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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Jan 1885, p. 8

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 .,-*».' â- 'â- 'â- ^ei^wspp^T ""!!(•â-  'j* '•^t^^^^-«y7g ja-: 9W-^ tt-VArjty^i^Mc^^^ *I5 ' l.j^ll • â-  â- . » ./v- -Xf; • i mi ^1%e Canadian MaimJ ,, t^i ,^ INCORPORATED AUGUST 20TH,M»0^, '-^ *v^vp â€" â€" :o:- » ' â-  BOA9P OF DIBSCTOBS -J Wm. Bennk, Esq^ Torooto, President A. Oifford, Bsq., lieaforc^^Tice-'PranWnt £. H. Silbonz, E»q., Uzbndge, Tiessorer W. Pnabertw Pli««^E^ToiipHh«.Bec'ji T. H. Watson. LtJLi.t Toxoid, Solieitw a B. M^ackintosh, M.P., Ottawa Tbos. MeuzieSi^Peterboro F«t« Graham, M.P.P., Warwick B. H. Bob^tBpn, IfcS., loHmto. If^D'ti^ Lewis Wi|^«, U.PJPm Leuuvfiskonf J. P. Boll. Downsnew; S. W. Bin, Esq., Bidgeville. Memb. Sapt. :The Directors ham SbeA irith the Hon. 8. G. Wood, (Ex-ProTineial TreMnrw of Onlbbio) l^stee for the Association. Bonds to tlM.amoqnicff60,000.00. as* gtuutinUfefw ' the hoB«8t carrying oat of the terms of CertiSfiatM iained to membeta. IMmbh Aid U Families of ^cmsed Members at Smaff Coet aaliafMtioni'^br tttqoerf vefmiM. Piiee 35 eoito per box. F«# IWe iu Tamir A Co. .-s Mui w«nta boi little her»^^|iBiiM^ Iff^ w^ man isoH'to'ea^ saiiMfidd.,; "',â-  '•'/;* ,, The Association \rill do bosiness on tte followiiig pkn ' Applications. All Applications for Membership shall be made upon printed firms furnished by the As- sociation, (and applicants mnst pass a satisfactory medical examination). If accepted, a certificate will be issued within thirty days from date of such acceptance. Membership. The payment oi TWELTE DOLLARS admits any of socnd body and miod between the^ age of 18 and 60 years, to all the benefits of the Association. If the appUcSptioh is hoi accepted the money i3 promptly returned to the apphcant. Plan of Business. The fdlowing table shows the amount for which Certificates of Membership will be issued by the Association, according to age AGE. Amount at Death AGE. Amount at Death ifrom 18 to 30. »3 000 2 950 2 900 2 850 2 800 2 750 2 700 2 650 2 600 2 551) 2 500 2 450 2 400 2 350 2 300 2 250 Frcm 45 to 46. ......... 92 200 30 to 31 46 to 47 2 150 1 to 32 47 to 48 2 100 32 to 33 48 to 49 2 050 .H3 to 34 49 to 50 2 000 34 to 35 60 to 51 1 900 35 to 36 51 to 52 52 to 53 1 800 36to37... 1 700 37 to 38 38 to 39 53 to 54 54 to 55. I «5C0 1 500 39 to 40 55to56 1 400 40 to 41 56 to 57 1 300 41 to 42 57 to 58. 1 200 42 to 43.,- .. 58 to 59 1 100 43 to 44 44 to 45 59to60..... 1 1 000 HALF RATE PLAN. Certificates will be issued for half the abore amounts should the applicant so desire. Assessments. An Assessment of One Dollar upon each member will be made in case of death or total disability of a member, ezcept when there is money enough in surplus funds to pay said claim. Special Features. 1 â€" Great inducements to provide for families in case of death, at small cost. 2 â€" Equal benefits to both sexes. 3 â€" ^Uniform assessments of one dollar only. 4 â€" Careful medical examination required.- S â€" No annual dues or extra charges. 6 â€" No large salaries or expenses. 7 â€" Two hundred dollars advanced for funeral expenses when necessary. 8 â€" Benefits secured at actual cost. 9 â€" Members becomirg totally disabled, may draw half of their claims, the balance be- ing payable at death. 