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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Feb 1885, p. 5

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 1 ce to y that other s being loai^ •41 M (4 i floor, beat tO; t of it» jr 62 tO' rd. 3 office to the dviince NDARD, Globe, 'itness. .OW 18 it the Ifiduced at Fattories. IIVE PURcilSERS m BENEFIT. SWISS LEAVRS, Jewel les, Silver Hunting Cases, §9-50. GIN MOVEMENTS, Coin Crises, $J2.oo-; 4 $14.50 5 oz. §.17.00. )Z )Z. MOVEMENTS KEPT IN Close Cash Prices. trrants and 2 Years, acco7-ding to Grade, eioc^. Silver- ware, an4 Wedding ^ings /8 k, I'ine wk in other lines of goods. )lWcuit Ptepairing a Specialty. JBWELLBE, ^i A K k: I ^L. K- ,ocal and Other Hems. JoTicES in theae columns intefided to benefit individual or Society will be eliarged ten \ts a line for the first insertion and five its a line each aubiequent insertion. SAW mil) for sale in Glenelg. See ft. iGoop double- barrel Gun for sale, i^ply tp Smith, the barber. [Hee advertisement in this paper for iders for the erection of new Metho- churcb. 'alentines, comic, eentim- J.1 and useful, at the Medical Hall, burner Co. Miss E. Wbioht of Flsshertcn has sn spending a few idays with Mrs. Brown. LNDBEW Kennedy, Stevenshurg, tch., will accept thanks for renewal |subseription for '85. [r. and Mbs. Spbnoe of Amaranth ited their sonin-law, Mr. S, ^wis, the past week. ha Stock of Bej uvenator Bitters and at Smith the b^rber^s, and are selling off fast. 3I1.AS Hill has returned from a to friends at a distance, we hope [may become a permanenc resident. NEW assortment of frames at (milton's Photo Gallery, selling at ses to suit the times. Call and |are a bargain. Je had a pleasant call on Mpaday Mr. Stovel, formerly of the Mt- 2st Confederate but now tray$ller rwatkin Son, Toronto. iRs. John Manabet wishes to ^ease farm, lot East half 19, con. 9, |ilira»a, for a term not less than years. Apply on the premises. pHE Markdale Honse has a^dergone repairs, such as re-^rpeting, lisbing, etc., which addi^^Qsider- to the appearance of the ^j^i^ior le building. THE PEOPiA SAY. â€" There is no joing to Toronto for photographs Hamilton can turn ont such His pictures are wonderfully and life like. 's not too late to subscribe for the (JDABD, you can have 52 issues, or lontha from date of subscribing, your choice but b^ sure and Dse one of the two, LITTLE boy of E. Kooke's, the iv, was run over by a team on irday last. The horse and rig oyer him, but fortjopately the I was not seriously injured. IE Thombury Standard says, inf pence to the railway extenmon. 'The route from Darham tn Iherton is almost lull-less." It is evident the editor cever travelled district. [b. W. G. Cbossoh is «g«Bt f»r had ft cftU ftom II. p. j|Uina. Si(eiit,f(^ J. J. Baylor's «aCe ,wv^i, Toroiito, on W^qeodi^. l^qtwiTHSTANinvGitlie recent e^Etoem- m cold yreatli^r. Bobiflis waa .seeii |iu M^k^Ie o;i .Wednesday. gnAKAHyi and Mason's carria|{e, ^hppjBaoght fire on Monday, but was (ieeu.^nd extipg.oished before any dl^mage was dpne. Don't foi^t the liectares ,|^ the Ptesbyterian. chqreh on Mpijday cveuiug iiext by tiie Bev.' Mr. Scott of Owen Sound. Spbject â€" 'vBaqibles through Eiigland, Irei^d ,and ^cot- land." Admission 25 cents. bociAL ^q.-2 wiU be Md uri^et i,tiie auRpices of t}ie Ladies of the Markdale Methodist church at the residence qf Mr Thos; Boland, four miles east oi Markdale, on Friday evening, 13 th inst. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The Presbyterian charch^ opened oh Sabbath, Feby., 8th, when' the Bev. Mr. Scott of Owen Sound will preach moruios and evenidg. There will abo be an entertainment ou Monday evening 9th. For further particulars see posters. A SOCIAL in aid of the Presbyterian church was held in Bae's Hall on Fri- day evening of last week. Quite an enjoyable evening was spent by tho^e present. No doubt the number wouldj hav» been largely augmented had' there been sufficient notica given. On the Ice. â€" The 25 lap race be- between J. W. Spronle, Markdale Joe Gitfbons of Dundalk took place on the Owen Sound Skating Eink on Tuesday evening before about one thousand spectators, and resulted in a victory for the latter. Abopt ^$200 changed hands over the affair. The Mde. C. C. Bossiter and Chas. Kelly company will give a concert in Flepherton next Wednesday evening under the auspices of Pufferin Lodge 1. 0. O. F. this company are very highly spoken of by the press all over Canada and we have no doubt their concert will be a success. the M^^im» Amufniaf Vitifhrmm jwtr lifa.1MM|7 OB aom ii y iMfe vb*** elu^igipf. j^hmk^atlbittSMbm pal in i^^nid ia lunr Sdfaig irrlL Haw P4cpu--=tA oopT fd tite firrt isMie of lit. Foivrt's new p a p e r tiae Bepi^9VtU^ii' ia .faefsia ne. It is a f(Hcliy-f^;^ io^oan ^bl paice, n ably wnttan, i i u« || ^aiijifc la, mti well pcinted.; faat^ iftiK^ gooa tdTertising patoonage to tindi.w^. In poUticK it is jPonsernJ^rf. JPImn w^ ,wo can judge bom tbe^f^p^MMtoa.Qf the papei and what we.know td Mr. Jjftin- :ber(, the editor a|i|l prc^etoc, we bespeak .for the Bginienmivt.PVliO' cessfol career. did Aoi iqpup Paste This in Youe flAT. â€" For benefit of those who may be curious to take observations, we give timely notice that the next total eclipse of the son will occur August (he 12th, 1999, and can bo seen ail over. It will be the only total eclipse of the sun during the next 250 years. Mb. C^sab, our station Agent had a miraculous escape from sudden death on Saturday last while nnloadins; freight from a car. Something gave way while lowenng a heavy casting from the car, burying him under the truck and about ten hundred of freight. The truck saved him and he v not much the worse. Amalgamated. â€" The RutalGan^^ian and Canadian Farmt/ and 0;;ange Record have amalgaxiaated, the pro prietor of the former having purqUased the Canadian Former. The Rural Canadian is now very much improved, and is in every respect a first class agricultural journal. It is published in Toronto at $1 per annu^. C. Blackett Bobinson, Publisher. AccmENT. â€" Charlie Bowe^ brother of W. J. Bowe of Barrhead Mills, had two fingers cut off his left hand on Saturday while working in Eowe's saw mill. He was cuttint; ;;ip slabs on a small circular when phe saw caught his mitten with the above result. Dr. Carter dressed the wound. The other fingers were also tffore or less damaged, but the little finger and third were completely severed. New. Businbbs. â€" Our townsman. Mr. W. Duudas, has decided to devote his whole attention to the boot and shoe trad. He has engaged t^e services of Mr. Alex. Kay. (who has given up business on his own account) and will keep a number of shoemakers employed besides. He intends keep- ing a large and well assorted stock of ready-made, as well as home i^anu' facture. Mr. Dundas has gno^ .experi- ence iu tiie business and wp bespeak for him success. Thk following is a Iiq| in order of merit of tiie pupils td I Diyision of Markdale pajmc school who obtained^ over op pi^ cent, at the examinatiooa for te month of Jannaxyrâ€" Clasa Vâ€" Mamie Bowes, 8am Doa(^88, Herby Brown, Getnnte Bonwea, iMe Walker, Ebbatt J. Brown, Herbinrt €laM IV. Br.