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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Dec 1884, p. 1

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 mf^^m SKSITH OEIliC f^elelratrd 'BACONS. i^ iiiuiitni cure ui' to t:i\ e satisfa«icn. ^royrietovs i'oKiuCc. aPORIM !9 YEARS. R^oek used aud craployed. A Sii]rle, Heavy ahviiys on liand. Vllisf S,BlHl;k^tS, stock. RELIEVE ZINESS, )PSY, TIERING OF THE HEA/IT,] \OITY OF THE STOMACH, NESS OF THE Sm, as« arising front EYS, STOMACH LOOD, Proprietor S| ' TOBOffTQi CD 6 T Off rr;.«j^;?|*. -â- ifl^i»*iS.isnt.;ifc,, VOL. 4.--N0. 222 MARKDALE, ONT., DEC. 11. 1884. Coras o* nm SruntiB fhe Markdale Standard Is issued evesy Tliureday, at the ofSoo, Mill Slieet, Marktlale. Tkums â€" «1 per j'eiir in advance; fl.SSif not pauI within three months. Profe^ioual and buxiuess cards one inch gpacu aud auder, per year, $4. 1 YB. 6 MO. 3 XO. Trt'liok' column »."(i 00 127 60 fl5 00 Half coiuiiiu 27 GO 15 DC 10 00 Qiwrtei column .. ..1=00 10 00 6 00 Two inch space 7 00 4 tW Three inch space .... 10 00 5 00 (Ja-iiial lidvertisemeuts 8 cents p-r line first iiisfrtion, 3 cents per lii'e eacli Hubawjuent insertion, nonpareil measure, Editoiial uotices, or notices in local col- umn lU couts per line first iusertion 5 cents tach subnequents insertion. Stray animals Ac, advertised 3 week« for $1 the advertisement not to exceed twelve lines. No paper discontinued tintil all arrears are paid except at the aption of the publisher. â€" JOB PRlNTfNC. The Sxandabd office has a splendid eqnip- meut of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. Orders filled with dispatch. C A^^ R.TJTl'I^EIGH£: EDITOR AND PEOPMETOB. HANDS dtPERRY, (sUfCESSOBS TO LAUDEB HANOs), BAIIEISTERS, Solicitqrs, Proctors. No- taries, Conveyancers, c. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 King Street East. H)9-'2al ToBOSTO. Frost St Fro«t, BARRISTERS, AND ATTORNRYS-AT La\r, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey anoers. t*tc., Owen Sound, have resumed at Flesberton, Office open every Tharsday, as iieretofore. Altred Fbost, J. W. Fbo8T, LL. B. County Crown Attornov. 1 J. IflASSOn, BARRISTER, MASTER AND DEP. REG in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyani aer, (jfcc A NUMBEB OF FABMS FOB SALE. OsTicES â€" Owen Sound, in "Vicker's Block Poulett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over -MeFarland's Store, on Friday and Satniday tvery week. 57-ly Creasordr ]yi'^rris«« BARBl*" .xv»,SOLICITORS. CONVEY- ances, c. Offices in Owen Sound, Dafferin Block, over W. F. Y/olf's Store and in MARKDALE „, Otct W. J. McFarland's St«»re on Thursday and Friday of each week. Ki^Fiwds to lend on reasonable terms. JOHM CbBASOB, Q. G DUUCAH MOBIMN Markdale, March 15. 1882. 79-lv Alexander Brttwn. ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Uommissionsi in B. B. c. Goaveyancer and Licensed Auctioneer for th« County of Grey. Farmers, Merdumts, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made very moderate. PricevUle, Sept. 17. 1880. 1-V Wm. Broim, ISSUER OF MABBIAOELIGEKSES.e Commissioner in B. R. fee. Conveyancing in all its branehes piomptlj attended to and carefully executed. K.B.â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se eurity. PrMfaL B. Ghent, M,D., M.B.G P. S., O. Physician and Snrceon, Prioenlle, Graduate of University. Yict. College. .. ,. New York, and Hon. Graduate, of the same, ., ., Avleth Medical Institute. „ „ Opthalmie Hospital, N.Y. Member Coll. Physicians Surgeor 8,0. J 04 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. dehttist, graduate of toronto school of Dentistry, will be at Rutledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. ' Flesberton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prae tice of his profession. 122-47. Berkshire Boar. A FINE thonmi^ibrad ba«r 15 months eld, for servieeat his pen,^mile out of lfatkdW lonosâ€" 76 oents cMb. SSI B. COLEMAN. Teacher Wanted XriOB School SeetioB No. 17. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER. CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TBCT. â€" Residence on Mill Street, Mark- dale. 1241y SAMUEL. WABDELL, WELL DIGGER AND DRILLER orders promptly attended to. denp« â€" Snider's Hill Owen Sound 1 CD 1^ ILathlills AY8 OfiHAHB Every Do)- Bills Fillea "^â- ^ NJ ' j:a« dteAiH; Bi-'^f^ MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. CITY HOTEL^ Joha JllcAleer. Proprietor. This house is fitted up in good s^ls. sita *ted on MUl street, where the tntTeBing pub- lic may depend on the yvtj best laeanunA- lation. Union bus to all trains. 194 MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE, ONT. WR8. RUTLED6E, PROPRIETOR. fashionable Tailor, OVEB MACFABIJiia*ft STOBB. PERF CT FIT GUABANTEXD. HAMILTON'S PHOTOeRAPH GALLERY OVER THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to eity work. Special attention given to E" DEe -^ a^/iC I -CT O- A large stocK of moulding to choose from. Gall and leave your measure for a picture. •Jas. Uatnilton. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. PBICEVXLjLiB. Onit. Large aud eommodions Sample Booms Good Bed liooms, e. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentiye Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor Eni^urasia, male or female, holding Srd dass certifi- cate duties to oommenee fibrst of 1885 state salary. AppUcations leedTed up to noon on Saturday, Dec. 20th. by JOSEPH MANABEY, 221-23 Goring P.O. Sealed Tenders WILL be received up to the 15th day of Dec, 1884, by the Trustees of School Section No. 18, £nphra.sia, for the erection of a fence at their school ground. Specifica- tions can be seen at B. H. Stinson's, lot 2, con. 8, Euphrasia. The lowest or any tender not necessuily accepted. B. H. STINSON, 221-22* Sec-Treas. AGENT WANTED. WANTED, a Rood man to act as ageni for the sale of Reapers, Mowers, and Self-BiQder8,manufacturt.d by A. Harris, Son Co. of Brautford. Address E. J. McKITRICK, General Agent, 221-24* Orangeville, Ont. Suffolk Boar.- A JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. JContraets taken for all kinds of BUCI MD STONE WOIK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Otltomvdmq in all Shadet aud Colon. Chaises moderate and satisfsetion goar- •nteeti. Ocders ktft at ahe SxuaAU ofBee will reoeive prompt attention. • lS6-ly. FINE SuffolK Bear, 8 months old. bred by Edward Shaw. Collingwood Township, for service on lot 18, con. 10, Euphrasia. Terms â€" 91 at time of service. 221 U JOSEPH MANABEY. NOTIOB, A meeting of the patrons of Markdale cheese factory is hereby called for Saturday 13th inst., at Markdale for the purpose of appointing officers for 1885 and other business. A full attendance is request- ed. To cranmenoe at 2 p. m. B. COLEMAN, Pies. H. D. IBWIN. Sec. 121-22 ISAAC STIMSeir, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Briek and Stone work. Estimates given. AH work xaannleed. QidsnlvataUvmnvtlj attended to. X954tin" MABKDALE P. O. I mfVH SendAzeenUforpMtage, A rRllsk MMlrBeeivefree.a«ostl]rbos of either sex ta moxe money right away than aiqrtbinc dse in this wnld. F«tnnes await tbe vorkars absolutely sure. At onee aidreas Tbo* ft Ce., Augusta. Maine. lfi7'S89 4- CH AT8WORTH HOU W (ijiTB moMnsr|BBims,) CHAT8WOKTH, Oat. XfX2K A MeLEOD PMwaoROM. Good Tbe beak biaad of Uqoorsand tnysinstoek. Good meals and eiwilottrtai xoona gnanratoed tapiiiimiftMr. stabling and at- 114 ;?'t am .:#XI-,» eTB5*dci- r -^ '-.jr' For Sale Cheap SOUTH Lot 3, Con. 12, Euphrasia, 100 seres, 20 cleared, and lalaoe good wood; never failing stream crosses the back end of it, and a good well close to the house a log house, and lo;; stable of fair size. Also for side by the undersigned, one good farm horse, five years old one enttor and one single horse