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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Nov 1884, p. 8

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 tmm^mmmmm igg!p^r«B?s3?!^!^sg««p;^5'« t !i' I' ' .J Ki J •- 1, -, f *â- â€¢â-  i ,•1" ^â- V 1%' i K ft i The Canadian Mutual Aid Association^ INCORPORATED AUGUST 20TH, 1880. 1FIEA.I OFFICE, •J?0£tO]VTO. %Vm. Betmie. Esq., Toronto, President E. H. Hilboru, Es-q.. Uxbndge, Tieasnrer G. H. Watson, Li.B.. Toronto, Solicitor ;. H. Mackintosh, M.P., OtUwa Tlids. Menzies, Peterboro IV'teV Grahaaa, M.P.P., Warwick BOABD OF DIEECTOBS A. Gifford. Esq., Meafoid, Viae-President W. Pemberton Pag«», Esq., Toronto, Sec y B. H, Eobertson. M.D.. Toronto. Med. D'tr; Lewis Wigle, M.P.P., Leamington; J. P. Bull. Downsview; S. W. Hill, Esq., Eidgcille, Memb. Supt. The Directors have filed with the Hon. S. C. "Wood, (Ex- Provincial Treasurer of Ontario) Trustee for the Association. Bonds to the amount cf 560,000.00, as a guarantee lor tbe honest carrying out of the termb of Certificates issued to members. fte/i'abJe Aid to Families of Deceased Members at Small Cost. The Association will do business on the following plan Applications. All Applications for Membership shall be made upon prmted fi rms furbished by the As- sociation, (and apphcants mUst pass a satisfactory medical examination). If accepted, a certificate will be issued witliin thirty days from date of such acceptance. Membership. The payment of TWELVE DOLLAES admits any of sound body and mind between the a«9 of IS and GO yeans, to all the benefits of the Association. If the application is not accepted the money h promptly returned to the apphcant. Plan of Business. The following table shofn the amount for which Certificates of Membership wiU be issued by the Association, Aeeording to age age/'v. ATDnnt at Death AG». Amount at Death Jirom 18 to 30 .. $3 OCO 2 950 2 900 2 ^50 2 800 2 750 2 700 2 650 2 600 2 550 2 500 2 450 2 400 2 350 2 300 2 250 From 45 to 46 92 200 30 to 31 46 to 47 2 150 ::1 to32 47 to 48 2 100 32 to 33. 48to9 49 to 50 ...... 50 to 51 ,. nl to .i2 â-  2 050 33to34 .34to35 :35to.S6 36 to 37 .,.,...,. 2 000 1 900 1 800 52 to 53 I VOO 37 to 38.. 1 600 38 to 39 ilO to 40 64 to 55 .â-  55 to 56 56 to 57 1 50G 1 400 40 to 41 1 300 41 to 42 .. 57 to 58 1 200 42 to 43 68 to 59 1 mo 43 to 44 59 to 60 1 000 44 to 45 HALF RATE PLAN. Certificates will be issued for half the above amounts should the applicant kg desire. Assessments. All Assessment of One Dollal upon each member will be made in case of death or total disability of a member, escejit when there is money enough in surplus funds to pay anii claim. Special Features. 1 â€" Great inducements to provide, for families in ease of death, at small cost. '2 â€" Equal benefits to both sexes. 3â€" Uuiform assessments of one dollar only. -i â€" Cai'ef 111 medical examination required. n â€" No annual dues or extra, charges. t! â€" No large salaries or expenses. 7 â€" Two hundred dollars advanced for funeral expenses when necessary. 8 â€" Benefits secured at actual cost. â€" lilembers becomirg totally disabled, may draw half of their claims, the balance be- .iig payable at death. 10â€" -Ladies accepted in this Association as well as men. For iiarticulars apply to S. W. HIIjL. Membership Superinteadcnt, Eidgeville, or to W. PEMBEETQN PAGE, Secretary, 87Kmg Stieei^est, Toronto. AGENT FOR MAEKDALE, THOS. MANN. Afso Agent for Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association. SAW MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE OX3 OTO xj^irr In the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 4 miles from Flesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of about 400 acres timber Ind, with other timber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffell wheel, under 36 ft. head of water. There are one large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for sawing lath and broom handles^ i guage lathe for turning broom hanxiles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The water power is excellent, the stream being very regular. There are several other good mill sites on the pro3'erty. The land in the valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken off. This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business^as the place will be-sold or let on liberal terms. Ihe bush is so convenient to the mill logs can be trucked in summer time. Immediate possession given. A^^.y to the proprietor, WM. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION P. O., ONT. Good Work Guarantecjd -AT- BulmersPhotopphMery FLESHERTON. Oa*ll a.t C3a-Ce and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. ' All kinds of Framing done cheap at 3ind(iek Cures Dizziness, Loss ffApp^ite, Indigestion, BiUousneas, Dyspepsia, Jarmdice. Affections of the IdvercLndKidneyt, Pimples. Mlotches, Jo*^ /itwwrs. Salt Bheum, Scrqtula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arimg frcm Jmpvcre Bloods, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action efthe Bowels, 'j» t.'srsxiv^ f^Xi' Boxnds, an promptly r«uove«l *y^^»^on»* Pills. 3' To avoid a mistittke always marry a \ridow. ' ii Freeman'8 worm powdeA destroy and removes worms trithout injury to adult or innt. BUCKLEN'S ABNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world forcuts.bruises soree, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and aU skm eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner Co. Why is a selfish frienfi like tlie letter P? Because, tboagh the first in pity, ho is last in help. Wifeâ€" What's the mattfr now, John? Husbandâ€" Oh, that neuralgia and ttothach* near kills me. \Mfeâ€" Why don't you go to HiU Bro's. and get a bottle of Fluid Lightnmgf You know it cures all suca things as Tooth- ache, Neuralgia, Headache, Lnmbago, Ear- ache, Sore Throat, etc. It gives ijstnnt relief, 0. N" 4 A sociabl man is one who, when he hasten minutes to spare, goes aud bothers somebody who has'nt. ^Inid LIsfateuing. Fluid LighteniftSf not only cures Toothache instantly, but also Neuralgia, Headache, Earache, Bheumatista,Lnmbagoand Sciatica. Pain of any kind canUtSt remain onft minute where it is applied, ^^en you heai' of Fluid Lightning you hear of (me of the greatest ttarvelK ever known in the way of a medicine, as it never fails to onre. and not itf a week or a day. but the instant it is applied to the effected part. Sold at Hill Bro's. O.N. 5 Over seven milcK of block pavement Was laid m Toronto last yeaif. Fluid LighJinirtgcurf 8 Neuralgia in 1 minute. Fluid Lightning cures To8thachein 1 minute. Fluid LiKhtning' cures Face Ache in 1 minute. Fluid Lightning cures Lumbago in 1 minute. FluidLinhtning relieves Rheumatism in one minute. Fluid Lightning cures any pain or ache instantly. I'rico 25 cents per bottle at ffill Bro's. 0. N. 6 "Winnipeg had a $10,000 fire last Friday. A FOURFOLK WORK. Burdock Blood Bitters act at the same upon the liver, and bowels, the kidney and the skin, reiieving or curing in every case. Warranted satisfactory or money refunded. $1,000 was a clergyman's fee at a fashojiable weddinjj iu New York recently. A GOOD MOTTO. Waste not your substance in riotous living which feeds impure blood and cUgs the system with disease. Open the cliannels of health, purify the blood, and regulate all the organs with Bittdock Blood Bitters. The Steamer Alberta leaves Owen Sound this week for her last trip to Port Arthur for the season. DANGER IN THE AIR. In the chilling winds, the' damp atmos- phere, and suddenly' checked perspiration, colds are lurking. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsom cures colds, coughs, asthma and bronchitis, and all complaints tending tow- ards consumption. Mt. Forest had a fire last week. There has been 88,000,000, feet of lumber shipped from Montreal to Brazil this season. DEPEND UPON IT. You can depend upon Hagyard^s Yellow Oil as a pain reliever in rheumatism, neui algia and all painful and inflammatory com plaint. It not only reUeves but cures. A boy named Sandersoa fell into an open well at 70 school house, Holland, last week. His injuries were not serious. A GOOD GUARANTEE. H. B. Cochran, druggist Lancaster, Pa., writes that he has guaranteed over 300 bot- tles of Burdock Blood Bitters for dyspepsia, bihous attack sndUver and kid- ney troubles. In no case has it disappoint- ed those who used H. In Canada it gives the same satisfaction. A boy who claims to be the long- lost Charlie Boss, and who tells a yery plausible story, has been dis- covered in St Catharines. He is being cared for by resident of PortDalhousie until Mr. Eoss can be communicated with at Philadelphia. A RUN OIJ A DRUG STORE. Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at A. Turner Go's. Drug Store for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons affected with Asthma, Bronobitis, Hoarseness, Severe Conghg, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a trial bottle of this great remedy freeiby calling at above drug stor». Regular size 91. 5 Why is Q rather impertinent? Because it is always inquisitive. A PBINCELT POETUNE, A man may possess the fortune of a prince but can neyer possess happiness without good health to wonrewhich the blood must be pure and every organ in proper action. Burdock Blood Bitters pnxifyuie blood and regulate all the »g||ns. "WELIi KErtVAilDED. A libersl reward will ba paidto any person who will produce a ciise of Liver, Kidney or Stomach oomidainfr that Electric Bitters will not speedily core. Bring them along, it wiB cost yon nothing for the medicine if it t»^ \n to cure, and yon will be wdl i«in»ded for yonr ttouUe besides.* AH Blood diseases BifionsQen, JanncBoe, Cmut^atianind gen- erai debility are qnkddy cored. MBatiaetion gaan«tead ornaiM^jwfanded. Prise only Mty oentoa bettle, For siOe l^ A. tvauuA Co. 5 â- '.â- I The BBNJiFif op N**WPAPB«râ€" J'h© country newspaper is the mort useful and least compeDsated of aH the a^rencies which sbrinp the impresa of progress ' npbii yiUages and inland towns. "Without ihe a|d of ^ocali newspapers, local townSare, asamj.e, thriftless and dead. It is common for some great man to speak with con- tempt of tlie local newspapers, but the village newBoaper makes more great men cut of less materialâ€" more bricks without strawâ€" than any other factor in pohtics, and it is the one ladder on which men climb to local distinction as thebe«?iiiuirjr of wide fame, Tbe advent of tlie local newspaper has always dated the incrpased thrift of the community. The local newspaper i« the life of the looalitv, and the ^eatiure of its »uppoii; as » rule measiues th« aidVai cement of the people. Not only subscribe but pay for your local uewrpapers. They sre friends and helpmates in all seasons. Not an iNoiicEMiiNT.â€" When adver- tisiuK a piece of property for sale, a shrewd real estate ayeiit vill m3ut.iou among other advantages location, (jood schools are within easy reach, the churches of drffereutdencminations are within easy reach, and that though in a quiet and retired ptaco, two minutes' walk t» lefts you to" a street car line leading into the h^eiit of the city, etc. Did yotf never fiotice in this enumeration of mducetneuts to buy, the fact that a drst-class saloon was located on the opposite corner, or that on the. next Idock was a free lunch counter, where the best beer it the city was always oo drought, or a pool-room which would be po pleas- ant and handy for the boys No, indeed. While the church and the school an easy access to business are essentia' to the well-being and mamtenauce of the home, the others are in every seuse antayoaistic and. inimical to everything that is reckoned ilearest and most valued in that~saci*ed phice. â€" t\i\ CHATSWORTH, L â-  TUCK*McLEOD^p^,^^^^^ The best brand of ImnoK o 'a waya in stock. Good me^, ZiT. 