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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Feb 1885, p. 1

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 dLAC) ShQj "l! V«J 'I 54- Is.,,., ,^.^^ I .i::ierd to sivi; "-atku ijj, J i'CO.. Proirieiors iof(j»*rl K D A L E MPOR] |[D 19 YEARS, EWS.Proprii pood fi'^ock usefl uiics eni|)!)veil. and Siugle, Hfeaij ie.Ks always •)ti ban iks. Valis* s.Blaflli k^s in st"ck. i\ OR REUEVE- DIZZINE88, DROPSY, PLUTTEItlNQ OFTHEHEmfl ACIDITY OF THE STOMACKL DRYNESS OF TH^ 8101, ' dlseas* ariainc MlB IDNEYa STOiUQMb R BLOOO, 50.. "~^?SSSio* i I r CJ '0 pj [:r' CD 03 o CD HEâ€" M NDâ€" lAGAZINlf' nt Agricnltural Jo« ed and Fablished 'armer. JAY :â€" 'lend." mes its cost." or the AdvocatB 7 the farm." li// are also del^ should' be ir/fA»*f*l in the rigbt ssasclfc'j ;hat can be pro«0*f dc. Dairv, Gtoctof onltry, Vtterin- larketo. Fam- Etc, Etc. SB an: ree to applican^ session and Vt^ ' SADVOCATBv LopdM» ii Is issued evesj Xborsday, at the c^ce, 2iill Street, Markdale. TsBMs â€" ?1 per year iu advance;. Sl.itS if, itot paid witbiu three months. Professional and buKiness cards one inch ^ace and under, per year, 94. 1 TB. 6lEO. SjfO. \Srhole cdamu $50 00 $27 aO 915 DO ^If column .... 27 00 15 00 10 00 Quarter column .. .. 1^ 00 10 00 6 00 Two incb BjMice. 7 00 4 OQ Three inch, space 10 00 5 00 Casual advertisemfflits 8 cents per line first insertion, 3 cents per lire each subsequent insertion, nonpareil measnre. £ditoiiaI notices, or notices in local col- umn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents each subsequents insertion. Stray animals e,, advertised 3 wedis for ^1, the advertisement not to «xceed twelve dines. No paper diseon tinned until all arrears «ea paid ejfccpt atthe aption of the puhiislieri JOB PRINTING.â€" The Siamdabd office has a splendid equip- ment of poster AS well as fine job type; Spe- «ial attention to orders by maiL Orders fiUed with dispatch. EDITOB AND PSOPMEIOR. HANDS PERRY, (SUCCSSSOBS TO LACDEB HANbs), BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyanoerjj, c. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. OiSces 16 King Street Ea^t, lW-251 TOBOKTO. J. p. MARSHALL, Llb^S- DETVTIST, 0RADOATE OF TdBONTO 8CH06{. of PentistiT,' viil be at Bi^IrdRe's Hotel, Ifnriidale, on the 1^ and tiuxd^^^- neadav-of eaek non^ anl also at iMiiiiba#"8 fieteL FleslwrtMiv tite d^ foUowiu^ w» tiiird Wcdneedi^ in eadi month for Ae prac tice of his profession. â-  ' ' l92i47J 'ib.J.tiakk df Bi^g£iiia wa» aaasbopdS ioavpeaK jbc%e oar ^^ f^ on Sati^TOaj liurt to atone foe MMolt mati»ianUx. iMmoli-p^, iftie Bli^vtegr ' skktbig rink 4 ieweyinui^ ago. /We pnderstuid Jchn had tafititjio m fi. IHCHAR99i BXnLDEB, CQNTKACTOB, 4kBC^- TECT.â€" Befod^^ ovk Jim Street, Ma«k- • â- * â€" â-  â- ^â- â- ^l â-  I i» â-  »â- ! â-  â€" â- â- â- -â- â- â-  TT7*ELL DIGGER ANP DBILL^ MiL wY ordcrd promptly attended to. ' Besi dteo^^â€" Snider'sHiJl Owen Sound ]r92-36 COWfERCIAL HOTEL ^^BIGEVHiijB, Out. Large and eommodtons Sample Booms Good Bed Booms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the beet the market f fords good-'Stabling and attentive Hostler's TflOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor J. I»f ASSOM, BAREISTER, MASTER AND DEP. REG