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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Feb 1885, p. 7

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 Ml uf red! g tM9 i atilation of ised to. rae forty lobe, it ' :he it mc I best diainf*^ nted by Dr. T^i, r drops eacb4 acid, aimmetia* r over a slow ptheritic or oth^ von Pettenkof«^ hatever tends tei h and cause d^' cholera, and th^t od drainage ^| 3 all easceptiUlj •n, in view of th« iiithening of the that Mrs. Sarai rgmia, has joa%. 1, and that Sit age of; one hon* a a severe attack"' Newport, R]iod» whose son-in-law been appointed vas nearly stona i falling in tlia lit his head, and tanning effect gf ained his hear- rht. Professor of 's -College, Lon- twenty per sent. of cocaine, tiia lemoved ebild- ithout pain, cQft [liuutes, and in- lessiy destroyed e of a tooth, or» igony. tory, },male infant waa man in Boston. 9 not given, and kerchief bearing ith the child's e babe's family the lictle me its father M old woman tSi, B of years a pe» in the lid of Um- an to an oculist,.- 3 singularity oJE e bad operated ilar cnse in the d that was upon y in a city near or,g hidden clew The person who pculist, report- aid. An attor- 33 developed ivestigation that erchief waa that and the girl's ^n'ronted with settlement by h^usand dollars ;e8, so the story fiftpen hundred now a yonng When the husband of ♦he eper. Is was birth of the slativt) of tbe ^as given up. a wealthy man- niiiy who have he e:.i5tence ot A Id til ^ure. miracle to whip CO unbelievers )een worked in warden castle, ty "t the Salva- c^nductor in ear si beem lame sore long time rious highly re- -ines. At last nay, and he ' fs.ith. Yestei- â- hose lameness ted, jumped off of everybedy, dinary conviQ- t!d be demonia- r-s intoxicated, 1 he fell on his ill what is de- ent manner." Jrapad joyfully Praised bel I fit of his ejacB- â- ily considered id on his ear official aTOca«^^' 'hester belteve M not. Thes*?.*] wicked weridf. ragrant Hf0m prizes at Taley"' IS last maoiiiot^ nade a barooi' ibscription pi* to the nlifel 9B his ad a up prof Amamgmaaf of ttiraB^* w«ll ImMftk •» rhohad bi«n 1ittaa ^UfiiiK tfl» »_ Ixile watchinf hi* Mrin «»p. «• ^etr of it they bad hraipght lam into a iMnpoond In front of tlw Iw retne walked quite steadily, onlj g slightly on tbe vcm el- anotiba*^ lere was cbat peculiar i*omv M» m ^is eyes, however, as from a awong nat- [cotic, which iudicated hia having been bitten for some tinae. and left but little room for hope now. He ooild atill clearly tell me parriculara. He had been bitten, he said on pnttii^ hia foot to the ground, while moving off hia oharpoy in ihe dark, but, thinking the bite waa that of a non-poisonous snake, bad given no more heed to the matter, and gone to sleep again, till he was awoke by his friends coming in search of him With some difficulty I was able to find the biteâ€" ve^ faint no Iwrger than the prick from a pin, but still the nnmistak' able doable mark of the poison fangs. Me felt the poison, he said, gradually aacend- ing the limb, and pointed to a part just above the knee, where he felt it had_ al- ready reached, the limb below that being, he said, benumbed, and painleas to^ the touch, like the foot when "asleep" I gave him tbe usual remedies, and kept him walking to and fro, but gradually his limbs seemed to be losinp their power of voluntary motion, and his head was beginning to droop from the overpower- ing drowsiness that was surely gathering over him. At intervals he pointed out the poison line steadily rising higher, and was still able to answer questions clearly en b sing roused. At length it seemed to be of no use torturing him further by keeping him moving about, and he was allowed to re- main at rest. Shortly after this, while being supported in a sitting posture, all at once, without any premonitory sign, he gave one or two long ughs, and life ceased, about an hour after he