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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Nov 1884, p. 1

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 m^' H '"' «a" i.ave" Sanitary Enoisj W. Cornwall TH HOUSJ *Tii. ont. ^rKOPKiEIORg. SI i VOL. 4.--NG. 219. MAKKDALE, ONT., NOV. 20, 18B4. fie Markdale Standard cals and c, .: "i stabli ng mfortabi aim a| 114 mm '• iiiau.jiil ciiii.- u,' wU, Asi- i::i:i, ottn £r»ue!inis, and is-a.s«'.«. d lo give satbfacticn. l^rourietors Toioiito ALE., iiil Kinds â-  nS Jj issaed evesy Thursday, at the office. Mill Street, Markdale. Terxsâ€" ?1 per year in advance; 81.25 if not paid within three months. professional and business cards one inch epace aud under, per year, $4. 1 XB. 6 no. ?, MO. T^hole column .$50 00 *27 50 |15 00 Half column 27 GO 15 00 10 00 Quarter column .... 15 00 10 00 6 00 Ywo inch space 7 00 -4 00 Xhreeinch space .,.. 10 00 5 00 Casual advertisesaents 8 cents per line first insertiou, 3 cents per line each subseq«eat insertion, uonv«arei measure. Editorial notices, or notjoes in local e«l. nmn 10 cents per line first insertion 5 «e«t8 «ach siibsequents iasertioB, Stray animate (fcc. advertised 3 â- weeks for 'l, the adv6rti«eB6e*t not to exceed twelve lines. No paper di^oowtlKued until all arrears are paid except at the aption of the publisher. â€" JOB PrInTINCâ€" The Staxba"RI) office lias a splendid equip- ment 01 :poster jis well as ISne job type, bpe- â- eial attention to erders by naail. Orders filled »'it]! dispatch. EDTTQR AKB TEOPRIETOK. £,e9aU B HANDSPERRY,! (SU"CESS0BS TO LAUDER HANDs), Ai;BISTEES, Sciicitors, Proctors, 2fe-;: tT.ries, Convoyancers, q. Mosey toi; Joiui «t 'lowest rates di interest. Offices 162K:ing Street East, 199-251 T-OBONTO. Fro^iac Frost, BiftllRlSTERS, AND ATTOENETS-AT Law, Solicitors in Chancary, Conwjy sneers, itc, Owen "Sound, have resumedsat â- piesherton, Offiee op«^ every Thursday, =as .heretofore. AiJKEi) ^iiosi. J "vV FeosT, LL. 13. -County Crovn Atteiney. 1 PELIEVE INESS,' '5K, TERINQ )FTH£HEUIfS^ tTY OF HE STOMAGH, fES8 )F THE 8KIII, fB, 8TC 3O0, ING! J. ]WAS*»OT!ll, BARTiTSTEK MASTEE ANBDEP. E3SG in Chance^T Notary Public, Conv^yan9 i*r,c. A NUSrHER OF FJffiMS FOB^-SALB. 'Offk-es â€" Oven Sound, in Trcker's Block iPoulett St.; Branch offiee in Markdale, over MeFarland's iJtore, on •J'riday ardSatuiday â-  every week. 57-ly Crewsor TS.ri rri!9««u BAEKl'^- -^iS.SOLICITORS.CONVEY-, Sx. Ac. Offices in Owen Sound, DtSerin Block, svtu: W. F. Wolf's Store and in I ^^MARKDALE; j Over W, J. ItfcFarlaad's Bt«*re on Thuw^yi and Friday*! each week. i »S"Fund6 to lendon reasonable terms. j JoHsCitEAsioB, Q.G, Duncan MowdON., MarkJftie, March Vo. '1882. 7drlv i â€" â-  1^ Alex«iiiil«!r Bronm. ISS^JER of MarriEige Licenses, Fire and; Life Insnraniep Agent. 0rH«iissioneil n B. E. fec. Conveyancer *nd. Licensed; Auctioneer for' the County of Grey. .Farmers, ilereliants, •end "(Land Sales, Punstttally at-!' '.ended to and charges made '.very moderate.^ Priceville, Sept. 17, 1880. â-  l-y r "W^ni. Br*" SStTEE OF MARRIAGE LICENSES,*8 Commissioner in B. K. «fec. Conveyancing in all its branches prom^j ')ttei«dc:d to and carefully execated. ti. B. â€" Money to Lend oh Real Estate se â- surity. me. Copixs OF m Stamsab Fits csmtb bach. N 85 SoNt, S5 CnU. Fliifs jailaka Piib If yvfa liavc Sick ne:.d- â- che, Utit i Turpiij. A re BilioB*, Appctiis u I'lMir, Bovel* are Cuiitrrr, Have â-  BadCnsdi, VTuit ynur Stouwcn ihvruugjily ClettifctI, iliy sn th« liiMdieiiie to uh. Work â-  charni. Are purely â-¼Â«Rtable. Mildest St Pin ever taken. TRY TIU^M. ISoUbr Mediciiie Dealen. M.njOT* CO., BiarmacUts, Prop'n. iBock Iilsud. K U., â-  ' ' â€" --rI.lne.Vt Pe^ifitL o. B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.C P. S. Physician and Surgeon, Priceville, Graduate of University. Vict. CoLege. .. „ New York, and Hon. Graduate, of the same, .1 ., Ayleth Medical Institute. .. „ Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. MemberColl. Physicians^fe Surgeor s.O. J04 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at Rutlcdge's Hotel, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each mosth and also at MunshawV Hotel. Hesherton, the day following the thhrA ffi^uesday Ik each mautb for the prac tice dS^s professien. 