in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyan2 oer, tc. A ITOMBER OF FABUS TOR SALE. " Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in Vieker's Block Poulett St.; Brat;ch ofdce in Markdale, over MeFarland's Store, on Friday and Satmday .every week. 57-ly an B ARRl" •x»o,SOLICITOilSiCONVEye. modk. ranges, e, e. Offices in Owen Sound, DaSerin sovtsr W. F. Wolfs Store and in MARKDALE; •Over W. J. McFarland's Store on Thursday and Friday of each week. lS"Funds to lend on reasonable terms. John Creasob, Q.G. Du»cas Mobuon Markdale, March 15, 1882. 79-lv Alexander Brown, ISSUER of Marriage Liceness, Fire aoad Life Insurance Agent. Csmmissionei in B. R. e. Conveyancer and LiceB«ed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tendee to and charges made verv moderate. RAceville. S«a)t. 17. 1880. ' 1-y Wm. Broiim, ISSUER OF MARBIA)GELICENSES,e Commissioner in B. K. e. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj ettended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se •uritj. JOSEPH 6IBS0H GiONTRACTOR. ' JGoatraets taken for all kiktds of BRICK An STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plasterioe. Cahominifui in all SJiades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antee'^. Orders ksft at ahe Sxandabd office will receive prompt attention. 126-ly. ISAAC STENSOIV, 'Builder and Contractor ' In all kinds of Brick «nd Stone work. Estimates given. AU work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptlj attended to. 195-6m* MABKDAIiE P.O. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (iATB HOBBOWJHOUSS,) CHATSirORTH, One TUCKMcLEOD Peophetobs. lAMION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor- CITY HOTEL, ]yi:AXiK:xAi^jE, .John lIIeAleer, Proprietor. This house is fitted up in good style, situ- ated on Mill sti-eet, where the travelling pub- lie may d^end on the very best acefmimo- •dation. Union bos to all trains. 194 lARKDALE HOUSE, ONT. MARKDALE, illlR J. E. MARSH, PROPRIETOR. ^X OYEB M^OTABIiAND'B 8T«(U. 4"^RF CT TIT GUASAKTEID. '1 1BTW S^ndnxeattsfMyostag^ IB. riilAiL "^*«««***»»i«f*«'^r*o»^ ill I llllliliof goods Trhieh wffl M^^ oteAOwrMBcte ijgt^ aw^ than •njf^bng e:'«;"g ^r ssllo* to »#S ly^ The best brand of liquors and cigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and ounfortable rooms g«ar-^teed. Good' stabling and at- tentive hostxtir. 114 Farm for Sale. LOT 13, con. 13, Glenelg, 5 milss from Markdale, 97^. acres, hash land, oon- sisting of hardwood, hemlock, cedar. The lot adjoins Dnncan'e sawmill; and the timber is worth the amoimt asked for the place. For particulars apply at this office. 224 MARKDALE FDRNMRE STORE. STOCK COMPI-ETE -JH- HAIR CLOTH SU I 8ED^T€ADS, SPRIH6BEDS, MATRASSES, £zt«zia(ni, Side^ f^oUr, Fall-let^ aad Kitchen Tables, Sideboards^^reas- iag Cases, LoQiases' attd,, Q^ftdlea, lap., c.. ^*f " ' If we bare'ut ^Biai#i want ^^ Liii{»er, SaA, 4}- „__^ â- Is? « osiA msmil 'ids 0^ teeqitdt dItW ttt^-WB3r"l»^%. ' tbe lanci:^ fciipeUiiiig'crec f 0Q. pas was â- n QBtortaaate oeeaames for Mr, LintQa as He is gener(iffliy^laie%n as a^ni^. reqieetable young n^|[|f. " " Miss Watt, iri^p has Leen prostrated with a liI;g;^^.i^||^,J)a«s«d^rcefplly away a f^w dajs af^. ^^ remains were interred in ^4^qrtoy.