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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Nov 1884, p. 7

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 J8. the itt,^ ^a th»t. ia part u a Bn the ns SEA. Webber, Thibet h^ «f mote a with the Bally Bixty. fell belmr e time 4e ations were 9r criinary irds would ^ticna more at the seft. E. 8 thit are »ratnre, aa ed in four e, English ih-apeakini; (lerioa and rank sec- ish fourth, Sli"' 16,. I; Fnaah, " Scientific 'z9 the pre earth He ;ed with a 3r steering, 1 with the zed one of nded npon I au hoar. 18. It will er to fow, !3r.y loads Vill travel 3n an 4 car- tbera is a aot expaii ace. P. Mante^ ry at the tributed a t of 8cien« a devoted omy and it deals [ting qaes- ask one's jtely as to ferienced mcivil'zed [ng them- of emo- lords â€" the n or St. ssive as a 3,1, aims thing of That are I effort of chat Na- Irastances }fnl; but Ithey are ^standing lay have lerationa. Ian mui; eived by 78ist can Ibility of lEatlBgt JEating,' |e enjoy* agree* and, palate. Itremsly Itea may Ihe basis is taste- Vatable poD the DOst in- Ihe par* â- act np- lAnd if Allowed m'x- iitance lard by Ind, by neces- I great- Is that L great i ire at lity of ^some, lattffl- Impor- bean stock kins sid- le to lava* jioaof Ibuted the ftbont oond, takft BOIAJCK of a BB4CeiiBT. A Aftir fwoTbammnA Y« •^^tUBO: e^by the •â-¼Â«â- *. 1. ntitol eoid br.celet foond nptm tbe ^, fo, tb« Oxa^ and ptrchMed fcr £1.000 " ton backiu tome of the mo«s Sbr 01 an'iqaity. Toe v«ry spot m eveam ducoTtrsd c.lli np to the it was 0iiDd toia, "â- ""^bik *; tr ugh t'-e -cradle 1 -ni of Aryan c'.vili- jftu aua on timer baaks lie tae deserts, ce t'.roile p-jvincef, in which the aocaat- •" oiKirOiK^n na'i ni lived, foagbt aad fi To'S bractlai, lowwer, ant que fon'hit isâ€" mote than 2 000 years ol* â€" ^eguo. enclasp so Wide an area ot history auiely enough for any Bmj_ recoil '""u be series of old-worli epi- ttie tragic nis ories of Xfuxe* and and the teriiiio rowesa of conquer- It wcula be easy to go still back, for the waters ot the Qxna Yei » 11 auiely enough for any single jawtl J itshoull summon up to the recoil c- toaol ibenmtteenth century the proc i jioos vest! of Pcician and MaceUbniaa • mpires. Id lecall, as if by aotnsl pretence, the jijjisques for whi m the great Mtde planted lia pavilions of purple and gold unutr the jljne^trets l the bio^id Asiatic s^rjam, the Uts wtau ^r csd the bacqut-ts of the jijffhiiest of Babyloaan monarohs ai he lay" ^.nip-i uP"" the B ctri n irontier, who ibareu witb o'h Mcue au^ Pcrdian the ter- ra- of fight befo e a furiou* coiqaeror. irno^a ))/ Al xander's side whtn ho feast- ed wun nis ciptains aft^r victoy, and wh tW sir^ajsng spljudor ot theic pride, tiksdai tne tm ts-mmc of an evening to lee tie stately city of P-ratpjlis deat.oyel by fire. Mere, in the very place where this effel nts la'n niildtn all these yetirs, sti o i, oerhaps. ttie SDinp'.uona terns in ,wmch the jrel) Toa.B held her c lurt in the midst of ihe greatest a my the woild has evtr seen ladâ€" whokuows? perhaps thisvtry brace it VI i her own, and once clasped t e rondious white arm that haa a pDwer, rhcti ah tbe hosts « f embattled As a could net c.nipiss, to stay the marcl ot "tbe ireat £ i athian," and d c ate lo the cou- liierer Lf the woillt'ie mo/ement of his ops. Perhaps he cl spea it on himsel' d It may be that, as she pointed to tbe eaaiiry city of C mbyses, doomed to blue lor btr aniasenient, this circl:t of enameled I giutered m the 1 gat ot tbe t rah ti:h, the 1 g«:nds tell us, Alexitnder iteuid with hia own hand to set, bt her ildiuj, to the beiuiif ul p-.l a of the Forty iilue. Fmcy can not rioi ovcr such a m, tur Its poBtib lities ure intintte yet tact remains mat it haa betn foai.d, d found, too, upon such hi«tor)c grouud ijasufies m icb iicenss of imagina^on, and ODJuits up all tbe ramiLca o: tHe old Oxas leani. 