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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Jan 1885, p. 1

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 VOL. 5.-N0. 225. Tlie Markdaie StaoW Is issued evesy Thursday, at the office. Street, Markiale. Tkbitb â€" ?1 per year iu advance; 31.2.' if not paid withiu three months. Professional and business cards one inch space and uuder, per year, ?1. 1 \i;. 6 MO. 3 MO. Whole colnmn $V -JO «27 50 ?lo f)0 Half column 1:7 00 io 00 1(» 0() Quarter columu .... 1- 00 10 00 C 00 Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Three inch space 10 00 5 00 Casual advertisements 8 coutF per litie first ^insertiou, 3 cents per lire each subsequent insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notiefes in local col- umn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 ceuts each subsequents inser:ion. Stray anim'Ate Ac, advertised 3 wfeeks for ^1, the advertisement uot to exceed twelve XiBes. No paper discontiuuci until all arrears are paid except at the aption of the publisher. â€"JOB prIntikc. â€" The Standard office ha' a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attentiou to orders by mail. Orders filled with dispatch. EDITOB AND PEOPEIETOR. €jC^iti* HAN DS PERRY, (SUCCESSOBS TO LAUDER HANDs), BAKRISTEES, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, c. Money to loan at lowest raies of interest. OfBces 16 King Street East, 199-251 Toronto. B^ Frost Fi'ost, â-ºAEElStERS, AND ATTOENEYS-AT Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey ';a:itcers, c., Owen Sour.l, La/e resumed at T?leahertoii, OMce open every Thursday, as ^tieretofore. -Ax^TKBD FtosT, J. "W. Fbost, LL. B. Gountv Crown Attorned. 1 J. l?ffASSOT!», BAEEISTEE, MASTER AND DEP. EEG in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyan! ^oer, (fee. A NUMBER OF TAEMS FOE SAiB. Offices â€" Owen Sotirsd, in Yieker's Block Poulett St.; Brauch otdce in Markdaie, over MeParlaud's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. o7-ly Crcasos" Morrison, BiiEEl'^- -aji..-5,S0LICIT0ES. CONYEY- anpes,-ctc. e, Offices in G^'Ou Sounfl, Dnfferin Block, ov«r W. F. ^\'elf' f; Store and in MARKDALE OterYV" J. Mcl'arlaud's Store on Thursday and Friday oi each week. Cs'Fundsto lend on restsonaLle terms. John Creasos, Q. G. Duncan Morison Markdaie, March lo, 1882. 79-lv ISSUEE of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissioner in B. E. e. Converaccer and Licensed Auctioneer for the Gouuty of Grey. Farmers, "MerohantE, and Land Sales, Punctoally a?t- 4ended to and charges made very modei-te. Priceville, Sept. 17. 1880. ' l-y Wm. Broivii, JSSUEE OF MARRIAGE LICENSES,c Commissioner i u B. E. c. Conveyancing in all its branches proraptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se eurity. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan Proprietor. CITY HOTEL, Jodin IflcAleer,. Proprietor. This house is fitted up in good style, dtu- ated on Mill street, where the travelling pub- lic may depend on the very best accommo- dation. Union bus. to ail trains. 194 MARKDALE Dose, MARKDALE, ONT. TJaTTTa By«»injtAe"Woii-«tfW iiamlbmuynt, OR. STARR'S COM SOLYiatT. A Smtk mod itire'Bmi' riy f»r tbelUiilotBc- moral of Corni, Vf mm, Biuiionp and Callow. Karh buttle hcs a bruf h atiadirifiotliccaik fur applyins. ItKWAKBOK eocNTKitnirrs. A tk Tournioiicine dealer for i. PRICE,a5 CENTS J. T. niOT t CO., PSartiiacivtP.- rnpra. Rock -tl,;,?. Q„ »ud Herby Line, Vt. PeMcai. B. Glient,M,D., M.R.C P. S., O. Physician and Snrceon. Priceville, Gradu'ate'of University. Vict. College. ., ,. New York, and Hon. Graduate, of tbe came, „ ., Avleth Medieal Institute. „ ,, Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. MemberCoil. FIiTsicians Surgeor s,0. 