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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Feb 1885, p. 6

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 «A\SSv, -^_"-i--\t- |! ;l VJ. «^ n* Iett0«i»g_ Uw ho- pital, befon OoMBer KeiMM^y ••Ou HalwdBj. JMNuqr U^ •kM* 4 p.Bi.. I noeiwd • lattMr •• a; i Aim, Ho. 1 12 Ctammben ntVMl. Tha Bnu ii rt B* «•• in I «i i iiiiK. lutd wMi delivend by m mmmvfgn N«t Oancarovsly Huft-His Ante-mortem boy. Tba not* MMed • My wuhcd to KVB SHOI8 FISBP AT HIM- ttatemtiit* â-² iMt (Mondfty) nigbt'a Hew York 4aitp»tobM»B Ai swelvo miBOtea pM 6 o'oluok tli4 •ftemoo*. •â-  O Ioit«vaii Bcm» waa pasBiod in f nMU ol tbo Stowari biuU- UM, on tba eomar ot Broftdw»y M.d Chiunbers atraet, ba was approaebed by a •ae ma, tb»l aha «m kilaKated in tba Inab aanae and dakind to aa-ost it. Bbe did not eara to go to my cAoa and ramain wai'ioc tbera ootil I eame. Boa oiily would a»k for tan mionles' tima. Tba boy told me tbat tbe lady wma at tbe teUgrapb t ffioa in tbeStewaitboiidiog, eoroer ot Broadway and Cbambera Btre«t. I went wiib bim baadifcm'a yonog lady, dreaatd in plain and met her. I told bar it wcnld be aa oloibee. She wore apeetaalea and bad tbe •ppearanee ot an iateUeetoal-looking aebool teaeber. Sbe drew a fivebarteUed revolver from her drtaa poeket, and, levelliog it at bim fired one abot. Boaea tbrew bis baoda ' abava ilia bead AMD canm, " i*if shot." Es then fell beavily to tbe aidawalk. Tba wum«n fired tbe ramainmg bollatit in faer piatol at tbe proatrate man, and calmly and oooncerDHdiy walked off with the amaking revolver w bar band. Sbe was followed by a large erowd, while atill a largar mob aurroonded tbe wooaded dyna- miter. City Manbal Jamea McAaiey, in the abaenee of tba polieemen, saw the revolver ia tbe wooan'a band and arrested ' bar. Bbe wav oondoeted to tbe Twenty- autb Prt-einct SMtioa Hdoaa in tbe Oity Hall. Her imperturbable gravity and oool- naaa of demeanor were remarkable when arraigned at tbe Bergeant'a desk. MoAaley banded tbe revolver, at mull ealibre five- sbooter, to tbe Sergeant, and saii be fouud tbe woman brandiabiog tbe weapon on tbe street. A citisen who entered tbe police station with the prisnuer said she had juss shot a man on C lambem street. "Dj yon know the man?" abked Sergeant Gaas, torning to tbe woman. " XXB, I SHOT O'DONOTAH BC88A," eaid tbe priBoner, with a slight Eoglish aooent. Sbe looked very deraare and pretty as she Blood at the bar, and betrayed no exoitemeDt whatever. She gave her name ae Teelet Dudley, and said ithe was a native ol Eiiti'ud aud a hoBpital oarse by cooupa- tiau. She desoribed herself as a widow 2i years of age, bat bhe doea not appeur tu hu over 18. A noaaber of qaeatioijB were put to her while iu tbe PoLoe Scation, but she pretierved a di^joified BileLce. Tue wuman waa lacked ap, and all tbe reporters were denied admiBBiou for the present, bhe did not appear to be insane. Sbe auawered all qaestiuDd deliberately and with eome d.'-grea of oaniion. Sbe UBGUNKS TO DIVtlliaB THB CAD8K oQlhe bhuolin^, bat it in presumed to have ooourred thr^at^h Bosea's dynamite soheoQi 8. An HOOQ as ibe wumau ceaaed firiug BoBsa got up oa bis faut, with the assistauoe of a byatander, and started back for his ffioe. He was prevailed apon to go to the Cuambers Street Hospital instead. He walktd all the way, nearly a quarter of a mile. There it was foaad that only one ballet had pierced bis body. It entered his bMik directly below the left shoulder blade. The physician at once begin to probe for the btkll. Iha wouLd is not considered dangeroQS. When Pat Joyce, in