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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Jan 1885, p. 7

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 ~ff^ L ji«!» 110, iwiu I i«9«p|pnmpppiip|^ppi||||pp(||||||p| wmmsf r^SS^fm THE SK^4»01TEB8. A C«»n««P»«**« T««»'«**r tier li^f. I trill describe a typical Idtigil houe, which iB ocoapied by the a^ daughter md three graim-np granJchild»en of a fehennan named John Maodonald, who ius been dead for many yean. Tlie «rof t upon which it s anda alopea out- V* aaaatrâ€" ^ii-TiijiiwT d t «ard the *»y cf Ui and u one of 8 line 350 that beljng to M j »r Fraz», of Kilmuir. It i abjot two »nd a half aorta ia extent, and p»» a nominal rental of â- acher more than £5 a temporary rtduo- tion of 25 per ceut. «£ that sum having, horever, been conceded daring the ladt %wo or three years by the proprieur. Kear the centre of the croft is a sea of aticky mud and amid the sioogh are two very small stacks of com, each about nine feet high by six in diameter, carefully thatched, and covered with old nets to j^veat their beir g scattered to the winds. Chosa at hand is tne house â€" a buildiog of Tongh unmortared stone, measuring, per- haps, ten feet by twenty, aud very thickly loofed first with " divits " of turf, then with a close thatch of heatber, and finally with fragments of coarse netting weighted with lumps of gray trap. The door is broken, and will not shut properly there m no chimney and the sole window, con- wsting of a single pane of glass, has an area of not more than three square feet. Vrpm the doorway, and from a small hole m the low roof, volumes of peat smoke ^cape and when I entered the hut, I 'Could not, for serveral minutes distinguish «iy thmg within, owing to the dense tumes that rose from a scaaty fire smouldering OB the floor in the middle of the gloomy xoom. At last my eyes became accustomed to the semi-darkness, and I was able to â- lake out the forma of the inmites of the hovel. They sat huddled on a low black settle, warming themselves, and greeddy watclunga battered pot that, suspended from an improvised tripod above the fire, contained a quantity of thin broth the main ingredients of which were, as I after- wards discovered, potatoes and fiah. I glared the po^r people's meal of broth and oaten cake, while the smoke curled spirards and hung beneath the roof in an impenetrable cloud the whole making, with the featooned fishing-nets and the tattered oilskins on the walls, an interior which Tenier would have delighted to paint, if there had been any jollity in the scene. Tuere was no table, but at one end of the room there was a shaky dreaser, on which was arranged a poor display of ^tracked crockery and rusty tins. The in- side of the house was divided, by means of rotten partitions about six feet in height, into three small chambers one being the living-room, a second a bed- room, and the third a lumber or store room. In the bedroom the clothes were simply old rags and sacking, barely suffi- cient to cover pour humanity and tae floor throughout was formed, so far as I could see, of the hard earth. Yet this house of Macdonalds was a palace in com- parison with some of the hut3 I visited elsewhere. One had neither door nor window. I crawled into it through an irregular aperture less than three feet high, and found myself among some ducks ehat were picking up scraps from amid ^3 garlrage with wbi.:h thi) damp flo.r was littered. The sole tenant of this hovel was an old woman who had a