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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Dec 1884, p. 1

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 ^» and cmfottau stablu^ ana i;' uaiieni cure oi' oiiehitls, aMt "• to give satisfacticf; Voarietors Tofo,,." aPORIOM 19 YEARS. ^Proprietor B^-oek used aud employed. A Single, Heavy ilwavs oa liand. alises.Blaukots. ritocli. REUEVE PSY, TTERING IFTHEHEm^ )ITY OF THE STOMACH, NESS OF THE SKlHr aHslne from Y8, 8T(^ACM, OOD, Proprietory TORONTO^ ING! srers, Circulars, Cards, â-  |mg Cards, ;ill Heads, â- Tags, )ol Reports, Municipal lith neatnes? lis officer VOL. 4.-N0. 221 f.«ieaiass^nsBn MARKDALE, ©ifT*, DEC. 4, 1884. C0PIX8 OP THE StANDAE Five cektb kach. ie larMale Standard Is issued eve-;' Tlinrsiiiy, at the office, Mill 5treet, Markiale. Term- â€" SI per year in advance; $1.25 il not paid with hi tlnee months. Pioffs-ioRdl arid business cards one inch f.iaee aii^'i uuiler, uer year, Si. 1 YR. C MO. 3 MO. .V)0 00 #27 50 §15 00 27 00 15 OC 10 0() 1" 00 10 00 6 00 7 00 4 00 10 00 6 00 Casiirtl adveitisonients 8 cent? per line first iastitio;-,, 3 cunts per lir-e each subsequent iu.-tition. nonv'aieil measure, Iidituii;il notices, or notices in local col. uinn 10 fiijts per ];ue first iasertion, 5 cents *acli sii!"-(iuents inseiti^in. Stray aiuuials 4o,, advertised 3 weeks for j4, the advertisement not to exceed twelve linos. No p.'.por diacou tinned until all arrears are paid except at the aption of the publisher. W'iiole column.. Half cor,iUui Quarter {-ulu.-un.. Two iucb space. Three inch space OB PRINTING-â€" The KTASD.4.RD office has a splendid equip- meut of poster as well as line job type. Spe- cial atieution to orders by mail. Orders filled with dispatch. EDITOE ANl) PEOPKIETOR. SIfijal* HAiyOSPERRY, (SUCCKBSOKS TO LAUDEB â-  HANDs), BAiaaSTEltS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- tariis, Conveyancer.-;, c. Money to '.oai! at lowest rat- s of interest. " Ofdces 16 King Street East, l'.n)-251 TOEONTO. Frost Fro*f., T"APv]nSTEE.S, AND ATTOENEYS-AT x) Lavr, Solicitors in Chancery. Convey Ulcers, iVc, Owen Sound, have resumed at Jkslierton, Ofiice open every Thursday, as heretofore. Alfkkd TiioyT, J. W. Fkost, LL. B. (iountv Grown Attorney.- 1 BAEEISTEE, MASTEE AND DEP. EEG in Chaneei-y, Notary Public, Conveyan^ :er. c. A XcMBEU OF FAR3IS FOB SALE. OFrlCESâ€" Owun Sound, in Viewer's Block ronlott St.; Branch office in Markdalc, over .MeFarlaiid's, on Jriday and Satmday .vi-rv v,-cek. 57- ly CresasorA' SE'^rrissOii, B.UJPJ " xvO,S0LICIT0ES. CONYEY- ances, e. .c. Offices in Oweu Sound, D'afferin Block, over W. V. Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE; Over "W. J. McFariaud's Stdro on Thursday and Friday of each week. fcs'Fundsto lend on reasonable terms. Jons Ceeasok, Q.G. Duncan Moeuon ilarkdale, March 15, 1882. 79-lv ilcxandcr JBrowa, ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Ag'nt. 'jommissionei iu B. E. etc. Conveyance;- and Licensed Anctioneer for the County of (irey. Farmers, ^ferchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- icnded to and charges made verv moderate. Priceville, Sept. 17. 1880. " 1-v ISSUER OF MAEEIAGT^i LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. IJ. etc. Conveyancing in all its branches prompth attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Eeal Estate se eurity. MANSION BOUSE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. CITY liOTEL, John McAlcer, Proprietor. ibis house is fitted up in good style, situ- ated ou Mill street, where the travelling pub- lic may depend on the very best accommo- dation. Union bus to all trains. 194 MARKDALE HOUSE, MAEKDALE, ONT. M. RUTLED6E, PROPRIETOR. 'fashionable Tailor, OVER MACFAHIAia'6 BTOBX. PEEF CT FIT GUAEAKTEED. ^mm THE 6SEAT CTTSE FOS CATASSE, Anflall aiKeasrsnrisirg from it. J CpcrdysTid Certain Aniidirti^ Cntarrh, Influniza, BroiK'hilin, Cold in the I leai!, 1 lay Fever and folyput. It gives imniediaie relief nnd effects a curciii a tfiort time. Sold by Mcdi- Ciue JOealera «t 50 rents. T RIAL SIZE, BY MAIL, IS CENTS. J. T. PLDIT 00., Pharmacists, Proprietors, Bock Island. V. Q., and Derhy Line. Tt PcMeal* B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.C P. S., O. Physician and Snrceon, Priceville, Graduate of University. Vict. College. ., ,. New York, and Hon. Graduate, of the same, ., Avleth M?dical InstiTute. „ ',, Opthalmic ^spital, N,\' Member Coll. PliYsicians S*rgeor s,0. !