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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Dec 1884, p. 8

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 "â- ifliHH^ *i!«i- ^^^W n i Lewis Wigle, M J J.. LeMUMgtoo J.r.BvJX.Dommrnem; 8. W. Hill, E^., BidgeHDe. Memb. B^pt. ^1 • rji i!: The Canadian Mutual INCORPORATED AUGUST aOTH, 1880. trm. Benaie. E«i.. Toronto, P»e«dei.t A. G^-*. »•«•. Me^ I^^SaJJ ' J. H. W»t«on. L.L.B., Toronto, Solidtor B. H. Bolwt.oii._MJ.^TowDto.«~. i/ «. C. H. Mackmtosh. M.P.. Ottaw* Thos. MenuM, Peterboro Pnter'Gniuun, M.P.P., Warwick The Directors hare filed wHh the H«. 8 C. Wood (Ex^^jejd ;j~;^^£«*« â- IruBtee for the Awoeirtioii. Boods to the •"'^n*?'?*":^*;^^ " tSS^ the honest carrying out ol the termti of Ce rtifltes Mroed to maumn. B9liabl9 Aid to Familht of Deceased Memkon at Small Cost The Aasociatiwi will do bunneM on the following plan Applications. 1 1.^ ,. *». A All ADBlicfttiong for llMnberahip abaU be made upon printed fi-rms *«™"°**.fy J^*^* """ ^StiS (l^raSSJt. ^nBi pas. a -Oisfactor, medi«^ n»:^*Ste ^^' a certificate will bo issued within thirty days from date of such acceptMJce. Membership. :,^^ \u Tu- ^o^^or.* r^t TWVJ.VTt nOLLABH admits any at socnd body and mind between the ^^* ^I7Ts tl^^^, r.S^^benefits of th^ AsHociation. If the application .. not accepted the money is promptly returned to the appUcant. Plan of Business. „, The following table shows the amount for which Certificates of Membership wIU be issued by the Association, according to age â-  ' Ear- ijutant 4 AGE. Amount at Death J*rom 18 to 30. 30 to 31.. lto32., 32 to 33.. .S3 to 34.. 34 to 35.. S'ltoSd.. 3(i to37.. 37 to 38.. 38 to 39.. '39 to 40.. 40 to 41.. 41 to 42.. 42 to 43.. 43 to 44.. 44 to 45.. $3 000 2 950 2 900 2 850 2 8U0 2 750 2 700 2 650 2 600 2 350 2 500 2 450 2 400 2 350 2 300 2 250 AGE. Frcm 45 to 46.. 46 to 47.. 47 to 48.. 48 to 49.. 49 to 50. 50 to 51.. 51 to 52.. 52 to 53.. 53 to 54.. .54 to 55.; 55 to 56 56 to 57.. 57 to 58.. 58 lo59.. 59 to 60.. Amount at Death 92 200 2 150 2 100 050 000 900 800 700 KCO 500 400 300 200 100 000 HALF RATE PLAN. Certificates will be issued for half th« above amounts should the applicant so desire. Assessments. An Assessment of One Dollar upon each member wilJ be made in case of death or total aTsabmtyof amember, except when there is money enough in surplus funds to pay said claim. Special Features. 1â€" Great inducements to provide for families in case of death, at small cost. 2 â€" Equal benefits to both sexes. 3 â€" Uuifoim assessments of one dollar only. 4â€" Careful medical examination required. 5â€" No annual dues or extra charges. 6â€" No large salaries or expenses. 7_Two hundred dollars advanced for funeral expenses when necessary. 8 â€" Benefits secured at actual cost. ,...,. ^, v i„ 9â€" Members becoming totally disabled, may draw half of their claims, the balance be- ing payable at death. lO^Ladies accepted in this Association as well as men. ^.