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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Feb 1885, p. 5

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 IT CMS idacedat ^Kl^Go• "Ac. • 'w ys in stodL â-  i^ 'iiisfuuiioii p^uai^ 3H0W GOODS. L Call. PUMHSER TK BEIEFIT. MAT ISM IVE SWISS LKAVRS, Jewelles, Silver Hunting Cases, $9.50. .GIN MOVEMICirrS^ )z- Coin Cases, $12.00; 4 z. $14.50 5 oz. f 17.00. MUVSXENT8 KXPT IN 'IINE c*ieArEH Close Câ€" h Prices. Xarrant* J am4 2 Tamr^, according to Gradey^ CiocJts, SUrer- and Wedding ^inffs /8 k, IHne \ock tH other lines o/good*. VfRcult Repairing a Specia/'y. [Contain their oim re. and etteetaaM bildren or Adaltft JEWELLER, i A It k: r -A. L K- m Mills, mocal and Otber Items. •avt: to acnoance t» uiiiiu;.' CO ..;ti y that. tijaai to any othw 3 tlic grist is being ale of esdi-onge i â€" IS, 40 lh». FlottT. 3i ... Sri ' " I 37 " " 36- •' " 35 " " [•I iiiuuuut of flour. ^liL of tifw wheat to rtiid tlic most of it, ilil wiii^'h 01 or 62 ti W. Ford. [notices i» these columns intended to benefit HI imliviituil or Society will be charged ten \nt.i « Ihie for the first insertion and Jive tti a, line each ubiequent insertion. ur Seedp- k at |o'intrj can prodnc*' 1 PARTS OF ORDERED. [lonage respectisllj MeNea's block. IRUTLED6E.- The ice karvest is commenced and abundant. No. 1 Salt only $1 per barrsl at J. Triii'ble's. ArmHtrong'3 saw mill is now run- ^iiii^ like a top. Pkicevilxe correspondence came lae for this week. iL\sKRTs slightly soiled $4.50, now ^â- i 50, at McFariand's. TiiKRE is talk of a second lodge of U. \r.. in Oraugeville. Mi:. Jelly Esq., of Shelburne is l\ ill lieu uf Dufferiu Co. for 1885. WiioL Scarfs, Hoodc, MiiflSors. and .-.'.wU ball price, at McFaraud's. I'liKHE i!» t.» Ue ro change 111 the fats of letlser pcsti^ge this seBfiion. A GOOD eolid silver Swiss Watch I 111 $8.00 up at Eussell's.rieBherton. ri!E Owen Sound winter races will ke place ua the bay on the25tb and .) R. Trimb-lb will hold a few more i ys auction sale*, of which due notice iiil be given. Next Moeday is the day for opening Me tenders for the new Methodist 1 lurch. A LARGE direct importation of choice lapan Tea expected uliortly by W. J. [cFarland. Meakcrd gave 64 of a miajority ^anist the proposed new Town Hall -la-\y. C.4LL at Eussell's, Flesherton, and it your watch repaired. He can lake it go right. Mr. Tlios. Chooledge, Fingerboard rill accept thanks for renewal of sub- pription for '85. Solid Silver American and Spring- Ibid watches from fll.OO up, at Eus- ^^s, Fleshertou. Tn "Oraod /^mnMf iag waft 9oite« AgMd^MM A goU 8heetiMf^0llN«i 10«Mrttk A gp«d heavy Wiiief:r 10 «rat«« AilleMpi^' Wm. Loom, £h^ l!aiUt«cj|i|^ VMk tM»nAmt(, " the Doonninii Qtnmi iiodf»«C«ib^a' U. W. inTbwmto. " ' A large lot of Mens* and; Boys' Caps fcom 15 cU. to ajjr cts. at R. f; Stroute's sik 1^ Saturday, »ist mtl, ,T ' f' 'â- "i'i i t W. J. UgBaujuid Mrs jnsi teem •dvic« of sbipiaeDta of new siirtDg ^^iffodR â-¼!«. stesmsbipfe HruoUifn mkI Ortgom from LhrerpooL OuB old friend B. fi. By«rr will accept thanks for Boehester papers aeijit 08. We notice by the same, the A- O. U. W. 18 imoienMly stxoog and popular over there. Tkas, 8ni;ars and graeral groeeriefl at the old prices at J. B. l^Doble's. although these goodK have recently advanced in price from 10 to 20 per cent. Benson, of the Belfast House, has put up a large sign so that the public may not miss the right place to procure vhiiap cruceribs and pure liquors.. Mr. John Hill did the painting of the sigo. School Trustees can get forms of application to Municipal Council for school money. They are neatly printed, and eyery section should have them; They only cost a trifle. Although all cotten goods have ad- vanced fully 15 per cent. J. B. Trimble IK offering those goods at the old prices having secured a large supply previous to the rise. All who are indebted to me by over due notes or acts, are requested to set- tle the same, either by cash or note. Short reckonings make long friends. D. J. Shanahan. Ladies' Coats, Gentlemens' Hats, Caps, and Scarfs sold almast for a song at R. J. Sproule's gi^eat clearing sale, commencing the 21st inst. before' pur e h i iu it A SocuL in aid 9f tha Prt^j^j^tcriafi' ebar^ Witt lie held at ^. 