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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Feb 1885, p. 4

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 â- Pin* ^Hmmm )• N 1 i il ^-.-j.«i » xv -*«««ffa*K.-*'Vi The Stottdartl. MABKDALE FEB. 5. 1886. SNOW FENCE b. The perioAcal snow blocade on y leading roads m certam phices isnpon 'I UB, and the question, how this can be t!obyiated, is doubtless a very general «i'3ne,»yet nothing is done to overcome tithe difficulty. There are certain por- tidions of the roads which are very badly Aijftttad up with snow, if not completely iutsf assable almost every winter, which 'iict retards winter work very much, and often brings iL to a complete standstill. If those particularly bad portions of leading road^ had wire fences, especi- ally on the West side, we believe thf difficulty would be, at least in a great measure, overcome. In order to have this done, it would be necessary for township councils to give some assist- ance, and we hold that it would be a just expenditure, as the whole com- munity would be benefitted. Should the councils agree to supply the wire, we are of opinion that it would be sufficient inducement to many, who own farms in the locality of those Dad winter roads, to erect wire fences.and the road commissioner in each Ward would be a proper per- son to judjre where they were entitled to such This question of blocaded roads, impeding, and at times, entirely suspending public traffic, is year after year becoming more serious, and some means should be adopted towards its remedy. We would like to hear from our contemporaries, as well as from the public who travel and have to contend with the obstacle. Let us have your suggestions. Fences cannot be erect- ed in winter season but. a plan might be adopted which could be put 111 practice for another winter. of Ifarkdale migfat haV« b^en t^ |«- salt as it wu, ibtt low of Ihe Ittap and a few slight blisters on Uj. Brown's hands is the efXtent of the damage. NoTicz. â€" ^We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold onrselTes responsib'e for thit opinions expressed by oar ^rrespondents Kimberlis No deaths nor marriages to report. Considerable courting going on. Owing. I suppose, to the enterprise and good business qualities of Mark dale merchants every person within any reasonable distance- are going there to market, passing such places as Flesherton, Some talk of the extension of the railroad from Durham. We are glad to see Markdale people move in the matter. We (in Kimberley) feel safe knowing that no railroad can afford to pass us either to the East or West without giving us a station We had a tea-party in aid of the Church Building Fund. Had a very pleasant time considering the bad state of the roads. Mr. Thomas Ellis is pushing busi- ness. He is preparing a lot of timber for the Quebec market. Kimberley has a daily mail. We get Toronto mail every day at about 4 p. m. SAtnnlsyibe Uth, at lot vaa. §. EaidirMu.' Stock, Implemonla c., nsmU tarms. iHuiiel Patton, prop, W, J. Suepberdson, Auctioneer, Saturday, Feb. 7tb^ on \p\ U. oo^- 9, Eophrasia, Stock, Implements, Hay, and Household effects*, usual terms. Samuel Wr^ht, propnetor Geo. Noble, auctioneer. Monday, Feb. 9th, on lot il, con. 1, East T. S. Boad, Holland, Horsey Cattle, Implements, c., commenqmg at 1 o'clock usual t^ms. B. Free- boi^n, proprietor; Geo. Noble, auc. tioneeir. Wednesday, Fobu 11th, on lot 18, con. 6, Euphrasia, Farm Stock, Imple- ments, etc., etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. Usual terms. J. W. Curry, proprietor; W. J. Shepherdaon, auctioneer. Moiidav, February the 2nd, on lot south half 16, con. 12, iEuphrasia, Mr. Ard is giving up farming and will sell his entire stock implements, c. Sale at twelve, noon. Usual term^. W. J. Sbepherdson, auctioneer. CHANGE IN BUSINESS. Ob Saturday last Mr. D. J. Shana- han of this place sold the wood depart- ment of his business to Mr. Wm. Mason. Mr. Shanahan has built up a very large business durins: the four years which he has been in Markdale, in fact it is by far the most extensive carriage establishment in the County, and the business is not only extensive, but most satisfactory to those who have purchased rigs, of which there are not a few, over 350 having been turned out during the four years. The business is now to have a new impetus, and we have no doubt, with the additional strength, jhe business will not only hold its own, but largely increase. Mr. Mason is a first-plass mechanic, of which the public are i â-  ,.