hack- ing cough. In another hut th rain-water dripped from the broken roof and flooded the only room, in which seven people sat TOUChlDg. One might reasonably expect to fiad iiiat the people who live in su^h wreiched- ness are stunted and ill-looking. But they are not. They are a thick-set in- telligent race and some of the girls are models of buxomness, although before middle age all the women become wither- ed. Thay are long-lived too. Their faults are that they aie idle and saturated with supers ition and prejudice. In only one out of at least a score cf crofters' houses which I entered did I see any sign ' that the inmates regularly devoted them- selves to any remunerative home employ- ment. In that one two women were weaving home-spun tweed, and cipital flath they made on their awkward loom. I am glad to be able to say that most of the Skye landlords wear this tweed when they can get it bat if there was a wider demand there would be a larger supply, and the islanders would be proportionately benefitted. Until quite recently there were weavers in almost every township, and the art might easily be revived. The crofters can now get cheaper material for themselves from Manchester, and it i almost exclusively the richer classes who use the tweed of the island. â€" 1 St. James' Gazette. An Infernal Machine. A box containing an infernal machine was brought by a boy to the American Tract Society's office, 150 Nassau street. New York recently. Is is believed the intention of the sender was to kill An- thony Comstook, special agent of the Society for the Prevention of Crime. The boy said a man, whose desoription he gave, had paid faim lOo. at the bomw of L?roy and Hudson s^reeta to deliver the package. The machine conahted of a spring, parts of matches, brokeii glaas 4 oz. bottle of powder and a phial of nitric acid. The package was addressed, ^*Bopk« store, 150 Nassau street." Comstock said he did not think it was desired to reach him. He Inclined to the .belief that it was of infidel origin dienaigAed to harm the American Tract ^o- ciety and Bible Society. When the box was brought in Comstock 'was oidlpdajid took charge of it. The box had formei^ con- tained collars, but had becm altered into a modem infernal machine of thja most approved pattern. Comstock ' rmnoved the cover from the box, crating a â-  stsin- pede in the store, and t^en took jboEs and boy to tb« police 8taii»n. ^D#e policemen were detailed to woo6p$aj the boy to the pUtee where he said the package had heeia to him, Vandeibilt ^Mb JSim^QO^WK id whob. fGO.OuO,XID tM mVuitmd Hmtrn bonds aad «aa be twMd into sold at any time, aad the reat is a^de up of stoeks •nd bonds, the bulk at which axe above par. Yandarbilt'a wealth, tlieref.d» re- presents so modi gold. The »dinary mind can get no sort of noticm of such a â- tupendoos pyramid ot gold as 9200,000, 000. Put it into a pyramid of E^fypt* wh*t a uonumeat it would aaake in the desert for its owner Yacderbilt's Mp*tal of gold is grea^^er than all there was in the world-conquering Rome in the glittering reign of Augustus Csasar. It is gjreater than the whole amoont of gold and silver there was in the civilizad world in 1492, »t the time of t^e discovery of America. It is more than the entire product for the past hundred years ol the grett gold mines of Uie Czar of Russia. Ik is more than the whole product for two years of all the gold mines of the world. It is nearly twice as much as all the precious metais produced thus far in in the gold and