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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Feb 1885, p. 5

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 yipiP*i-.--«l«iWi*W.-Jr^.*,'-, â-  r-^'SUlllil^BfipiPPf mmmmmmmmn'^fm: miimmmmmfimm^mfti^fllgf^- :aiii thekenffttfr md etteeemt rcnorAdaUk^ 36 •' " :55 '• " V iiiouut of flonr, f iicw wheat to iiie most of itf yeiL'ii 61 or 62 ik» il ut Ibis o^ce vapors to the- lav iiJ iidvance Ic Staxdakd, Wrekly 6//vt«, lit;;! If'ifn?**, :!i^«' Now ia a; id geX tb« \JEW'ELER m •Ct-k,cnnr^is"Eirrg of â-  CHAINS, .ES. Vii'ES, I KlNCiS, etc. hv^ys in s^ocJc. nd Jewellery Liti.sfiiction fTuar- ktr, Jeweller, I'liji-uerton, ir Seedf is a^ a try can produce ORDERED: )nnre respectfully cNea'.-^ block UTLED6E. SHROUDS, ilVE PORGMSERS TIE REREFIT. SWISS LEAVR8, Jewelles, Silver Hunting Cases, Sg.50. ' 9i«loiiir-ibelia«i' .GIN MOVEMENTS, )z Coin C^ses, $12.00; '4 z. $14.50 5 oz. §17.00. ItOVEMENTS KEPT IN Close Cash Prices. irmnts and 2 Years, acco9'dinff to Grade, Clocks, Silver- ware, and Wed din ff ^inffs /8 A;, I'ine \ci; in other lines of goods. jif^cult fiepair'mg a Specialy. JEWELLER, ii and Other Items. (oTicES in these cohimns intended to hene fit individual or Society will be charged ten til line for the first insertion ani, five Is a line each subsequent, insertion. jent begins next Wednesday. Iext SatuiyJay will be St. Valentiaes Mr. .T times Beatty has recoyered his pent illness. [Yin. E. rL\cK5TocK of Elmf^ove, itcd Warkdale last week. Wi-;. .1. R. Trimble is spending a wii'ks with fiientls in St. Marys. A. O. U W. have had but one taijtut for .January nud February. â- â€¢pi^cial offerings to caslj purchaser^ l.u ii;s dress goods ut J. R. Trim V. '.Vk arc pleased to sew Mr. Bowes :ain, having been indisposed for \-.i\ weeks. sileiiTtinos!. ۥ migi. F^ntim- ta.\ and useful, at the MtviieAl Hall. truiner Co. V. Carter has been ill the ast ^. but is rccoveriug under the able of Dr. Turner. 5iG Stoct of Rfcj UTenator Bitters lha.iid at Smith the barjber's, and are selling off fast. B. Trimble is bound to clear out entire stock. Bring on your cash get some of the bargains, ^liss McKee, Miss Averall and R. ip are spending a few weeks friends in Innisfil township. [rs. Donnelly and daughter, and land Mrs. Andrew Walker are ting friends in Innisfil, Simeoe Co. E. Trimble intends having a few be days Auction Sale of general re goods of which due notice{will be en. Ne had a pleasant call from Mr. Yelland, formerly of 7th line, hrasia, bat now of tjlie lubborbs lejiford. B. Trimbk's great eilearmg sale kill coutmuiag. Intendinsr pnrch- |s sLou d call and secure some of Ibavgains, [he recent storm is the most juyere i€ season. The railways ex- fenced great difficulty in keeping I road open. IiFsioMART sermons will be preach- in the Methodist church next kday morning by Kev. Mr. Howell Wen Sound. rHi:: thqgrmometer refosterod SO ^w zero at 4 o'clock on Friday ping, 6th inst. It is said it reached It Eimberley. Ie notice by our exehangM that h will be a large increase id the J her of cheese factories iaGrej and next season. B. Triooy^'a ^caring siikle ap ullir [been a dedided snocess,, ocsiodi^ got good bugain$;aad have .)i^ irely dea)t witii. " ' Pass nkt TxtB.-^Wf: ' UnMHu Moxlow of Euphrasia sold^ on tbB inaVket last Friday, ibar lu^gs irlueh' weighed 1475 lbs. \«. J. McFarland was the buyer. All who are indelrted to rae by •vvr due notes or htia. are requested to eet- tie the same, either by cash or n9le. Short rackoninga make long frieudCs. D. J. Sbanaban. Mr. H. Parker of Daiham is an old established and reliable seed meroh- aut, and is already preparing for tbe coming spring, When in Dorhain don't fad to give him a eall. A concert by the jodng people of Christ Church, Markdale, will be given m the Orange Hall, Berkeley, next Monday evening. A. good