104 J.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistiy, will be at BntledgeV Hotel, Markdaie, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each niontb and also at MunsfaawV Hotel. Flesberton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. 122-47 W. G. RICHARDS, BUlLDEB, CONTBACTOB. AECHI- TBCt.â€" Eesidence on jfill Street, Mark- dale. 1241v SA'mUEi^ WARDEL.!., WELL DIGGEB AND DRILLEE. ATT. ordets f)romptly attended to, Eesi deniwâ€" -gnider's Hill Owen Sound 122-35 LOT 18, eoa^ iJk pienelg. 5 m^ from ]{wktele, IhNcam, b«sh land, con- sisting of l^rdwecl; ^«mlo(^, cedar. The lot «dJMQS Doacln's saw si91 and the timbor is worth tb» taunmt asked for the place, for pu)i6«)iers apply at tiiis office. 224 rj ' â- â-  «. â- ! I- D, ri^o the premisea (4 4]^e subscriber lot 49. L con. 3, East !tl.(ft B. Road, Holland, about the month of September, a small year- ling heifer, white and yellow. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenees and take her away. WM. LOVE, 224-26* Berkeley P. O. For Sale Cheap SOUTH Lot 8, Cen. 12, Euphrasia, 100 acres, 20 clear«il|^and balace good wood; never failing str^aii lirosses the back end of it, and a good weU close to the house a lo^ house, and loj; stabtp of fair size. Also foi- sale by the onderaigned, cue good faim horse, five jesrtf old one eiUter and one single horse waggon.. For iturther particulars apply to 1. S. SPROULE, " Markdaie P.O. P. S. â€" Tbe tiadter on farm wordd ]nori than pay for it. 921-26 MARKDALE FDRNITDRE STORE. STOCK COMPLETE »AMiLTON^ Fhotobiumi ballerY OVER THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine vork executedin all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A large stock of mSli^ing to choose from. " Call and leave your measure for a picture. •Tas. Hamilton. -IN- GOMMERCJAL HOTEL ;EJlIfiaB;i?a3ljijE. Ont. Larg€/"ai!i3 '«*«j^odious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor HAIRCLOTH-SUIS, BEDSTtABS, â€" SPRiimB€DS, Matrasses, Extensioii, Side. Genter, Fall-leaf and Kitchen Tables, Sideboards.Drees- ing Case^, Lounges and Cra^.^8, c., c. If we have'nt what you want we can have it on short notice. '^ALSO â€" Lumber, Sash, Doois. Door Frames, Newel Posts, Stairs, Balusters, Hand Bailing, and aU such at CRANT CO'S, From the Owen Sound Advertiaer. TITB8BAT. The Council met on December 16th pursuant to adjournment from the Jane sessioa. The following members were present â€" -Messrs. Bowes, Rogers, ClHrk, Campbell, Read, Messenger, Vasey, V. Lang, Norton, Hewgill, McNichol, Jbaweett, W. Lang, Gilray, Paul, McMiUin, McCallum, Mclntyra, Caulfield, Thompson, Breen, Robert sou, Davis, O'Farrel, Miller, Gordon, McEenny, McNanght, Hemmg, Wid- meyer. Frost, The Warden occupied the chair, and read his address to the Council. The following committee was appoint- ed to report on the Warden's address: â€" Messrs. Christie McKiehol, Read, Frost, and Miller. Council ftdjoumed. WEDNESDAY AFTEBNOON. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment â€" Warden in the chair. The i^arden read several communications and accounts, which was referred to i^ir seyeral committees. Mr. Frost, as cbaivman of special ' itommitree on Warden's Address, presented his report, which was re- ceived and adopted. The Deputy.Reeve ol Holland intro- duced a by-law to establish a Fair at Holland Centre. By-law passed in committee of the whole. A special committee, composed of Messrs. Christoe, McNicol, Read, Frost and Miller was appointed to draft a memorial relative to the late Joseph Dunnington. Council adjourned* THURSDAY AFTESHOON. tiMTarions cottmutteesit waiT by ]lfr. Frost, seconded b; Mi. Chishulm, That the thanks of this Council are hereby