O'Dano- van's Lffioa, was notified ot the thootlog be was Burpiised, at bis obitf had left the office only ten minutes before. He at once looked up the office and went to tbe hospital. bossa'b comdition. At 6.30 the wounded man was resting easily, and said be was bop-^fal of pulling through all right. Oaptain Phelao, who ia still guarded by policemen, when informed of the particulars of the shooting, smiled grimly, but refased to say aaythiag ou the subject. BOaS'S STATEMENT. To a repnrter Bossa said " It was a premeditated affair, and this woman was simply the engine by which the dastardly act was accomplished. Bhe had no private revenge to gratify. No reUtive uf hers haul been injared in tbe Eaglish explosions. Ii is tbe work of the Englinh Gjvernmeni, whose policy haa always been to aesafesioate men they could not otherwise reach. She ia the a^ent of the British Miniater or somebody else. This woman came to me aod said that she was Irith, but that her husband did not sympathizs with tbe cauae of Ireland. She waa mbid iu her v:ews on dynamite, bhe said the London explosions were no good, and wanted a horrible saoritiae of life to strike terror to the hearts of Ireland's enemies. I told her I was not engaged in that busi- Btss, aud I received no money for suob parpcB^B, but OLly to help the Irish cause. bbd reiterated thskt thousands of lives fehoaid be sacrifice 1 in London. I had been to tee my printer at 4 o'elbok when I started out to meat her. She wanted me to sign a receipt for money. The receipt oonttuned tbe word dynamite.and I declined to sign it and pot tbe paper in my pocket and walked out with her. Sbe is nothing more or lees than tbe agent of the British Gkjvernment employed to assassinate me." TBB woman's mXNTIIY. Aboat 9 o'clock Sirs. Dudley asked about the condition of Bossa, and seemed sorry when she heard he was still ahve. -A nam' ber of persons called to see her, but she positively refused to be interviewed. She diboardtd her t-tael-bowed spectaolea, which, aecordine to Joyce, were aaed as adisgnisa. Oa tbe 23 ^d Jannary Mrs. Dadley called at tbe Home for Unemployed Women, 60 Clinton street, and seeared aocommoda- tions, giving aa a referanea Dr. Tbomaa. The matron of the Home wm ao favorably impressed with the woman that aha allowed her to ramain, and Mrs. Dadlay oooapiad a room joiaily with two yoong ladiea. Her only logoga which she never onpaoked, Wfll to go to soma hotel, aa tba telegraph office waa no plaea to talk in. Wa eame oat and went to Sweeney'a HotaL We went into tbe ladies' parlor, aud aba said aba woold ba able to Mve oonaidarabia money if anything good waa dona. Bbe tben said she would call Monday, Febra ary 2ad, at 4 o'eloek. To-day bbe sent another meeaaga to my oAca aod I want to tba telegraph cffioe. and tbera I met tba lady. Bhe showed ma paper whiob I was to sign. Bba tbao iaggested that we go to aome other plane. We walked down Cham bers street o Broadway, wban tba woman stepped back and firtd two or thraa sbota at me. One ot tbe balin antarcrd my baek. (Signed) " JuxMUH O'Dlw vas Bi saa " J. Pierrepobt Edwards, Britiata Ouusal, when informed of the dt tails of tba shoot- ing, asked tba condition of thia wreteh (referring to BiXKa). Being told that be wonld probably recover. Edwarda cj«en- lated. '• Tben he will beeome a greater hero than ever." He added " It is nnfortn- nate that he sboold have been bhot by an Eoglisbwoman, but I think the poor lady must be demented. I have never seen ber that I can recall, and I know nothing of her." ATICBBIBI^E AII.