time is ex- pected. Admi^ion 25 cents. School Trastees can get formi» of application to Municipal Council for school money. They are neatly printed, and every section should have them. They only cost a trifle. Minnie Bdrke has entered upon her college course in Whitby. Her sitster Laura has completed her course with gratifying results having taken highest honors in every department^ Satisfactobt. â€" Nohvithstanding the cry of hard times, we have a clear gain of 144 snitscribers over any previous year. This is undoubted evidence of the growing popularity of the Standard. Don't forget that you can £et your job printing done cheaper and better at the Markd ALE Standard office than anywhere else iu the County of rey outciide county town. ' Work done on short notice. Terms cash, J. B. Trimble has ju«t secured a large lot of fine fresh teas in caddies and half chests, this without doubt is the finest and cheapest lot of tea ever offered in Markdale. Every tea drink er should secure a supply at once. Social !ho. 2 will be held under the auspices of the Ladies of tke Markdale Methodist church at the residence of Mr Thos. Boland, four miles east o(. Markdale, on Friday evening, 13th inst. A cordial invitation is extended to all. ' v^r,;:".v '// ,1:, .-••nn ' vi oto? â- f^^j||»G«^, Steer, a well-to do farmer of Toron^ iowep, has sold his farm and will retire from active business. He has purchased from Haskett Bros, a lot yith comfortable brick dwelling on Mill St. and wUl inoye to Markdale in March, Seed Shotv.. â€" ^Would it not be a good idea to hav« a' Spring 'Show in connection with the Glenelg Agricul- tural Society the coming spring. By taking up a euhseription and adding the entrance fee it would be little if any expense to the Society, while it would give the public an opportunity to see the peed stock of the district. J. B. Trimble nas just purchased a grand young Clydesdale stallion, 2 years old by imported Lord Duffenn. He is fa very fine specimen of tbe Clydesdale stock, weighs 130 Ibe and only in poor condition, he has lots of bone and hair and a first class foot and very short in tbe back. He is a horse which should, and doubtless will do well in this district. â€" "The beautiful, the wonderful and the wise," is the name of a book published in Brautford, Out., by Bradley, Garretaon Co., and contains some cf the most notalde thmgfl in Poetical Literature, Science and Aft, History and Biography and in Philosophy and Music. The con- tents are choice, varied and jisefhl, and the material and binding ex- ceptionally goud. Mr. S. Morrow is agent in this district and has sold already a large number. i,.li"t.ti. â- .,,- .. f5 (jB^- 't;oMtc^ iBf ii«». m., jiUMMMI tei ai^ jfflinnf^*^- " 'Berenu toBumwosfiiiootiit ' mm umiamia!^m^»Jmd^,3^p^ir^^%^,^ re ' ipriti^ •nmwiiUyaB. i? ^u^a »i; bify.-.^- Mr. MoGill, rffe«ieiwithri*WnMiJ «h* CoKDoil n^atitit) to BCra^ien for nmi woilci Mr. Boww, flhairwua jifo tjhiiv inMopted. report of special «MBaiiMtofr to dtafkStaadiait Committees for tHe onrrent Tear, aa foBows: f Hinanee andA$ae$tment-r-yi6BaB.XjiiaSi(U»^ MeNieol, McKeoay. Bolxwtsoa, Gaolield. Qinrsy, Davis, Gamerrm, IMtept Â¥iitflr Lang, tram^, MePhail. BoWea, Qbttlta, Prin^, McNanght, .Acnew, Jamieson aii^ Frottâ€" IfcKenny. vhainnau. Boad amd Bridge^itmaa, PottB^ MeMil- Ian, McCormidk, Clark, Fawoetf ' MeCoUom, Stewart, Bogers, Messenger, Hexuing. lliUer. Oampbell, MeCaun, Shat^ Biien^ Beid, Blakdj and O'FanreUâ€" Clark, ehairmaa. County PW)p«rtyâ€" Messrs. Ouistoe, Bead, MiUar, W. Lang, McNicoI, Widm^er aad McCann â€" Gfaristoe, dudnuan. £duca((onâ€" Meesra. 