had him- self walked into the compound. There waa something terribly real in this faculty of pointing out each stage of the ascend- ing poison (as the snake-bitten patient al- ways can) that was gradually bringing him nearer and nearer to death, with the prospect of only another hour or half- hour of life remaining in him ttUd yet the patient does not saem to realize this with th« keenness that a looker-on does, probably from the poison benuoihing at the same time the powers of the mind as well as of the body. The Smallest Republic The whole territery of the stite (San Marino) conbiats of sixteen square miles, and has a population of about 9,000 souls. The capital city, inclusive of the Borgo at its foot, has over 90O inhabitants. The army ia composed ef ten companies of ninety men each bat perhaps our guide forgot to reckon the reserves, for Mr. Bent says that the military force is 2,000 strong, and that half the able-bodied men of every family must ba enrolled between the ages of cixteen and sixty-five, unless they are government officers, doctors, priests or students. The entire revenue of the state is less than £5,000 a year, but San Marino is a model of financial pru- dence, and has no public debts, lives within its income, and has even a nest egg laid by ag* lost rainy dajs. And al- though it bestows no titles on it4 own subjects, it swells the excheqtier by the sale of orders and titles of nobility to foreigners. To avoid complications with Italy it has no printing press wlthia its dominions. For the same reason it re- frains from growing tobacco, and, buying the leaf from Italy at cost price, contents itself with manufacturing its own cigars. It possesses no penal ostabhahments, but has made a very pleasant arrangement with its obUgiog neighbor. San Marino sends its crimnals ki be punished in Italy, and, although that part of the arrange- ment ii not recordea in black and white, may be said to receive monks and nuns inexsbange. .For the two large nun- neries and four monasteries of this tiny state affo.'d the devout, unourtailed privi- leges that are no longer, it seems, to be ei joyed across the. border. Bnrslar Stories. One night a dear old lady was going to bed in a remote chamber in a big house when she accidentally perceived a man hidden under the bedstead. She knblt down by the bedside, and repeated aloud the beautiful collect of the evening prayer of the Church of Eng. and. She then blew out her candle and quietly got into bed. Presently a voice sounded un- derneath the bed telling her not to be afraid he would do her no harm. The burglar then came out and said that this was h's first offence, and that he had been driven to it by poverty. He added that the words of the collect had recalled to him the time when he was still innocen and thac if she would only forgive him hd would go away' qaietly and never offend against the law again. The story goes on to say that the man was truly repent and that the good lady saw him earning an; honest living. â-  In know of one or two cases in whicbt there has been great courage tn the side of the attacked party and great cowardice on that of the burglars. Li fact, this w generally the ciiBe when bu^lara have t6' deal with the pjlice. I have a friendâ€"*, slight, delicate lady, who has ahown HVW^,,, .. velous courage in cowing i bilrglar. $^^ ' tOif* went into her kitchen one night whai:||b#, ^.he servants were out or bad gone to be* '~^' and found a man in the iiot of .pMiJngJ all her silver plate. She rtatib^f m ed the kitchen door, p%t the key ii^ m pocket, and told him that he ahonld -Mi^ leave the room ontfl he had pfauaad bade every article of silver where £9 had lonmd it. The man obeyed h^ in tlM most ab- ject manner, and waa then aUotred ta sneak oat of the pUee.