%NT1V VOVAGK. The HleawiPr mc Mimaa BniTely ii||Mlait Ur«.wl tidda. Batllea (N. T. World.) The French Hue steamer St. Simon arrived yeateid^y from Havre after a tem- pertaoua voyage lasting aixreen dnyB. From the third day out uutil Sindy Hook was reached coutinucus heavy gttlea aud high hetkd seas were enoouLtartd. Ou Jan. 27 h last a storm, which the cffioers of the vea- sel say waa a regular cyclone, was encoun- tered. Suddenly a tuud craah waa heaid on deck and everybody jamped from tbe table bad' y frightened. Tbe iffioerofthu dtck eoon after entered the otthm aud advised everybody to remain below. " Tbe f-m-jkiog t-aliou has jaat been car- ried awt»y." said the (ffijer, "don't know how soon tbe other deokbouaes will go." Juat then tbe sbip gave a sudden li r jh, and nearly every p:r80u was thrown down. Tbe cffioers fouud it difficult; to prevent a panic, but eventually onluied the ptaeen- gers. Tbe storm lasted two days, during which time no one on board slept, nor could they eat. When the storm moderated the deck ot the St. Simon looked a com- plete wreck. Oae ot the life-boats was smashed, the smoking-Haloon g ne aud the deck covered with bits of wood and boards from the epliBtered deok-houaes and rails. When the vessel entered port yesterday she was covered with ice and showed plainly the rough experience she bad gone through. ITnperfrcted Bii«l|«b. There is published in Germany a news piper printed in Eugliah for the benefit o those viaiiors" wbo tbe language of Ger- mans speak not." The Hour, which makes tbe fjUowing extract from the sheet, recommends ita pages as contaiLiug a rare literary treat for the eye f the stranger in that land. It certainly conveys some idea of the diffionlties foreigners have iu wrest- ling with the Eughab language " Hunting Spoit.â€" .Great sensation 1 •â€" Great Beusatiou ' in tbia season made the invention of an Cartridge, called. Brand- pitrone for L«n caster- or Centralfire-GuBS,; while by the now existing Cartridges the inflammation was done from the under part, where by the shot result by Lancas ler-Gans was often uncertain, has the Man- ufaotor suooedtft in putting an brass pin into the Caitridge, which leads the Stich- dimme of tbe percussion cap into tbe abowe powdermasa direct under the stopper, which ibere starlike in it i-pnnkled, tbere through wiU txplcde momently all the powder inside the Cartridge, which sffectu- ate such a sharp shot, that, it skilled in hunting, the animal falla like killed by thunderstruck all tbe chaseing of the half death wild by the Dog, or beating to death by the diiver i4 not necessary by using this new patent Cartridge tben tba Pah ic will have a more delicate looking Game, because the knokles wont be burst all through the flesh and the unnecessary cruelty to the animal will fall quite away. The export to the continent is at present very signifi- cant, especial to Bussia, where the use the largest tuber to kill the beast of prey." remarked, she might ba called aoddeuly to attend aoma patient. Bba told tba matron aba had bdea martiad, and had two etaildren, but Aat her kiBsbuid and ebil dren bad died abroad. Her 'father, she ranaritad. bad baaa an^Head ia tha Butiah eavalry aarvioa. Staa had aatad aa a trained naraa io tha hoaai t a la ot Itoadoo Tke Best ^art • Beth Vaanfries. I (i amuses one to hear Canada described as an Arctic region by American news- papers, which seem to forget that a large portion of tbe United Statee has a climate very similar to that which sometimes holds high carnival in the DjminicAi. Iowa ia as cold aa Ontario so is Michigan and Wis- consin. Minnesota diseountiT Qoebee, and Illinois and Nebraska are not aa