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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Dec 1884, p. 8

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 Spfffff^^PF •Twrr^ fi m (:' t'C â-  i I ' i m -it I tn Tile (kim^fihml Mid J. INO'ORPQRATf D AITQUT aOJH, 188^. iS **?*â- ? iiEAx ofi^iok; ^r€R -:o:- Wm. Beonie, Esq., Toronto. Sj^^sident E. H. Hiibom, Esq., Uxbndge, Ti«a8nrer G. H. Watson, L.L.B.. Toronto, Solicitor C. H. Mackmtosh, M-Pf, Ottav^a^ Tbos. Menzies, Peterboro Peter Graham, M.P.P., Warwick BOABD OP MPEGTOBS: A. Giffor([.E8q., Ifeaford, Viae-PwBiden* W.Pemberton Pag^Esq., Toronto, SenTy; E. H. Bobortson. M J):, T^ironto. Med. IVtr, licwia Wit^, Ji.P.P., Leannngton J. P. Bnll. Dowmmew 8. W, Hill, Esq., Bidge^ille. Memb. Sapt. The Directors have filed with the Hon. S. C. Wood, (Ex-ProTineial Treasurer p£ Ontario) Trustee for the Association. Bonis to the amonnt of t60,000.00, as a gnarantee fear the honest carrying out of the terms of Certificates issued to members. Reliable Aid to Families of Deceased Members at Small Cost The Association win do business on the following plan Applications. All Applications for Membership shall be made upon printed fcrms furnished by the As- sociation, (and appUcants must pass a satisfactory medical examination). If accepted, a certificate will be issued within thirty days from date of such acceptance. Membership. Te payment of TWELVE DOLLAES admits any of sound body and mind between the age of IS and 60 years, to all the benefits of the Association. If the appUcation is not accepted the money i3 promptly returned to the appUcant. Plan of Business. The Jbllowing table shows the^mount for which Certificates of Membership will be issued isj the Association, aceording to age Tl»be«ttoi»JBa»w«iridfori«tg,l iuac^ AGE. Amount at Death AGE. AmoTint at Death Hrom 18 to 30 g3 000 2 950 2 900 2 850 2 800 2 750 2 700 2 650 2 600 2 550 2 500 2 450 2 400 2 350 1 2 300 2 250 Frcm45 to46.. $2 200 30 to 31 46 to 47 2 150 1 to 32 32to3o.. .47 to 48, 4Sto49 49to50.. 2 100 2 050 33 to 34.. 2 000 34 to 35 50 to 51 1 900 35 to 36 36 to 37 51 to 52..... 52 to 53 53 to 54.. ,.„..,, 54 to 55 55tb56 1 800 1 700 37 to 38 1 600 38 to 39 1 500 39 to 40 1 400 40 to 41 56 to 67 1 300 41 to 42...... 57 to 58.. 1 200 42 to 43 58 lo59 1 100 43 to 44 59 to 60 1 000 44 to 45 HALF RATE PLAN. Certificates will be issued for half the above amounts should the applicant so desire. Assessments. An Assessment of One Dollar upon each member will be made in case of death or total disability of a member, escej^t when there is money enough in surplus funds to pay said claiin. Special Features. 1 â€" Great inducements to piovule for families in case of death, at small cost. 2 â€" Equal benefits to Doth suxes. 3 â€" Uniform assessments of one dollar only. 4 â€" Caref al medical examination required. 5 â€" No annual dues or extra charges. 6 â€" No large salaries or expense;?. 7 â€" Two hundred dollars advanced for funeral expenses when necessary. 8 â€" Benefits secured at actual cost. 9 â€" Mtimbersbecomirg totally disabled, may draw half of their claim"5, the balance be- ing payable at death. 10â€" Ladies accepted in this Association as well as inen. For particulars appJy to S. W. HILL. Membership Superintendent, Bidgeville, or to W. PEMBEETON PAGE, Secretary, 87 King Stieet West, Toronto. AGENT FOR MAJlKDALiE, THOS. iVIANN. Also Agent for Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association. SAW MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE OI3 TO I-ZS.T In the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 4 miles from Fiesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of about 400 acres timber ind, with other timber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffell wheel, under 36 ft. head