-^All tlie Bound, dnoed have They Qhing faT(«8 recent large western em^ralinh hsa .,^r tailed thett gfang-gtooda, and in qMmy inatancea thy have heap Itmed to pix- chaae paatnre wbidi loniMriy. ooat ttem nothing. As the Texas eattfe are bMwfit* ed in health by being driven north,«» foot instead o£ being earned by railway the cattle kinga ask the United Btatea to give them a cattle trafl extending from Central Texaa to the Canada frontier, a distance of l,600miles in lengdi by t«i milea in width. This is a magcificmt scheme, but the farmers in the several Statea and Territoriea interested object, as ihey say Ihe cattle men wouldnot keep within the limita of the tea miles, but would overrun the border country. It seems the cattle kings, with their armies of cowboys, haTetreatiad the settlers very badly, overruning their farms and seisii^ every avaUable stream or lake of water for the use of their cattle. Many of these ranch owners ate foretgnera, aud not a few of tiiem sprigs of EngUsh nobility. These alieos are new monopolizing our soil by hundreds of thousands of acres. Indeed, the continued high price of meat and the profitableness of cattle-ranchea have created quite a speculation in the wild lands of the West. Tortnres in Ben^ral Jails. The Indian Statesman, referring to an inquiry which has been directed to be Uiade by the Lieutenant-Grovernor "as to the torturer which are declared to le practised in the prisons of these provin- ces, particularly in the Presidency Jail, under the pretense of maintaining disci- pline," says ^^The whole world knows the mortality that prevails in the jails of Bengal, and in particular the Presidency JaU. Now, our informants do not ecrupla to say that many men therein have practically been 'murdered' in the last twelve yeani by the repeated flog- gings to which they were subjected until their bodies were a mass o gangrene. Some years ago a letter in the Irtdian Dai y News partially lifted the veil upon this priaon-houss, and the public heard, wich indignation, of the lash being laid on *at intervals of one minute,' to prolong the torture, and of the tail ends of the cats being fitted with contrivances to cut and tear the flesh from Jihe body that floggings were repeated before the wounds caused by previous lashings were healed, and that the number of corporal punishments in this jail were from thirty to sixty daily. We are quoting the very words of a long letter in the Indian Daily A'tws of the 16:hof February, 187?; and thoaeinfamous brutalities,|or similar ones, are practi4|d, we are assured, still. When a prisoner dies in hospital from these tortures the very saperintendeat of the jail, generally a medical officer, holds the inquest, and the verdict is one that suppresses everything that is vital in the case. Only yesterday did another gen- tleman, whode duties take him frequently to the jail, tell us that he had seen a hun- dred men at a time crowded round the hospital for treatment, and he reminded us of the fact that but three or four yean ago the jail officials reduced the dietary scale of the prisoners in a way that was instantly followed by the miserable pri- soners aying like so many fliet in the wards." Miners' Ln^« The death of Peter Wbyte recalls the strange story 'f the founding of Victoria, Australia la an Australian mining camp at one of the tents sat four men â€" the 10th of Jane, 1858â€" talking earnestly of tbeir future and bemoaning the paat. Fot several months these four men had work- ed together in the same claim, sometimes get ing barely sufficient for daily wanta, sometimes not even for that. For se- veral weeks, indeed, they had labored without any result. After a long discus- sion they decided to abandon the claim. Down in the mine the three looked gloom- ily around with a kind of sulky regret at having to leave a scene of so much use- less toU, "Good-by," said une "PU give you a farewell blow," and raising his pick he struck the quartz, making splinters fly in all directions. His prac- ticed eye caught a glittering speck in one of the bits at his feet. Stooping, he ex- amined it and the place he had atrook, when, with a loud exclamation, he kndt andmtiared |^^HirWilfriif|B gpld] He then (bmiiieaiiMtf '^^^k«% hi$pro His nates caa^tihe'^ic#ig|^ foUow- ed Iris ezsaple. Ipt! oeidi sil«Bce th^ irorkedeit-rth!ira;faa^^diio«iveKiidk^^ mon- abeeiagigeb. :%bia^^ shout s«ifiidedin the 4WB'«f,itliA!iDiif s^tiie wfridlasi^ â- mha-hmicmnkM^ A ,lul£-4iaiia,: feefimg iR»h!aUy.