silver-bearing State of Colorado. Coonting this vast forrane dollar by dollar at the rate of sixty per minute, it would take six years to accomplish the act. Placed one after another it would muke a string of dollars from New York to St. Louis. Th-^ weight of all this gold is 350 tons. H .w many freight cars would be required to carry it Ten, you'll say at a jump But stop tea tons is about the maximum vtight that is carried by a freight car, cousequentiy, at that allowance, we should have a tram of thirty-five freight cars. And what a train for the robbers to loot at How many Jumbos would it take to draw this amount of gold from he sub- treaoury 1 Of the African or Indian vari- f^ty seventy could walk off with it, ftiving five tons to each. And what a show they would make â€" seventy Jumbcr Turn the gold into ten-dollar coins, lay them iu a circle with their edges touching, and what would bei the circumf ^renoe of that circle 1 It would be so great that it would tdce Maud S., going at the rate of a mile in 2:10, twelve hours and forty minutes to get around it. Two hundred millions of gold,. run into a square bar a foot thick, said bar would be how lons!, do you think 1 Oae hund- red feet, eh Well, friend, you would get badly h ft if you sold it " unsight. un- seen, ' f r a 300 foot barâ€" left by 260 feet. To sh- ulder this tremendous bar of gold how many men would be rt quired at 100 iiounda each? Seven thousand, reader. Wnat a pmcflssion they would maka Fifty men giving the dollars away at the rat« of 1,000 a day, would have to stand there eleven years before their work was done. With it he could buy up and own all the 11,314 newspapers in the Uaited S ate^, runoing them to cult hi oaelf as a manufacturer of public opinion on a gi- ganHc scale. With it he could raise an army of 100, 000 men aud keep them iu oho field for a year at an expanse of $200 a head, which is about the cost of a soldier in Bismarck's German army. A CANADA BEAR FIGHT. « An IxcUin* *dve-^tnr« of Two wew Yotk er» la tbe Vflldd «r tbe Domialon. Enfiald Scout of Tijg* coanty returned to Elmira, N. Y., recently from a two weeks hunt in Frontenac county, Canada. He relates a thrilling adventure Thomas Da Witt and George Pearson, two young men from one of Hud ion River ounties, had with a wounded "bear ia the Canadian wilds while he was hunting with them. They had been hunting at White Lake, in Frontenac county, and toward evening rowed from one side of the lake to the other on their way to camp. As they were about to st^ from the boat they heard a loud crash 'n the thicket a few yards away. On looking around the young men saw a well-grown she- bear with two cubs come from behind a fallen tree. Pearson instantly fired, ' and t he old bear fell to the ground. The hunter ran to the spot, expec ing to find her shot through the head, and was confronted by her standing on her hind legs and savagely approaching him. The fierce- ness of her appearance was increased by her lower jaw having been carried away by the rifle ball. The bear threw herself upon Pearson before he could defend himself, andhant- pr and bear fell together on the (tround. Pearson's cries brought DeWitt to the scene, but he did not dare to fire for fear of hitting his c mpanion, so closely was he held by t^e bear as they struggled on the ground. The bear could not do Pear- son ai y injury with her mouth, and he se'zad her long hair in his teeth and buried his face in her fur, thus keeping it away from her sharp claws. Seeing. that