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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Nov 1884, p. 5

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 mum 'â- AjtHi' ^^ Childi8« «A^«»k namifactpriiig '« i Ttment of ^â- ' ' SEATS and desks! y etc., of tfie lat^f n-ed pattern. Birt^ 1 Trustees and T^2b !fort and compactnej laortmentofFanaanl ysonliand. Bendtn, th P. 0. ' " iNDEEW McGlLL. to ^liop, ;e caantry casii^roda ALL PARTS Oil lERE ORDERED. patronage lespecti icT in McNea's Mock. H. RUTLEDSE, SALE! -Fames Jforwood, lot3 Euphrasia, has am choice Earn and Ei lor sale. Parties wisl stvick at a small coi see Mr. Moiwoed. •11«| a,YBD .H of Ponald Slower, lotj ^.ot^t tln 2;) of Oct., uul twa heifers, two ;d the other led. Tlj same by proving pn ;es, and taking the saii^ )NALD MOWEE, Walter's Falls P. OJ js leave to annotmcaj furoundiiig coantry t our eq.uai to any ou mile the grist is l*" He scale- of exchange: 32 lbs, 40lb8.Flo|"-] to " 38 " r9 " 37 " U -^ " lontoainoTUitoJj veigbt of ne* *7 M, and the mo^ ?.' fould weigh61oi' n X wmimmmtmmmmmmm i •4 MiMli |,waR*agii siPi a4i«3 »3r«iW6Jiii» SPRIHCraEUlr lltfMl!SWHif""M 11 m mm Gold and Silver Cases -IN- ladies' and Gents' Sizes. Quadruple Silverware for Wedding Presents. Wedding Rings, 18 k, Gold Silver Jewellery SEGALS, VIOLIfiS AiD STRINGS. Fine Repairing a SpeciaJiy. "^^ Square dealing in Sales and Work. J air Prices, W.A. BROWN. MARKOALE. NoTur.s in tiiese colnnms intendedto benefit •mil iiidividnid or Soeietij will he chwrffed ten L •;»!£. a lij.e for the first insertion -aitd five I'.enti a ?//.." each suh sequent initertiaa. It siiew like sixty on Tuesday. For Sash, Doors and Momldings, â- goto Grant- Co., Markdale. A HEAVY snow-storm on Tuesday. .7r?x received at J. E. Trimble's one car lond bri. Salt: Cheap for cash. Reme.ider the cattle fair ou Satur- tea from R.-J.iS^oirie, Fte^-^ as; Fan: iS^tts-ip great y^iety. at iwft than wholesale prices »t J: Bi. Triiaible's. V â-  ^c; ;«^^ Mbssrs. W. tJ. Anderson of Orange Valley, kit nfe peven fitoe swede turnijys this week Yphidiiwej^Tied 60 lbs; They ate the beat.we Lave aeeii, even at the show faira. Thanks rT-o^-.-.^;v' EvEBTc Man,,TV0inan, i§oy or Gul, who has -a dollar to spend, should call at J. R. Trimble's he has sometliing that will suit yoQ, "^.; Mb. S. B»oWi»' of M«aford, formly of this place, waj in town a few days last week. He has taken a ranch in Arkansas and intends re- naoving there shortly. J. E. TaiuBiiE has just receiTed an- other lot of Cooper Smith's Boots and Shoes, acknowledged to be the best goods in the market. The teachers for Maifkdale Public School for 1885 have been engaged and are as follows â€" Frank Porter, 1st, $425 Miss F. Fo^^, 2na, $250^ Miss S. Davis, 3rd, .$210. Total ^fmount, $885. Dress good§ in the latest patterns in. great vadety, and at bottopa prici^s at K. ]. Sproule*s, Fleslierton. The Scott Act has been carried the past week as follows â€" Majority for Bruce Co. 1,312 Dufferin 8G0 Huron 1,668 and tbe vote for the r epeal in York, N. B., defeated by 300. The Chesley Enterprise sys â€" "The Flesherton Advance man takes two columns to explain to an anxious world that he got a speck of plaster in hiseje while workmeu were renovating his office." Wonder how his feet escaped. Persian. Lamb and other winter caps to suit the million at prices that will astonish the natives ai"il. J. Sproule's. Mb. E. Vanz.\nt, of the Flesherton Marble Works, is turning out excellent mum ncaliwfes Jii» tfrfauii^ittfMPf lb :-«5^ys.: .itvx » lOiitW" tI)Bo4ftUt4i left Uro .-weckB ^t^Hiag? 'Uritiili CMumbii. â-  'J'»:^*'es ..i,f »«.* »Ai t^ i 7Amo?eHieitt^oBilbobhy~Mk'Sorefli^ men f A ywi ii^f the oi*mation -of ii n^ir cotfuty donsisting of X^ran^i^'i^^lg^'e-.' nipni a»id f roiqn ^g): Gr^i iS-nd iwUkher, Arthac aa^ Minto fatwa Well- ingtcm/ with Mt. Biirest- as cciimty ii ^ar tT^HAvd lUj mu'^^iS^.^ {^MkiSl '-m. wijjlwy m TIttWMf 4.} _____ ?• • y A' lay, the 8th Nov. For Bedsteads, Spring Beds, and work, and his territory constantly ex- town. .