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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Nov 1884, p. 8

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 •'^ii i l^b: f-- -TV The Canadian Mutual Aid As^ocmtiqf^, INCORPORATED AUGUST 20TH, 1880. U BQ.'JBD OF DIRECTORS ,â- Â«#.: cjf !vi^t*»._ ^jn. Benaie. Esq., Toronto. Presideut A. Gifford, Esq., Meaf ord; Tice-PWsidenf E. H. Hiiborn, Esq., Uxbridge, Tieasarer W Peruberton ^age, Esq., Torouto, Sec'y G. H. Watson. L.L.3., Toronto, Sblicitor R H. KobertBon.M.D-, Toronto. M«d. D'te; C. H. Mackmtosli, MP., Ottawa Le^v-is WitileC M.P.P., Leamiitgton Tlios. ileuzies, Psterb^ro J. P. Bull. Downsvie«5; .,, Pwter Graham, M.P.P.; Warwick r S. W. Hm, Esq.* Bidgeville, afenft The Directors have filed xrith the Hon. S.'C. Wood, (Ei-Provinoial Treatai^*ef di$t^o) '(Xniatee *)r the Association. Bonds to the amoimt ol ?6!,OOO.O0, as a gnaJantee far " ' the honest carrying out of the terms of Certificates issoed to members. Reliable Aid to Families of Deceased Members at Small Cost. i#^ l^ Satioiia a r*" The Association will do business on the following plao: Applications. All Applications for Membership shall be made upon printed ftrms frniiished by the As- sociation, (and appUcants must pass a satisfactory medical examination). If accepted, a certificate will be issued witLin thirty days hora date of such acceptance. Membership. The payment of TWELVE DOLLARS admits any of sound body and mind between the age of 18 and 60 years, to all the benefits of the Association. If the application is not accepted the money is promptly returned to the apphcant. Plan of Business. The following table shows the amount for which Certificates of Membership will be issued by the Association, according to age AGE. Amount at Death AGE. Amount at Death Jt rom 18io 30 S3 000 2 950 2 900 2 850 2 800 2 760 2 700 2 650 2 600 2 550 2 500 2 450 2 400 2 350 2 300 2 250 From 45 to 46 $2 200 30 to 31 46 to 47 2 150 .1 to 32 47 to 48.......... 2 100 32 to 3;{ 48 to 49 2 050 33 to 34 49 to 50 2 000 34 to 35... 50 to 51 1 900 35 to 36.^. 51 to 52 1 800 36 to 37 52 to 53 1 700 37 to 38 63 to 54 '.... 1 60O 38to39 .14 to 55 1 600 .H9 to 40 55 to 56 56 to 57 1 400 40 to 41 1 300 41 to 42 s 57 to 58 58 lo59 1 200 42 to 43 1 100 43 to 44 59to60.... 1 000 44 to 45 HALF RATE PLAN. Certificates will be issued for half the above ajnounts should the applicant so desire. Assessments. An Assessment of One Dollar upon each member wili be made in case of death or total disability of a member, except when there is money enough in surplus funds to pay said claim. â-  Special Features. 1 â€" Great inducements to provide for families in case of death, at small cost. 2 â€" Equal benefits to both sexes. 3 â€" Unifoi-m assessments of one dollar only.. 4 â€" Careful medical examinatiftn required. 5 â€" No annual dues or extra charges. 6 â€" No large salaries or expenses. 7- â€" Two hundred dollars advanced for funeral expenses when necessary. 8â€" Benefits secured at actual cost. 9 â€" Members becoming totally disabled, may draw half of their claims, the balance be- ing payable at death. 10 â€" Ladies accepted in this Association as well as men. For particulars apply to S. W. UiliL. Membership SuperinteTideilt, Ridgeyille, or to W. PEMBEBTON PAGE, Secretary, 87 King Stieet West, Toronto. AGENT FOE MAEKDALE, THOS. MANN. Jflso Agent for Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association. SAW MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE TO X-^T In the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 4 miles from Flesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of about 400 acres timber Ind, with other timber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffell wheel, under 36 ft. head of water. There are one large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for sawing lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turning broom handles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The water power is excellent, the stream being very regular. There are several other good mill sites on the proyerty. The land in the valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken off. This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold or let on liberal terms. The bush is so convenient to the mill logs can be trucked in summer time. Immedinte possession given. A^p:y to the proprietor, WM. HOGG, PLESHEBTON STATION p. 0.. ONT. 7i r !o destrjiJr aiicf to lAvSt, or Good Work Guaranteed ATâ€" Mm Plotop FLESHERTON. Oa#ll QJt C3:i.CS and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at TJf:^3. :B-Cr3L*ai^E3IB'S, FtESRERTON. Rurdg(;k. Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, indigesiiun. Biliousness, Ifyspepsia, Javndtce, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Piilpies. Blotches, hulls. Humors, Salt Bheum, Scrcfula, Erysipelas, and all diseases mrising from. Impure Blood, Dermyed Stoina^, or4rregidcracttmfthe iB^ideU. 3^M^ rTtM TT»3HT 1'?^ .(r,tA .OJ *^H5IH aa3riA30.3Y0Ta, Y6 3IJA8 VfOrf fiowds, ire prom' PiU ' J ^â- ^fT:^r ?r "rs Sitting BoirB«^^ei selUng bis ^^i9;fEi^^.. FreenHm's ^orm ""^^idgrs remoTCS worms •wfthAdt 'ii^j' infant.- ' Bto. Tamier, *he,.foiter. Las go^e to' Mexicd «) iive o»i ft tMidb." ' " Db. Lot's PLEASAHT^WoB^i^t^n? wgceeable,. safe and efteotoai iejD^,io fOr. iBoye ail kinds, of, wwos.-i ,; *( ' A Georgiai gitl, -wio ^ade Y#. W yearf ^go never J» speak again, "jp* just died. 'â- ' â- 'â-  SEKIOIJJSLT ILL. A person trnffwing with pain and h«at ever the small of the back, with a weaik weary feeling and freqaent headaches, is BWionsly m and SI ould look out for kidney diseases; Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the kidneys, blood and liTer, as wdl as the stomach and bowels. 1 A German proverb says:â€" "Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half sbut afterward." BUCELEN'S AENICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world forcut8,bruise« sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores», tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction; or raoBBy refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turaer Co. •'What inflaence has the moon upon the tide?" asked the professor. The class \» ag repJied that he didn't know exactly what inflaence it had apon the tied but that it had a tendency to make the untied awful spoony.. Wifeâ€" What's the iuattor hcfw, John? Husbandâ€" Oh, that netiralgia and ttothache near kills me. Wifeâ€" Why don't you go to HiU Bro's. and get a bottle of Fl uid Lightning You know it cures all sucj things as T'ooth- ache. Neuralgia, Headache, Lnmbago, Ear- ache, Sore Throat, etc. It gives iastnnt relief. O. A N. 4 Fifteen different machines are used in the manufacture of infants' shoes, but all the machinery in the world can net make a shoe that a healthy baby won't kick out in a week. Plaid Kiigbtening:. Fluid Lightening not only cures Toothache instantly, but alto Netualgia, HeaJache, Earache, Rheumatism, Limabagonnd Sciatica. Pain of any kind cannot remain one minute where it is applied. When yon hear of Fluid Lightning you hear of cue of the greatest marvelK ever known in the way of a medicine, as it never fails to cure, and not in a week or a day, but the instant it is applied to the effected part. Sold at HQl Bro's. O.N. 5 The Chinese soldiers receive large rewards for the heads of Freuchinen slain or captured. The motto of the Celestial warrior is "Tails I â€" heads you lose." Fluid Lightning curee Neuralgia in 1 minute. FluidLightning cures Toothache in 1 minute. Fluid Lightning cures Face Ache in 1 minute. FluidLightning cures Lumbago in 1 minute. Fluid Lijjhtningreheves Rheumatism in one minute. Fluid Lightning cures any pain or ache instantly. Price i5 cents per bottle at Hill Bro's. 0.,^. 6 They have a curioaB way of deciding lawsuits in North Siam j'both parties are put under eold water, and tiie one staying longetst wins the suit. In this country, both parties are got into hot water and then kept there as long as possible. IMPORTANT, When you -visit or leave New Tork City, save Baggage Expressage and Carriage Hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, oppoeite Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, reduced to 51, and upward per day. Europerisn plan Elevator. Bestaurant supplied with liie best. Horse cars, stages and elevated raihroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Hotel than at any oUier first-class hotel in the city. "What becomes of men who steal " asked the Sunday school teacher of » sharp httle boy. "They go to Canada." "No, little -boyj that is not the right answer. They ultimately go to the wicked place." "Oh, yes you mean ehicago."â€" rearos Si/tings. All over the land are going into ecstasy oyer lr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion. There unlocked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Saving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure Severe Caught. Colds, Asthma. Hay Fever, Bron- chitis. Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, or any af fection of the Throat and Lungs. Trial bot- tles free at A. Turner, Co's Drug Store Lai^esixe $1.00 2 "Ever had a cyclone here " asked a Kansas man who was visiting a country aunt in the East. "A cvclone? Oh, yes," said his aunt, "beacon Brown's son brought one from Boston a spell acjo, but law I he couldn't ride it. Tumbled off every time he tried " â€"St. Patd HeralH. â- A BLESSING TO ALL MANKIND. la thrae times when pur Newspapers are flooded with patent mediciiie advertisements It IS grab^ymg to know what to piDcme that V 111 oertainty cure yoiK If you w biUxons. lyj^bjhfarted,there nothing iniihe world !