he could not be of service te his friend with his gun, DeWitt picked up a heavy club and beat the bear across the back and head. The second blow stunned her, and Pearson sprang to ids feet but the bear quickly recovered herself and sprang upon the hunter, ^ceiving his honticg lo^e in her breast; VThe f unens animal suuck Pearson a blow with one of her pai^ on the. shonldmr.jjtnd hurled him several feet away. H^iell against a stump, breaking two of his ribs. The hjlwr then roshed Sfibn DeWitt, who is a giant in sice ancki^ength. He do^ed to one side and aiiacid the baar around the body*. and threw- Jier over his left shonlder, ana then shoiiied to Pear- Idttle ^hii^ may help a bant pin jnan ea^y oiair lor instance. Dc ieimSta-f l»iesa^t PugatiTe P«U.^ts" are small things, pleasant to take, and they core s^ck-head«ohe8, leliere torpid liven and do wondeia. Being ponly veg^aUe they cannot harm any one. A« driiggiats. I don't nnderstand what onr Son^lP; sohooij^ teacher wsa telling us about a eamd giMng through tite'eyeof a needle.. Shouldn't yon think his hump would st'p him? Small brother of the average American ijype No^ sis he'd have to hump hunself to get throagh. KMNP-mm anuordkMuy â- eaiavertta " Out «( SJMtt rix months, mily nloety par oeub eond of tlits staMKin maUdj. ThlalsUMMf dM teas msrrfing when it is remeiutMMd th« oot five pei oea of the pattenta ii thsaualvfs to the caKoiar yiaotitiaoar an twadittai waUe the vateat luedielaM aac. oHMr. •ovatlitM eorea never nciotd a aore at au^j^ftartfaurwiththe olammowitaaen^ be VMrea bgl^lla moat sotaatUlo msB^ttMi the diseoBs is due -to the nrnomioti oi tbMt.'^MMnin ia ttiSk ttasneab Mr. Dix- oa at oaoe adaptoglhia oore to tbeix eatar mta a t i o B this a diioaipH a lie d the oataiifc IsiaoctiiaUy onied.aqmie »armanenoj isna-^ â€" ««nda* as corea #hMed by bint (oorreite are etires stiu. »e\aiM elB« ha* eror at- Tto corecataiilitt taia uiuiaer, aQd:M ler treatment iuubs^er cured isatarrti. Tbe dUoatiM^f tberesa^t^jasimiiteaadoanbt ^isatl and tlKS a r e oM itaeisaoa of Uw Piletn nors cured ia ten days, JSJi^^f '°~' tovontHefor a speed,, aw rnptnre in four weeks. Address, Wurld s Di«pensary Mediod Assuciation, Buffalo, KY. Intelligent nonprofessional peqple who do not belong to the EagUsh-speak- ing races have queer notions about the oriebrities of England aad Ameii«3a. Daniel Webster is 8t.ll knwn to many folks as the author of a dictionary, and now the London Athenoeum tells of a brilliant ScMmiard who has confused ideas about Harvey, the discovete: of the cir- culation of the blood. He s!;o d before the facade of London University, and after gazng at it Icng and thoughtfully pointed out the ntatue of Harvey to a friend who acted as his ^uide. "Just like you practical English," he said, "â-  to erect a status to a man because he invent- ed a sauce." There Shall be no Alps. When Napoleon talked of invading Italy one of nis officers said "But, sire, remember the Alps," To an ordinary man these would have seemed simply in- aurmonntable, but Napoleon responded eagerly: "Tnere shall be no Alps." So the famous Simplon pass was made. Disease, like a mountain, stands in the way of fame, fortune and honor to many who by Dr. Pierce's "Golden Madirad Discovery" might be healed and so the mountain would disappear. It is specific for all blood, chronic, lung and liver dis- ewes, suah as onsumption (which is scrofula of the lungs), pimples, blotches, erupti ms, tumors, swellings, fever-sores and kindred complaints. Travellers