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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Feb 1885, p. 8

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 -*-^ i 1 /I j'-U 4 'i- A.I1 kinvis of lar-lle aud IVIonujxieiita,l "Works* «uch as M muuieuts, Tomb Tables, Headbtoues, Counter and Table Tops,â€" in American au^l IbaliHU Marble, and made on short notice. Also Manuee in Marble and Marbeleized SSlate, c., c. ^Hatim taction CTiiaranteecl in Every Respect 01 ROBT. S.RAE, £:f TAILOR, ac Good Work Guaranteed AT Miners â-  D gra FLESHERTON. Uery Oq»U ©."t C.3^C© and see samples of work which we areti not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at BZEB'S, FLESHERTON. Cures D~zinciiS, Lyss of Appetite, ludtgestion, Biliousness, Pypj^epsia, Jaundice. Affectitms of the Liver and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, hvils, Humors, Salt Shum, Scrofula^ Ert^ipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, D'ehdnged Stomach, or irregular action cf the Bowels, PUMPS !_J»UMPS Well Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Long Pumps, :Short Pumps, All kinds of Pumps, The best Pump, Manufactured by J. T. QUINN, Successor to J.^. Irving, Markdale. Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. 21§ Tlio underaigned is inanufactnrmg an cx- » cellent assortment of School tJ^ixrniture, Conaistinsof SCnOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of toe latest design aud most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trostees and Teach* ors, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kt^t always on hand. Send for cataloi^e to Chatswoi-th P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. ar^fs^ft. lb. Low's voutjvmiiPiP ---^_ other Sfediciri*."*^;^: ' The Montrwl Wittiiss-liM wisti*!' very attractive XJartifvar iiomber. ,jf C 18 sold at ten cents ayd is well wwth ike money. DbsTBOT THB W0BM3 Of tL^ mftj destroy the children. Use Freman's Worm Powders, they expel ail kinds of worms. A rich deposit of copper ore has been discovered near Calabogie, aboot two miles Imm the Kmgston and Pfsmbroke railway. Fob NETiLE BASH, Ilchmg Piles, Ringworm Eruptions, and all skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap. A young man named John Arnold was shot in the liend and fatally wounded last Tuesday atThornhill by supposed burglars. SALT RHEUM. Salt Rheum, Pimples or Blotches can be thoroaghly removed by a proper application of McGregor Parke's Carbolic the part, and a few doses of McGregor's Speedy Cure for impure blood. Be sure and get the genuine. Prepared by McGregor Parke. Sold at fi5 cents at Hill Bro's. D.iJ. 5 A lamp exploded in the store of Messrh' Skelton Decatur Co. last week destroying some $95 worth of ready-made clothing. â€" Free Press. McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate has bet n tested by years of trial and has been found the most couvenient and effectual method of applying Carbolic acid. The greatest anticeptic iu use for Cuts, Burns and Old Soies. Be bure you get McGregor Parke's Caibolio Cerate. Sold for 25 cents, by Hill Bros. D.J. 6 The London detectives are confident that they chu piove Cunningham not only to have uu used the 'xplosion in the White Tower, but also to be con uected with the outrage at Gower street-railway station. JiUPORTANT. When you visit or leave New York City, save Biggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollaiM, re- duced at $1.00 and upwaid^ per day. Europeau plan, illevator, Eestiuant supplied with tLe best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel.than at any other first class hotel in the city. WiNDsoR^Fe^ 4.