0:o3 upon a t mo there stood upon the Bcoiist of Imia a templa of Apollo, ric'a treasures of loldanl jewels. The Per- laminvafled G tece, tnl tae mi jsteis ot hegod ioipiou ly bitrayed their tru-t tnd irrtni»rei tne costly spoils of tieoracl* the inemy. Wnen tne foreign hordes mned. b. ffl.d, tumawirs tiie priests, iraid i f the vengea:; c of their coo n try, beg- idto b 3 taken awaysnl settled lu si ma istint spct beyond tne reaca of ang-y Ireece. So they 1 ft Imia aud iravo led iitwsrJ until ti ey came to the Oxus, id there, in that pleasant land, they plant- itht Ills dives a'4 a colony, still retaining leir name of Brand idse tne htraditary iii ters if the temple oi Apolo that stood i Miletus. Yet they were not so far off itth-t the a mi of Alexander cotl 1 reaca lem, aul, as he advanced toward Inlia, tling bick the armies of Asia before nim, UK ring tbi m as the sun scatters the mists right nd laft, tbe conqte tnr came to tie Jas and to this ctl'jny of (bese traacherjos iests. The vengeance ot Greece was rapid, el, and o mplete, and the Br*n'cuid86 ed vo ex St. Here lor a while Alexai- cnca aped, and i n that occa«i n, if icy may dare t imagine it, some lair on i his court, perhaps the incompj:j.b.6 ieuian heraeU, loit her Iraoelet. It iped off that armâ€" tae despair of scnlp- ft, the b jast of Greece, the living soeptra ich swayed the greatest soldier oar e«rch known. It tell down among the piled ts ani luxurious cushions with which polit* Macedonian, following the ons- of the c antry he 1 ad conqaered, had bed the sumptuous pni'ijns of bis is. Na matter; it would befouniby i laves next day. Nevtrsheless ii was :gotten, and when tie camp was strack craimiut, pirhaps, got trampled into jgiouud, ana tbe vast boot or tbe con- fer, r pasted ovir it, leaving it wlera it fiiitD, t: be discovered after a lipse of »re than two thousand years. What I a 1 th)a imperious bsauty, who held in rail the man fcr wnom the limi a of our :h w( re too sma 1 who commanded with \*mh the des raction of royal cities, and ;o away with a jest tbe dettlnies of 7ESâ€" wha' bai shi tocara abjut in such tr:flc iu a brtcib t of erameled gold T Even â- Vlixanaer gave it btr, would be not a.e it wit'i anttier? Susa, "the of Mies," was witiin a 'ys lameliiie, and were taere not 'ih enough iu the pleasure pilace i^p- Persian kings to smother all the otifs of Corinth un'Jer tbe r v. eight? S lightly forgot it. The multitude of 'M jotooBian army, tbe nation of ct mp- I^ONters, the myriads of beasts o! burden, aped aad trudged ovcr the spot where tttnts o( Tba s bad stood, aad, fortiinate- I'oru^ not one of all that migbtr host 'tha!: j ivtel where it lay. Aad eo it has [Ppeixd that a*ter twenty c nturies tie "i't lies ]n South Keuon^ton. As a ^nirn cf aacieLt gol smittao work it is of iJtvalae; ttr though antiquity was pro- ' p rbi nal c rnameot, we have bat lit- F'«tcto ai£vre us of the wondrous taste, N^ipassiDg skill of the artist gok'smitfas |«ia, G:eecr, or Rome. That they were TiiEcent in their wt rks all histi ry as- F*is; but the surviving jewjls are i^l M«v tj giv^t aay adequate icea of