6iliay,Brien,Hew||^ll, Bead, Hemiug, Frost, Agnew and Shate-â€" Bead, chairman. Printing â€" Messrs. Miller, Citmpbell, Mo: Gallam, Clark, Yictor Lang, Gilray and Bowes â€" Yietor Lang, chairman. Communication* and Memorialt â€" Messrs. Fro5t, Cameron, Gamey, Beid and MoKeimy â€" Frost, chairman. Beport adopted. A committee, composed of the Beeves of Bentinck, Gollingwood, Proton, Normanby, and Deputies of Eeppel and Egremont, were appointed to enquire into thie snificiency of the Treasurer's security, and report to the Couneil. Moved by Mr. Ghristoe, seconded by Mr. Davis, that Dr. Jemieson and Messrs. Gamey, McNicol, i'i ost and mover be appointed a special committee to examiae and report on the work performed by the Board of Examin- ers of the County of Grey â€" Uicir duties and qualifications as set forth ir the School Act ^said committee to report at this session â€" Carried. By-law B31, to appoint County Auditors, was introduced, read first and second times, and filled up in committee with the names of Bobert Edgar, on the uomicaiion of the Warden, and John Albcry, un behalf of the Council. The Beeve of Artemesia introduced By-law No. 332 to re cind By-law No, 38; appointing Ijoiinty iJolicitbr, aad eBaettit||thAt.np0u;dia Council requiring adArice upOn any legal {joliit when signified by motion, the Warden shall obtain the same from any l^al gentleman so named in'the said motion. •. Tbe By-law was Vead first and second times. The Coancil adjourned till 2 o'clock Thur- sday aftemoan. *-.'V»?t s««t"i«^-l The Union Tea-meeting held under tiie anspiees of the Ladies of tbe New England andProvidence appointments to ruise the anioirnt tuwards the liqa- dation of the debtlncnred by rgpitiring the parsonage, "was hdd on WiEtdnes- da the 4th inst., in the l^ew England Methodist Churcli. The cburoh was crowded. The-proviions in' abund- an6e'aind of the finest qnalitf. Mr. Thoa McAfee Sen waa called to pre- side over tbe meetinf^. Beveral local men f-gave short addreMev. Ttie^ apefchec of tlie Bev. W. Caiiabn of ]^kdale,and D.. C. McDowell of: Fleslierton w«« good miA deli^hledf the audience^ l^aooat on- Frytay 'eff^iJA^ *iM welt fttteoded." Tt^^ JjgVh: ^90«ir of thoi s^^MjB e^ ikp4^«^^ witit ft iam^ "SillMij^ jphienp^MW^ iltis^ 'Â¥xh THOBSDAT. ATTEBKOOX. The By law appointing County Anditors was ietd a third time and passed. Mr. Y. Lang moved, sec. by Mr. Messenger, that the Warden be authorized to employ a competent pait^. to copy eyidenee taken before his honor jqdge Macphersoji, relative to appeal re valuation, in order that same may be printed in conformity with resolution passed at Deoeonber session â€" Unt.. By-law No. d63 to appoint B^h School Trustee, was introduced, read a first and second times and filled up in committee of the whole with tbe name of B. A. Stark. Moved by Mr. Bewgill, seconded by Mr, ' Campbell, that the judgment in tho. Appeal ease be printed in the Janoaiy minotes â€" carried. Mr. Chriatoe pzssented report No. 1 of County Property^^ stating that while they felt the importance and apparent necessity for a building to afford snffidaut aoeomoda- tion for the several offioers of the County, together with a room for His Honor. Judge Macpherson, termed tbe Judge's Chambers, jet hesitated to advise the Connoil in the matter. The report was considereid in committee and passed witbbnt amen^ent. Moved by Mr Frrat, seconded by Mr.' Gilray, the Count^' Property Committee be instmeted to ascei^ain the raqniremeats for inereased offiee aud-Cooxt Boom accommodar tion, and to empk^ someemnpeteat anhiteet to make an estimate and ^r^io^ plaoB, and i^ort vcpaa. same at the JoneMbsion -carried The .Warden read aGeoahts from Tbos. OoidMi and H. jDditllattar fbr Berrieea aa ezaodners. Tke Cowten VMit into «oeuaitW» 'td tb* vliole oti By-law iKo. S8S, tesisu^diaig By-law appointiiw iCknntr 8oi#nv .wliaqh was paaaed ia- anmmit ts ii y -wnd a flt w ar d oli metieikadopted, and ol«taw| to ba ^jaO, Mated and enffosMdbn tbe miiivtai^ Ce««a.i|4ifNt«B«44iU m m,um. .