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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Nov 1884, p. 5

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 mmmmfmim l!B|iP«=^MiPPPP»5^Ji«l«W!l-lJ an ex- Thfr pro- same 0. being; our. leat to of it^ 62 to- naing: S. is£ord orim. well iront good out the iLthe Pd. En- lancd Vame iter- tbe â- i i i« a»»r â-  **r-l*"'*T' iMlil«ailM)iiBM '^iKdo in ant -fo^sei^ Sei i*2iii*t;iii «-â- Â«**" ' l yiJ' v ' ,. " ' mmntimmmt " »' w' H t^«HI«M»i HMil/ffi iww ^^ #i"js: iuMf 'ra»ii sw i^i ;. iJ.3K-»-!f «**!â- â- ,' »( £ ' a and Silver Cases -IN-â€" II and Ms' Sizes. tjadruple Silverware for Wedding Presents. yding Rings, J 8 k, old Silver Jewellery SLINS AND STRINQS. If/fle Repairing a Specialty. Square dealing in Sales Work, J air Prices. U. BROWN. MARKDALE. Ill and Other Items. If ES in ihese columns intended to benefit tvidual or- Society will be charged ten 'ike for the first i$isertion and- five line each aubicquent insertion. r A one liquors j,o to Hanbury*s. Revere Hotel now runs a bus to ams. IS and Sugars, selling very cheap aubury's. Drusb continues to Walker Bros., idale. V Lad a flying visit from Mr. [3 Sarjeant last week. a the best and cheapest Stoves, Walker Bros., Markdale. ew load of apples would sell y iu Markdrtle now. Sash, Doors and Mouldings, Graut Co., Markdale. iOO lbs of butter was taken iu at irkiid's store last Friday. i Bedsteads, Spring Beds, and asses, go to Grant Co., dale. :keis express office has been re- d to A. Turner Go's drug Wood n Kvee in Haiiidi^ Mnnieipftl nifttten wiU boob coti- menoe to loom op. Very seldom are the roads in m bad a couditiou as at present. Dark gloomy weather, with imxver- sal bad roads is tlie role. The tax coUectorB r^rt money ipore plentiful than" last yea*. The balance of the report of Grey Assizes will be given next week. Jim Bruce and Jack Mercer lejt for British Colnmbia last Wednesday. Is there any stray cattle or sheep about your premises; if so, advertise. Plewes new roller mill commenced griudmg on Tuesday last. They will buy gram, and expect to ran night and day. Solid Silveb SwIsp Lever Watches, fifteen Jewells, $11.00 cash. Fully warranted. W. A. Brown, Jeweller, Markdale, Owing to the storm last Tuesday week, Mr. Daniel Silverthoru's bale, iu Euphrasia, was adjourned until Thursday the 20th November when it will take place commencmg at 12 noon. Mr. McComb is a terror to remove baildin^s. any thing from a 6x8 to the largest building moved with ease. Those who ceutemxjlate changing the position of a building should see him. He has been working in Markdale â- this week. Mr. Bichaidson, Flesherton, is showmg an immense stock of main's and youth's overcoats. At the County Fall Assizes, a ver- dict of guilty was declared against Cook Teets for poisoning his wife,' when he was sentenced to be hanged on the 5th December. It is reported that he since made an unsuccessful attempt to poifion himself. School Sooks. â€" Having recovered from the shock caused by the failure of Jas. Campbell Son we have renewed our stock of School Books and Stationery and ai e })repar- eil to supply the public with a good assortment at low nrices. A. Turner Co. Fnm ow oipw mfmpmiam^i -ItniaCIPAI. PB0B8 IN XVFBXASIA. As far as we ean kam there is Hot Ifliely to be any opposition to Mr. Gilray for the Beeveship. For the Deputyship Mr. Win. Fawoelt will again be a candidate and will be op- posed by Mr. Jas. Erskioe, aind per- haps Mr. D. B. EUis will also be a candidate. Mr. Wm. Shepherdscm, the most successful country auctioneer in Northern Ontario, ie the only new candidate we have heard spoken of the position of councillor. He is cer- tain to be elected by a big majority. PBOJECTEC CHANOE IN THK MAIL 8EBVICE BETWEEN fXESHEBTON AND MEAFOBD. According to the present arrange- ^mont mails on this route leave Mea- ford on Monday mornings, calling at Griersville, Faurmount, Bocklyn, Epping, Kimberley and Eugenia, ar- riving at Flesljerton in the evening, and returning over the ^ame route next day and so on during the week. It has been decided to*divide the route, forming two separate services. A carrier to leave Eppicg at such an hour as will enable him to catch the train passing North and return after its arrival at Flesherton every day and a carrier to leave Epping every day at 9 a. m. for Meaford and re- turn after arrival of train from Toron- to. Thevchange is to come into effect on 1st January next. It will prove a decided benefit to the people all along the line. OJPF'IOE OF THE .. ., ' ,..."