of water. There are one large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for sawing lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turning broom handles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The water power is excellent, the stream being very regular. There are several other good mill sites on the proyerty. The land in the valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken off. This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold or let on liberal terms. The bush is so convenient to the mill logs can be trucked in summer time. Immediite possession given. A^ji.y to the proprietor, WM. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION P. 0., ONT. Gocd Work Guaranteed AT- â-  otogTaph (Mery FLESHERTON. Oa.ll Sit Cn.C© and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at T-^=uS. :BTTX^2!vd:E!:EB'3, FLESHERTON. libi* M oente per box.l F# 4SriiW»y T^-* Tnmer*Co.- '" Hot^Rttter is now tiie cure-all id iyepejn^. Some wit thiiikB he has discovered to^, this the raason T(*y naarripd i6en are Helao» troabted witii tiiat c«nplaiBf Wifeâ€" What's the matter now, John? Hnabandâ€" Oh, that neuralgia and tcotbacfae nter kills me. Wiieâ€" Why don't you go to HiU Bro's. and get abottle of Pkiid Lightning You know it cures all suca things as T»*n- ache. Neuralgia, Headache, Lnmbago, Ear- ache, Sore Throat, etc. It gives lastant relief. 0. N. 4 "A man who Is so mean as to- thus sue a widow woman ought to b kicked to death by a jackass," said tne attorney, "and 1 wish the coait would appoint me to do it." FIvid UgtateningT' Fluid Lightening not only cures Toothache instantly, but also Neuralgia, Headache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica. Pain of any kind cannot remain one minute where it is applied. When you hear of Fluid Lightning you hear of .one of the greatest marvels ever knawfiiiniAEfsrajvof a medicine, â- as )t never fails to cn^e^and- not in a week or a day, but the instant it is applied to the effected part. Sold at Hill Beo'«. O. N. 5 "So you prefer a»y la lw lit inea to those of Dr. Pfllsbury, Mrs. Mulligan " "Och, indade, dochtei dear, ye'ie a deal better than th' other ould humbug. Fluid Lightning cnrfs Neuralgia in 1 minute. Fluid Lightning cures Toothache in 1 minute. Fluid Lightning cures Face Ache in 1 minute. Flqid Lightning cures Lumbago in 1 minute. FluldLi{;htning relieves Rheumatism in one nunute. Fluid Lightning cures any pain or ache instantly^ Price 25 cents per bottle at Hill Bro's. €». N. 6 The true use of a porous plaster, aebording to a Milwaukee drugKist, is "to retain the bock in its proper place and let' the pain crawl out through the holes." A GREAT DISCOVERY That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's King's New Discovery lor j consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, pain in side, and chest, any disetkse of the throat and nngs, a positive cure guaranteed. Trial bot- tles free at Turner Go's, drug store. Large size 61. • 6 Doctor (engaged six months after the death of his tirsi wife, soliloquizing overaletter). â€" "This is better. She addresses me as 'darhng duck.' My first wife used to speak of me as 'old quack." WELL TO REMEMBER. A SxiTCir In Tiue â€" saves nine. Serious results oft follow a neglect of constipated bowels anil bad blood. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate -/andnpiinfy the stomach, bowels, liver, kidney*, and the blood. Take it in time. Drug clerk to diffident young lady â€" "Wish to get something?" Young lady, muttering â€" "I really believe I've forgotten whfct I came for." Clerk, who catches "onto" the last words â€" "Camphor how much, please " THE BEST COMBINATION. The best combination of blood cleansing, r^ulating, health: giving herbs, roots and barks enter into Burdock Blood Bitters â€" a purely vegetable remedy that cures diseases of the Wood, Uver and kidneys. Settled out of Coxj^t. â€" Early last summer a collision occurred in the Sault river between the steamers Pacific of Detroit and the Alberta of the Canaclian Pacific line. The Alberta was libelled at Detroit in consequence. The proceedings that had been in- stituted by the owners of both boats were terminated recently by the agent cf Mr. Gheeseborough, the owner of the Pacific, paying to the Canadian Pacific Company the damage sustained to the Alberta. NEVER GIVE UP: If you are suffering with low and depressed bpirits. loss of appetite, general debihty, dis- ordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid im- provement that will follow; you will be in- spired with new life-, strength and activity will return; pain and misery will cease; and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of iSlectrie Bittoisii: Soldoftt fifty cents a bottle by Turner Co. (j The World's Exhibition which is to. open at New Orleans on December 1st and continue till the 81st of May, is now attracting a great deal of aV tei|tion. The main building covers chitty-tbree, acres, and is the largest ever erected, exceeding m size the Crystal Palace in iSydenham, and being nearly double the size of the mam building at the Centennial. Through â- omfc.oversigbt^ theX!anadian Govehiment was not asked to take part in the exhibition till a couple of week^ago, and as there was not time to ge^p a creditable display it has been oecided not to attempt any. IJHPOBTAIWT. iaii^ «ip- care wiU oa)^p]«|fl«4lie 'arfwinge j-oooKb, ehiMien tit purdy Biicfitc ^Stoh.- pi^itfioB»^i*«ti«e. m' „ Biaafs WoitBvPowdani -mm neSy remove :them. AitjxnrWabopnro^CoTTf^.â€" Br uses alnm internally itf wb« with excellent results. andstatM take it without ob|ecti«, i^nd causes constipation. Usi PaoF. Low's SuuhbbJoa* for Pri^- ly Heat, Nettle Rash, Scalev Ernpt'on, Itch, and all diseased condition of the Skin. Sir James Paget describes the pattern healthy man as "one who lives louj? and vigorously, who, in every part of h's Ijfe. whenever and whatever it may be, does the largest amount of the be^t work thathe can, and whin he dies leaves healthy offspring. 'xvEB colic, unnatural appetite, fretf ulnew, weakness, and convulsions, are some of the effects of worms in children; destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. THE HISTOBY OF HUNDREDS. Mr. John Morrison, of St. Anns, N. S;, â- ms BO seriously afflicted with a disease of tne kidneys that dropsy was developing and his life was dispaired of. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured him after physicians had failed. ROBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Class ilG: « mA.KEr^ tfOHN NOBLE :^ MARKDALE MMIBLAGKSIITI HORSE SKOElNo SPECIALTY. Also ajjeut fortliecelelratrd CHATHAM WAGONS. ki/m^im 'mmm m^a^m Has no equut tor the ]u. main in CooshK, I'oldM, Sort* Thrval, As •.»:i:,.'(rv„-_ Wboepins 'oiig::i, lironcUuis, and nil Liiug Disrasi'ti. â- tSF Ever T. ' Ivery bottle guaranteed to j:i%e sati:faaim MILBURN CO.. Proyrieiors wl MARKDALg HARNESS ElPORIl *•» EiJTABUSHED 19 YEARS. U'NDERTKING E8TA8tl8HMENT. '^^ ,^««t mechanics stock of Double and And therefore has supplied a want long felt, -r rr OOFFIj^g^ J and Lin^iit Harness C4SKETS, SHROUDS, and all ' FUNERAL FURNISHINeS supplied on the shortes notice. TH(^.linTHEWS,Propnehr NotLing but goocl s'-ock used aud employed, k Sinjdf, Heavy ahviiys '11! lianil. AlsoWkiFS-,l'runks. Valisfs.BiaijMs, Kobcs.,3., -always in stock. tur hire at moderate rates. -AU kinds cf- Blood PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. NEW GROCERY STORE IX CONNECTION WITH Plewes Flour and Feed Store. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, mmu Cares Dizziness, Loss cf Appetite, Indirjestton, BiUousnetSf Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Affixiivnstfthe Liver and Kidney, Pimples, Blotches, hoils. Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrcftda, Erysipslas, and all diseases Mridngfrcm Impure Blootf, Derwged Stomach, or irrfgulat action cf the Bowels. DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPEUS, SALT RHEUM. HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ OFTHEHml ACIDITY Of THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIK, Having just received a Ghoicee. Fresh and Select Teas, Tobacco, Scc^ Which will be boH VEEY CHEAP. I respectfully solicit the public's patronage. 198 J. PLEWE8._ farm' FOR SALeT (\f\ ACRES, being south half of lot 18,' \j\J con. 12. Holland, town-line of the township of Holland and Euphrasia, six miles from Markdale and the same distance from Walter's Falls. This farm is level, soil clay loam, has 60 acres cleared and under ' cultivation; balance splendid hardwood timber is 3^^ miles from Berkeley station new frame house and log st»ble thereon splendid well of. spring. water beside house. Church, School and Post-Office all less than a mile distant. Beason for selling â€" the place is 8 miles from homestead, making it inconvenient to labor. Terms easy. Apply to JOHN HAMILTON, Markdale P. O., or to this office, for f urth^ partionlars. STRAYED FROM the premises of W. J. Blakely* Jot 10, con. 10, Euphrasia, about the I5th May last, a red bull calf, one year old. Any person giving such infoiination as wiU lead to his recovery will be Boitably rewarded. W. J.MiAKBiT, *l*-20 Markdale P. 0. ':%f/^: When you vi«H or leave New York City save Baggage -Expnm and Carriage hire and stop at the Ozwid Union Hotel, opposite the Gi^ Qvoknl Depot. BWnt nom» fitted m at a eost ol one aiOioB SoUars re. dnoai m tLOO and rsprnnAM per inj. Enrop«a plan, ^lerator, Beatnrant sapdJScf 2*'*ft!S??* ,??«»««â- â€¢ •*•!»â-  Mid etevat •d»aro*toaU4«|H*a. F»»8ie,o^ -^^ Hotdttwiy wg^^ otber «a|«lto« kot«na|v theteity, j Berkshire Bo^r. AliL parties serine win find itfe -tiU thcnrii^i ihe mderrigned. Sdmontmt, Ont., â- t.,,,, ^wâ€" tl St time Hm "i And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIONEYa STOMACI^ BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. HILB08H 60., ""'^omo. 03 CD W H o o o in I S I CD I EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLatli Having made eqtensive â„¢pro"n'f" -[j my Onst Mill I feel confident I «»" good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALiVAYS OHH* Chopping Done Every Doj- and Bills Filled wi^" LATH AL^4^' Oti^om Sawing shortest notice. LUMBER AND ON HAND. Is tiANied evesj t Tbbua â€" *1 not paid withi Prof««!iioual qMUM and uud Xniole column Half column. •Quarter eolum Two inch s|iac Three in'.h spi Casual uive insertion, 3 c iuiwrtton, noai Editutial ai umn 10 cents t!ach subsequei Htray anima f4, the advert lines. No paper d are paid exccpi -JOE The Staxdai meut of poster cial attention filled with dis[: O. W^. 1 EDITOJ HAND (SUCCESSO Bauriste: taries, loan at lowest i Offices IJO-^Sl Fr BARKISTE] liw. Soli aneers. Ac. Ow Fiesherton, 01 •heratofore. kjjmBD Frost, Countv Cro BARRISTER in Chancer eer, fcc A. NTJMBEl Oftices â€" Ow Poulett St.; Bra -MeFarland's Stc every week. Crease BARRl'" .x^ ances, c. d Officss in Ow »ver W. F. Y/olf Ml Over W. J. McF) and Friday of ea ES-Funds to h John Cbeasob, Markdale, Mai Alexa ISSUER of M( Life Insurai in B. R. c. Auctioneer for th Merchants, and tended to and cl Prieeinlle, Sep W ISSUER OF J Commissioi Conveyancing attended to and N.B.â€" Money varlts. MANSI MA Jas. Bry CITY "••m McAl This hoQse is •toi on Mill stn lie may depenc ^atioD. Union HARK] MABEDi *«8.RUTl M. AKI'PSr^' moysm^ .u;-i; .» 'â- mif

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