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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Dec 1884, p. 4

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 " m If [i 4 r i .â- .â- 'S'ja^^:i^^^^*3*:-;;^^.!^ «^Tȣft«C' NEW AOVERTISEIMrNlS. .Qj^lidftyQood*â€" A.Tonier C!o. 'Farm for Baui â€" Dr. ^Mronle. Teacher Wanl^â€" Joseph Msnaiey. Teacher Wantedâ€" W lu. Jaekoon, jr. Agent Wantedâ€" B. J. McEitrick. Berkshire Boarâ€" B, Coleman. Seated Tendersâ€" R. H. Stinson. Saffolk Boar â€" Joseph Manarey. Teacher Wantedâ€" E. Clarfee. Th6 Standard. MARKDALE DEC, 4, 1884. MUNICIPAL MATTERS. In Artemesia the present probabili- ties are that the old council will be re- elected. We hear of n'j opposition to our Glenelg Reeve, Mr. Davis. He is a very proper person for the position, and will doubtless hold it. at least for the coming year. We have not heard of any opposition to the Deputy, J. A. McMillan. The council will seek re- 'election, and stand a good chance of being returned. In Holland, matters are quiet. It lis thought Mr. Cameron, the Reeye. will have no opposition. We under- stand Messrs, Shute and Norton will be candidates for Deputy- Reeye. The eld couQcil will seek re-election, all except perhaps M. Howey, who is not certain whether he will be a candidate. Mr. .John Murray will likely try it again. If the East ward wishes to have a representative they will have to decide on one man, as by having a number of candidates they are sure to loose all. We would suggest Mr. Jas. Freeborn as a very fit and proper parson for the position, and well quali- fied to ably represent the East ward. â- There are, however, other good men -the 0sly difficulty will be in deciding on one. Euphrasia municipal politics are al- ready assuming a business-Jike aspect. Mr. Gilray will doubtless be elected Reeve by acclamation. He has proved himself a painstaking and efficient re- presentative, and a good financier, and stands high in the estimation of the ratepayers. Mr. Wm. Fawcett, the present Deputy-Reeve, is busy cauyassing. D. R. Ellis is undecided whether he will take the field or not. Jas. Erskine has announced his deter miuation of again offering himself as a candidate for the Deputy-Reeve. He haS/ been many years in the coun- cil, and will doubtless take that posi- tion at the coming election. As a business man and efficient represen- tative he is head and shoulders above the present Deputy. The present â-  councillors have discharged their du ties faithfully and proved themselves worthy the confidence reposed in them. They are Messrs. Boyd, Black and Hurd and will all seek re-elec- tion. Report haa it that W. J. Shepherdson, the famous auctioneer, will again offer his services as coun- cillor. lu Osprey we hear of no particular stu* as yet. Mr. Gamey will, no doubt, be re-elected to the office of Reeye. He is an, able representative at home as well as at the County Council. The other members of the council are economical acd careful of the interests of the township, and in all probability will seek, and succeed in being re- elected. CONSERVATIVE MEETING. BUiott. B. BdgMtoa. 9- â- 'S'*???' Zi* H. Dod»n, G. Swanteo. M. Bichtta- 8on. E. J. Sproule, C. Devitt, O.E* Sing, M. Eobinflon, J. T. Johnston, N. Rdd, H. Oriahohn, E. Kerr, James Bowes. J. Bnrnett, W. Ward, T. Gil- ray, W. Fawcett. N. Smith, G. Me- Ahster, Thos. Lowe. J. Erskine, A. Erskine, Dr. Christoe, J. Shaw, T. Shaw, J. Galloway, J. Gillespie, J. B. bing. B. Cornett, E. Hector, J. Spar- Jmg. After tlie above business wat com- pleted the business of the annual meetmg was taken up. Mr. N. Mc- Colman handed in his resignation ais President of E.G. L. C. Association. The resignation was accepted, and Mr. Kells, Vice-President, elt!ct«d to fill his place. Mr. T. Gilray, Reeve of Euphrasia, was then elected Vice- President. Mr, John Lyons, Record- ing Secretary. Wm. Douglas, Treas- urer and the following corresponding secretaries were, appointed W- J. Grier, Thos. Hanbury and Jas. Brodie. Auditors, Wm. Lucas and R. J. Sproule. Dep.