tendered to our esteemed Warden, John Cameron, Esq., for his able and inmctiai services as Chairman of this OonueiL during the year, and that as a slight evidence of our appreciation of the same he received for such services and incidental expenses one hundred dollars. Carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Fawcett, seconded by Thos. Gilray, That the following chairman of committees receive the following sums for services render- eu :â€" Chairman of County Property, $15; Finance, $15; Education $5;. Printing $5. Carried^ Council adjourned. Bonor Roll ol S. S. No. mesia. 8, Afte- 1st Classâ€" (Total 210)â€" Sammy McNaily, 193. 2ud Class- (Total 576)â€" Sammy McE«e,438; Eleanor McEee, 484 Elsie McKee, 407. 8rd Classâ€" (Total 456)â€" Maggi|p- Parliament. 409 Georgie McNally, S81 Hannah Stafford, 288. 4th Class â€" (Total 420) â€" Alice Nicholson, 374 Bella Thompson, 824; Esther McNally, 820. Elsie Inksteb, Teacher. 9 the MRS. RUTIED6E, PROPRIETOR. JOSEPH GIBSON CbNTRACTOR. ^Contracts ta^en for all kinds of BRICK MD STOKE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsominintf in all Shades and Color's. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standabd office will receive prompt attention. ' " 126-ly. ISAAC STlxVSOIV, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work gnarantceil. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 195|Bm' ' MABKDALEP.O. Send six cents for postage, and receive free, a costly box |of goods which wHl help all, of either sex t3 more money riglit ff#ay th^ anything else in this world.,' Forttmes -await tbe:#orkers absohitely snre. At (qkilB'ai^resB iTBtni ACe.,Augnsta.'Mjnne. «' V 1 -i 187-239 vF'asbiona.ble Tailor, OVEB UACFARLAHD's STOBK. EEBF CTJKTGUARANEEBDi -.- •«%;*. ^^S '^u^TSiroiiihi, eat. The undersigned begs to inform public that he has his SIW UD SHIHOLE MILL In fiill operation now, and is pri^piixed to saw all kinds of iiumber and Shingle stuff, and giye you your Lumber Bhmgles home ;with you dur- u^'the winter â- â- â-  season. Will saw on scares or for cash. Casli Mr C#od Logs. Yours tmly^. 222.3m â- nt^ ^oWE, ' V Heab Mills. Benkshire lEkmr. ALL ptzbiE^ trishing to is^^rave their swine will fiqd it \o their interests to 1^^ 4Htr^oroa^-bred Boar belonging to the nMliigndlt' tmd hred by J. Q. Snell, EdmoSra, OnK^, fifteen months old. Tnois â€" 11 ci tine of service. ^eepedipee.- .^ JQB(N BOLAND. I Lot 15; Con. 12, I Vandehsur P. 0., Ont. M-, SO^ATED. CAME.te^dvremisesctf tiie sobsoriber, lot 17* !09-A Olenelg, late in Septem- ber, tiro; ei|«B mrtwo lambs, all marked on tiie^Lon^aiib with '» particular muk heades. Would ifDswsr fiie deseriptioa of teixjdwei^ a^veittedla 4^ of Dorkam' papdei Ji^#^. Il ^iUi loBt in Bratincik. to prove properfy, QneefltiM Council met. Warden in the chair. Several accounts and communi- cations were read by the Warden and referred to their respective committees. Moved by Mr. McNicol, seconded by Mr. Messenger, That the Wardeu and Clerk are hereby authorized and requested to execute a memorial to the Lieutenant- Governor ' in Council praying that no private bill may be permitted to pass at the next meeting of the Legislature of Ontario having in view the detaching of anj portion of this County and adding to the County of Wellington, with a view to forming another county for political purpobes. Carried. The Reeve of Durham gave notice that at to-morrow's session he would apply for a grant of $2000 to reimburse the town of Durham for constructing a bridge and embaukment on Gara- fraxa-street in said town. The special committee appointed to draft memorial of condolence to the berieved widow and family of the late Joseph Dunnington presented their report, wnich was