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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Feb 1885, p. 7

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 I New laand penaa» leting to-bigjilt r. II i^S lion tbti* traa^ M Sobwikb itnd sr ot tbeir »d- iiore and ooD' e lees rMUokl ,dtd by editar [ung, wttd de- iinict in obeok. lied ID Bugiuli f violfcLOtt imd 1 bdeu widely fiiit.oD, bat 1% Scbwiib-I(Mi Qtd tt filming iu(i tbe dyu» t. £atiau(i. n, of tbe ITlih lug wiib akp0U0 ,he 8aeaibly to uents o^it:et«d iult eot-ned, ia VI 1 'ere fijjared. Huded biieuoe, I platform, fol- a«w bim, Md Kill tbe 1* ued upon thft I waBbiraekoD kuoofaed down. »t tbe I oint e( ept tbe mob »i iD wauted to I, and eappla* drawing; daba, reiaforoed in a ihcemen. Thia- rtber, aud ihey wbo ri spoLded )terH were badly were cracked. 6cer Rotr, wbo ece, Ld a few •iiu MtCa 1 gh« iijjurtd, Poier ra, iiikd Liu leg. to tbe honpical. le oLly mi*n V bff'jie tba not wGuliogb found H'.rtti. Hfj Bub- t bt'l was up. Atur tbe ,.iiib aiifi atveeal i,d iu lae btkU. f ci tiiw iuter- Kju,t.t»;i' 2„awab â-  vk tu eud ti tii^Dg up ite aiebviiu;. tec dJHCUHHffi i'j tbe 'opar luHt'ituta, ru are reUiive Ttie dioca««ioa c tee beHi) maQ- jtit). Dc. T. S. uc, iuotdentittily ler in M^iueaud tckau from the bt iarmera grew h.ud ezprtssed isetted trbat etw i auotber. Dr. lirbeiteverc:, uud t " ouch igm^- thb K^rmerB* wben a Oitrga m Maine, the I tebt it with ts temperatara 0, Tbb ice was ILL 91. t, beO!iUfa itiat it wouli Icratnre ot loa :o l.' aljve, Was trtqaoaily • iieii ja?i' belcw yo'J wrtiit loiii t out It whan frt exing p iiit, oo^oa." By 'D. nhown fcuat d uiakc wtiter |« joi\iatid It ike. leu be uvt; tbia nid ho Wt»8 BO l?D, iiud he waH 'Uut front sacb Club. The |ai, iti'd a voioa all the icotor to i;ive tiia Iruituy cuatj|£Ml 1u:il ur, [I'lDted luce wbii h la8( Irya 173* -1742 )i ieraâ€" IT50 ij viHeâ€" 1757 |8-i7 mapâ€" J7Ti tâ€" 17( 1775 -•f;ia-17?9 luâ€" IftC) |e kirk 'Kit) â- 3-1717 ler- 1 sâ€" H2« â-  |riâ€" isil ]i-lh-2"» }m the Cree leâ€" w.-^ter. â€" G. fco be givicg •ei {or people p'ed digeattao, p iwer of |of preparing 3urQ ia The teal Reporter. \k in oboppad Ibeins not to |As xba meat Boraped off, ttion grada- ^rougb. Tb« and lighdy kve it almost etimes naad Id aa a mlo lezoept toB- ,th« • p«ta»fi _^ to •â- *•"•â- !•*!? ralaraiaH. "" Tba ^^^^^i!id Had tbera been bo reeklaaa end .^JSo'al denndation of foreeta at (be bead U^nol tbe Mi-ai-aipi-i. i» la not in tbe lewt probable that thi* nnweloopne atory I would now be told. GoBTvKPBTiTPiB«BB,aman of alagnlar and oriKiual cliaraoter, who died reoenUy io OdOfeVawaa posaesaed by the deeire to invent a wriiog tqaiilly aaitable for al* laoKuaKea. D uigrapOy was bia pawion and hia dream be baw in it a Aral atep toward tbe entabJiobmeDt of (he nuiveraal langaage foretoli by ibe propbeia. He had aooama- laied on tbeee â-ºut jects a great variety of netei which bis frieuda wbo abared in bia ideas • f ten urfifi htm to pobliab bat he was never suffioiently Bati^fidd with the oomgittenesB of bia work to oooiply with tbe reqaest. ]â-  a recent leotare on tbe germa cf dis- ease, Dr. Bsernberg said that the atripa of Atfinel Batoratad with oarbjlio acil hang ap in tbe sick room, and tbe chlorine Baoo:r placed pader the tel, are wholly valuialeBH iu arreitiing the prugreaaof peati leuce. Saob metboda do