122-47 W. G. IHCHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TKCT. â€" Resideuee on jiill Street, Mark- dale. 1241v SAITEDEa. vtakdejll.. TT7ELL DIGGER AND DKILLER. ALL orders pnomptly attended to. Resi deno't â€" Siiider's Hill Owen Sound 122-35 HAMILTON'S Photocaaph iallerY OVER TB£.STA}iDARD OFFICE. Fine wo^ executed in all the latest sizes and -shapes, ifuljy equal to city work. Sg€cial attention given to A large stockvcil moulding to choose from. Call And leave your measure for a picture. ..T^iie. Hfamiltoxi. (O0M^Mf«GJAL HOTEL PESKJEVHjLiE. Ont. 'Large aii3 eommodious Sample Rooms jQr«od Bed iliooins, c. The Bar and larde w^ supplied with the best the market af 'focds ;.g«Nsd Stabhng and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor mm GIBSON CONTRACTOR. y^ftnr* S«perated. {Urigmal.) The goideh links of friendship 'Which lionnd her heart to mini. Now fcre broken, scattered widely. Hidden 'neatb the sands of tine. Ob the bitter pain and sorrow Which doth gnaw my aching heart [^ak of happy boors spent witb her, Bow we at the gate did part. Are we parted thus to wander Up aud down tbia^stage of care, Caruig naught for each to-morrow W'liether here or whether there. Oh I tLis world seems dark and dreary \\heu we patt with those we love. When oiir wandenngs here are over 6hal' WB die to meet above. O'er the silver domes of childhood. I look back to hear the chime Raise that air u me the dearest 'Tis the boug of "Auld Lang Sine." When the mocsbeam gently namg Fill the solom air, so bright With the gladness of the heavens, I think oi that last "Good Night." Dan McCauohbin. Fall Assizes ced to six months in the Central Pris- on. The Grand Jury returned no Bill against H. Oayell. A Frost for the Crown. John Croasor and S. J. Lane for the prisoners. DoBiB v«. MicHAXi. Bat Luhbeb Co. An action to recover the value of ties taken by the defendants under right of purchase from an insolvent wtjo had as the plamtiff claimed, previously sold the ties in question to James Sutherland of whose estate he is trus- tee. Verdict for plaintiff. Creasor Piatt for plaintiff, and â€" Louut Q. C. of Barrie for defendants. kers, Circulars,.! Cards, ng Cards, till Heads, ,oi i^(:})or^ Municipal th ntP.tnessj is oChcei States, ^rs' experts MildmCDALE, l^s. Bryan, Proprietor. CITY HOTEL^ John McAleer, Proprietor. This house is fitted up in good style, situ- ated on Mill street, where the travelling pub- lie may depend on the very best accommo- dation. Union bus to all traias. 194 MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE, ONT. MRS. RUTLED6E, PROPRIETOR. fashionable Tailor, OVEB HA(C7ABLAia'B 8Z0BE. 1 4 PEEP CTFJTGUAJU»3HK8| 'Contracts taken for all kiods of BRICK MD STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. CaUmnininq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standabd office will receive prompt attention. 126-ly. ISAAC STIJVSON, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. AU work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 195-toi* MARKDALE P.O. imL Send six cents for posta(|;e, and receive iree,a costly box of goods whieb will help all, of either sex t3 more mcney right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure. At onoe address Tbxix ft Co., Augusta. Maine. 1R7-239 JOiaCN NOBLE, MARKDALE 6ENER1BLACKSHITH HORSESHOEING SP£GIALCT. Also igeat lis 8w mkbntiid CHATNAHI WAQOW. {^Continued from, last week.) The Queen vs. Teets. â€" The prison- er was charged with, administering pojeon to his wife. Bossauah Shep- herd ab^ut one year ago which caused her death. The parties liyed near Fiesherton, aud an inquest was held by Dr. Chnstoe, and the prisoner com- mitted for trial. The stomach of the deceased was sent to Dr. Ellis, of Toronto, when it was found that it contained strychnine. The prisoner on being arraigned, and in reply to the question "are you Guilty or not Guilty," answered in a firm voice "Not Guilty." The Crown Council, A. Frost, Esq., addressed the Jury, briefly giving a history of the murder. The evidence was circumstantial and went to show that the prisoner had strychnine in hts trunk, which he had brought from the United States, and that ne was heard to say, while8ta.nd- lug by the bead- side oi his dead wife "Poor