{'C4 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.'S. DEXTIST, /~^ EADUAT-E OF TOEONTO SCHOOL Vjr of Dentistry, will be at Eutledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the let and third Wed- n^sdav of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Fleshei'ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. 122-47 W. G. RICHARDS, "OUILDER, CONTRACTOR, AE(7HI- *3 TECT. â€" Residence on .dill Street, Mark- dale. 1241v BerkshiM Boar, A^NE thoroaghbred 1^^ 15 months old, ftjr aervice at hit IDHk, ftaile out of Ma^kdale. Termsâ€" 76 cents «juhi. 221 B. COLEMAN. SA.niTEr. WAKDFL.I., ELL DIGGER AND DEILLEE. ALL orders promptly attended to. Resi den"_Snider's Hill Owen Sound 122-35 w HAMILTON'S Photograph gallerY OYER THE STAyDAIiD OFFICE. Fine work fixecuted iu all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to ^^ lES J^ 3ivCI j:t a- A large stock of moolding to choose from. Gall and leave v«ttr measure for a picture. •Jas. Haimilton. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVrLLiE, Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabhng and attentive Hostler's TflOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. ^Contracts taken for all kirds of, aud stone work, Plain Ornamental Plastering^ Cahomininq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction gu'ar- antec^. Orders left at ahe Stanjdabd office vvrill receive prompt attention. 126-ly. ISAAC STOSON, Builder and Contractor 111 all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. igS-fim" MABKDALE P. O. iWHL Send six cents for postage, and receive free.a costly boi of goods which will help iill, of either sex ta more mcney right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await tte workers absolutely sure. At once address Tbce Co., Augnsta, Maine 187-239 CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late HOimOw|HOOSE,) CHATSWOBTHv«nt. TUCK McLEOD Pbofbietobb. Tbe best brand: of liquors and fligats al- ways in stock. Goed meaLs.and comftortable rooms guarmteed. Good stabling and a.t- tentive hostler. • ^^* fmotmr Wanted FOR Scbeol Beo%n No. 17. Bnphrasia, male dc temale,solding3rd^88 certifi- cate duties -to'commience^vat of 1885 sta^e salary. Applications tecaived ap to noon on Saturday, Dec. 20th, 6y Jf JOSEPH Mikiri 221-23 P.O. Sealed Tenders W ILL 'he receivftd up to the ISth day of Dec, 1884, by the Trustees of School Section No. 18, Euphrasia, for the erection of a fence ait their school ground. Specifica- tions can be seen at B. H. Stinson's, lot 2, con. 8, Euphrasia. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. b!h. 8TINS0N, 221-22' Sec.-Treas. AGENT WANTED. "TTyANTED, a good man to act as agent V\ for ihe sale of Beapcrs. Mowers, and Self-Binders,mannfacturtd by A. Harris, Son Co. of Brantford. Address 221-24* R. J. McKITEICK, General Agent, Orangeville, Ont. Suffolk Boar. FINE SuffolJc Bear, 8 months old. .I\ bred by Edward Shaw, Collingwood Township, for service on lot 18, con. 10, Euphrasia. Terms â€" %1 at time of service. 221 24 JOSEPH MAN ARE Y, NOTICE. 4 meeting of the patrons of Maifkdale ^Tjl cheese factory is hereby called for Saturday ISth inst., .