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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Nov 1884, p. 5

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 mmm m^ id eOMtoai ctnring an ex of :S and DESK%, of tne latest ittet-n. Highly, tees and Teacb- id compactness, nt pf J'flrm and land. Send for ;W McCilLL. Shop. ttry can producft PARTS OF ORDERED. lage respectfully cNea's block. UTLEDGE, ir Mills.. e to announce t ing country that [al to lany other he grist J3 being of exchange: â€" 40 lbs. rioBP. 39 " 38 " " 37 " ;i6 " " 35 " "â-  mount of floor, of new wheat to the most of it, weigh 61 or 62 te Ford. m «i i«» f-j-»»ia»»ai j. iii i ,»W!»li ' i m_ -:-KMnitrtumrfm^tnr » ^*' »Hr^ 1*1 1 m^ 1| For Extension. RMe, Centre, Pall Leal and Kitchen Tables, go to Grant Co., Markdale. Ro: gaged ai WEDDING RINGS AND PRESENTS. Stock complete in al] lines f r Holidays. See my new goods, and get jviices before you invest. W. A. BROWN, Jeweller*, Markdale. :) i ll ll ll I fe Local and Other Items. NoTHHS in these cotttmng intended to benefit i,iy iiKliriihial or Societij 7vill be charged ten â-  •â- nfs (I I'Tie for the first insertion and five -.;/)?â-  (I line each eubequent iHsertion, FovY. \vpe\is till ChristmaSr Gnat Kobes very cheap at J. [;. Trimble's. S ATURiJiY the 6t.h Dec, â- will be cattle lair clay. ]or)T. Sbos cheaper than ever SALE. Icrea, compnwng, list East T. t S. Williamsford shape, fit to ran i orchard, well irchardandfron*- ied inside, good barn ind out isfers from the- applyonthe tERT CLUtK- 209â€" 211. W- [ek, consistiag o* f CHAlNSv IS, PIPES. IINGS, etc f yays m stock. \d Jewelleiy lisfaction gnax- lOW GOODS. JOall. Iselh V, Jeweller, Flesberton, ;EEDS IN SEEDS '8 ibham- B. of flour from .J. B. Trimble's. SiH .John Macdonald dined with the ijneen last Tuesday. The celebrated Pundass Cotton Winp at J. E- Trimble's. !). J, Shanahan has 19 rigs ready '0 uo out. Call and see them before I'luchasing. 21 lbs. Sugar for $j, at J. I\. Trimble's. 14^ lbs. of Redpath's Stand- ad granulated Sugar for $i, at J. R.Trimble's. Now is the time to renew your subscription for '85, it is not necessary to wait till this year is out. You can save 20 per cent by buying your goodfl from J. E. Trimble. Mb. Wm. Fawcett, Deputy-reeve of Euphrasia, called on us last week, lie is a candidate lor re-election. Hats, Cape and Furs in great variety at reduced prices at J. 3. Trimble's. A SLIGHT change in the Eailway time table took effect last Monday. For present time see adv. m another column. OvEscoATR in great variety cheaper thiiu the cheapest at J, E. Trimble's. Hand in $1.50 cash and get the Sta.ndakd and Weekly Neics to end of 'B.5. The News is $1 per year seperate. A FRESH arival of choice candies of ull varieties at Montgomery's Bakery. Only four weeks until the annual st'iiool meetings get yonr notices at Itlie Standard office, all ready printed, for 15 cents. •I. R. Trimble is giving special I inducements in Eeady Made Clothing. Tin: Daily News is the spiciest paper jimblisbed; subscription for morning edition $4, per year. Clubbed with I 'iie Standard yon got both for $4. If you wsnt a good Hair-Cloth [I'arlor Suit go to Grant Co., Mark- At a convention held at Owen Sound "'thelltii mst, it was decided to '"itiiiiie the Scott Act campaign in "ffi} and biing the matter to a yote "" soou as possible. t'oR B.^risteads, "attv sUxJIttBoauEXT is busily en- 1 iloodmg the rink. Already the suriaoe of the rink presents rather a slippery appearance. If the cold weather contmues he expects to have a grand openmg in the course of a week. Fob sideboards, dressing cases, bed- steads, lounges and cradles, go to Grant Co., Markdale. NoTiCE.