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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Nov 1884, p. 7

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 \4ii )out the honse pect. woman, saya a teaching her independence. bonnets are will be permit- the New York ^•^n' and ttS l\« are Studded "r»%.iuiedia ' y lantiies," t when theA^ eivedanExplai *hat lUchnck » valae,butthe n -BclieTe in hia PHE EDITOR, '^^o Struck th» t theBirieOf. tmsra'FjnrCol- w on Eirth, and P. ace: rGood Crcula. 3r. the Bugle i, ngreseional Di«. ' on the bafia it's 1,400 too suit me?" Circulation?" and sworn, and i p^d to get in for P C jmplimeotary j "ly of Sixteen, t 750 copies, but I then go ahead STOVE. nuddenly Boiled to the Stove: ere you Blicked Washed Lan " sheered the k Spittoon!" vonfi r alyiopl' izanplices!" 7 Holes in yon I" riff came in to and the Stand- Sigh and Ch- ips a Bid Mat* her mind to do worsted. The quarter. most never be iradoxical as it couqaered un- let up on pub- bout not stirr- silver spoon. Dse season for iie stockbrokers j ons. f i i uuarging a jnry e, noticed that defendant had pocket or so thiziug friends i at the folds ntlemen," aaid ling up one or the jary. "' r ve letters, be- tender." â- s. we began to the day waj J reached, aw â- owning pr«»- had gathered ngthedayaod ranges and the rweather peaf • with a ghastly ike banks of ;ree8. Around â- Dding afi'^in«« and mijes- scene **? „'and beanti- miration. ^° this glacisT lently yet "• ihplaoe to the â-  embodiment lllife. All the b9 com'wned over the v»i Qd it would weight and -yetm Ai is a mere y. iie ail and .nd i, it ig the many.- essary ool«b iat imply*?* y; for there i» ^dingor^P^ 'igM0ftb«'J sbf thing* 1^ intOt tod Nil. tea, case. FOREIGNECHOES. norrible Bellgious Exercisesâ€" Jeirs and ' "f^jjjderaâ€" Liqoor In Parisâ€" 4. Conn- geous Act-Murder and Rtribbery. e%, c. In an article on the rtligiou^ exaltations f the Otient.Dr.Zimbaco aescribes the sect "i B«fa'8i who in their religions ceremonies â-  „ oacce, oscillate, and shriek lor two ' jg'at a lime, or nmil they fall into con- nlaions. When the ezcittment ia at its height their p )wir of feeling physical pam inKsrs to be lost, for they pierce their f^6 acd bodies with sharp knives, and of- ten 8*ai.'ow broken glais, living BC.orpijU8, iitus leaves armed with^tnorns. Fj-arci, has had a Charley Eois A sweep decojeci a*ay a boy ot 9 jjidjutwin lO chmbing cbimneys. One Jay ih:8 ii-an and a comrade, when half diunk, it.'ipped the child and whipped tim ffitbteUl-o., The boy managed to escape, and told his sto y to someone who commun- icated with his friends, and after a month's hne aDd cry, he iB at home again, and bis abductor in custody. A very clever sccmp, in prison at Poissy, France, has lateiy succeeded to large pro- perty in SrMtz rland, a fact which baa been lormeily announced to the jail authorities by the legal auttorities at Zurich. The former are anau^ed at the intense sense of prop rty r ghts which the news has devel- opea la tae rogue, who is full of appcehen- doDS, founded on his on n experienuos, lest thieves impair his possessions. The Ravel OaztUe given an account of a prelimintry in^ts ii^aticn in which a girl, aged S years, was charged with having mnr- dereo a companion only 5 years old, by subbing hir with a knife, which penetrated the heart. The circumstances seemed to point to pn medi^ ation. The ay before the elder girl wanted to obt^n a piece of gay-colored cloth which the other refused to give up. The elder threatened to kill unless she surrendered it the next day. Kext day accordingly she repeated her de- mand, and upon being again refused she in- stantly stabbed the girl. The European Jewish papers comment on the remarkable exemption Jews have en- joyed fr.m cholera. At Naples the number of victims has been very tmall, at Toulon none. Of seven at Marseilles five, writes Kabbi Weyle, did not live conformably with Bebrew precepts in the matter of food c r hysiieue, while of the other two, a father and son, the first, a vfctim to duty, died in the hospital, and the other fell a sacrifice to filial love by insisting on nursing his father. The percentage to population of Jews' deaths was 07 per 100 for other inhabi- tants, 33. The grand rabbi of Maroeilles aecnbes