barm, he thinka, by leading people to negleotthe far moreiof portantmeasare of admtltingan abandanoa of freab air, wbioh sweeps away the germe. ll:*uy antiaeptioi at;d deodorizara are valoelesB for tbe destruotioo of germs. F^r tbia parpoae he leoommtnda the Lqaor of the chlorinate of soda. laBdinburgh tbe death rate for 1884 was bai 19 per 1 000 of popniation. In tbe New Town it waa 16 02, m tbe Old Town 82 81. and iu the Sjathero Sabarhs 14.77. Tbe statieticd are ojosidered iatereaiag b Baoiiariana from the faot tbattheNaW Town has modern aanitary appliaueea wbiota are waitiag in the Old Town and are oomparativeiy leaa neoeaaary iathe more wid«ly diff jsed popniation ot tbe Sjmbarn 8a:.arba. Tbe birtb rate for the year wa- 30 per 1.000. Tbe peroentane of deaths f-uusmuiia diaeaBes was 1218; abbOi one half were doe to wbdopiogcoa((h. EeMK horrible disoowriee bare recently been made in Sin FranaiBOo. Abandoned nMttaers and foaodling aaylnm nnrses are known to have sold many babies to the OaineBO, and the inf amoaa tcaffio ia aaid to be on the iooreaae. The average prioe paid id 96 J apiece. Oaly girls are bongbt and white blonde babies Oommand a premium. The newBpaiers have enterea oa a crusade BgaiLSt the praotioe of notbers giviug ana Btlltog their illegitimate babieB to tbe Cninese. One theory ii that these female children are parchaMed by Gaiueae tpeculatjrs and tent to China, wbtsre thay are raised until 12 years bid when tney are sold U liob Catoamea for large Bums to be placed in tbtir harems. On a cartain street in Denver is a Btone mantiion which, with its groond" cost nearly Sl.000.000. Directly opposite, on a vacant lot, la a tent, boarded np inside as far us tbe angle of the roof. Tbe back end ol it i pierced with a stove pipe, and in tbe ttvui end are a door and window. In the wiodowhangB aourtaiubf oobtly laoe, aud m the tent is a piano of ezqaisita tone. Tbe tent itatlf did not cost over S20. The piano, upbjUtery and furniture luaide are Baid tu have cost over S3,0j0. The owner planted bia tent here over twenty -five yeare a^u, aud in one of tbe moderately sacoeBS* fnl (jolorado miaers, being worth about 150 000. He prefers bis tent to any dwell- i]ui;-Uuuse, aud sayB he woald not exchange it tor Windsor Castle. Gkn. G BDOM is a great smoker, and is amply provided with tobaoc j. Ha baa two palaces at Khartoum, aud a gaa ia potisian on tbe flat roof of eacb of them. At snn- riee daily he moont^ to tbe roof, ana makes a careful survey o( the whole ooaatry with hid telebcope, and marks any cbangeB wkiabmay have taken place in the enemy's pOBitioa. If nothing anoanal has hap- pened, and there are no eigns ot any movement on tbe pan of tbe Mabdi's men, hxs retires into bin quarters and sleeps the (greater p^irt of tbe day. He* rises before bBustit, aud after darkness has set in he fctartBfor tharamp^tB, which he peram- batatea all ui^bt, seeing that tbe seiitries are all propeily posted and on the alert, and obeerioK the troops by bid conversation iuid. example. TsE LjndoQ Lancet is glad to be able to t^ive a aatiataotory aoooant of tbe health of Mr. Gladstone. " The disorder of his health," it says, " consieting chiefly of slight oiiarrh and lumbago with Bleeplessnebs, lb only too easily explained by tbe late pre- valence of east winds, following the exbaaat- ict! work of the snmmer hoiidaya and the -antumn