•'.. .11" -.-"-v-i' A lHysterions Accideat. Hanoveb, Nov, 6. â€" Chris. Brader left Chesley this morning by the mixed train for Hanover. He was subse- quently found lying alongside the track with his leg terribly mangled. The leg was amputated, but the sufferer did not survive the operation. How he got off the train is not known. B. â- ^. All kinds of Ma,rble a jd Monumental ?V'orbs« such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, Counter and Table Tops -Z' in American and Italian Marble, and made On shott noUee. Also Mantles m Marble and Marbeleized Slate, c., o. $a,tista^tion Gra.a.x*a,nteed: in Every Itespect 6 Extension, Side, Centre, Fall and Kitchen Tables, go to Grant ilarkdale. ffat Bro's have some beautiful Ds iu Cresting for balconies and ornamental fimishing for houses ops. LVT Co., are very busy and euough work on hancT to keep Soing for six weeks. B.Trimble has purchased from iclon the property opposite the factory, recently used for the business, sideboards, dressing cases, bed- lounges and cradles, go to Co., Markdale. Fs. Coos is on the war-path, col- taxes for Glenelg township, J. Coleman is making similar Artemesia. Sash, Lumber, Newel Post, Balusters and Hand- railing |ljrautCo., Markdale. [second express CO., IB now op- Oil tliis line, viz.. The Domi- It is hkely Vickers will remove up town and there by secure fk of Markdale trade. [best bargains in Axes, Lamps, [Cutlery, Apple Fearers, etc., to e had at Walker Bros., (ale. laiian is extensively preparing "61" be has a lot of fine cutters cojapletion, as well as bob- [and other heavy 'rigs his are substantially built and fiisbed. your Business Envelopes and pads prmted; 10,000 Enve- mi 200 quire of paper just It the Standabd Office. Ford is making a very sup- ^•lity of flour by the new roDdr 'jie ladies are delighted with ^i change, while his. basineas '^i as well as his mai^et for growing on all sides. The cattle fair was fairly attended last Saturday. There were some twelve buyers on hand and prices fair but cattle scarce. Those who have farrow cows to dispose of, or newly calved cows should bring them out to the fair such would find a ready sale. Ladies wanting a stock of Mantles to select one from .should see Bichard- son's prices, ranging from $1 to $35 each. The platform round Flesherton station has been torn up and thorough- ly renewed, which change has made a vast improvement. A similar alter- ation is being made at Markdale sta- tion ttiis week. Various changes and improvements are constantly being tnade recently along the C. P. B. Bichardson's new Hardw^^^tore contains one of the finest^ stocks in that line in the country, a magnificent range of table and pocket cutlery and Sliver plate goods. A Westebn Agbicultubist says that a good agricultural paper is the most profitable imploment on the farm: another' wise man, a wid-4-wake rural farmer, says, no investment he makes ^ives him as much satisfaction for the amount, as his local paper. Every farmer should have both. Fevebsham. â€" A very worthy corres- pondent, but we won't vouch for his veracity, states that a Salvation Arm]( Barracks are about to be erected there ^yes 1 open in two weeks. There is opposition amongst the business men^ of the town as to the locality of the Home of Virtue, for one hotel-keeper offers a ten dollar bonus over the amount subscribed by his rival, if the Barracks are erected nearer his (the latter) hotel. New Papeb. â€" Since the Mt^ Forest Advocate was burned ouc, some two months ago,"Mr. H. H. btovei, form- erly of the Confederate, has