10-^Ladies accepted in this Association as well as men. For particulars apply to S. W. HILL. Membership Superintendent, Eidgeville, or to W. PEMBEETON PAGE, Secretary, 87 King Stieet West, Toronto. AGENT FOR MAEKDALE, THOS. MANN. Also Agent for Dominion Grange liKutual Fire Insurance Association. IVilsoti, lot 18 (SOU. 9. Euphrasiii, HviQ sdl-bf an^opr Uve stock, im- pleoi^ats 4c. Jke.,. «a|e «t I o'clodk, atnal tenks, Q»^. Moble, adetioneer. 'I het often sotioedr says John Billingii, "that the man-varho would hev done stKh wonderfolthiDi^efJiehadbm thare, never getsthare." STABITLING DISCOVEBY" Physi£ti(nnna:(ften startled by remarkable di80oy€^S]:rjThft.f»^jthat Dr. King's New liiiiiStfmfifdai Gonsiunptie^ apd itll llrroat ^diJiMgRdaeasta^.ie daily curinR patients-' that tiiey buTe given up to die. is startlmg them io^re^ze^eir 8eoae.of duty, andexuii- ine into the meiits of (his wonderful discov- ery resulting in hnndreds of our best Phy- sicians using, it in their practice. Trial bottles free at A. Turner, Go's. Drug Store. Begnlai- Size $1.00. 4 "Talk (iboQt being careful about wearih' out the seat o' my trousers," said the boy to I his mother, you don't seem to th'uk o' that when your old slipper's a goin' it." THESE ABE SOUD FACTS. The best blaod purifier and system regul- ator ever placed within tne reach of suffering humanity, truly the Electric Bitters. Inac- tivity of the Liver, BiUousness, Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinaiy organs, or whoever requires an appetizr r, tonic or milk stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certaia^Qoi-e known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at fiftv cents a bottle by A. Turner Co. Markdale. 4 Jones asked his wife, "why is a hu4band UVe dough " He expected she would give it lip, and he was going to tell her that it was because a woman needs him but she said it was because he was hai^ to get off her hands. 1 on JOfitbtj. OJE-^F-ICE OF" THE M Braite All kinds of MR,rble aud ]VI onumental "Works, such as Mouumehts, Tomb Tables, Headbtones," Counter and Table Tops, â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbeleized iSlate, c., c. JiSatistaotion l^rtiaraiiteed. %rL Every liespect T A I L R inPORTANT. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express, and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re- duced at $1.00 and upwards per day. European plan, iSlevator, fiesturant supplied with tbe best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can Hve better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any oUier first class hotel in the city. " â-  t ..•â- ., ^^Make your husbands comfortable at home, add they wi 1 not go out in she evening," exclaimed a Cincinnati preacher lately. The uext'day. Cincinnati wives were anxiously enquiring about the price of beer by the keg. Are yon troubled with Suit Rheum, Bough Hands, or Old Sores of any kind that cannot be healed? Eyen though it be of years standing McGregor Prrke's Carbolic Cerate will cure it. Beyond the shadow of a doubt it is tbe biist healing compound ever known. Boils, Festerings, Frost Bites. Burns or any Sldn Trouble, are alike cured by it- Sold at 25 cents by Hill Bro's. D. J. .4 'I thought I beard t'red kissing yon on the piazza last night," said a Burlington father to his daughter the other