-Vice-Presidents, Jas. Erskine, Euphrasia; Thos. McMurchy Colhugwood A. Freeborn, Holland A. Elliott, Artemesia; A. McGirr, Osprey J. McArdle, Proton N. Beid, St. Vincent H. Chisholm, Meaford R. Slack, Melancthon. After business the Convention were treated to a sumptuous supper at the Markdale House by Dr. Sproule, M. P. ^^za Tnu# ft «iiitese iiMMio«9 SheUmrnfl «heeie factorr ib^bu*- "WHY NOT FLESHERTON " The Flesherton Advance makes a feeble attempt to represent that village, a more convenient point for Thorn bury merchants to reach, in bringing freight over the C. P. R. than Mark- dale. The editor should remembei that it is a point on the C. P. R. Thornbury wishes to reach and farthermore, if there is any truth in the statements contained in various articles which has appeared in the Adcance, urging the township to con- struct a passable road from Flesherton to the railway station, we would naturally conclude that the Advance simply advocates the road via Flesh- erton to reach Markdale. We can see no great obstacle in the way of Thorn- bury people reaching this stat ion direct, there being but one hill of any account, and it is not absolutely necessary to travel even that hill to reach this vill- age. Every necessary convenience and accommodation will be provided at Markdale in the handling of freight, c., should the Thornbury people de- 1 cide on the proposed change. R. T. OF T. A meeting of the East Grey Con- servatives was held in Markdle on Mouday last to appoint delegates to the Provincial Association about to be organized, and to have the Riding re- presoutod at the Banquet to the Eight Hon. Sir John A. Macionald on the 17tli December. There were present, N. McColman, M. r. P., President T. Kells, Vice- President; John Lyons, Recording Secretary T. S. Sproule, M. D., M.P., and a very large rej)resentation from all parts of the riding. The following were appointed dele- gates to Toronto: â€" Dr. Sproule, M. P., T. KeUs. W. J. McFarland, Wm. Lucas,Gec..Haskett, John Lyons, E. Davis, D. Henderson, .John Hutchinson,. N. McColman, M. P. P., R. Reid, Thos. Andrews; JohiS Vcitch, Joseph Rorke, Wm. Snarling, Jas. Brodie, Wm. McLoughry, Bjch. Watson, A. McGirr, J. C'lrisb, H. McDonald, Thos. Brown, M. Akitt, John McArthur, T., Hanhnry,. lamt Traynoi-. Ja^.}LiiQoni JflhH' Jdbbolfci' l\ MeGregaf» J. McArdiev »:^Potts, F. Winter. C/MoDowfell. W. T. P^ §oss, ©. K: M**t^uT. W. Korf; W. The Royal Templars concert, which was given in Rae's Hall on Tuesday evening was in every respect a suc- cess. The hall was well filled, and everything passed off with the best of order. The customary refreshments were dispensed with, much to the re- lief of the committee, and we believe, to the satislaction of all. A substitute was, however, provided, in the shape of a supply of beautiful eating apples. Rev. Mr. Caseon was voted to the chair, and the programine entered upon within six minutes of the stated hour this was another important im- provement, as it is very common to commence proceedings from half an hour to an hour later than the advertised. The programme was ably rendered. A quartette by Mrs. Hill, Misses. Lyons and Armstrong, and Messrs. Brown and Armstrong, was rich. Mr. Porter is a good reciter and did his part admirably. Mr. Richf^rds acquitted himself creditably. Mr. J. R. Anderson appeared in his usual happy mood. It is always a de- light to a Markdale audience to have the privilege of listening to. Mr. A., and they vvere by no means disappoint- ed this time. Mr. H. A. Galbraitli of Toronto gave two most thrilling reci- tations. He has a pleasing address, and an expressive and thrillmg man- ner. W. .J. Benson