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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Dec 1884, p. 5

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 ^â- XK^ â- ?ViJ!»»H ra. and eOeet^t rour Seedsj isafc: ER'S, DURHAM m Shop. coanti7 can prodiM iLL PARTS iRE ORDERED. )atronage respeetfol in McNea's block. I. RUTLEDfiE. iR SALE. f7.5acTe», compriai: f 42, 1st East T. i e from WilliantlD good shape, fit^tavi good orchard), w )and orchard aniiro planted insido,. go good barn andi transfers fronL t irtiealars apply m KOBEK'i CIiAB O. -209â€"211. tSJEWEIIh â- J- ery week, eomisting; iS, CHAISS^i r\CLES, PIPES, N S'HaiNGS,ete. gs almnfS in stoc. 5 and dewelii lad satisfaction gua| eed' t TO SHOW GOODl 3 a Call* I ?u8sen, ilunaker, .Jewellen, ;s leave tcasnoniMJ 11- eqaal to any o| bile the «»st i* scale of esi»n«e|^ libs. 40lb..Fl°f 3ft [n to amount of floi eight of new wb« W. Fo' iffe/;te %erkd«f' •*•' 1 The Uteer. re'»- exj Xn\ I.M f loiayU MS (Mill msn, weddhig rings ap Stock complete in all lines for Holidays. See my new goods, and get prices before you invest. W. A. BROWN, •Je-weller, Markdale. k' k li k Local and Other Items. Notices in these coluiuna intended to benefit any individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the fint insertion and Jive cents a line each aubieqvent insertion. NouiNATioN on Monday, the 29th December. J8. Shea is yisiting friends at Manvtrs, Ont. Glenelg CouNcn. meets at the town hall on tiie 3 5tb Dec. Annual school meetine^, the last WedneBday in the year. W. G. Pickell started on a trip to Manitoba on Friday last. Full particulars of the execntion of Cook Teets in another column. IVfenthol Pencils,â€" Instantaneoas cuie for faeadache for sale at Medical Hall. The annual tea-meetin;; vill he held iu the Methodist church, Markdale.on Christmas day. Gentlemen can he supplied at Dun- AmfT with first-class Wool Felt Fox'd Boots at $1 .90 per pair. Now is the time to renew your subscription for '85, it is not necessary to wait till this year is out. All who wish Xmas Cards will be pleased with the fine assortment at W A. Brown's Jewellery Store. Hand in $1.50 casta and get the iSTANDAsn and Weekly New* to end of '85. The Nnci is $1 per year seperate. Ddndas is selling in Bae's new block, Ladies' Doable Sole Buff Boots lace or buttoned, for $1 per pair. All parties indebted to Thos. Mc- Nea either by note or book aecoant will please call and settle at once and save costs. Dundas is a practical Boot Shoe man. Yon can depend on gettinggood Boots cheap. Giye him a trial. Only three weeks until the annual school meetings get your notices at tbe Standabd office, aU ready printed, 3 for 15- cents. If you require any kmd of a stove, ue sure and call at Walker Bro's. aud «xamine his stock, and get prices be- fore purchasing. The Daily News is the spiciest paper published subscription for monung edition $4, per year. Clubbed with the Standabd yon get both tot $4. Dcndas' Teas and Sugars are ac- i'liowledged to be the bcMt value in Markdale. Try his Jfapan Tea at 25 cents per lb. Markdale Gymnastie and Literary Club intend givmg a grand oonoert at iiocklyn next Tuesdry. Sometbiog goo'i maj be expected. For particiil- Ills see posters. A Heavy Loss. â€" Mr. Elias Edge of TraveristoD lost one of Itis' vahuible lioises last Tuesday from ^eart disease. He Iiad the tsam ititcbed up, to fetch his children ftom ^bool, one horse, the youngest, fell liowu and inside of a few nrinntas was «(^ad. It ivsis worth at th« least ve iniiKlred ai d fiftv dollars. ^Bi Best and dieiMrt ilsnn im town to getasLes. Umf^mi^^Sen, »«ce tooth and cBwSm mmu^Slk Walker Bros. Mtr!