session, and cjinoidiog with an anxtuuB and oumplic«ced state ot pabliu aff^rB. Ie la net bne first time that buoh attacks, occurring in similar oucamstances, have Bbown that even Mr. Qliidstone'a poweis bava their limits. Happily, hib ^ilmeLtd have promptly yielded to apt temedieaand to ooriparative rest, and there i" a fair prot'peoE tbac, without public moon- vsmeuoe, hia health may be soon fully reBtored." A BECKNT cablegram from London eays that a white trousseau ia being prep ued for Piinoesa Beatrice. She believes in tbe Blarney stone, and baa ordered several Irish poplin drcBBes from a Dablin firm which haatens to tell the world of fashion that one bapeqial dress will be entirely in ivory White, of Oriental desigOt interwoven with golden threads. Another will be of oardioal, rivalling tbe richest Lyons velvet. A third is to be ot sky blue, closely covered with sprays of forget-me-nots. But such besuti- iqI dresses will not convert Mr. Labon- ohere, wbo has jast announced tnat he will challenge a diviaimi wben tbe question o( f rinoebs Baatriee's allowanoe oouies bsfoc» tba House of Commons. It may mterest eiub men to know, aa tbe fancy dreaa ball Maaon is on. that tbe disss OMM aCeolsd is |.J«ndon ia s dress oost ot. csd saris, 4lasi *i(b white satin, worn witbanssabroidsesdl â-  white ailk veet and btaok silk traosSM. ' '•' Tbs rsUwsy slsepsr ot ths talus will ba la. ^^f^MfmJkmlkm sfeaws i«Hit«|s iiaa?^ Is Mirt ass tas iksssst si Mm bfte a»d raUyngoC w iiiis slss f ss s sspnasats k lbs msiii.tsBsnss of ranarayaao itaoi equal to tbs originsl ooUay for tbs themselves, even witboat tskiog into aeeoont tbs ineooveidaiioe ot bavioc to break up tba line every now and than. Bs; • poaiog an old atael aleeper to coat Ave tinea aa muoh aa aa old wjoden one, and a now bteel aleeper to eoai doabto,«here would be a clear gain of 85 per eent. ia laying down a piuely metallic plant." SoHB ot the Britiab peers are very wealthy, aa tor inatanee tba new Dake ot Bucclench. The entailed aatates in Scot- land to wbioh be hM jast suoceeded extend to upward)* of 450,000 aoreii, and include tbe magn fioent atraf"ut Bobi 1, Drumlaoriy Gastle and D tlkeitb Paiaon Tbe praaent anuaal reLtU ii about £170000, which is at least 20 per cent, lesa than tue reiurna of ten yearB ago.' Ths Duke also oomea into the BuUghton estate^, iu Northanta, near Kattering, and he atts a property in War- wickabire, nta- BoiAiy, tbe two now beioK worth aboot £28 000ayaar. Tne Duke'n piera at Oraniuu bring in £10.000 a year, bis minerals and quarries ar« wurth nearly aa much, and be owns valuable urban pro- perty in Midl'ithian. Tbe Dake will rtoeive about £500 000 from his father's personal erttto. Uia income, therefore, will be about £270 000, on wbioh pittance even a Dake oau uva handSLmely. A »TBAI»V ttOO^nSAV DIBT. â- â€¢â€¢idCBia at If ewark, N.Jn Wka Pvafieaa Tkalltla Ifimm ICattac. Dog-meat is beeoming a favorite article ot food iu Newark, writes a correspondent ot the New Yjrk World, it tbe atatemento of two or three gentlemen wbo have killed and eaten their dogs may be believed. So tar the sals ot this domeatio flash had been oobfined to private partiss, but if the health auihorities do not interfere it is feamd th*t dog-meat will soon beeome oneot the aiaple Items on the butohera' atalla. A Qarmao flle-maker, liviugon Bank street, brganthe movement looking