OUSE lit. roKs. ' i^iRara al- iufortabl0 g -aim at-' cMale lis, a ad satisfaction, ors ToroHUfc KRY. of life and vill please to suijpiy s knv know, 5 supply, 2 reason Is of land GisteCK PS mi INC itfd IlEB. Ali' ito. Besi 122-35 ro HEA^^[ ij^^ iV'"'»i" â- ««-^ â- â- »- • â- â- .iiii h |ji^iiii »iffy »jgBKi)* «fty^_ ' «i»j '» ^^ VOL. 4.-N0. 218, MABKDALE, ONT., NOV. ,13 1884. Oonxs or tbb Stahdab FiTB CXMTS BACH. hji,j. :*^ Tie larkdale Standard I; issued eve.-y Thursday, at tli« office, Mill Mireet, Mark dale. TEB3I-; â€" 1 per yeiir iu ad^rance; $1.25 if not paid withiu three luontlis. Profes-i'^nal and business cards one inch space aiid aiiiler, pet year, *4. 1 YR. 6 ao. 3 MO. Whole colunn ?-5ti ')0 1^27 50 $15 0«) Half coluiHa 27 m 15 OC 10 (M)' (Quarter coJamu ,. .. 1= 00 10 00 6 00 Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Three inch space 10 00 5 00 Ca^nnl advertisements 8 cents per line first insertiou, 3 cetits per line each subsequent iusertion, noni'areil measure, Editdiial notices, or notices in local col- nmn 10 cctits per line first iusertiou 5 ceuts ;ach subsequsnts insertion. tjtray animals e., advertised 3 weeks for •?'l, the advertisement no; to exceed twelve hues. No paper diseontinued until all arrears ;are paid except at the aptioa of the publisher. -JOB PRINTING.- The Stasdabd office has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- !ial attention to orders by mail. Orders billed with dispatch. â- D, ^V. R.IJTL'I.F:i3GHi: EDITOR AND PEOPRIETOR. £;(0nL HANDSPERRY, (successors to LACDEE HANOs)j, BAr.EISTEBS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Uonveyaneers, o. Money to loan at lowest ra«es of interest. Oitices 16 King Street £a8t, A99-251 Toronto. Frost Fr»«t, TAER1STER3, AND ATTORNEYS-AT \j Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey aneers, e., Owen Sound, have resumed at Flesherton, Office ^?en every Thursday, as heretofore. AuRED FaosT, J. "W. r»08T,LL. B. County Crown Attorney. 1 J. nrAssoi^, BARRISTER, MASTER A.\D DEP. REG in Chancer}' Notary Public, Conveyan! eer, c. A KUSIBER OF FARJBS FOB SAIiE. â- Offjcesâ€" Owen Sound, in. "Viewer's Block POulett yt.; Bra-ich office in Markdale, over ileFarland's Stere, on Friday and Saturday fMry week. 57-ly Ca'casor Mi rrison^ BARIll " x^,SOLICITORS. CONVET- ances, c. fec. Offices Dn Owen Sound, Dufierin Block, over W. F. Wolf's Store and iu MARKDALE; Over W. J. Mcb'arland's Store on Thursday and Friday of each week. iS'Fundsio lend on reasonable terms. John Ceeasos, Q. Dovcas Mobwoh Marlulale, March 15. 1882. 79-lv Alexander Brown. ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire_ and Life Insurance Agent. Oommissionei in B. E. e. Conveyancer and Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made very moderate. Priceville, Sept, 17 1880. v l-y irni. Bro^oi. ISSUER OF MABBLAGE LICENSES, «kc Commissioner in B. B. c. Conveyanciag in all its branches promptly •ttended to sad caxefnlly executed. N: B.â€" Moisey to Lend on Beal Estate se Parity. IMANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, |Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. ICITY HOTET^ Nohn fllcAleer* This house is fitted up in good style, situ- »ted on Mill street, wherei the travdlii^ pnb- I lie may depend on the vuty best aaecia m o- I ^tion. Union bus to all thuns. IW llARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE, (WT. |MR8. RUTLEDGE, PROPRrETOR. ^£^ TtTXX i^ashionable OVEB macfablamd's l^fESlF CT J'lT^^AR Pe^ieitl* B. Gheat. M,D., M.R.C P. S., O. Physician and Surceon, Priceville, Grailuate of University. Vict. Coliege. ,. New York, and Hon. Graduate, of t^-e same, „ ,, Avleth Medical Institute. „ „ Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. Member Coll. Physicians Surgeor s,0. J 04 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DEIWTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at Rutledge's Hotel, Markdole, on the Ist and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tioe of his profession. 