ordered to be engrossed, framed and presented by the Wardeu and Deputy-Reeve of Snilivan. Moved by Mr. McNicol, seconded by Mr. Gamey, That this Council pay the expenses of sohcitor's and wimesses in the late appeal suit. Lost. Moved in amendment by Mr. Mc- Eetmy, seconded by Mr. Vasey, That the Reeve's of the several township's present their claims relative to ex- penees incurred in the lato assessment appeal case, and that they be presented tbrongh the Warden to the Finance Committee to report on. Carried. The Chairman of Finance Com- mittee presented his report which was adopted, ' Council adjourned, Artemesia CUraaffc No. 339. Officers for 1885 :â€" John Boland, Master Thos. Kells, Overseer Jas. Brodie, Secretary Thos. Boland, Chaplain Jas. Buchanan, Steward Wm. Bowler, A. S. J HoUey, G. Keeper Mrs. J. Warling, Ceres Mrs J. Boli3, Pomnoa Mrs. E. Brodie, Elora lliss Buchanah$iii, L. A. S. J. J. Graham and R. Buchanan, audit ors, J. Weber member of executive committee, T. Kells, Delegate to Div- ision grange. Where to Advertise, FRIDAY, 19th Dec. Council met â€" ^Warden in the chair. By-law No. 830 was read a third time, smed, sealed and engrossed in ihtf minutes. Iteports w@ire presented hy l^e iS^aiMife,^ .Eaattfeup ,fl^9 GoinsaitteAs? ' • Goviwi ad^nmuM^ **» After The ChicRgo Sun well says "When cows haye learned to read, then, and not till then, will it pay enterprising merchants to advertise their bnsine'i.s on "wayside fences, trees and gate- posts," All the ingenuity of man has failed to invent an advertising medium equal to the columns of a wellestab hshed newspaper. It is a part of everybody's daily life to read the papers and to do tiiis without readin- the advertisements and being im pressed with their statement is ah impossibility. Therefore the merchant who knows anything of human nature never fails to prefer the newspapei- "ad" to all the dodges ever invented. The American A§:i For J^anuary, 1 rist Bbight Brisk, and Beautifpl is the American Agriculturitt for January. The Forty-fourth volume opens with more Oian the' usual fullness and freshness, and is indicative of renewed vigor in this long estabUshed authf^rity on all matters pertain ingto the farm, garden, and household. Upwards of a hundred fine engravings hv eeveral noted artists, as Caiy, Bennett, Folsom and Giles adorn the pages and ex- plain the carefully prepared articles upon a wide range ot important subjects. Joseph Harris, 'Walks and Talks" from the Weet. Col. Weld IS "Among the Farmers" JDr Thnrber. A. S. Fuller, Dr. Halsted. Dr. Slade, and a score of others well-known writers are represented by their best eflForts. "One of New York's Breathing Places," isacharming specimen of engraving, and illustrates oup of the minor parks. "Eemodelinga Bam " ♦â- Plan for a Convenient Kitchen." "Kxerior and Interior of a Western Cattle Ranoh " a "Cheap Poultry House," and a "Good Smoke H3?'se," give the usual num4)er and variety of farm buildings. Improvement in a VVci l Curb, Mouse Traps Garden Fence* A Harness Holder, Slop Trap, etc., are a.iion- the useful farm appliances. ..lllu-,tnitcd des- criptions of "Showj^ Pigeons," "Siieiland Pomes," "Silyer-Gray Ba'jbits," etc. ar.' of general interest.. ..The Household Department, shows how to make a "Scrap- Basket," a"Foot Warmer;" "A Tea oo" Cosey,"a "Bemodeled Looking GIrss " â- ^ "Clock Patlel" a "Bustic S a-een " La. hiots on Cookmg Apple?, and oiher nsefal and timelj.mat^. ., .The Bovs and Guh b^o aUmchmgstory, '^OMIieM J^pftfir^," l,e«n: tifaUy iJli^trated. Hie Dbcuir's «â-  •-JaiJ.-s ' explm th«l Cow'8-foot iiy»»J|jac^^ tii* «A^ mter 5eetl^^ffi^^^|ii a^. i r.*^*- m;. t'jSLaafiritx.^Ar:^^ " m-

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