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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Jan 1885, p. 5

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 aunonnce to* CI) ntry that any other gris* is beidg: LHit of fl«(ar. lew whe»t t» most 0* it, h 61 or 62 to r 15 months: n, J mile out cash. :OLEMAN. second flat in ., le for offices, :d ill splendid xrticulars to liAE, ^Irirkdale. Km, ^itt^ ' "lass 5H.WENT. lit long felt,. OUDS. 4 ilNCS sc tice. sarse .â- ^* ;s. •f Greeting. A HAPPY "SEAR TO ALL. ly. A. BROWN, Jeweller, Markdale. 4! i I I fe 5i Mai and Otber Items. Notices in these columns intended to benefit â- any individual or Society will Le charged ten icents a line for the first insertion and five -cents a line each subieqiient imertion. Wood is cl.eap as well as wheat. Cattle fair next Satiu-day 3rd January. Don't forget the Tea- meeting New Years in the Presbyterian church. Mr. John. M. Walker, formerly of this place gave us a call on Monday. The voting m Markdale Ward, Olenelg, will take placo in the Orange Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Jake- King of Colling- vrood are now visiting friends in this place. Ddndas is selling 5 lbs. jgret -class Tea for $1. Ladies, insure your tea-pots. OuK townsman Mr. Thos. McNea â- tirSiPped three fine beavers thia fall. Then: skins are worth $26. No friendship in business, procure the best value for your $1 give jDundas a trial. Full returns may De expected in this paper next week of the neighbor- ing municipal elections. Batledge's Christmas beef was fed by Cpeo. Kicbardsou Esq., of Euphra-. sia, and it was a daisy. 80 pupils m Markdale Schocd Section are liaJble to be fined for nouTattendanoe at school for 1884. For Sale. â€" A one-horse sleigh new, also a good single bob- sleigh, cheap for cash. A Turner Co. Good skating on Uie Markdale rink now. It is well patronized un dcr its popular manager, B. O. Whitby. A rapid thaw set in on Sunday llast which has taken about a'l the «irow away, and the prespects are that there will be yet an open winter. *$cliool !B"~Kls:s. a full assortment, also a complete line of Stationery at the Medical Hall. _A, Turner Co. .] :. An outbreak of tiie devilfl army took place the evening previous to Christ- raas day, on Mill St, Markdale, The worst of order prevailed throughout Now is the time to settle up the littie accounts, tlie printers are among this class, and sTiould be paid even the larger ones should be laid over. A coNCEET, followed by a grand h(^, will take place at Williamsford on the evening of New years day. Tickets of admission ta. allf cents. You cannot send a more 6aitalle! New Year present to a Mend, tihon the SiANDAitD. Think of 52 eo^es to any address in America free of postage ior$l. We acknowledge this week sobscrip* tion for Standabd for I%4.85j^c Sbelton Knight, CliiliaMuiki B. iG4«^ac^j^ from Mr. Wm. Knij^' («tai; I4 Jbor ^Stts, gentleman'B Npw Yetrt^ifiT' tslS^ ^^ ^6' flflBTO YMinraM steilpbsi ana meedn^ df Eb^U^: «)iiv^^ lltft line, Eu^hr»sia^ |^l. liake j^lace on New Yetixa day, oomnonciag at 5 o'clock, (rood fli«8kiBK and oboiCft mnsic is promiaecL jKckete 26 eentsi A grand Masquerade Gamivol wfll be given jax the Martdaie Stattmg Bink shortly after New' icetts. Be* t\^en $80 sbd^^ f 40 irift be given in prizes. Tlie I^mdaUr Brass Baad is eng^ed for the occasion. A -large^ time is anticipftKd. ' AmA-ifBBmio wStbe beld im tiie Methodist eliVTCib, EiMmtfy, osMetr years day. Several f^verrad gentle- m^ are eipw^ii' ]^io addr^ tiie audieuGue. di]^i^pn S^ cents. Proceeds in aid. oi tlie new obaxeb. building iand. EBOB.^ â€" Id thrri^irt of M§VkdaIe cheese faccory last wedE^, llios. Bo^ud should have appeared as the patrons, auditor, ixistead of a director and, in giving the namer of lbs. of milk to the lb. of cheese, the figures 966 should read 9 66-100. The Durham Chronicle says Alex. Webster, formerly of Priceville, has purchased Johnston's Mills, En- phrafia, and is combing back again. Mr. Chronicle is somewliat estray, i*; being Jas. son of Alex, Webster, who has purchased the above mills. At tha December meeting of L, 0. L. No. 1045, Marklale, the following officers were elected for ilie ensuing year:â€" Bros. Thoa. Elliott, W. M.; Jas. A. Dodds, D. M. Jas. Elliott, Chap.; B. W. Blakely, Bee. Sec; Jas. Nelson, Fin. Sec. Thos. J. Lacke} Treas. Thos. Nelson, Lect. â€" Com. M. W. Armstrong