|d5jr W. J. Bo«« JMsiits aow iMr-ttiU work for the poblie This wai be a great oonveuienee to tiioie iu tbe neighbmiiood. 4 We acknowledge receipt of iiubscrip- tion to end of 1885 from Mrs. Wm. ^owan, AUiston; Joseph Graham, Port Arthur; David Wark. Calkens- vUle, Mich., and E. D. Wiloox, Beaose. jour, Man. Cholka is coxing, but if you use Bejuvinator Bitters, and thus keep the blood p»ire aiMi your system hedlthy you will not be so liable, to lake die- ease of any kiud. Sold by Smith, the barber. ScBscBiBEBs who resido at a distance, say outwde this County, are par- ticularly requested to reuew before the year is out, or advise us, if they do not wish to continue as subscribers Jor another year. The Royal Templars of Flesherton, will give a concert in the Town Hall, FLst-herton. this (Thursday) evening, in wbicii tbe celebrated Ball family jubilee siufjers will take part. A crowded house is expected. Xmas card), all new, fine designs, 8 cents to $1. These with silverware and other lines will be open for in- spection and sale on Saturday 6th. No trouble to show goods. W. A. Brown. Markdale. " Obange bouEE. â€" L. 0. L. No. 740 will give a soiree in Price's New Hall, Holland Centre, on Tuesday evening the 16th inst. Several able speakers will give addresses and a good time is expected. Tea served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. Bdmos has it that the undersigned bought a diseased beef from Mr. John McLeod, of Artemesia, for a low figure, aud that he sold the same to his customers in town. Now, I emphati- cally deny selling diseased meat of any kind since commcnciug business. W. H. Botledge. A Good Becobd. â€" The Canadian Pacific steamers Algoma aud Atha- basca, which are now both in winter quarters here, have each made 28 rnuod trips between here and Port Arthur duriug the past season. This is the largest number ever made by any steamer, either American or Canadian, from port to port ou the upper lakes, and speaks well for the skilful navi- gation ot captains Mooreand Foote. â€" O. S. Advertiser. Thk following is a list in order of merit of the pupils of 1st division of Markdale school who obtained over 60 per cent, at the examinations fof November: Class V. â€" S. B. Doug- lass, Geo. Bowes, Mamie Bowes, Lizzie Thibaudeau, Lillie 'Walker. Class rV. ^r. â€" Annie Cunningham, Jauie Lrfing, Richard Douglass. Class IV Jr. â€" Charles Casson, Harry Large, Lottie Maiin, Mary Nesbit, Minnie Wilson, Nettie Kny, Ilank Bryden. Glass HI. â€" Mary, Casson. Peter Thibaudeau, Violet Fbrd. F. Pobteb, Teacher. IfiBST Show. â€" The Markdale Gym- nastic and Dramatic club will give one of their popular concerts in the Tuwn Hall, Bocklyn, on Tuesday evening the 16th Dec. This olub is made up of some of the best talent in Ontario, and they are determined to. make this the best concert yet given. They are a respectable class of young men, and by thorough training have b eouie experts, both iu dramatic and gymnastic performances, and a rich treat is in store for those who attend. Admisaoo 25 cents. See large posters for fall particulars. New Chubch. â€" A meeting of the Methodist congregation was Hsld last Monday evening to consider the pro* priety of building a new church the commg year. The village having been partially c^vassed for subscrip- tions, a list was produced with over $1,800 afready subscribed, which amount will be swelled to at least $2,000 in tbe village alone, and it is •xpeoted there will be no difiiculty adding another $1,000 from the country, which will be snfBoient to warrant the trustees in commencing operations. 