^c epj j) My ton 9atnrday afteiaooa., Ati.St.Skaa;pMS^ B»o[., air c4d nodeai of '*o6r-ifllage, indMio has just retnmed from yiie Itd^-Wei^^ pai^ a brii^ visit to some of his frie^ads h^ ti^ weeijc. Mr. A.Bowet who icres abonfca mile from ibA T^kge. iriliil« eratin the woods a few days ago, Ibet with A' i^infnl accident by l|e- j^g orosbod oi^dar a while loading his sleigh, one of hid Jmees being badly emshed. Mnndiqr last was monthly fair day here. A few cattle, chafed hands, but there was not as many offered 9i$ nSTUl. wesdi^Kwe owing to the bad state tft the roads to drive eattle- e «iia» l Mii 9BF0H » tammtiM i Artlfei j) AT ttttXMLB eS-TRUBSIUT. nR. Mii^it^ iitey. JsnBmu Oraoga.QpiitMl.ja doe fom W« M. in the chiCfa'..i lin. ' â-  • • Mr., Jos^pn I^iud, who has been prostrated ier:soihe time, is slowly recoTeriug again. The re-opetiihg serrices of the Markdale Presbyterian oh^ch were very successfally conducted by 0ie Bev. Mr. Soott of Owen Sound on Sabbath last. The church which has duHng the last two weeks undergone ex- tensive repairs, and comfortably re-seated, .wasi filled at "b^ morning and evening services. Mr. Soott selected for his text in the morning the 6th verse of the 87th Psalm, and in the erening 9th verse of the 19th chapter of Bevelation. Both ssrvices were characterized theinarked attention of the r a ty hearers to the prrttSier, which was due to â- ?^®Hi^^ ^^^" ^^°^ M, Ho^+f «i-.„ «a^r».-.t A\Mri^t ^«i;,o,„ »»« J RobertsoD. Mr. Scott's pkun, earnest, distinct delivery which is free ffwn aU the old fashioned «x- ttecUgestnres. Tke mea^B^ on Monday evening, as an- noanced, was ^^ae^y attended,' owing to the inclemenqy Of \\» wn^thgr Mr. Scott's ac- count of his hdiday rambles throogk^ Eng- land, Ireland aad Scotland was both instmc- tive and inteias'ting, occupying the greater part of the eveniw. Bey. W. Casson spoke at some length on4|^^ great necessity of cm gregations seeing fliat their minister get at least one month in the year for a breathing tiiue. He testified to the amount of good Mr. Scotl derived from hts holiday trip, by saying he looked twenty years younger from its effects. Bqt. McLeod, Priceville, oongra- tuiated Bey. Mr. Wilson and the congrega- tion on the hahi^mely furnished and com- fortable interior of their church. After a vote, of thanks to the Bey. Mr. Scott, which was moved by Mr. Wm. Brown, and seconded by Mr. Anderson, the proceed- ings was broiigbt to a close by Bev. W. Cas- son pronoun«ing the benediotiqu. â€" Cqu. â- r ^«* The anzHial meeting of the Coonty of Brace Printers and Publishers Association was held in the Town Hall, Walkerton on Friday and Satur- day lasl^ There were present MessiiB. Whtlock, of the Tara L«ader Dick, Kincardine^ Beporter; Johnson, Port Elgin Busy 7m« Stevens, Walker- ton Telescope; Bittinger, Walkerton (jlocke Wesley and Lawton, Walker- ton Herald Denholm, Kincardine Standard; Pollard, Tiverton Watch man GampbeU, Wiarton Echo Ashley, Hanover Post; Fairbairn, Teeswater Uppii Kay, ChealeyENTSB PRiw. Tb# effieers elected for the ensuing year are â€" Presidoiti 3. A. Bittinger ,1st ^ce Pi-es., W. M. Dick; 2nd Vice prea„ W. S. Johnson; Seerrtaxy,^. Stevens; Treasorw, A. Denholm. f Tb«; lepcrts ai oflSoars showec^ tlii^ 'jys^iattoii to be ma flonrishing'.coi^jiioh ai^ firmly ^- tabliahoft oq A^dorable basis. When the Ammtitiim ' titas formed the thjai g;encfnd:|^ldi0 had flie idea that ill jjiat A ov^ii^^^!