^«he 'ipiM^r lus Iveak To^lils flHRaqr* •d ttrfJOTt ni w todi sii iww w m if^ Oathesitoof «hat spot ths the acorab IttTtt ^aoe ii oomaiad bar tooonfirm flksl^lWM' B^ thfli actAtttiBt* lift 9ei)iti hlMi t^eprodooed a ^•Ik! vafen.that is aetoally aupenoe ta ^at of the oeeatij and in mhieh salt fiah live and thriye better than in salt water brod^ti from the oeettn. lake win*, tfais^^ artificial water uaaprovea wi(k age, while the ocean wter^ deterionkten. In tfie Hamburg aqoariuih the water baa not been changed ftMr fifteen yesrs, and it is perfectly ^ear, odoirlMS, and of the very best qoiOi^. All that is needed ia to add something to make np for evaporation. The foUowiog ia the receipt for making artificial aea-water thirteen and one- quarter gallons of pure, hard well-water, forty-six and a half ouaoes of common salt, three and a hidf ounces sulphate of magnesium, five and a quarter ounces of ddoraterf magneaiom, and two ounces of sulphate of potaasium. This mixture is allowed to stand for some time, when some live salt-water algee adhering to stones should be added. These algse multiply and grow quickly, and their function ia to supply oxygen to the water. Some hardy animals could then be put in, and ts the algee multiply more tender ones could be added. Should the water become turbid, it should be filtered, and^ to make sure of the supply of oxygen,an aerating apparatus cw b used with ad- vantage. The success in reproducinir sea- water makes it possible for man to some- timeget the secretof the medicinal waters which now can be taken with advantage only ia the locations where they are found. m ' I i*B 11 I ip Isabella and the Earthquake. Qaeea Isabella was rudely shaken by the repeated shocks of earthquake at Se- viUe,Spain,bacuotBeriously hurt. She had a narrow escape of being in the sauve qui peut in the theatre, whera she was to have witnessed an Icaiian opera. But the un- expected arrival of a welcome visitor kept her at home. She was taking a cap of tea and lauifhing at the Bulumn talk of her parro; when the first oscillation took, place. The bird fell down faintiag from i«s perch, just as might a young lAdy. Isabella's armchair toppled over, and the cup was flung from her hand. A mem- ber of her household writes that she waa not alarmed until soma time aftjr the shock, when there was a nervous reaction. When she felt the earthquake she cried out, ** Why, if I were not in my own house I should fancy we were in a sinking ship." A second shock at midnight, and a third at dawn, rather upset her. Her ears were assailed by the cries of the peo- ple in the streets. She telegraphed to the King to send money at once for dis- tribution among the greatest sufferers, and has placed the Palais de Castille at the disposal of a Spanish committee, which wiU give a fete there for the bene- fit of the victims of the earthquakes in Southern Spain. It is also proposed to set up in the ex-Qaeeu's Pans residence an exhibition of lace, jewels, fans, art prayer books, and objets de ^nete belong- mg to the Spanish royal famdy. A sho w of this kind would be all profit. The New Anaesthetie. Coooaine chloride, the new ansesthetic, which produces unconsciousness only in the lof^ty tf tha body to which it is ap- plied, is coming int^ active use.. T*he swelling on Gieiieral Grant's tongue, which it is feared may be cancerous, has been gready reduced by tbe use of this new remedy. A physician of Vienna, Dr. Fleisohl, declares that it will cure rapidly aud painlessly the