â- , •„ For particulars apply to S. W. HHiL. Membership Superintendent, Ridgevillc, or to W. PEMBERTON PAGE, Secretary, 87 King Stieet West, Toronto. AGENT FOR MARKDALE, THOS. MANN. A /so Agent for Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association. V^ *^ 5i2? in elflMnas «I«»*«V *^ wonna with D«. I*w^ ^o" *yraP' to dmj ypnweU mad otiier feopje. Vilaâ€" tnuU's the nuAtt* how, John? Too toiler il ew an «««a *^,!1„^„ «,he,N«iwdgi*,He«toehe, L«BbM0, " •ebe. Bow TtawU. etc I* »[*« relief. O- "• Put not your trust in money, bat put your mooey in tenst. FI«MLivhte«fMll^ Fluid Lightening not only eores Tot»Oiadie instantly, but al« NeuraJRia, fl«J«*e, Earacb7, Rheniiia»i«a, Lnmbttoiiild Sciatica. Pain of any kind cannot remliu Wie minute where it is applied. When yOu hear of Flmd Lifffatning you hear of one of the greatest mtfveb ever known iB the way of a medicine. asitneverlaUatoenrt. and not in a week or a ^1 btit the instont it is apphed to the efi3ctedj»tt. SddatHillBro's. O.AN. 3 (Jobd cUttfactet in abof e all thiugs (Ise. Yo«i? character cannot l»e es- eentially injured except by your own acts. Fluid LightoingcurfE Neuralgia in 1 minute. Fluidliightning cures Toothache in 1 minute. Fluid Lightning cures Face Ache in 1 minute. FluidLightning ctitts Lumbago in 1 minute. FluidLiMhtningtelleves Rheumatism in oue minute. Jitlld Lightning cures any twin or ache in8tantly Trice 25 cents per bottle at MillSrCs. 0.N. 6 ••What is in a name " "Well, ask your bank directore to discount your note, and you will find out. WELL TO REMEMBER. A Stitch In Time â€" saves nine. Seritms results oft follow a nepleot of constipated bowels ami bad blood. Burdock Blo6d Bitters regulate and purify the stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys and the blood. Take it in time. Some men are so lacking in boflpi- tality that they will not even entertain an idea. limmUrlie. ^S^WnSiÂ¥owmyrfUVKiaify andatoet- Ailly remote thaatk i,St:?Stl-ll..hj.Se.|e»Empt'~. It*' iid aU diseaaod eoin^Uon^t the Skin. r.*ae. Ba Pafla Cau, lliiaois. â- VKR mCSIKTKO TO AMVIIIOA* ddCOLT8 KAY FLESHERTON STATION. -oxo- Full stock of General Goods now on hand, and will be constantly renewed, in Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery* Grocer- iea, Provieions* c. IS* All carefully selected and well bought. Will be Sold Low for Cash or Farm Produce. P. Oasfa. Pnid fox- all klndts ot Crraln. WILLIAM HOGG. FLESHERTON STATION. S. â€" My Saw-Mill at Little Falls is in full operation. Prompt attention given to custom work, co that owners of l^s can get their lumber for return loads. Good Work Guaranteed -AT MnPhotip: FLESHERTON. 03»X3. QLt CZXCO and see sainples of work vrhich we area not ashamed to show. CS" All kinds of Framing done cheap at FLESHERTON. Bwi"(laGK â- Cures Dizzmees, Loss jf Appetite, LuUgestim, LiUoumui, J]fspep$ia, jaundice. Affectum of the Lieer and Kidney*, Pimples, Blotches, hails, Humors^ SeUt Bkeuni, Scr^vda^. Ib^^ias, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, DitraMgod StomaeK or irregular actUm «f the BovDeis, THE BEST COMBINATION. The best combination of blood cleansing, regulating, health giving herbs, roots and barks enter into Bnrikck Blood Bittersâ€" a pnrely vegetable remedy that cures diseases of the blood, Uver and kidneys. It 18 no longer polite to speak of a man as baviug be«ju banged. Say he went to the other world as an "aaBist- ed emigrant." mPORTANT. When you visit or leave New York City, save Ba(]^age Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Eligant rooms fitted up at a cost of oue million dollars, re- duced at 91.