^:!^ '^^ pnces. but the sKfeneoee iAihe past yeac has proven JtUJ^^wBnil* printers had 90 attdb (SMmtM Vi«t. " has h6pm foimd'tiiai'dii^ptT^ b|ive not be«i Moved by Bib. J. Brodie, (MN^^d by Bro^ 1). Ajrmstrong, ;^»^^%e minntes be: cpoaid^ed readj^^p^t^d^ copies of same have been OiirinMM. â€"Carried. -^v- -^ Moved by Bfb. D. Arm^tr^klkee- ondedJjy Bro. H. Rei4 tMjSJW. M. appoint a cmnmittee oin credadpi^. â€" Garriesd. i' l^e W. M. appointed Bros. ' Wjiiy and Miodie. ^!i j Moved by Bro. Axuutroiats, aeeoqcyd by Brn. Elliott, that the W.M«ap point a committee to nax|ae'tlie etilqa- in{, commil^ies of the year.â€" Carried. The W. M, appointed Bros. Ann strong, Bel}, and Doaglas. Committee on credentials reppi^ AS follows t-r- 1 Markdale, 981' Bros S Dbnglas and A Elliott. Owen Sound,. 421 Bros A B«H and E J Boyle. Artemc'ia, 259; Bros John BdkntI acdTKells. "" Orange Valley, 326 Bros. W. j|c- Longhiy and W Henry. New Engl«nd. 812 Bros D R piis and G Hutchinson. ^^ â-  EuGfenia, 68i Bro Joseph Ptidll^r. Hawthorn, 864; Bros H Beid^nud J) Armstrong. HarkHWity, 684 Bro E W M(|ore and Sister Moore. Sydenham, 14 Bros D Jack and J R Rogers. Artemesia Centre, 458; Bros C Wilcox and R Lever. Beeiiive, 625 Bros D Bob(»tson Hickling, 881 Bros J Hickling and F Whewili. Victoria, 26 Bn8 Tbos Brooks acd A Boud. Moved by Bro Bell, seconded^ Bro Brooks, that we proceed to ele0t officers.^ Carried. Moved by Bro Armstrong, seconded by Bro Bell, that the pflfices of Secre- tary and Treiasuter Ite combined at a salary of $25. â€" Carried. The foUowmg officers were elected for 1885 „ Bro. A Elliott, Master. •' T Kells, Overseer. " Hngh Reid, Annan P. O ,SeG. and Treasurer. ' ' " D. R. EUxs, Lecturer. " E.W. Moore, Chaplain. ' Jas 3rodie, Steward. " John Boland, Asst. Stewazd. " T Brooks, Gate-Keeper. Sister Drew, Ceres. '• Moore, Pomona. " Ellis. Flora. "Harris, L. A. Steward. Ex-Committeeâ€" Bros Boyle, Rogers and McLoaehry. Auditors â€" Bros Weber and Erodie. Bro Elliott presented report of Special Committee on Insurance. Moved by Bro Whewill, aacoiuled by Bro H Reid, that this report be adopted.â€" Carried. Moved by Bro Hickling, seconded by Bro Robertson, that the Wwlhy Master and Secretuy be instruelM to petition the Legislature of Ontario against any change in the Intn|!^oe laws, making it neeessaiy for any^bits to recover premiams to be broodfa^ at any otber places than the D^vmm in which the head office is situat^;â€" Carried. " Worthy Master called the attention of the Orange to a Bill iatrodnofd m the Local House. M; P; P., niati|g to coileotion of notes of inBaf|fnee|^m- fanies. Bro. Raid suggested a f^m- mittee to deal with this mattw.:^ ^. M. hamed Bros BeU,£lliOtfr and BMie to le^ort aftmr ^jjajaimmmi. dro B^reoeiT^ oii»nlaf i^Juftoji^ to.tbo timiB ot holdiiig4be ^Pimtvivaial lixybftk^. W^ IL named f r^^Qi; B(%st« Ana|bi|irt8oii a d^Mpt'tio ftrp^^ODgj^ that oar Jsuat meeting be held i!,J!^ Ji|[(»j»iiviae,-maiTied. Moved bji^ £4t RulMurt^ seconded by Bro ]|^)Rei» tLiit our next meeting be held at Beehive.â€" lKbt. Brd"H! Reid installed the officers for 1886, *^Bisted Irf Bro D Robert»«on. Moved by Bro J Brodie, eeoonded by Bro T K^. that the Secretary g«t .fpgwnies-of the minutes pnnted in pamphlet form as aHaiU.