morning. "Oh, no, pa," was the artless answer, "he only kissed me on the ear." "Well, perhaps that was it," cruelly rejoined the pater families. SALT RHEUM. Salt Rheum, Pimples or Blotches can be thoroughly removed by a proper appUcation of McGregor Parke' Carbolic Cerate to the part, and a few doses of McGregor's- Speedy Cure for impure blood. Be sure and get the genuine. Prepared bv McGrejior Parke. Sold at 25 cents at Hill Bro's. D. J. • 5 Mail is strong woman is beautiful. Man has science; woman has tastCi Man shines inroad woman at homt;. â-  Man prevents misery woman reheyes iti Man has a rugged heart wuman a soft one. Man has judgment; wonuin ha? sensibility. Man is great in actions woman in suffering. Man is aibcong^of justice; woman an angel of mercy, ' ' â- ,; MoGregor^A Parke's Carbolic Ornte has ber» tested-by years of trial and has been found ^ei most convenient 'and effectual 'fiiethiid blvj^tplying Carbqiic acid. The :)|^^eatert antic^ac in use f on Cuts, Bums and 0 Scmffici itf isnre yo^ "01 McGregbr Parkas (SUabolie Cerate. SeM ior 25 cents byailBfifs- D. J. 6 Good Work Guaranteed -AT II FLESHERtON. ^qJ^ QsX "S^OO and see- saaflples of work which we • r area not ashcwned to ^pw. All kinds of l^taming tbjnelrl at FLE5HtRI3JI. Month l]rF**^irs. Markdale-T-Saturday before Flesh* ertoD. "v Ohatswc»Tth â€" Monday before Dor- ham. Dandalk â€" Taesday before Orange- yille. Fiesberton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. ' OrangeviUeâ€" The second Thursday in each month. Moutrti Forestâ€" Third WedneK(*ny in each month. Priseville-^Monday before Darhair, UurliamJ|-^Thicd Ttwsday in. Bacu Hanover^7ioqday bVCpre JDaihHm. Wttlkertqn-^Jiiast Wed^x^ahj in* ovei7,moii ' ^k' 00! Tony^^ito ^9; Mr. ^x. Mahi «oiw 4cfi ihe ' ^^^i Mi4lt{^ fliiQd»%|^T^ eeiitily had i. P.; add^ to hikii^uie. The .dvellmg hoaae and^^oontMits of W. 4. btelnhuff of Dandalk were ^ly coiisaiued^iHrlr fire last week. " i J. i, MiddletM), Beove of Proton, WikB bauquetted iu DaudaJk last Mou- day nigh c on the eve of hio re«igua- ttuu ot publiq alfaird. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. On aocountoMts purity and eoaeeutrated â- treugth^ aud jsoat^ power over 'tUseasek, bordock Biood Bitten is the cheapest auu best blood cleansing tonic knuwu for all di8orilt;red .conditi04W oi blood.' hvei^ and ,ki«J^eys. " 'â- â€¢-â-  A lady appeared on the platform on Monday; last- aud numiuactid .-. geatlemau for Mayor.. NO HARM IN IT. No harm can oonie fiom usmu mgyard's Peciorai BaLam as a remeay f(»r turom, broucliial nnd lung complaints it is always reliable ana positively safe. A motjvn to allow street cars to run on Sunday failed to fiuU a secoc. der m Toronto Couucii. Wosus often cause serious illnes;. Tbe cure is Dr. Loy'g Worm Syrup. It destriys and expels Worms effec ually, Bruce County Council have imssed a rcsalution to memuralize ilie Prov- incial Legislature for the aboiitiou ol tax exemptions, iLcludiug tiiose of church property and ministerial stip- ends. JXJHN NOBLU j MARKDALE Fon The Complexiox.â€" For Pimples, Blotches, Tan, and all itching tumors of the skin, use Prof. Low's Magic Sulpher Soap. Meaford is to vote on a by-law, on the 12th January, to raise $12,000 for the purpose of building a Town Hall and Fire Halh Thx Slows OF W0BM8 are well-knv^wn, but the remedy is not always so well determined. Worm Powder will destroy them. The Mt. Forest Index js growing in size. Good The Teae Bound.