toward the introduction of a new and cheaper meat among the poor. A neighbor htd a large dog whoae nightly basking muoh disturb^ the not too amiable German. Catobing tbe dog a day or two ago, he cut its fhroat, bung it up to bleed, and, after skinning it, cut tbe meat into roasting pieces and chops, after the most approved style of serving lamb. Several of tbe neiiiboors knew ot the oecurrence, but as tbe German smacked his lips and said the dish was a palatable and thoroughly whoieaome one, they saw no reason to interfere. ' No one watched the experiment with greater interest than Carl Goencke, a Swisf living in the rear of No. 235 Bank street. Goerioke watched tbe German narrowly, saw that the meat did not kill bim and didn't even make him ill, ao he determiaed to follow in his friend's f pet- step 4. Another friend named G-toibrola was equblty anxioua to eat dog, so M jnday nigbt ne came to Bank street draKgiog an unwilling black-and-white cur by a dirty string. Tbe poor brute seamed to know that its last hour bad come, and bet up a howling and barking that brought halt a dosen occupants i f bousea near by to their doors. But in spite of his vocal protest the dogâ€" somebody's petâ€" was hurried into rhe house, tbe last bouse he ever entered. HiK an hour later Gambrole was seen uurrying away without the dog and with tbe shoulders of what looked like a little lamb thrown over bis shoulders. Nothing was ever seen of the ^oor little black-and- white dog, but tbe next day skin, black and white, was stretched in Gjericke's window to dry, and part of tbe carcase of a ktrange animal wad banging near the skin. It was the bedroom window from which the strange carcase swung, but the neigh- bors did not miod this for two or three days. Then the qaeer carcase could be rmelled even more plainly than it was seen, and so a protest was raised, not so much against eating dog aa cxpotsiog it. Tbe Board of Health waa notified ycbter- day, and Secretary Wallace referred tbe case to Meat Imp-ctor Dr. BuoKe, wish power to act. Goerioke denied that tbe Board of Health had anything to do with bis food, and wanted to know by what authority dog-meat was pronounced un- wholesome. Siill he did not want to fitjbt tbe entire city ot Newark, so he would ^ubmit. The'meat inspector started out to find some ot tbe dog-eaters, and at the oorner ot Eprini^field and South Orange streets found Gambrole at work. From bim it was learned that a Dortion of the dressed hog was stored at No. 105 Howard street, and the inspeetor arrived just as the animal was being, pre- p*red for the table. Ths bide had been sent away to be tanned. The dog was a«mbrole's property, he had not stclen it, and he cotild not aee in what he had done wrong. Inspector Buoge fastened a "ocm- demaed" tag on the earoase and ordered the owner to carry it to the nigbt scav- enger, who was to dispose of it. There is much talk of the oaee among the poorer people, who fear that bateber-abops may plaoe dog meat on sale under tbe name of motion, and they say it ia almoat impoa- i-ible to tell' tbe differenoe, even attar eating it. That was a obivalrons idea advanced by a speaker in a Beaton woman's suffrsKS meetingâ€" that women dioald receive no wages, " hacause men were created to take care A the women " but an oppsnent retorted that it wooM be " a deadly cold day " tat a good many men in Ma s s a s b u- setts, not to msntion tbsir wivss and daughters, it wages aasnsd by wonasn sboud suddMilyessas. Tbs sxessBSsnC yoaih ws dnoghls mm old sgs. paysbie wiOi hiisrsst. about tbitly yeaca aftar dads. An aMrtyaooiJflaw itt MdboMBi, Am Icalia, ksa olersd ika BaaHsff f j..