the xempt on to Jewish hygeine and mode of hte. An interesting ariicle in the Deutsche GrundeiqcnthuTn shows how extraordinarily railrcads have intrdased the growth of in- land capitals. In 1740 Berlin was alieady the capital of a powerful kirgdom,^bat its situation was such that the laim^r in biring- ing lis goods to market over the bad rtacs sonsumed on their jotrney more than^halt their m;irket value, and great: d.fficulty was felt in provii-ioning a large population. When, in 1843, tl e isfluenc;: of ralroatls drtt began to be felt, iSeilin bad 930 230 people: m 1861 547.000 :n 1871, 800,000; m 18S1, 1,122 300â€" an increase of xearjy SCO.OOO in thirty- seven jeara. Madrid's growth is laigely due to like causes. The 'mportat ce of the liquor traffic in Paris may be judged from the fact that more than $12*500.000 is annually raised there by octroi duties on alcoholic drinks alone, and the consumption per head of population is as much as forty-five gallons of wine, a gallon and a halt of spirits, and three gallons of bear. Tha^ the consumer, in Paris at least, has much to put up with in bad wine appeais from the municipal laboratory report. Taking the month of June last, 552 specimens of wite were otScially tested only 113 were good, 39 were bitter or acid, 53 had an unpleasant taste, 129 Jwcro plastered, 132 had water added, and lastly, 86 had various mixtures added to them. Leo XIII. will create eight new cardinals at the secret consistory to be held on the 10th ot Novemberâ€" oie Au-itrian, Mgr. Gauglbaner, archbishop of Vienna one Spaniard, Mgr GrDUza^zey Disz Tun n, archbishop of Seville; and tix Italians â€" namely Mgr. Massaia, the venerable Afri- can missionary; Mgr. Merosi Gori, secretary of the consistoiial congregation Ngr. Lau- renzi, assessor of the holy office Mgr, MasEotti, secretary of the congregation of bishops and regulai s, and Mgr. Nerga, sec- retary cf the c ngregation of the council there will remain seven vacsnc:e8 in the sacred college, exclusive of one creation re- served in petto since the 13th of December ISSO. Vice Admiral Close, of the British navy, has ofiered a singular explanation about the loss of the gunboat Wasp recently, off the Irish coast. There exists, it seems, a form of detective sight known as "moon blind- ness," persons tfflicted with which are un- able to preceive a li?ht shining in dark- ness. It is easy to see the consequences of this infirmity in the navitjating officer of a ship. Admiral Close aays he nearly lost the :nan-ot-war Trident once from this cause, only discovering in the nick of time that his navigating officer was unable to see the light of a lighthouse half a mile distance. If • moon blindness" is an established faot in medical scierce, the sooner provision for detecting it is niade the better. The E -hnologioal museum at Berlin has been lately enriched by a fine collection of South American antiqaities, which have been gathered during numy years by Herr Mehrir,g, a Gtrman real cntinBrBzil. The coUectitnis a'most wholy composed of ob- jects which have been disinterred from burial mounds and siraular places, and in- cludes axes, arrow-heads, lance-heads, all of stone, and generally of moat perfect work- maneKip; monumental stones, earthenware, utensil," and some painted pottery. There are two pipes, evidentUy used for smok ing, made of baked clay, the bowls repre- senting eaiioature faces. Besides these ancient objects, Herr Mehring has also pre- sented to the museum a very numerous eol- lectic n of modern utensils, weapons and or- naments obtained frijm South American In- dians. Nap]rs hcs just lest her oldest painter in Tonniaso de Niva. who has died at the age °f 94. F.'oai early you tit to advanced age. lie was aoii^re in bis jH-ofessioD, and (miy two wee! 3 before his death he gave the fin- Mfcwg timohM to lus last-^ «i,tr«, ft, UMjTof N^les contain many of his works, and *pecun«,s of hi. art are to bTsSi iS â-¼Mum. parts of Italy uA other European conntnea, as weU as our own. He wSTa professor in the Inatitnte of Fine Arts, in- specter general of aU the royal gallTriea, and member of the^academies of the P*n- lw° "?