-r-Anpi^ Biehanl Dot^f^aiBt .Alm^iiiuUM,P TUbMidBaa, Wm. MAAlaa|^ J. B. iSl^BiMnLx's gnki ^^ring sale by aDeUon will be oontiat|j9d tins week Wednesday, Xhorsday, Friday and Saturday, when there will be offered some very choice goods in Jgl^k Silk, Ladies Dress Goods, an(la general clearing of all goods. As rl ain bound to giye up the Qop^r^ Business, all goods oficred at this saJe must and will be sold. A special line of good fresh Uncolored Japan ^eas will be offered each day at this .sale. Come one â€" come all and get }if^gaxa^. New Papeb. â€" The Presbyt^Kian i7i;tew is the name cf a new depqmi- national paper, published in Toronto, the first nnmberbeing issued the 18ch December. It is handsomely printed in clear, large type, and is filled with original and well Selected matter, which is calc^lf).te^;to,interest, instrtict and elevj^tP the ,min^jf its readers. The price (fl.QPper year) is exceed- ingly low for a^uominational paper, and it will requite the hearty support of that influential body to insure its success. We welcome it to our ex- change list, and wish it unbounded success. Entebpbjlse.â€" Mr. John Moffat of the firm cf Moffat Bros., founders, of this place, returned last week from a trip tu Hamilton, Out, Troy and Albany, N. Y. and ,qther smaller places. Moffat Bros, propo^ enlarg- ing their premises and gqing exten- sively into the manufnctui;e of stoves and the above trip was ^fi^o with a view to securing the most approved patterns. Troy is p^haps the most extensive stove mat^f^fdcturing centre on the continent. The Moffat Bros, haye been making box stoves for the wholesale trade and we are glad to learn that it is now their intention to enlarge and go into the manufacture of all kinds of wood burning stoves. We hope abundant success may be theirs. mrad t»lii«^ Im, bM .wvir and Moqnder •HltO TbabaUot was tbtn IMisn, with the lidlowttg.nMilt^ Chidwdm 88, LaBg ThedeetionofMr.GbiBholm wastbeamadewtanimoas.bya stand io^ vote, Mr. Oiisbolm was deelaied duly elected, and was oopdncted to the Warden's chair by his mover uid seconder. The Warden eleet then briefly returned thanks iot the honor conferred 4n him. A oomaittee was then appointed to atrike the- Standing Committees, as fqllows: Cameron, Clark, Gbuneyi .Bowes, and Kead. Messrs. T. Gamey and A. M. Stephens were apjpointed members of the Board of Audit. Measer^. Ctiristoe, McNieol, Bead, McEenny and Frost, were appointed a committee to complete the revision of the standing rules. Council adjourned till 2* p. m., Wednesday. [We are unable to give a further repQirt of the Council proceedings this week, owing to a press of other matter] ',•*,„ 3iu JEiViphraaia Council. Ceantjr f^oiincil. The members elect of the township council of Euphrasia for the year 1885, being Thomas Gilray, Esq., Beeve; William Fawcett, Esq Deputy Beeve. jJames Boyd, Henry Huid, and William Bhepherdson, Esquires, Councillor^, Said members .elect having assembled at the, hall of said towusbipj accqrdingtolaw, on Monday, the 19th Janyaty, 1885, made aiid subscribed their declarations oi qualification and office in due form nd took their seats at the cauncil board. Minutes of last session of conncil read and confirmed. Bobert Abercrombie, on nomination of the Beeye, and W. F. Dodson on behali of the, council were appointed auditors ap^.a J^y-law passed confirm- ing said appoit^ment, Moved by Mr. JSurd, seconded by Mr. Fawcett, th^t A- ' ^Jtchanan be appointed fissesfior at a salary of $75 and a By-l|kw passed accordingly vâ€" Lost. â-  I Moved by Mr. Boyd, seconded byj Mr. Shepherdson, tliat John Clugston be appointed assessor at a salary of $80 and a By-law passed accordingly. â€" Carried. On motion qf