1!b» meeting was, how. ever, adjourned until Friday eveoiug, 12th inst.. in order to have a better representation, and to more fully con- aider Uie important nndertakmg. A LIFE SAVING PRESENT. IfT. M. E. Allison, Hatohioson, Kan. Ra Ted hii life by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Diaoovery, for Consanption, which flsof^ him to procure a large bottk, that oomsletely ciumI him, whea Soeton, ehaageMdimate and eyuTthing else had tefkd. Astimia, Brondixtii, Hoaneness, Boven^Ceaghs, and all Tbnat and Lodr ^iesMea, it ia (muanteed to ««•. Trial hotties free at A. Taruw 3»'fl "« 8««w. ^bea,. Yomig. oar tail'ir, Imm •oved to lua new abo( ia ftnea'a bbw bk«k. Thoa. Spears wnt oeeupias bk new bkeksmitb shop. Jas. ireton has just completed his new dwelliug and diop,. and expects to move into it shortly. Yieker's expisbs c^ee has be«i re- moved to Price'9 rtoro. Samo^ Wataoa ia reeovermg bis late severe ilfaiess. Moses Oatshas beard of the rqmta- tion and notmiety of our local prophet, Mr. D., and has signified his intention of visitim; our viOage for the purpose of consulting him on the weather mxtb's for the wmter and particularly for the coming sum mar. The general belief is. that they will issue an ittj; T almanac after their deliberations. H«M*r Boll for S. 8. Iaa4. N«.C, Hol- First Book.^Robena Brown. Second part. â€" Jennie Martin. Willie Smith. John Pickett. Willie McKay. Second Class A^ â€" Annie Smitli, Minnie David, Bobbie Sanderson. Second Class B â€" Gerty Allen, Sarah Lyons, Willie Montgomery. Second Class Câ€" Sarah Brown, Lizzie Bitcbie, Emma Ewart, Mary Blaney. Second Class, Jr.â€" Lizzie Martin, Michael Pickett, Sadie Bowe, Jennie Bradley. Third Jr. â€" Letitia Sanderson, Albert Allen, Andrew Walker, Jim Blaney. Third Sr. â€" Lizzie Sanderson, Maggie Smith, Sam Wright. Herbert Ewart, Thos. Bowe. Fourth Class â€" Annie Martin, Mattie Gillespie, Addie Allen, Jotan Hargent, Albert Walker. E. J. Bailey, Teacher. Caudiii Pmific r. r. OWEN SOUND BRANCH, TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday, ifonmbtr 24th. 1884. QOINO NORTH. STATIONS. MaU. Toronto. .Leave 7 2(lam Cardwell Janction 9 07" Gharle.jton 9«.-. " Orange- 1 Arrive.. 950 '• vilJe, /Leave... 10 OS " Orangeville Jan.. 10 17 " Shelbtirne 10 45 " Dundalk 11 10 " Flesherton 11 36 " Markdale 11 51 " Willi«nsford .... iSOSpm Chatsworth 12 28" Owen Sound 100" Exp. 1 Mixed. 440pm 6 27 " 6 45" 11 45am 7 03" ISSOpm 7 22" 1»5" 7 84" 114" 8 04" 2 10 " 8 SO" 3 06 " 8 55" 4 06" *910" 483" 9 22" 445 " 9 49- 6 87" 10 20 " 6.S0pm OOINC SOUTH- STATIONS. Owen Sonnd Chatsworth Williamsf ord Markdale.. ...... Flesherton Dundalk ........ ShelbuTBe OiangeviUe Jon... Orange 1 Arrive... ville..i Leave... Charleston CaxdweU Junction. Toronto ...Airive Exp. 620am 6 60" 6 06" 6 87" 6 42" 7 06" 7 81" 8 00" 8 12 835 8 55 907' 10 45" Mail. Mixed. 