effects of bad habits in the excessive use of morphine and alcohol. The 'patient" is deprived of the drug or the liquor, and the terrible nervous prostration which has always fol- lowed the abandonment of these «^mu- lants is prevented by hypodermic injec- tions of coooaine chloride. A cure is ef- fected in ten days. The trouble about this newest discovery is that, as soon as it is kno m, people, assured that they ean be cured when they get too bad, will be- come reckless in the use of opium an liquor. The drug, however, is very eix- pensive, and those tempted to disdipa^bh should ^remember that if they spend all. their money indulging in their bad habits they will have none lef 6 to spend fox tlji^. cura. the The Hicaracaa Canal. little fai)Ui is plsoed in Panama In Niooragaa. Canal. The experience fain- ed in the 4t miles ^; work on the Panama Canal leads all practical men to foresee the great diffienlties whidi hayie ta be oviaro o mein the-14b ndlea of the Nieara- gnanOaaaL One ?!â-¼Â«*« the-Chagraa, is the grMt ofastMle ito n^id adfABses. In tteiStn JUKI fti^ there is K ini«thti«v obstacle, whfle its najnecoas. lAuNits. *^inih»i- is soins 1 pmr mfllions of tonrof water uid deinds ^T«»„ '^^*Mteiwiii*i#^»i^0iidibai be cpnverted^ ,* ly pp e M of tip: •tik nQil('|aTnU» itf d» hke, and Ow onttfafeff h^ water and tha. «Mi^. wUAa«iiiiai«l»fmviiA tha wotk bafaig 1 mtmmomif «ith patfaUj «Mi9Maft maA «| iB» |g tiii|im|oPAB-j ;soek,fnittMidtwwfcl»»â€" ,ii»iiaa'iwJi. ._ iaaU SMtlM(»SUlM. AiMMr* W. BlDiaax TomntObOBt, â€" ^1 Oatttac omAPav. BartebaiMH* â-  r '--VwCn^jiA arowi with •«un«. 1OMTKIOirnTBl'BOB«FB^I«STI- TUTB. 32 K US StTaet.SMl. laMBts. JAB .iVOBBB JJ^M9?WiT. OBOCBB. R.W, Real Estate Onmaiariowr, Tftht«*«r, Thntee, ft Fl aM Ol sl AmbI Boom OL, Yoaea S'-,, Toronta- Honey ttf £6m. .tatmaaased. PnveniM Kxdha^adL Afent; HAND STAMPQ METAL RUBBER DATERS. SELF- O INKERS BANKING stamps; NOTARY SEALS, C. AGENTS WANTED. KENYON, TINGLEY STEWART «FG. CO., 72 KING ST. WEST. he Matnal Marriage Eadoirmjat Assoc* latien of London Hm been in snoocafol operation â- inoe^ptrmber, 1883 Bndewment e)aiti« to tae •monnt of #18.0"0 nsve bees settled sinee tlie Iflt dsy of Oeoember, 1881 The plan cf » regular sirsttm of nontlilyBaseasmenta pltoea • m%f riege Endr.wment with n fhe reach of iLll nnnMR'ed OD*. Bead for Bt-L*wx. KBLIABI.B AOBNT8 W. I. IHLACH. S-cretsry, Londjo. Cot. HE iHAT SOAEIU WILLIAM EYARS' SEEDI KEaP isr aBVN]»V!ICE. If my veedsrare not sold in your town, send tor my rinstrafd and DatcriptiielCataiOfnie, Mailed tree to all applicants. Wm. Evans, Seedsman, Kontreal. [Bstablisbed 185S,] mnm. I bare a potitiTe reiusUy fur (he nbure disease; by It* use ttiaiiea-.iu3 of cases of Che M-orst kind and oi la ;t|fc Hj s imf s la wt gtmi dfatw sHer woiMfthnHlMrpoitAoesjIlioMifat ttm. fatt«ned t6 tnr**ObBg(D)d fi^i«n-^7S Kiaf slNsS Wm*: aittiiMdorireewtS^ X 4ridMafa-iUaiaiita|«Mttb'i liMtllow Om oaa month's t«*^iMnt, Mtdleel like 4 new jbhi aUassHMn no slgB of riMomsttan, whieh has traoibled ma •*«« wintartorywn. Dominion Line of Steamshipsi Witt the OnadTtaakayhni BaiUDg tnm Qnebaeevarp Sstwdr- 'â€" ' â€" â€" -, â€" moBt h i, Md laom jtaitatnd ma? 1 fluilin uw vinlw BMNnns. ~~ T»r nto. roanAkSk ^mm.U f -.-^.^^ jra«.S»| 166. ISO. Betam. ISO. via. fUT. flM, iMoeidtBf ta Hesiner sad berth. IntenMOiato $36^ Huawe* al lowest latw. Tbe Mkloone and itateraaine in â- kenaNn m«tka- thai: ue unidabipa, when bat little BOtiaa felt, and no oatUe or sheep b owried on then. Ite to ther partioalu* apply to uy Onnd Ikoak BaHiiaa Agent or loonl esenta of the Oompnny, or to »AÂ¥I» TBEAirCB A C*.. Oenerel Agenti, I Allan Line Royal lau Steamsiuve. Btandlnff hare been cared- Indeed, bo Btronp Is m' In la eflicacy, t imt I vi-iU send TWO BOTTLEi lonif lymitn a FKBE, to- gether with n T.LUABLfi TKEil TISE cm this disease, to •nysoSienr. GlveExprfSsnndF.O. address, DB. T. A. bUOCXJli., ISl ruorl £(..