Mes^i^s. Fawqett and Shepherdsqn., A..C. Patersoz^, A. T. Buchanan sigii Gqorge Crabtree weie appointed m^mbqro^^e Local Board of Health. By-law 34^ appointipg an assq^or, and By-law j^o. 847, appqintjiig a local board of health were carried through the differqpt stages iftud mRICDJU.E. TBXB ^BW Pt^Mt Pnens Fhun't^ Mm Is now completed at great expenat* on the Miost Ai»IȣitiOVE» plans, and with the rhest .ma- obinery manufactured, irnak- ing it, in every senae.of .the term,."A Mil ML* 1 am therefore in a position togive the piiblic a Smiiir Article of Fiour. A fair trial respectfully so^ licited and I have no fear but the result will be eminently- satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat KS" Flour, Bran, Shorts.etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. ,„ UaUS PLEWES. From the O. S. Timet. The County Council of 1885 met in accordance «ith statute at 2 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. Some of the representatives of the southern town* ships not having yet arrived, the Council adjourned till 7:80 in the evening without organizing. At 7:30 the different members of the Council had handed in their cirtificates, as follows â€" Artemesia â€" W. S. Christoe, Beeve J. A. Blakeley, Deputy. Bentinck â€" D. McNicol, Beeve; J. Messenger and J. McCallum, Deputies. CoUingweod â€" T. McKenny, Beeve A. Campbell and W. Hewgill, Deputies. Derbt; â€" J. Bobetson, Beeve; W. Brien, Deputy. Euphrasia â€" T. Gilray, Beeve W. Fawcett, Deputy. Egrempnt â€" ^W. 'aulfield, Beeve; D. McCormick, Deputy. Olenelyâ€"T. Davis, Beeve; J. Mc- Millan, Deputy. Holland â€" J. Cameron, Beeve; A. Shute, Deputy. Keppel â€" W. Totteu, Beeve John Clark, Deputy. Normanby â€" ^V. Lang, Beeve; A. O'Farreil and C. Widtueyer, Deputies. Ospreyâ€"T. Gamey, Beeve E. Potts Deputy, tru'touâ€"A, McPhail, Beeve; S. Bogers, Deputy. Sarawak â€" h. W. McNaught, Beeve. Hullirav â€" A. Pringle. Beeve J. Stewart, Deputy. St. Vincentâ€" Jaa. Bowes, Beeve; N. Bead, Deputy. t ' Bydenham â€" W. Lang, B^a; • Gordan and C. H. Hemiiif Dapoties. IhtrkaiHâ€"D. Jemiti»ini, J^vt Meafjrdâ€"B.. J^aew^ ^m^W'^iJ,. Sf^bann, Ilepnty. itiiMa Kmrfâ€" JokB ChklMlm, Itaew J. ^^ Froat sod Jaa^ 6. M^. ilepntiaa. le Model Washer" and wiU call on. mi4t.^B»i^txi Hi public personally no donbt. £t ItMy^MOltt, JBiH le of the bast inventioifa for Eagri ling we have ever seen rnoA wifl "' btless find a ready sale. Mr. JOoi iiokriiia Awtstant James Falls ^as appointed •eare- taker of the township hall at a salary of $16 with instructions to hand •over to the Treasurer whatever he may receive as ;rent for the same. The Bqeye and Deputy-BeeyCj were appointed .to enquire into the validity of the Treas urer*s security as respired by statt^te. The tJime for the collectors to re- turn their Bolls was extended until the last Saturday in February next. The Beeve's Order issued on the Treasarer in fayor ot JohnMcS^nzie. for $16, to be applied for ^e reUef of old Mr. Powley an mdi{,ei^t. The Treasurer was ordciced to pay for the use of school houses used as polling stations at last municipal election as follows, viz â€" Union S. S. No. 4, $2 S. S. No. 14, $2:8. S. No. 16, $2; S. S. No. 9, $2; and for the use of Orange Hall. Village of Kimberley, used also as a polling station, $2. The Treasurer was ordered to pay as follows for the service of Deputy- Be- turning Officers, and their poll clerks at muuicipfll elections, viz â€" Garnet Strutbers. Esq., $5.60, and poll clerk, $2 Nicholas Hewson, $5.10, and poll clerk, $2 Nathaniel Curry, $4.70, snd pull clerk, $2 Daniel Silverthorn, $4 70, and poll clerk, $2; James Yelland, $5.08, and