~? !^P"»y«-»b«Wekly to Electric Bit, tert. PmnB» VIXMdag to aU niMikmdL ^^L dSSs, PrdfrLoW flulphnr Step Sfanm- ^dakin ra^GROCEKvarORE lying' 'fl coixld wisb jmy aftugh^.ei:^ ^^wS«: iua" tb*^ to wish iPiv.t^ _to marrjThandgome m^;^^^^;^^-:^^^^ " .•'^^A6kEaTMISTAK3.^ ran, ' It i^' ft Wiit ' tnistake â- â€¢{» ^fBipi«5^-t^at 1 *d^et.3i*c^6't W«ured, %^t b»«^^^ ^aSe Itfade ^dbin^ aiifi i^e^taWethere^. after suffering fifteen years. Burdock Bleod jBitters cured him. '--ff i Hd' that gives good ftdvioe?. builds iwith one baod be that giTes-good^ icounsel and example bniraS-rtritfrboWij but he that gives good admonitiDU anu bad example builds 'with' one uaud and pulls down with the other. ' A VALUABLE PAXJeNT. Thomost !valuable discoyMy patented! in modern^ times is that of the beet blood purifier and Uver wid kidney regulator knowu. VS e refer to Burdock Blood Bitters, which is making so many wondei-fnl cures and'4rinp- rng the Messed boon of health to so many homes. » "WelJ, Pat, whicji is the ^ay to Burlington " "How did ye know my name was Pat?" "Oh, I guessed it." "Thin, by the powers, if ye air so good at quessing. you'd better guess the way to Burlington." SURE TO CONQUER. The most troublesome cough is sure yield if timely treated with Halyard's Pectoral Balsam' Plea«ent to take and safe for young or old. Hvsg^ai-sss, Which will be sold VEEY CIlKAp*. I respectfully solicit fliu i.ublic's patronage. 193 J. PLEWF.S. ^riSlPp EOBT. ASEIN. Has opened out a Firat-Class UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT, Auc' therefure has supplied a want long felt, COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNEML FURNiSHIMGS supplied ou the shortes notice. fVewes' Fiour â- ore. Iiiyini*'jusL re £.i^i ?«! iS^^loj:ic ii- -ieisst CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late MOEKOWjHOVSK.) €HATSWORTH, «Ht. TUCkMcLEOD Propwetoks. ' T*he best brand of liquors and oi^iirs al- ways in stock. Good meals aun c 'imoitable rooms guar-'iteed. Goou stiibling ana at- tiBiitive hosiicr. il4 AT.F.X 3jn.oIB Mill street. •21 (, larMale ikpECTCX -A. STleixclil Hearse tvr hire at moderate rates. " Has no equal for the pc-Mian-n, i.;.!\: .^,' Consks, Colds, Sore Tliroal, As::iHi:i. (roup, Wboopins 'oii?ta, llrwiu-Uitis a«l all Lung liK«'asj;.«. jy Every bottle guaranteed tu give satisfaction. T. illLBURN CO.. Prourieiors loroiito. -All kinds of- PICTURE FRAMING Done ou short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. HARNESS EMPORIUM ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. THOS.UnHEWS,Praprictor Nothing but good stock used aud the best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Liglit Harness always oa hand. Also Whips, I'rnnks, Valises, Blankets, Bobes, c., always in stock. EUGENIA Grist, SarandLatliMills Having made eqtensive improveMents in my Gnst Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaetioB. GOOD FLOUR ALilVAYS ON HAND MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kimly (.f Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistero Pumps. ' All kinds of IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE GEER'LBLACKSMM Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and shortest notice. Bills Filled on the AXiWAYS LUMBER AND LATH ON HAND: Cherry, Bullornut, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine ^iud Hemlock Logs wanted 6%. M. AKITT, Eugenia. HEAPS PATENT Dry Earth or Asfie^ Closet Factory CXIOA' STHEKT^iB. Albm, OW^tawQ I Owen Socnd. By this system you y6m bave a eloset inside your bousd (if Ae^xii) and yet bave no sine!! fjrota it. By thftir ua© ypn eijuuce Beiatbl Comfort and Cleanliifcssw ^^^"^vT (^^ Am sttmmmtm ^AjKrr4»s â- -•â- i-r r,i /at f-., ' â- â- â- ' â- ' 'â-  cUC- HORSE SHOEINC SPECIALTY. Also agent for the celebrated CHATHAM WAGONS. EDITOl ROOKE'mKai |«AMi^ IJOK^4Lr the -tall" if life and lr»A.JS"r'Ii"\r tlia; â- sill please your wife, always ou baijd, to supply the demand. So when your stock is low Stqf) in and let ns know, And we'll your wants supply, Or you'll know the reason why. E. ROQKE, Markdale. W" LL DIGGER AND DRILLEB. ALL- Orders promptly attouded to. Eesi den««*iâ€" Snider's Hill Owen Sound 122-35 RufooGk Blood 1 ITERS WILL CURE OR REUEVE mUOmESS, DIZZINESS, mPiPSlA, ti^rmriofi, airsttpMAS, WitT BHiUM, ItEAlitBUItN, mAMOHE, jXiver; kiomeyi BOWELS OR DROPSY, FLUHERINQ OF THE HeAllft la.'wssssKi* Py

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