122-47. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. â€" Residence on ifill Street, Mark- dale. 1241y W ELL DIGGER AND DRILLER orders promptly deni«i â€" Snider's Hill ALL attended to. Resi Owen Sound 122-85 HAMILTON'S Protoghaph sallerY OVER THE Sr^x\IJBD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to citj work. Special attention given to A large stock of moulding to choose from. Gall and leave your measure for a picture. •Ja.s. Ba^milton. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PEICEVHjLiE. Out. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, q. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive ^ostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor JOSEPH GIBSON OONTRACTOR. ^Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AlAl STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Cfdmmininq in all Shades and Colon. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standabd office will receive prompt attention^ 126-ly. ISAAC STUVSON, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. AU work guaranteed. Orders hj mail promptly attended to. 19S-6m* MABKDALE P. O. LmL Send six cents for postage, and receive free,a costly box of goods wliiob wHl help all, of either aex t) more money right away tiiian anything else in this wtarld. Fortunes awwt the workers absolutely tare. At once address Tbttb A Co., Augtista. Muoe. 187-339 Fall AssiKes. The Fall Assizes for this County opened on Tuesday, the 4th inst., Hon. Justice Armour presidmi;. The criminal calender is an unusually heavy one, including one murder case, one of manslaughter, two of robbery, one of larceny, one of fal^ pretenofcs. There are also twenty-two civil cases on the list. Mr. A. Frost Conducted the cnminal business on behalf of the crown. The following is a list of the Grand Jurors John Thompson, Foreman; David Beattie, R. H. Bull, Robert Shannon, N. Dunsmore, John Gillies, \Vm. Fawcett, Alex. Beaton, John D. Montgomeiy, Jas. Campbell, Alux. Mercer, Joseph Maxwell, Thos. Bowie Wm. Walker. Geo. S. Bowes. R. P. Butchart, W. Wilde, John Sword, R. A. Stark, H. PaJmer, John Asfiiey, Charles Bams. The following cases were disposed of â€" Neilson vs. PABKrasoN. â€" A case of ejectment from premises in Manitow- aning. Judgment reserved. James Mason for plaintiff Mr. Walker of Hamilton for defendant. Baxter vs SirtHEKLAMi), et al. â€" The plaintiff was agent to purchase ties on Manitoulin Island for defend- ants James Sutherland and Joseph Manghan,8nd this action was brought to recover a baJlance of Halary alleged to be due, but which defendants disputed. Judgment reserved. Jas. Mason for plaintiff Jno. Creasor, Q. C.,|for defendant .Sutherland, J. M. Kilbouru for defendanc Maughan. The Grand Jury bronght in a trae bill against Wm Scones for murder. GuBBONS vs. RooLET. â€" This action exposed the queer doings of a J. P. on the ManitouJin Island. It appeared that a Mr. Miller owned a wharf at Little Current, and arranged with a farmer named Rooley to bring him some limber to repair it. When the timber was delivered, he condemed a couple of the sticks, but tney lay for some months with the others. In the meantime Miller became insolvent, and the asignee sold the dock to Mr. Gibbons, a merchant there, undertak- ing to repair it before givingpussefibion. He took the timber that was there, thinking it all belonged to the estate, and repaired the dock, Mr. Gibbons being away from home and having nothing to do with it. About a month after, Rooley (apparently encouraged with the local magistrate,) had Gib- bons arrested on a