^t Markdale 'for the purpose of appointing dScers for 1885 and other business. A full attendance is request- ed. To commence at 3 p. m. B. COLEMAN, ^res. E. D. IRWIN, Sec. 121:32 For Sale Cheap SOUTH i Lot 3, Con. 12, EniArasia, 100 Hcrets, 20 cleared, and balace good wood; never failing stream crosses the back end of it, and a good well close to the house a log house, and lo^ stable of fail size. Also for sale by the undersigned, cne good farm horse, five years old one cutter and one single horse waggon. For lurther particulars apply to T. S. SPBOULE, Markdale P.O. P. S. â€" The timber on farm would more than pay for it. 221-26 Teacher Wanted FOR School Section No. 5, Holland. Apply personallj' or by letter, stating salary o ROBERT CLARKE, ..Secretary, "Williamsford P. O. Or to James Quj3J»,1,p^^^ 221-28 .iB^rkeleyP.O. MARKPALE FURNITURE STORE. STOCK COMPLETE -IN- Waltcrs Falls. From our own correspondent. Deab SSib, â€" Nothing very interest: ing has transpired here since I wrote you last, except tlie death of Mr. Philip Walters, which, although not sudden, was unexpected, and gave a shock to every one in ihis vicinity. The deceased gentleman may be said to have been the most influential per- son in this part of the country, and by his upright and honorable conduct and genial manners was both beloved and respected by all who bad the good fortune to be acquainted with him. His death has been a great trial to his family, who, however, are comforted by the assurance, that Hheir loss is his gain. There have been no arrivals or de- partures of any consequence of late. Mr. Bichard Olmstead and Mr. Anson Smith started ou a bunting ex- pedition lately. They went to Muskoka and had considerable success. They shot two deer, but one got away, and they brought the other home. Mrs. D. Brown has returned from a four weeks visit to friends and rela- tions at Emsdale, Muskoka. Our citizens appear to be settling down and preparing for the inevitable winter. All are in good spirits, and seem to think that life is worth living. Like tiie historian Miguet, Mr. Sam Caswell is proud and thankful that he has been brought into existence, and of having arrived at consciousness and Mr. Bush, blacksmith, agrees perfectly witli Mr. Ernest Renan, that it is something to have lived, and to have emerged, even for a short space, from the infinitude. As was anticipated, the new roller flour mill here, under the able man- agement of Mr. Freeman, has proved a sltccese. and is assuming proportions which warrant us in the belief that it will be one of the mam branches of industry for the furtherance of the prosperity of this place. Mr. Caasar, butcher, is coming to settle here permanently on the first of next month, which shows the great advance this place is making, as a few years ago, if any one had said that we wanted a butcher to ourselves, that pel son would have been immediately examined by two medical men (we have two here now), very likely have been pronounced insane, and be at present lauguishing in the asylum. The wintry wind extends his blast. To-night( 27th) there is sleighing here; and the signs of an open winter are gone again. An Extraordtearsr Operation. A mah able to talk afteb having taff TONGUE CUTOFF. A few days ago Dr. McFarland per- formed an unusual operation on H. C Ward, an old Crime»n veteran, of Center street, having removed a cancer from his tongue at the General hospital. At the time the operation was so successfully performed there were some two hundred students a%d a number of doctors in attendance, and it was generally boUeved that the old man would lose his power of speech and sense of taste. Yesterday, how- ever, Mr. Ward's son received a note-^ from his father which stated that he would lose neither his speech nor his sense of taste, as he could already articulate quite plainly and tlie doctors assured him that he would soon be able to wag his tongue, or what remains of it, with as good effect as before he brought on the cancer by smoking a pipe with a broken and jagged edged stem. In the letter to the son he says be will be able to leave the hoopital in' about two weeks, and he con- cluded â€" "The doctoro says I will be able to talk as well aH ever, and I know I haye not lost my sense of taste. There were about two hundred studentt* present while the operation was going on, and when I came to my senses they gave me a hearty cheer. The operation was an extraordinary one and has been reported ou both sides of the Atlantic. â€" News. EASILY CAUGHT. Honor Roll of S. S. No. 8, Arte- mcsia. 1st Glass â€" (Total 318) â€" Bella Blackburn, 206 Sammy McNallv, 135 Priscilla McKee, 119. 