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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Dec 1884, p. 5

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 â- r-. fj,jLAJ^_j^ i â- â- iM-WfT^*..-' ;.iy IMifai II' an «., re, DESKS,. lie latest • Highly id Teach- ipactneBs, Farm and Bend lor cGILL. bop. m produQC ITS OF ERED, espectfallyj s block. EDGE. nnounce to 1 lutry that any other â- ist is being change: â€" bs. FlOTlT. it of floUTi ;\v wheat to- most of it. ' or 62 ti» I comprxsing T; S. illiamsford 3, tit to ran liavd, welL hi and front, side, good,, iind out. from the Liilv on the ' CL\BK- -211. Pd. fELBRY Llsisting of (hains, [PES, etc. stock. }wel/ery jn gus-r- iOODS. Ill* If leller, Iherton (^^g^*: %-|i:^tW froF ' fiunnia 10 No^ is tb6 _, ^^^ isubscnption for '85, it ten^ni^eMii^ ^to wait tilL^us ycariitmi. DmiDAs' Teas and Sugars are ac- knowledged to be tb« bMt vakie in 1 Markdaie. Try his Japan Tea at 25 cents per lb. T •mrj^^^-^ near Berkd«;;iQirRiii^ tfae^B^ DeoMn '^^ i'ia3'irf.^hii;?yi5!S«3' Yi'^^ bar. IEDD1H6 RINGS AND Stock, complete in al] lines f r Holidays. See my new goods, and get prices before you invest. Iiy. A BROWN, •Jeweller, Markdale. 3ec^ II i|l I fe ll !5 Lofial and Other Items. Noticed in tliese columns intended to benefit to Uidiviilual or Society icill he charged ten Y'.iiU a line for the first insertion and five |:)i(. (/ line each subieqtient insertion. TnK rush still continues at J. K. iimble's. SvTUKDAY the 6tL Dec. will be cattle lair (jay. Si.!: those beautiful parlor stoves at FuIkl'v lire's. )1r. T. Hakeuey of Dundalk, called Inns Monday. J[;:ns Felt Boots from §1.85 up at II. Trimble's. s. V.'m. Ci-aek returned to Color- la.-t Tuesday. iFr.F.sii Oysters h'soii's. arriving daily at liTi.F.NELc} CooJciL meets at the town nil the loth Dec. V!l lâ- 'V^ ::oods purchased â-  A tbrou/h town. at Benson's 8 EEDS is at AM- lLib«r*^ Ibeid at Iate3 *« lorgan- Inted at lohn A- Il884. iSaisagk season is to hand keep iir lir ciits and dogs. :. (f.^MEY reeve of Osprey gave us it:-;::ai;t call yesterdaj. iuK cheapest Store in Markdale is Inmble's- jEvery person says M. Akitt of Eugenia, gave us a [asant call on Monday. b-.'iRS Almanac's for 1885 at the I.VDA.ED office call for one. i~r^E Kye and Malt Whiskey â€" pierham Walker's distill â€" at boil's. [Ii:. T. GiLEAY, Reeve of Euphrasia, fcil in on us this week. fENS'jN.bnys all his Wliiskey at the ilei'S therefore the public can ha on getting it pure. ^n r forrrfit the Orange Soiree this pina Tiiursday) at Kells' corner^. |?ntl( Hien can he supplied at^un- wltii lirst-class Wool Fcjt' Foxd at .^1.90 per pair. pEfiE quantities ot farm produce is (i:ii',v disposed of on our market. F^Tur is seliing in Eae's new i^ruies' Double Sole Buff Boots 1' Iju :toned, for $1 per pair. â-  JAriis CnoPEK of Euphrasia, ^f(l to Camilla, east of Shelburne, »etk. SiVcii in by the public, that s i? tiie cheapest place to bay *-fci. ilour and Feed in town. FiAL Ftrvices are being held in *4ociisi church, with very fayor- picatious for good. ^^i"G doue on short notice at f^l^ilale woolen mill. First class ^^rp kept constantly on hand. I J^Ep. Co., have an immense I' HoJliday goodfe to hand which opened next week. J^ members of th6 gospel ^en Soaiid are expeo^ to "\Qcxfc Sunday and take ^rk *^ices in t\\e'Methcdist dixfjeltk Hand m $1.50 cash and get the Standabd and Weekly Newg to end of '85. The Nfwg is $1 per year seperate. Whebe do you get your Photo Frames? I get mine at Hamilton's Photo Gallery they are just loyely, and only 40 cents. Holland Council will meet at Hol- land Centre on the 18th Dec. and Euphrasia at Rocklyn to-morrow, the 5th. If ynu require any kind of a stove, Le sure and call at Walker Bro's. and examine his stock, and get prices be- fore purchasing. Kev. Messrs. Lake