Bossy, it was me caused this," etc. The prisone^ had also insured the deceased's life some time previous for $4,000. After heariug thp evi- dence the council for the defence, Mr. MassoD, addressed the Jury at length, and was followed by Mr. Frost for the crown, who clearly presented the facts in a short aud concise speech^ The Judge in summing up the case eharg- ed strongly against the prisoner, aft6r which the Jury retired and were absent about half an hoar when they return- ed into court, rendering a yerdiot of "Guilty" with recommendation to mercy. The Judge then addressed the prisoner asking him if he had any thing to say why tiie sentenee of the the Court should not be pronounced upon him. The prisoner ^owly arose to his feet, and addressed the court at considerable length, protesting his in- nocence. He S£ad that one of the witnesses Aron Teeter swore falsly. He also denied the Btatenxent of Mrs. Leppard, her daughter and daughter- in-law. He said that he l^ad been wrongly dealt with by th^ people and the press. Bob Lordship before passing sent- enoe said he entirely agreed with the verdict of the Jury. He said the pri- soner had but a short time to prepare to meet his Maker ,^ and advised him to m^e the best of his time, as he could not hold o«t any hope of a re- prieve. His Lprdship then ptooeeded to pass the sentence as tollows â€" The sentence of this Court is that you CookTeet, be taken from the placs from whence you caine. and that you there remain until the 6tb ' day of Deoember next, when yon are to be taken to the plaoe of execution, and there lumged by the neck till you are dead, and may the Lord have mercy on your soul. Thb QnsEiT m. Wyue, Sskncbb,aiid Fox. â€" ^^e. prisoners were diaiged with assaulting and robbing Thomas Christie, HI Angcst last,u)d were tried before the Pdice Ifagkitrate and oom- nutted for trial 1%e «videnoe wm given in the .i AwrtaMT in fell at tba tmit. The Gibbon t». Michaels Bay LnxBEB Co. â€" An action to recover value of ties sold to the defendants. The de- fendants claimed by way of counter claim to be entitled to damans amounting to $600 having been delivered € days over length of time. The plaintiff' was said to have contracted to have the vessels loaded bnt failing to supply a sufficient number of men capable to perform the loading of the vessels. Judgement reserved. Creasor and Piatt for phiintiff, and â€" Louut Q* C. for defendant.. Gibbon vs. ixuR.-, â€" An afttiun for false arrest and malicious prosecution. The parties are merchants residing at Little Current. The defendant wbo is a Justice oi the Peace caused the plaintiff to be arrested upon the in- formation of one Booley. That his timber had been taken away by some person unknown, and that the plain- tiff had been using timber in buildings a wharf. The plaintilC after somiQ evidence had been givn,,and on being asked by the defendant to give bail re., fused to do so, and was remanded to gaol for one week. Verdict forplaiiv tiff $1000. Creasor Pktt for plain tiff, J. Mason for defendant. The Queen vs. oner was charged with the murder of an old woman named Smith last sum- mer. The evidence went to show that he had been li\4ng with the deceased and daughter, ior some time previous to the occurrence that some time prevl«ttH to the death of the deceased she had been drinking and was yei^ quarrelsome that the night and morning of her death the prisoner had als keen drinking and had beaten and otherwise ill-treated her. The prisoner was found guilty of man- slauechter, and sentenced to ten years in the Penitentary. A. Frost for the Crown, Creasor Piatt for the pris- oner. CouPLOND vs. Chablxon.â€" ^An action of seduction. The partiles reside in ths township of Derby.,. Verdict of $150 for plaintiff, Creasy Morrison for Plaintiff, Kiibourn Bishop for defendant. Leoabd If*. Cabson. â€" An actiou for seduction. The parties reside in the the townsh^ of Artemesia. Verdict lor plaintiff $800. Frost 4 Frost for laintiff, J, MasBon for defendant. Bbtnolds vi. McDonald â-  Co..â€" An interpleader issue. Verdict for defen- dant J. Mason for plaintiff, McLar- en for defendaxkt. The Court then adjourned leaving ten oases to come op for hearing on the 7th of January. Tiie United States Hnrrest. Washington, Nov. 12.