charge of stealing his timber, and bronght before Sims, J. P., who adjourned the case and put him in the lock*up for five days, wiUiouta shadow of testimony that Gibbons had been guilty of anything. At the final hearing he had to be dis- charged, as there was absolutely nothhig against him. He now bronght this action against Rooley for mali- cious arrest. The jury brought in a verdict of $1200 damages. Creasor Piatt for plaintiff; Jas. Mason for defendwt. WEDNESDAT. x Queen vs. Cook Tbets. â€" The trial ot Cook Teets, the blind man of Arte- mesia, on a chaise of poisoning his wife last fall, was commenced on Wednesday moming, and had not been ooBdaded as we went to press. Mr. A. Frobt was for the ptoseoation, and Mr. 3. Mason defended the prisoner. We wilt gtye a report of trial next week. The Grand Jury returned "No Bill" against f^nlay MacRae for £ilsa pretences. â€" O. S. Times. «. P. B. Exhibition. According to notice m the Stand* ABD, as wdl as by posters, a car con- tuning samples of produce frbmtheC. P. R. experimental farms, and other portions of the North West, was at J^Iarkdale station ' on Wednesday in order to giye the citizens of our village and surrounding district an oppor- tunity of seeing, without any expense, a sample of tbe products and soil of the Canadian North West. The car has been fitted up for the purpose, and is well filled, and taste- fully arranged with various samples of wheat, oats, barley, peas, timothy seed, ilax, corn, turnips, potatoes, mangle wUrtzel, beets, citrons, celery, 94 Ih squash, cabbage, kohl rabbi, tomatoes, onions, wild hops. wild vet olios, o., c. The sections are chiefly taken from tne C. P. R. ex- perimental farms there are ten of those farme located along the line of the 0. P. R. about fourty miles apart the nearest one to Winnipeg being 448 miles west while the farthest one is 785 miles distant. The grain is shown both in tbe sheaf and in the bag. and is a very creditable exhibit, while the roots and vegetables (especf- ally tbe latter) were indeed remark- able for size and quality, twenty one varities of potatoes from one farm, grown by S. J. Jackson, M. P. P.. for Stonewall, was in itself a creditable exhibit in that line. Flax is now extensively and successively cultivated from which oil cake and hnceed oil *is manufactured in Winmpeg. The ex hibit proved very interesting and will certainly have the effect of raising tho country in the estimation of those who see the display, we would jud£-e that over four hundred took in the show hei-e on Wednesday, and all ap- peared highly pleased with what they saw, tbe gentlemen in charge of the Flesherton. From our own correspondent, Haib-bbeadth Escape. â€" ^What nar- rowily escaped being a fatal gun acci- dent occurred a lew miles east of this village some days ago. It appears two men, Wm. Love and F. Thompson, were one practicing with firearms shooting at a mark, when a little daughter of Edward Ross's on her way home from school, and not observed by the parties firing, astray lullet- struck her on the back of the head,, passed up over the centre of the scalp and out through her hat, just grazing the skin on the head. The Utile girl was more frightened than hurt, and made her home as quickly as possible when she was taken by her mother (who thought tbe ball had gone through the child's head) to the resi- dence of Mr Jas. Love, who carefully examined and dressed the girl's head, and at once was enabled to camfort the mother by assuring her that her: girl was not seriously injured. We- would cry, caution caution I to all. using such dangerous weapons. Anotheb Couple Made Happy.