^W^^^^W! 8WMSLBVnS» [5 Jewelles, Silver Huntiog -Cases, $9.50. Iblcin movcmknts* oz Coin Cases, $12.00; 4 oz. ^4.50 5 oz. $17.00. XOVBJf CUTS KKPT IH kt Clos e C99h Prices. yarranU f and 2 Years, accordina io Orade, Ctoe£s,Sitret' ware, and TTeddinff Sinffs /8 \Jb. Tine rioeJt in other tines of goods, DHScu/t Bepainng a SpochNy, iLocal and Other Items. NoTiCTg «» that lu frnm n u ii^ended U hem^ l»y individMol or Soeiety wt)l be charged ten jetUs a line for the fint imertion and Jive lentt a line each snbteqnent insertion. Good doable-bArr«I Gan tw sale, kpply (o Smith, the barbar. Mb. Ibaao Smmom ha* tpeai hit lolidays with frienda in Kingitmi.. Nbxt Monday will be tha firak. leeting of the Tanona township Iconnails. Blkiohiko ia now fair, and fann rodace u eomiog t» market in Uurge Koantltiea. Bio Stoek of Btjafenator Bittara va hand at Sxnikk tha barbar'a, and {bhf y are selling off faat. Mas. BsxsoN, Manitowaning, will slease accept thanks for aabscription ^or 1884 and 8^. Hcliool O'^olcs. a foil ortment, «1bo a complete line of Stationery at the Medicid Hall. A. [lamer Sc Co. Ir yoa want a nice dish of Oysters, ist drop into Hanbory'a grocery and store,. where yon can get them fished ap in good style. The annual meeting of East Grey icultaral Society will be held in le Town Hall. Flesherton, on Wednesday, 2lBt inst., at one o'clock m, yon want peculiar Tea at a suliar price, bought under "pacnliar Bumstanoes, see McFarland; he 8 lbs. Japan Tea for $1. SuBscBiBKBs at a distance, who wish discontinue the Staxdabd can do when all arrears are paid, by re- isiBg to take the pi^per from the Tost Office; then it is the Post [aster's duty to notify us at once. Look out for great big bargains toot the last of Janaur and b^(in- of February. W. J. MoEarUnd received notice that he must ice room for spring Importationg id goods will be slanghtered. LxAvma. â€" Miss Minnie Borke, who .9 for abottt twelTe yean filled the litibn of Post-Mistnsa in Maricdale 0. with marked ability and nn- erring fidelity, takes her leave next ' for the Ladies Collega, Whitbj A oooD woridng Wilson B Sewing lachine, f 10 cash, or ten ootda good -y wood. Double drawer, extension »le, extra atuehmoita. Gi^ aad it at W. A. Broim'a Jewilby titan arkdale. ^eek nwmoce k'8 "KendaU'a ^orseaod hia rhichwill be rith the SxAmtaiD to ibscnber who pajaeadi ia SuoGHa h Gcnna.â€" flit our stoek we wfll fill il rices, we hsv* Mi1UHyi« iMBBbMr gutters, pleiwm ileighs, and fanhi Shanabas^ i. the Markdale yeetefd^ to o«a Mr. J; £. MmrA. A hwfsnaBDbar of ftienda awaeiaMed to witneaa ihe CMMMwy, aiker wUah a Bumptooas dinnier waa firlalcn el it ooeo'dodc. Tht hiqrjyy eoaple laf| on the 8:50 train for a trip. Look unsworn nM.-^A thtaifm baa hem ia this dirtiict Ibr aone aw e ki taking »dera Inr mat pattezoe and maehmee for makimr itga. Ha^ ba« abmitthe most homely Isoe yra ever m on a man, ao yon eamoi be miataken, he ia a dead-beal of the first water, and should get a wide berth. ^v:-- -r- [,' ' M. A W. Arraatooog have ttienr new ateam saw mill,' in ^lis vfll^^. aboat complete and will beaiwin|^ in %\Cew days. They are now prepared tQ..eontraet for tlM'^anp^dy of any quantity of Inmbto.' also eaatom sawmg for cash n on shares. Will sJso pordaae any quantity of good sound logs. Trntvarioui coufMiils of township mnniieipahties will hold their first meeting at the place where the last meeting of the old eoancil iras held, commencing at eleven o'clock on the third Monday in January. County eouneUs meet on the fourth Tuesday of January. The lime of aboye meetings are fixed by atatute. Pboulub AociDKirT. â€" About Uiree weeks ago while the threshing machine was worting at Miebaet^ Pkiel's Hoihmd, a sheep while ste{^ngaeraaa the eonneeting rod betwioen ttie horse- power and cyluder, was wound vp by the coupling, tearing the sheep to pieeea and tweaking the coupling no further damage was done. AocmsxT. â€" On Monday, ftth inst.^ while ehopi^ng in the buah mt hia fiurm near B«riidey. Wm. floweriy cut bis great toe almpst dt A ^p on the blade of the axe caused it to glMoe with above result. He was brought to Markdale, when Ibr. Sproule dressed the wound; and tiiere ia good hopes oi sanqg the tee. A msxraio of the trustees of the Markdale Methodist church -a aa held on Tuesday evening last. The arehi. tect was present, and the sise and dimensbns of the new ehurch was decided on and a building committee appointed. Plans and speoifieations wiU be prepared forthwith, and tenders advertised for about the 1st February. SellinfiT ofi at Oost.