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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Nov 1884, p. 5

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 (uid etteetmti actnring an ex- it of TS and DESKS, of tne latest (kttern. Highly steesand Teach- nd compactness lent of Farm and hand. Send for 0. E\V McGILL. ' Shop. ntry can produce PARTS OF ORDERED. mage respectfnll; IcNea's bloek. UTLED6E. tr' *j M'n.- »?â- â- â€¢â- â€¢?*" ^--J*" "s^'t-ve rji^-^i.-v-'.-vs-:,-^' "r- .-ri'«^t--r .A --â- â€¢.. Bold and Silver Cases -IN- ladies' and Gents' Sizes. Quadruple Silverware for Wedding- Presents. Wedding Rings, 18 k.. Cold Silver Jewellery RI]NGJ-S SEALS, VIOLINS AND STRINGS. Fine Repairing a Specialty. l^ Square dealing in Sales and- Work. Jair Prices. W. A. BROWN. MARkDALE. Local and Other Items. er i-e to announce t« \\wg country that ual to any otbes the grist is Being Oi 5xcangB: â€" 4a ]A)6. FIbbt.. 39 " 35 ' o7 " 36 " 33 " jniouut of flour. (if ufaw wheat to hi the most of it; weigh CI or 62 to V. Ford. Notices in these columns intended to benefit Mmy individual or Society will be charged ten P-cents a line for the first insertion and five Uttts a line each subiequent insertion. â€" â-  Mr. Thos. Fbeeman of Fort William |was in towu Jast week. Gentlemens' UBderwear cheaper than ever at J. B. Trimble's. f Miss Sarah Coleman is home for a It few clays from Toronto. n BuMNEss still increasing under the f i old process at Barrhead Mills- Moffiit Bros, have wceuty seat 18 h«x atoves to a Wler in Ow^en 8Htt,d. they have also sent $100 worth of cresting to the same phice. .Mb. J. a. iBviNtt has sold his pamp business to Mr. John T. Oumn of this place, who has no*- possession, and wui continue manufacturing ail kinds 01 pumps. SouD SiLVEK SwisB Levcf Watches, Mteen Jewells, $11.00 cash. Fully r!r*";*?^^- ^â- ^' Brown, Jexveller, Markdale, Mas. Wm. Clark, formeilv of Arte- mesia and only daughter of Mr. James Beaty of prarge Valley, arrived from Colorado with three of her children oi? a visit last week. SF GmMHM PifilHCR.R. OW£/lf SOUND BRANCH. TIME TABLE. Taking, »iNct MoKda/. S^tttmffr 9th. 1884. QOINO NORTH. STATIONS. SALE. ncres, comprising 1st East T. S. oin Williamsford d shape, tit to run id crohard, well orchard and front ited in-sido, good a baru and out anifers from the alars apply on the BEll'i CL^- 209â€"211. Pd- reek, consisting of CHAINS, 1 ,ES, PIPES' L'RINaS, etc. Iways in stock. nd Jewellerjf itisfaction «a^' ,HOW GOODS' Call* _5Sellf ker. Jeweller, Fleshertoi*. Il â€" lEH SEEDS L Seed? is ft* I I Mk. \Vm. M. Claek and family re- |-moveato Toronto this week. Is there any stray cattle or sheep iibout y(jur premises; if so, advertise. ilis« Martha Wriglii; left on Tues- Jay for AUeuford to visit friends. If you want a good Hair- Cloth ' n'arlor .Suit go to Grant Co., Mark- f.iile. }.Ir. Charles Porter of the Colling- wood Kntcr prise .gave us a call Wed- â- 'nesJay. â-  I, W. J Kowe will have his new saw f antl shingle- mill in operation this ' week. /J Mk. Thibaudeau had a cow killed • last week by a train on the railway 'icrossiug. Gentlemens' Fur Caps in P. JL. and yS. S. S. at less than coat at J. E. nrximbles. Mr. Isaac Brown will please accept )ur thanks tor a fine lot of roots and iagetables. For Bedsteads, Spring Beds, and ilattrasses, go to Grant Co., llarkdale. We have to thank Mr. Geo. L. iDodds. Wolseley. Man., for renewal of 'subscription. Extra value in Dress Goods at J. K. jTtimble's. ee them before you pur- |cbase elsewhere^ Mr. B. Petch of Glenwiliiams, Ifitlier in-law of W, H. Butledge, jlmtcher,is up on a visit. J. K. Trimble is offering special in- iBcemcnts to cash purchasers for the |nest sixty days. The Markdale Royal Templars will pe an entertainment in Eae's hall on m evening of the 2ud December. Foe Extension, Ride, Centre, Fall iWi and Kitchen Tables, go to Grant Co., Markdale. '• The Markdale Lodge of A. 0. U. W. p sent §10 to the rehef fund in con- Ktion with tne late Port Perry fire. I Fob sideboards, dressing cases, bed- Fads, lounges and cradles, go to •"^raut Co., Markdale. .. The celebrated Ball family, jubilee hgers, vviil give three days on the Pplirana mission of the Methodist f'^urcii iu December. Foe Sash, Lumber, Newel Post "s, Balusters and Hand- railing. lt^MtUL .»