--Eatepayei8 in Ward No. 2, Artemesia, who have not paid their taxes, are hereby notified to do so before the.lst December and save costs. !S. J. Colemac. Foe Sash, Lumber, Newel Post Stalls, Balusters and Hand-railing, go to Grant Co., Markdale. The Uwen Sound 'and Meaford barbers have been instructed by the "powers than be" to cease Sunday labor. "We are glad to know that our Markdale barber has always kept the 4th comuiaudment. at least m regard to professional duties. Just Abrived â€" Fresh stock of Groceries, Wines, Liquors and choice Cigars at Haubury's, Belfast House. Credit Auction Sale. â€" Mr. John Gillespie will sell en his premises, near Berkeley .on Friday the 5th Decem ber, commenciLg at 1 o'clock, his furm stock, implements, c. Twelve I months credit given on approved paper. Geo. Noble, auctioneer. Solid Silver Swiss L^ver Watchef, fifteen Jewells, $11.00 cash. J^'uUy warranted. W. A. BrOwu, jewtsUer, Markdale. Those who promised to fetch m wood in payment for the Standard will please bring it along. We have a great number of promises to hand but our stove is a large one and broken promises don't fiz on it, we would much prefer the wood, or, if you hand in the ca-jh, we will be in a position to secure a supply of fuel. 1 say, Mister, where are you going I am bound for J. K. Trimble's, where I can get the best value for my monej' of any store m Markdale. Concert. â€" The Markdale Royal Templars will give an entertainment on Tuesday eyeuiug next in Eae's Hall. The committee are makmg preparations for a "Boss time" and the indications are very promising. According to the poster, "the program is being cooked and will be served up in style." Admission 25 cents. J, R. Tiimble buys all his goods from 10 to 25 per cent cheaper than any of his competitors in Markdale or surrounding villiages, that is the reason why he sells so much cheaper than any of the other merchants. Orange Soiree.â€" L. 0. L. No. 1883 will giye their annual soiree in their hall, Kells' corners, on the evening of the 4th December. This lodge has a reputation for giving good, enjoyable entertainments, and we have no doubt the coming one will be fully up to any of the past. Tea will be served from 6 o'clock, after which speeches will be given by Eevs. A. Wilson, W. Casson and Dr. Sproule. M. P., interspersed by music, recitations, etc. Admission 25 cents. CiMADiM ffteineR. t. OWEN SOUND BRANCH. TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday, September 9th, 1884. aciNG NORTH- STATIONS. Toronto Leaye Cardwell Janctiou Charleoton OiKige- 1 Arrive viUe [Leave. OrangeTdle Jan Shelbnrne. ..... Dnndalk Flesherton Markdale Williamsford .. Ghatsworth .... Owen Sound.... Mail. ' Exp I Miked. 7 20am 9 07" 9 2-, " 9 50" 10 0J •' 10 17 " 1045" 11 10 " 11 36 " 11 51 " i.2n3pm 12 28 " 100" 4 40pm! 6 27 â- ' 6 45" 7 0.3 " 7 22" 7 34" 8 04" 8 30" 8 .55 " 9 10" 9 22 " 9 49 10 20 •• 11 45am 12 30pm 12 55 " 1 14 " 210" 5 05 " 4 06" 4 33" 4 45 " 6 3.7 " 636pm QOINC SOUTH- STATIONS. Owen Sound Ghatsworth Williamsford. .... Markdale Flesherton Dundalk ........ Shelbume Oi-angeviUe Jan.. Orange Arrive... vill"..) Leave... Charleston Cardwell Junction Toronto Arrive Exp. 520am 5 50" 6 05 " 6 27 " 6 42" 7 08" 7 31" 8 00 " 8 12 " 8 35 " 8 65" 9 07" MaU. 2 45pm 3 15 3 30 3 52 106 4 31 4 67 523 5 35 5 55 6 13 6 27 10 45 " I 8 35 " Mixed. 630am 7 26" 7 54" 8 35" 9 00" 9 45" 10 45 '• 1 1 50 " 12 15pm 12 40 " 1 26" 2 03 " \i^\ Ms; Jlfif^ MARKDALE. â€"THIS NEW Patent Process Flouring Mill Is now completed at great expense, on the IVIost ^l*I»ROA^EI plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the term, "A Model mil." • 1 am therefore in a position to give the public a SuDOrlor ^rllCle of Flour. A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear bul" the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat I^S* Flour, Bran, Shorts.etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. AHaUS PLEWES. 219 PUMPS! PUMPS! Well Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Long Pumps, Short Pumps, All kinds of Pumps, The best Pump, Sebool Books.â€" Having recovered from the shock caused by the failure of Jas. Campbell Son we have renewed our stock of School Books and Stationery and are ))repar- ed to supply the public with a good assortment at low prices. A. Turner Co. JJaen Burned. â€" Mr. Henry Boyce lost his seasons crop yesterday morn- ing before daylight by the devouring element. The bam, which was a large frame, was filled with fine grain, the product of 50 acers. There was in the stable adjoining, a span of horses 6 cattle. 9 pigs, also hens and ordinary contents. The horses, cattle and pigs were saved by a desperate effort The origin of the fire is a mystery, as Mr. B. had no lantern or light of any kind about the bam the evenins previous. The fact of having found, one morn- ing itbout two weeks since, a bottle of whiskey Md several partly bnrnea matches in the bam, leads Mr. Boycw to snspect tramps, who may yet be found in the rtiins. Mr. Boyce's looS will not be less than $1,000, with $500 insurance. It is not known whether Mrs. Eeid (who owned the barn) had it insured or not. New Store. -:-!)