^°' St. Laca. He had received e.evMi gold medala from public exhibitions, and had been decorated with nine knightly honors. Yet despite has labors and fame ae died poor. Tne syndic was re quested by the government to assign a disdngnished place m the cen etery for his remains amons the "bene me rite" of the country. A Boulogne c^rrespoadent reports a courageous act in ife-aaving atBazao-snr 1 Isle, a village in the Derdogue department, *r..noe. Pour little boys, two sets ot brothers, of ages ranging from 11 down to 6 years, were crossing a bridge over the mill-sluioe when one of the lads fell into the water which was at that part over ten feet deep. The eldest cf the boys, without divesting himself of any clothing, jumped in to the rescue of his friend, and succeeued in bringinf? him to the bank. Their com- panions ruehea to the spot to pull them out, but the matter was not easy, as the bank was about two feet high, and they ran the risk cf being dragged in also. They were eventually landed safely by the boys on the bank lying down, so makmg a copnterbal- ance to those in the water, who were eon siderably out of their depth. Every now and then facts come to light, sayx The Pall MaU Oazttte, which seems to 001 flict str-iugely with the theories of the doctors. For instance, at Howdon. a dirty, desolate village on Tyneside, a boy was born who, at the time of his birth, had four grandparents and five great- grandparent alive, each of whtm was in active work, earnini^ his or her own livlibood. Tet the village where these hale and hearty grand- sires and granddames live and flourish is one of the most unsanitary in England. Open sewers run down the centre of sonie of the streets. Until a few years ago the water supply was from one shallow well. Only one solitary scavenger is employed on half time for cleansing, repairing, and mantain* ing all the streets. Hjuaea have been con- demned wholesala as unfit for human habi- tation, to the intense disgust of the people. Yet, notwithstanding a'l these advene con ditions, these tamilitulive and thrive vigor r ously. A moit determined mnrder and robbery was committed lecently by five Italians at Negent-sur-Mame, near Paris. The mur- derers broke into a wine-shop in the high street, and overpow red the gaisoa, who vainly endeavored to defend himself. He fell to the ground, bleeciing {^o^tisely from nuhperous wounds in his chest, inflicted by the knives of the Italians. The proprietress of the establish ment, an old woman named Gun-s^et, was aroused by the cries of the gaiQjn, and cams down from her rotm, when the murderers ioimedi uely attacked her, lifled her pcckete, and left her half strangled on the floor. The Italiiins then broke open the cash-box of the shop, and succeeded in making their escaps with 15,000 fiaucs. Seme passers-by, seeing the door open, went in, and finding Mme. Gim- isset and the gargon almost lifeless, im- mediately infirmea the gendarmes. The garg on died in a few hours from the effects of his wuuads, but the woman hadauffln- ently recovered to be able to mike a state- ment to the police. The perpetiatora of the murder and robbery have not been dis- covered. A Uance of Death. In spite of the occasional slaughter of 500,000 Chinese before breakfast by the French troops in Tonquin, according to the dii pitches to the War Office, in Paris, it must be pretty dull for the reporters there. Even a reporter for a French paper gets tired merely 0( setting down every day a new figure with several rows of ciphers to repre- fot the total of Chinese corpses. Accordingly a Parieiin paper tells a very thrilling story of a reporter attached to an "esteemed contemporary," who, with bis omrades, signed a promise not to send any informaticn by telegrapli or mail, without submicting his manuscript to the command- ing officer, on penalty of subjecting himself to msrtial law. Alter signing it he told the general crmmanding tla^ in spite of bis pledge he should tell the truth about every- thing which came under his observation. Thus warned, the General set spies on him, and in a few days the correspondent was detected posting a letter at a small town on the frontier. Tne letter was fished out and brought to the Geneial, who sent for the correepondent. He admitted that the tetter was his, but protested that the Gdceral would be violating the privacy of co -responi- ence it he opened it. The General replied tbrt