â-  l J.^ â- , ., â-  1. iu I "»Pie justice to the good things, the aware, he having done busmessm this brethrei again betook themselves to meaford Road. From our own correspondent. Stormy weather roads badly drift- ed up. Miss A. Buchauan has returned boue frooi Hamilton, where she has been visiting friends for some time pant. Mr. G. Luman has rented Mr. J. C. Buchanan's farm. Mr. B. Thompson, Jr., has sold his farm and is goiug to live in the Valley where he has purchased Mr. Banner- man's farm. The beautiful snow that we have at present has made things steady ar3und the Eclipse saw mill, and the result is that the obliging proprietor, Mr. J Sparliujr, is in his best of humor. The Sabbath School busiuess i: st^U in a very unsettled state. The chasm is getting wider, an^'wiU soon ne^d a suspension bridge to connect b,o,th sides. â€" I Enphrasii^. A monster Boyal Arch li^eeting waa held in the Hall of (jUtle Deyry L. 0. Li. No. 1295, 11th co^.. Ei^h:fa8ia,on tne evening of t^e 2:i8t inst., when six highly respected and loy^l young men of the vicinity (who joiped this Lodge during the pas.t suh^mer) was initiated into the mysteries of Boyal Arch PurpI^ Mark'gn^an. l^otwith- standing the bad st^te of the roads the Hall was filled to ;ts utmost ca- pacity by vig^iting brethren of surround- ing Lodges. The ceremony was very ably conducted by Bro. John Clugston and Bro. Ca^efoot of OoUingwoqd^ a young man possessed with go^ ability and capable pf fillms the chair of a \V. M. After closing in ^e usual form, the brethren repaired to the house and store of Mrs. Bailey, where a magnificent spread was provided for the occasion. When all had done place, either hr himself or oth^w^se, for ten years. The business will be caifrted on ip the same premises, and the public may rely on procuring ther^ th@ very best vehicles at the lowest living pricey. AN INFERNAIi MACHINE. On Tuesday evening last a lamp in W. A. Brown's jewellery store took lire, caused by the acumulated snuff around the burner. Mr. B. was at his bench, and alone in the store when he discovered it. The thought of the recent dynamite explosion in the parliament buildings in London aashed through his mind, and how the pohceman narrovly escaped loosing his life by ventuiing to remove the infernal machine from the building, and how he might suffer equal, if not greater injuries, attempting to remove the lamp which might at any moment explode, seattering its bomini; fluid in all directions. At second thought he, however, spnmg towards the treacherous combostible. pulled off his cap, and in it grasped the bnmmg lamp and rushed to the door, throwing it with all his ^treng^. The lamp was Fcaro tly oiTt of Lis bands when it went into a thousMd. pi(||M^ Had it aplod«d whik in store, ^e of â-  ' ^^ the Hall. Bro. John Clugston, Dis- trict Chaplain, took the chair. The phairman, irj a few brief remarks, called Bro. ^, J. Sbepherdson to the platform, who gave a lengthy and httmo^ous speech,, which was received w^ih great applause. Bro. Carefooi next addressed the brethren. Bro Stinson, W. M., and Messrs. Blakely and Brady of Markdale Lodge, Bro. Quinton, VV. M., and Messrs. Clarke and Irvine of Temple Hill Lodife. gave short speeches. Bro. J. A. Hawken, W. M., of Little Derry, in a veiy courteous manner, thanked the visitors for their presence that evening. Bro. James McCarter sang an excellent song well suited to the cccatuon, and t«» an encore heartdy responded. After returning a vote of thanks to the Ladies for the splendid supper, the company disperse^ a^ut 3 o'clock, by giving three cheers ft^ the Queen. TcstiBMilial. To Mr, Crouon Sib,â€" 1 have given the "Model Washer," which yon lefl on trial, a fisir test did not at first t}unk much of it. but, on farther testutg it I am highly pleased with its work. It saves labor, saves tiie elotiies and giv«s the fabries a bea^fiil white oolor. Can Aaea/Uj testify \q jtg exeeUenoe. ODDS AND ENDS. SATHBSED FBOM XXCHANOKS AND BOILED DOWN FOB THX STAND ABD. A mock Parliament was organized in Owen Sound last week in the rooms of the Northern ijusiness College. It promises to be very interesting. According