'T" »' rooms guarr-iteed. Gockl stahii„ â„¢"'""" tentive hostx«r. "'"" ^m », lU ALEX K MillStreet, Mk\ BALSAM^*!' Has no equal lor liie pfiiiaiitnt cure r CoaRk*. ColdM, »orr Tlirwnt, Ast- ima 'j„. WhoepinR «ou«rli, Ifronthiii" a J^""' mU Lang l»iK«*asf». ' iW Every bottle guaraiuetd to give satisfia;.... T. MlLBUR.N CO..- ProDriet^sl^i^: Markdale HARNESS ElPORIi ~m..^^^ EOBT. ASKIN, Has ooened out" a First-CIass UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT. Anc' thereiore has supphed a want long iclt, COFFINS, G4SKETS,- SHBOUDS. ' and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. ms.MATTHEWS,Proprlet()f Nothing but good s^oek used au,i tJhe best mechanics employed. A Stbcik of Double and Siuglu, Hsaw and Liiglit Harness always on lianc. Also Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blaiikot-. Robes, c., always in atock. B u rdock Blood -A. Si^lendid. HesLrse tor hire at moderate rates; â€"All kinds ofâ€" PICTURE FRANrmC Done on efaort notice. ROBT. ASKIN. EUGENIA Grist, SawandLathMills Paving made eqtensive improvemeats in my Gnst Mill I feel cwifident I can gire good satirfaetioB. GOOD FLOUR ALiftfAYS ON KAND WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS,^ DYSPEPSIA, " DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OFTHEHEm; ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMAGH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIKr And every species of disease arising fion!i disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS. STOMACi^ BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. flILBURN 60., •^•"^^aro. PRINTING! Posters, Streamers, Dodi^ers, Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Pilled oil the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATK ALWAYS ON hand; • Cherry, Buttcamut, White Ash, BhMsk Aab iiasswood. Pine and Hemloek Logi wanted 691y. M. AK ITT. Eugenia. MiomsTlE IN CONNECTION WITH Pletres' Flour and Feed Store. Having just received a 'fl---!. WWoU^ win t« sold VERY CHEAP J. Circular?, Letter-Heads, Envelopes,. JBusiness Cards, Calling Cards, Bill Heads, Stat'ementsv Funeral Ca^ds, Shipping Tags, School Report And .all kinds of Municipal Stationery done with neatnes? and^ispatch at this office; ;;iiF-Jii- VOL ml Xs issued ev« Terms â€" jiot paid wit Profession «pace and ut "Whole colun Half colnmr Quarter eolu Two inch spi c Three inch s Casual ad^ insertion, 3 insertion, no Editorial 'timn 10 ceiit ^8ich sntsequ Stray aniu â-  J4, the advt Imes. No paper â- are paid exec -JO The Stand ment of postc cial atteutim filled with dii O. ' EDITOl HAiyi (success BAWlISTi tari^.s, ioanat 1o\t( nt 0fijc 109-251 Pi BAHElSTi Law, Si oncers, itc, riesherton, heretofore. Alfred I'uost, Count V Cr BAEEISTE] in Chanet' cer, c. A xumb; Officesâ€" Ov Ponlett Si.; L'r, MeFarlati'J's St cverj' week. Creas BAEPJ"".- ances, tc. Offices in 0^ ovtsr W. V. \S'iil M Over W. -T. Mel and Friday of e, CsTunVisto -John Ceeas^ii:. Markdali' Ma ISSUER of Ji Life 111 sun; in B. E. (tc. Auctioneer for t Merchants, aud tended to aud Priceville, Sc ISSUER or Comniwsic ConTeyaucin: â- "•ttended to wv.O: N. B.â€" Moue: eurity. MANS] MA 4stSn Br CITY .•foiiB nicAi This house i *ted on Mill st •^ may depen "dfction, XJnioi MARK MAEKD. *m. RUTI ia:o..

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