aalabrioos aa Maw Branswiek and Nova Bootia. Tba eSeata prodooed by tbe respsotiva elimatea of Dakota and Manitoba are moob tba aame, aod aa for Montana and Oregon, tha snowfall in either ia generally heavier than in tbaBriliBb posseaaioDH to the north. The a valiaei I "Aratie" regions ot the Uuited Btataa really sbe oompriaa die moat Drogreaaiva and baalth. iaat portitm of tha Uoioii. •' Ar^ie" Oanada la also healthy and pragreasive, and il ia aottooeoid to live inâ€" aa many wealthy AmetiaaaahavoiM^iitly fdand ovkâ€" Kte«. •dtas*iti "ijS-rSS^SSliSltth. oaatral hi tbd MiilaMi BailBsy ia lMay to iM wtik dynamiia ia kia posaa sinii. a»M band hold oa a oharaa of oaa»MMay. Baiac arraigoad tba maa.g«va hia aava aa Newboid. Ha dealioad to giva bia baMory for tba paat month, aad at tboctqoMtot iha poboe, who elaim to ba oa the waok ot atfiu'g iuotiminaung avidatioe, ba waa remanded. Lettera were p odnced wbieb ball bean mailed m the sooth ot'Bf gland tbreataaiiig that Derby Town Hul woold be blown np. The priaqper admitted that the baadwriting ou tbe envelot«e waa hie Tba lettna were read. Tney datoribad a plot for tba daatraetion by dynamite of tbe Town Hail aud a bauK lu an adjoinmg coonty. Ndwbold, when asked to txplaio away tbia avidatioe, aaid ha obold not, aitboogb be imisted that ba was lonooent He said bk h«d rephee to several advartisa- mebts at aboot the time of tba dates upon the euvolopea. aud baid tbe euvelopea must have fallen ibt J bad hands and been again oaed, and io tins way oome iiito poaaeaaion ufthe pohee. The prisoner ia ab^mi 29 years of age, aad gave the name of Puilip Newboid. Tba Chiat Constable deoUrea that the detkOtivea puasaafead ia a eomplete atata other evideoea againat Newboid of a mora aeriooa and cireomatantlal oharae'er. Newbold'a reaiaud waa until February 7»b. Il IB stated tha pohoa force have du jvered among Newbold'a papers doeamenta revealing a dynamite plos of oonaiderabie magLitnda. Daring the proeaedings to-day tha prisoner was mobb agitated. At tbe time of his arrest, Ncwoold was employed in tbe Derby abOpa of tbd Midland Bail- way aid tagalarly wore the Ordinary oloibee ot a aorkiogman. Derby Town Hall has been placed uuder speoial polios protection. Orders have bten sent from London to search all suspicioas psraona travelling over the road. Ghiodman was releaafcd this afternoon, the police after thoroughly iuveaii^ating the case bio*me convinced he was iuniioent. It ia believed the Gjvernment meditates uamg tbe marines to guard tbe city as waa done in Dabliu a year ago. A last (Tuesday) ui»ibt's London cable says: The Qjtsen fa^s (Xpresaed a det-ire lo contribute a eum buffioieul to hupi lament and mitke eeoiive any reward tbe G vern- ment may decide to i ffar for tbe arreat aiid conviction of dynamiters. It is be- lieved tbe lesult will be tbe orgamzAiim of a national fund for the object suggeated Tbe polica .tbis eveuiog made another important arrest in connection «itb the recent dynamite txplotiqus. The prisoner bad been puraued f ir several days, aud was run down this afternoon In is brlieved he was an acoomplica of Canninbam. Tbe brown hi x which was purcbabed in White- chapel aud t-ub.stituted f.r Guuningbam'E brown trunk in bss Preeooct street lodging.!, and which mysterioutly disappeared imme- diately after the txploaiou, Was fouud in piaseasiou of the man arrested tbia evening, f be pribouer was discovered hiding in Whitecbapel not far from the lodjgiogs last occupied by Cunningham. It is said tbe police found in prisoner's possession otoer evidences of a very important nature, and all necessary means of