â€" W. C. Wilkinson, reeve of Aniijerstbarg, Qni., and Thomas Plant, reeve of Midstone, died last night, the former of hemorrhage of the lungs and the latter of chronic diarrhoea. Both were highly respected iu Essex county. ^^tarek; rlfcKMisiei^ Seefttery.] JJ fief-, otk'.-^Vfm, Lawrence;: Geo; Jfoi^t Hy. Willis, P#tcjr B^cksoo, Booth, Q Campb(4lana Dr. .JamieBon. Aaditor), Jo«. F. Mbwat and Joha A. M'Jiiroe. 'ftig receip* of the year 1884 were $1588 98. Paid ont iu prizes $583 and other expenses $971.88. Balance on band $29.05. The next fall show will be held on the 29th aud 80th of September. Some other business was transacted but nothum of iartioular moment. â€" Grey lieview. House SH 04 CHATHAM WaJ ^^£'5k The following gentlemen have been appointed' License Commisf^ioners under the provisions of "The Liquor Liicense Adt" Sooth Bruceâ€" Mr. Jno. Bruce, Mr. Andrew Waechtcr, Mr. Charles Wickham. Ea^t Greyâ€"Mr, Thomas Tyson.' Mr. W. .t. Mart^h, Mr. Wm. Brown. North Grey â€" Mr. Geo. Price, Mr. David R. Dobie. Mr. Jauies Steweri. South Grey â€" Mr. Archibald Davidson, Mr, Jamee Brown, ilr. Thomas Smith. The apticiutmeuts for Bruce expire on the tirst day of May next, and those of Grey on the thirty -first day of 1 )ecembep next. REMAEKABLE RESTORATION. Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, of Buffalo, N. Y., was giving up to die by her physicians, as incurable with Con sumption, it proved Liver Complaint, and was Cured with Burdock 'Blood Bitters. Has ;ij' ,,. â-  ..: X nil i.aas I cal.c." it2r E\'ery Wo'.lle ciiaiamctd t T. MIUJURN CO.. IVciTir.. s'-ock The undersigned begs to inform the liTJEMI PACIfl l R. R. LANDS laWwmrtfcllorMi Dakoli. Mm-I tana. liho, WihliUJiii md Ort|M. lav nci|n|M teoC^jNiMW mw .i^in w 'â-  V public that he ha» his SAW UD SHINQLE â- ILL In full operation now, and is prepared to paw all kinds ot Lumber aud Shingle stuff, and giye you your Lumber Shingles home with you dur- ing the winter season. ff/7/ saw on shares or for cash. Cash for Good Logs. Canadian acific r. r. OWEN OUND BMNCH. TIME TAi^LE. M A R K D A L{ HARNESS E1F8- EsrBLisHEn'igv THO8.MITTHEWS, Nothing but good the best mechanics enip'i- stock of Double and Sin,'!,, and Liglit Harness alwavs •Also Whips, Trunks. Valisrs.f Robes. o., alwavs in st'id,. BuraMi Blood Taking effect Monday, Nor ember 24th. 1884. GOING NORTH- WILL CURE OR RELIE\n BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, STATIONS. 222.8m Yours truly, W. J. ROWE, Babb Heaj) MnjLa. IVontbly F*^ir8. Markdale â€" Saturday before Plesh- erton. Uhatsworth ham. Dandalk â€" Tuesday before yille. Monday before Dur- Orange- Plesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangevilleâ€" The second Thursday in each month. Mount Forestâ€" Third Wednesday in each month. Priseville â€" Monday before Durham Duriiamâ€" Third Tuesday in each month. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Walkertonâ€" Last Wednesday in every month. bERIOUSLY ILL. A person aofferiag ^th pain and heat tfver the small of the bati^ witlf a weak weary feeling ^and frequent headaeliM, is serio^y ill and ahonld look 00^ for kidney duMse. Budoak ^lood Bitters md^a the Are yon troubled with Suit Bheum, Bough Hands, or Old Sores of any kind that cannot be heal^d Eyen though it be of years standing McGregor Prrke's Carbolic Cerate will cure it. Beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the best healing compound ever known. Boils, Festerings, Frost Bites, Burns or any Skin Trouble, are alike eured by it. Sold at 25 cents by Hill Bro's. D. J. 4 A PERFECT