()0 and upwardi per day. European plan, Elevator, liesturant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can Uve better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first class hotel in the city. Every woman who wants to many goes for protection. After marriage she believes iu free trade â€" at the dry goods store. A PLANT OF BABE VIBTUES. la the oummon and well known Burdock It is one of the best blood purifiers and kidney r^^Iators in the vegetable world, and the compound known as Burdock Blo«d Bitters possesaes wonderful power in diseases of Uie blood, liver, kidneys and stomach. Let every man strive to add a good name to bis other capital. EASILY CAUGHT. It is yery eaay to catch cold, but not so eauy to cure it unless yon use Haijyaid's Peoteoral Balsam, the oeet remedy for all throat, bronchial and Iuur troubles, coughs, eolds and eonaumptive tendencies. Never ran into debt if yon oan find anything else to ran into. A DOUBLE PUBPOSE. The popular remedy, Hagyard's Yellow Oil, is used both internally andexVimallyrfbr aches, pains, eolds, oroup,rheumatiam, dMf- ness, and diacMes of an inflammatory nature. Prosperity's right ban^is indnstry, and her left band is frugality. AN ANSWEB WANTED. Can niy one bring us a ease of kidnny or Uver complaint that Electric Bitters wUl not speedily enief .We say 'they oan not, as thonaanda of oases already permanently cnred and who are daily recommending Bleo- trio Bitters, will prore. Blight's oSsease, diabetes, wwk back, or any urinary com- plaint fuieUy eunML They purify the Blood legnlate th* bewdi, and taSi directly on the disaaaed parte. Every bcAtte gnaranteed. For Bale at 60 cents a bottle by A. Turner ik Co., Markdale. 1 "Why Mattie, you've put yoar shoes on the wrong feet." "'What'il I do, ouunma? Thej's all the feet I've got." THE HIBTOBT OF HUNDBEDS. Mr. JohnMorriaon, of St. Anns, N. B., WM so aeriottsiy afBicted with a cUsease of the kido^a that dropay was developing and his life was dispairad of. Two bottles of Burdock Keed Bitters earsd him after l^ysidana had fuled. A number of fonts of hand- some type have recently been added to our plant, so that we are better prepared than eves: to execute fine printing. ROBT. ASKIN. â-  i' Has opened out a First-Class UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supplied a want long felt, Ml^],_^Mar|iiie J"OHN~N0BLE MARKDALE ' GEHERIBLACKSIIITI HORSE 8H0EINC SPECIALTY. Also agent for the ctlubratpj CHATHAM WAGONS. HACYARdS:; PECTORAL^ B-ALSAiir I Has no equal fur the pi niuih.iii ciire i Conirtis, C'elds, S«pp Tliioal, As.sniii.iTonB Wheepiae 'onpb, ItrouciiiUs, aud all LhimC Uinicasrs. H^ Every bott4e guaranteed to give satiifaeiicn. T. MILBURN CO.. Pru:.rieiors To,«« MARKDALE HARNESS^MPORIi EST'BLISHED 19 YEARS. OOFFIKS, O-ISKETS, SHEOUDS. and all ' FUNERIL FURNISHINaS supplied on the sliortes notiee. A. Sileiicllcl Hearse lur hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of â€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. THOS.MAnHEWS,Prsprietor Nothing but good s^ock used ami the best raeclianics employed. .