appeared m character, and brcught the house down completely. Ho is a genius in- deed, and did his .part exceedingly well, keeping ihe audience in-'roars of laughter througboat. his stay on the platform was heartily encored, and gave an amusing episode, followed by a song, "Mr. Riley." There .was also i duette by Misses. Armstrong and Lyons. Song by Misses Ford. Bong by -Nellie Wilson, also by Miss Wilson. A^ address by Rev. T. Grandy, and staitisties, c., of the order by Mr. Enuis.' The whole was woond op by ,tiie sing^mg of the I^ational Anthem. ^*I^^ floriieTtoa ie(9le tarred o^ in y^^S Jittinb^rs, ^omngv in » prsetiBftl 'jBtEuiBsr, the fjmfenud fadmK (nkiiilf JMtwfeett the IteiOHC^. W^^qtetobe eble 1^ re»prdciHie A 498 lb. 'so^, '^fts sold in Bbelbnme. laetweek-'T -;',.' ' â-  w*-?- :?s- Sir John Mftcaonald left Bnnlahd on SatArday by* the Canwtl 9|eMa?r Oregon. â-  -,; T^ wither in Manitoba is so mild that the fwrnfirs are aWe to continue plowing. The Dundalk HtraU is immensely interesting recently, and is faat grow- ing popnlar, Frank O'Flinn' of, Primrose, killed five racQpna i9 his barnyard one night last week. Heavy snow storms are reported m England, tiie'drifte^^eri^tiBly impeding railway trafficr^"" '^- '*^ David and A. C. Broadfoot,.of Allen- ford, leftfpr JKansas recently, where they intend to winter. Messrs. Foster West are making things ham at then: mill in Oorbettpn. We wish them success. We see by the Manitoba Daily Free Press that W- F. Doll is at the Grand Union Hotel in that City. Owen Sound Y. M. C. A. is flourish- ing. The reading room is open in day time as well as evening. A man had his tongue cut out at the Toronto Genewd Hospital recently to save him from a painful death, A man named Coutts has been arrested for st^^liog a mail bag from the stage Baween Gorrie and Wroxeter. 'w- The Thorntalfy Venture is removing this week to Clarksburg, one mile from the forrael^laee, and there will consequently be no paper this week. The Rev. *WC Read, lately of the Primitive MetlTodist Church, Orange- ville, was receritly ipducted as Pastor of the Presbyterian' Church, Weston. A MAN named Josepli Wojodhouse was shot while out huuting in Eunis- killcu township on Monday by his companion John Miller lu mistake for a deer. The propeHqr, City of Otpen Sound, is ashore at Michipicoten. and will be a total loss. She is valued at $S5,000. Her cargo is valued at $20,000' Both are insured. An exchange compares life to a harness, saying that there are '^•ti-aces of care, lines of trouble bits of good fortune, breaches of good manners, bridled tongues, and everybody has a tug to pull through;" We believe that a man who would borrow his neighbor^'s local paper to read, when he is well able to subscribe and pay for it himself, is so stingy that he would talk through his nose to saye wearing out his teeth. Rutherford Bros, of Owen Sound, who have been under the weather recently, owing to the failure of Campbell k Sons of Toronto, are now, we are glad to leam,on their ieet again in the Stationery business. Mb, Moody, the evangelist, com- menced his series of services yesterday m the Metropolitairchurcn, Toronto, time I the building being densely packed on each occasion, andL hundreds turned away from't£^ doers. The Grand Trunk and Canada Pacific railway companies liaye at last come to an amicable »|^E^eme|[t in regard to the Union stali^|;3^ron to, the latter cojipany in future- .getting th6 absolute use- of the north side of the station. Following m th^' fe4t|t^?i- of Ne#. York jewellers, the jewellers of To- ronto, Montreal, nndothev cities have formed a Mutual Alliance Association f(jr lu-otection against bnrclars, and will employ Pinkerton's detectives for the purpose ol bringing to juotice any of the frate ruity operhtiug on their premis-38. ' ' FisK rs GLEKELG.