^ .« vidsd an s^oal aom is flaisai witbin MS. rd iih»ia bs Us wds far haSS bs«c. I'd dcsM hte doTO 1 *• Oowadbyhsrjostiflabls aaflsr, tba gn. teal, wsll-diSBsad d s b a^shss weat a«t upoa tbs platfocm. Tbs Httia lady «tiskly spiaM to tba diior. braaed bccaelt agaiaas it, aM- erisd out, *-Noweoins m if yo« aan I " An^ be did not eoBse in. Tba bafcstot iatependaaes should bs enl- tivated whenever poaaible, and azereiaed whenever neeesbary for the maiataoaoee of peraonal righta. It n qairee a deal ot pluek for a woman to do tbta. but it paya awry time. Wa were f»ably itapreaaed wi^ thta faot by a eonversaticHi bM laat week with Mrs. B. A. Clark, of East Granby, Coon. Many a woman, pursued by a rsveDgefal foe. will appreciate what aha aaya. For over tan yaara, on every poet^ible occasion, and chiefly when aha was isast on her guard, a mysterious enemy made covart afesaulla upon bar. An open toe, abe sayp, aba sould meet but an amboBbed enemy wa« horribly sxas- peraiing. She called to her aid the w.aaat abd most duereet friends abe bad. She expended all the money she eonid spare to detect and disarm him. Bat "be could not auoeeed and was worried to diatraction. A d*U($hter reaiding in Iowa was sent for to cmtort her in her anxiety. When aba Is krned what her mother had snffared. wiih true Weatem plueb, aba told ber that bbe moat take courage, do as she told her, and bbe would triampb over ber foe. Fur ten long years aba bad bsan annoyed, and at last baokaahe. beadaobe, irritability, spinal weaknese, hot bead, cold banda ana feet told bet that the eSaot was getting fatal. Her health and spirits flaaUy broke down under ths strain, and in 1876 shs Buffered unutlerabls torturse tor several months from iLfltm- mation ot tbs bladder. In 1878, renal hemorrbaKO and gravel, with tn quant attaoka of obilis and tsver, overeame ber. Her Boffcrinss. abs saya, i-utp tu ssd dsaerip tion. Fmally bar atomash re'uaed ail solid food, aud for a month abe lived on a taasap- ful of milk three times a day. Nervoaa proatration eLsaed. Sleep was impoasibls. Walking was out ol the queation, and in dtapair of relief, she look tu her bedaxpect ing to die. Sue tried every reputable bohoolot pbjsioian). who sgreed that she had a eonbinatiOD of desperate diiteaaea common to wuinen in middle life. While treating one tbe othera grew worse. Six weeks from the time abe tcok her daugbter'a advice and dismisssd ber expen- bive and uselesa professional attendants, xhe rebnmed her plaee al the table, and from that day to this has been in sound and satibfaotory bsaltb, wbioh aha attri' bntea entirely to tbe use of Warner's safe cure All her ailments were caused by inaction ot the kidneys and a poisoned btUe of the blood produced by that inaction. Tbis was her secret enemy. " If I were rich," she exclaimed to the reporter, " I would give that pr^paratiou to every Bufforiog woman, for I am cartaiu from my own bitter experience that renal disorders and poisoned Uood are tbe source of tbe many ooussitutional complaints to wbiob women are subject." Mrs. Clark IB a very estimable lady, who ia to ' be