out on the red hills, says a Caltfumia paper, have often shuddered at tho sight of horned toadi, which are nu merous as black birds. The ugly creatures are as much^dreaded as rattlesnakes, but a Chinaman spent all summer and fall gathering them. Recently he made a shipment of two thousand of the toads to San Francisco, from which place they will be sent to China. The toads are there converted into various kiads of medicines, which sell very high. For the cure of chills and fever they are said to be the fioeat thing known. A toad is placed in a flask of whiskey for several weeks, and then the stuff is sold ai « tonic. All tobaccos except the best Virginia have a pungent effect upon the tongua and SavT Cll*»t«sa.aiMl ttaS liOrUlMd's Hai t}^ DMt ana ^MttpA^ g« tat tbe aboTa dlMaM; tlitr^orat kind aad or core, tbe maioritr of oaaea being cured at one treatmetik Soniaraeaaboald oor respond with Messrs. A. H. DIXUK SON. SOi King-eneefWOBt* TdlOnto, Canada, and bnoiost. stamp forcbeir tte uK um on oatarrh.â€" Kowlraa. The bOding fund of the African Meth- odist Church at Gxand Rapids, was lost at faro by two of the trustees. Yes. yoa e»n get somethicg to stop tint ooogh '^tc- toiuk" wiU do It in iio time. Tiy PtKtotU. It oeter t»il Tbb Rreat 25 cent Cougt and Coid Unta. There are 80,000 widows in India from thri e to five years of age who a ill never be married. In th^t country as soon as a child IS burn a match is made by the pa- rents. If the boy dies the girl becomes a widow, and must wear mourning for her intended as long as she lives. Yonas BKea Iâ€" KeaA Tbia. The Voltais Belt Co., ot Mdrsnall, tftoa. off r to send their celebrated Eleocri- Voltaic B Ic, and other Electric Appltaaoe' on trial for thirty d:tys, to men (young cr cl«i) afflicsed wita nervona debility, loss o vitilibV, aid all kiadrtd troubles. A)s tor rheumatism, neuralgia paralyiis, an many ottier diseisas, Cjmplde rui-^or ation to htalth, vgor aad aiaa lood i;uaran teed. No tisk ia i icurre a« thirty diya rial is a.lowed. Wri^e t^m at onje loi illuitracod pimphlet free. Tae greatest miser in Indiana put his savings into life insurance pjlicias, and denied himsels all luxuries and most cemforts m order to pay tee premiums, though his heirs were distant relatives, for whom he seemed to care nothing They will get, now that he is dead, about $24,000. Important* When ron viait or t«»e Jiiew i^e City, Mva Baggagt ExpreBsasa and Carriage Uire, aad dtop at cue He ._._._ â- MtlMiaands of •tsadliMthaTatwen cared. Indeed, â- oMitnuM in lu effleecT, that I wiU eend TWO BOTTLB gether with nVAI.UABLB TBSATISSon thU aarealbTeK, Give Bxprras and P. O. addfeae. SB. i: A. BfaOCVlI, in roarlBt, Vav FOR PLEASANT â€" -tJSE ONLT- SE 'Clappertcn's iipool Cotton I Waira.ted BTTIiL Itwgth. aad to ma vmoodi oa afW •eirinc marhine iiee taa: OLLTrwvr im'b name b •â-  'bo Ube*. fS* For aa a br all On- .i^ ttd* D aterv â-  â€" Sa UPTDkttâ€" auAA'H IMPaK CltfALTRUae wHh a BpiialGartv the b»t ever inTaoted. Took tan fran tip 'rteet. Oores ereiy etaU^ out (4 10 adult*. Holda tbe womI H«raia,daring bardeA woik,otm9»^ refunded. Si yaani praoticat aiaa»' ieuoe. ' 'iroolars free. AddreatTlOl ' • G vy IM PKBIaL TBUSS OajM -Bdelaide St. Bant Tironco, Oat. Oompoixna CPxyg-ea^ H LINDSAY, GROCER, SO KINO STRBBC • west, Toronto, writes: â€" Have suffered lac years with Dyspepsia felt great distress after eatiac dared not eat bread or potatoes thought there wia no help for me-; that I mnst suffer while I lived «w induced to try "Compound