been mak- ing preparations to commence again in the old busmess and last Wbok we received the first copy of the »*w paper, the Index. The old gentleman is a gentleman in principle, and pos- ocssed of ample abiUties as a jouruai- ist. His son, C. Stovel, i? with him in tiie publishing of the Index. We wish them suocess. SUBSCRIPTIONS. Subscriptions received at this office for auy of the following papers to the eud of 1885 for 'ue dollar in advance each, viz Markdale Standabd, Toronto Weekly Mail, Weekly Globe, Montreal Star, Montreal Witness, or tlie Farmers, Adeocate. Now in the time to subscribe and get the balance of this year free. IJTIPORTANT. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. El^ant rooma fitted up at a cost of one million dollard, re- dnced at $1.00 and upwards per da;^ Enropeau plan, iHevator, Bestorant snppliM with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can liva better for less money at the Grand Uiiion Hotel than at any other first dass^ hotel in the city. NOTICE To laoney lenders. The trustees of Mark- dale Foundry Joint Stock Go. are desirous of borrowing 9800. Any person having private funds to invesk on good security will do well to apply to the- undersigned not later than the 25tii November. GEO. HASKETT. Secretary. STEAYBlP" Awaexation of Jaamaiem. The L^pslatLve Gooncil of Jamaiok have voted aguast the imposed an- nezation of the Island to the Dpnuo- km of Canada* all voting agjuourt it bi^ ,\ ::si,dk^M T71B0M the premises of W. J. Blakely, lot Sj 10, con. 10, Euphrasia, about the 15th tfay last, a red bull calf, one year old. Any person ziving such information atfwillleadto his recoToy will be suitably rewarded. W. J. BLAKELY, 218-20 Markdale P. O. Choppers Wanted. To cut 1.000 cords of wood And make a large quantity of ties, also teams to haul the same to Maikdale station. Contracts will be let in q^oantities to suit contractors. Apply to MAU3ICE DOOLAK, '218-20 Traverston. ^STEAY. CAME to the in-emises of the ondersiffned Ii)t 78, cofi. S. Holland, in October, s spotted steer, rising 3 years old. The ownei- cau have it by proving property, paying ox- penoes, and taking it away. JOHN McKAT, Markdale P. 0. Berkshire Boar. ROBT. S. RAE, ' TAILOR, .0â€" ' â€" tf-i-. :o ^/"/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/b/b/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/\ o; /o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/^^^ o: â€" o: â€" o: â€" '0^-r~0- We are now showing special drives in New, Styiish and, Fashionab/e Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Laces, Trimminsfs, Buttons, fioslery,, LADIES GENTS UNDERCLOTHING ETC. ALL parties swine wilt find ii to tiiefr wishing to impiora their intercfts to use that thorbu^-bred Bosr Iwiwigingto tiie undersigned, and loed .by J. O. Bndl, Edmonttm, Ont.„ ei^taeni idoaAs old. Tnooâ€" 11 at timeof fl^moe. ' See pedi^rw. HOBS 30L^31B^ V TaiMWwrS.On Ont. -:o:- CANADIAN, SCOTCH and WEST I of ENGLAND for Men's and Roys*' jSuits, Overcoats and: Garments â€" ij Clieap, Fashionable and Stylish. For all ages and conditions from the heavy Stoga to the finest Kid. These goods are unsurpassed â€" price,, value andi quality considered. We Invite special attention to oyr BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED TEA SETS. Suitable for Wedding Gifts or Birthday Prneiifs. TU A Q A Spesialty from fSp to 60c Per ibi Every T17 X C iriiiD grade. Splendid value. ' 1LA| Give us a call. Examine compare gooclSL^t prices Markdale. Sept. 1, 1884. lOO-tf W JM » XRO IATN • attention; "Self interest rules, tlie Nation" and you will find it to your interest to purchase your pry-goods, Gro- ceries, Eeady made Clothing, Boots and Shoesc, c., at E. J. Sproule's Flesherton The price of farm produce is now so low it will be necessary to make, every dollar go as far as possible, and in order to meet you half way, I have determined to sell at ro6k bottom prices. Gall and get quotations, examine; goods and be M 4 â- / s .-â- : i

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