couKratulated on having so effectaally routed an enemy which for so many years implacably and pitilessly pur- sued ber. If other ladies would take the same course they would not be subject to these secret toes. A Uvblla Street Scene. The general excitement which baa so long been prevalent in Ireland aeeme to extern even to animals cf an ordinarily peaceable nature, says the St. Jamet^ Qoxttte, At Dablin, oh the laat day oi the old year, a cow which was being driven throogh tbe streets become so infuriated at tibe sight of ita Saxon opprtSMrs that it tossed a little boy and smashed hia nose. An ini-p ctor and six ojustables, armed with revulvere, promptly pursued tbe animal, firing ran^ dom anots at it. This only irritated the cow, aud went on to knock down one man, tossed another, upset a pony and trap, and make a general clearance of tbe fiih -mar- ket. It would seem that the police bad by this time diiCharged all their bullets. Oue of them, however, had suffiaient presence ofmiddto Bless the txat-parated beast by the tail and hold on grimly until a certain Mr. J«mebon, a member cf tbe Iriah rifle team. c*me upon the tcane with hia rfl^ and succeeded in killing the cow at tbe third shot. Tna drover in charge declared that tbe animal wm not -to his koowledKe " wicked or wild " and he is remanded ou bail that tbe truth ot thia defence may be investigated. Vkmmmm 'J'crtiaiaajr. Many hundred reeommendatiouB similar in character to ths one given balow have been received, and give proof of the great value ot Polaon's NaBVUDis as a pain remedy. Try it. Atuoi^ Fab. 20-.h.â€" We hereby certify thikt we have used Nerviline in o wr families, and have found it a mobt reliable remedy for cramps ia the stomaeh. also for head- ache, and externally for rheumatis pains. No bouse shoold-be without thia invaluabia remedy.â€" Lines Oou, Eubba Gout, J. P. ?S»?SS1J#'"' Hop JBwiB|»|N.*eliai I wteftir Uver, aat il 4 I did aoi szpsaa te liva m aloBtfca.. I bsgaa to aaa liMatir my appalita ratoi Ifnaaa. my entuasyalam ai aa^^y ataffis, and after using aevand mmm» X am not oaly as aooad as a sovareigD, but wei^ oMca tban I did be fora. To Hop Bitters I owe my life." B. FrnPAXsnat. DaMta, /WW 6t "Ei. oatfTsnn. lCaMan,|faaa Ken l U«. Oentlemraâ€" X saaanNl with ^^tta1rttâ-  o f aiek baadaetM.**. Nduralgia, female trouble, foe yeara in the moat terrible and txsrucitting manner. No medicine or doctor oonld give me relief or cure, until I need Hop Bitters. " Tbe firat bottle •^^eariy cured me " The aeoonl made me as well and Btroog as wben a child, ' And I have been ao to this day," My bushaod Was an invalid fair twsnty ysara with a aerions *â-  Kidney, liver and urinary eomplaint. " Pronounced by Boston'a best physi- tbavsbssh saved •• Incurable " -r- Seven bottlea at your Bitters cured bim and I know of tlis I ** Lives Qt Inmym by your bitters, Aud many more are using tfasm with great benefit. ' They almost Da miraole^ " â€"Mn. B. D. Slack. How TO nsT SioK.â€" Expose yoorself day and nigbt e*t too muon witbuut exeroi-e; work too bard without rest doctor alt tbe time; take all the vile uuscrums adver iaad, aud then yon will want tu kuow how to get weU. whiou ia autwand in three wwdsâ€" Take Hop Bittere i HS'Nona genaioe witboat a bnneta of green Hops on ttie white labeL bbnn all the vUe. jmibouous Btaff wltb 'Hup* or "Hop*" in their LYDIA E. PINKHANI'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUHD ♦ IS A POSITtVE CURF • ..