waggon. For Inrther particulars apj^y to T.S.SPBOULE, Markdale P.O. P. S. â€" ^The timber on farm would more than pay for it. 221-26 Teacher Wanted inWR School Section No. J? HoUand. Apply personally, or by letter, stating salary to BOBEBT CLABKE, Secretary, Williamsford P. 0. ^*° J^*â„¢^'^â„¢"' Trustees. SS1-S8 Berkeley P. 0. MARKDALE FURHmniE STORE. STOCK COMPLETE HAIR CLOTH surrs, BEDSTEADS, SMUHSBEDS, MATTBASSES. Extendon, Side. Center, Fallleaf and Kitchen Tftble8,SidelKMrd94nflB- iiig Cases, Lounges and Cradles, Ac., Ac. If we baTe'ut what yea want we can Iiave it on durt notice. liomber, Saab, Dooxa. Dom Frames, Newel Poets, Staus^Baittstere, Hand Bailing, and allsodiat CRAilT4eOfS, ODDS AND ENDS. oAiHsass nuii â- zaujreBS ai» BonaD sowa roB na sfEAaoABO. There's a pan-caka loeial in Orang« yillenn^hursday) evening. Wonder will they liave mi^le molawea. Dnndalk cheeae fiMtory has' wound up business for the year, a full report of which appears m tiie Herald. The results are highly satisfactory, some of the pntrons having received over $400 lor milk for this season. The three C. P. B. steel steamers have completed their season's work, and have put up at Owen Sound harbor for winter. Br. Campbell, the phrenologist, was at Sbelburue last week lecturing. The Cbatswortii and Meaford Literary Societies purpose having a debating match in January in the new Hall, Ohatsworth. Carroll's planing mills, Thornbury, were destroyed by fire last week. Messrs. John Arthur and G. S. Brown of Meaford have taken their departure for Eureka bprings Arkan- sas. Stevenson A Graham of the Oran- geville wollen mills have assigned with liabilities of $16 000. Their assets will cover the amount. W. H. Hunter of Orangeville, pre- sented his minister, Bev. W. A. Hunt- er, «itb a fine horse recently. Orangeville is to have a branch office of the Bank of Hamilton shortly. The value of buildings erected in Montreal during the year exceeds three million dollars, exclusive cf railway offices and railway buildings. Two thousand oar loads of exhibits have already been received and placed at the New Orleacs World's Fair. Preparations for the opening are near* ly complete. A passenger tnun was stopped on Saturday night near Little Bock, ArkansBS, by five masked men, who "went through" the passengers and the express safe, securing a haul of six thousand dollars, and made their escape No violence wiu used by the thieves beyond firing a few playfiil shots at the conductor and express messenger, who were, however, nn* hurt. A destructive and fatal fire occurred in Port Dalhouaie at midnight on Sunday, daring which an old man was so badly burned that he died Monday afternoon. The damage will exceed fifteen thousand dollan. In the United States Senate, Mon day, the bill to grant a pension to General Grant was withdrawn in deference to Grant's wishes, be havmg written to Senator Mitchell stating that under no drcnmstances coald he consent to accept a pention. The Canadian Pacific Bailway Company have redeemed and eaneeUed over nme million dollars of their land grant bonds out of the total issne of twentyfive millions. There is terxifio weathor on the English coast and several vessels have been wrecked with a large loss of life. Thirty thousand acres of land m the nortii diore of Lake Saperior have been bought by Amenoan specolators lor mining poiposss. BsY. Drl Bioe, senior Geceral Superintendent of the Methodist Church, is again serionaly ilL Sir John Ifaedonald arriyed %t the capital yesterday, being met i^ the station by all the mmnbera oi the Cabinet and large aamber of fineods, who gave him. a eordnl and bsarty weleoaie. Mr. George Stephen lu^pss to beat the Umted Statesroote betweoi (Ma% and New York by a week. It IS pcoposed to eonstrotft a railway from Saolt Ste. Marie to a point on tfae^. P. B. tlia HMior Boll lor S. S. Mo. 14 :;!