â€" The Nov- ember returns to the Department of Agricultural state that owing to the long continued drought, the indicated yield of cotton per acre is lower in nearly every State than the average.. The lowest yield are in Florida, Geor- gia, Albama. and Texas. Indications however, point to a crop somewhat larger than that of 1888, gathered in unusually fine condition. The corn yield exceeds 1,800,000,000 bushels, an average rate of 26 bushels per acre. The best yield is in what has been des- ignated the "G reat American Desert."" The eleven arid region in the vicinity at the one hundredth meridian hava- produced heavy crops of maize of higli. quality. That line of longitude has ceased to be an absolute barrier to corn production or general farming. The New England State averages neatly 33 bushels. New York, 30 Pennsylvania, 31 per acre. The- quality of (iora is belter than in 1888, nearly everywhere, and in the north- ern belt it is worth 25 to 75 per cent, more. Th© potato crop is nearlv an average yield or ninety bushels per acre, and exceeds 190,000,000 bushels The value of domestic breadstuff ex- ported during October is $11,541,000. Hanlan and Beacii. Mrs, Hanlan has just received a letter from Ned giving an account of his race witli Bfach and the way which it wa lost. He states that the wonder was not that he lost the race phut that ho was not killed. Beach I cut fairly across his boat, aud Hanlan ;says that only a tremondns pull with the right oar,, which partially strained hin wrist, savod him from being run down» As it was his boat became fairly water loggedv aud it was only' ScooNs.. â€" The pris- ' with great difficulty that he could keep afloat long enough to cross the line. Even then, he say»v he believes he would have won had he not been for- ced about a quarter of a mile out o£' his course from one cause and auotli- Bnddick of Boston has just shipped two new boatb to Hanlan. They were packed in waddiug and then enclosed in wooden cases aud shipped to Lon^ don. Mr. Whit«foot of the Sports- man will there tranship them to the- AustralioD^liue of steamers, and they will reach ^o autipotes aboutJanuary 1. Hanlan will pot probably row another race until the new boats reach him. The sheila are of the same pat- tern as Lhose he has been using lately and cost $125 eadi. â€" Neias^ lOLontUy Fairs. Markdale--Satarday before Fiesh- erton. (Jhatsworth â€" Monday before Dur- ham. Dondalk â€" Tuesday hefore Orauge- yille. Fieshertonâ€" Monday before Orange- rille. Orangerille â€" The second Thursday in each month. Mount Forest â€" Third Wednesi^ay in each month. PriseviUe â€" Monday before Durham. Dorham^Third Tuesday in each month. Hanoverâ€" ?ionday before Durham. Waikertonâ€" Last Wednesday in «vei7 month. -*â- Â»â-  Da. Law's Pidulan moysasidadfiof Wont Srior.â€" An to re- They all -want Farmsv "I can assure you," said a leadmg real etate agent to^a reporter yester- day "that the value of property will be raised in those counties in which the Scott Act has been passed. The great majority of those who came to us for farms want them in 8cott Act counties. The demand is especially great for farms in Oxford, Haltou, Huron "{and Norfolk. There is ono man wh3 came from the States antv purchased a farm in Haltou because the act was in force there. Another man bought a tarm there, and was so pleased he induced a relative to do likewise. £ven anti-temperance men prefer to locate in these counties. The farftters in Haltou say that busi- ness is much better now. As a proof of this there are three new Btores ui the town of Milton. The store keep- ers say that they are n^^w doing a fitio cash business. In Haitou Conuiy gaol there is only one prisoner, aud that is Zimmerman, an uotei-keener. who M serving two mouths fxjt a thuu. breach uf the Scott act. Ttro TMeves f^a^twred in a BaBN in HOLLAND, NEAB BEBECLSY.. About t-we weeks ago Joseph Gawley.. a boy of 18 summers, cau{ht two owls in a trsiv. The ftjathered thieve.-^, had been miug the iioultrj scare .. so the young telluw deteruiiuei to p4iC. a stop to their unweleome, fislts. autl set a tru) with the Aboi^d ijimult. Tii» boy had lu^^MiMtiers i^ a cage ««•» Â¥i^^ «WiB Ifaurlidfilc but week;. I •4 li t; ^^- mmmm

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