estahlisbing bia identity. He will be arraii{ned to-morrow. It is stated that several parsons have identified Cunninghsm aa the man who was seen in ihe immeoitte vicinity of each of the recent underground railway explosions directly after their occurrence. The polioe have obtained special infor- mation which will probably warrant an indictment against Cunningham for per- sonally operating the dynamite which Caused the explosion near Gower street railway station. The guard ou the train and the sergeant of police who examiued tbe paiisengers have identified C jnniogham as one of three men who were suspected of having caured the explosion. Tbeiffi^als of the Glerkenwell Prison, where Gum ingham and Goodyear are con- fined, and tha Scotland Yard detectives were thrown into a etate of great excite- ment tj-day by the receipt of freah ii,for. mation that a formidable attempt will be made to rescue the prisooera by destroying tbe buildings. Tbe structure was imme- diately placed under a guard of special constables. An eltra force of detectivea have been detailed to patrol the streets leading from Cletkenwell to the Bow Street Police Court. B^t hi JL Iaat li i l iili j lhidtf^ O^^anaat wiold raa* rfa «lM_pMki^^ otUbBgiug tba chaiffa a«aiasl ao thai (ba raeoit ot oouviatioa asecotion iaataad of iBpriaooaMSt, aoMiimotioB atnoag. the speomion* Tho deelaratioB wasatoude oouairoad loto aa admiaaion by the Grown thai Otto aiag ha m wae tha moat isiportaai priwiBer oret arreated tor dynamite ortmea. Tom iu p aaeion waa ooi firmed by tba extraor- diuary preeaotuma takmi by tba Oofam- men to prevent aaeape «wr reaeoa. He waa oouvejed from bia eall in Olerkeoweli to Bow Street Court in aatroog van. Coooing- ham was tbe oaty prisoner within tho van, but sevi-ral armed oonstablee aooompaaied bim. On each side of the driver waa an armed policeman, and ifficam with expdeed revolvers stood apon the altpa. Tbe oon- veyauoe w*a driven atowly to allow the armed eeoort tu keep alongside, and enable tbe dettotivas who followed on the tide- walke to be near in ease of emergeuoy. In bin addreaa, Poland aaid Conuugbam waa 22 years of age, and was a doek laborer. He waa not alone ia tbe aork ot raa:ing the ez(.losiun at tiie Tower, bat ha waa in laagoa with otbera whom tba Ojt- arament hoped Boon (o hava in enatody. Tba priaouer bad lived in the Ujited B ^att a several yean. Ha arrived in Eng- land last N vamber. He aama aboard the staatukhip Adriatie and lauded at Livar- pjol. He took op bia qoaitera there in a email hotel at No. 81 B ioart atreet. When be left there be eame lo Lmdon. Thd Guvernment waa not prepared to say j oat how Gonningham had employed himieit dating tba interval batweeu bia arrival io London and the date ot tha ezploaipa. That was as yet anutor saary. Bat i* oonld be proven that tbe prirouer on tbe 23 d or 24 ^h of December was at Broad atieel raiU way station with a lar^e trunk. Tbe trnok was of Ameiioao maaof aotnre ae woald be shown later. Beaides the trunk tbe pri- soner had a bag. He left both at the station over iiighi, aud next day took them away. In tha meauttme ha scoured lodg- ings at 30 Presooti street, Whitecbap^l. For tbeae 1 djiings he engaged to pay five shiUiuKS a week. It was thither the prisoner bad the trunk and big removed. While the prisoner livfd in Prescott^ street the trunk mysteiijublyoi-'app'eared. Some time alter ii.8 diHappearauce Cuuoingbam cbangtd bis kd^ings, aud took rooms iu Scatboro' street, It would be bhowo that iha prisoner began loitering about the Tower afier his removal IromPreeiOJt street, and that be vfaited the Tower buildings