'fi(n4enee of Mr. laaao ikwwu, Gleaa^i. tu morrow pttming (tridi»y)v TmMm will letwre the Tillage aboni 7 o'doekii AdmJMPon IS oepta, Non â€" Some uoprincipaled penmi or persons have nused the mmoar that there will be a dance. We beg to assure the public that there will tM no such thing. A TonTH called at tliC drug store here last week and wauled a copper's worth of pennies; (iiis (the clerk) thought m vain of a iii'ms^tiid and one drugs and chemicals fir that name, and at last concluded lin re must be a mistake somewhere. Tiic thought occurred to him that i' m -^iit be a penny's worth of copn- r.s -^i)peras) t4te iad wanted, and en \niid oi him, when the boy quickly replied, yes, that's it. ||«Pliittr-4MiB«l. That Wm. M^ StaaaU lite ir^MuOM l^i for etttate OB hia lot in F^trilfe, P^. £UipklioA^h!BnliiaiTho«. Abheti he aaAuided fSi86, bein^ arreara of tatee'Ol MBt, ebar|«d in error on his lot ih Markda*e.^Cariied. " Cctanml adjourned. W. J. Bbllamt, Clerk. plans^ and ' with th« best chin^ QisMittctiitedi Oaprey Coaacll at the Sale. â€" Three coWs in to Edward Rutledge, calf, two itei Qotiee. IFOE pl |iles south of Markdnle Jf you vrant a reliable Watch or lock at a very small figure, go to JsseH's, Flesherton. IMr F. Sabgent, formerly of this ice, has been visiting his many lends m this district this week. |(ro to James G. RnsBell. Flesherton l.i^fet your watch' or clock repuired. can do it properly. AST week's Durham CkrotticJe MHined a very sepsible editorial on Liie thfiiculties of an Editorg life." \^ K notice by the Satannah Mnrw. A js of the 9th, that W1 .F/^Ioll Mb. J. P. Marshall,- deBtist;^:mitB Markdale regularly on • the ;;Jst and 8rd Wednesday in each month. He is a good dentist, and his^usiness here is constantly growing. Booms at the Markdale House. D. K' Pbeston has beeii appointed assessor for Ocprey for the current year. Mr. Preston is a man of sterling worth and undoubted pralc- tical common senbe and will doubtless make a first clast! assessor. A LABOB arrival of good fresh Japan and Young Hyson Teas at J. B. Trimble's. These teas are without exception the finest line ever brought to Marl^cdale. Every tea drinker should call and get samples. Mb. Jas. Spboitle now occupies the promises vacated by Alex. Eay, as a Sewing Machine Store. Mr. Spronle is doing a rushing business m machines and will continue selling on the road as well as at home. R. J. Sproule's great An- nual Clearing Sale commenqes on Saturday, the 21st inst., when great bargains will be given in all winter and spring goods. All who intend to pur shase Watches, clocks or otlier goods in my, line, will secure discounts of cash from now until the 14th March. That w^l be puroh aser. W. A. Brown, Markdale. "' """' ' ' • *^ ' =. -Hi t"i:-ti-p,\ â- "' ^â- ^ We regret to leant that Mr^ Afaurtain Bnrton^of the fijfm of Bwrton-Utt*. who was nearly fciUed ik '^lajrMale a year. ago while ioadmg, timb(F^ (ms recently had bts'leg brok»m ^Tlus iri rhe fourth time S^Mmilariiccident has happened lum,,.