tbe taste :hDet:s of their hancicraft in sfcaj[3 tiie 7^tarmlet isa plan "bangb," iMving eorts t« o wicged sphii x 1 ke figures, J^»itieaeltss beik-i aud twisted herns. Hprtha'-ly, lo Assyrian influence, as i%h .s nut a Gre k cm »m« nt, tfcooga •tT " ii-"te ar- Or gin*Uy itmsss [â- "'ed, but the luitroas ma :« rials liaiall ^«iQ, leaving only suffitHect di^lBol.Jrt*^ V li-vethat it was oace,"tbi=rfc,- ""iSBt c let was A-; a ic and not Eon^peav itt l^^ia inball). and tbeie 'n ttlfXm, MifofBupposirgthit is was part of 'Poil liken by Alextnder is he aw^t "»iimptyuigthetie«8'r« 0f imper- Tt. vTbomadetl^i'i pr tor bwUb that M c me tt ftigliBd aftir sU ibrnTL^.f F^mnMttfiit^mmlKn mfmtiy totnsmt «•»• oUwr. who wore it Nor, remarking fOw mmaj bahicm snl patttrnt ia aoaeBt ]«W€lr/ g^l)aek to the banki of the Cktugea, *nd bow in the old ^ays of mafnifioeooe in jswe^laty.tamonsgcl s(ahhs,mssta»ofthdr oraft, tra«ded like pritioea froai cjurt to conrt, and wc re passed on by the person il invititioa ol kings from palace to palace, is it bey(md tbe poi sib lities of fact that this »rml5t was the work of tome Arjan a-ti- fic^ir T In primitive cmntnes the gildsuiith work in the open air the eostomer com;s and fiits to watdi his j iwda being ma !e. There is not lisht enouith with n uie abop so the smith sqoats npon his carpet spr^ail on the r used platform before tbe dorr, anl there, in the bright sunshine, with his taste- ftiUy-formed implements about him, melcs the metal and molds it, engraves and begems it, ah in fa 1 sight of the busy streeV Ljit- ers atop aad watcb. Ta^ tell each other it is for ao-and-Ro. The goldsmith ttaers bai no secrets. His Wt i ^hts are public pr jpe ty as it were tii work proceeds under the eye of all his neichborj.. To the westcra mini the i-impl city of his pr.casses, theappsrsni- ly rude aparitas with which they Wtrk, raises a snule but irhen the jewel is com- plete a'l the wcrll oonfesses its beauty, and scornful Europe does not heaitats lo adopt tbe pattern. So tbat the pattern of Thslu, aim et, dropped oi tne baaks of the Oxas, survives, through the "armillaa" of Rime' in tt e baogla of to- day and the plain g' ild band with fantastic little t r aatortui of my i,bio foim and ornaments at the ends, just such as Alexin er s favorite wore, may u« seen any daly intbejeweilers'ship of our own metro- polis. Tois srmillia o psillion was esp c'aU/ a favorite o.n^ment with the nations of M-si- potamia, where men wore it as well as wo men. Tae Greeks considered it effeminate tur men todoto^^ni the Romans imitated thr m. though the dandies of boti nations misibt be seen with brc lits oa tbe arm. As a military reward tbe armlet wai big! 1/ vala- ed, anl a massive coil of gold twisted six times •riund the toldicrt arm was as honoor ablrsasthe Victcr.a cross. The jewel, to wbi ih we ard referrmg. however, is too daln^y ia its dei^n for any but a lady's erm, and though, of coi rse, it may be all tfaa" is left of come Li ndsome young Pdisian who caTie 1 his lidy love's fa^or mto fatal flijtt It is lar mure legi: m \te to sup;xse that it belongs to the sx whom sucn ornamenti best adorn. Who sbe was the «o Id can n^verknjA'n; bat the place of iti finding, anl tbe date tbat is assigned to it, cairy us laik to the days of D^ias and A'exau icr, Eac'a of these grjat captains, as was the custom of tbe timos, took- wit a them oa their csmpaigQS tae favorite Itdi'-s ot thcr conr s, luid with such circumstances of I'lx- ury tbat ftey « ce abl â- â-  at a momen j's n iii je to produce in any spot, whether desert r vil leracss, tie refin menti and pliainres o tbeir palaces so tba: both in t le Fjri'i in tnl Micedojian camps tbere were jewth en ugb, and to one or the other b 1 n^s pro- batly the trml t ;.bat hasjas^b euduover- ed. It may be tbat some far ParsiiUi al- m md eyes kindled out of their voluptuous or.