to the statement of the Assessment Commissioner, the pro- perty exempted from taxation in Toronto reaches the enormous total of $44,765,578, equal to nearly two- thirds of the total assessment of the city. Furious driving is indulged in our Collingwood streets. Dr. Dowling has been re elected for South Benfrew by 700 majority. Stbuck by a tbain. â€" As the noon train on the T, G. B. B. was coming west on Munday it struck a team and sleighjon the first crossing after leaving Luther station. One of the horses was killed, tb^ other escaping with a few bruises. The occupant of the sleigh, a farmer who had been drawing ^ood to Luther yillagCj yras thrown about twg^ty ieet into a suow bank but came put unhurt, while the sleigh which wa^ fdopipletely wrecked, was ^rriod about ^0 yards on the front of the locomotive. We f^il«d to leari^ the farmer's name. â€" Mt. Forest B^r pretentative, â-  '"â-  The Montreal Carniva^ ^aa a, great success, far o^t-rivalling its pre^ces- sors in ^he number of visitors from outside po;ut^, the number of whom is shown by railway statistics to have been between forty an fifty thousand. The Quebefi Legislature will meet about the 26 tb. ' O'Donovan I^ossa was shot at and wounded on the street in New York aboat five o'clock Monday afternoon by a young woman, who was amed^- ately arrested. Bossa was abl^ to walk to, the hospital where it was ascertained that ^e wound was not of a serious character. Cunningham, t^f prisoner arrested on suspicion of being connected with the Tower explosion, was up at Bow street PubUc Court Monday, and was remi^ided for Bk week. The poUce are very confident; tbat this arrest is im portant. We are in rnj^ipt of th* first onmberof t.iit^ Puhii- ilaral i,pni»li«hi*.v st Phiiadelphitt. by U- i^^â„¢ Sfl^itli- In his saiiiwUiry, .vlr. Smith lays down the pnucipi«.-« »u .which the Herald \f[]\ be conduigtetl, viz., to figut newspap'-r. qaaca n^eJicine and other firauds which prey Uioii the pubhc. and to prove that he is in earnest, says The Public He. aid will '-pract' what it pleaches." The Herald has assumed a wide field in which to work, and judging frotu tlie work already perloruie4 by he Agerts Herald in the saiiie direction, yehave no doubt the Public Herald will be a success, and trust tbat Mr. S^ith may long continue in the gt)od work so well begun, 'fhe Herald is a monthly publication,, and should be in the hands ot every Dusiufess luau in the country. Its li-.t of trauis is worth more to the busmess man in one month than ten time-s its subscription price, whicii is placed at $1 per year. Send fur a sample copy to L. Lum Smith, 706 Chesnut bt Pmiadelphia Ph. 1 i ' VAPD^ nuivin C Li R RHEUMATISM VBJBEULUre Aie^lMMSBttotakfl. OoaW^ their owa^ Il a nt«, BOZO, mad ^OeetuMi «( iffKiw in CUOArsapr AdaUa Parket ^itptvtt* MAUKDALE. Pall Wheat «0 73 to »0 75 Spring Wheat 75 to 76 Barley 50 to 67 Peas.. 54 to f5 Oat 2(5. to 00 Batter 15 to 17 Eggs 20 to 00 Apples 50 to 75 Potatoes 18 to 20 Hay 7 00 to 8 00 Pork 5 00 to 5 46 Flour 3 75 to i 25 Markdale Hoir iuls. The subscriber ^egs ^ye to ;ii;nou ee fc the farmers of the sarro,aiiiiu^ c itriy that he is tarning oat flour e^ual to any other, roller mill. No mure waiting while the grlKt is being ground. The following is the scale, 9f exchan^:â€" Wheat Weighing 82 lbs, 40 lbs. Floui. .. .1 61 •* 39 " •*." ' •• •• 60 " 38 "' " 1. « 59 .. 37 «• .. •« " 67 " 35 '• " with offal in proportion to, amoimt of floor. I iind the average weight of neyr wheat to; be 60 lbs. to the bushel, and the vaifpt of it,, if properly cleaned, would weigh 61 or ^2 tO' the bushel. John W. Ford. SUBSCRlPTiaWS. NOTICE. ALL parties indebted to me y Note or Book bc Kant, or Due-biU, are request- ed to settle the 'same at once with Adam Turner, as I must have these accounts, straightened up. I can't do without the money. My books and accounts are left with him, and he is authorized to receive the money and give receipts. T. S. SPBOULE FAffM FOR SALE. Subscriptions received, at this office for any of the following papers tb the. end of 1865 for one dollar in advance, each, viz Marl^dale Standakd, Toronto Weekly MajUi Weejily Qlobe, Montreal Star, Montreal Witruss, or tiifi Farmers, Advocate. Now is the time to subscribe and get the balance of this year free. -F^IIVJE- F OB SALE, or to rent, lot 14, con. 12, Holland, 100 acres, 55 cleared, csm- fortable log house, barn lo^ and fram.e 32 z 50, firdt class well, teu min,utes walk froin school and post office,' a d^.cided bargain. Apply to F. TAYLOR, Hairkawfcy, orB. S. ifcLAUGH- UN.Haydoh. " ' MOIiEr LOST. IN Markdale or on the road home by way of Thibaudeau's co'rner, on Wednesday, 4th inst., a pocket-book containing 990 in bills, and silver change. Anv person finding and returning the same. 