^i Ihe Warden iwri K^mmA Twepeetot^siqtwtt kaeMli 1Sai««te»-'4tll/ tfiaf in ngud to '*y°^ j^ i **' l ifew^iigl* Bate Asapoia- Urrtmet ptc t mOi tilri mp tut of sfieeiai vsai toMee tfpolated to revue i|ia8laoffiiigBaIea and Begdlafionabf {he'Oo^upfliL Ib« Beva«t was veeived, and a by law tfroany tiMM iatH eHeet was pasMd. â-  TheCdanofladjo^edti]i'2 6'olodc F^- day altenioon. ^-Uw No. 334, r«iqNecting Standing Bales, 4m aMtion, 'was read a third time and paaaed Mr. y. Iiang read report of Prttting Gian- mitfee,irecommen?uig pfV^flo^t of to^oimts for pnntinc Deeembw Jsilxmtas. «nd f oi ad- vertiaing Jfawr aana ^uuniaatimi. Beport High SebooLTrastas, was naad a Jbird time and passed. On motion of lix. McNanght, seconded by Mr. Agnew, 500 copies of Staiidmg Bules, with index, were ordered to be printed. Mr. N^ Bead, read report No. 1 of Etduca- tion Committee, recommending payment of T. Gordon's account, 14 days at 15 per day. and H, DeLaMatter*! aeeonnt, 14 days at ^3 per day, for services at High School Entrance Examination. Council went into Committeeof the Whole on the report â€" ^Mr. Agnew in the chair. Dr. Chhstoe asked the chairman of tke Education Committee to show by what au- thority $5 per day was charged, or to be paid.. Mr. Bead said the committee had care ful- ly considered the report, and from examin- ing the statutes had come to the conclusion that Inspectors were entitled to 95 per day according to law. Dr. Christoe contended that according to the High School Act Mr. Gordon, was a Town Lispector, and if so, he could not claim a sixpence fiom the Council. It was very strange that he should be paid $5 and Mr. DeLaMatter only S3. Mr. Bead answered that Town Inspectors were entitled to $5 per day according to law, and it was strange that it should be less, if the School was in connection with the County. The committee had also made a calculation in respect to the time charged, and considering the number of cuididates examined, and tbe number of questions to ha looked iuto„-had otrnte toi,thec|n4^nsio that' the time was I^ no means excessive. Tue Warden referred to the very extensive ezlperience of Mr. Gordon in municipal law, and said he would not put in a charge that he was not fairly entitled to. Several other Councillors referred to ^he matter, after which, on motion of Dr. Chris- toe, seconded by^Mr. Frost, the report was amended by inserting $3 per day instead of $5â€" the balance, if on ent^uiry found correct., to be paid in the June session ' The report as amended was adopted. Dr. Christoe introiluced by-law No. 335 to confirm certain by-laws of Artemesia and Euphrasia to dose up the dispose of an original allowance lor road on boundary line between those townships, which was read first and second times. Mr. Clark read report of Bc^ad and Bridge Committee, stating that in reference to petition from ratepayers of Bentinck to aid iu building.a bridge on county line in con- nection with Brnoe, they could not recom- meni it, as it was their opinion that town- ships should bnUd bridges on both eonntj and township lines, in conjunction with tbe other municipaUties. Beport adopted. Mr. Frost read report of Committee on Communications and Memorials, reporting several commuma^n) as having been con- sidered; bat could not recommend action except on a communication frmn Carleton in raferenoe tw necessary additional accom- modation for idiotic or insane persons, in regardto which they, would recommend that therCleik prepare a memorial and have the pame dnly forwarded to the Legislature. On motion of Mr. Gilray, seconded by A. Campbell, the Warden was reqaested to sign and forward a memorial to the Legislatare, setting forth that onder the School Law, the formation and alteration ol U. B. Seoticms wera in aa onsatisfaetoiy condition â€" ^par- tiealerlv in the power of one monioipality to witndiaw the part territory without eon- sent of the other and askig that in soeh