*. â-  A foot i?ace between Heritnan of Owen Sound, ahd Case of Hamilton^ for $400," is to take jilace in Owen Sound on Thanksgiving day. tn The Oddfellows of Owen Boi)nd cele- brated their fifteenth anniyeisary on Tuesday evening, 28th, by an oyster supper and social in their hall. ., TheBrockville and Weetport rail- way is now bemg agitated, anc^ steps taken to have a by law submitted to the municipalities interested in assist* ing in tbe way of bonuses. Hanover is to have a new grain eleyator shortly. A by-law to raise $200,000 by de- bentures for the erection ot a new City hall for Toronto â- ^vas submitted te a vote last 'I'hursday and defeated by a majority of 562. Mr. McLeod of Chatswbrth, has invented a new self binder which ciui be attached to any reaper, and binds with straw, instead of cord. Ue has secured the patent for Canada and the United States. We hope it will prove a complete saccesa. ' There is a very general fepling of hostility manifested by tl^e Canadian press towards the annexation of Jam- aica, and the papei-s which are not actively hostile show much indiffer- ence to the subject. By many the project is not regarded with any great seriottsuess. '\l\\e Globe opposes it quite strongly, and many, smaller papers echo its sentiments quite faith iully. But there does not seem to be any very strong impression that the scheme will come to auytiiing. This is yery much oiir own opinion. We regard it as quite unlikely that for a considerable time to come at anyrate, the question of Jamaica and other West India Islands joining the Can- adian Confederacy, will bo other than one of merely speculatiye interest and importance. " lirtj6il!efil8 t6e ersicfeiicejbj v^. '^(^»^ and Tth^lf Hailds beadfiftiUy sottWid'v^bite.. â- feDetifbief that "MAt^finvW' w .ittot 4 pamt ' or pdxrder that fflffs up ithe pore^ pf the s^, ' and that is r^al^oitB to^the ^kip, but a new ' irnd great discoveiy, a vegetable liquid, that causes the ceefi to glow with liealth, the neck, apns tod hands to rival the Lilj in whiteness. ' impossibly fo di'tect ut tba beauty it confers Siuy artificial icharact^. It cures greasy Skin, Freckles. Wfin^les, Pimples, Black Heads, Crow's Feet, 31otches, "Face Grabs, Sijn Li;rn, "Tan' Bingwoirm, Chapped Hands, Sore or Chapped Lips, Barber's Itch, Tetter, eW. It frees the por-, es, oil "^glands, and tnbes .i^oni the injunoas effects of powdeni and cosmetic washes. By iteuse ^11 redness and roughness are pre- vented; it oeantifie.s tlie skin.iuid will noake it soft' smooth and whi^e intpftrtine ^~ UcioQs softness imparting a perfectly heaUhy, natural and ypatHfol appearance. The best f»ce lotion that the world ever pro-, dnced. "We will send "a labob bottle" to any stddress on Receipt of price^ $1. Whep ordering mention this pap^. Address all letters to the MAT DEW AGENCY, 167 Church Stree^, Toronto, Ont. Parlor and Reception Boom for Ladies. Trade IVJLarl*:- irsffT OFF^IGE OF! THE M SmiEr Mattrasses, go to Grant Co., Markdale. We publish one day earlier this 'Tveek, Tsvo coEss dry cedar, two feet long, Avaated at this office. Me. W. Benson has moved into 4iis nevr premise 3 on Mill St. Alex. Kay is turning out excellent lx)ots, both cparse and fine. Ms. Jas. Bu«ns, formerly of this tillage, was in town this week- tending. He gets up fine stock and is a good mechanic, which, together with fair dealing^ is fast increasing and building up his business. A large stock of tweeds at R. J. Sproule's, Flesherton. No better variety to select from or value given in the county Call an see. Please read my advertisement of actual .^toc/f, at head of local column, then get my cash quotations on these dififerent lines of Watches, c., ere All kinds of Marble and AToniimental "Wor^s^ such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, Counter and Table Tops,â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbeleized Slate, c., c. {s^aris taction. Griiaraiiteecl iia Every Xiespect â- Â»*â-  W- Fortf^ m sui ' planted uisij^ o transfeis nv^ s/uA lot 4, c^" ^^Ma^- rom J*^' \rtJl*«l premises^^r ticulars aPP*y mcNaU'^: Marl S iTiil irdHS^ yom* 18 « atJ.