BEAUTY. Perfect beauty is only attained by pure blood and good health. These acquirements give the possessor a pleasant expression a fair, clear skin, and the rosy bloom of health. Burdock Blood Bitters purify the blood and tone the entire system to a healthy action. The 19th of March has been fixed S.B the date or yoiing on the Scott Act in tne city of St. Thomas and the counties of Elgin and Laimbton, Ontario, and the coQBtry of Missisquoi, Quebec. A DOUBLE PURPOSE. The popular remedy, Hagyard's Yellow Oil, is used both internally and externally, for aches, pains, colds, croup, rheumatism, deafness and diseases. of an inflammatory nature. The jury at the Inquest on tho body of the young man Arnold, shot at Thombill, on Tuesday, brought in a verdict of "wiKal murder" against James Stewart, and of feloniously aiding and abelang against J. G. Wesley. A SAFE INVESTMENT. Investing twenty-five cents for a bottle of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the best throat and lung healer known. Cures coughs, bronchitis, asthma and all pulmonary complaints, GENUINE PRESENTATION GOODS. Toronto. .Leaye CardwelJ. Junction Charleston. ...... Orange- 1 Arrive.. vilJe [Leave... Orangeville Jun Shelburne.-; Dund^k ... Flesh)6i-tdn;;'..: Markdale.... ;. Williamsford Ohatsworth OweaSoTond...., Mail. 7 2aam 9 07 'â-  9 2.-, " 9 50 " IU 05 •' 10 17 " 1045 " lli0' 36" 11 51 '• i203pm 12 28 " Kxp. 4 40pm 6 27 •' 6 45 '• â- im " "7 22" 7 34 " 8 0^ " 8 36" 8 55" â- 9 m ' 9 82f» 9 49" Mii.ed. 1 1 45am 12 3()pm 12 55 " 114" a 10 " 3i((»a- 4 06" ^46 •' 37" 63bpm DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. iRYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY. FLUTTERm OF THli AO/DITY Of THE 5r DRYNESS OF THt And •very species of diteate artclm .tfisordered LIVER, KiONEVa 870 BOWELS OR BLOOD, fl€ QOINC SOUTH. STATIONS. Owen Sound Chatsworth Williamsford. Markdale Flesherton Dundalk Shelbnrne Orangeville Jhin. Orange Arrive... ville..j Leave... Charleston Cardwell Junction. Toronto Arrive Exp. 5 20am 5 50" 6 05 " 6 27 " 6 42 " 7 06" 7 31" 8 00 " 8 12 8 35 8 65 9 07" 10 45' Mail. I Mixed. 2 45pm 3 15 " 3 30" 8 52" 4 06" 4 31 " 4 57" 5 23 " 5 35" 5 65 " 613" 6 27 " 8 35" 630am 7 25" 7 54" 8 35 " 9 00" 9 45" 10 46 " 11 50 " 12 15pm 12 40" 1 26 " 3 08 « NEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH P/ewes' Flour and Feed tore. Having just received a Cholcee. Fresh aad Select stock: OF Teas, Tobacco, Ato, Which will be sold VERY CHEAP. I respectfully solicit the ptiblic's 'trittaoRR m. '"•' b M !z! K O o\ O at .Jc in Ai; 4ei patronage. 19S J. PLeWES. EUGENIA Grist, SawaMLathMills Having madfl eqtensive iini)rovBmani. ,» my Gnst MUl I feel confiS 7^*°*" " good satisfaotioB. rim's if â€" ANDâ€" HOME MAGAZI Is the only Independent Agriculw in Canada' Owned and Public by a Farmer. ^xe «tt «U] i c Me lie dat can give GOOD FLOUR ALaVS ON HAND Chopfnng Done_ Every Bn^, The ^t^isA Gold Watoh and ohain pEeBentadtoMiasBorke, by Mr. W •i* Mt^mOm^ waa {Mtrobasad from W* Bills Piilsd t^Sh-rvfevTU ..SJ.^ wmw^ ,4* riiSSlS.'!^ «»d «^ ,nm «. the LmcBBgi inp Lite OK H^. K^siH^c 'TiiieMriiri WHAT FABMERS SAY :â€" "It is our best Mend." "H is worth ten times its co^ "The dollar spent for the Adtioj best spent money from the farm- "The wife and fiimily are alst with it" "No farmer's house should be ' The riffht iDfonnation in the rig the best Bpeciaiists that can be J on th^faim, BUxk, Dairy, (^ and Orohawl, Poultry, Vets «i7,i^Mary,Markete,F«i Uy Circle, Etc., Etc. ©Nii^fl PEE A15 XT' ^A *NM^ Cttsoession 80 L â- Ml

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