Oi^gen" at 73 King atnak West at the end of three weeks could eat any food E wished, and gained six pounds have now taken oaa montii's treatment, and feel like a new man altogether no sign of rheumatism, which has troubled me araef wi nter for yea rs. BRITISH AMERICAN BirsiNES3 OOLLBGE ABOABE, TOHaB dT., rORONrO. Finest roums in Amdriea. Pn " eal in every departmtuit. Teachers pahin« and a jetio and knjw wnat they teach. Bndoned by leading bannoss me i of Oatario, it« Oradnatea are int poattioni of tru t ic every city, to im and vilT Canada, tiend for new ctroolar. O. 'ODEA, i AM Line oyal Mau iiteafflsimi. Sailing daring winter from Portland every nanai^ »nd HftllfaT every Satorday to Uvwpool, andinBaBanc from Quebec every Saturday to Uverpool, calling at Ls^ londeny to land mails and passengers for Scotland aiia Cieland. Also from Baltimore via Halifax and 8* JoUt „_-â- _, N. F., to Uverpool fortnightly daring snauner ORiLNn I '^^ steamers of the Glaagow lines sail dnrini dNioNHoTsl., opposite Grud Central Depot. 600 I tetween Portland and Glasgow, and Boston and dlegant rooms titted op at a ooit of oae mtlUou doUars, I alternately; and daring snmmer between Qnebss " and upwards per day. Uhiropean plaa. Elevator. Glauow and Boston and Glasgow every week. Bestanraut supplied with the best, Horse cars, stages and elevated railroads to aU depots. Fam- ilies can live better for less muney at the Grand TTnioo Hotel than at any other ftrst^tasi hotel in the City. According to the United. States Sur- geon General's annual report, the death rate for colored trojps has, for the first time since their organizicioh, fallen be- low that for whise troops. Their mor- tality from respiratory aff^tion* â€" usually pneumonia â€" is more thtu four times as great as that of white troops. Cold f jet *ad biada are ocrtu-i iadioatiois of imper ftid" cirjuiation ^f the B ood. Dr C^toa't Seamaca Bit ten prom jte) tne circaiation keepi the Ouwels reifular aad iidaoes oad heUth. Iiaiga bjMes at Sua* The Indiana Pharmacist says that a woman, who has her letters directed to the New York Post Offije claims to cure CreiKUt, Pi apply to A. Sohumaol Canard Co. .U S»m.U will smart it if the smoking is long continu- Apancer by means or a uirect revelation ed. Some of them even will blister it, or at least destroy its outer skin at the point where the smoke impinges upon it. The "Myrtle Navy" ia entirely free from this defect, which, together with its fine full flavor makes it a great favorite with smokers. How quickly is ib possible for a man's legs, in health, to increase their bulk by h^t A pair of trousers were made by a Chicago tailor so tardily that six weeks elaps^ between the measurement and tlip delivery. They proved too tight. The maker sued for p%y, and testified tha' the dimensions were in accordance with the size of the legs at the time he took the figures white the defendan*i will in- troduce expert testimony to prove that he did not fatten so rapidly as such a conclusion would imply. Notliing Hants out Corns Like tight boots. Corns are yery «mall aff irs, but apply to them a pair of tight boots and all ocber concerns ot life siak into insignificance. Tj.ght boots andPut- utam'sOom Extractor (che great and only sure cure far cams) may go together and comfort will be their partner but d-m't fad to use Putnam's Oom Ax ractor. Frauds, cheap, poisonous and d^gcKnB substitutes are in the market Beware of them. Putnam's Painless Com Sxteacb. or. Poison Co proprietors, KtDg«ton. At