have tlieir new stcauA saw mill, in this village about complete and mil be sawing in a few days. They are now prepared to contract for the supply of any quantity of lumber, also custom sawing for cash or on shares. Will also purchase any quantity of good sound logs. The publishers of the Montreal IFi77««.9s have offered a prize of $100 for the best ^nd most appropriate Winter Carnival noem to. beiu the hauda o£ihe jmblibeES of .that -pap^ by the 6th of January. It is worth while our mentioning tlie above offer as the successful competitor may be found among our own readers. Selling- oft at Cost. â€" Dundas is selling his entire stock of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware at cost. You can save at l^ast 25 to 50 per cent, by buying above lines at Dundas^. His stock is fresh and good and wdll bought. This is no sham sale. I purpose giving my whole at- tention to the Boot Shoe business. Don't miss this opportunity. Tea-Mbetino. â€" The Presbyterian church annual tea meeting will be held on New Years day in the church Markdale. ' Tea will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock after which addresses will be deliyered by several Beverend and other gentlemen, also vocal and instrumental muaic, readings, reci- tations, c. Admission 25 cents« children 15 cents. Entbbtainhent. â€" An entertainment will be given in the School house 11th line Euphrasia on Friday the 9th January in aid the Union Sabbath School. Tea will be served from 5 to 7 o'clock, after which a programme consisting of Dialogues, Becitations, and Speeches by Bev. Gentlemen. Music, c„ c., will be rendered. Admission 25 oents, children half piice. £ BcfTAL Templabs. â€" The following officers were elected fojr the enshing term at the last regular meeting, viz S. C, B. W. Ennis; Vice C, W. T. Jackman P. C, C. W. Butledge Chap., Bev. T. Grandy; Bee. bee, J. A. Smith; Fin. Sec., A. Hill; Treas., Thos. Hill; Herald, J. B. Mathews; Guard, Jas.' Sproule Sen- tmal, J. E. Bichards Dep. H., O. Wright G. S. Bowes, Representative to Grand Coan»l. qtne^=aiB..B.e iQ b pM i pie v^dmk triigte»b^iag wlinttd i ' hj^ Yearf dfg|t 'Mmfk hf^i r Href. Grane H IMven Scnind- is «np8t of tfrr/^^bie. Mm friends at Orangefille tbk week. visiti|ig^ei%|i^3«ip^. Jv 4, Mr. Waft. XMB^tt^lly^^ai«fili§indl a iyini v^ ys^m^d^^, m ttiet thw weei^v :^^^^^t;:\: ..:B.-^H. 'WyMT'^M^ite 'froai:' CiHimcB ONMfflie.r'TSki^'new Amo» efani^, jti^^iittfliMltfMMlbitotcbtMl^ ii Dromoret iltNiatipMlBdifor'diynie worship on Bnuday 4ac(. Sehttose were preaehed ia the nobiing. and evening liy Bev«i iCt Gbmpbj^U ..of Toronto, and in the afternoon by Bev. J. Pu-k, of Durhami Colkction amouDtins to $180 w«re taken up. The building wiU seat 860 comfortable. Heated by hot air. Tis gatte a credit to the neighborhood. A siiiree was held em the evening of Monday Quite successful proceeds $80.â€" /atfcw. A number of sabseribeFS who are a long way iu arrears, and whose papers wiU be stopped, next week may expect to find their account with the clerk of the «tmrt. Ths annual meeting oi|«..U, L. No. 1888, was held .in their Hall, Eells comers on Tuesday evening, the 2Brd Dec, when the election of oflScers for the ensuing year took place, and re- sulted as follows -^BtOB.„Thos. Kells, W. M. Thos. Boland, D. M. George Sewell, Cliap. Wm. McLoughry, Bee. Sec. George Wright, Fin. Sec; John Boland, Treas.; Wm. Sewell, D. of C; A. Elliot, Jiect.; Samuel ^owles, 1st Com.; Jas. Leckey, 2nd Com.; Samuel Leckey, 8rd Com. Wm. Stin- son, 4th Com.; Jas. Foster, 5th Com. â€" Com. Uwing to the mciesing demand for Ghristmas and 4?ancy poods, we liayje boi^ljht a much larger stock -thafr UStial, coosequeotly tl»e seiecrion is greateri and w©are in a. pQsitkm tooffer finer goods and lower prices than ever. The ioUowing is a list of a few of the numerous articles in our. stock: â€" Photo. Albums, Auto. Albums, China Cups Saucers, Moustache Cups, Mugs, Cigar Cases, Cigar Holders, Pocket Books, Wallets, Vases, Toilet Sets, Canes, Ladies Dressing^ Cases, Work Boxes, Companions, Writing Desks, etc.