it would have been public in Paris in less than twenty-four hours, and went on with his leading. He became enraged as he found that it was a severe stricture upon the conduct of the campaign. On finishing it, he informed the correspondent, that inasmuch as he con- sidered himself a competent milttiry au- thority he should have a tuta of martial law to add to his military knowledge. A court-martial was convened. The trial was short. The sentence read "Condemn- ed to be shot at 6 next morning at the capi- tal city." He was pat upon a special train, which arrived there half an hour before the execution was to take place. A ball at the palace of the Governor- General was not yet ended, and he asked parmission to have a waliz before he died." He vas allowed to waltz even with the Governor- General's daughter, and when the time had expired he bikde adiea, went out before the file of soldiers, save the word and expired, also " May all joomalisti do as I have done it is their duty," was his last words. Thus it will be seen that it is.easier to stay in Paris and write vhrilling narratives of exciting scenes it Tonquin than it is to go there and stand like the entry-clerk of a Chicago pork honse and count the number of victims slaughtered every aay. The Old Houdredtlk The music harmonized in four parta of this venerable church tune was comporod by Claude Goud'mel, about the year 1544 The composer, who was cbapel master at Lyons, Fra^ce, died in 1572, a victim to reUgious opiion. The harmony of this hymn has sinca been altered, as may be seen by oom- pari 'g the same as ai ranged m the prMent MOMtwai «f chqrch music with the cr.gmaL It is a popular matico-historioal error that Lather was the composer cf thiscnorael. Oddttka af WIlli..^ Ammig the corioas wills and beqi that deserve mration is that of a Fnnoh merchant who m 1610, left a large kaaoy tothelady whohadjdtedhim, in order to express his gratitude to her for her forbear- ance and his admiration for her saitaoity in leaving hm to a kappy bachelor life. Jac. per Mayne, who died m 1620, left to a bib- nlons servant an old portmanteau which, he wrote, the legatee would value when he found that it oontaioed something " which would enable him to drink." Tne "some- thing" proved to be a red herring. A Scotch gentlemen having tvo young dangh- ters bequeathed to each her weight, not in g( Id, but in ^£1 bank notes. The elder seems to have been »limm;rthan her sifter, for she onlv got $256,000, while the younger reotived $287,720. An annuity of $250 *as beq eathud to thebeliringera ot Bjto Abbey by Lien C-il. Nash, •'provided they should mtffla the clappers of tie bells cf the said abot-y, and ring them wi h doleful ac- centuation from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. on each anniversary of his wedding day, acd darng the same number of houri, only with a merry peal, on the anniverfcary of the day which released him from domestic tyianny and wretchedness," Bequests of bodies for anatomical purposes, or if skulls as curios- ities or relices have been sufficiently numer- ous; but unquestionably the most curious will of this sort was that made by Mr. S Sanborn in 1871, when the testator left his remainis for dissection and provided that the flesh stripped from his bones should be used to fertil'Za an American elm, and his skin be converted into two drumheads, inscribed with the Declaration ot independence and Pope's Universal P/ayer, on which "Yan- kee Douold" should be played at Bunker Hill aunually on the 17th ot June. A testator caniot it need scarcely be said be too careful in drawing up a will. "My black and wbice horses" uo not bear the same meaning as "my black and my white" A near friend of Victor Cousin, the philosopher, lost a large legacy through a trifling accident and delay. Cousin intended to inclide his name in his will, but there was no stamped paper in the house, and he told his servant to cb- tain some. The servant said he would â€" to- morrow â€" and on the morrow Cousin aied at dinner, just as a West of England millionaire was choiiedat breakfast with a fisu bona with the unsigned will which would have -A- terd the disposition of his vast estate liog en the table. Peop.e should imimaie the ex- ample of Lord Etdon, who, when a very rich piece