and Smith have been holding very successful revival meetings at Zion church. Glenelg, letely, L The Best and cheapest place in town to get axes, lamps, table cutlery, lance tooth and champion saws, is at Walker Bro's. Markdale. On'ly three weeks until the annual school meetings get your notices at the Standakd ofSce, aU ready printed, 3 for 15 cents. Say do you know, I can get Picture, Motto, or Photo Frames cheaper than I ever saw them before, at Hamilton's Photo Gallery, over Standabd office. When a subscriber goes into a country newspaper office to renew his subscription the editor puts on a sanctum-moueyus look. The Daily Neivs is the spiciest paper published subscription for morning edition $4, per year. Clubbed with the Standard you got both for $4. The express companies are both doing a lively business at this point. Over three tons of produce was shipped by express within a week from Mark- dale. Xm.4.s cards, aU pew. fine designs, 3 cents to SI. These with silverware and other lines will be open for in- spection and sale on Saturdav 6th. No trouble to show goods. W. A. Brown, Markdale. We have a few suscnbers over a year in arrears, which we will strike off orrr list at the end of this year, if not paid before tuat time, and will put their accounts in court for collection. The number of this paper is 221. Examine the number following your address on this paper, and if it is not as high a number as, 121 you are in arrears, and should renew at once. Coming. â€" Mr. Hamilton, our photo grapher, has secured the services of a first class artist (Mr. Still of Orange- ville) for one week, from Monday until Saturday, 8th to 13th inclusive. Come early in the day and secure a real life- like, picture, in any size. Cbedit Sale. â€" On Saturday, fair day, Mr. Edward Large will sell by auction at the Bevere Hotel. Markdale, a number of horses, a cow, and other articles. Sale at 2 o'clock. George Noble, auctioneer. Those indebted to us for job printing will please call and settle before the last of this month. We have to transfer all accounts into a new set of books, and i: will very materially lighten the labor if the majority of accounts ara settled before that .date. fiooi fltoek, |inpl«ai«tits, e. Twelve months er««bi givea on aj^ronrod pt^per. Geo. NoblMr'atietioneer. Thk Celebrated Ball Famfly. jubilee singers wiH give a eoneert in tile Methodist church ToWnsend's,Gleuelg, on Fridity- evening 5th in the New England church SatuMay;' the 6th. and in Ebenezer* '^choreh Monday evening the 8th commencing in each place at 7 p. ni.., ,^ -.., ScrBscBiBiBRS.â€" FfeaiBe take notice to the number followmg your address on this paper .it is the* number of the paper to which your subscription is paid. The last paper this year will be No. 224 a^d. (^^di, iseek aiterwards will add- one to tJm.jiiUliiber, or one less for 'every Sreek before. If your subscription expires at date, 224,) we would be pleas^ to have yon renew at once; if it has expired some time in the past, kindly T^t us have the amount as soon fis possible. Attempted Bubglaby. â€" About two o'clock on Tuesday mcrning last J. E. Richards andS. M. Smythe, two of W. J. McFarland's salesmen, who sleep in the store, were awakened by the growling of the big dog, who is also stationed in the premises at nights. They beard an effort made by parties outside to open the back door. The boys at once jumped, knocking a chair over in the dark, which it is supposed frightened the burglars. On opening the side door, two men were seen hurrying down Mill street from towards the •store. Smythe fired three shots from a Felf- cocking 82 calibre revolver after them, but of course they were at too great a distance for the bullets to take effect. •S,S: §" C Cbmdian Pacific r. r. OIVEH SOUND BRAHCH. mim For the