-, etc. We have purchased a portion of the Bankrupt Stock of Jas». Campbell Son. These goods are all newly imported, having been taken out of customs after the ♦: assignment they are of the best English manufacture, and will be sold much lower than ordinary prices. Among them will be found :. Silk Woven Book Marks, Silk Woven Pictures, Silk- Perfumed Christmas Cards, Silk Handkerchief Satchels, Silk Glove Satchels, Silk Match Holders, Poem'^, Story Books, Childrens' Picture Books, Family and Pocket Bibles Prayer and Hymn Books, etc., etc. Christmas CardS' choice collection. we haye an extra large and Toys Dolls i^ endless variety. Annuai, Tea. â€" The annual Christ- mas entertainment, in connection with the Methodist 'cLtir«h of thin place, was in every reispefctjjj gj^axi^ success. TeV Was served, in the Orange Hall, after wbiim the cotn- pany repaired to the bbni^li; which was filled so that niany went away not being able to^^aiii' 'admittance. C. W. Butlenge was voted 'to the' chair a few miBut^s to 8 o'clock, and a splendid program followed, in which Bev. T. Grandy, ©r Sproule, M, P., Bev. Mr, Casson and Bev. Mr. Howell of Owen Sound, took part in speech-making, while the â- choir discorsed choice selections of music, as also Mr. Johh Hill, with Mr. Mason's accompaniment with bass vial, and Mr. and Miss. Henry a eong. The best of orderwas mantained throughout, a fact which would strongly indicate the interest mani- fested in the proceedings; this was the first entertainment in behalf of the new church building fund. The proceeds were $84. ^\!^)t Mef J% ^^^^ Call and examine our stock an efficient staff of assistants always in readiness. A. TURNER Co/ Medical Hall, Markdale.. Riiidack Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jarmdice, Affections of the Diver and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Hwmors, Salt R^eum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irrtgular action of the Bowels, SEEDS SEEDS mPOBTED â€" FIELD AND DUDEN SEEDS TO SnilL TEIISI The undenigned is manafactnrin^ «). e^. I eellent assortmeot of School Fixriiit«ir^ Consisting of SCHOOL SE^TS and DESKS, A FATTHFUI. SEBVAKT. Mr. ThOS. Edwards of Glecelg, has conveyed t^ti Hdyal Mail fi-om Traveratoi^ P.' 0:: to- Markdale and return tlvree .^tuDea a week for fimr^^eara, makipg hjp^lftat trip last Taesdagd -^^^sk^ pw^^faMl in^e dis^iftfge-i^^dM^^am aceomodaliBg; ^tilM4^/-M4E^i.fiit^ Irienda on all SH^r W^iB' bii^ Edward: -^-" '^-'^- Papnt.Frpji^98Mo^^^^ Imfff Is aow completed, at gieM'^^x^fi^e; OB theV^. '!i" i" TVIost Al*:PjteOVEI plans, and with thj; best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every trehse of the term, "I il^ ||f||.» 1 aih therefore ia a jbosition to give the public a^Swiirior Irilole of i^ibur, /^ A fair trial resffeetfuUy so- licked aiici I h^ve jfesar bui^ the result wilt ^^reminently New goods arriving eveiy week, consisting of WATG^ES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, CHARMS, SPECTACLES. PIPES, PUBCES, VIOLIN STRINGS, etc. 18 k.. Wedding Rings always in stock. fWatdfes, C/ocks and Jewellery ,]^i^ired by myself and satisfaction goar- â-  ' anteed. NO TBOtJBLE TO SHOW GOODS. 3rive me a, Oa.ll. James G. Russell, r Watdimaker, JeweBer, 217-269 Fleshertqit. |iSP^^lou]^irBrte^^liorts;etc, The place to buy your Seedo is at PARKER'S, Drufli:store, DURHAM. WATCHES, CLOCKS AJEWELEBY Fim FOR SALE. C\f\ AOBES, bemg soaOi half of lot Ip, «7\/ eon. IS. HoUand, towiiliDe of tilie â- .-- -.* i't^g-* tia{.„1? vummlmoiyii*Ai ?*» ftjclJ towiiabip si BxXisiiA and Eiqhnsia,, six. lUl^'lKtm MaAdale aadihe same, distance, frdttWidter'« Pallr. Thk f^na^.Iev«l, epq dbsrlsain, has 60 aerea jct^urcidj 1^' ond^r, balance splmfid. 'bardvood Aule« ^om, Barkele;' ^tion j ' v^KOft ]|m' st^Ue theraixa of Jnn^g mier benSe hooie. it ,B58^ "^^ TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest ' design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and T^ch- en, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried-. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on, hand. Send for catalogue to Cbatswoi-th P. O. 181 ANDBIEW McGILL. puiiPS! nam Well Pumps, Cisterii, Pumps, I^png Pumps Short ^urnps, All kinds of Pumps,. The best Pump,, Manufactured by J.T.QUINN, Sueces^r to J^^.G Irving, Markdale. Orders;i3espectfflliy solicited ^and satisfjaction. guaranteed. 2l9i M Mcber Sbop. The, bfsjt meats the conntry can prodofjS itopt bn hfmd and BEtWftEO TO ALL PARTS QF IT? 9: TOWl^ W^ERE O.R^'e^EJ?. â-² lAsM of iahOt jpntifHMiaia^cdMMl^ sftlieitftd.' ^S^nMalar tiM ptead ia U^^'ii^ \!5»At8 'T»{s-i ah"zpM'fi' ' •ji iPtt. w: ,?», f-r! M ..g.- ,.ai^fal«U,A â- 'i^ZjI^i

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