of patronage came in!:ohia gift, having received the news wbde rid-ng; with the rel- ative upon whom he intended to besto«v it, wro'e out the appointment while eitting in bis saddle, lest he should hi tbiown from his horse before he got home. An offic^^r iu the Indian army, who bad not much to leave, but was on friendly terms with twj cf his brother (.ffi;:ers, made a will, leaving his property, consisting merely of personal belongings, to be divided between them. The testator came unexpectedly into a v^ry large Oi-tune, but he forgot all about his will ar^d never made another. When he died the will made uuder such different circumstances held good, and his aged mother, sisters and near relations were left out in the cold. Oi bequests to animals a few may be men- tioned. Ia 1781 a peaeant of Toulouse made his horse his universal heir. Doctor Cii;tia- no, of Venice, left 6,000 flmns for the main- teLauce of his three dogs, with a condition that at their death the sum should be added to the University of Venice. A Mrs. Eliza- beth Hunter, in 1813, left $1,000 a year for her parrot, and the Count uf Mirinlolabe- qtieathed a considerable legacy to a pet carp L'rro Chestei field left a sum for the support of his favorite cat, as also did one Frederick Harper, who settled $500 a year on his "young blick cat," the interest to be paid to his house keeper, Mrs. Hodges, as long as the cat should remain alive. Tae mo$t sin- gular of these wills, however, was that of a Mr. Herkeley, of Knightsbridge, who died in 1805. He left $125 to four of bis dogs. During a journey through France and Italy this gentleman, being attMsked by brigands, had been protected and saved oy bis dog; the four animals he pensioned by his will were the dcEcendants of this faithful friend. Feeling his end near Mr. Berkeley desired that two arm chairs might be brought to his bedside and his four dogs seated on them, received their last caresses, which he re turned with the best of his failing strength, and died in their paws. By an article in his will he ordered that the busts of his four dogs should be carved in stone and placed at the four corners of his tomb.â€" [Philadelphia Escord. I â-  I â-  â-  â-  Was It Fate or f ortiuM? The following circnmstancs is as true as it is singular: A few years ago, two gentle- men, who tiad been left executors to the will of a friend, on examining the property, found a scrap of paper, on which was writ- ten. "Ten thousand dollars in Till." This they took in the literal sense, and examined all his apartments carefully, but in vain. They spld his collection of books to a book- seller, And paid the legacies in ptoportion. The singularity of the circumstance occa- sioned them frequently to talk about it, and they recollected among the books soli (which had taken place upwards of seven weeks before) there was a folio edition of Tdlotson's Sermons. The probibility of this being wbat was alluded to by the word "Tdl ' on the piece of paper, made one of them immediately wait upon the bookseller who had purchased the books, and ask him if he had the edition of Tillotson, which had been among the books sold to him On his replying in the a£Brmative, and the volumes being handed down, the gentlemun immed- iately purchased them, and on carefully ex- amining the leaves, found bank bills singly dispersed in various parts of the Volumes, to theamountof ten thousand dollars I But wbat is perhaps no less remarkable than the preceding, the bookseller informed him that a gentlemin at Cambridge, Mass., read- in his catalogue of this edition to be sold, had written to him, and desired it might be sent to Cambridge, which was aocord'ngly done; but the boot» not answering the gen- tleman's expectations, they had been return- ed, aod had been in the bookseller's store till IJtte period of this very singular discov- ery. new TTMMMBt. Peiliaps Vtm noat vttrm»^tmaj snnnns ttat has been adiieved in modem eoienoe hasVen f^^^JS^^^J^^' TreataMBt «t oatanh on at SiON natisnta treated'dniina the aaat six moMbP, fiUr nhwty per oent. have feeea ouied of this stubborn malady. This is ntme the less startllnsc when it ia remembered that not five par cent, ot the patientsvesenting Uwmael^ to ttia rsKuIar pnwtiSonflr are benefitted, while the patent medicines