}(« vTork. R. U. AWARE THAT Lorillard's Glimaz Plug bearing a red tin tag that Lorillard't liuse l.enf flne cut ttiat Lorlllard'i NiiTT ClippinK*. and that Lorillard's 8uuffs, an the best and ebeapest, guallty considered Files z Don't Waste Thbm. Ship OB Bring to TIEQSfAMOflLSCO. 150 front My«»t. V»»t. TOWOWTO. 8M0KE»8Al]8A(Jli:s. Tbe moat oonrenient meat for tarmen in their bus â- eaaon. Tlieae meat* are eootod and ready :for Jtm Sold bygrooen thioiudi the Dominion. Bend for pria vv. f. P* uurne 6t e w 100 Orey N na Street, Montreal. Importen of ^ralH Pipes. Partlandl Centemt, Ohimoey Topa, Canada wement Tent r-initPig.. Water Lime, Bin* Oo*en Whiting, Fire Brieki, Plaater of Fana Bue niat Bomxc BomaaOeiMBt, hina Okaf If anntactiirem of StasMM «r Steel Sofa. Cmur 4k Bed Sprlniirf NEW CO OPERATIVE PRICB $35 CASH. Oar new' maicM4» is. now ready, and is a^ good, as any sold by Agents at -96). SEE TBSTIM0RIAI. LowERVitLE, Dec. 17th, 1?84. Machine arrived all right, and it is certainly well worth the money you ask for it, with its present improvements. I prefer it to the "Singer," "(fanzer' orany other make at S60 each. lours truly, AA'RON HAWKIN8. New Attaeliments, Mew Fnmitiu'e, Few Stand. Send stamp for samples of sewing asd onr el^ant descriptive photographs of the machine 'before buying from Agents. MACHINES SElfT QN TRIAL. BONTiS :â€" Frow now until Warch Slsit, 1885 we will give to any personsopdlng us 935.U0 cash in advance for one of our machines, a handsome combination table and bracket lamp complete. Tnese lamps are something neWsAnd the maker wants them introduced. If you or any of your friends want » machine doit'tdelay. but send to Go-Operative. Sewing Haehine Co., V JM^M"' ** Boath. ilaaintoB, •nt. Sailimi dnrlngwinter from Portland even W illi â- ( tog Id HaSfaz arecy Saturday to UtoomoL and innmms om Qnelieo every Saturday toUTeipow. oalling at tea donderry to land maite and paMenaen for Seotland aad Ireland. Alan tmrn R^ltimnn. wi»rw^llf'r ffflfl JffllH^ N. Â¥., to Idverpool fortnightly during nunmar iniailfci rhe iteamera of. the Olasgov lines sail daring wiolai between Piartland and Olaigiaw, and Beaton aadOHawni alternate^: »nl dniuw nunmer iMtween Qnabei sad OlMgow and Boston and GUaagow every week. rar freigbt. paasase, or other ImformaMaa apply to A. Sohniwaoher ft Oo., Balttanore t B. Cnaard Co.. Halifax; Shea as Oo. St. Jeha'a N. r. Wm. Thomson As Clo.i St. Johii. N. B. Allan c Co. Ohicasp iiSTe A Aldea. New York H. Boorlier, Toromto Allans. Rae Oe (inebeoi H. A. AUan, Poruaiid. Boston. 7 sreaL EVERY FARMER, Airp KBPKCIAI.IY TBCSK i.rviiia OK KumD should send me postal card, with address, fot Sectional Maps and particulars of the apeetal offer made by tha St. Paul, Minneapolis Manitoba Ry. for their lands in the Sed River Vallev wttUn short distance of track. Otily BOo. per ckt* down; also Nine MUUon acres J^iee Gorem- inent Land In the Turtle Mountain and Oavll'i Districts, North Dakota. Particulars free. H. F. McNaJly, Gton. Tray. Agent. St. Paul. Min. Manitoba BaUway. (Sfan^ton thia paper TOlQ^NTO, ONT CAUTION Each Ploffofthe MYRTLE NAVY i IS MARKED T. B. In Bronze Ietters. NONE OTHER CENUINE. FOB Pattening and bringing into aradMoBi Oom. OMiWm Suiep andPlga^ Hoiasi OATtLX â- nxH I naed and r e n ftm a wmde il by Oattle pfodnoe moae milk oneJoiirththe naoal tlaM. AdoBarbox batter. It fattena in lavex Pood 'iFriea 39 oenti aad.fl per box. sn PMda. ;. ., HUGH lOTTiTiint and Ob., ASBiuuLTuaAii OBMaamm, UqKiaiHtrPa**. *or Bala by Drwglsla mervwbare JOHMSTON'S FLUID BEEF It la the only prejwrstion of the kind wtaiek oontains au tlienniiitloai.'tcsether with tfea stimulating, prbpeniei of beef, sad the ealf oae which has the power to snpply iwuiaba meat ft* brain, and bone. viti. nnuolflb :) iuX!tjw*psaKK$B OP. {:â€"^-T: r, Vii^i riitiilifa rflSiiilifMi#rrfifin"--^-.»*^--i^ ac.... '.^^fci

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