â€" Nat'onal Pills are a good blood purifier, liver regulator and mind purgative for all seasons. The following village police trustees were elected iu Markdale :â€" Thos. Mathews. Tbos.' McNea and Geo. Grant, all by acclamation. A GOLDEN OPINION. Mrs. ^m Allan, of Acton, declares thit Hagyard's Yel'ow Oil ia the best household remedy in the world for colds, croup, sore throat, burns, scalds, and oth)r painful complaints. Her opinion ia well founded. HORSE SHOEINC SPECIALTY. Also apent for th«) celebratrd CH ATHAMI WAGONS. ^pHACYARDS:f Has no equal for llie pcituinein cure of Conahs, Colds Sore Throat, As.'iima, Cr.'Kij, Wbvopjiis I'oa^li, ItrniichlUs, aHt t^ Every bottle gu.aranteed to gi»e satUfactirji. T. MILBURN CO.. Proprietors Toronto: MARRDALE 8ARNESS EMPORIDB of ESTABLISHED 19 MRS. THOS.IMTTKEWSrProprietor Nothing but good s*ock used aud tbe best mecliauics employed. A' stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Light Harness always on band. AlsoWbips, Trunks, Valises, Blinkets, Robes, c., always in stock. RumMK Blood a w Canadian Pagifio r. OWEN SOUND BRANCH. WILL CURE OR REUEV^ BIU0U8NE88, DIZZINESS," TIME TABLE. DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN. HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OFTHEHEAKtl AOIDTTY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OFJHESKIH, Taking effect Monday. November 24fli, 1884. J GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Toronto.. ..Leaye Oardwell Junction Charledton. Orange- [Arrive ville. I Leave. Orangeville Jnn Shelbume Dundalk ...... Flesherton Markdale, Willianjsford .. Chatsworth .... Owen Sound.... Mail. Exp. Mixed. 7 20ani 9 07 " 9 25" 9 50" ftO 05 " 10 17 " 10*5" 11 K) " 1136 " 11 51 " 1203pm 12 28 100 4 40pm 6 27 " 6 45" 7 03 " 7 22 " 7 34" 8 04" 8 30'*^ 8 55 " 9 10" 9 22" 9 49- 110 20 '• II 45am 12 3()pm 12 55 " lit" 210" 3 05 " 4 06 " 4 33" 4 45 " 6 37" 630pm GOING SOUTH- STATIONS. Owen £onnd 5 20am Chatsworth 5 50 " Williamsford 6 05 " Markdale... 6 27" Flesherton 6 42 " Dundalk 7 Of " Shelbume v. ..... 7 31 " Oi-ahleVifi^Jun... 8 OO" Oiranee V Arrive...] 8 12 •' ville.. f Leave... 8-85" Charleston 8 55 " Oardwell Jimctic^. ^9 07 " Torontol .;.Aim»10 4.5 " Exp. Mail. 245pm 3 15 " 3 30" 3 62 " 4 06 " 4 31 " 4 67" 5 23" 6 35 " 5 55 " 6 13 " 6 27" 8 36" Mixed. 630am 7 25" 7 54 " 8 35" 9 00 " 9 45" 10 45" 11 50 " 12 15pm 12 40" 1 26" 2 08 « And every species of disease arMnc froM disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, 8TOMACHL BOWELS OR BLOOD, Wayne; Db Page Co.. Ulinois, HAflriMPORtED PltbMRANCE ^â- "illSlT Of iu HORSES TO AI||i|RICA. STOCK ok HANDt ISO •*- BrsedliiGg; f" tvrrieo, CO COLTS, " jaiui old ani jvaagm. .^ EUGENIA ' .* OOOO JOE ALL» aaitewdaiilMlMinlMik: „ 'jLi; t.j f~ Grist,S|fajidLatliIiffi Ha'fingmad* egtensi^e improTtmeutsii' my Gfist Mm I" feel confident I cau gi^« 0ood satisfaction. :GflOO f LOUR ALWAYS ON HAW 1 f *M Chopping Done Every Day- I^n^om Sawing and Bills Filled in ahoftest notice. " â€" ' ' LUMB^ AND LATH ALV/AT.. ;.::,, ON HANi). B%Pttvp^H|Ki â- ^iteAsh, Elnfkfj 'emlqck Logf waaW* /IT, fiagen*^ -*^ '^f%t ^. s^sficj; \^ii â- â- â- *«;. -i.3C'-; .i-^ft-: â-  '^â- '

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