and Other advertised onrea never reorad a onre at alL Startins with the claim now geaerallT believed by the most aoieatilo men that the disease is due to the preeenoe at Uving parasites in the ttasnes. Mr. Dix- on at onoe adapted Up cmre to thttr extermination this aooompltshed the catarrh is practically cured, and tne peimanenoy is un- questioned, as cures eflfeoted by htm four years ago are curea BtQL No one else has ever at- tempted to onre catarrh in this manner, and no other treatment has ever cured catarrh. The application of the remedy is simple and can be done at home, and the present season of the year is the most favorable tor a speedy and permanent onre the malority of eases being cured at one treatment. tiunbrers should cor- respond with Messrs. A. H. uTKOVt tc t^UN, 306 King-etreet West, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on catarrh.â€" 3foNtreal Star. A clo-e student â€" The tailor's apprentice. laroortaiit. When yoo visit or lure New York Oity, save Bshmg Expreawce and Ouriace Hire, and atop »t the Okano Union Hotm., opposite Or«nd Central Depot. 600 elegant rooms dttea np at a oudt of oue m^iHo n dollan, m andupwarda-per daf. Koropean plan. Slerator. Beetaorant lupplied irith the best. Hone oars, ita(ea and elevated railroads to all depots. Fain- Uio) can live belter tor leas muner at the Qrand Union Hotel than at any other firat-oiass hotel in the Oity. A. P. 203. F E. DIXON CO mmmmSutmrvn •rwtn mtnt Leather Belting I M Klnc Btnet, Bast. ToMKla. Xriumdontale Delving Belts a weclaltr. 8«t tar Pnoa Una and Diimannta lOEEVMIMSES: nie mart ooovaniant meat tor farmen ta tteir ham â- MBoa. Tlnw maacs are cooked and ready to* ess 8oU br â- roean throiudi the Dominion 8wid tot Brits P. O. Box34S Montreal- Allan Line fioyal Mail steaDuMps, Bailing dniac winter from Portland evaiy nmndat and Halifax every Saturday to liverpool, and in nimmct from Quebec every Batordar to Liverpool, callinc at ba dondeiry to landmaUsand paaaeMers tot BeoUand ani ueland. Also from Baltimore via Halifax and St. John's N. P., to Iiivenool fortnightly daring aommer mootks. The steamen of the Glasgow lines aaU during winter hs ONE HUNDBED ACB£:iâ€" TuWNSHXP BLDON, lot 4, Oonceasion Ist choice land, good boildlnga' ercnard, and fencing. G. S. " ' """ " FREE KING, C«-""i"gton. By return maU. t\Ul deseription. Moody's Mow Tailor system of Dress Cuttmg. PKOF. MO^D\, Toronio. Onu ^^ perKonr, or those aboot ta m*rrr, will be greatly bene- fitted b) sending 3c. for sealed particulars uf tais adTer- tirCmeut. J. W. HOUTHWICK, I'orunto, Canada YOUNG MAHRIhU M i: N WA.N ' £0, Aetne pnsiiing men wanted to wholesale my famous teaa to consumers. Salary from 9600 to $2000 per year. Bend stamp tor particulara. JAMES LAUX, Importer, Toronto E E KNOTT'S jspeomacor'a stare. Adelaide St. East, Toronto. All kinda of real estate sold or excuanged on commis- sion. Money loanea on all kinds of real estate at low- est rate* of interest. Apphcation for money from farm- ers a specialty. Bents collectel and managed in town or country. N. B.â€" aest of references on appU cation HAND STAMPS METAL a Stamps of BUBUKB erery de- scription, Seals, etc llronze Medals' the last four years at Toronto .Ehibitton. Acents wanted KENYCJ!*, TINULEY, tt STEWART M'FG. CO., 72 King St., West, Toronto. lasgowa^d For^mkht, passage, or other informatiaa ply to A. Schumacher ft Co., Baltimore; d. naid ft 0 Halifax Shea Ca. St. Joha'l N. IT. Wm. Thomson Co., St. John. N. B.| Allan ft Ca, Cnicago Leve ft Alden, New Ymk. H. Bourlier, Toronto Allans. Bae ft Ot^ Quebec H A. Allaa. Portland. Boston, lloh tr«»l Dominion Lmeot tteamships. Running in oooneotion with th« Grand book BaB- way ot Canada. Sailmg from Quebec erery Batordafi daring the summer months, and from Portland areci Thonday during the winter mentba. Sailing datai twnn 4UKBK0 TO UVEKPOOL *«res*B. Oct. 18 I 'Itarala, H*t. 8 Montreal, «et. M BreoUyn. Hev. U 'Yameonver Hov. 1 j Tmromto, Nov. M Bates of passage: Cabin, Uueoeo to'Uverpool 9M| «60,96,«80. Beturn,«90.^108,$117,S144,aooordiagts steamer and berth, intermediate 835, Stoenars al lowest rates. The saloons and staterooms in ateamen marked thus are amidahips, where but little noUoa IB felt, and no cattle or sheep are carried on them. W further tarticulars apply to any Grand Trunk ITaileai Agent or local agentu of the Company, or to BAVln T«KKA1ICK dl C«.