Havana, when a distinguished stranger visits the tobacco fsjst ry of Sennr Cabana or Partagas, the custom is to offor him an 'obsequio" by fashioning a new brand of cigars in his hopor. To this we owe the excellent cigars known as the Serrano ahd the Henry Clay. The London tobacco mahufaoturers elected to pay Charles Dickens the Cuban compli- ment. A neat little cigar, costing only two cents, was devised, and was christen- ed "The Piekwick," which still retains its popularity in England. Tho New Pain Kins- Folson's KsaviLiNS cures flatulence, chflls, spasms, and cramps. NervUine corea promptly the wont igaaes of neuralgia, toothache, lumbago, and sciatica. Nerviline la death aU pain, irhether ext^nal, inteinisl, or local. NerviUtie may be tested at the small cost of to cents. Buy at once a 10 cent bottle of Nerviline,'the greiat pun remedy. Sdd by droggiats and coantry aealers. Elifilha Gray, now" wealthy through the from her "dear Lord." Her circular winds up with "Praise Gkd from whom all blessings flow four -ounce bottles, $3; eight-ounce, $*. The editor says "It will be seen that the financial part of the business is the big end of the log." A.P 210. Hos. (iAiiiiOWAC a Uo., Ouitou, wouuuu, oua. Car- pat and Worsted Shuttle Makers. Dnndas Out. T Ay P TO 30j and expenses a. MONTH Guak' \P f U| A.NTSEi to AOENTS everywhere. Circnlara PiiBB. S;;at stamp for reply. Torooto Canadf W. AHOATH CO., NINaTT-SBVBN A ;RE3-THiaTY BUSH-PINE oak, i-tc,; 4 mile« from Brantford worth lumber- mea%«ttaSttoB^ mmuA saU timber sapasate Ksoibliaild- i«0M wall. o«.'K«lJiever-aij«og sprtogJooS :Jatii^'«l!- tmu, »er(BS eigf? iCfeoly to fi A.'NakSawaV, UeOar :tSt.K0ranttOi|0rf' A.R"IlAJiRAwAr, Echo Pmce. TELEGRAPHS' Ru way and Cununercial leiegt- phr thorougUy launh-. by exp riHooed oprator MINION TtCLE^RtPH IN JASTHORNBMgr Addritra wi'httamp, U BIITUFE, 32 KING E, Toronto. VIRGINIA FARMS ^Al V in lands of all kinds. Oata^gna/ri-e. New Map 0Va.l6c. H. L. 8TAPTE!!i(IUehaiond. Va. or other infonnattsa er ft Co., BaltimoTa 8. ,^ Halifax Shea Co, 8t Jofaa^ NT. F. Wm. Thomsoa Ca. St John, N. B. Allan a Co, ChlcMra Lore Alden, New York; H. Bourlier, Toronto Allans. Rae aOa Qaabao H. A. Allan, Portland. Boston, Msa treaL Dominion Lineof SteamshipSc Buonlng in connaotion with the Grand Tnok Callaaj of Canada. Sailiog from Qnebeo everp Saturday ' tbe summer months, and from Portland eve daring the winter months. Bailing dates f FOBIXAfD. ToroBta, Dee. 4, Montreal, Brooklyn, Jan. i j Tor.nto, Hodtreal, Jan. 29 j Rates ot passage: Cabin, Quenee tolJverpool 981^ 9K $a5, «80. Return, 990, 4l0i, 8U7, $144, aooordi^ la steamer and berui. Intermeoiate |36, Hteerage ai lowest rates. The saloons and staterooms in steaaaai marks" thus: are amid^hipg, whsre but little mottoa felt, and no cattle or sheap is carried on them. Far tar ther particulars apply to any Grand IVnnk BaQnag Agent or local agents of the Company, or to UAVWm TaKKAMCE A 09^ Ckinend Arents. Montnal CAUTION Each Plug of the MYRTLE NAVY I IS MARKED T B. In Bronze Letters. NONE UTNER GENUINE. FARM FOa SALEâ€" 16 000. ONE-TuIRD CASH balance easy terms :~150 aore^ parts lo^'S 24, 23,28, oonoa!iBi'D 2, towaAp Ytrmou'h, oonnt^ Ei»i â-  cl»y loam: 95 acres oieart-d, baarck weM wo'-d'd-: living sprin crank .rood oroiiard. A Idrea^ Mas Elizabeth TbsxzbIi, Sparta, P. O,: or J V. Tkktzrl, Hamilton. FORS tLE OR EXOHaKGE FOR FIRSr-CLAS3 Oat«rioFarmtrOity proprtj, 64j acres land in Sonri Diitros " thn Gtrdea bf Si]nih°rn Maoitaba," pf whidi