^^ «rrf ia«Bm»voO ,ii. maki ng the iacgest ^iiiu-ebaaes; 1 An entertainment was given in the Orange Hall, Berkeley, on Monday evening, under the direction of the Ladies Aid of Ckrist church, Markdale A very enjoyable programme, consist iug uf readings, recitations, songs and dialogues, was delivered by members of the church, choir and friandd. A good crowd was in attendance. Tiiree loads went from Markdale. The en- tertainment was closed by a short address from the Bev. JT. Ward, who offered very many thanks to the mem- bers of the Orange Lodge fur the loan of the Hall, and to Mrs. Lund who kindly lent them her organ, after which all sang the national anthuuif â€" â- Com. The social held ]sih[ Fi i Iny ovcning at the residence oi Mr. T :•» JSoUnd, under the auspices of till' i.Miies Ait ot the Markdale MeJi n;^; Church and in aid of the new cliiirL:li building fund, was largely attemlo;! and a very enjoyable time was sp.ii;. During the evening a program was prepared. Mr. Thos. Eells appointed lus tijairman and half an hour proraaldy spent in this way, the" foil jn.n^' taking part: Miss Henry, lii -Irnmental music; Miss Jimby, Keeiia'.: ii Miss Mason, Song; C. \V. Ji.iiledge, Becitation W. A. Brown, Kt»ading Mrs. Casson, a Beading J. A. Smith, Beading aud^i. Marshall, a Song. A very pleasant evening's enjoyment broke up at 1 1 o'clock. Beoeipts fl6. The sncieiy hereby express their gratitude t) Mr. aad Mrs. Boland for their hoi-p;ialitv. 1 mm I Artemeata C«imcil. The newly elected Counjcil. met in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Mon- day, Jan. 19tb, 188fi. ' i Present Dr. C^lstoe, Beeve Messrs Elliott, MoArthar^ ^Itildfy Jk McEee, CoondjiiDca. -; e. ' V The smeral members elect made the necessary declarstiohs of noalift' cation and office. X^ Oo(|nQu!^eii, proceeded to elect the |)ep4ty;^B^1^» whenMr.,i5lakley waadeei^uwdeleeteili! J t Peti^oBB as follows; ^ameii^L^d^ etal a matenal advantage to eyerypow^r L^^^ing retti unction WtJha?.'^:^^ wH:kiQg i]»43P aidft-tiDad^ £i/»'Oaed« (^ ol; askingr'aid for Mrs. ' Mc€»ttrt);' T\j^ Reete Bomifc^tgitTbdgiii^;^*!!^!! By«Uw; 372, ^mmaat^9 ^m^kf? ineift, wer^ ap^hf' -ea in that city the ^^^^'^r^vio^riSj^^ Bia Stock of Rfciuretarj* Ritr*rJ*»^ t^# Mp*«MP5^~J The second meeting was held Feverdtam on the 10th Feby. Members all present Minutes of Udt meeting confirmed. Communications from Comity Treasurer list of lands liable to be sold in 1885 for arrears of tates. Trustees uf S. S. 10 with petition from T. Stephens and 10 others asking for a change of the boimdaries of Sections 8, 10 and U. S. Colling-, wood, Osprey and Nottawasaga. Trustees of U. S. ColUngwood, Osprey and Nottawasaga petition against any dismemberment of their section. B Douglads and 19 others asking Council to disdiarge the taxes, of that late James Fachnie. D. Steuart and others of Melanctbon and Osprey asking aid for widow Fers^usou of S. Provincial Board of Health re local Board, Provincial Lecretary le De- bentures, Thomas Neill and W. Henderson's application for assessor- ship, U. McEee's account, $800, repairing bridge C. Line, T. Hall, printing Gazette Priotiog House. Parkhili re, dogtax. Archibald Mc- lutyie decliuiiig to act as referee in the foriuation or alteration of Uuio.ii. School Sections. Clerk re N. W; part of lot 81, con. 18. By-law 181 confirming appoint- ment of Auditors and 282 appointing D. K. Preston Assessor were passed. • The Auditors report was received and adopted. The following orders were issued â€" To widow Ferguson, mdigent, to Mrs. Glover, indigoit, $10 J. B. Sing, coDvictiiig J. vaigrant, f 2 to T. Gamey, $1; "to John Speers, oominissioh on town line road job, $4 to J. Gamey re J, Miller, â-¼Mrant, $2.65; to Diviedcm Registrar, |8;to Glerk, .Sleccion 1886. $6; Michael Curta, Auditor^ $12; to Charles MvLean, $9; W. Finlay, refund of taxes arnsing pon difference between A Boll and ScheduU, $1.42 Henry McKee, re- painng bridge, $3. Pottsâ€" Johnston â€" ^that the Golleetor receive W. I^aug's less $4 fot; S. Labour returned undone aae that he be oredit«l wit^ that -amount on the roll for 1B84 on certificate from the pathnaaster 16/1885, .thai^tUe wonc^ has bden performed. ., J, j^-i .?.