-aaiin)B nt j jaomeniary angsr when the slave caine to tell the patted oualisque that t .e br-c lit coul 1 not be found. Or .t may be that soaie quickly sneered Atdenxau w^ tne saff m •^y the loss, andâ€" aljs lor tbe manner uf G.eece Jâ€" that some potr C yt- emnastr* ot •* went away weeping frjm tbe tent conscious of boxed ears. Yet, whatever it may have baen, we have got t le aruilst, and imigmUion eui do with i; nearly as it pleases. V^i ^omeu Bull Fighters Boated by a Boll. A luU fi^ht of a novel kind took p'aca at Tarragona recently, the performeis being women clothed in the male ti/rara suit. The balls were aU young an 1 full uf tire. Tae first one let in'o the arena made straight lor o je of (be toreras, aud seat her spioniog in tbe saud several yards off. A second tor- era rttshed to the rescue with her oapa. waich sue waved before the ball to draw off its attention from her discomfited oolleagae, Tae bull accepted tbe challange at oace,and witharapd tiriit of the neck caaght the bandsrilltt and sent her flying. Sae ftll on her face, and followed the previous toreri in ber retirement^ bleeding from several scratches. The third torera then advsnced; but no sooner had the boll oaugbt sight of bar than he ' oinded toward bcr and tOMed her. AHer tiiis the bull took a qaiet wa^k aroand tbe arena, waiting for fresh spore No furthir competitor entering the, the crowd began to show signs of impltience, which grew at every momsnt, ontil they finally began breaking np the seats and throwmg brickbats into tbe arena, yelling anathemas at the cowardice of tne to'eri company. The stewards then aimojnced that tae money would be returned. This was done p irtiatly; but the cashier's ofSca suddenly closed, tbat official having boltad witb tbe rest of tbe takings. A scena of indescribable aprpar ocsurred wnen tbe fact became known, and the work of di molition was porsued with increased fury. Tae gendarmes w ra called in to re- store order, but only succeeded madding to the general coumaion. in which they were roogbly ba idled. Tne arrival of tbrae com- psniea of infantry enabled the managers to clear the amphitheatre. Tae mjst excraw- dinary part of the affair is cb ^t, undeterred by tbe fate of the first company cf toreras and their manager, who were marched off to prison besides, the workwcmen ol the to- bacco faetories of Mvlrid are preparing to give an exhibition of their p owes4, and a troupe is organizi g to do the round of the arenas in au the print ipal towns of Spun. Lord Dalbnn'M Secretary, Lorl Duffenn u to be congratulated as weUcnhi8ooi.rigeasouhis poxspioaaity in havirg appointed Mr. Mackanzie Wa-laae to the responsible aad important pomion of his uivate secretary. It should oe onder- atood tbak the office is of muohgnatmr sig- nificance thhn iU name wooid aeam to im- ply. The private eecretary td an Indian Vtoei oy is bis chief's a.'fer^pff in grant as wellasinamal aa.t«fls;kejath« power be hindtLectanme. IflMieaatr»|ma« and a wi^e man, he haa iEmsnas inflainM foe ifood: if f««ble and fobluh, he oaadoai im- mensrtyofharm. Jew peopla o.