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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Feb 1885, p. 8

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 §' *: •^i]SSi -OS^F^IOK! 8^ i I ii irt; I 'in i â-  4# I/Tiftj All kinds of Ma,x*lle and T^foniunenta.! "Works, raeh as Monamenfei Tomb Tables, Headbtobes, Counter and Table Tops, â€" m American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbeleized tilate, kc„ 4ec. ft^atlstactioii! C]riia.i*a,iiteed. in !EIvet*y Kespect ROBT. S. RAE, TAILOR, genenlHr^ Da. libw'a -moM vaebwwR nmoni Worms and ^«se, quick^^ Aan aiiy otbor Medicine. a lias hwii- rerna^ed that some give aoooidius to tbeir maans, and Svme afBoerdii^ to their meanoess. DasTttoTTHS ^rauis or tLey aiay destroy the children. U»e Freman's Worm Powden»i they expel all kinds of worms. A milk man who was nearly lynched for sdiinjj wateo niilk 8*y" *^^ ^^^^y of tAnsgressor if hard.-^rA# Hatchet. Fob mrrLE bash. Itching Piles, every month Bin^Werm Eruptions^ and all skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap. "Do not marry a widower," said the did lady, 'A ready made family is like a plate of cold potatoes," '0h, I'll soon warm them," replied the damsel. SAIjTBHEtTM. Salt Bheom, Pimples Blotches can Ibe tlioroq^j reinoved by « jfroper »pplicati0n of MeGrq(or Parke's Carbolic Cerate to the part, and a few dosea ai McOre((or'i Speedy Care for impnre blood. Be sare and get the genaine. Prepared by Mere.!Jor Jt TiBi. FlesiiutttJa-i-Mondavptore Oiaui^^' • Vliie. „_ â-  â-  „v; â-  ,r ^-/-^ *^«utf»villeâ€" Tup aeoaa.i liacuatJa^ in each minnth. • ' Mount Forest-^Thjrtf Wedoesi ay in each month. Priseville â€" MortcUiy before Durhnm Durhamâ€" Third' Tuesday in e»cij month. Banovex â€" Monday before Durhnm. WaOierton â€" Ljist Weilue.s(t«y iu wr â-  cViiso rtjf**i)'t 'ffir th« ci'.i- CN^ATHAMI WACoi hEUIUUSLY ILL A person sufferiug with '•aiu aud heat over the siuall of tlie hack, witli a weak weary feeling and ir-^qiieut headacliPR, is seriously ill ami sbouli look out for kidney disease. BuriOck Biuod Bitters regulate the kuineys, blood and liver, as well as the stomiiclj auJ bowels. â- :r-^^-\_..,^-P^-:^y; â- i-'^- YM^yh •••â- Si.* 'w^r Parke. D.J. Sold at So cents at BiU Bro's. 5 Good Work Guaranteed AT FLESHERTON. Osill. Sit Cn.CG and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at FLE8HEBT3N. FLESHERTON STATION. -OXO- Fuli stock of General Goods now on hand, and will be cosntanlly renewed,, in Drjr Goods, Hardware, Grockery, Grocer- ies, Provisions, c» All carefully selected and wdl bought; n Will be Sold Low for Cash or Farm Produce. CJash. PAid toi* Ail kinds ot 0-i*a,iiiv WILLIAM HOG FLESHERTON STATION. P. Svâ€" My Saw-Mill at Little Fajlls is in full operation. Prompt attention given to custom^ work, so that owners of logs, can get their lumber for return loads. 226-29 Cures Dizziness, Luss'of Appetite, Indigestion, BiliouanesSy Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Affections of the Lioer and Kidney$, Pimples, Blotches, huils. Humors, Salt Rheum, ScrofiUa, Erysipelas,, and ail diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged' Stomach, or irregviar action cf the Bowels, PUMPS! PUIIPSI Well Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Long Pumps, Short Pumps, All kinds of Pumps, The best Pump, Manufactured by J. T. QUINN, Successor to J G. Irving, Markdale. ,Onl^S5 rpectfiEiUy solicited ^nd satisfaction guaranteed. tf0$}CC The tuMkrsigned begs to inform public that he has his the SIW ARD SNIiaLE HLL In fall operation now, and is prepared to paw all kinds ot Lumber aud Shingle ttaff, aud giye yon jocr Lomber Shingles home with yuu dar- ing the winter season. Will saw on shares or for cash. Cash for CUod Logs. Tonrs truly, W.J. KOWE. Bma Hsaa Mitu. "Well, I declare I" exclaimed an editor, as he ioRpected the baby of an old newspaper friend. "If he isn't a marked copy of the old gentleman " McGregor Parke's Carbolio Orate has bei-11 tested by years of trial and hw beea found the most coavenient aud eflEectaal method of applying Carbolic acid. The greatest anticeptic iu ase for Cats, Bums and Old Sores. Be sore yOu get McGregor A Parke's Caihohc Cerate. Sold for 25 cents by HiU Bro's. D.J. 6 "Yon are opposed to the iise of slang, Iher Jennie " he eaid. "Well, I tihould twitter " she replied, and then he knew that he must not use slang any more in her piesence. â€" Somerville Journal. liUPORTANT. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re- duced at 91.00 and upwards per day. European plan, illevator, Kesturant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first class hotel in the city. Said an Astronomer to a bright- eyed girl, when talking of rainbows "Did you ever see a lunar bow. Miss " "I have seen a beau by moonlight, if that is what you mean," was the sly rejoinder. â€" N. Y. Independent. Are yon troubled with Suit Bheum, Bougli. Hands, or Old Sores of any kind that cannot be healed? Even though it be of years standing McGregor Prrke's Carbolic Cerate will cure it. Beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the host healing compound ever known. Boils, Feeterings, Frost Bites. Burns or any Skin Trouble, are alike cored hy it. Sold at 2S cents by Hill Bro's. D. J. 4 "What do you think of my mous- tache " asked a young man of his girl. "Oh it reminds me of a Western frontier city," was the answer. "In what respect, pray " "Because the supvey is large enough, but the settlers iare Bta^gling."..-.BuWtn^ton Hawkeve. A PERFECT BEAUTY, ^rfset beauty is- only attained by pure blood and good health. These acqcirements give the possessor a pleasant expression a fair, clear skin, and the rosy bloom of health. Burdock Blood Bitters purify the blood and tone the enture system to a healthy action. Gmauin agific r. r. OWEN SOUND BRANCH. C©vr;i., «'«/d», ?«oiT iSisoRl, t- • /y Evpry hottle {Tii^iiuiilced to 'w k;i' T. AflLBURN -CO.. Proirieiors HARNESS EMPORIII ESTABLISHED 19 Yk OJIME TABLE. Taking eWect Monday, November 24th, 1884. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Mixed. Toronto. .Leaye Oardwell Junction Charleston. ...... Orange- Arrive. viUe /Leave... Orangeville Jun.. Shelburne Duudalk ........ Flesherton, Markdale Wiliiamsford .... Ohatsworth ...... Owen Sound GOING STATIONS. Owen Soand Chatsworth Williamsford. ... Markdale.. ...... Flesherten Dundalk Shelburne 94angeville Jun. OrauKC I Arrive. villp..j'Lfiave... Charleston Cardwell Junction. Toronto ...Arrive THOS.IIITTHEWS,Fropriaii Nothing but good s*flck nsi'dt the best mechanics eniploveri. stock of Double and Single, Hes and Liglit Harness always "S) liat A Iso Whiitsj Trunks, Valises. Blaulm Bobes. c., always in stock. Burdock Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILI6U8NE88, mtZIHEjB^ 0Y8PEP8IA, U/DIOBST/OM, JAUNDICE. envsip^LAs, SALT miEUM, HEARTBURM, HEADAWE, And wt^ species of dlsea« arislni â€" LIVER, KIDNEVa f BOWELStmr BLOOO, DtiOP8Y, FLUTTERINQ OFTHEHEm, ACIDITY OF THE STOMJm, DRYNESS OF THE SO, ngAMB 6TOHJI0H, disordertNl LIVER, KIDNEVa BOWELStmr BLOOI 10 4.5 '• I 8 35 TO promotes Ibngevity among men notwithstending its tendency to produce premature baldness.â€" Motion i'iOwrier, A DOUBLE BUBPOSE. _The popuhtt remedy,. Kagyard's Yellow Oil, is used both intbrnally and externally, for aches, pains, colds, croup, rheumatism, dei^ess and diseases of an inflammatory nature. HoHOB Bom. 8. di No. 8, A«tk- msu. â€" Ist Clasx -â€" (^otal 222) Sammy McNally. 200 BeUa Black bum, 179 Frankie Chard, 178. 2nd Classâ€" (Total 492) â€" Elsie MeKee, S49; Johnny Gamey, 844; Willie Gollop, 810. 8rd Chissâ€" (Total 408) -M^te Parliament, 869; Newton Cornfield. 819; Georgie McNally, 2^, 4th ClM8-(Total 456j-Alice Nichol- son, 864 Jiisther McNaUy, 885 • Menon Badjwrow,271.â€" Bine lulwter Teadier. ' A SAFE INVESTMENT. w.S'*^' twenty.firo cents for a bottie«fBigyard'a Peetonl Balsam. The undersigned is manufactnriog an ex- cellent assortment of School Furnitttre^ Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEAGHEBS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest desigpi and most approved pattern. Bighly recDmrnended by .School TrosteesAud Teach- jeA, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wtiererer tried. An assortment of Farm and Sehool Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDBBW McGILL. EUGENIA Grist, SaiaiidLatliMills Having made eqtensive improvementfi in myGnstMill I feel confident I can give good satisfaotioB. 6000 FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day, Cnstom Sawing and BiUs Filled on the shttftest notice. b o ALWAYS LUMBER AND LATH ON HAND. Cherry, Buttanmt, Tlfhite Asli, Bkak lab BasBwood, Km Mi HemloeS ie^ wanted »ly. M, AKlTT,.Eu»»; R, R. LAWPSI â€"THE- rim's MI â€" ANDâ€" HOME MAGAZINir Js the only Independent Agricoltural 3c0^ I in Canada* Ovnad and Published I7 a Fanner. WHAT FABMBBS SAT:â€" "H »' our-btet Maud." "H h wra «M f/mm iia cost." i "7%e dollar apMit for the Advocate it^ â- b9Mt tpmt monf from^tke farm." "Tho mlie tart fanilk are also deli^ "No fwmei'vltoatwthoufdibe w/thoati' !^ttljrt3SFffi'{aaW» The rifdit ioformattar in the night seas^^ the best raemalistv that can be piocai«' on the Farm, Stodc. Dairv. (S«rdeo and Oiduttd, Poultry, Veterin- ary, Afnatj^Uaakete. FtkOi- i]7XHlele,Etc., Etc. aapifree to applicant^ i^ L AfiMMMiioii «nd P(wt 0" I m f A]afSB*S ADVOCATE- i^" • London. " rs»;V' ,;;flf.- -.v^fw.r.'»..i-1*' â- ' (. ririilntfirii i!fB .i«JfUlfe'i.'

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