â€" Dundas is selling his entire stock of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware at cost. You can save at last 25 to jBO per cent, by buying above lines at Dundas' His stock is fresh and good and wall bought. Thia is no ^am sale. I purpose giving my whole at- tention to the Boot A Shoe business. Don't miss this opportunity. Thk annual meeting oi the Ebenezer Sunday School of the Methodist church was held on Tuesday evoiing, tiie 80th of December. Meetmg opened by sing- ing and prayer. After ^e preliminary business was gone tiirough with, the following officers were elected for the cominit y^fur â€" James Hanson, Super; intendent, Geroge Sewell, Bible Clasa Teacher Bobert Sewell, Litmnediato 1st daas. Boys William Biohardson, Ltfiint class 2nd Phoeb( Walker, Intttmediato 1st dasa, gaiiM Mary Blam, In£uit 2nd elaMf Kirb Annie Stmndl, Infant 8rd elaaa; Samoal Walker Secretary. The aervioea of the retiring Superintendent, Mr. Richard StoneD, was kmd]|c rafsrred to, aiul a vote of thanka waa pieaented to him for his faithfiihieia and leal in emmeetion with th^ Sbeneser 8. SdiooL ',:f » ifonof oflbmkâ€" Ifaattr, That. Oaamjt (laslaetaij; mar " â- 'oi •' .v.'" *-* 'â- 4 01 g- B- S 2. m CD S 2:0:^ CD OB Oft- a H IT plant, and with dieb^st ma' cii»ay maniictiMied^ UttA' tttit,ui fv«nr â- ow^of tlie lam tiiei«ftM« in aposilioii "to civ« the pub^c a of Floor. A fair trial respectfully lic^ted a^id I have no fear hot the result will be eminently satisfiictofy. Cnkpmikr gotdktudWk9at\ IS* Flour, Bran, Shorts,etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail* UMt KlVlt. nt •Hitii IpBAnL v^v w^pwM^ps Ml aasa 44tli V^Mr. tl.M fliYMr Fwr nKMmitB mumum nmntai •rm Kunm fat wnia. 100,000 GYCLOP/EDIAS FKEL Ivety s a toaritor to the- kaxnouK Aamtr ooutuaiaT, 0aaja|tar,BB||id[ w Oenaaa. «Imii* â- iitonflptlmrftii tWi ia onaautBut ' iarwButel as. tOflHhar wifttiie piiM, »l.Ml MryMV.aBdUesBlsextia far pastas* •â- Cydnwiffia awkiag %IM ia aUâ€" wiU ia^ •iiva lb* iliwrtam iifriealMrM, (Eai^iAer 0«nMa.)loriMiallWS. aad be arawatrd «itk Um laaawta naawowpaieT buom Oaat««li,T0Oi rMaa a8» ofan .vnies. ttnaitarbaaadja.daih. ioa,T0iii. 8 ivsT TCBittaaa* 1 ••The ilwvrfaaa ^^HcirfliirM ia aapaaiaUlf watthyoC UMBftioa, baaaaaa of Iha rt«MBk* thai haa aManilaii the ttlifaa ol ita ptoprialara to aad azlead ito eueaiatiim. Ita eoa*. taata aaadapUaatad aveiy BMiBth for aOaraiaa adittOB, lAleh ala* aireiUataa iridaly." Sand three S^eootataaqpa for nafiiaajan neeiiMn eopj Amaricem AfriaiUmriet, «â- aitfaatfOTlyipacaPMaiiBai List with SOO lilMtratioiia, aad i|nainmi pagaa ol VamOf Oydopadia. Oaa ww aar a wanted efafywhan. jttfit 'feceived a DATmW.JUDD. 8A1CX BUBMHAM, Pkaa^. Tf 1 Braadaaj. Bew Tark. Sdeotific -:- America ESTABLISHED 1846. The BMMt pc^olar Wbbklt oamtptftt doTotad ta adapo a merfianiaa. tnipntmrmg, diaoovariea, iBTaBlatiena and patents atw poblishad. Bvarj number iUnstratod with sfdMidid engtavings. This pnbiieatioa. lamishea a inost ^nabk) vaejtiapeduk of infonnatiOB which no person should be with- out. ^M popuhuri^ of the SonKnno-. Ambbican is sooh that ita eireaiation neariy equals tiuit of all other papers of its daaa combinad. Prioe $8.90 » year. Oiaeoant to. Clnba. Sold by iM ae*sd3alers. HUNN A CO., Publishers, No. 861 ^wadway, N. Y. MA V^y VQ IfonnACo.haTeidsa m I Em I Oa had Thibtx • Ssvn Ybass' praeuoe before the Patent Offiee, aad. hare pxapned more than Ohb HaasBBfr Thousahd a^IieatiMia for patents in tha United Htates and foreign oonptries. Oaveata* Trade Marka, Copy-ti^ts, Asaignmeata. and- all other papers for aeeoiinff to inTCotecs their tights in the United States. Canada. England, France, OeroMtny and other foseifB oonntr^.. prepuedmt short fiotiee aad on ceaaopaUe terms. Information as to obtaining pateota: oheeirfa4ygiTenwitiUHitehaTge. Hand-booka of information saiittiee. Patents dttainad. thr^"gi« Mann A Uo. are aotiead in tha Seientifle American free. The Advantage of sadi aotioe is well aadarstood by all I who wish to dispose of tiieir patoi AdJbaaainnilMACO., Ofiae AHBasoyui, 861 Braadway. Mew TeA. HEI6S0CETST0BE n