*^ i^ •know » what depse the eeeaset :8«ai^K«i MaWa HKima ««B da* to 0«im Bum, ' vate UretMyTwas the Moltke of thefaiMia campaign m TSriioot. Poor CjUeya skOfol lofe^ of oamiiaiga fcr tte Afghaa war ms of maoh benefit* tba Vioetiyr whom ka servsdao legral^.. -Dr. B. Bleas. of IVoy. daaat aaa- •entliaatiBg trip m the aoKth wood*, fimd alF^^ni^oa, "Smantamaiif^ two aaMfew taaate pâ€"aia Who aroued his deepst sym- pathy. One was a girl 18 years old. who had been totally blind froaltik Herbro tiler, axed 19 yean, m» also blind, hia aqght having been romed by oedar j lioe flying into Maeyeswhiifl ha waa ebopping m the woodr. Tiie aightleaa pair, unable to provide for themselves, were living in extreme destitn- tion. Dr. Koss deterauned if pmaibie, to miti|^te the aoixow of their eonditino. H « has brought the boy to Trjy- ani D-. Mi»- obell, the oculist, thinks tla the eight oJf one^re msy be p^r daily resture1. For tbe other eye there ia no hope, S ime kini- hearted cit zsna have alreaiy given liberally for the aid of {the bny wbo was encir:ly witboit money. Dr. B.osa expects to secare for the girl admissitm to the B«tavia Imti- tate.far theBlhtd. tier toach is wonder- tally delicate sndshe cu thread a neeile, sew, and distiogaish sl'git differences of fabric through the sensitiveness of her finder tips. Tou Cant Make «S0O by Beadlag This, even if you have chronio naaal catarrh in itii worat stages, for although this amount of reward haa for many years been offered by the pruprieton of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for any ease of oatarrh they cau- not core, yet notwithstanduig that thousands use the Remedy they are sel- dom called upon to pay the reward, and when they have been so called upon they have universally found that the f ttlure to cure was wholly dae to some overlooked complication, usually easily removed by a slight .modification of the treatment. Therefore, if this should meet the eye of anybody who has made faithf id tnal of thu great and world-famed Remedy with- out receiving a perfect and permanent cure therefrom, that person will do well to either call upon or write to the proprie- tors, the World's Dispensary Madical As- sociation, of Buffalo, N.T.,. giving all the particulars and symptoms in the case. By relbum mail they wiU get good advice free of all costs. In almost every cue where a man hes 'alien in love with a giil dressed in a batbins; sui:; snd afterwards married her a ci/oroe haa fallowed witlin t^o years. ♦ Pile tumors, rupture and fistulas, radically oared by improved methocls. Book two letter stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalc, N.Y. The thrast of a bowie knife doesn't hurt the victim atthemomeacany mora than tbe prick o^ a pin, It u a good deal more msrcif ul to stab a mm toan to tiit fcim wita brass knncklis. Throat and Lung Diseases. a specialty. Send two letter stamps for a laigd treatise giving self-treatment. Address World's Dispensary Medic «1 As- sociation, Bafialo, N.*^. A Pari 'ian landl rd who forgot to charge an American ten o n times for the candle wbicli a waiser ligated to go up an 1 ask if his name was Jones has been sen: t j an mjtna asylum. Let the World Know it. Tou can purchase a bottle of Poison's Nbkviltne, the greatest pain remedy in the world. Nervilioe ciues headache, neuralgia, toothache, pains ia the aide or back, rheumatism, s. As an internal remedy, Nerviline is prompt, effective and pleasant to take. Nerviline haa no eqoal as a pain subduing remedy, and a test oot- tle costs only ten cents. Call on your druggist and invest 10 