poll clerk, $3 i Thomas Abercrombie, $4.00, and poll clerk, $2. The Beeve's ortier waa uaued on the Treasurer m favoar of Bobert Dunlop, otork, for $20, aermees in oonnaqtm witii tiie last mimieipal ^eeliaB. Moved by Mr. Fawcett, aaoonded by tSt.yUmit tHat thia oojuImbI now aa^ni lintil the Satwday in fefaxiiMT w*^ tm^PntioK tiia^ tbia «oaiieaMa«|.oaaiaIaal Sataeiij of evacTJWUk tiuwmiwiit^lhft 7aar,ftr af bHiiMta» ioitMft^ df fiw flMl Skfii^in fltek ^dlMT' ai l0fai«;^ii-qfelnad. keritu Ipltnrii too Columns and 100 Engn/iings In aaeh issue. 44th Yaar. I «) a Year THE RECOGNIZED RE/UmUG PERIODICAL OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD. 100,000 CyCiOP/EDIAS FREE. Every sabsoriber to the Aioebicam Aobi- COLTCBIST, Ou) OB New, English or German, whose subscription for 1885 is imiisoutxZiT forwarded as, together with :the price, $1.50 per year, and 15 cents extra ifor postage on ' Gyclopsediaâ€" making f 1.65 on all â€" will re- ceive the American Agricultnvigi, (English or Oerman.) for all of 1885. and be presented with the amebican aobicultusist fahilt ' CYCIiOP.SIIA (just out), 700 PAOE8 .AND OVER 1,000 ENOBATiNos. Utrongly botmd in cloth, black and gold. ntOM THE TENTH CENS08,VOL. 8 JQ8T POBLOSBSD "The American Agrieulturist is espaoiaUj worthy of mention, because of the rtiwaxk. able sncceos that haa attended the nni^e and ontiring offorts of its proprietors to increase and extend its ciroolation. Its con-, touts are duplicated every month for aGherman edition, which also circulates widely." Send three 2-cant stamps for mailing 70a specimen oo]pj American AgrieutturUt, an elegant forty-page Premium List with 9pO Uluttrations, and specimen pages of Fanjly Cyelopffidia. Canvassers wanted eveiywhete. Address Piiblishera Americaa Apnirultiprist. DAVID W. JUDD, SAMTi BUBNHAM, P«eB't. Sec 751 Broadway, New Tork. -:- American. ESTASLI^ED 1846. The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted t9 scienee. meftHinics. engineering, discoveri^^ inventations and patents ever published.. Evei^ numiUar illustrated with splendid ^ngraviiigs. This publication, furnishes a jnoat yaluablie encyclopedia of information 'gvhich no peir8QD!ahould be with- out. The popaisrity of tins Scientific Amebican is such tJwt its «ixenlation nearly equals that of all otfaier papers of its class obmbined. Price 93^ a year. Discount to Glnbs. Sold by all newsdeiderfl. MUNN CO., Pdblishers. No. 361 Broadway, N. Y. M A Vr* it TQ Munn A Co. have also tin I Cili I Va bad Thibtt Se^n Yeabs' pr4f tioe before the Patent Office, and. have prepNfed more than One Hdhdbed Thousand ^plieations for patents in the United tttates and foreign eoantries. Caveats, Trade Marjw, Copy-rights, ABsignments, and allotiier papers for seeoring to iuventorti their rights in the United States. Canada, England, Vsan^ie, Germany and 3ther foreign eomitries. prepared at nhort notice and on reasonable terms. information as to obtaining patents cheerfully given without charge. Hand- books of information sent free. Patents obtained through Munn Co. are noticed in the goientifio American free. The Advantage of such notice U well understood by all persons who wish to dispose of their patents. Addreos SIUNN (b CO.. Office gciENTirio Amebican, 361 Broadway. New York. MW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WI!m Pkwes' Fhar and Ftied tore. Having just received a OMtti. Frtih iM Sikd erx*oc?JEiL o:f Wndx wfil be nii^iXBilijmJl^* I M^eetAflty, aoli«hMhe i â- V-' BaaiPtsfgvgpdMNia. \m i^MadiMlilitiiMu iMiiJjiitgtt^iie^KimiimttiiStmtemeat^^ m MMiiiii

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