-^The house on Lot 8, Coo. 3, N. p. R., Glenelg, lately bought by Air. William Collier, and occupied by Mr. J^oljinsoh, was burned on Friday last.. The fire was first noticed about .eleven o'clock, while Mr Jenkiusou^and lus son were in the woodp, there being nobody near but Mrs J^ikinson: The a)arm wab giy^, but wheh the he^bors arrived t)fe fiat^es had mftde too much head- Wi^ to save.. the bald^g, and they proeaed«d to/ndn^ce the oonteuts, moat of vuAh mfe »v««l. TTbe Nfldmg itK^w^^tfdn' fira^ pwrtl; all no 4alE^t mlN #^ Jpfei^SS liwT MWaiM ft i»r»A«ia «»**« • stftted tone he is bomid to oo neceiwary work on all oowwioos; legal holidays inclndetl. .There xs stated length of time whjch constitutes a day's work on a fari»._ Thia is established by custom, aiid is usually considered to mclude feedmg the stock and doing, chores before 7 in the morning and after 6 in the evening, so that the day may be 8f«nt in the field work. A man recei^ves. pay and board on holidays as well as-other dayi should do his reasonable woirk on tliofce days otherwise it would be quiet as reasonable for his employer to say "This is a holi"ay, and we do no work in the house and no meals will be prepared for yow." It is better to have all these points settled when the man is hired and make part 6f the a'neemeut, and so avoid all chances of dispute. A farm, hand cannot claim extra pay lor overwork, unless there is » special agreement, as extra time in harvest or haying or other emergencies go to offset the loss of time by oad weather. Never- theless, an employeer can woU afford CO be liberal in this respect when work pushes.. Notice f afiBirt}Stn.Marnages, and Deaths, I txaetnty five-eentt. being BIRTH.S. BftowN.â€" In Markdale on) the 3rd inst., the wife of. Mr. W- A. Brown, Jeweller, of a daughter. Flemwo â€" At Oakdale Farm, Port^ Ellice, Man... on the 26th October, the wife of Jam£B Fleming of a daughter. .DEATHS- Blair â€" On the 2nd inst., after a short illness of inflamation of the Lungs, IsabeUa; wiie of ilr. Bobert Blair, aged 44 years, "WiLLiAMS-On the 29th November, Catharine. relic of the late John Williams, nged 75 years. Deceased, with her husband, were among the early pioneers of this destrict, having moved to this neighborhood 3-5 years ago. Her funeral sermon was preached "on the 1st inst., by the Eev. W. Casson, after which her remains were interred in the Methodiit chiuch cemetery. MARKDALE. Fall Wheat $0 65 to Spring Wheat 65 to Barley 45 to Peas 52 to Oat 27 to Butter -16 to Eggs 20 to Apples 50 to Potatoes 18 to Hay 7 00 to Pork 5 00 to Flour 3 75 to $0 68 67 62 00 00 18 00 75 20 8 00 5i 4 25 STRAYED. From the premises of John Pickering, lot 5 con. 7 Euphrasia, about the Ist September last, two heifers rising three years old, one all white and the other red with white spot on forehead and white on end of tail. Any person giving sucli information as will lead to their recovery will be suitably awarded. JOHN PICKEBING, 319 21. Vandeleur, P. O. Teacher Wanted, W lOB S. S. No. 6, Holland, male or female, holding 3rd class certificate duties to commonce Jan. Ist, 18S5. Applications received up to December 15th by letter. WM. JACKSON, Jr., Sec. Trustee, 221-23 Berkeley P.O. Choppers Wanted. fJiO, cut 1. 000 cords of wood and make a ' IT large quantity o£ ties, also teams to haul the same to Markdale station. (Contracts will be l3t m c^uantitifs to suit contractors. Apply 'to MAUBICE DOOLAN, *218 20 Traverston. SXSii' f .:wiisfl» U'ai^m SUBSCRIPTIONS. Subscriptions received at this office for any of the following papers to the end of 1885 for one dollar in advance each, y\t: Markdale Standard, Toronto Weekly il/ai//Weekly Globe, Montreal .S'tor, Montreal- Witnm, or the; Farmers, Adwksate. Now is .the time -to subscribe and gi^ tke iwlanoe of this year fsee. i -i i^ â- â€ž, hAGYARQc, YELLOWOll FBEEMAlTs VQBJK POW pEi^gN A»» p1wiMnt totake. Contain their «»,' tasattTa. I« a safe. snre. and eflh^S •«r w«rav ia Children or ^J[ II aff ex.. The undersigned is manufactiirinj cellent assortment of Sch-ool K iwnit are. Consisting of SG OOL SEATS aud DESKS TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tue latest design and most a))provfi4 pat'oin. BigliW recommended by Scliool Trnsti'esanJ Teact er.s, for cheapness, comfoit and compactness wherever triei. An assoitmout of Farm and School Bells kept aUvays on hand. Send for catalogue to Chats worth P. 0. 