oents. ' Nerviline, Nerviline, nerve pain cure. A o»t has baen discovered i i Fraace with an eye like taat of the Cyclops It seem i to us tba if any change is to be made in oats it should be made in their voices and not their eyes. Painless and Prompt. Putnam's Painless Cobn JCxtractok, the great remedy for corns, ia absolutely safe and painless, does iu work promptly, wiiiiout in the least interfering with the oomf jrt of patients, and is absolutely alone as a safe, painless remedy for coma. Do not be imposed upon by dangerous count- erfeits. Use only Putnam's Com Ex- tractor. Beware ot base siibstituteB. Sold everywhere by druggists and deafen in medicine. Take only Putnam s Painless Extractor. N. C. Poison Co., proprs. Euu^gston. rpKB BAHX OV loaOBTOi-DtVIIMCHP XQl «r. X BotlMfalewhr ffwt ttat attMsafC W Coer mm be se»sM« ss the tssji sMUstwiattss oai Mondar. UMSBk day •#!(«•» bo BSSS^ Tb» baaks wffl be stord trora tte sewittrMith to tvsntraiiiUi da* of ysâ€" ihsr, boik Au* B*anlariiftka Board. H. auVUiOS^~ ' of Teroato, Voroato. 19th Ootobtt' 1881. YOUNG MARRIED mT be sMidiML 9a tor m a oyoi m tm â€" 8k ._ „ eCntf MMto sold srsasMaoM ^au Itosir hmsd en aU kiada of «Ml •Ma SBwrt a HU B wtj i nj| ii u ti » m« ia tomi or oooalir. Jr.-Batf Sn HAND STAMPS aonptioD, Seals, eto. Broiixa M •kXoroaioBxaibittoo. A«ents wanted ^LBNYON. TiNOLBY* era WABC. STFO. OO., 73 King Sc, WiMt, ToioaM. MSrALc ttUtmrnti Stampi of ertxf de- Broiixa Medal* the last fOor jrsais SMOKED SAUSACIES. ike mosteonTeidaat meat for fsnasn in ttaalr bM| season. These meets ara eooiaa and ready for oae. Bold toSTOoentbroa^theOominioa-^aeedfar atte to W. OLABK P. oTlox aa MootnaL GUNS KA.WBONE OU. ilOHNSTOVS FLUID BEEF PKaCTlGAK fiin hSTeasainreaBOMd hnstng es. and want to tU tb^ old costomen. We have itae "inside tnMfc" in the son bnsiBeM, and will tnniidi yon flieanna and Bpmtioc Goods at. and in soom mms leasthan Mdt Brteoi. Wlnshestar Btilea 1813 model tor Vtn, otaar nod* luH as eheapL We Imve lemoved fntm Toose St., and have no conneation with the old atmid. Jf «• diawe of addreee. tend 60. f w newiU. c*t*leBa ^^BAWBOira aa. a e a t teebe g r ilaU. XecontA. V. B.-^Aa Kinds of GhmBapaus done. W. F. F, OUBSJE Go. irsterHmi. Ais OorciSk 1 iKj fc. Piaster at IMS. Dominion Lineof ^^Bamstupd. ^^y^^^y ^^vSI^^^T^. Ah^^^m^w* S^^^rimm"^^^^ on^ whieh has the power to rapplf ni ment for brain, a\.d bone, and mutoole. GURNETS STOYES •maao so avaaseoii.' --,u.i^â€"' ^aas^r, WOOD COOK. "OtCKStBTihCi GRAND DUCHESS. COAL AND WOOD BAN6K COUNTESS BASE BURNER, COAL AND WOOD COOK. WITH OR WITHOUT OVEN. FOR SALE BY STOVE DEALERS HERE. $50,000.00 treat Koliday iM% Competition mTMBER la. I The leading domestic weekly magaane of Canada, (28 large p:^^). In« stead of giving large sums of money and valuable articles in the way of Pianos, I Organs, Sewing Machines, Silver Tea Sets. Gold and Silver Watches, etc, _Jetc., to agents, are giving all these things direct to subscribers for ans- wering Bible questions in the following manner, to the twenty-four hundred|persoiis who correctly answer the two oUowing BIBI«S Q1T£SXIO?S. or answer to eadi qaes* 1. Is husband mentioned in the Bible. 2. Is wife mentioned in tbe Bible, will be given in the order mentioned the following valuable and costly list of First, Middle, and Consolation Rewards One reference i tion will suffice. 