magnificent display â€" OFâ€" CHRISTMAS GOODS To be opened out at the EDICAL HALL Next 4X week. Our buyer is in Toronto this week making selections and purchases. Sec new advertisement next week. a.tur;^ergo. TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday, September 9th, 1884. iiA, GOING NORTH- STATIONS. Toronto.. ..Leave Cardwell Junction Cuarledton Orange- Arrive ville Leave. Ofaiigeville Juu Shelburne Dundalk Flesherton Markdale William sford Ohatsworth .... Owen Sound.... M^. Exp. Mixed. I 7 20am 9 07 " 9 2;' " 9 50 " 10 05 " 10 17 " 10 45 " 1110" 11 36 " 11 51 " i2 03pm 12 28 " 1 00 " 4 40pin 27 " ' 45 'â-  7 on " 7 22" 7 34 " 8 04" 8 80" 8 .55 " 9 10" 9 22 " 9 49 -^ 10 20 " 11 45 am 12 30pm 12 55 " 114" 210" 3 05 " 4 06" 4 33 " 4 45 " C .37 " 6 "Opm GOINC SOUTH. STATIONS. Owen Sound..... Chatsworth WilHamsford. Markdale Flesherton Dnrdalk Shelburne Oi-angevilla Jun.. Orange Arrive.. ville.. f Leave Charleston Cardwell Junction. Toronto Arrive Exp. Mail. 520am 2 4.5pm 5 50" 3 15 " 6 j5 " 3 30" 6 27 " 3 52" 6 42" i 06 " 7 08" 4 31 " 7 31" 4 67" 8 00 •' 5 23 " 8 12 " 5 35 " 8 35 " 5 65" 8 55" 613" 9 07" 6 27" 10 4.5 " 8 35" Mixed. 630am 7 25" 7 54" 8 35" 9.00" 9 45" 10 45 'â-  U 50 " 12 15pm 12 40" 1 26" 2 03 " :3= SS OP^FIOE OF' ^IHE uu E3. T7"..Si.asr!2;:.^iT1" :r All kinds of M arlle and I\l Qnu^rnentgil "Worlss^, such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, Counter and Tabl^ Tops,-^. in American and Italian Marble, and made on shoit notice. Also Mantles, in Marble and Marbeleized Slate, c., c. .. SSatistaction Ixxxaranteeci in Every liespect: f» Orange boisEE. â€" L. O. L. No. 740 will give a soiree in Price's New HhII. Holland Centre, on Tuesday evening the 16th icst. Seyeral able speakers will give addresses and a good time is expected. Tea served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. We have received from C. A. Flem- ing, Principal of Northern Business College, Owen Sound, an of a beautiful piece of ornamental pen- manship, 18 X 24 inches, which formed part of his di.oplay of pen work that ciirried off all the first prizes this year at the leading Exhibitions, Ifc con- tains every variety of pen vork, flounshing, letterinn, flhading, scroll- ing, Ac. On, the left hand side abaaa- tiful wreath of flowers encloses a pen sketch of InglisFalls near Owen Soond, and a similar wreath on the right surrounds a very pretty little pen sketch of Canadian seeneiy. Mr. Fleming wil send » coRT o^ *^ magnificent piece of pen art (m a wS^ by mail-to ev^ w» wbo willeni!l« hi|D t^fo a»r66 cent akunps to t^ uoscage and p«*mif. ' Swiy «»• « Sor tobedaliiOT ioiija^ akna^ MARKDALE. â€"THIS NE'Wâ€" Patent Process Flouring Mill Is now completed at great expense, on the IVIost Alr*r»ROVEr plans, and with the best ma- chiner}^ manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the term, "A iodcl lllll.;' lam therefore in a 'position to give the public a SWdflM' Irfiele ofFiour. A fair trial respectifully so licitcJd and I hav^ ii6 feiar btit the result ;will te. esnUiently satisfactory. Ca9li paid for Flour^Bran, -Shorts,etc, TAILOR. PUMPS! PUMPS! 'Jt; rrv? â- J Well Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Long Pumps,, Short Pumps, All kinds of Pumps, The best Pump, .Mj^niifefetuffed^" $ucc^ssorto J.G. Irviftg, Markidi^le. Wayne, Du Page Co., Illinois. HAS IMPORTEP FROM FRANCE Braefceron Boraetf â-¼atHdiit93,00e«e«0 wliifli includes 75 IHER CENT OF ALL HORSES WhoM pnrtty of bl ood it e»l«M«»bel br ibdr MdjncM TCcndKilatlM S^FVD BOOKS OF FRAllCB^ EVER IMPORTED TO AMERICA. ^i^l^rf^i^fli^^^ STOCK ox HAXnOt BrooiiaiQ, fSSO JsmA Stallioi^ Dld«iuNigh for "torflM, .â- â€¢ COLTS,. yt uf M a^ *£ilp tq td,n\9i-^"f-^' «. ^^^^"^^^'^^^^^^ :6ii4caip respectfully =»rficitedi

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