'â- ^iX be suitably rewarded. THOS. DAVIS, Artemesia, M^dale, P. 0. SEALED TENDERS WATCHES, CJiOCKSJEWELEIi}. New goods arriving every week, consisting of WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, CHARMS, SIECTACLES, PIPES, PURCES, VIOLIN STI«NGS, etc. 18 k. Wedding Rings always in stock- Watches, Clocks and Jewellery, Repaired by myself and satisfaction guar- anteed. 1^ NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Oive me a Call. Jarnes G. Russell, Watchmaker, Jeweller, 217-269 Flesherton, s SEEDS IMPORTED â€" FIELD IND eUDER SEED$ Thwe is tall^ of constructinG: a lino from i^amiltpi^ to connect with the Canadf^ :papiftp milway. Sixteen thousand bushels of wheat, owned ^y Mes^s. Matthews, of To- ronto, was burned at Belleville Mon- day. The Toronto Presbytery, by a rote of 27 to 12, decided that a man may lawfully marry his deceased wife's sister. The Queen has offered to supple- ment whatever Reward the Government deems it advisj»ple to offer for the detection of dynamitards. GENUINE PRESENTATION ' GOODS. The elegant Gold Watch and chain presented to Miss Borke, by Mr. W. J. McFarland was purchased from W. A. Brown, Jeweller, Markdale. This is the best place in the counfy to proenre goods suitable for presents. REMAKKABLE RESTORATION. Ifcs. Adelaide 03rieij, of Bnffido, wu ••.**â-  8*^^ »P to die by her phjunans, as incurable with Con- "S»Ptow»^ j«owa Lim Complaint. Mjw» Cored mth BurdoeksQ ADDRESSED to the undersigned will be received until no6n Feb. 23rd, either in bulk or separate, for the erection of a brick church at Markdale, Ont. Plant; and speci- fications may be seen at' the office of W. A. Brown, Jeweller, Markdale, on and after the 16th inst.. and at the office ojt M. B. Ayles- worth. Architect. Collingwood, Ont. 150,000 red brick and 15 cords of qiij^arried stone furnished at the site by Committee. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. 8. BOWES, Sec. B. C. Methodist Church, 230 31 Markdale. A RARf CHANGE. SAW-MI LL FO R SALE. THE undersigned having lost his health, wishes to dispose of his Saw and Shingle Mill, which is situated 4^ miles West of Markcbde. There is an abundance of spleiicUd timber very convenient to the null a good business has been done, and an excellent chance is. in store for a g«Kd pushing man. The mill is mostly new, bemg erected three years. Machinery in fine condition. Steam power 30 horse. Terms easy. For further particulars apply at this office, or on the premises. «™«.- J. A. DUNCAN, 230 « Mark dale P.O. WORTH $26.06. HOW TO GET IT. "A Treatise on the Horse and bis piseases" by Dr. B. J. KendaU. This 18 a book of nearly 100 pages, profuse- ly illustrated, giving symptoms of, as well aa treatment for the various dis- eases common to the horse. Some of our snbscrihers who received this book a year ago, have assured ns that it has been worth to them in twelve months, enough to pay for the Stakd- Aw 26 years, and yet it is given as a premium with the Stakdabd to every new subscriber who pays $1.00 }^ advanoe fur the pi^w. We bad seyeial new subscribers the past week from a distance, and can yet supply others, send us $1 by T^^Z^ '^e andyon^l receive fwiook by return nuul and twelve nraDtbi. iib«n The place to buy your Seeds is at PARKER'S, DruKStore, DURHAM. New Bntcher Shop. The best meats the country can produce kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED r t^ °' public patronage respectfully Bemember the stand m McNea's block. W. H. RUTLEDGE. Stiaauio Office. Markda^. EOBT. ASKIN, V Has opened oat a First-CUua UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has auppUed a want long felt OOFFINS, ' 04SKETS, SHROUDS. andaU; nuuL FimisiNies MFPUed «n theahortes notwe. -A. Splendid Hea^ae i«r1dre«tiBodente rates. '-AUlinbof.^ FRMIWG u Big It's n( TANDAS] S mont ke yot looee oi A. UT- kkw, itnrday iasedoi y^ BBNoce •t-'.#T

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