-:- The undersigned wishes to inform the inhabitants of Markdale and neighborhood that he has fully opened out in Mr. Rae's new block, adjoining A. Turner Go's Drug Store, a complete p.ssort- ment of QroceHes Boots !Sl, Shoes and CrOCkOrVH which will be sold at prices to suit the times. In consequence of having a practical knowledge of the woiking of the wholesale business, also of Boots Shoes, and, having paid down in cash for my purchase, I feel convinced I am in position to sell goods as cheap as any house in the trade, and by straight dealing hope to realize a share of patronage. I purpose paying particular attention to the above lines, especially Teas and Coffees the latter you can get fresh and good in any quantity on short notice. In addition to Groceries I purpose keeping a well selected stock of Canned Goods, Figs, Dates, Oranges and Lemons, of which I am well supplied with at present. You can always depend on getting good goods at close prices. A cordial invitation is given, especially to the Ladies to an inspection of my goods. Wm* 3Ci»ft4i»S4 OFFICE OF THE M U All kinds of Marble and !\Joniiineiital "V^'oi^lcs*.* such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, Counter and Table Tops, â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbeleized Slate, c., c. JSatistaction Grwaraiiteecl in Every liespeet ROBT. S. RAE, Manufactured by J. T. QUINN, Successor to J G. Irving, Markdale. Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. 219 Berkshire Boar. TAILOR, /o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/ '/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/' â€" :o â€" :o â€" :o â€" :o â€" :o ^IT" rm mnr We are now showing special drives in New, Styliish: Oind Fashionable r. 0:â€" ' 0:â€" 0:-â€" in/4 CO Spring Beds, to Grant and Co., ALL parties wislunR to improre their swine will find it to their interest} -to itse that thoroogb-hred Boar belonging to the njidersinnetl, and brei by J. G. Snell, Edmonton. Ont., eiglUeen mouihs old. TiiBMsâ€"tl at time of nervice. fcive pedigree. JOHN BOLAND. Lot 15, Gon. 12, â-  A«udel«!ur P. 0.. bnt. Dress Goods, Laces, Trimminers, Mantle Cloths« Buttons, Mosiery,, LADIES CENTS UNDERGLOTHIIIG ETC. :o:- FARM FOB =.reby rea^r'Z Si- D-VV-? !arluiai.,. ' '^^E day last week while Mr. Whitby "•rJnvni^- down Mill St. his horse fcamo frxutions and kickish. and l^^m-a the bu.srgy badly. lHo other • ^^^- 'ini;v.i,'ro wjis'done. FOUND. i IN a secreted plane in Markdale, a quantity of tobacco, cnpposetl to have been stoler. The owner can liave" the ?»««J'y,P«'"°« pripertT and paying for this »^«^^- If not claimed by noon ^tti uist.^wm besrfd to pay wiienses. ApplV «tt this o«5«J, »" 2?.^.- {\f\ ACBE8. being south half of lot 18, VfU on. 12. Holland, town-line of the tuwo/Uiip of Hollutd and Euphrasia, sis miles from AJsrkdate and the same distance from Walter's F»Ui This farm is level, soil clay loom, has 60 acres cleared anl under eultivation liidanc*" splendid bkrdwood timber i* 3i miles from BeAeley station new frame honse and log sttble thereou splendid well of spring w«ter besido honso. Chnreli. Scliool and Post-Office all Ires than .-i milo 4i«4Rnt/ E«is«*n for selBilSâ€" thf* place is S rnile8from'h^iiHalejll. nKikiDR it inconvenient to la'»r. Terms easy. Apply t.. .TOH!)! HAMILTON' ilHrkJsli- l\,0-. «r jp this oltie«, for !nr*!;c,- jr«viicR'-q,;§,^- .*;; i A CANADIAN, SCOTCH and WEST [of ENGLAND for Men's and Boys' [Suits, Overcoats and Garrh(^ntsâ€" â- ) Cheap, F'ashionable and Stylish. S0O^S JkM^ S8#SS- For all ages and conditions from the heavy Stoga to the finest Kid. These goods are unsurpassed â€" price, value and quality considered. We Invite special attention to our BEAUTIFULLY DECOBATEO TEA SETS. Suitable for WeMliig Qfls or BSHhiaiPrvstiits. rpriin A Spesialty from(5ctog0c»erlb. ^^'^^Y WK9k ItlAO jrrade. Splendid value. " llif^^i Splendii Give US a call/CxaorUhe conirfiams^ods 4t pricest Ijarkdale, fle^t. VlSSi. 190-lf.^ 3 â- â- I .If

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