eases the County Coonail, or some otiier trlbnn^. be aibwed to aljo^ieat* in tiia matter. The Gonnea adjonrnad ti |^ c^^lo^, SatoMUiyaioniing. ...,„,* itkfmXmaj *^ rei)ortNo.1l i t ie wi i Ta en aing a^raatoilg J^ Aid Beeiafy, and the payaaeat irf i^lttlimfn aeeoontr. Beport HopMi. linieintod to enqaiia into aaflriaaey «l~ ayanaflde Boretiea tot ♦fi0,ljttflii,ai4:%eesiiier fietaonaKy for tSQJXX) bat teopimB^idfBd. a^tk. 4ew,\|»Bi^:be tMi^f^'ttom:ia»-' beararor iMCtiw .whola tassaoal, in whieh^ tiiesoretiaske joMHy end 'Severity booBd' fertheaame. B^rt iipjpted.J"f *^ ' The Warden read a .eopimnniiii^wm in^ Thee. Oenkm, BriatMS ta the iaet that ex. oei^tiuihad been taken t^ h(^t|^ ezami^" hatlens at Dofham for' High ^i^fffd. The Depa r t ment had giiwnita tanntifn.tfr exeaoi^ iw a tion a there, if examiners ooncorrecL H*' asked (^jdnion of Cdoneilt as simitar exaiai-r- nations aught be ashed for in Bast Qc«f The repwt on Trsasami^ se wriiti ei i wa#^ ordewd to be Ee«^v«daul.«i^^teii. V Mr. Chzietoe presented report. rf qteeiall committee on matters relatmg^to Bohool In- ^eotion and School Inspecton. In regard to the visits of School Inspeotenir as these â- ..- vtBEft paid for by the Oovecnmeot, the eom- mittee thought that the extra allowanoe ot f 135 to each Inspector by the Coancil waa^ both unrMspnable and indefensible, and r». commended that it dease at once. The com- mittee asked further time to report on a- number of other questions. After a desultory discussion in r^aid tO' High School Examinations, Entrance Ex^- aminationsand Inspectors' feeSj the reptnrt-^ was adopted. MoYed by Mr. Frost, seconded by Mr.;- Fawcett, that the communication of Thos. Gordon, Esq., be reoeiyea and fyledâ€" the course par sued and referred to therein being approved of by this Council â€" carried. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Jsmieson, that the June session of the County Council be held in. the Town of Maaford. Moved in amendment by Y. Lang^jseeonded by Mr, Bobertaon, tnat when this Coimcil.. adjourns, it stands adjourned till Tuesday, 23rd June, at 7 p. m. In speaking of his motion, the Beeve ' of Meaford gaye a moat cordial invitation to the Council to hold the June session there, and referred in glowing terms to the hospi- tality of the pfBople of Meaford, and the pleasure it wouldigive them, to have such a- body of intelligent men visit them. The motion at first apoeared to be looked upon favorably by the majority of the Council, and some pleasantries were indulged in re- specting the hospitality that would be accord- ed.theConnc^eua^^JWpeq|^t^;tbeintelligenc|e .pf^tb^hody-^ne.gentlraian saying that i£. the Council m^l at Meaford, that town would, have jOie largest number of intelligent men in it that it oyer had bat it was pointed out by t^q or three members that in regard tc repairs or alteirations referred io in report of Count} Property Committee it would be abnost a necessity to meet in Owen Sound. This latter consideration seemed to decide v two or three wavering votes and the amend-, ment, being put, was carried by 19 to 18. The Council then adjourned to meet in Owen Soon^en the 23rd of June, at 7' p, m. ^Uef% 3, %* MARKDALE THIS NEW Patent Process Ftouring Mill M%^Mi HFcmm I ^Is now completed at great expense,, on the Miost .A.l:»I»«OV3ai plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every, sense of the- terrn, ^A loM niL" 1 am therefore in a poiSition\ to. give the public a SlHItlior' Artlcto of Flour. A fair trial respectfully, so-, licited and I have np feai" bufj the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for gwki h^rfi Wbetit I^ Flour,' PraiJ^^ Shdrtsi^c,.. etCf^^or sale w^idiesajie 1^ retail. HOSKEliES. â- â- JlSBw!' f" '.laoj sit- â- "â-  HitV â- -•i ' aMtm »ad bs« " ..,a«««ffi ^tis; siJ»*'» Hm m

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