246pm 3 15" 3 30" 3 62" 4 06" 4 31" 4 57" 6 28" 5 35" 6 66" 613" 6 27" 8 35" 630am 7 25" 7 54" 8 35" 9 00" 9 45 " 10 46" 1150" 12 15pm 12 40" 1 26" 2 03" %)yu Mit mii/^ MARKDALE. -THIS NBW- Paient Proeets Flouring Mill Is now completed at great expense, on the IVIost A.l»I»JROVEr plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the term, "A IsM ML" 1 am therefcM'e in a position to give the public a (WMflor ftraele ot Fiour. A fair trial respectfully so- licited aiMl I have no fear but^ the result wiH be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good bard Wboat IS" Flour, Bran, Shorts»et)c» etc, Cor sale wholesak retail. â€" I M I M I M I H I MMmW »I H i m tl MM » mHMM »»»I M To our patrons and all whom it may concern Owing to the increasing demand for Christmas and Fancy Goods, we have bought a much larger stock thaa usual, consequently the selection is greater, and we are in a position to otfer finer goods and lower prices than ever. The following is a list of a few of the numerous articles in our stock :â€" Photo. Albums, Auto. Albums, China Cups Saucers,. Moustache Cups, Mugs, Cigar Cases, Cigar Holders,. Pocket Books, Wallets, Vases, Toilet Sets, Canes, Ladies. Dressing Cases, Work Boxes, Companions, Writing Desks, etc., etc. We have purchased a portion of the Bankrupt Stock of Jas. Campbell Son. These goods are all newly imported, having been taken out of customs after the assignment; they are of the best English manufacture, and will be sold much lower than ordinary prices. Among them will be found Silk Woven Book Marks, Silk Woven Pictures, Silk Perfumed Christmas Cards, Silk Handkerchief Satchels,. Silk Glove Satchels, Silk Match Holders,. Poems, Story Books, Childrens* Picture Books, Family and Pbcket Bibles,, Prayer and Hymn Books, etc., etc. Christmas CardS ^^ ^^^V^ ^^ ^^tra lar^ and choice collection. Toys Dolls i^ ^iid^^ss v^^^^* Ks£* Call and examine our stock an efficient staff of assisiauts alwHya in readiness. A.TURNER A. Co. Medical Halt, Markdale,. 0JE«"F»1CE: 01*" THE MUts All kinds of Maj?1le and IVf onainenta.1 "Woi-ks^ such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstonea^ Oounter and Table Tbps, â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Also Maq^ea in Marble and Marbeleized. Slate, e., c. tSatistactioii €Sriia.ra.iiiteed in Every Xiespect ROBT. S. RAE, â- - '-.â- -. TAILOR, " '" â-  t ' POMPS! PUMPS! Well Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Long Pumps, Short Pumps, AU kinds of Pumps, The best Pump, Manufactured by J. T. QUINN, Successor to J G. Irving, :%/i%i Markdale. ;^rders resp^frully sQlicitred amd saitisiaiiitiQift^aaraAteedv 511^ -.-/k 'i "i;: h-. /-_/ A -:-^ \- a n Sn IIBIEESL The nndarmgnjiNl is mannlMtnring Mk cz^ oellent assortment at Soliool 'F'nr'iiitcix-e* CoMiattng of SC 'OOL SEATS and IBSK9. TEACHEBS' DESKS, ete., of tt» late** desigii aud aottt approved pattem. Bighl.v reoommended bv School Tnutees and Teach.. ct«, for eheapuess. comfort and eompaotneM. I whewver tried. Au assortmeat of Farm aud SoIioqI BeUa kept al^^avs ou liand. tteud to' eatal(%ne to Chats^-orth P. O. 1 81 ANDBKW McOILL Farmers,; get your address ;an4 t^e naine of your farm iprint^id o« your envelcpej^. l\yed)pthcp #eM; ^a^ ^ysfil ' Ckea5llt' tlMS O^Cd. J.iv7f.eo:q fcfi.l [^ sTe««iT .t'J/ 1 1 C'fh So (xhoq £ j;c1to eose' :.ii: ti

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