181 ' ANDIIEW McGIIA. New Butcher Shop. The best meats the country can produce kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED. A share of public patronage respectfnllr, solicited. Kemember the stand in MeXea's block. 181 W. H. RUTLEDGE. MaiMale Roller Mi. The subscriber begs leave to announce to the farmers of the snrroundinj: country that he is turning out flour equal to any other roller mill. No more waiting while the grist is being g:ound. ij;^Tiie following is the scale of ercliange:â€" "Wheat Weighing 62 lbs, 40 lbs. Flour. 61 " '« " 60 " • "' " i5S " •' " 57 " 35 " with offal in proportion to aiuouut of flour. I find the average weight of new wheat to De 60 lbs. to the bushel, and the most of it, if properly cleaned, would weigh 'Jl or 62 to the bushel. John W. Ford. 36 b7 .S6 FAM FOR SALE. â- i, comprising T. is. Williamsford A valuable property of 7.5acre! Lot 40, aud west half of 42, 1st Koad, Holland one mile from Station, the place is in good shape, tit to run a reaper and mower, good orchard, well fenced, picket fence around orcliar land front, of lot with maple trees pliuted inside, gooLi dwelling house, also good bam and Title good, no tran onr houses. Title good, no tran^fer.s from the crown. For further particulars "UPb' ontbe premises t6 owner. EOBl^lU CL^'K Williamsford Station P. 0. -JOOâ€" 211. Pd. -j^iisii: IVATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELERS New goods arriving every week, consisting of WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, CHARMS, SPECTACLES, PIPES, PURCES, VIOLIN STRINGS, etc. 18 k. Wedding Rings always in stock. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery Repaired by myself and satisfac6|on guar- anteed. e- NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Crive nie a Call- James C. Russeil, ' Watchmaker, Jewoller, 217-269 Flesherton, SEEDS SESI)S â€" IMPORTED â€" a«J|W to ttie miimii of W tmdvaigiiei, FIELD HD GARDEN SEEDS The place to buy yoxir Seeds is at PARKER'S,- Drugstoi-e, P ORHAM^ EAST GJ^REY Uberal Conservative Association- v. 8ib:-A Meeting of the East Grey liberal Conservative Association wiu ut- • Markdale, on Monday, lece'^^"" ,|,';te3 t« ftar the ptu^ose of appointing /^""' gan- he Pro^oial Association, about to I'e o^ i«6a.«»Ctohave the Riding ^XrS^- thftBan^iettothe Right Hon. "•â- '°^4. IbedoMk. jn the 17th of Ief â„¢Jf J to •i^c88 of importance wiu Association. LOW, CorKSeC;. IlpT.34,lS8i., 9f^^\ 3£«- .^H-S' â-  m MM PRi Stock coi See my prices befd w.a.b\ Si I I Local an Notices in tlies my individual or ients a line for ents a line each The rush sti 'ritable's. Satukday tlie air day. See tiiose be; Valker Bro's. Mr. T. Haxei n ns Mouday. Mens Felt Boi Pi. Trirable's. Mrs. Wk. €lar lo last Tuesda^ Feesh Oyster eiison's. Glenels Cocn Jlon the loth All s:oods pii: iliveied througl Sausage seasoj nr cats and do; Mr. (tamey ret Ieas.ant call ye The cheapest £ R. Tnnibie's. ^n. M. Akitt asant call on ]\ Iters Alsianac WD4ED office ca ;e Eye and (lerham "' )n's, 'a. T. OlLRAY, »d in on us tl !?NsoN.bnys al illerj, therefc "iud on gettiiij «'t forget tb "n? (Thursdi entlemen can with first- cli ts at $1.90 p *KRE quantifcii 'g diiily dispoi pNDAg is sell â- Ladies' Do or buttoned, James Co ' to Camii l^eek.

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