â-º Tayyiur-^H«dson~That Messrs. Pdtts, Jofaoston and the mover be a ppmmiitee Jk} e^nire mto the validify ' oJt j^ Tciui^aiC(|r Sec!u^iei'%^3;rlport^ to tfai^ tSmiicil. Pottsâ€" Hmfawn.â€" That Mra. Jamaa 14 b« exMtipted Irbm taiees on ;^i.*64 2 11; on 9icGta^ of imahahd'sdeftgi.^;, ^^ Ai '^. 1ff|^e!QlerMai)^4ttiog ^.^W^rpiart Idt |pk^l9/% Hdte'oQ ti^ a^n^MMllelirti qidtoetdrs riirt'w hereby. /^o^^ 4T5'itbrCoiiTi««nte^5irW*bar^^ he mg It, in eyery sense of term, '1 IMM BB,M 1 am therefore in a position^ to give tbe public a tMtritff IrBsle of Flour. ^^ A faeir trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear but the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat. IS" Flour, Bran, Shorts,etc, etc, for sale wholesale retaiL lUUS PLEWES. 319 MARCH BLIZZARD. The United States Gtovemment CenBO* Volnme, just published, speaka â-  of the "BXUABKABLX SUCCESS" attenaing our "chiqvb AND nNTiBiMa EVFOBTS," ID pushlng the American AgricuUwrist It b(^an the oarrent year witk a larger subscription list than aV any corresponding period in twelve year. The ab^ corps of Editors, vlio have made- the American Agriculturist a welcome visitor to hundreds of tbonsands of readers for a quarter of a' c«ntary, are still bendng all tbair energies to make the Jounial, if possible, more interesting and yalaable tiian ever. And yoa may rightly conclcde that it CIHB to the Provinces, where it already his so mny snsscribers nnd friencK to qoadmplu i\fi circulation. For v/ho will fail to embrace THIS nNPAIULI.EI.BD OITKB t A FAICI^X CTCIOF- jiDiAFBEE.â€" Any persc3, sabscribing to the American /l^ricuIturMt (En(rllsh qr German]^ for 188i whose subscriptioa is promptly forwarded to as, togather witn the sabscrip- tion price, 9I^0 per year, and'l£ eeu*s eztnr for packing and post^e on the Cyelopiedia^ making 91.65 in isill â€" ^will receive the if mMeofi Agrieuliurist for 1885, and be; present Aiitk the AHBBICAN AOBU^CLTUBIsrr rilllLT CTCLO- VMDlb, JQSt oat, Wa PAOE8 1,000 feNOBiVINaS. $10; Two ju»ra^ TBEE. â€" Every new subscriber' to (au^.0^ new ones), who promptly ferwards â-  Miller J'^^^'^^^^^^V^T'^oa. in accordance with these 'Conditions, can have his year's robscription date from' March next, receiving free the ' nnmhees of the laneriean kgrieuliwiti for Jaunaiy aUd February. Two KAampiicsKT xKoAVtKas ntxx.â€" Every snch subscriber will also be presented, post-paid widi the mAgnifieent plate Engrav- ings "In the Meadow,"^and "Foes or Friends," of which over eighty thousand have been sent tor by enr subscribers. CTtOiOFSDIA, SKOAAVISOS, AXD A DICTmSABT TBEB. â€" To any one promptly forwarding ns the luune of a hew.subscribertp the Am'mcaa KfirieuUurist with t2 wawill send.'W'ebsttf'a Practical Dictlohary; just out 600,000 Wrdn. • 1,«M) iUustitttibnB, while to th9 new subscriber we will Mnd the kHierican AgHouituritt 1885^ and also the Hunily Cyolopa)dia, post free. Furtherihore, on reoeipt uf fifteen oentii extra, (making 92,1a in all) in ^is ca«e for packint^ and posMge, w^wil ferwaitt'tiie'two eajfrav-' ing8."fatl|eM«!aQw;"aBd«*P6t(8 or Friead»,»» to the i^Hei ol the subseriptiMr or W the sabeCrifer hhnMli, es we nujy' be difeeted: tteutiou the dffet«in wiitiii{|. 'â-  ' J' Send six cents (9lacmpl).,fci:i0i^ii^^ jpeQUDenA»i(^nean'A9rtc6wumf^ llCirtb pMo' Prommm Listj with two hundred lUneteatidn* J ^{Kiciunen p^exefClydiopssJKaanieFDiBtionai^,:,' afid fol deMtiptitaM dflh^ E^9«vili|a pn»^ ' sente^'" â- * ^^^' '•»!•â- *- â- ..*^- '-â- â-  â- ' 'â- â- â€¢' ;rr6,«ii iii»f i _. â€" i'Uiiha'i- MlAMiBiBMM ^j^aumt^mmM^

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