a few days before the explosion. Tne prisoner's counsel are Qailliam and Nordon, of Liverpool dockis of the â-² kiM (im^i n) Bighft'b Two ihoo af rA^Baaialall meating tb-bigin I x(iia' Ball, ia Avenna A, Haw To^ gatharad Ml ' Gtoao- io thd Oarman qaanar. It «^ nuBDcod preeioaa to the naeetiag that treo. bio woold Im oaoaad by Jostua Sebwab and Harr Moat, aided bv a nambar ot their ad- haranfii' who intended to eaptoro and eon. trol tho proaeedioga. The less radios) elemeni ot tba party, hadtd. by editor Suhaviiacb.o' tba Folk* Ztitung, wtra de. lermiBad to hold tbe exiremiata in obtok, A volamiuoaa eireolar, printed io Eugiu)) and German, deuanoiatoiy of violence and Irish dynamite outrages, bad been widely eireolated by the tiahevtiseh faction, hot it excited tbe derision ot tbe Bobwab-fifoBi erowd. wBo, in return, issued a fiming ineendiary appeal, applauding the dyu^. mitere, and tureaieniug woe to Eugiaud. Polica Captain MuCnllogb, of the ITth preoinol, attended the meeting with apanf of men. Boha«| sell aahad the assembly to order, add tha radioal opponenu o^}eeMd in snob a way that a tumult ent-ned, iq whioh ebairs, elnba and revi Ivors figured. Oaptain McOnllcgb ooimmanded silence, and forced his way to tha platform, fol. lowed by bis men. Bobwab «aw bim, aod shouted, " It is the poliea i Kill theâ€" â€" f^ Tbe iLforiated mob turned upon Ihe • ffiaara and Oapt. MeOnllogh was struck oa tbe head with a ebatr aud kooebed down. He regained hia feel, and at the oint et their revolveni tba police kept the mob at hay. Tba SoaialiBta tben wanted to reaome their deliberations, and eoppls- mented their demanda by drawing dabs, knives and pistols. Captain McCuUogh waa reinforoed in a little while by thirty policemen. This enraged tho crowd still further, aud they again attacked the polioe, who n spOLded with their olabe, and the rioters were badly pnnishedi Many beads were cracked. With the exception of Officer Botr, who wasBligbily out in the face, and a few bruises sufctuoed by Captain McCu 1 gh, none of the policemen were injured. Peter Brown, one of tbe rii^ters, had his leg broken, and had to be seLt to the hoapical. Justus Sobwab was the only man arrested. He skulked away before tbe not was over, bat Captain McGuUogh found him in his saloon on First street. Ha sub- mitted quiotiy to arrsfet. Bail was refuaed aLdhe was Rocked up. A(:tr tbe fi^ht a pi^t j1, a dynmise bomb and several »-bort black cluba were found in the hail, W. S. Bosenberg, Secretary of the Inter- national Workers' As80ciatiOD,6aid Sebwab had asked O' Donovan Bossa to send a gang of hie dynamiters to break up tbe meaiio^. W«rkta8m»n*a Wlrea. Pittsburg CAroBJcfe: "It ia not the workingmen I piiy bo much in these times of universal depression as the wives. The wives that plan and provide for immediate needsâ€" who make oqc dollar go as tar as two or three went in prosperous times, are more to be pitied iban tbe men," said a close obeerver, discnssiog the condition of the country. There is much truth iu tbe remark. While workingmen attend meet- ings, and vent their dissaiiaf action in various methods, their wives, meantime patiently coofrontieg the inevitable, pro- oaed to make the most of the situation, and, by dint of invention, puience and untirug labor, material deemed m^'g iflnant or almt 8t worthless b/ their husbands is made to Serve ptirposes unsuspected aud fre- qaently not appreoiated by tbe bread- winners. It is surprisiiJI what thrifty, self-denying housewives achieve with limited means; and all the world knows that many merobaote and mannfaeturerB* large tortiuea are foimded