•• ••••• Far an af thase Palafnl q^^ptetBra mm*. We ikwewc B ao eemiDow to oar keaC *. ' .H ClHircliwI Ottmmu, ♦ • ♦ •FE2IEAI.E POPVUtaIOIt.* « • It wui, cdbx xntibelt trx wobbt vobm ovM' VALB CaXTLAINTS, AlA. OtABIAX TBOOBUM, bl. rT.A]fXATIOH AKD UliCERATION. VaIZJUSO AHBi DMi rLACEXEKTS, AND THB CONSElJUirVr SrCfAI. Wl ness, akd is pabticulablt adaftbd vo Chanqs of Iatk. *•*«•«• It â- win. DISSOLTE AXD TXPEI. TtTXOBS IHiOW ..., Utebus nr an eault stage op DEVELOPanurr. Taa TENDEKCTToCaNCEROI'S IlnHOBS TMiemtt n iuimmS VEBT 8FKEDU.Y BT ITS USE. « • « • It sexovss Faintncss, FuiTuiXNor, ni I'laais* AU. CRAVING For. TlJtni.AKTa, AND BBUXylM WUK-^ nessoftmeStosiach. It cubes Bloatins, HaaiH ACHE, flERyocs Proptbation, Gxmerai. DxBiLirr, Depbbssion AND Indigestion. « ♦ • That teelin*} or Bbabins Down, cattbino PABik Weight and Backache, is alwatb PEBKAMaaiur CUBED BT ITS USE. **«â- *«•** It will at ATX tuies and UNDBB at.t. stances act in HARMON T WITH THB LAWS OOTEBN THE FEJIALB SYSTBX. • « 49*Its FURPOSie It; SOLELY rOBTHBLXSITIHSim DSAUNO or DISKA::E AND TUE BELIKF OF PAIS, *â- Â» THAT IT DOES ALL IT CLAIMS TO DO, THOUSAme^ LADIES CAM OLADIiT TESTIPT. -^S • Fob the cum of Eidnet Coan.Anm or EITHKB BEX THIS BKMSDT IB UNBCBFASSXD. LTDIA. I. FINKHA3FB TEGBTABLB OOMFOOBD k pnpared. at Lynn, Haaa Frioe $L Six bottiM flor Sa Sold bH all druoaisU. 8entb7Buai.po«ta8«|MMI,iB(Mn of mis or Loaenges on raoelpt of price a^abomk UiK Ptekliain's "Oolde to Health" vlll be mailed ttsetssar Lad7 sending stamii. XjetterseonfldeotlaUj'i Tbs rstums rsoeivsd by tbe Endowment Fond Committee freak thsdifferent parishes of tbe Diueeaa of Niagara abow tbe popula* tion of adult worshippers to bs about 9,200. Blany of tbe olergymen at tbe reeent meet-^ ing of the Synod declared that the returns were inaocurate. ioasmueb as tbs term 'â- adult worsbippsr" was ttadtrlood dif- ferently by different of tbe clergymen in making up tbe returLB; some including peraona ot 17 years, othera of 18 years, still othera ootmtuig only those who had been jnflnned, and soms including only the malea of their eangregatioas. It waa eon- aidered that ojmplete returns would bhow a laigsr number than tbe figure given above. Ko famUT should be wtfhont LTTtA. B. PIHKRaVt UVER PILLS. They aur Oonattpatfiin,Bl]loasnMsaBS ToiriUWo(*'^U*w. Keeatsper box. • ON.l*t Sf •• Over um* Over AkwIb.** Repetition is sometimes the only way to impress a truth upon the miod. Aooord- initly take notice that Dr. Pierce's " Pleasant Purgative Pellets," (ths original Little Liver Pill-) eontiaue to he*wonder- tolly effeotive in oasea of sick and nervous headache, eonstipation, iodigsstion. rush of blood to the head, cold extremities, and ot all ailments arising from obstruction of toe bodily functions. Toeir action ia thorough yet gentle, and the ingredients being en- tirely vegetable, they can be taken with impunity into the moss delicate stomach. All druggists. Divorces are becoming fashionaUe in Sootland. Last year eighty-nine petitions were granted, being the largest number on record. Tbe hghest number of decrees in any previous year was eighty one in 1880. Tbe average number for the ten years before 1876 was only thir|y-five. A Ccrlaia Reasedy tor Casws. This is the imiversal testimony and ex- pres-ed by everyone