41 to 70, FIRST REWARDS reward M^^be given the sender of the first correct answer to the foregoing Bible questions. $1,000 in gold. 2, 3 and 1. Three magnificant Grand SquarePianos 1,650 5, 6 and 7. Three fine toned 10 stop Cabinet Organs 750 8 to 15. Eight Gentlemen's Solid Gold Stem Winding and Stem Setting. genuine Blgin Watches ,. 800 1 6 to 28 Thirteen Ladies' Solid Gold Stem Winding and Stem Setting genuine Elgin Watches 1,170 29 to 10. Twelve best Solid Quadruple Plate Silver Tea Sets, six pieces.. 780 â€" '" T-u:-.. /- â€" i^merfs Solid iaseWatches 900 71 to 100., Thirty Gentlemen's Solid Aluminum Gold Watches GOO 101 to 135._ Thirty-one Solid Quad- ^ple Sihrer Plate Cake Baskets, new and el^ant pattern 525 136 to 305. One hundred and seventy dozen sets of heavy Solid Silver PlatedTeaspoons 850 306 to 509. Two hundred and foiir elegantly bound volumes of Shake- sphere's Poems filO GIO to 71.5. Two hundred and six fine Silver Plated Sugar Spoons and Butter Knives 206 An these seven hundred and fifteen rewards will be given out strictly in the order tAe cor- rect answe rs to tho se Bible questions are recdved at TKUTH office. The first correct answer taking number one, ($1,000 in gold) the second correct answer number two, (one of the' pianos), and so on till they are all given away. Then after this_ list wilWbllow the Middle Rewards, which will be given in this way â€" At the conclusion of the competition, (Feb'y. 15th,) all the answers recei vedwitl be carefully counted by three disinterested parties, when to tlu sender qf the middle correct anrtver will be given number one, ajine stylish trotting horse and carriage. Ine next correct answer following the middle one will take nnmber two, (one of the pianos). The next correct answer, number three and so on till all these middle rewards are given away. Here you have the list in fulU WDDLE REWUDSo»1r1; fine stylish Trotting Horsyuid Carriage $1,000 2, 3, 4 and 5. Fotii^quare Grand Pianos, by a celebrated maker 2,100 6, 7, 8 and 9. Four fine toned Cabinet Organs, by a celebrated maker. 1,000 10 to 20. Tea fine Solid Gold Stem Winding and Stem Setting genu- ine Elgm Watches 1,000 21 to 32. Ten Ladies' fine Solid Gold Stem Winding and Stem Setting gentine Elgin Watches 1,000 33 to 60. Eighteen Solid Quadruple Silver Plated Tea Services. 1,410 51 to 70. Thirty Double-banell Eng- lish Twist breach-loading Shot Guns. 2,700 71 to 110. Forty sets (co vols, to set) complete Climber's EocyciopeEdia 2,000 111 to 134. Twenw-three Gentlemen's Solid Coin Silver Htg. Case or Open Face Watches 690 135 to 162. Twenty-seven Solid Alum- inum (3old Htg. Case Watches .... 540 163 to 350. One hundred and ei^hty- -eight dozen sets of heavy Silver Plated Tea Spoons 990 351toe00. Three hundred and fif^ Solid Rolled C;dd Brooches, newest deagn.. 1,090 601 taWi. Three hundred and ff six copies of Milton's or Tenny- son's Poens ,! 8S5 Slltol,S4. Three hundred and foor- teen Solid Silver Hated Sugar Spoons or BdtterKnivas......... SIA After these wOl follow iSaACensatmthm Re- weard* for the last comers. So, even if jmt lireidniaBton thepthersideofthe world yon can co mp e te, as it »tkglast corrtet answeis Aat inrcTCodred at nWUi' office tliat takes these-, sewertt. The pian is tllii^Toer letter most be ftH-marted whert imiMltOtUfar tftSui^tS doanvday tf this »nWp«tffioit vduch UJ^'ei- date of closing for letters to reach us from dis- tant places,) so the more distant you are the better your opportunity for securing one of these elegant and costly CONSOUTIOHREWIRDS 1, 2 and 3. Three elegant Rosewood SquarePianos tlfSM 4, 5, G and 7- Four Gentlemen's Solid Gold Stem Winding and Stem Set- ting genuine Elgin Watches 400 8, 9, 10 and IL Four Ladies' Solid Gold Stem Winding and Stem Set- ting genuine Elgin Watcher ..... 