\ stock of Donble and Single, Heavy and Light Harness always on liand. Also Whips, Trnnks, Valist s, Blaukets. Bobes, c., always in stock. BuruQ^k Blood NEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed Store, Having just received a Cholcea. Fresh and Sebct stook: of nrea,8, nrolsacco, StCn Which will be sold VERY CHEAP. I respectfully solicit the public's patronage. 198 J. PLEWE8. WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS. PYSPEPSIA, IMDIQESTION, JAUNDICE. EBYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERim _, OF THEREUItl ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE Km, And aiMry aMdes of disease ari**"!,^ dtoerderadUVER, KIDNEYS. STOHAOi^ BOWnSLSOR BLOOO, T. IILBORH k CO, """tSSim. VOL. Tfe Mar, Is issued evesy j bti Tbbms â€" ?1 pc not paid within Professiojiai i ^laee and antler "Whole colurari., flslf column.. }iurter column TSro incii space Three iach space CasBol ndverti insertiou, 3 cen .insertion, nonvai Editoiial iioti -nmn 10 cents pe eaoh subsequent! Ut^y animals t4, the advertisi lines. No ^aper disc (lire paid except a -JOB The Standard "Inent of poster as •!cial attention to ^ed with ' dispat J, \^ K EDITOi: HANDS (SUCCESSOHS BAcllISTEKS taries, Toi loan at lowest rat 6fBeis 1 I8f9-251 B' Fros AEEISTERS Law, Solicit â- ancers, c., Owen Jlesherton, Offic heretofore. Alfbed Prost, Goxmtv Crowi J. J BJZRRISTER, i ib Chancerj' oer,Ac. A NUMBER C 'Offices â€" Owen Poulett St.; Bra.icl MeFarlaud's Store, every week. FARM FOR SALE. f\f\ ACRES, being sonth half of lot 18, C/Vf con. 12, HolUmd, town-line of the township of Holland and Euphrasia, six miles from Markdale and the same distanoe from Walter's Fallf. This fans is lerel^ toil day loam, has 60 acres cleared a^ /onder ooltivation; balance splendid hardwood timber is 8^ miles from Berkdey station new frame fioase and log stnUe thereon splendid well of spring water beside house. Churoh, Sdiool and Fost-Offioe all less than a mile distant. Beason for sellinftâ€" the place is 8 miles from homestead, makinglt moonTeniect to labor. Terms easy. Apply to JOHN HAMILTON. Markdale P. O., or to this ofKee, for farther partteolars. Berkshire Boar. Crcasor BAER1^_ .X.C5, ances, fec. ic. Offices in Owen over W. F. Wolf's MAF Orer W. J. SIc^-'aiL snd-Frids y of each KSTFunds to leni' lOBWtCBEASOK, Q. C Markdale, March ALL parties wishing to improre twine will find it to «heir interest! thsir to use that thorough-bred Boar bekn^(»to the undersigned, and toed byJ^O. E^ell, 'Edmonton, Ont., eii^teen nutnths old. Tbsmsâ€" 91 at time of aemoe. Uee pedigree. JOHN BOLAND. Lot 15. Con. 18, Tandeleur P. O., Oirt. gSS5.J«*^*KS15P(^^SS^ •^"*^* "°**"' tame tonot m Bulleitiiis fur l^ttaatsi Oav ino. ahsbimjCuw EUGENIA Grist, Sawajidlat good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON ^Alcxan •SSUEK of Marr Life Insurance B. E. c. Coi LQctioneer for the chants, and La nded to and chai Priceville, Sept. Wm rflSUEHOF MA â-  Gomnrissiortier Conveyancing in attended to and cai N. B. â€" Money to Wurity. MAMIfl MAR Jas. Brya CITY itliM nicAlee, This house is fit **«d on Mai street ^may depend 01 â- "•tion. Union bo Chopping Done Every DC}' Custom Sawing and LUMBER Cherry, Bu!.' AND LATH ON HAND. ornut. White Afl Bills FiUeJ «"" lARKD 1CABE3ALE IBS. RUTLEl Bla"3 "' Hemlock I"«»^n M.AKITT. Iftions OVXB KAC] CT

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