-E. Trimble's. Dr. Caeteb has returned to Mark- ^le from Sault Ste Marie, Mich. Mens Felt Boots, Men's and Wo- men's Overshoes and Bubbers cheap at J. E. Trimble's. The stores in Markdale Will be cloBed on Thursday (Thank^;iving day). A good heavy T«lveteen Twilled Back, suitable for Ladies' Mantles, at J. K. Trimble's. Mb. J. W. Wbighi of St. Louis, formerly of Artemesia, waa^n town tliis week. Foe Extension, Side, Centre, Fall ieaf and Kitchen Tables, go to Grant •1^ Co,, Markdale. ' â-  Me. C. NiooL, travdhng astenfc for the Globe, vras in town Friday.' He save us a pleasant call. Grant Co., are verj busy and iave euough work on fauid to keep ^m going for six weeks. Eemember the'union services in this Methodist Church at lOiSO a.^. Thanksgiving day. • Foe sideboards, dressing cases, bed- steads, lounges and cradles, g© to Grant Co., Markdale. ' ' ^^ ' Sotth, the barber, haf a good rouble- barrel gun for sale; just what Tou want to shoot the wild geese. For Sash, Lumber, NeF.el Pos^* Stalls, Balusters and faaijd-raiUng. go to Grant Co.. Markdifde. J. E. Teimblk has receiTed qm ^eek Beady-B^ Gloiiig in«Mii^ Variety, recently purebMed at t|te- great Trade Sales. f»aiiite %#: ^ot fail to inspect thoa^'gfloda: mtT •'e great v^ue. ,uai â-  i^f^-' SIJBSCRlPTiaiVS. Subscriptions received at this office for any of the following papers to the end of 1885 for one dollar in advance each, viz Markdale Standabd, Toronto ^eekly Mail, Weekly Globe, Montreal -Star, Montreal Witness, or the Farmers, Advocate. Now. is the time to subscribe and get the balance of this year free. ROBT. S. ME, YoTTR choice of 200 pairs Heavy p^^^jj^j^gg elsewhere. I feel able Eeady-made Pants for $1.75 per pair j jg satisfy all customers as to prices, ^1. -n rr ui„'„ goods, and Warrants. â€" W.A. Brown, Jeweller. Mj^KETS.-^The prospects for any improvement in the price of wheat are indeed poor. The crop is so abundant throughoot tfle world, and the com crop of the United States i also greatly above an.iiverage. There 'seems no reasonable prospect {ot an advance in price. The com .crop in the state of Kansas alone, for 1884, is estimated at 200,000,000, bushels. The LADTEnrtoB. â€" We hnye re- ceived a letter from a Toronto citizen giving some light, on the character recently mentioned m this paper as naving attempted tahorsewhip one of our woi^y ,,citiaenai ,lpr refnsJBg Ip. subscribie for her paper. She is described as having fine addresstgood PRINTINa! _â€" ♦ ._ â- 'â- :• -â-  Posters, Streamers, Dodgers,. Circulars, Letter-Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, CalliBig Cards, Bill Heads, Statements, ' ' Fjioeral Cards, Shipping Tags, a School Repof*s, And all kinds of Municipal Stationery done \vith neatness TAILOR, 70/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/ o/q/o/©/o/o/q/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/\o: â€" o:â€" •0:â€" â€" :o â€" :o â€" :o- â€" :o â€" :o Vo/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/fii/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/Q/o/o/o/" o: â€" :y4f It Wis are now showing speciial; ^ivesdn Hem, Stj/jli^h and Fadiionable " '-^ ""I'y '.,,T' '-/ -r Of es8 Goods,. Mai^e CfiQittis, (MirEROtM^ .-5r.j TS "J 'i WajriikViirB«atto.V rHANCE A60r Bnol business tact, and well f "f^^^^^^^^l airiii diSpitch at :tHis ofiee, is a notorkuB impostor hadpnblisbed " ^^'f^^" *.,../ v.., ;.,.,â- . .\. 1 a sportiflg paper some mouths; btrt â€" -râ€" TTTTr^rr that enterprise collapsed some time ago. The letter describes a fit subject for jail or.thelnnatic asyloiti that several jhdgments are out foi: her in Toronto. i manitoba"pbodugts.' The Canadian Pacific Bailwajr will trtin a car containii?g a full e^lubit .,of Manitoba f^m produce w«*-*2«"' liie, stopping ope day at each, stoitton iti OTder to give the pnbp a ichanee to see for themselves "** thft^.^ province can produce. Th^exhio^Q^ Sll be fcee. andf may be seen the following pliie.e8 «»d datM^:â€" IshdKuroe,.:......^©^*"**^ «»» Pandalk, .....ia.;wJif s H-.! â- -.^ tifi tz^ iAiO Cai^4DJAN, SCOTCH aiid WEST fof ENGIUAND fc fen's aiidB [Swits, Overcoats aijd Girments-^. fj^Qbeap, Fashionabkir aaci Stylish. ' i -«dUi yji' 1 Fle^f»^t(m» ji« ««•••••• 4v». I0w«u Sowd, «_ llth. For all a-ges and conditions Irom the heavy Stoga to the finest Kid^'i TIaiesegQodsk.arftimsug)«^^edâ€" price, valu^ and â- qjjBditycons^ " 'it attfntl^ t«^ mat.,, .r A A: 7 A Spesiaity from||e.^^S8iil^tlk '^^^W ^ad^ m^y^^;^: f?!?" J 5. "1J It i«veiit i feaH. Exawjimacof^^ HitfkdaJs. Sq^Tiati ]MM^ " -sir e n ' -I »•* » i.4' ' ' ii'JIriti

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