--Cari'ied. Moved by Bro TKflls^ seconded by Bro H Beifi, that theSt'cretarv receive $80 and the Treaaafer $5 ft»r tbeii- serViC^ fr the pa$k y»ar.â€" vairi^. Mowed iycBrw Mis, seconded by Bro^p^S]ad, thf^^the delegates1)e paid actual expenses icKattendiDK tliis meet- ing.â€" Carried.^ ' The W. M. Pamed Bro. John Bol- and and H Reid a cbminittee on Bills. Grange closed in dne form., Your Coinmitte^b^^; Temperances beg leave to report JE#Kliow8 Yoxts Committee recognise with the Urekte^t of pleasturer, the fbcf that prominent men and women in all moral refurma, are putting Jurth great iexertions at the present timOi t(» prbliibit the evUs arisiug from the .use; and abuse of spirituous liqui ra; ia".*dor houses of public eiitertaiument throughout the l)omiijion; and. "although we may difier iu'our bpinious iu regard to the best means to be used tn accomplish this gre^t anid necessary moral reform we beHeve it' to be the duty ot all good piitrons to use every exertion in en- deavoring to bring about some good measure lor the suppression of iutem-)' periuij^y, as we^ a? to upl^old the hands of those who are spending their time ,aud means to briug about so beneficial a reform. As the Scott Act is now the only measure at pres- ., ent calculated to be beneficial in this respact, we, as a Grange aud as indi- viduals, pledge ourselves to give it our cordial sttpport Tffi ^Iffiii^ js reepeciifuUy sub- mitted. Moved by Sister E W Moon, sec ended by Sister E Hamej that this report be adopted.^Carriedl Your Committee on Seed Grain' heg leave to report as follot^s The white Russian Spring Wheat still seems to be this general favorite, whilst other varieties are doing well in some locali- ties. Such as the Flemming, Defiance and the White Fife are popular in some of the townships bordering on the Georgian Bay, but ^our committee would not reoommend the latter varieties of seed for the Southern por* tions of the County as they have not so far proved a success. Barley, which, is now very extensively sown, seems to be decreasing in Weight and yield. Your ' committee believe the greatest cause of tlie deficierncy in this kind of grain in that farmers are not as care- ful as they should be m procuring a change of seed. Oats haye, generally speaking, not done well the past year, "and it is genially admitted that the great caosoef this failure can be at- tributed torthafc-^'^oiwng of unsou nd feed Your eOKII^tee^rould therefore strongly reoom^aBd to the farmer.^ the impn:tance of ch^G^giug their seed grain frequently, aod to select tht^ same, from suitable locality, always taking into considenttion the cUmate and the nature of the vtfipoa soils, as for instance from beaiqr clajr to sandy loam and Ttce versa is a gocd change and when cliang|pg from a distance,^ tJbe climate CroQi te part of the oooBtry tlie seed is j^oeored should be as'BOKr in t^nperatnre«s posstblo to that olot^r own and yont commit- tee would further recommend that the members of the Granite onUe with Uu- various Agricuttural Societies for tin* pariKse of holding seed fau-d, ss seed grain could be conveniently changed tiiis way. 'A. BoMp, IjQommittee. D. AamtniQiiG) â-  â- 3:. {^VChOWa VKfX "^^- -^^^" iM atitim l^^itttt

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