400 12 to 17. Six Solid Quadruple SUver Plate Tea Services 510 18 to 29. Eleven sets Chamber's Ency- clopoedia (10 vols, to set) flOO 30 to 39 Ten Solid Coin Silver Htg. Case or Open Face Watches 300 40 to 90. Fifty-one Aluminum (^Id Htg. Case Watches. 1,000 91 to 121. Thirty-one Solid Quadruple Silver Plate Cake Baskets, el^ant de^gn 450 122 to 393. Eighty-nine dozen Solid Silver Plated Tea Spoons 445 201 to 400. Two hundred volumes Tennyson's Poems, elegantly bound 450 This finishes the largest and most elegant list of rewards ever offered by any publisher in tbe world, ft will positively be the last nnless the results of' this competition far exceeds the preceeding ones, as I certainly can- not afford to contihue them. I have now kept faith with my subscribers *and tbe public m continuing these Bible competitions for a year, as promised, and this great one, offering this immense list of rewards will be a fitting close to the affair. Bear in mind every one com- peting must send ont dollar with their ans- wer for which TIWTH, (the cheapest and best weekly for the money) will be sent six months. You therefore pay nothing, extra' for the privelege of competing for these costly rewards, as one dolla r is the regular subscription price of TSUXU for a half year. You cannot fail to be well plea.sed with your dollar investment even if you do not succeed in gaining any onei of these rewards, as TKITTH is extra good value for the money as thousands of our sub- scribers have .testified. Long lists of winners in previous competitions appear in nearly every issue of TKVTHf and full Ibts of winners in this entire competition will be puUished'tn the i.ssues of TKOTH immediately after the dose of the competidon on fi fteenth Febnuury, vithtbe full name, street and number, when in cities, and infactall the addresses as completdy as pos^le, in order thatall may be satisfied that there is no fraud or humbug in this matter. In order to prevent fraud, the proprietor of TKVni re- serves the right to deny any person or persons theprTviiegeofcompetingfortheseremarkS. We have always done txacify as promised dosing this year in conducting these competitions,^ and our reptation tor fair and honorable dealings, is too well established now to risk overthrow- ing it. Look up these Bible ijaestibns, it wil do yon good apart from anything else. These competitions have done, weare assured, a great deal to promote the study of the Bible among all dass». Now this may be your last oppor- tunity to secure an el^ant piano, a gold watch, a fine horse and carriage, tn addition to a half year's subscription to one of themoet widely circalated and most popular weekly magaanes you may have, a»attciid tottaofir. Ian't delay. AU money must be kent throng Uepost office or by express. Nonecanbei oeind by tdqihooe ortdcxn^h. Don'tfo B don't guarantee tt evemne will.-. but out 'of nearly tweBty-fonr hmidved f i 1 1 ill n ii that we don't guarantee tt evenone 1 « priz but odt 'of nearly tweBty-fonr h lewaids you doubdess wiU accnre tometfainc. .: yiltl^: I Se pi^impt. Answer as. soeaespossil seeg this Dodqe, and nomf will at bbf(hian)ed-«s «a admoeicteeent of ,sa!b8aqtiai|^.snd your letter «9take b fitdwetderitill^teoavedstdnsafllce. lis, no ftyoaritiwn, â€"d «dl ere iihmi iI dik^.. Ijradsqnardy. â- it- i

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