«w ¥«*i^ ""to Grant Co.. Markdale. J -P' Teijujle's grand clearing sale j"oomiiig. Every person is delight- *ith the bargains they are getting. Farm to Rbnt.â€" The old Ourrie farm near Glascott, 100 acres, 70 cleared. Apply to Geo. Lamb, Glas- cott, for particulars. A LITERARY and dramatic club has been organized in Markdale. They had one play entitled "The opening farce," and are preparing for some- thing still greater. Ladies' Dress Goods at J. R. Trim- ble's 25 per cent, less than the same goods can be bought for in any other store in the county. Arm Broken. â€" Ada, daughter of Mr. C. Reynoldo, aged about 12 years, had her arm broken in two places last Saturday while playing. Dr. SprC^ule set the bone and the little girl is doing well. J. R. Trimble has the largest, most select, and cheapest stock of groceries ever offered in Markdale. One trial will convince the most sceptical. A person last week made the en- quiry, it the steel steamers were not going to run all winter to PortArthur; we should rather think not, the last trip for the season will be made this week. If you want really nice, nobby clothing, either in Suits or Overcoats, go straight to J..R. Trimble's: he has an immense stock to choose from. Auction Sale â€" At the Mansion House. Markdale, on Saturday next at 2 o'clock p. m., live stock, farm implements, ety. Torms â€" on sums over $5 eleven months on good paper. Geo. Nobb, auctioneer. Owing to the increarC of gristing business for the past two months at Barrhead Mills, Mr. Rowe is now putting in the third run of stones. Floiir is now very cheap, yet, it ap- pears a difficult task for some families t provide a supply. We heard one person declare they saw the very mice comiuR out of the empty flour barrel with tears in their eyes. Mrs. Grandy left on Friday morn- ing for Newmarket to see her brother who has been afflicted for about three years, and on Saturday evening -he quietly passed away to that city whose walls are Salvation and whose gates are praise. School ^Boolcs. â€" Having recovered from the shock caused by the failure of Jas. Campbell Son we have renewed our stock of School Books and Stationery and are prepar- ed to supply the public with a good assortment at low prices. A. Turner Co. Orange Soiree. â€" L. 0. L. No. 1888 will give their annual soiree in their hall, Kells' corners, on the evening of the 4th December. This lodge has a reputation for giving good, enioyable entertainments, and we have no doubt' the coming one will be fully up to any of the past. Tea will be sei-ved from 6 o'clock, after which speeches will be given by Revs. A. Wilson, W. Casson and Dr. Sproule. M.* P., mtersperstd by music, recitations, etc. Admission 25 cents. Farmers' Advocate. â€" ^We are pleased to hear this champion agricultural paper so highly spoken of by pur numerous patrons who read it. It has pursued a fearless and mdependent course in the .interests of the farmer for nearly nineteen years, each season makmg important improveuients and every year adding Jai^ely to its hstof subscribers, and still the advancement continues in both respects. A copy should be seen m every formers and housekeepers house. Beaver Dam. â€" On the rear of Mr. B. Coleman's farm, which adjoms the village; the Saugeftn river crosses, and a new dam is beini? built by the industrious beaver, several of our citizens various tiipes