npon tbe wise management ot eeonomioal wivaa. Ii-qairy at tbe dockjs of the Morgan Steauj-hip Line to-day developed the fact tbat Tim Conniigfjam is employed there. Caidaess ol lee. Since tbe arreat of OuLningbam, tbe Lan- The question has been discussed in tk don dynamiter, he ban stated to his fellow- Farmera' Club at tbe Guopar Inalituts, workmen that the prisoner is his son. At Naw York, whether there are relaiiw tbe company's offioe it was said the son ot degrees of cold in loa or no. Toe dlBouBHwa Tim had been en ployed on the docks some oommt noed by a talk about tbe best nun- time iigo, aod tbat be lived with his father, ner cf building an ice house. Dr. T. 8. The father admitted having a 15-year-oid Lamcerr, who was present, iootdentail; »oa, but denied having ever said prisoner baid that ice was much colder in Maine aud lu London was his sou. The old man's would last longer tbaci ice taken from tbe manner was doi confidence-inspiring. The Hudson Biver. Some of the farmers grew foreman of the Pannsylvauia freight depot warm over this oieoossioo, and expressed aaid he had employed over a year ago a asioni^hment tobear it asserted that eoe man whot-e name he believed was James piece of ice was colder than another. Dr. Canningbam. Lambert anawered the disbelievers, and Very few persons were admitted to tbe aaid that he felt sorry that " such ignor- court-room. Before the commencement ance had been shown at tbe Farmers' of the proceedings a number of witneases Ctub. Why, at Boston, when a cargo were assembled for the purpose of identi- ot ice was received from Maine, tha fyiog the prisoner as the man they had iwrge dealers had an agent test it with seen engag diusu-picioua movements jubt a thermometer, and if its temperatnrs before the explosions. Cunningham was was above 20° above zero, tbe ice waa plactd in a crowd, but three of the wit- rtj^sctedaa an unsafe investment, becausa uesaes, one of whom was a woman, the at any temperature above that it woiJd other two beii'g constables, had no difficulty melt rapidly. The temperature of loa in singling bim out. Tbe cabman who ranged i a Maine from saro to 15 a abava, had given infotmation about the transfer and on tha Hudson Biver it was freqaemiy ot tbe trunk was udable to identify Cun- out aud put into houses wbeu iuao below ningham. Cuuuingham was remanded for tbe freezing point." " If you want ooid *!^'^-, -J u- jv ^. »." the speaker said, "aou'i cut It when Mr. Poland said in bis address one of the us temperature is near tbe freezing worst effects of toe panic produced by tbe but wail nutilacald snap comes" By recent outrages was that lo caused so many hoiual experiment it had been shown tuat employers to play right into the bands of a p,eoe of Maine ice would make water the dynamiters. Some firms in London, colder than a piece from Bockland L ike. o.hera in Leeds, and others in Sneffield Tbe doctor relates that when he gave this were dismisaing all tbeir Irish employees, information to a ne^gbbor cf his he was so The very fact that detectives were grateful that he off,red him «5. and he was employed to watch establishments ready to receive that amount from each T^T'll"'" °°»*'«" °i persouB of member of the F-rtnera' Club The Iri.h birth were employed proved so audience remained A very sia^Ia imntriTanna but a| tho oa tiiBo ooa verj valuabUâ€" is haiaa aad Paris, aad aha aaid aha had diplomas ptooad io fba switahea, fMMs tiUmiAS fiom i a^Jtot iwia of that Ma jL bat tha «ha01dMDey iMiiMd7l»daaiMiard ahowad than to othar j s a ag laliaa ia tha » raifaa to as awa t a bbbpbIs flbot fmS kaasa. »« Bha waamaadaoM pH shsd wnt aa n " gMiag e^gbt to tha graaea whaTBTS ooDtiaaad tha aialtna. **.aad har mwiBaKS traah. A ari d sB l a al that Mad aia d *-|g .