^a|'^kMa0ir: t a. Allni, onl^, dsai^^Mt 4 Hon. ^danh AUen, iijftfytja, oat Bd*w(ewo«aa^ofnjre^^^,,.^^^^ 8rd Classâ€" (Total 126)â€" Sasie Mc- Callough, 114; John Wells, 110; Essie Johnston, 104 Jas. Johnston* 90 Snd Classâ€" (ToUl 120)â€" Bobert Fothergill, 120; Isaac Silverthome, 100 Willie Farding, 90 Thos. Far- ding, 76 Bobert Blackwood, 76 Mabel E. Gamble, 71; Maggie Me- CuUougb, 67 Mat tie Johnston, 66. 1st Class â€" (Total 114)â€" Mary Johnston, 112 Minnie Caswell, 92 Sarah McCuUongh. 87. ISA L. BsUMDisK, Teacher. Draft Horses.â€" 40Tears Experi- ence* A. S. Chamberiain, for 40 years proprietor of the Bull's Head SUbles. New York City, in reference to the value of different breeds of draft horses, said "I keep exchange and sale stables for horses. Don't deal on my own account to any extent. All classes of horses, amounting to several thousands annually, oome to my stables from all sections of the country. A large number of these are draft horses of the different breeds the Clydesdales, the French horres caQed Percherons or Normans, the English aud Belgian. There seems to be a larger demand for the French horses than. for any other breed. "Some years ago we used to get a great many horses from Upper Canada. These were Clydesdales, and would weigh from 1,400 to 1,600 pounds, but they did not seem to answer the purpose as a general thing their feet were thmshelled and flat, and being heavy horses their feet would become sore and would not stand the pavements. The French horses have good feet and stand the pavements better than the Clydesdales. That is the reason they sell better "I would advise the farmers and breeders who are breeding horses to sell on the N^w York market for draft purposes to bteed fropn the French horses in preference to all otlMfSk-" â€" Chicago Tribune, The best horses to be found in France are recorded with pedigrees in full in the Perdb- eron Stud Book of that country. At the great importing and breeding estab- h^ment of M. W. Dunham, Wa^rne, DnPage Co., niinois. hundreds of the finegpt specimens of this famous race can be found at all times. Horse PtajrsloiffpoHBjr. srs A horse's head indicates hie. character very much as a man's does. Vice is shown in the eye and moatb intelligence in the eye and in tbe br^th between the ears, and between the eyes spirit in the eye and nose, in the mobile nostril, and aetive ear. the bize of the eye, the thmness of tbe skm, maldng the face bony, the large, open, thinedged nostril, the fine ear, and tbe thin, fine mane aud foretop» are indications of high breeding, and accompany a high-strong neryous organization, which with good limbs and muscular power, .ensures a oob- siderable degree of speed in tb^ animal. The stupidly, lazy horse, that drivers call a "lunk-head," has a dull eye usually, a narrow forehead, and oen- tracted poU. He is not ronresented in this groupe,bat occurs uotlrequeati^: is always a blunderer, forgets huttself, sad stumbles on smooth ground, geta himself and his owner into diffioalties, calks himself, is sometimes positi^H^ lazy, but often a hard goer. He ne^ oonstant care and watchfblneas on tiilCt driver's part. A buyer of eqnine flesb sboold bo able to detect the good and bad qualities of the animals ha oon- templates purchasing. This valnaUe knowledge is only acquired by a oftve- fiil study of the various parU tf horse ^ysiogQomy. â€" Col. M. j« Wbij m Amenpan AgrieuUuriaJar A»« «â- Â»' MoBthlyfalr*. Markdale â€" Satniday before JfU»A^ erton. Chatswcrtb â€" Monday before Dfl|r bam. Dandalk â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesbertcm â€" Monday before Orahge- ville. Orangeville â€" The seomid Tharsday in each month. Mount Forestâ€" Third Wednesday in eacJi month. Priseyilleâ€" Mondsy before Burbam IXichaoiâ€" Thied Tuesday in eacb month. Hanov«r-^?ioadsy before larIi'Mm. Wfdkttrtdnâ€" Lasjt. Wedrosd^y 14 tii I

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