wbo has used Putnam s CoBN ExTBACTOB. Tbousands in Canada have used ii witb gratifying results and if you will take the trouble to ask any drug- gial he will give you tbe names of many persons of your acquaintance who have been radically cured ot tbe worst kind of corns. Sold everywhere. Safe, siue, pain- less, and vegetable in composition. Try it. It never fails. Take no substitute. Many of them are positively dangerous. Ude Putnam's Corn Extractor. Tbrss bundrsd lives bavs bssn lost tbis wintsr in tbe Italian Alps, where tbe snow- fall is said to bs tbs heaviest within tba memory of man. â€"â€"No lady need bs wittumt Mrs. Pink- ham's Vsfilabls Compoiwd besa na s aba is fat distant from in% sterss. Tbs propris- tors ssnd it posSsgs paid mail from Lyaa, M'laa., ia tba form at l oasngM or .of pills; priss, tl psr bos, or fix |bc 15. Bend for tbs "Goidf ^^SaiXOtT ' givas full parBaBlata. â-  "-^ c- "^l' ^xa Mr.W. D. Ho wells apparently regards the word " purple "in the familiar phrase, " parole and fine linen," as an adjective qualifying " linen." In the latest instal- ment ot his cleverly written novels " The Rise ot Silas Lapham," he makes one ot the ctaairactere, an educated gentleman, speak of "people whoae bouses are rich and whoae linen is purple and fine." OM lavclcrate Htrlctarca of the urethra, speedily and permanently otured by our improved methoda. Pamphlet, references and terms,two three-cent stampa. World's Dispensary Medical Assooiaiioo. 66S Blain atreet. Baffalo. N. T. A London lawyer suffered a long time from lead poisoning before tbe doetors dts. covered that it waa owing to bia use at snuff put np in so-called tinfoil wrappers. According to the Uedieal Preu there ars now on reoord thirty -tour cases oi tbis kind. Somassimplesot moist snuff sontainsd 2.60 per cent, ot lead There ia but one elean spot in the wbols Jswisb distriot of Jsrnsalsm. It is ths .old temple land at tba western wall of Eacsm, IW feel in length and 10 feet wide. Ills tbe plaee where tbe ^ews perform tbsir lamsntations. Thsra ars always a few pilgrimilibsrs. On Friday night mast of tbs Je#aaDiigegatS thsra to moltra ovar lbs tall ot tbe holy dty. In long Bsbrsw «aftfobaas tb^ bswdil Hid dspartsd glory, siidbaa tbriihfMds^PKDPt tba Wafla and aqr and kiss ths i^**^ m^p NEVER BE WITHOUT pUNN'S /COOK'S\ BEST Afriend/ ^owdep- SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. J. WINCKLER PATENT SaP-VENTING PUMP FAUCET The simplesi aad best in tbe maAat. Prioa $1« Address 88 Hagtason strset sooth HamOtea. 30 DAYS' TRIAL Jksi'j i;.Â¥*4gh 1 ELgCTRO-VOLTAIC BELT and 'iSu ELEcrnK AFPLTAHCES are sent on SO Days' Trial TO MEN ONLY. YOUNG OB OI.l who arc snffcr tag from Nervous DBBiLmr, Lost Vitauttt, Wastino Wfaknfsses. and all f nose tllsensesof a Pebsonal Nature, resulting Irom abuses and Other Causes. Speedy relief and complet* restoration to Health. Vigor and Manh-wd Ouabastef.p. Send at once for lUtisautnl Pomidilet fr»«e. Address Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall. MicL SEEDS iREmiirS SEEDS; istmted CataloKoe for 1 description and prices of the OABDEN ft FLOWES J W'i'RENNIE EYE, EAR AMD THROAl. G e5ow,Ii.b.o.p. ^Setcsonto dsnsial Bcapital. lato BoiBl fifladan Ophtbalnie dH sad Oeatnl XMkkn Of Ohaxata Btrset. L-/-2S won â€" -.-.-â- ii^^^iJfla*«--j^â€" i:.a^n-^«i-

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