« General Agents, rHoaSna. TEN ACRES. BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED adjoininR the corpor" ation of tbe To* a of Cliftoc. The land slopes Koiitly coward the South, aua ia oue of the best sitaat- iena in Caaa..a for crulc raising. Laud at opposiiu bidn cf the read is held at 4;1,00U pur acre. I wUlseil tbis whole loc for «2,5jO. vSUO ca.ta, ia anod at six-and-a- balf per cent, secured by mortgage. Address ' •Truth* Box 10, Teronto, Canada. W. F. P. Currie Co. 100 Grey Nun St., Montreal. Importers of Drain Pipes, Portland Cement, Chimney ^pa, Canada Cement, Vent Linings, Water Lime, Flue Covers, Whiticg, Pire Bricks, Plaster ot Paris, Fire Clay, Bfivax, Soman Cement, China Clay Manufacturers of Beasemer Steei Kofa. Cnaur Bed ft stirtnsa GUNS RAWBONE 00. PBACTICAI. CVN HAKBBg have again resumed business, and want to hear from all their old customers. We have the " inside track" in the gun business, and will fiunish jou Firearms and Sporting goodr at in sone cases less *ban, trade prices Winchester Bifles 1873 model for 919.90, other Koods juc t as cheap. We have removed from Yonge St., and have DO connection with the old mand. Note cbMige of ad- dress. Sard 6c for new ill. Catalogue. B AWBONB a Co., Shaftesbury Hall, Toronto iv N. B.â€" All kinds of Gun repairs donn. FOB Fattening and bringiog into condition, Honss Cows, Calves, Sheep and pigs. Tbe YORKSHZan Cattle Feeder is ugelandreaom!nenddby9rat«laaa breeders. Milk Cattle produce mure milk and butter. It fattens in one-fourth the usual time and saves food. ' Price 25 auU and $1 per box. A dollar box contains 200 Feeds. HUGH BflLLBB and Co., A43ICULTURAL CHEMIST. 167 King St East, Toroato. For salf by Dniggists evervwhare. TUJil MUlJ£li Washer AND BLEACHEB. Weighs but 6 ponoda. Can be carried In a sm^ vaDst* Illastration sbnws Machine ii boiler. SatisfaeUoa riaraatet-d or money refuneed within 30 days, 1000.00 BBw^BD roa irs bufbbior. Wa«hing made light and easy. Mhe clothes hava that pure whiteneea which no othsr mode of washing caa pro. duce. No rubbing required, no friction to injare ths fabric. 10 year old girl can do the washing as well M an older person. To place it in every household thk fbios has bum BEDUCED to 4(2 60, and if not found satisfactory, moaay refunded. See what the "Canada Piesbyteriao," SMS about itâ€" The Model Washer and Bleacher which Mr. O. W. Dennis offers to the public baa many and valaabte advantages. It is a time 'and laber saving m afl hli w;, substantial and enduring, and is very cheap. Froai trial in tbe household we can testify to its exeeUenee. Delivered to any express office in the Provinces at ,On- tario and Quebec Charges paid IIS.W). Bend for eirtidars AGENTS WANTID. 0. W. DENNIS, TORONTO BARGAIN HOUSE, as YONG« 8BBBT. TORONTO. ONT. " ^^QHNSTONS FlUIDTBeEF JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF It is the only preparation of the Und whleh rontainB all the nutritious. t(«ether with ths stimulating, properties of beef, and the only one which has the power to supply neotiab- ment for brain, and muscle. THE' NEW! WIIiIiIAMS Hirth Arm Machine is non reoogniaad a« the » Sewing HacMne if the FeM It Is Uskt and Basy to ran. BUent and Bapid In moTomtt* Plain aad Uasple co'leam It is strong, dorabla, and well built) the very bast material that money oan bay jor skill produce. It was awarded five medals and tiiras first prizes at the Dominion Exhibition last October, It ia rapidly superseding all tiia old fashioned makes everywhere. See it try it, buy it, and make sure that yon ({at it, THEWILLIAMS'MFGGO. 1788 Notre Dame St., Montreal, Kins St.. West. L-nmnto. GURNEY'S STOVE^I In Morroso when a thief is caught in the most trivial cffence|they politely request him to hold np bath hands. Tnen they ask him what hand, he would prefer to have in his possession, and when he has made hiaohcise they cnt off the other. When a thiqf has thns lost both faomds, aidd also hji:j4g| he los^s hia head and quits steiiliog. WOOD COOK, .^ITIST^, KKCSSOlTHia QRAND DUCHESS, COAL AND WOOD RANGE, COUNTESS BASE BURNER, ^^m^- pQH s^|_E Y STOVE DEALERS HERfc .;l

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