBH0TB8 FAIimAfBSB, FLATCKXNOr, ALL CBAVIMG FOB STIXlIlAIiTS, AND BELIBVKa WXAK-! KEsa or THE Stohacr. It oobbb Buatirs, Hza]-; ACHE, JiSBVOCS'I'BOSTRATION, GEIIXBAI. SSBIUITo Depression AMD Ikbigbstion. • « « Tuat fxeuno OB Beabibo Down, OAiniBa Faib, Weisht and Backache, is always sxmiABBBTur CUBED BY. ITS USE. -* m ^, It will at all tuees and unbeb *t.t, onrnm-' stances act in UASBONY WITU VBM IiAWS ibat eOTBiW THE FEXALS SYSTEM. « « « 49*Its fdbfose is SOLELY roBTHxzBonnuxB HEALINS or IMSEAfiii AND THE RBLIHr OT PAO, «Y** THAT IT noES^ALLITCLAIBSTOIo, raonsABsaer LADIES CAN GLADLY TESTIFY. ^CS « « .. Fob THE CUBE or Kidney CoimADrea nr EITUEB SEX Tins BBKEDY IS UNSCBPASSSDw LTBIA E. PniKHAlFS '^^OEIABLE COSPOOHO a piMiared at L^m, Haai. fHoe «!. Six bottle* toe Sa Sold bs all drugaiaf. 8entlnrmaIl,po8taaBiiaid,l«Catm of FUb or LoEengea on receipt of prioeadabWA, ib^ Pinkham'a '%afde to Heaitli" will be mailed Cteet»aw Lady Bending stamps I,ettera conadentially â- iiiiaMWl.' No family abonid be wltfaout 1.TDIA £. pTNimAiM LIVER FILLS. Tbey enre ConsUpatibn, Bill( Torpidity of e LlTer. SSoenis per box. «/. WINCKLER SELF-yENMG PUMP FACCFT Tha Bimplest sad best In the maifcat. Pdss $14 Addraes 68 Hogbsoa atrsst aoafb Hamfltoa. 30 DATS' TRIAL jBKFOKlg) (APtKB.) EI£CTBO-YOLTAIO BELT and otlier Elbciriu AFFUANOES are sent on 30 Days' Trli TO HEK ONLY. TOUNO OR OLD. wbo are aaffler' tag tram HBBVooa SEBiuTy, Lost Titauvt, Warxro WKAKXBBBBa. and aU thoee dismaoiora Pebsobai, Natubb. resiilttas from Abosbs and Othbb Causbb. Speedy reUet and oomplata restoration to Bbalxb, VieoB and Mahhoob GOABAitTEEn. Bend at omce for must r ated FamiAlet ttn. Addieia Voltaio Belt Co.t Marshall. Mich. SEEDS IRBIIIE'S SEEDS are THE BEST| maatnited CataloniM for tSSS tainlag JtMiijiiiim and prices of die tiiaa ELD. OASDEV ft FLOWEB SEEI Wf:'RENN!E.TnRONTO. EYE, EAB AM THMA1. TlB. O. 8. BIBBBON,Ii.B.0.F. JL/ B- bstorar on toa Byat Bar and nrr at Crinity lladisal OaUai ' Aarist totbs Toconto (Wttlssl asHstsat Beyal m cx»uii aiiiiiiiilii

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