^•nVadAj Byvx lost hisAret fight with BulHvan, without, apparently, matoig half an effort to win it, tiie people of Troy? N. X., wwit back on hua very badly. One man, whose name waaByan, thouch no ralativa d the pogUist, appUed to th! SapramaOoiirtftor parmiasloito obaagb £ name. HahaaaalWhiaiaslf BaESaJit dnoa. Hawha^wantotoohanga hMnama da alter, hia aama as often aahTSSl without eoaaaltiag aay aoart aboot ft. SZ g««»»« aU hisfriJadathlTh? ii M? Byaa Tha tor irritating to the owners of the concerns that to esospa from il they naturally resorted to toe only means of relief at their commaudâ€" the wholesale discharge of their Irish employees. Oneof the largest publiabing houaes in London on Saturday last had dismisaed from their employ every perse n ot Irish birth. Dr. Dupree, adviser cf tbe Government on chemical aubj-cts, testified that ha had examined the detonator found in Canning- ham's baggage. It was a copper tube, stamped witn an eagle, and contained eleven and a-balt grams of mixture, com- posed of chloride of potassium and f ulmin- ate of mercury. A fuse bad apparently been fixed to the detonator, as the hole m the tube udicatod some such attach ment. Daring the examination GuBningham stated that when he resided in the United States, he Uved in FraukUa street. New York, and worked aa a htborer ot the Mor- Kd1eT'^?*.in5^-'?.^"' "L""8»»« skeptital, and a vcioa shouted " If I conli beheve all the doctor "** "«d I wotdd be willing to give bia ISO vvd Wlnnlpea. The word has undergone many obanges lu tbe spelling. I give the word as printed w works from 1784 to 1833. since whu-.h laal named date there haa beeu no change SuiSlSlS^-" •"....â€" .Verendrye- 1734 Uuinlpidoa â€" Ijobbs-ma Om-KJS"" â€" ~:...Galis8oi.ier«-1750 Oni lSsf;«â€" • â€" ..f-our^ai. vUleâ€" 175T OuloSlner " Jeirarys-i760 Winnepeck '•*•••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢( •••••• ••«aa«*) depot. in the Pennsylvania Bailroad BWercM Woye ot k,Mliiac .t Ii. .v^'^r'VJ^* ^^•^"Jeyi^g Iheir boU a dealer day out, Bhowoasa 'J'^^wjnf^ a halt before tiie in Mr. ^nna aa odd Bnnibw'j"aiirS«ka! *^.y« **• *ha dAaBlr 4vi admire tho htmpa .id:ru.;;;e J^**'"*** i^a^£to2iSSL?ro?JSri^^2? " I'd prater that oaa." laapoods her oeeL »-r5;i2fs^*.tbrs2';ss± "Whyr^^ â-  Maa it wonld: ha ao. laodb ryi ..French mapâ€" 1776 ...Carverâ€" 1768 Henry- 1776 ...Mackensia- 1789 ..Hat nonâ€" 18(10 ..Pikeâ€" 1806 Iord Selkirkâ€" IKia ~..~-.BoBs CjX-1717 Hcboaler«fcâ€" 1830 KeatiOKâ€" 1823 • Beltrami -1823 Cait. fcack-lti» »«..i TO."" J" derived from the Cree 5!^Ja« ^^' *°* Nepe-water- 7. WlBnipe^fan'*.' ^mipio WlnijMc...- Winipio ., Winepic Winuipio winnepeek...., ^ioip-g--.â€" » Winnipeg... The aAf^rr*H'***k tbpdrHl UMt' thnia ^^TOM is obgaiiid iu oaa of thcaa w. ana IB a MtHaam MO hatega ^â- ttnttirliMii,^ i. AKewady Vor liHll««atian. vamaif^PJ^*' »ppears to foe givicg It^^^^' Â¥*^ """» w »d»e» iot people tamUBd with weak or disordered digestun, TTiT^Jr^ "• manner of preparing pJLff^ *V ' Hepbur£ in Tht P^j^lfh^ Medical ta^SMrgical Bepmter. .i4K 1^^ ?f "»Wid steak is cboppid eutbattaponai tho aiaat. As themesi S.hL !?*^ !?•*»• top it is scraped eft Zuft^l^^ •** *»««» P«*'on grade- â„¢f«7*ST*****»tom of tha trough. TW ESJPfilS?"*??** *»to oakaaandligbUy rand «olokly hwUad,Bo aa to leave it almoM diet ia soaetu^es v^ a, aad as a rol •te»l«yadteithit«xoept «o*- Btody dioat ba won Biiatai Him it I rest

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