the-ehss been broken and btckset taii season SWaoe^wfairiiitaU ready to sow the seed on in the spring. The first o t p rhonid more than pay the pribd f jr iM id. Terms liberal, addrest Bai 163, London Oat, Btt return maU. FtUl deseription. MdoAT's sew Tall«r aystem of Dress Cnttin«. PROF. MOODY^ TorontOi Oat. FIIEE FREE Abookof leopagesonj a Ooartshlp, sent free by tha Union Pub. Co., I 'Nawark, N. J. Sendstampaf or post'» iLOVE HAND STAMPS soription.SMjA.eta Bronae' at Toronto Exhibition. Agents wanted KENTON, TINGLE MBTAIi a BT7BBKB Stamps of every da Bronae Medals the last tour years STEWART M-FO. CO., 73 King St., West Toronto. son to i^koa his gan against Iter haad and inTentiiMi of alestek instrmnents, used to blow her braitts oot. Befora this could ba done 'he bear had sti^^ed the doth* I g nearly c^ DeWitt'a ho^, and lacerated bis flesh iMuiUy. Faar80B.;'a!tet a bullet f^imngh liar head, and Oe tT^t held her, Uee^ihg and struggj U ng, on his shbuldec mttil riie 4iad. PtMcaon wascin jnrecl^ wi^toMilM iw6:ai^ aQ4 iciiuAea ipunp wMtai»Wd«J, Thp*irojwf|ag,h«Mr»es;: imfi^to^^umi waoia .wUa.#iet strngg^ letween the oldioiii and tiM^anteis was iroing on. The dead bear waighed nearly SoOponnda. be a vary unsncoesslidlaraiev at Oberlin, Ohio. 9e spent most of his time for sev- etal ydioii M jxperimentiDsr, andoamete be regardad-afe a aiaBk. His oan family tirare;inoliBed1ipia]ciil3^att Tiew,(rfiunp^; and whan one de;^ he axdtedly declared tM be liad d^riM *** self -ad j acting ke^\)ik^^axunfon^ed'|irif^^ haatily eon* aolted aitk'ia p3|^ip«^f^fptpattu^^ him onder conatesmt. â-  r .^'\i .i' SlOraSAUSAW. Tba moat aonfoBlantiaaat for fannan in tiieir bos aaaaon. Xbase aseati aM oooked aod read* tor oae Bald by grooen OaaaA tlia Dominion. Send for pria toW. OiABK. P. aim S4S Mnntmai: ' Sr. OHBonTa Fataaoaan: to alauMS avary faaily in ' aaA â-  " n .1 :^ .a Dvogaaheoia ba nacd it a oaaot tba bast lalana boMMa a* SiiriH)]i:i AU iieaimg XAB AHP. eiTOKBIin SOAPl Tha beat in tae world for aO dis eases ot the Skia, on Man or Beasl SOldbyaUdiaggista. THE ilAlET TOILET 80AF GO. rrxt AhSO-xup A.zt£i isro? CABBOLIC ACID ARD ClLTCEBIIi I ... r. If thabestjathamaifcet FOR Fattening and bringing into oondlUon, Hmaia Cows, Calves,, Shaep and Ftgs. Tbe ToKKS^na OXTXUS Fbkdxb is nsed and recommended b* fliw; elasa breadem lUk Oatlto paadnoe mnrs milk aaA butter. It fattans in ooa4oarthfhe nsnal time, aaa save* Food. " ••Price 25 oosli aad fl »er tae. A dollar box asaSsSa an Feeds. BVGH MDUUEBand Cto., aiaaiaDun]'aA Qgainroi 167JKUs|UBut,' For Sale *i Sragglati p^KtwUn. Washer AND BiiEACHEB 'â- treigbs bnt 8 poteids. Can be'eairledia a saiallv ^aa. mnatfatlon dtows Maobina in boiler. â- -â-  • â€" goaranteed or money refondadwitUn 30 ftg»- -_â€" IiomlM KjewABD rostra surxBiopk WaaUng Butde lifd^ and easy. Hie clothea hava Sre whltaness w hi ch " """ â€" 06. No nibbing re fabria AlOyearold an older person. ... TO nlaoe it in every bonaeholdTHa PBioa eas BBDUOKD to tLSO, and if not toim^ satisfaotoiy. ol ratanded. SeawbatiAa ••Oaaada Preabyteriaa." saN abdot it-The Model Waaber and Bleacher triiioh tb.OL in the boaadudd we tma testify to its Delivared to any expiaaaofflea in the Provinaas oC tario and Qn^eo. OhartBS paid $3.00 SendtoroiNi AGENTS WANTED. e.W, DENNIS, TQBONTP BAB6AIN HOUSB. SIS TOzro vaaaae, toboitto. ' JOHNSTm FLUID BEEF _j whiflhlias ttw vmrsr to l Bteatfor brain, aad Donei aad an uiiiiiiii 'f^Mfli'-iiii 'â- tP^M

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