recently, visited tiie place to see the wonderful works of the "emblem of industry." We were informed this week that a Markdale youth, in order to investi- gate mpre minutely the structure, went under water on Snndayjast, but his exploratims were not snfficifntly jntere^pg to repor*,^^ â- ; Toronto Leaye Gardwell Janction Cbarlejton Orange- 1 Arrive. viUe, [Leave.. Orangeville Jon. Shelbome. ..... Dnndalk ....... lesherton. liarkdale.. ..... Williamsford ChatBworth Owen Sonnd... Mail. Exp. Mixed 720am 9 07 9 2.5 950 1005 1017 10 43 1110 1135 1150 i212pm 12 27 100 4 40pm 6 22 " 6 40' 7 05 " 7 23'« 7 36" 8 03" 8 30" 8 55/' 9 09" 9 31 " 9 48 •• 10 20 •• 11 45am 1229pm 103" 128" 2 30" 3 30" 4 35 " 500" f 45" 6 15" 715pm GOING SOUTH- STATIONS. Exp. Mail. Mixed. Owen Sound Chatsworth.. .. .. Williamsford Markdale F'lesherton Dundalk Shelbnme Oi-angeville Jun. Orance Arrive. villcilifiave... Gharleeton Cardwell Junction Toronto Arrive 620am 6 53" 6 08 " 6 30" 6 45 " 7 10 " 7 33" 8 00 " 8 12" 8 35 " 8 55 " 9 07" 10 45 " \i^\ Mler J©/^ MAR KD ALE. THIS NEW â€" Paient Process Flouring Mill Is now completed at great expense, on the rwfost Al*I»ROVSI plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the term, "ft Model Hill." 1 am therefore in a position to give the pubHc a SynQf JQf Article of Flour. A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear bu|- the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat KS* Flour, Bran, Shorts, etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. ANfiUS PLEWES. 219 New Slore. Mr. Dundass has open- ed a Grocery, Crockery and Boot Shoe Store in Rae's new block, Mark- dale. The stock is all new andfresh,and pricesright. Call and see. Advertisement next week. PUMPS PUMPS! Well Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Long Pumps, Short Pumps, All kinds of Punips, The best Pump, Manufactured by J. T. QUiN]:r, Successor to J. G. Irving, Markdale. Orders respectfully solicited and satigffiction guaranteed. OJPFICE OF THE y u All kinds of Ma,x-ble and Monumental AVorJrs- such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, Counter and Table Tops, in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbel^ized Slate, c., c. feSa,tista,ction Gruaranteed in Every liespect " ROBT. S. RAE, TAILOR, -•â€" ^o. â€" :o â€" :o â€" :o â€" :o '/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ 'â- / o/o/o/o/o/ o/o /o/o/o/o/o /o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ '^â- â- ' "Y ^0^~^ â€" --- â€" â€" â€" ' -- o: â€" o: â€" o:â€" o: â€" (K We are now showing special drives in New, Stylish and Fashionable Dress Goods, Laces, Trimminars, Mantle Cloths, Buttons, Hosiery, LADIES GENTS UNDERCLOTHING ETC. TIEEDS -:o:- CANADIAN, SCOTCH and WEST of ENGLAND for Men's and Boys* TSuits, Overcoats and Garmentsâ€" â- J Cheap, Fashionable and Stylish. For all ages and conditions from the heavy Stoga to the finest Kid. These goods are unsurpassed â€" price, value and quality considered. ' V We Invite special attention to our BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED TEA SETS, Suitable for Wedding Gifts or Birtliday Presents. TTJ J A Spesialty from |5c to 50c per Ibi Every mij I n iJjiVIJ grade. Splendid value. IJjiilJ Give us a call. Examine compare goods prices Markdale, Sept. 1, 1884. 190-tf W M. 13 JtiO W N ATTENTION. "Self interest rules the Nation" and you will find it to your interest Lq purchase your Dry-goods, Gro- ceries, Eeady made Clothing, Boots and Shoesc, Scc., at E. J. Sproule's Flesherton The price of farm produce is now so low it will e necessary to make; every dollar go as far as possible, and in order to meet you half way, J nave determined to sell at rock ottom prices. X Call and get quotations, exarnine^ goods and e convinced. M^ 9f i^^tilf 'f â- n V

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