â€"- The residence of Mr. Wm. Wright, merchant iu this village, was the scene of a pleasant gathering on Wednesday morning, the 5th inst., on tne occasion of his daughter Mary Ellen's marriage- to Mr.. Ed. YauDusen of this place.. The presents were numerous and wpIL chosen. The marriage ceremony was. performed by the Rey. A. Wilson, of Markdale. The happy couple left for their honey moon trip by the C. P. H.. railway at 11 a. m. with the best wishes of their many friends. Dajung Robbebt. â€" Oir Monday fore-- noon last the residence ot Mr. Israel. Boyce,4tn line, Artemesia. was entered, by some unknown man to the httle girl of about 12 years old, who was in the house abne. Mr. and Mrs. Bo^ce car were corteous, and anxious to give f "^^i^S ^*»y ^o" home, he demanded all necessary information. Those) o* the little giri to tell him where Mr who did not see the exhibit missed a rare treat. WiiUamsford. JOHN MARKDAliE '^1" HORSE SMOEI NO MLIionginit for ttwedebjislnd ToB Gbbax Bomi Bbbkdir* Ebxabusb- MMT or iAnnjeA.â€" One of the mfaf won- deifol eniarpiles great West is noted for and one i^ich xione faycred ^nHh oppur- tmuttT shoold imss.raeing. is tlie great breed- ingaetiUialutaeiitoi "Oailavn.*' owned V TIL W. Dtahaar, at V»tne, IB.. «5 milae bmn Chicago, HiaiiqpcvtatiimsofFerciier- oB bones ttOta ftyatis fodate. lia^ a«gng- «led the iniBieitBe son of tS,O0Oj(IW. and at an iraflordad wvdi $Nglr peffii^Me ^j.^fai'aft AtiriJolbaAo rUnam From a corrpesondent. The directors of Holland Centre agncultniial society held a meeting re- cently and report favorably witii a satisfactory surplus for next year. In the report of Holland Centre prize list Mr. P. Gillan should have been credited for first prize, for saddle horse and also buggy horse, instead of 2Dd as reported. The roads are very bad. Grain is coming in slowly. The Mayor has the rheumatiz. We have a harness shop in our village, and the proprietor reports business good. A scaffold on Spears new blacksmith shop fell together with four men a distance of 12 feet, fortunately no serious injury was done. F. E6mp,carpenter is about through with his summers building, having completed nine buildings this year. He^will visit friends at a dii^ance shortly. C. Price's new store will be ready for opening about the 15th. A nnmber of gnests firom a distenee were at the Queen's Hotel reeentiy. Boyce's money was if sLie did not he would shoot her. The child tried to escape from the house, but was fol- lowed and further threatened by her captor. Tlie thief succeeded in getting something over $20 iu cash. Mr. Wiimot Pickle, who has been dealinjj largely iu cattle this Reason,, had, some nights ago, either strayed. or stolen from his yard thirteen headi of cattle. Since, six have been found, up to the lime of writiog. There are. seven still missing. Monday last, fair day here was a busy day tor the business men in town. There was a large number of bovines on the market, and changed hands at good prices. Thursday last (Thanksgiving day) was a general holiday in this village. Business was suspended. Seryioes were conducted in the Methodist and Presbyterian churches morning and afternoon. â- ^»» Moothljr Fnirs. Mart;4^Q|»7-Satui-day be^e Flesh- erton. Ohatsw{iiiyk^M(hiii;r* 1^^^ ^vr- htkca. â- "â- . ' ,â- Daadalli^Toesdaybeibre Qnsigie^ yille. 'â- â- r, f\ jPleshertonâ€" Mondiqr bilore Omige« vi^e; ' OvUiigevaieâ€" Hie^ in eadi.iQ(m{tib;. ;•; â- â- â- .. ks.; .:..«: cSkJjg- Moopt Forest-^TUrd WedneiUfiy in e«^tu*^^- ' 5*:^^iiTirvSw*;**'ffliihMd of Biiiwiite--M9rtli^l«foreIaAaih. r5i c 'v » lat Go to Smith, the barber, that will cure dandruff. for hair wash Death. â€" We learn, on going ttx press, that Mrs. Henry Green, form-. erly ci Orange Valley, died iu Mani-. toba on the 5th inst. Full stock of fresh grocer- ies at Benson's, also pure liquors. HAS W«na, On taf* Ce., lUioois, IMlPOttTED FROM ~^ FRANCe 79 PER eiRtoF ALL mmct â- VCR I MffORT EPTQ AfWCRICA. r IMi i| .11 1