2nd Classâ€" (Total 520)â€" Sarah Mc- Kee, 408; Elsie McKee, 403; John Gamey, 394. 8rd Classâ€" (Total 438)â€" Maggie Parliament, 392 Hannah Stafford, 298 Georgie McNally, 296. 4th Class â€" (Total 436) â€" Bella Thompson. 361 Alice Nicholson, 341; Esther McNally, 314. Elsie Inesteb. Teacher. H ri ^•; HAIR CLOTH SLUTS, BEDSTEADS, ^Pfiifl6 BEDS, MATTRASSES, Extension, Side. Center, Fall-leaf and KitcheuTable8,Sideboards,Dre8S- ing Cases, Lounges and Cradles, c., c. If wo have'ut whatycu want we can have it oil dtott notice. â€" AI.f9 â€" Loral er, Sash^ Doon. Door Frames, Newel Pos^, Stiiurs, Balastors, Hand RaOing. and ' all.snp]^at GRANT 4 CO'S, tWlax*b:cla4e» Hlonthly Fairs. fOI Markdale â€" Saturday before Flesb- erton. Chatswcrth â€" Monday before Dur- ham. .Dnndalk â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Fleshertonâ€" :Monday before Orange- ville. Orangeville â€" The second Thursday in eachmoAth. Mount Forestâ€" -Third Wednesday in each month. Priceville â€" -I^onday before Durham. j^rham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Hanover â€" Monday before Dnrhtfm. Walkerton-^Lasfe Wednesday in every month. A DOUBLB PUBPOSE. The popular remedy, Hasyard^a Tdlow Oil, is usea both fntenmByaaaeztorhally, for eohes, pafns.enMs, croup, rheumrJisai, i-J^zX- oess, rad diseases of aa infisuBmatory ni^fire. it is yery easy to catch cold, but not so easy to cure it unless • you use Hagyard' â-  Pecteral Balsam, the oest remedy fpr all throat, bronchial and lung troubles, coughs, colds and noiisumptive tendencies. ^^^ The Leighton (Jase. â€" On Monday Thomas Leighton was brought up on remand • charges with stealing two pairs of boots from D. P. Urquhart. to which he pleaded guilty, but as there were twenty-four other charges of larceny against him he was further remanded. On Monday he was again brought up, when the other twenty- four claimants ot stolen property were in attendance. The prisoner pleaded not guilty to all the several charges. The Chief had all the goods assorted and laid out in due order all round the coujt room so that he could lay his hand on each parcel as it was claimed. The Police Magistrate went through with the evidence in each case patiently which was somewhat monotonous, and.' was about after this wise The Chief, swore to finding the goods in the house of the prisoner, who said most of thena were taken there by a colored man named Johnson. Johnson denied knowing anything about them, and the owners severally identified their goods. The contradictory statement in reference to Johnson and other circumstances showed that Johnson had no complicity with him. Johnson who had been arrested for receiving stolen goods on information given to the Chief by Leighton, was discharged from custody ou application of his counsel, Samuel Piatt, Esq. The. prisoner Leighton was convicted oa all the twenty five charges and. sen- tenced to seven years in the Provincial Penitentiary at Kingston in each case,, all to run concurrently. The Police. Magistrate ordered restitution of the stolen property to the several owners. The prisouer was sentenced at 12:80 ou Monday, and at 3 p. m. the same day was on his waj to Kingston. â€" 0. S. Advertiser. A PLANT OF RARE VIRTUES. Is the cu-mmon and well known Burdock It 18 one of the best blood purifiers and kidney regulators in the vegetable world. and the compound -known as Burdock Blovd Bitters possesses wonderful power in diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys and stomach, PATlWfl mmN* CO., of ihis gfnsKTmc AjrerarAx. «»» ttane to»ct »s tfollcitiir» IT i-aWii^ta, Oireaw, Triulo IiUrka, Cupyrixhts. for Ue Uoiced-Stat^. Car^da. â- MbHBd, RvDe«, OoimBny, ete. Hand, Book abou rtiwnta Mnt free. TliiitT*iwTenTaar«'experieBoe} FMentaobUtned tbronrt MUNN CO. aranoUcetf IntfceSCTEMTIWP AMOUCAN, Ute larmirt,. t;^t, nnd moat widely ctronlatcd sclontlflc puper. *.4.20 n yes r. Tr.:""lr P:"nrti;' '•itrmvint's a' Bit^n-st-at' •»- Icn !! sf'fit. f r,-"' i\.l.!T'-:' ATI .VN A- Ci...--'TirTrr:r AME5lIC.-iNOB!Ca.2!;li5-'i"5ir, i"" VCift?. •: Ol^ WlT i :f.-- â- i^'

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